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The Ore Mineralogy of Arcturus Mine, Harare (Arcturus Greenstone Belt,


Technical Report · October 2018


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1 author:

Steffen Kalbskopf
Vultus Pro Mineral Resources


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APc.iL 19I9


Project 2822 The ore mineralogy of Arcturus Iuline
S fafUsfopf
N Mutemeri


The Arcturus mill processes around 8700 tonnes of underground

ore per month at a head grade of 5,3 to 9,5 g/t gold, (19gg
averagb 6,6 g/L) with residues carrying 0,g to 2,a g/t (19gg
averagie 1,1 s/t| - Ass ming an average gold price of
$24 goo
per kg, the gold passed to the tailings represents a monthly
loss of revenue of zgzzT 3oo ,. rn addition, at least 3
million tonnes of residues averagring approximately 1r3 g/t gold,*
are available at Arcturus.

This project was undertaken in order to ascertain the nature of

gold occurrences and thereby reveal possibre causes for gold
lost to the tailings.


some 1'4 representative ore samples weighing 10-30 kg were taken

by the geologist from areas with reasonable gold values, derived
as follows: venus 7, Gradstone 3, ceylon 2, viceroy - 2 (see
Appendix L for details). Eighty-six polished blocks were made from
the ore and 16 of the gravity concentrate. At least half of
each sample was ground to -20 mesh and concentrated over a
,James Table. selected phases were examined by the Jeol
microprobe analyser. Due to serious time constraints, machine
breakdowns and absence of personnel to run the euantex computer
programme, detailed trace el-ement data for go1d., arsenopyrite
and other phases are not available.

rt was found that gravity concentration was not very effective

in the ore and in the Glad.stone samples r rro gold was
seen in the concentrates although'the polished blocks carried

N.B. * Estimated figure from traverses around the margins of

the 2 biggest dumps.


a significant amount. This is probably due to the very fine

grained texture of the sulphides.

smaII portions of coarse, crushed ore (< 2 mm) were withdrawn for
trace element and Au, A9 analysis. The variation in results for
dupli-cate samples is due to the fact that they were not
homogenised. See Appendix Z.

Previous work

The first significant mineralogical stud.ies were undertaken by

Sargeant (1981) who examined a portion of the Venus orebody on
16 lever , F,24-F.35. He described the association of go1d. with
arsenopyrite and. identified tennantite and calaveriter AuTer.

rn 1977, Ivlaund, highlighted the association of banded biotite-

feldspar schist and fine grained arsenopyrite and noted that the
rich "coresl' of the venus reefs from L2-L5 level (E40-E6o)
carry dark fuchsitic quartz with rare stibnite and visible gold.
Banfield (L982) mentioned niccoli-te, NiAs, and. gersdorffite
Fe(NirCo) AsS, but his work was never documented.

Masiyambiri (1980) examined the Gladstone East Extension Reef

and concluded that remobilised pyrrhotite post-dates pyrite and

Ore mineraloqv

Venus section Attention was concentrated on the Venus Far East

orebody from 4 to 7 leve1 where large ore-reserves are being
developed. Three major-ore types can be distinguished:
l-) very fine grained. laminated arsenopyrite in biotite-
microcline bands: (V1)
2l actinolitic ore dominated by pyrrhotite and pyrite (v2)
3) weakly mineralised quartz veins associated with the first 2
typesr (V3)

Sample VL The dominant sulphide is arsenopyrite which occurs in

lines of -euhedra. measuring 5 to >100ulong. sometimes these
bands arternate with pyrrhotite-rich layers and the latter
occasionally overg'rows the arsenoPyrite. However, less than
3B of the arsenopyrite grains are physically in contact with, or
partly surrounded by pyrrhotite. Several small inclusions
within ,some larger arsenopyrj-te crystals were identified as
tennantite, CurrAsnSrr.

However, the most significant inclusion is gold which occurs aS

elliptical blebs 6 tt 1ong. Barely 2Z of the gold grains observed
were occluded in arsenopyrite while 3 grains were partly
and tend to occur proximal to arsenical bands and free in quartz
and biotite. One large cluster of gold grains appeared to be set
along the cleavages of a feldspar crystal and ranged in size
from ( 1 to 25 !t.

Always an interstitial phase, pyrrhotite blebs vary in sj-ze from

cleavages. Ragged grains, intergrown with silicates, partially

envelop isolated pyrite crystals, and in some sections pyrrhotite
blebs are obviously flattened parallel to the foliation.

Although comprising less than 0,18 of the ore, chalcopyrite occurs

ubiquitously as irregular blebs on the margins of pyrrhotite
blebs and sometimes as a minor phase at the boundary of the
latter and pyrite grains.

