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ALUKO, Wisdom

Registration Number: 15285008




I dedicate the project to God Almighty for His grace and mercy that saw me through.


REACTION by ALUKO WISDOM with matric Number 15285008 has been read and approved
as meeting the requirement for the award of Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) degree in mathematics
of the university of Abuja.

SIGN ………………………... DATE………………………



SIGN ………………………… DATE……………………


HEAD of Department

SIGN ……………………… DATE……………………


I give thanks to God Almighty for a successful completion of this project may his name forever
be praise.

Also to my amiable project supervisor Dr. M.M. Mogbonju to whom I am indebted, I

appreciate your guidance, advice, counsel and support, as well as your reproach of my
shortcomings. May god continue to bless you and your family.

I wish to express my profound gratitude to Dr (Mrs) M.O Durojaye (Head of Department)

for her motherly love and care also to all my lecturers, Prof. M. O. Adewale, Prof. F.O.
Ogunfiditimi, Prof. I. A. Onyeozili, Dr. E.O Oku-Ukpong, Dr(Mrs) A.O. Adeniji, Dr(Mrs) R.T.
Abah, Mr. R.A. Azeez for their advice and knowledge impacted all this year.

My sincencer gratitude goes to all the members of my family and my friends for their love and
support, may God bless you all.

The project is written simply to illustrate on differentiations and their applications. The formation and

classification of differentiation, the basic techniques of differentiations, list of derivatives and the basic

applications of differentiation, which include motion and chemistry.


Title page……………………………………………………………………………i

Certification ………………………………………………………….……………ii





Table Of Content………………………………………………………………….vii


1.0 General Introduction………………………………………………………..1

1.1Background Of Study…………………………………………………………...2

1.2 Statement Of The Study……………………………………………………..4

1.3 Aim And Objectives……………………………………………………………4

1.4 Definitions Of Terms…………………………………………………………...5

1.5 Differentiation rules……………………………………………………………6


2.0 Literature Review……………………………………………………………8

2.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………….8

2.2 Roberual Method Of Tangent Lines Using Instantaneous Motion…………….8

2.3 The Elusive Inverses-The Differential………………………………………..10

2.4 Newton and Leibniz…………………………………………………………..15

2.5 The Ellusive Inverses ………………………………………………………..16


3.0 Differential Calculus……………………………………………………….…20

3.1 List of Derivatives…………………………………………………………….20

3.1.1 Simple Functions……………………………………………………….20

3.1.2 Exponential And Logarithmic Functions………………………………21

3.1.3 Trigonometric Functions…………………………………………….....21

3.1.4 Inverse Trigonometric Functions………………………………………22

3.2 Techniques Of Differentiation………………………………………………..23

3.2.1 first principle……………………………………………………………….23

3.2.1 The Power Rule………………………………………………………...23

3.2.2 The Product Rule……………………………………………….………26

3.2.3 The Quotient Rule……………………………………………………...30

3.2.4 The Chain Rule………………………………………………………...34

3.2.5 The Implicit Differentiation …………………………………………..34

3.2.6 The Higher Order Derivation………………………………………….35


4.0 Applications of differentiation………………………………………………37

4.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………….37

4.2 Application To Motion………………………………………………………37

4.3 Application To Economics…………………………………………………..40

4.4 Application To Chemistry……………………………………………………44


5.0 Summary and Conclusion……………………………………………………47

5.1 Summary……………………………………………………………………..47

5.2 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………48



Differentiation is a process of looking at the way a function changes from one point to

another. Given any function we may need to find out what it looks like when graphed.

Differentiation tells us about the slope (or rise over run, or gradient, depending on the tendencies

of your favorite teacher). As an introduction to differentiation we will first look at how the

derivative of a function is found and see the connection between the derivative and the slope of

the function.

