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Secondary Biology Unit Plan: Genetic Inheritance

Jessica Wung


Unit Overview

The unit, Gene Inheritance, will be part of the 9th grade Biology curriculum per the

Maryland state learning and content standard expectation 3.3, “The student will analyze how

traits are inherited and passed down from one generation to another” (Maryland School

Performance, 2016). Additionally, it falls in line with ISTE Standard 7c (2018), “Students

contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities to work

effectively towards a common goal” as students work in groups on a laboratory assignment.

The rationale for the Gene Inheritance unit is that it falls under expectation 3.3 of the

Maryland state standards for biology and leads up to expectation 3.4, “The student will explain

the mechanism for evolutionary change” (Maryland School Performance, 2016). Gene

inheritance is particularly relevant for students as they learn the foundations of trait inheritance,

thus creating a framework to understand how evolution and the variation of organisms and

species occurred. Students also are able to apply the principles of genetics to the physical traits

they have inherited from their parents, making this unit applicable to their lives.

Each lesson will be 45 minutes, or approximately the total amount of time allocated for

the class period in a school day.


Day One: Monohybrid Crosses

Time allocated:

45 minutes

Lesson topic:

Monohybrid crosses


MD state expectation 3.3, ISTE 7c


SWBAT use Punnett squares to predict the probability of two individuals having a certain trait in

their offspring in a monohybrid cross


Promethean board (for lecture notes)

Bell work/warm-up (#1):

Match the vocabulary with definitions

Vocabulary: Genotype, Phenotype, Dominant, Recessive, Heterozygous, Homozygous, Allele


• Expressed only when 2 are present

• Covers recessive gene

• Expression of a gene

• Different genes (Bb)

• Same genes (BB, bb)

• Actual gene

• Forms of a gene


Video of Mendelian genetics:

Think-pair-share questions:

1. What did Gregor Mendel use to discover the principles that rule heredity?

2. What happened to the green trait in Mendel’s pea plants?

3. What did Mendel call the two kinds of traits exhibited by the pea plants (one coming

from the father, one from the mother?)

4. What do we call the result of the genotype (for example, the color of the peas)?

5. What do we call the table used to calculate the probability of an offspring’s genotype?

6. Describe the differences between a recessive phenotype and a dominant genotype.

Developmental activity:

Students are already familiar with the terms “dominant” and “gene” and will have to infer

the meanings of the other vocabulary words by using their background knowledge to match the

correct definitions to the words in the warm-up.


Students will use the Promethean board to physically drag and match the definitions and

words on the screen. It is an interactive smart board that allows students to use a pen to draw,

write, and drag parts of the presentation on the screen.


Students learned the vocabulary terms used in Mendelian genetics as well as the history

and background of Gregor Mendel, the “father of modern genetics”. Students also practiced

monohybrid cross Punnett squares in class and started their homework if there was extra time.


For students with dysgraphia, a print-out of the teacher’s lecture notes can be provided,

and a simplified homework assignment with less word problems can be provided for ELLs or

students with learning disabilities.


To assess the effectiveness of the lesson, students will be called upon to help complete

practice Punnett squares on the board. Questions will be posed to the class quizzing their recall

of the vocabulary and concepts throughout the lecture. The most common mistake students

made was to mix up “heterozygous” and “homozygous”, as well as differentiating between

“genotype” and “phenotype”. Overall, an effective introduction to the basics of genetics, as most

students were able to grasp the concepts.

Reinforcement (homework):

Students are given a worksheet to complete that reinforces the material learned in class

(below). This assignment assesses how well students can apply the material taught in class to

practice questions and read word problems.


Homework: Monohybrid Crosses

1. In a certain animal, black fur – B is dominant to white fur – b. Determine the expected
genotypes and phenotypes of offspring resulting from crosses between:

a. homozygous black x purebred white

b. two heterozygous black

c. heterozygous black x homozygous white

2. From problem 1b above, give the genotype and phenotype ratios for the expected offspring.

3. A brown-eyed man whose father was brown-eyed and whose mother was blue-eyed married a
blue-eyed woman whose father and mother were both brown-eyed. The couple has a blue eyed
son. What are the genotypes of the parents of the blue eyed baby?