A rare off-white phase rimming pyrite and pyrrhotite in section

V1,16 turned out to be arsenopyrite while other occasional
inclusions hosted by pyrrhotite are rutile, gersdorffite and
pentland.ite (FerNi)gSA. Other phases occuring in trace
amounts are scheelite, sphalerite and stibnite, Sb2S3, the
Iatter in juxtaposition to arsenopyrite and pyrite.

Samp1e V2 'Dominated by pyrrhotite (1OB), the polished sections

octahedral pyrite and intergrown al-ong silicate cleavages as

complex films and veinlets. The strong mylonitic fabric is
again evid.ent from the preferred orientation of flattened grains of
and up to 20* of the blebs are smaller than 20 p. Traces of
chalcopyrite form irregular grains attached to pyrrhotite and
embayments to the latter. Rare pentlandite exsolution textures
in pyrrhotite were also observed.

Up to 58 of"the ore consists of coarse pyrite crystals with very

rare chalcopyrite inclusions. Arsenopyrite comprises around ".)

1? of the ore and sometimes grows in crystal aggregates, 1ocal1y

occluded by pyrrhotite.

Despite a head grade of 9rL g/L, no gold particles were observedr'

and this may reflect the paucity of arsenopyrite which is
commonly associated with go1d.

Sample V3 In this quartz-rich ore, all the phases are

characterised by their extremely fj-ne grain size and seldom does
any grain exceed 50 p across. Both pyrrhotite and. arsenopyrite
occurin well developed bands but only very rarely does the
former enclose the latter. Arsenopyrite euhedra sometimes
grow in weII defined. clusters with each crystal 20 50 p 1ong.
Some larger grains appear to have suffered partial replacement by
pyrrhotite although this is an uncommon phenomenon. Rare,
disseminated sphalerite is riore conspicuous than in Vl and V2
and a few grains are partly bounded by arsenopyrite.

Partly replacing pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite displays the same

texture referred to previously, and also occurs as isolated
anhedral blebs in guartz.

Numerous gold grains occur as free, round.ed blebs 3 - 40 p in

size. Two grains were touching sphalerite. Their tendency to
occur in clusters has not been satisfactorily explained but
the close physical association with arsenopyrite bands is
evident. In the concentrate, one hackly gold bleb 110 p across
was found.. r

Occuring aS acicular crystals, stibnite is quite rare, although

this sample carried the highest antimony content of the
Arcturus group, namel-y 30 to 80 Ppm.

V4 7858 IIW Reef Arsenopyrite and, pyrrhotite are

generally segregated in discrete bands and less than 2* of the
former are occluded by pyrrhotite. With their C axes parallelling
the foliation, arsenopyrite crystals are approximately 30 : 150 p
long and host a few minute pyrrhotite and tennantite inclusions.

With the exception of one 50 pr long gold grain attached to

pyrrhotite, most of this precious metal displays mutual contacts
with t or is partially overgrown by arsenopyrite. The largest
grain noted was 80p long whereas the typical size is 5 - 50 IL r and
only 30 402 of the gold is free. However, in the concentrate
some angular blebs are nearly 100 p across and partly intergrown
with rare sphalerite. Traces of chalcopyrite are present with

Sample V5 17E14 HW This ore is dominated by pyrrhotite with

anhedral blebs ranging in sj-ze from more than 2 mm long to a fine
dusting in silicate cleavages 5 Lr across. The usual
chalcopyrite replacement around the margins is fairly common. In
addition, pyrrhotite hosts lath-like intergrowths of pentlandite
and chalcopyrite. Less than 1g of the total sulphide content consists
of pyrite, forming large, ) 300 $t cubes surrounded by pyrrhotite.
Traces of arsenopyrite were also recorded.

The polished sections disclosed only one free goJ-d grain 20 ;l long
in a biotite layer and nothing in the concentrates.

Sample V6 L4E55 2 Sublevel In all the sections arsenopyrite

is the dominant sulphide, occuring as bands of euhedral crystals
30 L20 p long, para1IelIing the foliation. Pyrite is quite
prominent but rarely displays its euhedral cubic form, but
rather exhibits ragged anhedral outlines while larger bIebs,
> l-00 B, often show skeletal and "Iagoon" or "atoll" structures
infilled by quartz. Pyrite also occurs in.fractures oblique to
the foliation and may be attached to isolated chalcopyrite blebs.
Rarely, pyrite rims pyrrhotite as incipient replacement of the
latter by pyrite has commenced, and. these unusual textures are
almost certainly associated with the late stage fracturing and
chlorj-tisation whieh affects this orebody.

Lathlike pentlandite incluSions were noted in a few grains.
Unlike other samples from the Venus Far East orebody,
chalcopyrite occurs as free grains which vary in size from 30 p
to 2 mm, particularly in cross-cutting qu artz veinlets.