Given the functionf(x), we are interested in finding an approximation of the slope of the function

at a particular value of x. If we take two points on the graph of the function which are very close

to each other and calculate the slope of the line joining them we will be approximating the slope

of f(x) between the two points. Our x-values are x and x + h, where h is some small number. The

y-values corresponding to x and x + h are f (x) and f (x + h). The slope m of the line between the

two points is given by

y 2− y 1
x 2−x 1

Where ( x 1 , y 1 ) and ( x 2 , y 2 ) are the two points.

Hence m is called the slope or change which is the differentiation.

The primary objects of study in differentiation are the derivative of a function, related notions

such as the differential and their applications. The derivate of a function at a chosen input value.

Historically, the primary motivation for the study of differentiation was the tangent line problem:

for a given curve, find the slope of the straight line that is tangent to the curve at a given point.

The word tangent comes from the Latin word “tangents”, which means touching. Thus, to solve

the tangent line problem, we need to find the slope of a line that is “touching” a given curve at a

given point, or, in modern language, that has the same slope. But what exactly do we mean by

“slope” for a curve?

The solution is obvious in some cases: for example, a line y=mx+c is its own tangent; the slope

at any point is m. For the parabola y=x 2 , the slope at the point ( 0,0 ) is 0; the tangent line is


In mathematics, differential calculus (differentiation) is a subfield of calculus concerned with

the study of the rates at which quantities change. It is one of the two traditional divisions of

calculus, the other being integral calculus (integration).

The primary objects of study in differential calculus are the derivative of a function, related

notions such as the differential, and their applications. The derivative of a function at a chosen

input value describes the rate of change of the function near that input value. The process of

finding a derivative is called differentiation. Geometrically, the derivative at a point is the slope

of the tangent line to the graph of the function at that point, provided that the derivative exists

and is defined at that point. For a real-valued function of a single real variable, the derivative of a

function at a point generally determines the best linear approximation to the function at that

Derivatives are frequently used to find the maxima and minima of a function. Equations

involving derivatives are called differential equations and are fundamental in describing natural

phenomena. Derivatives and their generalizations appear in many fields of mathematics, such as

complex analysis, functional analysis, differential geometry, measure theory and abstract



Differentiation is a technique which can be used for analyzing the way in which functions

change. In particular, it measures how rapidly a function is changing at any point. This project

intends to examine the differential calculus and its various applications in chemistry, solving

problems using differentiation. This work is to show the important of differentiation that it is not

limited to mathematics alone, it is applied in our day to day life, and it has its own share in our

sciences motion, chemistry. e.t.c).



The main aim of this project work is to apply differentiation to motion and change of chemical

reaction in chemistry.

I. To relate differentiation to velocity and acceleration in motion.

II. To relate differentiation in calculating rate of change of chemical reactions.

III. To show that differentiation is not limited to mathematics alone.


Differentiations have a lot of terms (in terms of identifications) which we use in identifying what

type of differentiation is it or what type of differential equation are we working on, which are

called The Notations for Differentiation. There are two main types of notation used to

denote the derivative of a function.

I. Lagrange’s Notation is to write the derivative of the function f ( x )as

f ,(x)

Leibniz’s Notation is to write the derivative of the function f as


Two other notations are worth mentioning

II. Acceleration time of motion; this is the rate of change of velocity per unit time

and represented below


a = v


Expand Δv to v − v0 and condense Δt to t.

a = v − v0

Then solve for v as a function of t.

v = v0 + at

this gives the velocity of motion with time

to resolve the acceleration equation mathematically;

a  =  Dt

dv  = a  dt

v t
⌠D ⌠a d
⌡ v  =  ⌡t
v0 0

v − v
 = At

v0 + at [
v  = 
Again by definition, velocity is the first derivative of position 

 Average velocity of motion; this is the rate of change of speed per unit time, represented


v = 
Expand Δs to s − s0 and condense Δt to t.

s − s0
v = 

Solve for position.

s = s0 + vt [a]

The Lagrange and Leibniz notation will be considered in some situations involving
differentiation. (Williams 2002)

