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Avengers Chart

- Iron Man possesses a wealth of powers
through his powered armor suit. These
powers include super strength, the
ability to fly, durability, and a number of
weapons. The primary weapons used by
Iron Man are rays that are shot from the
palms of his gauntlets.
- Iron Man gets his superpowers from his
metallic suit of armor and other
technologies invented by his alter ego
Tony Stark. Tony is a genius engineer
and wealthy owner of a technology
company. Tony built the Iron Man suit
IRON MAN or TONY when he was kidnapped and suffered
an injury to his heart. The suit was
STARK meant to save his life and help him
- Tony also has an improved artificial
nervous system which gives him
greater healing powers, super
perception, and the ability to merge
with his suit of armor. Outside of his
armor he has been trained in hand-to-
hand combat.
- Immune to fatigue
- Martial arts and hand-hand combat
- Bulletproof and Fire-Resistant Armor
- Super Healing
- Due to his metabolism, he never gets
- Worthy enough to lift Thor’s hammer
- Suspended aging due to his accidental

CAPTAIN AMERICA or cryogenesis

- Resistant to Hypnosis
STEVE ROGERS - Enhanced Intelligence
- Enhance Sight

- Evolved to a green monster due to a

failed experiment
- Bulletproof
- Laser proof
- Extreme strength
- Extreme Speed
- Can hold the infinity stones with his
bare hands

- A.k.a. “The God of Thunder”
- Can summon the lightning in his
command using his own self or lifting
the Mjolnir ( The Hammer ) or the
Stormbreaker ( The Axe ).
- His Stormbreaker can summon the
Bifrost ( Which is a portal to other
worlds or galaxies ) and also produces a
blue flame together with the lightning.
- Bulletproof
- He can hold the infinity stones with his

bare hands
He can fly using his Axe of Hammer
- A demigod; his father as the ‘Allfather’
and his mother as the mortal
- Summons his armor by flowing lightning
through his body.
- Master in the covert arts of espionage,
infiltration & subterfuge
- Expert martial artist, with exceptional
agility & athletic ability
- Utilizes advanced weaponry including
custom stun batons & "Widow's Bite"
bracelets capable of stunning enemies
with electrical discharges.

- He is an exceptional fencer, acrobat
and a grandmaster marksman, having
been trained from childhood in the
circus and by the criminals Trick Shot
and Swordsman.
- Hawkeye has also been thoroughly
trained by Captain America in tactics,
martial arts, and hand-to-hand combat.
- Hawkeye excels in the use of ranged
weapons, especially the bow and arrow,
HAWKEYE or CLINT BARTON and carries a quiver containing a
number of customized "trick arrows"

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