Despite the high assay varues from stope sampling (15 Lzo g/L),
the polished sections carried surprisingry littre gold, and the
bulk sample assayed only 4,6 g/t. Nevertheless, 9 elongate
grains of free gold were located, ranging in length from 7 - 50 p.
They appear to be oriented paraltel to the later fractures similar
to the visible gold flake seen in a hand specimen. However, in
the concentrates, several large grains (100 x 40 vr 50 x 1go rr)
and one smarl bleb (7 p across) were completely or partly
occluded by arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite. This evidence indicates
remobilisation of primary gold associated mostry with
arsenopyrite and redeposition in gangue free of surphides.

Other minor phases include Fe-Ti and IvIn oxides and molybdenite
as a joint coating. A few scattered. sphalerj-te crystals up to
1 mm across were located.

sample v7 L6820 The assemblages and textures in this sample

closely resemble those of V5 and V2 but with very little arsenopyrite.
The ore is domj-nated by bands of very coarse to extremely fine
grained pyrrhotite (< S U.) which overgrows euhedral pyrite
erystals. Rare arsenopyrite crystals are smaller than 50 p.
Traces of gersd.orffite and chalcopyrite also exist.

Although no gold was d.isclosed in the polished sections of ore,

2 free gold grains 25 p long were observed in the concentrates.

Some useful observations have been culled from Sarjeant (198L)

who examined the orebody immediately to the east, L6825-833.
He noted that 202 308 of the goId. blebs were occluded by
arsenopyrite and these grains are as small as 4 p,. He identified
calaverite (AurTer) and tennantite occuring with arsenopyrite and
showed that the latter carried pyrrhotite inclusions.

sampre v8 17w3JIt{ Reefs only recently exposed, several narrow

fuchsitic reefs with minor visible gold bear close affinities to
the old Arcturus and Gladstone East ore bod.ies. However, they are
unlike aIl other Venus reefs since arsenopyrite comprises less
than 18 of the sulphides.

Dominated by'pyrite, this phase forms cubes and octahedra 100 800 p
which are sometimes overgrown by pyrrhotite. on one occasion,
pyrite forms the core of a circular bleb successively rimmed by
pyrrhotite then arsenopyrite! Pyrrhotite gives rise to band.s of
anhedral blebs with minor chalcopyrite replacement along the

This occurrence is unique in that gold is attached to every sulphide

except arsenopyrite. (Although only 4 porished brocks were
examined). visible gold was observed in a concordant guartz
veinlet and a section through it showed irreguJ-ar anhedral blebs
occupying interstices between quartz grains with maximum
blebs are larger than 20 p. while t G6B of the gold is free, the
remainder is attached to or occluded in various phases as listed

pyrrhotite - t 30?
pyrite - 2Z
chalcopyrite - 0 ,5%

one large gold bleb hosted tennantite dusted with minute 9o1d
inclusions while the same piece also disptayed a micro-veinlet of
ullmanite, Nisbs, running along the common boundary of gold and

Other phases present in trace amounts include sphalerite, rutile

and ilmenite.

S airple Gl Gladstone East Extension Reef

The most common phase is pyrite occuring as bands of individual
crystals of to 2,0 mm across, someti-mes overgrown by ameboid pyrrhotitg
blebs. Both cubic and octahedral forms are present, and pyrite
accounts for nearly 508 of the total proportion of sulphides.

Pyrrrhotite displays the usual anhedral, interstitial textures and

trains of flattened grains can be followed along the foliation
around fold noses. Exhibiting the same phenomen, scheelite also
forms augen due to tensional forces along the plane of the reef.
Ithile most of the pyrrhotite occurs as free grains of all sizes
upwards of 5 1.t,, a few per cent are attached to pyrite and arsenopyrite.
Several grains contain lamellar inclusions of pentland.ite and
chalcopyrrhotite, while replacement of pyrrhotite by chalcopyrite
along the margins and cracks, as at Venus, is not uncommon.

Comprising less than 18 of the sulphid.e mineral assemblage,

arsenopyrite euhedra range in length from 3 mm to less than 30 p.
Several examples of small arsenopyrite crystals rimming pyrite were
noted and one 0,5 p x 10 p gold grain was attached to the former.

Sphalerite is generally disseminated as isolated, free grains

l.lore than 954 of the golct occurs as round.ed.r, free grains, although
irregular, interstitial blebs were observed. Nearly all those blebs
are larger than 10 p across while the largest was more than 50 p
long. In polished block GL/6, about LOB were partly or completely
occluded by pyrrhotite, while one grain was attached to both
pyrite and pyrrhotite. One 0r5 x l-0 p gold bleb was bonded to an
arsenopyrite crystal.