Lagrange Leibniz
Function f (x) f
Derivative f ,(x) df

2nd Derivative f ,, ( x ) d2 f
d x2
Higher Derivative f (n) ( x ) dn f
d xn

Integral ∫ f ( x ) dx
1.5 Differentiation rules

Product Rule
Lagrange [u ( x ) v ( x )],=u ( x ) v ' ( x ) + v ( x ) u ' ( x )
Leibniz d dv du
( uv )=u + v
dx dx dx

Chain Rule
Lagrange f [ g ( x ) ] =f ' [ g ( x ) ] × g' (x )
Leibniz d df dg
[ f ( g ( x ) ) ]= ×
dx dg dx

Implicit Differentiation (say of x 2 f +sin ( xf ) 0 ¿

Lagrange x 2 f ' ( x ) +2 xf ( x ) +cos [ xf ( x ) ] [ f ( x ) + x f ' ( x ) ] 0
Leibniz df df
x 2 +2 xf +cos ( xf ) f + x
dx ( dx )


2.1 Introduction

Motion sustains virtually all life on planet earth and the study of motion cannot be over
emphasized, motion is the continuous random movement of small particles suspended in a fluid,
which arise from collisions with the fluid molecules. This was first observed by the British
botanist Brown R. (1773) and 1827, to be precise when studying pollen particles of the plant
Clarkia pulchella immersed in water through a microscope. The effect is also visible in particles
of smoke suspended in a gas.

In 1905, almost eighty years later, theoretical physicist Albert Einstein published a paper where

he modeled the motion of the pollen as being moved by individual water molecules, making one
of his first major scientific contributions. This explanation of Brownian motion served as
convincing evidence that atoms and molecules exist and was further verified experimentally
by Jean Perrin in 1908. Perrin was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1926 "for his work on
the discontinuous structure of matter". The direction of the force of atomic bombardment is
constantly changing, and at different times the particle is hit more on one side than another,
leading to the seemingly random nature of the motion.

The many-body interactions that yield the Brownian pattern cannot be solved by a model

accounting for every involved molecule. In consequence, only probabilistic models applied
to molecular populations can be employed to describe it. Two such models of the statistical
mechanics, due to Einstein and Smoluchowski are presented below. Another, pure probabilistic
class of models is the class of the stochastic process models. There exist both simpler and more
complicated stochastic processes which in extreme may describe the Brownian motion (Williams
Particles in both liquids and gases (collectively called fluids) move randomly. This is
called Brownian motion. They do this because they are bombarded by the other moving
particles in the fluid. Larger particles can be moved by light, fast-moving molecules.

In 2007, Professor Eiichi Nakamura (project Associate professor /Organization for

interdisciplinary Research projects) a researcher has managed to view previously inaccessible
details of certain chemical processes. They have shown there are significant discrete stages to
these processes which build on our knowledge of chemical synthesis of motion. These details
could aid in the development of methods to synthesize chemicals with greater control and
precision than ever

In 2013, It was a complex challenge to the researchers which led to the first visualized motion
molecular videos released in 2013 by Harano Koji (project Associate professor /Organization for
interdisciplinary Research projects)which states “Between then and now, we worked to turn
motion concept into a useful tool. Our first success has been to visualize and describe a cube-
shaped molecule, which is a crucial intermediate form that occurs duringmetal-organic
framework (MOF) synthesis. It took a year to convince our reviewers what we found is real.”
before. Methods such as these could be useful in materials science and in drug development with
the help of motion ( Nakamura, 2007.)

2.2Roberval's Method of Tangent Lines using Instantaneous Motion

The primary idea behind Roberval’s method of determining the tangent to a curve was the notion

of Instantaneous Motion. That is, he considered a curve to be sketched by a moving point. If, at

any point on a curve, the vectors making up the motion could be determined, then the tangent

was simply the combination (sum) of those vectors. Roberval applied this method to find the
tangents to curves for which he was able to determine the constituent motion vectors at a point.

For a parabola, Roberval was able to determine such motion vectors.