4. Hair can be either long (angora) or short in cats. Examine the following parents and their
offspring to answer the questions below.
Parents offspring(kittens)___
1. angora x angora all angora
2. short x short all short
3. short x angora all short
4. short x short 3 short, 1 angora

a. which phenotype is dominant?

b. what is the probable genotype of the parents in each cross?

5. In fruit flies, long wing – L is dominant to short wing – l. Two long-wing flies produced 49
short-wing and 148 long-wing offspring. What were the probable genotypes of the parents?
What proportion of the long-wing offspring should be heterozygous?

ANSWER KEY: Homework: Monohybrid Crosses

1. In a certain animal, black fur – B is dominant to white fur – b. Determine the expected
genotypes and phenotypes of offspring resulting from crosses between:
I chose a word problem format for this question as it helps students practice determining
which pieces of information will help them determine their answer. The question is split
into three parts to cover the different types of parent crosses students may encounter.
a. homozygous black x purebred white
100% black (Bb)
b. two heterozygous black
75% black (BB, Bb) and 25% white (bb)
c. heterozygous black x homozygous white
50% black (Bb) and 50% white (bb)
2. From problem 1b above, give the genotype and phenotype ratios for the expected offspring.
Genotype ratios: 1 (BB) : 2 (Bb) : 1 (bb)
Phenotype ratios: 3 (black) : 1 (white)
I chose a word problem that builds off a previous answer to break down the question into
two. In this way, there are two shorter word problems as opposed to one large one, making
it easier for students to read and gather information.
3. A brown-eyed man whose father was brown-eyed and whose mother was blue-eyed married a
blue-eyed woman whose father and mother were both brown-eyed. The couple has a blue eyed
son. What are the genotypes of the parents of the blue eyed baby?
Bb (father); Bb (mother)
I chose a word problem that had more information than was necessary in order to have
students critically think about which pieces of information are important to determine
their answer.
4. Hair can be either long (angora) or short in cats. Examine the following parents and their
offspring to answer the questions below.
Parents offspring(kittens)___
1. angora x angora all angora
2. short x short all short
3. short x angora all short
4. short x short 3 short, 1 angora

a. which phenotype is dominant?

b. what is the probable genotype of the parents in each cross?
1) ss x ss 2) SS x Ss or SS 3) SS x ss 4) Ss x Ss
I incorporated a data table in the word problem so students will have to use deductive
reasoning to determine what the parent crosses are.
5. In fruit flies, long wing – L is dominant to short wing – l. Two long-wing flies produced 49
short-wing and 148 long-wing offspring. What were the probable genotypes of the parents?
What proportion of the long-wing offspring should be heterozygous?
Parent genotypes: Ll x Ll ; 50% of long winged offspring should be heterozygous (Ll)
I chose this format as students will have to mathematically apply their knowledge of the
offspring genotype and phenotype ratios in order to determine their answer.

Day Two: Dihybrid Crosses

Time allocated:

45 minutes

Lesson topic:

Dihybrid crosses


MD state expectation 3.3, ISTE 7c


SWBAT use Punnett squares to predict the probability of two individuals having two traits in

their offspring in a dihybrid cross


Promethean board (for lecture notes)

Bell work/Warm-up (#2):

Complete the Punnett square and information below

Parents: heterozygous tall x short (T=tall, t=short)

Genotypes: Phenotype ratio:



Think-pair-share: How do we form gametes for the parent MmPp?

Developmental activities:

Students are already familiar with the the concept of recombination from the previous

unit on DNA and will have to apply the concept to a gamete with two genes instead of one.


Students will be called up to use the Promethean board to draw their answer to the Think-

Pair-Share. Students can choose to use different colored “ink” on the screen, so corrections or

additions to their answer can be clearly made.


Students applied their knowledge of monohybrid crosses to dihybrid crosses and went

over practice problems in class. The lesson also introduced new vocabulary (parent, F1, F2

generation) and how to differentiate between the different generations. The lesson also went

over phenotype ratios and how each ratio (9:3:3:1 vs. 1:1:1:1) indicates the parent genotypes.