Probing shows that some grains carry significant silver and in

Other rare phases include gersdorffite, which may be more coillmon

than suspected but is superficia1Iy difficurt to distinguish
from arsdnopyrite. Berthierite, FesbrS4r is limited to quartz
boudins and ladder veins on 7 1eve1 where lath-Iike blebs are up
to 25 mm 1ong. coarse pyrrhotite, pyrite and arsenopyrite are
associated with it and a few rare visible go1d. fl-akes occur free
in the quartz. Galena has been identified once (Brown, pers. Comm).
Other minor phases include tourmaline, rutile and pyrol-usite, with
rutile forming inclusions in arsenopyrite.

S ample G2 BJ Reef

Like Gl, in this sample, pyri-te is more plentiful than pyrrhotite

and both phases display identical textures and sizes. (This is not
surprising since both reefs formed under the same cond.itions!).
llinute pyrite and cobaltite blebs grow along the margins of some
pyrrhotite blebs while narrow (< 5 fr) chalcopyrite veinlets occupy
silicate grain boundaries adjacent pyrrhotite bIebs. llost of the
chalcopyrite occurs as free anhedral grains or along the mutual
contacts of pyrite and pyrrhotite. However, the overall
charcopyrite content amounts to < 0r5B of the total sulphides.
rsolated sphalerite grains up to ro0 p across float freely in
siU-cates and are also attached to pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, and.
included in pyrite.

Hhile chemical analysis shows a very low arsenic content, ( 600 ppmr
arsenopyrite is more common in the polished blocks than this
result suggests. occuring in distinct bands with pyrite,
arsenopyrite euhedra 20 40 p long are sometimes enclosed by
pyrrhotite, while a few free acicurar crystals up to 400 u, were

onry 5 gold blebs were found, the largest being 70 p across

attached to pyrrhotite while another grain adhered to pyrite. The .
remaining blebs are free while the smarlest gold speck, 2 x 5 tlr
was growing along the cleavage of a biotite flake. GersdorEfite
is present but uncoilrmon, while rutile and tourmarine were

Sample G3 Buck Reef

with a surphide content of less than o,o5t, the polished brocks


of this quartz vein revealed only one arsenoPyrite bleb and a few
pyrite and chalcopyrite grains. However, pyrrhotite and galena
have been record.ed. and assays show a silver content of 2 to 3
times that of gold. Presumably much of it occurs as electrum.
Rare specimens show that the gold occurs as thin flakes, and ir
is highly probable that this reef carried > 998 free goJ-d'' As a
general rule, better values are found where fuchsite flakes,
chalcopyrite and galena occur.
- 11 -

Samp1e C1 Snake Reef

The dominant sulphide is pyrrhotite which displays very similar
textures to those seen at Venus and Gladstone sections. While
elongate blebs show a preferred orientation and interstitial
growth along silicate cleavages is common, pyrrhotite blebs vary

arsenopyrite crystals are overgrown by pyrrhotite, although on

rare occasions, an ambiguous relationship is evident and mutual
boundaries exj-st. However, there is clear proof that pyrrhotite
may actually replace arsenoPyrite. Infrequently, pyrrhotite
micro-veinlets cut through arsenopyrite band.s which points to
remobilisation of the former.

Three types of arsenopyrite were noted.

Type I The most common variety occurs as typical euhedral
crystals 10 p 80 p 1ong, in discrete bands, although some crystals
are very much larger.
Type II Somewhat scarcer, the second kind consists of similar
sized. euhedra dusted with numerous fine inclusions of pyrrhotite,
tennantite, rutile and gold. The latter measure 1 p 20 p across.
Tvpe III The remainder consists of ragged, anhed.ral blebs 50 p
300 p along their greatest d.imension, and these also occlude a
few gold blebs, but much larger than those grains in type II

Approximately 762 of the gold. is free while around l7Z is attached

to or occluded by arsenopyrite, and 58 physically associated with
pyrrhotite. Traces occur in conjunction with sphalerite and
rutile. It is estimated that 20t of the gold bl-ebs are smaller
than 20 p while 10 20t. exceed 50 P-

Sphalerite is more coflImon here than in any other reef and locaI1y'
comprises 2* of the ore. ft occurs as anhed.ral masses several
It probably postdates pyrrhotite but could have crystallised
contemporaneously with arsenopyrite as the two have mutual grain

Accounting for less than Lg of the sulphides, chalcopyrite displays

its usual texture with pyrrhotite and occurs as free grains up to
100 p long.

A few grains of.bornite, CuUFeSn, occuring with pyrrhotite were

observed in one section (CL/6) while traces of berthierite,
stibnite, gersdorffite and pentland.ite (in pyrrhotite) exist.
Plrrite makes up less than 18 of the sulphides and some of it appears
to be a little strained and ragged.

