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Strategy I Lesson Plan

Jessica Wung

University of Maryland University College EDTP 639

March 3, 2019

Name: Jessica Wung Grade: 9th

Unit: Cellular Structures & Cell Theory Time Allotted: 2 class periods (50 minutes each)
Lesson Topic: Cell Organelles Type of Lesson: Introductory

Context for Learning:

Purpose: A class of 9th grade honors biology students will be introduced to plant and animal
cells in the context of a compare and contrast of internal cellular structures. The introductory
lesson will connect to students’ prior understanding that plants and non-plant organisms have
different needs and functions, and that all living organisms are made up of cells. Students will
already be familiar with biological macromolecules, as covered in a previous unit.

Plant cells have the many of the same internal structures as animal cells, but animal cells
do not have all of the structures plant cells have, as plants have different needs (structure and
photosynthesis). Some major differences include the presence of chloroplasts (photosynthesis)
and a cell wall (structure) in plant cells.

Room arrangement: The class has 27 students and is heterogeneous in terms of learning style
and needs. The classroom has a roughly even breakdown of students with Hispanic, Caucasian,
and Asian heritage. None of the students have physical disabilities.

Tables are arranged in a concave formation facing the front of the room, with three
sections and a walkway dividing each section (Figure 1). Lab stations are numbered and
arranged on the sides of the room to facilitate group work and can fit 4-5 students.

Figure 1. Classroom seating configuration


Technology: Students are able to easily view the projector screen/smart board that displays the
lesson presentation at the front of the room. Students may use Chromebooks (if available) or
textbooks to research their assigned organelles.

Curriculum Standard Addressed:

MSDE Core Learning Standards:

• CLG 1.5.2 The student will explain scientific concepts and processes through drawing,
writing, and/or oral communication.

• CLG 1.5.8 The student will describe similarities and differences when explaining
concepts and/or principles.

• CLG 3.2 The student will explain processes and understanding that all organisms are
composed of cells which can function independently or as part of multicellular

• CLG 3.2.1 The student will illustrate and explain processes and the function of related
structures found in unicellular and multicellular organisms.

CCSS ELA Literacy Standards:

Translate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text into visual form (e.g.,
a table or chart) and translate information expressed visually or mathematically (e.g., in an
equation) into words.

Objectives (observable and measurable):

• Students will be able to identify the three parts of the modern Cell Theory on an exit
• Students will be able to explain cell organelle functions through group research and
• Students will be able to compare and contrast animal and plant cell organelles and their
functions by using diagrams.
• Students will be able to identify cell organelles and their functions on an unlabeled


For students:

First day
• Cell organelles graphic organizer
• Introduction to Cell Theory article
• Introduction to Cell Theory article questions

Student groups

• Printed images of cell structures (one at every station): plasma/cell membrane,

cytoplasm, nucleus, rough/smooth endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, Golgi body,
lysosome, mitochondria, vacuole/central vacuole, cell wall, chloroplast, cytoskeleton
o Same as the ones on the PowerPoint presentation
• Chromebooks/textbooks
o Cell organelle website (
Second day
• Unlabeled plant and animal cell worksheet

For teacher (both days):

• Teacher computer with Microsoft PowerPoint/Google Slides
• “Cell Theory & Organelles” presentation
• Projector/Smartboard

Proactive Behavior Management:

I will set aside the first day of class at the beginning of the school year to go over
classroom rules and policies to create procedures for students and allow them to understand what
the expectations are (McIntyre, n.d.). It is also imperative to consistently enforce the classroom
rules and expectations; otherwise, it can cause confusion for students as they are not sure what
consequences to expect. I will also practice assertive disciple, and escalate consequences in
response to unwanted behavior as appropriate (McIntyre, n.d.).

The classroom seating configuration referenced in Figure 1 is one of the most optimal in
terms of teacher mobility and student-student interaction (Dunne, 2001). This creates two
walkways to the back of the room as well as four alongside the sections, allowing the teacher to
move more freely around the room. Students will also have assigned seats, as students who
choose their own seats are often three times more disruptive than those who were assigned seats
by the teacher (Bicard, Ervin, Bicard, & Baylot-Casey, 2012). At the beginning of the year or
semester, students will write their name, what they want me to know about them, and their
preferred seat on an index card and turn it in. I will do my best to accommodate individual
student needs as well as the classroom’s in the seating arrangement.

