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The act of intentionally causing one's own death

2. Reporting high levels of depression
3. An attempt where a person tries to commit suicide but survives
4. There is no actual intention of killing oneself
5. Most important risk factor for suicide in the general population
6. Means thinking about or planning suicide
7. The government put in place a national mental health action plan
8. United nations international health agency
9. Any violent attack in which the attacker accepts their own death
10. Causes included high levels of depression and alcoholism
11. Causes including access to lethal weapons and alcoholism
12. An act which an individual personally delivers explosives
13. Causes are mainly related to stress and affecting adolescents and elderly
14. Men rural areas choosing to take their lives
15. Sometimes practiced with the goal of self harm and not suicide
16. Minors are viewed as a particularly vulnerable category
17. Any means by which a person completes suicide
18. Involves using a lethal electric shock to kill oneself
19. Second leading cause of death
20. Causes are linked to the younger population, family and school problems
21. Report higher suicide rates among women
22. The social phenomenon is particularly alarming among war veterans.
23. Act of deliberately submerging oneself in water
24. The subject uses some type of ligature
25. Suicide of self centered person
26. The act of jumping from high altitudes
27. Occurs when the individuals and the groups are too close
28. Is a method which involves taking medications in doses greater than the indicated levels
29. Due to certain breakdown of social equilibrium
30. Results from over integration of the individual
31. Due to overregulation in society
32. When a man becomes socially isolated and destroys himself
33. Can be committed by using fast acting poison
34. Treatment of mental disorder
35. Substances that cause death
36. Provide affordable and accessible mental health services for Filipinos
37. Considers hopelessness to be the strongest contributing factor to suicidal ideation
38. Suicide rate for Filipino women
39. Percentage of lifetime risk of suicide for individuals with untreated depression
40. Suicide rate for Filipino men
41. Estimated rate of completed suicide for individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder
42. Suicide rate for both sexes in the Philippines
43. Global suicide percentage that occur in low and middle income countries
44. Ranked 13th in suicide rate
45. Rate of people who commit suicide that give some sort of verbal or non verbal clue
46. Ranked 20th in suicide rate
47. Ranked of Philippines in suicidal rate
48. Date of metal health law
49. Principal author of mental health law
50. Defined as a state of well being in which individuals realizes his or her own potential
51. An act establishing a national mental health policy
52. Is a recognized, medically diagnosable illness
53. An act including confinement, isolation
54. An umbrella term for child maltreatment and abuse
55. A debilitating trauma and stressor related disorder
56. Any intentional act causing injury or trauma
57. You might be in denial at first
58. Another term for emotional abuse
59. Abusive sexual behavior by one person upon another
60. Sexual abuser
61. Also referred to sexual abuse
62. User of a child younger than the age of consent for sexual stimulation
63. Anti violence against women and their children
64. Show that severe emotional abuse can be as powerful as physical abuse
65. Special protection of children against abuse
(17) Warning Signs Of Suicides

(18) Conditions Linked To Suicidal Thoughts

(6) Characteristics That Make A Person Less Likely To Engage In Suicide

(8) Suicidal Methods

(4) Types Of Suicide

(5) Tips for helping someone

(9) Reducing the risk of Suicide

(12) Stress Management 12's

(10) Types Of Physical Abuse

(7) Signs Of Emotional Abuse

(8) Examples Of Emotional Abuse

(6) Physical Side Effects

(4) Short Term Effects

(5) Long Term Effects

(3) Emotional Experience Of Child

(6) Chronic Health Problems

(6) Factors Of Sexual Abuse

(5) Physical Issues

(8) Behavioral Issues

(8) Mental Health Disorders

(4) Complications Of Child Abuse

(7) Prevention

(6) Who Suffers Physical Abuse

(3) Benefits Of Sexual And Physical Counseling

(10) Top 10 Countries With Highest Suicide Rate

(6) Co-Authors On Philippine Mental Health Law

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