S anrple C2 72E.9 2 Sub

with the exception of one possible 20 p gold grain, this sample

uas unexciting, and. the usual anhedral pyrrhotite partly enclosing
pyrite dominates the ore. Some of the larger pyrite crystals aPpear
to be tectonically rounded. but overall, pyrite comprises less than
108 of the sulphide assemblage. Chalcopyrite occurs with
pyrrhotite in its usual setting while a few arsenopyrite crystals
50 800 p were observed. One sphalerite grain was seen.

Of minor mineralogical interest, a few large (l-0 mm) bornite blebs

are mingled with pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite in a cleavelandite
feld.spar vein on LZE9 3 Sub-level. This is related to very
localised quartz-feldspar-ca1c-silicate alteration -
- 13


Cq>rising well over 908 of the sulphides present, arsenopyrite

ocsurs in bands and. d.isseminations, as subhed.ral crystals and
agglomerations ranging from 5 - 500 tL across. Some grains are partLy
surrounded by pyrrhotite which generally exists as anhedral blebs
and veinlets. Peripheral replacement by chalcopyrite is not
uncoumon and the latter is IocaI1y abundant as free blebs up to
1OO p long and as inclusions in arsenopyrite. Ilmenite is another
crmnon accessory mineral.

ore samples revealed that 25 308 of the go1d. blebs are

snaller than 30 $r although 672 of the grains are free. The
largest bleb located in the concentrate was 80 x 90 p. At least
19t of the gold is occluded or joined to arsenopyrite, while nearly
l1t is attached to native bismuth and maldonite, AurBi. Less
than 38 of the grains are attached to pyrrhotite. While the
bismuth minerals occur in trace amounts, their physical and
chemical affinity to gold is very significant, and they are
frequently occluded by arsenoPyrite. The following mineral
associations were observed:
bismuth-galena-pyrrhotite (inclusion in arsenopyrite)
maldonite-tellurobismuthite (BirTer) - pyrrhotite-goId
bi smuth- go 1d-arsenoPYrite
bi smuthinite-pyrrhotite-go Id

These blebs are never larger than 50 80 p-

one or two very smal1 sphalerite grains were detected.

Sample 82

This ore is mineralogically and texturally almost identical to 81'

but with lesser pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and devoid of obvious
bismuth minerals. Ilmenite is more conrmon. Only 2 free gold
flakes were observed, 3 p and L4 p long, plus a possible grain of
- 14 -
The Occurrence of Visible GoId

In the Venus Section, visible gold. is unconunon but has been

observed in the following situations:
(i) In dark, fuchsj-te-rich quartz with stibnite, arsenopyrite;
and sphalerite between l-0 and. 15 leveIs, 840-55; Venus
Far East Orebody above 5 level; 17w3.
(ii) Where post-ore hydrothermal alteration occurs along faults
cutting obliquely through highly arsenical reef. This
normally manifests as quartz-calcite-zeolite breccias and
vugs with rare crystalline gold; e.g. L0F,7L 2 Sub; 14855;
7F.76 1 to 5 subi 9E,76 2 and 3 sub.
(iii) Along sheared margins of mineralised mafic dykes traversing
the Venus Far East OrebodY.

At Gladstone Mine, visible gold in the Gladstone East Extension

Reef is limited to the margins of quartz veinlets and boudins
where it occurs with recrystallised coarse arsenopyrite, sphalerite,
pyrite, pyrrhotite and berthierite. Rare flakes have been recorded
from the Buck Reef.

Despite some very high grades, ) L20 g/L, from the Main Reef, West
Shoot at the Ceylon Mine, visible gold is very rare and has been
noted above 12 level. In the Snake Reef, one or two nuggety pieces
were discovered by the writer (S.K.) on L2 level in coarse
pyroxene-quartz-biotite rock on the reef hangingwall. Channel
sampling in the vicinity yielded ) 800 g/t but no further pockets
have been encountered.


L. There is a clear correlation between gold and arsenopyrite in

the Venus and Ceylon orebodies. In the Venus Far East and othgr
reefs above 16 }eveI, the percentage of occluded. gold ranges from
1 - 2O*, probably decreasing in quartz veins. Pyrrhotite rareJ-y
hosts gold. In the Snake and lvlain Reef, West Shoot, around 108
of the gold occurs as inclusions in arsenopyrite while a further
7* is attached to the latter. At both mines much of the free
gold is situated in close proximity to arsenoPyrite bands.
- 15 -
2. At Ceylon Mirr€ r up to 5 e" o f the gold is attached to or
occluded by pyrrhotite while in the Venus 1 7W3 JIU Ree f s , thi s
f igure rises to almost 3 0 e" .
3. At all sections r an estimated 50 8 0 Z of the gold blebs are

smaller than 50 p and a significant proportion of these


Coarse gold is limited to quartz segregations and shear zones

transecting arsenical ore.