Figure 2.1

Figure 2.1 depicts the graph of a parabola showing the constituent motion vectors V 1 and V2 at a

point P. Roberval determined that at a point P in a parabola, there are two vectors accounting for

its instantaneous motion. The vector V1, which is in the same direction as the line joining the

focus of the parabola (point S) and the point on the parabola (point P). The other vector making

up the instantaneous motion (V2) is perpendicular to the y-axis (which is the directrix, or the line

perpendicular to the line bisecting the parabola). The tangent to the graph at point P is simply the

vector sum V = V1 + V2.

Using this methodology, Roberval was able to find the tangents to numerous other curves

including the ellipse and cycloid. However, finding the vectors describing the instantaneous

motion at a point proved difficult for a large number of curves. Roberval was never able to
generalize this method, and therefore exists historically only as a precursor to the method of

finding tangents using infinitesimals possible values (Cavelieri, 2009)


Newton and Leibniz served to complete three major necessities in the development of the

Calculus. First, though differentiation and integration techniques had already been researched,

they were the first to explain an "algorithmic process" for each operation. Second, despite the

fact that differentiation and integration had already been discovered by Fermat, Newton and

Leibniz recognized their usefulness as a general process. That is, those before Newton and

Leibniz had considered solutions to area and tangent problems as specific solutions to particular

problems. No one before them recognized the usefulness of the Calculus as a general

mathematical tool. Third, though a recognition of differentiation and integration being inverse

processes had occurred in earlier work, Newton and Leibniz were the first to explicitly

pronounce and rigorously prove it

Newton and Leibniz both approached the Calculus with different notations and different

methodologies. The two men spent the latter part of their life in a dispute over who was

responsible for inventing the Calculus and accusing each other of plagiarism (Whiteside, 2006)

Though the names Newton and Leibniz are associated with the invention of the Calculus, it is

clear that the fundamental development had already been forged by others. Though generalizing

the techniques and explicitly showing the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus was no small feat,

the mathematics involved in their methods are similar to those who came before them.
Sufficiently similar are their methods that the specifics of their methodologies are beyond the

scope of this paper. In terms of their mathematics, it is only their demonstration of the

Fundamental Theorem of Calculus that will be discussed. 

In applying the Newton and Liebniz we make use of the first principle differentiation which

relates the motion phenomenon to differential phenomenon.

Figure 2.2

In the figure above A and B are two points very close together on a curve, δx (delta x) and δy

(delta y) representing small increments (rate of change) in the x and y directions, respectively.
Gradient of chord AB = δy/δx

; however,

δ y f ( x+ ∆ x )−f ( x)
. =
δx ∆x

As approaches zero, a limiting value and the gradient of the chord approaches the gradient of

the tangent at A. When determining the gradient of a tangent to a curve there are two notations

used. The gradient of approaches a limiting value and the gradient of the chord approaches the

gradient of the tangent at A.

When determining the gradient of a tangent to a curve there are two notations used. The gradient

of the curve at A in Fig. 2.2 can either be written as

δy f ( x+ ∆ x )−f ( x)
lim + lim ❑
∆ x→ 0 δ x ∆ x→ 0 ∆x

In Leibniz notation,

δy δy
= lim and in functional notation
δx ∆ t →0 δ x

Using the Leibniz rule formula.

The Leibniz formula expresses the derivative on the nth order of the product of two functions.

Suppose that the u(x) and v(x) have the derivatives up to nth order consider the derivatives of the

product of these functions. In other words, Leibniz formula helps to find the derivatives of a

function beyond the first, second, third and even to nth term.

The first derivative is described by the well-known formula:

(uv )' u' v +u v ' .

Differentiating this again yields the second derivative:

'' ' ' '

( uv ) = [ ( uv ) ] =( u ' v +u v ' )

= v+u ' v' +uv ' '

= u' ' v+ 2u' v ' +uv ' '

Likewise, we can find the third derivatives of the product uv

( uv )' ' ' =[( uv )' ' ]'

¿ ( u'' v +2u ' v ' +uv ' ' ) '

= u' ' ' v +u' ' v '+2 u ' ' v '

+2 u'❑ v '' +u ' v ' '+u '' v ' ''

= u' ' ' v +3u '' v ' +3 u'' v ' +3 u' v '' +uv ' ' '

It is easy to see that these formula are similar to the binomial expansion raised to the appropriate

exponent. Assuming that the terms with zero exponent correspond to the functions u and v

themselves, we can write the general formula for the derivative of nth order of the product of

functions uv as follows:
( uv ) =∑ n u (n−i) v (i ),

i=0 i
Where (ni )denotes the number of i combination n elements. This formula is called the Leibniz

Differences between Differential coefficient, Rate of change and Differentiation.