Students started their homework if there was extra time in class.


For students with dysgraphia, a print-out of the teacher’s lecture notes can be provided,

and a simplified homework assignment with less word problems can be provided for ELLs or

students with learning disabilities.


To assess the effectiveness of the lesson, students will be called upon to help complete

practice Punnett squares on the board. Questions will be posed to the class quizzing their recall

of the vocabulary and concepts throughout the lecture. The most common mistake students

made was to incorrectly separate the gametes and put the alleles for the same gene together. For

example, many separated the gametes of the individual GgTt into Gg and Tt as opposed to GT,

Gt, gT, and gt. Overall, an effective introduction to dihybrid crosses, as most students were able

to grasp the concepts.


Reinforcement (homework):

Students are given a worksheet to complete that reinforces the material learned in class

(below). This assignment assesses how well students can apply the material taught in class to

practice questions and read word problems.


Homework: Dihybrid Crosses

Please show your work.

1. In guinea pigs black coat – B is dominant to albino – b, and rough coat – R is dominant to
smooth coat – r. Two animals are selected for breeding. Their genotypes are BBRR and
bbrr. Give the phenotypes and number of each for each of the following:

2. A black, smooth guinea pig was mated with an albino, rough guinea pig. Their offspring
were black rough and black smooth. These were the only types produced over a number of
years. What were the probable genotypes of the parents and why?

3. In fruit flies, many different eye colors exist, two of which are red and magenta. Wing
shapes also come in many varieties, including long and short. When flies purebred for both
red eyes and long wings are mated with flies purebred for both magenta eyes and short
wings, all the offspring are red-eyed with long wings. Based on this information, if a
heterozygous eyed/ short winged male were crossed with a magenta eyed/ heterozygous
winged female, what offspring would be expected? What is the phenotypic ratio?

4. In peas, a gene for tall plants (T) is dominant over its allele for short plants (t). The gene
for smooth peas (S) is dominant over its allele for wrinkled peas (s).
What is the phenotypic ratio for: a) TtSs x Ttss b) TTss x ttSs

5. Challenge: In cattle, black coat (R) is dominant to red coat (r) and Hornless (H) is
dominant to horned (h). A certain bull was mated to four cows.
Cow 1 – black and hornless Calf 1 – red and hornless
Cow 2 – red and hornless Calf 2 – black and horned
Cow 3 – black and horned Calf 3 – red and horned
Cow 4 – red and horned Calf 4 – black and hornless
What is the genotype of the bull?

ANSWER KEY: Homework: Dihybrid Crosses

Please show your work.

1. In guinea pigs black coat – B is dominant to albino – b, and rough coat – R is dominant to
smooth coat – r. Two animals are selected for breeding. Their genotypes are BBRR and
bbrr. Give the phenotypes and number of each for each of the following:
a) the F1 generation: 100% Black and rough coat (BbRr)
b) the F2 generation: 9 (black, rough) : 3 (black, smooth) : 3 (albino, rough) : 1 (albino,
I choose a word problem format as students will need to determine which pieces of
information to use in order to find the answer.
2. A black, smooth guinea pig was mated with an albino, rough guinea pig. Their offspring
were black rough and black smooth. These were the only types produced over a number of
years. What were the probable genotypes of the parents and why?
BBRR x bbrr, because if the parents were heterozygous for one or both traits, not all of
the offspring would be black and rough, some would be white or smooth.
I chose a word problem format so students will have to use deductive reasoning to
determine what the parent crosses are.
3. In fruit flies, many different eye colors exist, two of which are red and magenta. Wing
shapes also come in many varieties, including long and short. When flies purebred for both
red eyes and long wings are mated with flies purebred for both magenta eyes and short
wings, all the offspring are red-eyed with long wings. Based on this information, if a
heterozygous eyed/ short winged male were crossed with a magenta eyed/ heterozygous
winged female, what offspring would be expected? What is the phenotypic ratio?
I chose a word problem for this question as there is a lot of information students
need to read through before determining their answer.
4. In peas, a gene for tall plants (T) is dominant over its allele for short plants (t). The gene
for smooth peas (S) is dominant over its allele for wrinkled peas (s).
What is the phenotypic ratio for: a) TtSs x Ttss b) TTss x ttSs
a) 3:3:1:1 b) 1:1:0:0
I chose a more direct word problem; in this way, students can practice dihybrid crosses
where the ratio is not a perfect 9:3:3:1 or 1:1:1:1.
5. Challenge: In cattle, black coat (R) is dominant to red coat (r) and Hornless (H) is
dominant to horned (h). A certain bull was mated to four cows.
Cow 1 – black and hornless Calf 1 – red and hornless
Cow 2 – red and hornless Calf 2 – black and horned
Cow 3 – black and horned Calf 3 – red and horned
Cow 4 – red and horned Calf 4 – black and hornless
What is the genotype of the bull? RrHh
I chose a word problem with a data set as the challenge question as students will be
required to used deductive reasoning and their knowledge of dominant and recessive traits.