At the beginning of class, students are expected to pick up the materials on their way in
and sit at their assigned seat until the bell rings to signal the start of the class
period. Establishing this routine at the beginning of the year is critical to maximizing
instructional time by reducing the amount of time students spend getting class materials. Once
class begins, students are expected to take out their warm-up sheet and spend a few minutes
completing it quietly until it is time to discuss it as a class. Warm-ups will be graded, which will
increase student motivation and minimize disruption at the beginning of class.

I will then go over the classwork assignment with the whole class and make sure to
emphasize the directions. Only after all students have a complete understanding of what is
required of them for the assignment and the expectations for group work (noise level, on-task
behavior, level of participation), will they be allowed to go to their assigned groups and stations.

This strategy will help ensure a smooth transition to productive group work, rather than
confusion over what they are expected to do.

Provisions for Student Grouping:

For this activity, students will be working in pre-assigned heterogeneous groups (academic
level, gender, and ethnicity) of about 3-4 students. Each group will be assigned a lab station with
designated cell organelles. Groups and their respective stations will be projected onto the board
so students are aware of where they will go and who they will work with.

I will take into account the skill level of each student and pre-assign students to create
balanced groups and assign each group to a lab station. Students at lower levels will be put with
higher level students so they may learn through observing or being scaffolded by their peers
(Herrmann, 2014; Fiorella & Mayer, 2013).

Additionally, students tend to perform better in mixed-gender groups; as a result, effort will
be made to create heterogeneous groups with an even mix of gender, ethnicities, and academic
level (White, 2013). Heterogeneous groups also have the advantage of promoting student
engagement by giving students the opportunity of being more active in their learning (Heltemes,
2009). Students are also able to play to their strengths in a mixed-group setting while being
supported by their peers in areas they struggle more in (McGlynn & Kozloski, 2016).

Part of a student’s overall grade in the class will be based in participation, or how well they
contribute to group work. This grade will not be very heavily weighted, and at most will be
worth 5%. The following criteria will be used to judge student performance:
• Focus
• Active participation
• Collaboration
I will inform students that I will be walking around and observing how productive each group
member is. This strategy will promote student motivation and effective group work, and
minimize disruptive behaviors.

By using this strategy, I can minimize the amount of disruptions and off-task behaviors
and encourage effective group work (McLeod, 2018).


First day:

1) Material distribution: Students will be greeted as they come in through the door, pick up
materials, and sit at their assigned seat.

2) Warm-Up/Opening (2 minutes): I will ask the following questions the board to review
background knowledge and lead today’s lesson with students. Suggested answers are in
a) What do you think the word “organelle” means?

i) “Organelle” has the word “organ” in it and “-elle” means little. Put together,
“organelle” means “little organ”. Our heart pumps blood through our body and our
stomach digests food. Cells, like us, have specialized parts or “organelles” that have
different jobs.
b) What are two differences between plants and animals?
i) (1) Plants make their own food (or photosynthesize) and (2) stay upright and can’t
c) What are some things factories need to run smoothly?
i) Answers should include: assembly line, supervisors/bosses, factory workers, packing
department, shipping trucks, warehouse
ii) After approximately 3 minutes, students will be called on to share their answers with
the class (suggested answers in italics).

3) Motivator (3 minutes): Once students have finished the warm-up, I will direct their
attention back on the board and go over the answers with the whole class. The warm-up
question “What are some things that factories need to manufacture, package, and ship
products” will activate their background knowledge by drawing analogies to the factory
manufacturing process. Additionally, the question “what are two differences between plants
and animals” will draw upon students’ background knowledge to compare and contrast the
characteristics of plants and animals.

I will then read out the objectives for the day on the board and then transition to the
presentation portion of the lesson.

4) Presentation (10 minutes): I will present a slideshow beginning with the day’s objectives,
followed by images of an animal cell and a plant cell. Students will be asked to identify
visual differences between the two types of cells, and the teacher will then briefly explain
how each part of the cell, or organelles, has a specific function/job to do, like in a
factory. The explanation will be followed by brief notes on the modern Cell Theory.

I will then give directions for the assignment and project the assigned groups and lab
stations, and students will then move into their respective lab stations. They may take their
belongings with them to the stations.

5) Research (15 minutes): At each lab station, there will be an unlabeled printed picture of a
cell organelle. Students must determine which organelle is presented to them, and will either
use a Chromebook to access the following website or use a textbook to research their
assigned organelle and fill out their worksheets.