The differential coefficient which is now known as derivative df(x)/dx is a constant quantity

where f is the constant function only if f is a linear function but when f is a nonlinear function
the differential coefficient is a function f which can be derived by differentiating f where the

coefficient of the differentiation dx is the differentiation df(x) (Silvanus, 1998).


Differentiation is the act of computing a derivative. The Derivative of a function y = f(x) of a

variable x is a measure of the rate at which the value of y of the function changes with respect

to the change of the variable x. it is called the derivative of f with respect to x.


Rate of change is a rate that describes how one quantity changes in relation to another

quantity. It can be gotten by taking the first derivative of the function, the derivative of a
function y(x) is the rate of change of that function at the point ( x, y(x)). Such that x is the
independent variable and y is the dependent variable.



The rate of application of mathematics in human life is immensely wide and broad, so
also is differentiation. It varies from poultry farm to a nuclear plant, motion, rate of change, gain
and profit, distances between two or more bodies, generality of energy. e.t.c.

The concept of Differentiation is at the core of Calculus and modern mathematics. The
definition of the derivative can be approached in two different ways. One is geometrical (as a
slope of a curve) and the other one is physical (as a rate of change). Historically there was (and
maybe still is) a fight between mathematicians which of the two illustrates the concept of the
differentiation best and which one is more useful. We will not dwell on this and will introduce
both concepts. Our emphasis will be on the use of the differentiation as a tool.

The symbols used may be more difficult to comprehend than the verbal symbols, but it
provides a much higher degree of abstraction and precision in its application and we shall be
applying series of methods in differentiations like first principle, product rule, quotient rule,
chain rule


This approach was used by Newton in the development of his Classical Mechanics. The
main idea is the concept of velocity and speed. Indeed, assume you are traveling from point A to
point B, what is the average velocity during the trip? It is given by
Average Velocity¿
If we now assume that A and B are very close to each other, we get close to what is called the
instantaneous velocity. Of course, if A and B are close to each other, then the time it takes to
travel from A to B will also be small. Indeed, assume that at time t = a, we are at A. If the time
elapsed to get to B is ∆ t, then we will be at B at time t=a+ ∆ t. If ∆ s is the distance from A to B,
then the average velocity is
Average Velocity¿
The instantaneous velocity (at A) will be found when get smaller and smaller. Here we
naturally run into the concept of limit. Indeed, we have
Instataneous Velocity V¿ lim .
∆ t →0 ∆t

If f(t) describes the position at time t, then ∆ s=f ( t +∆ t )−f (t) In this case, we have
f ( t +∆ t )−f (t)
Instataneous Velocity V¿ lim .
∆ t →0 ∆t
Example 3
Consider a parabolic motion given by the function f (t)=t 2. The instantaneous velocity at t=a,
find the acceleration due to motion.

In solving this parabolic motion functon matheatically we apply the first principle approach

By applying first principle approach to the equation of motion, the acceleration is given by (A)

f ( t +∆ t )−f (t)
¿ lim . Where A is the acceleration of the motion
∆ t →0 ∆t

f ( t +∆ t )−f (t)
(A) ¿ lim = lim ¿ ¿ ¿
∆ t →0 ∆t ∆ t →0
f ( t +∆ t )( t +∆ t )−f (t ❑ )
∆ t →0 ∆t

( t 2+ 2t ∆ t+ ∆ t ) −(t 2)
∆ t →0 ∆t

lim ¿ ¿ ¿
∆ t →0

lim ¿ ¿ ¿
∆ t →0

(2t ∆ t )
A = lim + lim ¿ ¿¿
∆ t →0 ∆t ∆ t →0

lim ( 2 t+ ∆ t )
∆ t →0

setting∆ t →0

let ∆ t=0

therefore the function gives 2t

since t = a. therefore the functions gives answer to be 2a.