Day Three: Dihybrid Corn Genetics Lab and Assessment

Time allocated:

45 minutes

Lesson topic:

Dihybrid crosses in corn cobs


MD state expectation 3.3, ISTE 7c


SWBAT use corn offspring todetermine what dihybrid parent crosses were by using Punnett



Promethean board (for lecture notes)

Corn Genetics Laboratory Corn Cards (Lab Aids®, 2018)

Bell work/Warm-up (#3):

(G=green, g=yellow, T=tall, t=short)

1. Genotype of recessive colored peas and heterozygous tall

2. Phenotype of Ggtt

3. Gametes for GgTt

4. Phenotype ratio for GgTt x GgTt


Brief video of how corn kernels are fertilized (until 2:27)

Developmental activities:

Students are already familiar with monohybrid and dihybrid crosses and the phenotype

ratios that result from each cross. This laboratory assignment is to reinforce what they have

learned so far by using their knowledge for real-life applications.


Students are given a paper replica corn cob to count the different types of kernels, but a

PDF version can be provided on a Chromebook or a tablet so students can enlarge the image and

count easier if they have visual impairments. Students may also share the results of each of their

corn cobs (A, B, C, or D) with each other by posting on Google Classroom.


Students were given 25 minutes after the bridge to complete the assessment, with the

remaining time given to students for the corn lab. Students applied their knowledge of dihybrid

crosses and corn genetics to a laboratory activity. They counted how many purple wrinkled,

purple smooth, yellow wrinkled, and yellow smooth corn kernels were present on their cob, then

used the data to determine what the parent genotypes were and which alleles were dominant and

recessive. There were four different cobs, A, B, C, and D, and students were required to

collaborate with other groups in order to help determine their answer.


Students with accommodations for extra time are given the whole class time to complete

the assessment and get corn data from other students. For students with visual impairments, an

enlarged version of the assessment can be provided, and a PDF version of the corn cob can be

provided on a Chromebook or tablet so they may see the kernel differences better. Alternatively,

the raw data can be provided for the students so no counting is required.


Lab group progress is checked to test the effectiveness of the lesson; if it seems that most

students are confused about what to do, further clarification to the class is required. Overall,

most students understood the process and after asking them questions that would help lead to the

correct answer. Some students spent more time than others counting kernels and finishing.

Reinforcement (homework):

If students did not finish the laboratory worksheet in class, it is assigned for homework

(below). This assignment assesses how well students can apply the theoretical knowledge taught

in class to a real world application of their skills.


Corn Lab: Dihybrid Crosses

What corn cob did your group use (A, B, C, or D) _____

In the data table below, tally up the amount of kernels that you counted:
Purple, plump Purple, wrinkled Yellow, plump Yellow, wrinkled

Total: Total: Total: Total:

How many total kernels were there? _________

Share your data with a group with a different corn cob. Which alleles do you think are dominant
and recessive? Why? (show work below)

What phenotypic ratio did your corn cob exhibit? (show work below)

What were the parent crosses of your corn cob? Explain. (Show work below)

What were the gametes of each parent?


Rationale: Corn Lab: Dihybrid Crosses

Most of the students’ potential answers to the assignment are dependent upon the materials in the
Lab-Aid® corn genetics lab kit, which is currently inaccessible.