6) Student Presentations (13 minutes): Students will stay at their lab stations with their group
as I call up groups by the organelles they researched. Each group will give a brief
presentation (no more than 5 minutes) on their assigned organelle to the whole class, and the
rest of the students will fill out their worksheets accordingly.

There will not be enough time to go through all of the student presentations in one class
period, so presentations may be continued the following day.

7) Closing (7 minutes): Students will be asked to put away any textbooks/Chromebooks they
used to research with their group. Students will complete a 3-2-1 exit ticket: 3 things that
they learned, 2 things they found interesting, and 1 question they still have. This exit ticket
acts as a formative assessment and will allow me to gauge the general level of student
understanding, what was most engaging, and what students still need clarification
on. Tickets will be collected as students leave the room.

Second day:

1) Material distribution: Students will be greeted as they come in through the door, pick up
materials, and sit at their assigned seat. Students will pass up the previous night’s homework
to the front of their row to be checked for completion.

2) Warm-Up/Opening (2 minutes): Once the bell rings/class begins, I will direct attention to
the agenda and warm-up for the day. Students are expected to work quietly. I will ask the
following questions to review background knowledge and lead today’s lesson with the
a. What can plants do that animals can’t? What can animals do that plants can’t?
i. Plants can photosynthesize, but animals can move around.
b. Why do plants have a cell wall and animals don’t?
i. Cell walls help the cell keep its shape. Plants don’t have skeletons, so they
require the rigidity of cell walls to keep them upright for
photosynthesis. Animals can move around to find food while plants cannot, so
they don’t need a cell wall.

While students work on the warm-up, I will stamp homework assignments as a sign of
completion. After approximately 2 minutes, students will be called on to share their answers
with the class (suggested answers in italics).

3) Motivator (3 minutes): Once students have finished the warm-up, I will direct their
attention back to the board and go over the answers with the whole class. The two questions
on the warm-up tie in what students learned the previous day: plant and animal cells have
different needs and functions, and so different components will be present in each type of

I will then read out the objectives for the day on the board and transition to the student
presentation portion of the lesson.

4) Student presentations (up to 38 minutes): I have allotted for 38 minutes, but student
presentations may or may not take that long depending on where the class left off on the
previous day and if clarification is needed. Students will take notes on their worksheets
based on other student presentations.
a. Homework review/discussion: If student presentations take up less than the allotted
i. Students may also work on tonight’s homework as an extension activity

5) Closing (7 minutes): I will briefly go over the homework assignment they picked up, which
is to fill in the unlabeled diagrams of plant and animal cells. Students will then complete a 3-
2-1 exit ticket: 3 things that they learned, 2 things they found interesting, and 1 question they
still have. This exit ticket acts as a formative assessment and will allow me to gauge the
general level of student understanding, what was most engaging, and what students still need
clarification on. Tickets will be collected as students leave the room.


23.5% of the school are ESOL students; although I was not able to determine how many
students within the classroom are ELLs, the percentage most likely translates roughly to the
classroom demographic. There were also no students with physical disabilities present in the
class. Most students were engaged and focused, as this was an honors level class, with one or
two students who would talk occasionally during instruction.

There will be a diverse range of student needs and ability within the classroom and it is
imperative that I accommodate their needs to the best of my ability for a differentiated

The lesson can be adapted for the following students:

• ELLs: I can pre-teach key vocabulary terms such as organism, cell, and organelle in a
video that students can watch at their own pace. Additionally, the presentation is very
image heavy, so ELLs can interpret the basic meaning of the material.

• Students with learning disabilities: I was not able to determine how many students
within the class had learning disabilities. However, in 2015-2016 students with learning
disabilities made up approximately 13% of public school students, which I assume will
roughly translate to this classroom (National Center for Education Statistics, 2018).

Students with learning disabilities may require adaptations to reading activities and
accommodations based on their IEP. The article and questions assigned for homework
can be modified by having the student watch a video on the history of the Cell Theory
instead, and students can type up their responses and email/print their assignment (Morin,
2014). Class notes can also be provided to students as required by their accommodations.


Additionally, the lesson is geared towards different learning styles:

• Verbal: Students with a preference for verbal learning will benefit from the written
instructions on the board.
• Visual: Visual learners will benefit from the presentation as it heavily incorporates
images and represents information with diagrams and pictures.
• Auditory: My verbal explanation of group work instructions will benefit students with a
preference for auditory learning.
• Spatial: Students with spatial intelligence will be able to apply their intelligence by
visualizing and creating illustrations of the organelles.
• Interpersonal: students with interpersonal intelligence can apply their skills in a group
setting with their organelle research groups and class presentations.