4. than 9 5 % of the gold in the Gladstone East Extension

tr{,ore and
B.I reefs is free while the remainder is attached to pyrrhotite,
arsenopyrite and pyrite in order of priority.

5. With the 'exception of a few grains in the GEE, Buck Reef, Venus
14E56 and Viceroy reefs, the gold carries less than 2 or 3% silver.

5. Significant gotd j-s associated with bismuth compounds at

Viceroy Mine and 10 - 20e" is occluded in arsenopyrite, thus
explaining the poor recovery here.

It must be borne in mind that many of the observations have been

based on a very few sections from any one location and the
figures quoted above should be taken as an indication rather than
an absolute amount, since the data are very sparse.

Conclus ions

In most of the reefs, it appears that pyrite crystallised

initially along with arsenopyrite and minor pyrrhotite and. 9o1d.
Further d.eposition of arsenopyrite followed by pyrrhotj-te
continued, contemporaneous with shearing. Replacement of
pyrrhotite by chalcopyrite plus crystallisation of sphalerite
completed this final mineralising episode.

The major reasons for the high grade tailings at Arcturus are:

(i) The gold 5-s so fine grained that a significant percentage

is not being liberated for attack by cyanS-de.
(ii) Much occluded gold is shielded from cyanide by its host
(iii) Some of the gold at Viceroy is compounded with bismuth and
therefore unavailable.


Laboratory and pilot plant testwork should be carried out as

(i) Mill the ore from each section to achieve > 858 50 l"r,

particle size.
(ii) Conduct a differential float to produce an arsenopyrite
concentrate and then further concentrate the flotation tails
to yield a Iow grade pyrrhotite (pyrite) concentrate.
(iii) Agitate the arsenical concentrate with cyanide the bulk
of the gold should be contained here, including some free gold.
(iv) Around 10t of the ore may report to the pyrrhotite concentrate.
This may be amenable to leaching oragitation.
(v) The pyrrhotite flotation tails may carry significant free

2. Bulk samples of flotation concentrates from the tailings should

be examined microscopically to determine the accuracy of the
writers ' conclusions .

3. Further mineralogical investigations of the Viceroy, Venus

17I{3 JM Reefs, and the reefs below 20 level are essential in order
to support this stud.y and ascertain whether the nature of gold
occurences changes with increasing depth.

4. With respect to the Glad.stone ore, a slightly finer grind may

boost recovery by 2 10t but flotation will probably not be


Banfield, J. 1982. Gold lvlineralisation at Arcturus.

l-3th Annual Report, Institute of Mining Research, VZ.
Ivlaund, N. 1977. Lonrho Internal Report (unpub).
Masiyambiri, S. 1980. The Geology of the Buck Quartz and the
Chocolate Reef, Gladstone Mine. Unpub. Spec. Hons. B.Sc
Thesis, UZ.

sarjeant, s. L98L. The Geology and ore Genesis of the venus

Section, Arcturus lvline. Unpub. B.Sc thesis, Cardiff
- 1g -




Sample No. VI Locations : 5876 3 Sub 7876 4 Sub

This is predominantly banded siliceous, pale orange-brown biotite
nicrocline ore in layers up to 5 cm thick, interbanded with minor
actinolite-zoisite-quartz, diopside/feldspar layers.
Very fine grained (-0r5 mm) arsenopyrite laminae are.confined mostly
to the fiotitic bands. Up to 308 arsenopyrite exists,' with less
than 5E fine to med.ium grained pyrite and lesser pyrrhotite.
Polished Sections (8)
YL/L to 4 From 5/3 Sub-leve1