We conclude that the instantaneous acceleration at t=a is 2a.

In general, if we have y = f(x), then the average rate of change of y with respect to x from x = a
tox=a+ ∆ x, where∆ x ≠ 0, is
Δ y f ( a+ ∆ x ) −f (a)
Average Rate ¿ = .
Δx ∆x
As before, the instantanous rate of change of y with respect to x at x= a, is
lim Δ y lim f ( a+∆ t )−f (a)
Instantaneous Velocity (at x = a) = ∆t→0
= ∆t→ 0 .
Δx ∆t
Example 3.2
A particle moves as a motion along the x-axis. Its displacement at time t is given by:
x (t)=3t 2−4 t+1.
Find its acceleration as functions of time t. Prove that the particle is traveling away from the
origin when t ≥ 1.
The velocity of the particle is defined as the rate of change of the displacement of the particle
(rate of change recalls the first principle approach).
Applying differentiation of the given equation of motion by first principle method

f ( t +∆ x )−f (t )
By first principle approach ¿ lim .
∆ t →0 ∆t

f(t)=t 2+ 2t 2−4 t +1
f(t+∆ t ¿=¿+2¿-4( t+ ∆ t )+1

t →0
f ¿¿¿

lim f ( t 2 +2t 2−4 t+ 1 ) ¿

= ∆t→0 ¿

lim f ( 2 t ∆ t+ ∆t 2−4 t ∆ t+1 ) ¿

= ∆t→0

6 t ∆t (∆ t 2)
= lim + lim 4 ∆ t + lim
∆ t →0 ∆t ∆ t →0 ∆ t ∆ t →0 ∆ t

= 6t + ∆ t −¿ 4
Setting ∆ t ¿ zero
= 6t −¿4
So the acceleration of the particle at time t, being the rate of change of the velocity of the
particle, is given by x , ( t )=6 t−4


Chemical kinetics is the study of chemical (or biological) systems whose composition
changes with time. In biological systems, for example, the cellular machinery involves a very
large number of chemical reactions catalyzed by proteins, association (and dissociation) of
proteins with other proteins and with DNA molecules, and conformational changes in the
structure of the biological molecules. Each of these processes can be described at some level as a
simple chemical reaction between two or more states of the system. In this section we will work
out how the various states evolve as a function of time from some initial population.
In many natural phenomena (such as population growth, radioactive decay, etc.), quantities grow
or decay at a rate proportional to their size. In other words, they satisfy the following equation

=kv ; where k isa consant

If k > 0; we call it the law of natural growth. If k < 0; we call it the law of natural decay.
Example 3.3
A balloon has a small hole and its volume V( cm 3 ) at time t (sec) is V = 66 – 10t – 0.001t 2. t¿ 0.
Find the rate of change chemical reaction of volume after 10 seconds.
V = 66 – 10t – 0.01t 2
, we apply differentiation of the given equation of motion by first principle method.
f ( t +∆ t )−f (t)
By first principle approach ¿ lim .
∆ t →0 ∆t
f(t) = 66 – 10t – 0.01t 2
f(t + ∆ t) = 66 – 10(t+∆ t ¿– 0.01¿
t →0
f ¿¿¿

f (66 – 10 t – 0.01t 2)
= lim
∆ t →0 ∆t

t →0
−10 ∆ t−2(0.01 ∆ t)– 0.01 ¿ ¿ ¿

10+2(0.01) t – 0.01( ∆ t)
∆ t →0
= 10 -2 ( 0.01 ) t
When t ¿10. =10− ( 0.02 )( 10 )
Therefore, the rate of chemical reaction using the first principle method of differentiation is
¿ 10.2 cm3 /sec
Example 3.4