Formative Assessment: On both days, students will be complete a 3-2-1 exit ticket: 3 things that
they learned, 2 things they found interesting, and 1 question they still have. This exit ticket acts
as a formative assessment and will allow me to gauge the general level of student understanding,
what was most engaging, and what students still need clarification on. Tickets will be collected
as students leave the room. I will also be continuously assessing student progress as I circulate
around the classroom observing the research groups on the first day.

Additionally, the oral presentations each group will give to the whole class about their
assigned organelle will act as a formative assessment by allowing me to monitor student
understanding of the material and group dynamics. I may still be working out what the
classroom dynamic is, as this may be one of the first few units of the year. Seeing how students
collaborate and focus in their research groups will help me make future decisions on assigned
groups by observing which students work best together and what their strengths and ability levels

Students will keep the graphic organizer as their notes sheet, but will turn in their article
questions and labeled cell diagram homework as a formative assessment. This will allow me to
gauge the level of student understanding and help me document their progress through the unit.

Summative Assessment: A quiz on cell organelles and the Cell Theory will be given to students
not long after the completion of this lesson. This quiz will assess how student comprehension by
asking students to label the organelles on blank diagrams of a plant cell, state the function of
specific organelles and the three parts of the Cell Theory, as well as comparing/contrasting plant
and animal cells. Students will receive a grade based on the accuracy of their answers labeling
the diagram and level of understanding in the free response questions. The last free response
question requires students to justify their answer on why plant and animal cells have different
functions and therefore, organelles. Students can choose several reasons that were covered in the
past (need for photosynthesis, structure, and plants unable to move like animals).

Summary/Closure (7 minutes):

First day:
Student groups are called on to present based on the order of organelles in the
slideshow. Student presentations probably ended somewhere in the middle, since it was unlikely
there was enough time in class to go through all organelles.

On both days after students have cleaned up, I will direct their attention back to me as I wrap
up the activity, link back to the objectives, and briefly go over the homework assignment
students picked up on their way in. I will also emphasize that this assignment will be graded.
Students will then take out a piece of paper and complete a 3-2-1 exit ticket to check for
• 3 things they learned
• 2 things they found interesting
• 1 question they have
Tickets will be collected as students leave class.

Generalization/Extension Activity:

First day: There will most likely not be enough time in class to go through all student
presentations; however, if there is any time left over students can begin on their homework
assignment for that night.

Second day: If there is class time left, students may begin working on their homework
assignment for that night, or watch the following video on cell organelles:

Review/Reinforcement (Homework):

First day: Students will review and expand upon what they learned about the Cell Theory in
class by reading the article they picked up, “Introduction to Cell Theory” and answering the
corresponding questions.

Second day: Students will review what they learned about cell organelles by filling out
unlabeled diagrams of plant and animal cells. Students will also be able to refer to the graphic
organizer they filled out during group presentations to help with their homework assignment.


At the beginning of the MAT program, I was unsure if I would be able to write a detailed
lesson plan that would satisfy all the assignment requirements. However, I have gained
confidence in my abilities and have incorporated what I have learned as well as my previous
experience as a long-term substitute to think of strategies and lesson plan ideas. Progressing
through the program has made me think on a deeper level of each lesson plan component and
how I would utilize different strategies within the classroom.

I started this lesson plan well in advance, and I am glad I did. This lesson was incredibly
time-consuming to create as I considered different strategies, ideas, and materials to use. One of
the most time-consuming aspects of this plan was creating the materials to go along with the
lesson. I wanted to challenge students in a way that would be appropriate for an introductory
lesson, and this meant creating the homework assignments and quiz in a way that would fulfill
the objectives.

Another roadblock I encountered was creating an introductory lesson that was not reliant
on a lecture-based model of instruction. All of the biology classes I have experienced as a high
school student, undergraduate, long-term substitute teacher, and field observer have placed heavy
emphasis on lectures to teach new materials to students. I wanted to incorporate what I have
learned so far about heterogeneous groups into this lesson plan to promote active and engaged
learning, as emphasized in the Week 3 of EDTP 639.

However, I struggled initially when trying to come up with a strategy that would allow
me to teach new material to students without basing it on a lecture. I finally came up with an
inquiry-based model of learning that would have students to research the organelles themselves
and teach what they have learned to their peers. This would allow students to become more

active and engaged in their own learning process. However, this also leads me to a potential
pitfall of this lesson.