1. What corn cob did your group use (A, B, C, or D) _____

Asking students which cob they used is helpful to determine if their counting and answers
are correct

In the data table below, tally up the amount of kernels that you counted:
Purple, plump Purple, wrinkled Yellow, plump Yellow, wrinkled

Total: Total: Total: Total:

2. How many total kernels were there? _________

This question helps guide students to determining the ratio of each type of kernel, and
ultimately their answer to the following questions.

3. Share your data with a group with a different corn cob. Which alleles do you think are
dominant and recessive? Why? (show work below)
It may not be obvious which alleles are dominant and recessive, depending on their corn
cob (some may be 1:1:1:1 ratios). By collaborating with another group, they not only help
each other reach the answer to the question, but also develop interpersonal skills.

4. What phenotypic ratio did your corn cob exhibit? (show work below)
Choosing a more open-ended question prevents students from being led one way or another
by the prompt, and allows them to reach their own conclusions. Showing their work also
allows their teacher to assess if the student fully grasped the concepts taught in the unit.

5. What were the parent crosses of your corn cob? Explain. (Show work below)
Choosing a more open-ended question prevents students from being led one way or another
by the prompt, and allows them to reach their own conclusions. The answer to this
questions is also dependent upon their answer to question #4. Showing work also allows
their teacher to assess if the student fully grasped the concepts taught in the unit.

6. What were the gametes of each parent?

Students should provide gametes such as AB, Ab, aB, or ab. The alleles for each trait should be
separated (incorrect answer: Aa, Bb)

The main mistake students make is separating the parent gametes in a dihybrid Punnett
square. Asking students about the parent gametes allows them and the teacher to assess
whether or not they understand the materials taught in class.

Formative Assessment (15pts)

1. It is possible for two plants with the dominant purple flower trait to create an offspring with
the recessive white flower trait T/F

2. Monohybrid crosses involve two traits T/F

3. An individual with the genotype MMPp makes only one combination of gametes

Use the diagram on the right to answer the question below: GI Gi gI gi

4. The phenotypic ratio as a result of this cross is: GI
A) 9:3:3:1 Gi X
B) 1:1:1:1 gI
C) 3:3:1:1 gi
D) 3:1
5. The flowers of a plant homozygous for smooth seeds are crossed with a plant producing
wrinkled seeds. The offspring all have smooth seeds. The gene for wrinkled seeds is:
A) heterozygo B) homozygou C) recessive
us s D) dominant

6. A heterozygous tall pea plant is crossed with a heterozygous tall plant. The offspring will be:
A) 75% tall C) 25% tall
B) 50% tall D) medium tall

7. Which statement describes how two organisms may show the same phenotype yet have
different genotypes?
A) both are homozygous for the dominant trait
B) one is homozygous dominant and the other heterozygous
C) both are heterozygous for the dominant trait
D) one is homozygous dominant and one is homozygous recessive

8. Each child of two heterozygous parents has a ¼ chance of receiving a recessive trait from
each parent. Which statement is most accurate?
A) If the first child is phenotypically recessive, then the next child must be dominant
B) If the first child is phenotypically recessive, then the next child has a ¾ chance of
being phenotypically recessive
C) If the first child is phenotypically recessive, then the next child has a ½ chance of
being phenotypically recessive
D) No matter what the first child’s phenotype, the next child has a ¼ chance of being
phenotypically recessive
9. A cross between two pea plants that are heterozygous for a single trait produces 60 offspring.
Approximately how many of the offspring would be expected to exhibit the recessive trait?
A) 15 C) 30
B) 45 D) 60

10. Albinism is the lack of pigment in the skin and hair. This trait is recessive to normal
pigmentation. A male albino mates with a normal, pigmented female. They have an albino
son. Based on that information, one can be certain that:
A) both the male and female are C) the female is heterozygous
heterozygous D) the male is heterozygous
B) the female is homozygous E) cannot determine genotype

List the 1) parent genotypes, 2) draw and fill in a Punnett square, and then 3) list the offspring
genotypes and 4) offspring phenotypes.