The molar ratio of two oxidised Tratium compound reaction is given by P(t) = Find the rate
of chemical reaction to finally oxidize at time t=3sec.
Applying differentiation to this given chemical reaction we solve by Quotient rule since it is in
form of quotient rule.
du dv
dP V −U
Quotient rule states; = dt dt
dt 2
Where u =6 t 2 , v=2−t
Where du = 12t, dv = -1

( 2−t )( 12 t ) −( 6 t 2) (−1)
24 t−12t 2 + ( 6 t 2 )

24 t−6 t 2
( 2−t)2

at time t =3 secs



Example 3.5
the sample of oxidise chemical compound with molecular ratio for a chemical reaction is given
3 t +t 4
C(t) = 2
2t +1

Find the rate of chemical reaction for the reaction to be oxidized at time t=5 sec

Applying differentiation to this given chemical reaction we solve by Quotient rule since it is in
form of quotient rule.
du dv
dC V −U
Quotient rule states; = = dt dt
dt 2
Where u=3 t+ t 4 , v=2 t 2 +1
Where du = 3 +4t 3, dv = 4t

(2 t¿¿ 2+1)(3+ 4 t 3 )−(3 t+t 4 )(4 t)

= ¿
(2 t 2+1)2

(12t ¿ ¿ 2+4 t 5 )
= (6 t ¿ ¿ 2+ 8 t 5 +3+ 4 t 3)− ¿¿
(2 t 2+1)2
6 t 2 +8 t 5+ 3+4 t 3−12 t 2−4 t 5
= 2 2
(2 t +1)

−6 t 2 ++3+ 4 t 3−4 t 5
= 2 2
(2 t +1)

dC 4 t 3−6 t 2 ++3+−4 t 5
= 2 2
dt (2 t +1)

At time t = 5

4 (5)3−6(5)2 +3−4 (5)5



= -4.82

Example 3.6
If two experiments (4 -t 2) and (1 +5 t 2 ¿of a decomposition chemical reactant are combined at
time t = 7 secs find the rate of chemical reaction to decompose.


Since the two reactants are combined it calls for the application of differentiation by product
du dv
rule, product rule states; V +U
dt dt

Where U = (4 -t 2), V = (1 +5 t 2 ¿

du = -2t, dv = 10t

= (1 +5 t 2 ¿ ¿ -2t) + (4 -t 2)( 10t)

= 40t- 10t 3 - 2t -10 t 3

= 38t – 20t 3

= 2t(19 −t 2)
At time t = 7, 2(7)((19 –(7)2 ¿

= 217sec

=3mins 37secs

Example 3.7
For a redox chemical reaction of two Nitrogen substances and combined and experimented If
two experiments (4t 2- t ) and (t 3 +8t 2 +12 ¿of a redox chemical reaction are combined at time t =
5 secs find the rate of chemical reaction to decompose.


Since the two reactants are combined it calls for the application of differentiation by product
du dv
rule, product rule states; V +U
dt dt

Where U = (4t 2 - t ), V = (t 3 +8t 2 +12 ¿

Where du = 8t - 1 and dv = 3t 2+16 t

= (t 3−8 t 2+12)( 8t-1) + (4t 2 -t ¿ ¿3t 2 -16t)

= (8t 4 -t 3-64t 3 +8t 2 +96t-12) + (12t 4-64t 3-3t 3+16t 2)

=20t 4-132t 3+ 24t 2+ 96t-12

At t = 5sec

20(5)4 -132(5)3+ 24(5)2+ 96(5)-12


=48mins 52secs

Example 3.8
If for a chemical reaction the volume of the reaction is given by V(t) = ( 6t 2+7 t ¿ 4, find the rate
of chemical reaction for it to be catalysed.
Observing this particular equation, we apply chain rule method of differentiation in finding the
rate of chemical reaction

So U = ( 6t 2+7 t ¿ 4 , V(t) = (U¿ 4

dv dv du
dt = du . dt

dv 3
Where du = 4u and dt = 12t + 7

dv dv du 3
dt = du . dt = 4u . (12t + 7)