This lesson is considerably more time-consuming than a traditional lecture-based model

for instruction. Students may be more engaged with their learning with group-work and inquiry-
based learning, but this lesson had to be spread over the course of two days in order to fit in all
student presentations and material that I wanted to teach. However, this lesson will be more
engaging to students than a traditional lecture and gives students the opportunity to apply their
strengths in a group setting.


Bicard, D.F., Ervin, A., Bicard, S.C., & Baylot-Casey, L. (2012). Differential effects of seating

arrangements on disruptive behavior of fifth grade students during independent seatwork.

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 45(2), 407-411.

Fiorella, L. & Mayer, R.E. (2013). The relative benefits of learning by teaching and teaching

expectancy. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 38, 281-288.

Herrmann, E. (2014). Grouping students: Heterogeneous, homogeneous, and random structures.

Retrieved from


Heltemes, L. (2009). Social and academic advantages and disadvantages of within-class

heterogeneous and homogeneous ability grouping. Fisher Digital Publications. Retrieved


McGlynn, K. & Kozloski, J. (2016). Empowering students through collaboration. Science Scope.

Retrieved from



McIntyre, T. (n.d.). Assertive discipline. Retrieved from

McLeod, S. (2012). Zone of proximal development and scaffolding. Retrieved from

Morin, A. At a glance: Classroom accommodations for students with ADHD. Retrieved



National Center for Education Statistics. (2018). Children and youth with disabilities. Retrieved


White, C. (2013). Study indicates that students may learn better in mixed gender

groups. Retrieved from


Name: ____________________________

Cell Organelles Notes Worksheet

Organelle Function Animal Plant Picture


Organelle Function Animal Plant Picture


Introduction to Cell Theory

Adapted from


Close your eyes and picture a brick wall. What is the basic building block of that wall? A single brick, of
course. Like a brick wall, your body is composed of basic building blocks, and the building blocks of
your body are cells.

Fortunately, your cells are way more interesting than bricks. (Just as you, undoubtedly, are much more
interesting than a brick wall!) Bricks are generally square-shaped, like all other bricks, while cells can
have many shapes—round, square, spindle-shaped, and star-like. Bricks generally stay put, while many
types of cells will happily migrate from one place to another. And if you slice a brick in half, you just find
more brick, while if you slice a cell in half—which is a good trick, given how tiny they are—you’ll find
an intricate and beautiful array of specialized structures that help the cell perform its function. Yes, cells
are building blocks, but they’re the most amazing building blocks in the world!

Cells perform a huge number of different roles within your body. For example, epithelial cells protect the
outside surface of the body as part of the skin and cover the organs and body cavities within. Bone cells
build up bones to provide support for the body. Cells of the immune system fight invading bacteria. Blood
and blood cells carry nutrients and oxygen throughout the body while removing carbon dioxide. Each of
these cell types plays a vital role in the growth, development, and day-to-day maintenance of the body.

In spite of their enormous variety, however, cells from all organisms—even ones as diverse as humans,
onions, and bacteria, shown from left to right in the pictures below—share certain fundamental
characteristics. We’ll explore these more in the articles to come. Here, we’ll take a quick peek at cell
theory and at how cells were first discovered.

Micrographs of human, onion, and bacterial cells.

Image credit: modified from "Introduction: Figure 1" by OpenStax College, Biology, CC BY 3.0; a: modification of work by Ed
Uthman, MD; b: modification of work by Umberto Salvagnin; c: modification of work by Anthony D'Onofrio, William H. Fowle,
Eric J. Stewart, and Kim Lewis of the Lewis Lab at Northeastern University; scale-bar data from Matt Russell

Cell theory

It may seem obvious now that we, and other living things, are made up of cells. Prior to the 1600s,
however, it wasn’t obvious at all, for the simple reason that no one had ever seen a cell up close and
personal. To distinguish individual cells in a piece of tissue or individual bacteria in a sample of liquid
required the development of relatively high-powered microscopes, instruments used for magnifying

objects otherwise too small to be seen. For more on how microscopes are used in biology today, check
out the article on microscopy.

The first person to observe cells as microscopic structures was the British scientist Robert Hooke. In fact,
he was the person who gave cells their name. In his book Micrographia, he used the term cell to refer to
the box-like structures he saw when he looked at dead cork tissue through a simple microscope. He chose
cell as the name because these boxes reminded him of the cells of a monastery, the simple rooms in which
monks slept.