11. A red flower (Rr) is crossed with a white flower (rr).

Parent genotypes: ______________________

Offspring genotypes: ______________________

Offspring phenotypes: _______________________

Which flower color is dominant? ______________

12. A homozygous dominant brown mouse is crossed with a heterozygous brown mouse (tan is
the recessive color).
Parent genotypes: _________________________

Offspring genotypes: ______________________

Offspring phenotypes: _____________________

Which fur color is dominant? ________________

In watermelons, the genes for a green color and for short shape are dominant over their alleles
for striped color and long shape. Suppose a plant with long striped fruits crossed with a plant that
is heterozygous for both of these characters. (Use G/g for color and L/l for shape). READ

13. What phenotypes would this cross produce and in what ratios?

Show your work in the Punnett square below:


In the fruit fly drosophila melanogaster, two recessive genes located on different chromosomes
produce vestigal wings and hairy body. The normal alleles, long wings and hairless body, are
dominant. Suppose a vestigal winged hairy male is crossed with a homozygous normal female.

14. What are the genotypes of the parents, and the possible gametes for each?

15. Describe the phenotype of the expected offspring?

Show your work in the Punnett square below:


ANSWER KEY: Formative Assessment (15pts)

1. It is possible for two plants with the dominant purple flower trait to create an offspring
with the recessive white flower trait (1pt) T/F
I chose a true or false format as it assesses the student’s recall ability on one of the
basic concepts that were taught in the unit.

2. Monohybrid crosses involve two traits (1pt) T/F

I chose a true or false format as it assesses the student’s recall ability on one the
most important concepts in monohybrid crosses.

3. An individual with the genotype MMPp makes only one combination of gametes (1pt)
I chose a true or false format as it assesses the student’s recall ability on one of the
most important dihybrid cross concepts.

Use the diagram on the right to answer the question GI Gi gI gi

below: GI
4. The phenotypic ratio as a result of this cross is: (1pt) Gi X
A) 9:3:3:1 gI
B) 1:1:1:1 gi
C) 3:3:1:1
D) 3:1
I chose a multiple choice format as students should be able to determine what the ratio
should be by knowing how to correctly fill in a dihybrid Punnett square. A short
response question later in the assessment will test students on their ability to correctly
complete a dihybrid Punnett square, so this question can be beneficial as a hint to

5. The flowers of a plant homozygous for smooth seeds are crossed with a plant producing
wrinkled seeds. The offspring all have smooth seeds. The gene for wrinkled seeds is:
A) heterozygous B) homozygous C) recessive D) dominant
I chose a multiple choice format as it tests the students’ vocabulary recall.
6. A heterozygous tall pea plant is crossed with a heterozygous tall plant. The offspring will
be: (1pt)
A) 75% tall C) 25% tall
B) 50% tall D) medium tall
This question is multiple choice as monohybrid Punnett square probabilities are in
increments of 25% (25%, 50%, 75%, 100%). Students must work out the Punnett
square and carefully choose which answer is the correct probability for the correct

7. Which statement describes how two organisms may show the same phenotype yet have
different genotypes? (1pt)
A) both are homozygous for the dominant trait
B) one is homozygous dominant and the other heterozygous
C) both are heterozygous for the dominant trait
D) one is homozygous dominant and one is homozygous recessive

I chose a multiple choice format as this question tests the student on their logic and
how well they understand the basic concepts by providing different combinations of

8. Each child of two heterozygous parents has a ¼ chance of receiving a recessive trait from
each parent. Which statement is most accurate? (1pt)
A) If the first child is phenotypically recessive, then the next child must be dominant
B) If the first child is phenotypically recessive, then the next child has a ¾ chance of
being phenotypically recessive
C) If the first child is phenotypically recessive, then the next child has a ½ chance of
being phenotypically recessive
D) No matter what the first child’s phenotype, the next child has a ¼ chance of
being phenotypically recessive
I chose a multiple choice format as this question requires the student to read
carefully rather than selecting the one that looks correct.
9. A cross between two pea plants that are heterozygous for a single trait produces 60
offspring. Approximately how many of the offspring would be expected to exhibit the
recessive trait? (1pt)
A) 15 B) 45 C) 30 D) 60

I chose a multiple choice format as the question offers several plausible answers, but
the student must understand the concept of probability and apply it mathematically
to the total number of offspring to choose the right answer.

