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Taller de inglés.



Tutor: Juan Carlos

Grado: 10



Villanueva-Casanare 04 de abril de 2020


1. Completa el siguiente texto con la opción correcta


A lot of children in Britain 1)__ __ their bikes to school. But often, the streets in their towns
are very 2) _________ .

Clare, from Bath in England, says: “the traffic between my home and school is very bad.
There are a lot of zebra crossings, but 3) __________ cars don’t stop. Everybody is in a
hurry to get to work”.

Riding to school by bike is 4) ________ important because it is good exercise. But

unfortunately, because the roads are dangerous, lots of children travel to school by car or

1. a) ride b) go c) are

2. a) funny b) long c) dangerous

3. a) never b) sometimes c) forever

4. a) very b) much c) good

2. Escribe el pasado simple de los siguientes verbos irregulares

Go _______ swim ____swam_____ take ___took___

Make ____made___ eat ___ate_______ fall ________

Have ____had __ buy ______bought____

Do ____did_____ drink __drunk_______

See ____saw __ ride _____rode_____

3. Responde las preguntas con base en el texto.


I had a great time last Saturday. In the morning I went to the park with my friend, Alex. We
rode our bikes. Then we ate an ice cream and went back home.

After lunch, my uncle took me to the cinema. We watched a really funny comedy! We ate
some popcorn and drank some cola.

In the evening, I went to my grandma’s. It was her birthday so we had a special meal.

I did a lot of nice things last Saturday. It was the best day ever!
a) What did bill do in the morning?

b) What did he do after lunch?

c) What did he do in the evening?

4. Escribe en español las siguientes frutas

a) watermelon __ _______ e) grapes ______ ____

b) cherry __________ f) pineapple ___Piña______

c) strawberry ____ ______ g) pear ____ ______

d) salad _____ ___ h) honey ____ ______

5. Elige la opción corrrecta, much o many.

Mum: Let’s make a chocolate cake.

Jack: Ok. How much / many flour do we need?

Mum: We need much / many flour. Give me the packet.

Jack: How much / many sugar do we need?

Mum: We don’t need many / much sugar only a cup of sugar.

Jack: How much / many. Only two.

Jack : And Mum, Don’t forget the chocolate. We need a lot / many chocolate.

Mum: I know. Come on. Let’s make it.

6. Completa las siguientes oraciones usando don’t o doesn’t, ten en cuenta el sujeto.

a) Tony _____ _______ like spiders

b) His brother _______ _____ play tennis

c) His parents ___ ________ speak French

d) His sister ___ ________get up early

e) His grandparent’s ____ _________ play computer games

7. Completa las siguientes oraciones con el auxiliar do, does, tener en cuenta el sujeto.
a) ____ _____you like basketball?

b) __ ______ your parents work?

c) ____ _____ Mary sleep a lot?

d) ____ ____ they sing well?

e) __ _______ he like jazz music?

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