vl/s to Vl /6 3rom 7/4 Sub-Ievel. This material- is richer in actinolite,

diopsid.e and zoisite than samples from 5/3 Sub-leve1.
Sample No. V2 Location : 5E75 3 Sub-Ievel
pyritic ore. Veinlets of coarse, blebby pyrite + 193 are mixed with
sirbordinate pyrrhotite, along and partly crosscutting siliceous
biotitic microcline band.s; mostly in amphibole - quhrtz d'iopside
matrix. Octahedral pyrite crystals up to 2 mm are partly surrounded
by streaky pyrrhotile fteUs. Some coarse pyrrhotite layers locally
enclose 1 - 2 mm blebs of arsenoPyrite.
Polished sections (5)
vzll to Y2/5
Sample No. V3 Locations : 5878 3 Sub Raiser T/4 Sub E76
Largely pale quartz ore. Fine to medium grained quartz with
disteminatea tine grained sulphides (< 2*1, particularly in siliceous,
zoisite-green mica (mariposite?) - biotite inclusions.
Polished Sections (6)
v3ll to Y3/4 From 5/3 Sub-leve1
v3l3 Lo v3/6 Erom 7/4 Sub-Level
Sample No. V4 Location z 7865 n/W Reef Crosscut
This consists of alternating layers of (1) siliceous biotitic ore,
5 25 mm wide, carrying up to 30t very fine laminated arsenopyfite
and equally fine pyrite- (< 38). (21 Quartz-actinolite-d.iopside bands
the thicknesl with < 5t pyrrhotite and traces pyrite.
Polished Sections (4)
vAlL to Y4/4
:.-:-= \o. V5 Location : L7EL4 H/W Reef Main Level and 1 Sub level
:-:: ::ained biotitic bands, 4 20 mm wide, carry < 2Z very fine
-:---:-=--ed pyrrhotite and traces of arsenopyrite. The dominant matrix
-: =:--:nolite and amphibole - diopside - quartz schist carrying
:rr:--::a11y d.istributed coarse - medium grained pyrrhotite 1 - LsZ,
:_:'--= < 22, arsenopyrite, traces. Sulphides are more common in
- :--- 'l oneac

, : - -::-=d Sections (5 )

: - - V5/5
, =--:-= No. V6 Location z 1,4852 Sub level
i : :-- -.-ery
pale grey-green chloritised actinolite-zoisite-biotite-
: -::--z schist carrying 5 - 252 banded very fine grained arsenopyrite.
----==::ates with fine grained quartz band.s carrying minor pyrite.
j -: ?ara1le1 and crosscutting quartz and quartz-calcite veinlets
::-:'.'1- 5B very coarse pyrite, ( 18 pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite
- i slebs up to 9 mm across. Traces of magnetite and possible
-:-'.';qsnite? One coarse hackly gold nugget - 016 mm, was observed

.: -:sred Sections (8)

: - '.o V6/8
i--:-e No. V7 Location z J.6F,25 - E28, Peg V1443 to V708
:=--:ed, siliceous biotite layers 5 - 30 mm, host fine grained
: :::otite 5 - 202. These alternate with actinolite - quartz schist
"---: coarse, 1 5 mm, blebby pyrrhotite. Up to 308 of the material
-: ..--edium to fine grained quartz with - 5A pyrite and pyrrhotite.
: e:opyrite is rare .

':--shed Sections (5)

- - Lo V7/2
- -1 - V7 / 5 Quartz rich materia
: - See last page

-:---ple No. G1 Location z 7 level East Extension Reef

Eighly laminated., siliceous pink-brown, feldspathic ore with ) 508
very fine grained quartz with pale green mica laminae. The laminated
brown ore consj-sts af quarl-z, microcline and biotite and carries
ctry fine grained streaky, laminated pyrite 5 L5t and pyrrhotite'
2 - 10t, traces ars-enopyrite crystals. Streaky scheelite locally
< 0,5t .
Quartz boudins contain 2 10 mm pyrite octahedra surrounded by
pryrrrhotite, with arsenopyrite needles up to 5 mm long on the edges
of boudins. Within the boudins, rare berthierite occurs i-n lad.der
veins with coarse pyrite and rare very fine grained sphalerite b1ebs.

Polished Sections (71

GLIL lo GL/s Quartz - rich laminated Reef and boudins

c7-l6 to Gl/1 Pyrite brown Reef
Sample No. G2 Location : BJ Reef 15 and LslL Sub-levels
Finely laminated pink feldspathic and grey-brown siliceous bands with
very tine grained biotite. Sulphides consist of egual proportions of
fine grained pyrite and pyrrhotite (5 10t of the ore) with up to LB
scheelite. pale green mica laminae are coflrmon in quartzose bands.
Polished Sections (5)
c2/L Lo G2/5
Samp1e No. G3 Location : Buck Reef 10 Level West End
Transluscent med.ium grained white quartz with rare fuchsite wisps and
occasional biotite - hornblende schist inclusions. Trace5 chalcopyrite
and pyrite grains smaller than l- mm.
PoIished. Sections (21