The cells that Hooke observed, however, were in dead tissue, and were in fact cell walls left behind after
the death of the real cells. The first person to observe living, moving cells was Anton van Leeuwenhoek, a
Dutch shopkeeper and crafter of lenses. In the 1670s, inspired by Hooke’s book, he began to build his
own, more powerful microscopes. With these, he was able to observe living single-celled organisms—
such as bacteria—and sperm cells, which he collectively called animalcules.
Despite the discovery that cells existed, it took quite some time for scientists to realize that they weren’t
just an odd fringe case, but rather, the essential building blocks of all plants, animals, and other living
things. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1830s that botanist Matthias Schleiden and zoologist Theodor Schwann
put forth a revolutionary idea: all the different parts of plants and animals are made up of cells, and that
cells can be produced from other cells.

German scientist Rudolf Virchow later added to this theory by stating that all cells must come from other
cells—not just that some cells could, under the right circumstances, be formed this way. However, he
appears to have actually stolen this idea from Polish scientist Robert Remak.
The ideas of all these early thinkers are summarized in modern cell theory, which states:

1. All living things are composed of one or more cells.

2. The cell is the basic unit of life.
3. New cells arise from pre-existing cells.

That’s all fine and dandy, but it may leave you wondering: if all cells come from cells, where did that first
cell come from? We’ll return to that head-scratcher in later articles, when we look at the origins of life.

Introduction to Cell Theory Article Questions

1. What are the three parts of the Cell Theory?

2. Are there any exceptions to the Cell Theory you can think of?

3. Is there any living building block unit smaller than a cell? Why or why not?

4. Create a timeline of the Cell Theory. Include names and dates.

5. Why weren’t people able to see cells before the microscope was invented?

Plant and Animal Cell Diagrams HW

1. Label the following animal and plant cells below:


2. What are some differences between plant and animal cells? What purposes do these
structures have?

3. Fill in the blank for the following organelles

Organelle Function Animal Plant


Package and sort proteins and lipids

Cell Membrane x

Create proteins x x


Plant and Animal Cell Diagrams HW ANSWERS

1. Label the following animal and plant cells below:


2. What are some differences between plant and animal cells? What purposes do these
structures have?

Plant cells have a cell wall, a central vacuole, and chloroplasts. The cell wall helps keep
the shape of the cell and gives it structure, the central vacuole maintains pressure against
the cell wall and helps provide structure, and chloroplasts photosynthesize to produce the
food plants need.

3. Fill in the blank for the following organelles

Organelle Function Animal Plant

Chloroplast Perform photosynthesis and make food for the cell x

Golgi Body Package and sort proteins and lipids x x

Cell Protective barrier, control movement of molecules in and out x x

Membrane of the cell, and carry surface receptors

Ribosomes Create proteins x x

Nucleus House and protect the cell’s DNA x x


Quiz: Cell Organelles and the Cell Theory (22 points total)

1. Label the following diagrams with the matching organelles (11 points):

A: _______________________
B: _______________________
C: _______________________
D: _______________________
E: _______________________
F: _______________________
G: _______________________
H: _______________________
I: _______________________
J: _______________________
K: _______________________

2. What are the functions of the following organelles? (4 points)


3. What are the three parts to the cell theory? (3 points)


4. Compare and contrast the two different cells below. Label what type each cell is.
What is different about each type of cell, and why are they different? (4 points)


Quiz ANSWER KEY: Cell Organelles and the Cell Theory 22 points total

1. Label the following diagrams with the matching organelles: (1 point each)

A: Nucleus
B: Central vacuole
C: Golgi body/apparatus
D: Mitochondria
E: Plasma/Cell membrane
F: Chloroplast
G: Cell wall
H: Rough endoplasmic reticulum
I: Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
J: Ribosomes
K: Cytoplasm/cytosol

2. What are the functions of the following organelles? (1 point each)

C: Process and package molecules like protein after they are made in the cell
D: Turn nutrients into energy for the cell (or cellular respiration)
F: Conduct photosynthesis for plant cells
H: Produce proteins

3. What are the three parts to the cell theory? (1 point each)
The cell is the basic building block in all organisms
All organisms are made up of cells
All cells must come from pre-existing cells

4. Compare and contrast the two different cells below. Label what type each cell is.
What is different about each type of cell, and why are they different?

4 points total

1 point for correctly identifying each type of cell

1 point for identifying differences
2 points for explaining the reason behind the differences

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