But U = ( 6t 2+7 t ¿

Replacing value of u

4( 6t 2+7 t ¿3 (12t + 7)

Example 3.9

The volume of a given catalyse chemical reaction is given by V(t) = (

4 t 2 −3t +2 ¿−2 find therate of chemical reaction at time t=12secs

dv dv du
By the method of chainrule we can find the rate of chemical reaction where dt = du . dt

We let U = (4 t 2 −3t +2 ¿ and V(t)= U −2

dv −3
du = - 2U
and dt =8t – 3

dv dv du
U −3 ¿
So dt = du . dt = -2 8t – 3)

Replacing the value of u

-2(4 t 2 −3t +2 ¿−3 ¿8t – 3)

Example 3.9.1
For two given chemical reaction equations U(x) = 2 x 4 – 3 and V(x) = 3 x 3 + 1 it is bounded to
decompose at series of experiment from the laboratory, find the rate of chemical reaction for the
fourth series at which the experiments will decompose.


The series of interval mentioned here is beyond first and second derivative, it is the nth order
derivative and the fourth series is the 4th order derivative where we apply the Leibniz rule

y n=(uv)n = n un v + n u n−1 vi + n u n−2 v ii + n u n−3 v iii + … n uv

0 () 1 () 2 () 3 () n ()
U= 2 x 4 – 3 V= 3 x 3 + 1

U' =8 x 3 V'= 9 x 2

U' ' =24 x 2 V' ' ¿ 18 x❑

U' ' '= 48 x❑ V' ' '=18

U' ' ' '=48 V' ' ' '= 0

y 4 =(uv )4 = 4 u 4 v + 4 u4 −1 vi + 4 u 4−2 v ii + 4 u4 −3 v iii + 4 u4−4 v iiii

0 ()
1 2 () ()
3 4 ()
( 40)=1
( 41)=4
( 42)=6
( 43)=4
( 44)=1
y 4 =(1)(48) ¿ + 1)+(4)¿

y 4 =144 x 3 + 4 8+1728 x3 +2592 x 3+ 576 x 3

y 4 =5040 x3 + 4 8

Example 3.9.2

find the rate of chemical reaction for the third series at which the experiment will decompose For
the given chemical reaction equation U(x)=3 x 3−x V(x)=10 −¿4 x 2 it is bounded to decompose
at series of experiment from the laboratory,.

y n=(uv)n = n un v + n u n−1 vi + n u n−2 v ii + n u n−3 v iii + … n uv

0 () 1() 2() ()
3 () n

U= 3 x 3−x V= 10 −¿4 x 2

U' =15 x 2−1 V'= 8 x❑

U' ' =30x❑ V' ' =8

U' ' '= 30 V' ' '=0

y 3=(uv)3 = 3 u3 v + 3 u3−1 v i + 3 u3−2 v ii + 3 u 3−3 viii

0 () () 1 2() ()

(30 )=1
(31 )=3
(32 )=3
(33 )=1

y 3=(1)( 30) ¿)+(3)¿

y 3=¿ )+¿

y 3=960 x 2−260



In the course of this project, that differentiation has various applications in life (motion,

and rate of chemical reaction). Differentiation has various list of derivatives (which include:

simple functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions, inverse

trigonometric functions) and various techniques of differentiation (the power rule, the product

rule, the quotient rule, the chain rule, the implicit differentiation and the higher order


This project has a brief history of those that contributed and worked on differentiation

and part of their work, the likes of Roberval, Leibniz, Newton, etc.

Finally, the project explores comprehensive applications of differentiation to motion, and

rate of chemical reaction with some concrete examples with the first principle method approach.


From the research, it can be concluded that differentiation have a vast amount of

applications in the various areas motion, and rate of chemical reaction.

It also that differentiation has various derivatives and techniques (Rules) and the

derivatives varies.

Since, differentiation are useful in our day to day activities, thus we can conclude by

saying that real life problems can be solved using differentiation, which will be a benefit to man.

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