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Suggested teacher instructions (SCROLL DOWN FOR LESSON


Begin class with one of my warm up activities found under the

Warm up activity tab on my blog. To begin the lesson go over all of
the new vocabulary listed, you'll be surprised at how much
conversation the vocabulary sparks. Then put students in pairs to
do the speaking part of the lesson. End the class with the
crossword puzzle provided.

To use the crossword puzzle you'll need to first print 2 copies

.Second, using white out, you are going to white out half of the
words on one copy of the puzzle (you can choose any half of the
words) and the words that you didn't white out you will white out
on the other copy. Use these copies to make xeroxes.



How to play: In pairs, give each student a different copy of the

puzzle. They need to have their partner guess the word on their
puzzle by giving the definition and vice versa. It's really a blast and
helps imprint the new vocab your students just learned.
Student Handout

Being Sick Vocabulary

Make a doctors appointment

a check up
feeling under the weather
a cold
the flu
to be in vs. at the hospital (hospitalized)

fever cavity/toothache blister
clammy hands bruise sunburn
sweating cramps chapped lips
cough hiccups stiff neck
sneeze earache swollen...
headache lightheaded bloated
migraine burp lethargic
sore throat watery eyes numb
throw up hangover PMS
nauseous itchy blurry vision
tingly runny/stuffy nosedry mouth

Describing Health Problems:

Write each word in the correct category: dry, dull, itchy, chesty, sharp,

Word to describe a cough:

Words to describe a pain:

Let's talk! With your partner, discuss the following questions and you
MUST ask follow-up questions.

1. When was the last time you were sick?

2. Do you prefer conventional medicine or alternative medicine like
acupuncture, reiki, homeopathic medicine?
3. Have you or anyone you know ever been to a benzedeiro? What was
it like?
4. Do you think stress causes illness?
5. Do you go to the dentist twice a year and have yearly check ups?
6. Have you ever broken a bone?
7. Have you ever had stitches?
8. Have you ever been badly burned?
9. Do you self-diagnose or self-medicate?
10. Do you trust doctors? Have you ever been misdiagnosed?
11. How do you cure hiccups?
12. Can you perform CPR or the Heimlich maneuver?
13. Have you ever had to think fast in an emergency?

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