10. Albinism is the lack of pigment in the skin and hair. This trait is recessive to normal
pigmentation. A male albino mates with a normal, pigmented female. They have an
albino son. Based on that information, one can be certain that: (1pt)
A) both the male and female are C) the female is heterozygous
heterozygous D) the male is heterozygous
B) the female is homozygous E) cannot determine genotype
I chose a multiple choice format as the question offers several plausible answers, but the
student must understand the basic concepts of Mendelian genetics in order to choose the
right answer.

List the 1) parent genotypes, 2) draw and fill in a Punnett square, and then 3) list the offspring
genotypes and 4) offspring phenotypes.

11. A red flower (Rr) is crossed with a white flower (rr).

R r (1/4pt)
(1/4pt) Parent genotypes: ____Rr; rr________________
Rr rr
(1/4pt) Offspring genotypes: ____Rr, rr_________

Rr rr
(1/4pt) Offspring phenotypes: _____Red, White__

I chose this short response format as it assesses whether the student understands how to
properly complete a basic monohybrid cross Punnett square.

12. A homozygous dominant brown mouse is crossed with a heterozygous brown mouse (tan
is the recessive color).
(1/4pt) T T (1/4pt) Parent genotypes: ___TT; tt_________________
Tt Tt
(1/4pt) Offspring genotypes: ____Tt________________

tt tt (1/4pt) Offspring phenotypes: ____Tan______________


I chose this short response format as it assesses whether the student understands
how to properly complete a basic monohybrid cross Punnett square.

In watermelons, the genes for a green color and for short shape are dominant over their alleles
for striped color and long shape. Suppose a plant with long striped fruits crossed with a plant that
is heterozygous for both of these characters. (Use G/g for color and L/l for shape). READ

13. What phenotypes would this cross produce and in what ratios? (½ point)
Green and short, green and long, striped and short, striped and long (1:1:1:1)

I chose a two part short response format, as the student must show that they understand
how to 1) read carefully to determine the genotype of the parents 2) correctly separate the
gametes in a dihybrid individual 3) correctly complete a dihybrid Punnett square and 4)
fully list out the offspring phenotypes.

Show your work in the Punnett square below: (½ point)

Punnett square must show correct gametes and offspring to receive full credit

Gl Gl gL gl

GgLl Ggll ggLl ggll


GgLl Ggll ggLl ggll


GgLl Ggll ggLl ggll


GgLl Ggll ggLl ggll


In the fruit fly drosophila melanogaster, two recessive genes located on different chromosomes
produce vestigal wings and hairy body. The normal alleles, long wings and hairless body, are
dominant. Suppose a vestigal winged hairy male is crossed with a homozygous normal female.
I chose a three-part short response question as question 14 assesses how well the student
read the question to determine the parent genotypes and the possible gametes that would
be produced from each parent. The following question (#15) builds off the student’s
answer in question 14; if the answer is incorrect but the work shown in the Punnett square
is correct based on their answer, then partial credit can be awarded.

The student must show that they understand how to 1) read carefully to determine the
genotype of the parents 2) correctly separate the gametes in a dihybrid individual 3)
correctly complete a dihybrid Punnett square and 4) determine the offspring phenotypes.

14. What are the genotypes of the parents, and the possible gametes for each? (1pt)
vvhh (male); VVHH (female)
vh (male); VH (female)

15. Describe the phenotype of the expected offspring? (1/2pt)

Long winged and hairless

Show your work in the Punnett square below: (1/2pt)

Punnett square must show correct gametes and offspring to receive full credit


VvHh VvHh VvHh VvHh


VvHh VvHh VvHh VvHh

VvHh VvHh VvHh VvHh


VvHh VvHh VvHh VvHh


Literature Cited

ISTE, 2018. ISTE standards for students. Retrieved from


Lab-Aids®, 2018. Investigating and applying genetics: Corn (Developed by SEPUP). In Lab-

aids® Store. Retrieved from


Maryland School Performance, 2016. Using the Core Learning Goals: Science. In School

improvement in Maryland. Retrieved from

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