c3/L Lo c3/2

Sarnple No. C1 Location : Snake Reef , 74 / 2 Sub and

15 / L Sub-leve1s
The bulk of the ore consists of banded very fine grained silified.
biotite (zoisite) rock with a "cherty" appearance, carrying 1 - LoB
pyrrhotite layers with < 18 pyrite. This is crossed by subparallel
and parallel quartz veinlets 1 - 20 mm wide, carry very fine grained
arsenopryrite and lesser pyrrhotite. The arsenopyrite content of
the reef as a whole rarely exceeds 58, and pyrite is often Iess,
though coarser. Locally, medium grained sphalerite occurs as cross-
cutting veinlets in"quartz-rich portions, but seldom exceeds 58; the
former sometimes partially encloses arsenopyrite-
pale mica and fuchsite is not uncommon and usually associates with
fine grained arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite l-aminae, along with minor
greenish epidote layers.
Chalcopyrite was observed on a foliation plane with abundant
pyrrhotite in siliceous biotitic greenstone.
Polished Sections (13)
cL/L to c1l10 snake Reef
CL/L1 to CL/13 Ivlain Reef 12 and L4 levels
sample No. C2 Locations : East shoot, ].2B9i L2EL4 Stope
This ore is finely banded siliceous pink feldspar - quartz-biotite
layers, 1 5 mm, mixed with quartz-d.iopside (biotite) laminae.
faininated disseminated pyrrhotite + pyrite constitute 5 - l-08
of the ore. These sulphides are fine grained except in quartz
Ienses where coarse blebs occur-
Polished Sections (5)
czlL to C2/5
-21 -
_ -:3.CY MINE
:=--:-e No. 81 Location : 3 1evel SB, Pillars
| = ::.ain reef consists of dark guartz with 1 - 40 mm wide bands of
:---.= rnedium grained arsenopyrite comprising 10 50? of the vein.
'--.:: disseminated fine and coarse pyrrhotite constitutes a further
- - 5? of the vein. Some large 10 30 mm, pyrrhotite blebs show
:-=-:cpyrite infilling later fractures, and chalcopyrite occurs
::==erentially with pyrrhotite on the margins of the vein. Local
:--':ification along the edge of the vein is conrmon along with pink
:-..: grained feldspar and biotite and this altered zone carries
- - -0? dj-sseminated arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite.
l---s:red Sections (4)
:- - --o B]-/4
!=--:-e No. 92 Location 5S8 3 Sub
5510/3 Inter-Sub Diagonal Spur
I - :. :,aterial is almost id.entical to sample 81 except that it is
::::Ser gfained.

,---= no visible gold was evident in any of the Viceroy hand specimens,
::::se nuggety material has been recovered from 4 level.
.: --sred Sections (5)
:c B2/2 5S8 3 Sub

'.-c B2/5 5510 3 Intey-Sub

-:=:: e NO. V8 Location 3 17V[3 JM Reefs .-9 {€7/Or{
: =:.:ed.fuchsite guartz-rich ore with brownish biotitic quartz
-='-=:s, 1 38 coarse pyrite with minor streaky pyrrhotite
: -t). Occasional visible gold.
.:-:shed Sections (4)
: - Lo Y8/4


CHEMICAL ANALYSIS (AII ppm except f or S , As )

Sary1e Au Ag Cu Zn Ni Co Pb Sb Si3 Ase" Bi

E1A 7,4 1ro 118 30 L32 53 nd 10 3r03 0,99 nd
m-B L3,2 \,2 113 32 LZl 46 2 10 3r15 1r30 nd
1Il2 9 ,L 3 ,3 L79 29 148 51 2 20 4,49 0,79 nd
v3A L3,4 1r0 38 11 39 11 4 30 0,87 1r10 nd
v3B L8,4 118 7A 32 7L 23 9 80 1r85 1r60 nd
114 29 ,6 I,7 136 24 L32 56 nd 20 2,96 0r31 nd,
'l'J LA,2 A,7 L2\ 14 114 47 nd nd 2,95 0 ,23 nd
Y5 4 ,6 1r 1 400 33 L44 51 6 nd L,27 1130 nd
IrJA 6,2 r,2 L29 28 139 58 nd nd 2r9l 0r33 nd
nil?B na na L27 29 110 424nd 0_'L2
Ea >50 na I

-- :''u :u
c1A 7,2 0r9 135 60 L32 uu ;"u 2,98 or10 nd
GI8 L7,2 r,9 83 28 105 38 2 110 4,88 0134 nd
G2 L7,6 7,6 L29 33 L45 44 nd nd 4,r9 0106 nd
G3 2,8 6,6 37 426 5 L2 nd nil 0r01 nd
g1A L}a,2 5r5 204 1840 342 81 89 2A 3,99 1190 nd
Ctr,B 48 ,2 9,0 182 430 191 110 82 10 3r05 L,40 nd
C2 2 ,1 1,1 63 6 93 33 8nd 3r58 0r15 nd
tsL 8 r 8 0 r 04 96 11 48 7L nd nd 4r0o 6r10 3

B2 6 r 8 2,3 140 13 sl 100 nd. 30 5,22 8,2A 5

-.j = not detectable

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