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Oso, Trixia Mae R.

December 1, 2017
CEM112/A20 Prof. Ma’am Catan
1) Discuss how planning is related to controlling.

Planning is a word of a plan that we must know how to do plans in our

daily life or in a business like taking notes, go on to the future or having an
inventions, etc. that we must go far to know what is it the problem but if it is say a
planning is a to do it now, because if we stuck like we didn’t do it early or as an
impromptu person is she/he don’t want to get started to his/her dreams in the first
place. While to the controlling it is where he/she is controlling to the person or
employees what is it lead to them, how they need to survive in for some
problems or new doings in their projects, and last is how they tend to be look like
a smart for some person to know they are have a plan in their life. If we are
adding a planning to the controlling it is where like for an example the high school
girl is dream to become an Architecture some but when she is taking to her
entrance exam of the other University or college school. She is nervous, and
don’t know if it is the right to choose of her course she want. When the resulting
is there she saw that she didn’t passed; she get hopeless, cry, and not kowing
what to do, because she take two University at the same course she wants. But
them her mom approaches her she must not give up to her dream. Then, one in
her best memory she got pass but it wasn’t the course she wants, she pray
carefully that one day she will get her most willing course she wants but this time
she must know what is it the structure for in Engineering before taking the
Architecture. That’s why planning is what you got start and finish it with a
controlling, some say is of our word wisdom “Do it before it is too late in early

2) Some management experts prefer leading in place of directing in managerial set

up. Discuss and compare leading and directing functions in management.

I think that prefer leading in place of directing in managerial set up is

depends to the person who wants to lead in his/her company or in a small
activities in our daily life like in friends too, because for what I observe to my
mom, she is a woman loves to lead people in a good way and she isn’t a
manager only a simple employee while my boss likes her doings. That’s why
when she got promoted I don’t know what position. All by her is directing and
leading, because she got a good heart and know how to handle the negatives
situation also she got fast to do early that’s why she got home like 12 midnight.
While for my dad isn’t enough good to be a leading for his staffs, because he act
like a boss but not a leader. That’s why leading and directing is where you’ll know
to yourself where you’ll be fit. If it is a boss or staffs only but I would prefer to be
a staff rather to be a leading and directing, because it really wasn’t the right to
lead and direct to the people to follow your own decisions and orders.

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