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100 most used Italian verbs

1 essere 35 giocare 69 rispondere

to be to play to answer
2 avere 36 chiedere 70 sedere
to have to ask, demand to sit
3 fare 37 trovare 71 vincere
to make, do to find to win
4 andare 38 credere 72 pagare
to go to believe to pay
5 potere 39 aprire 73 alzare
to be able to to open to raise, lift
6 dare 40 lavorare 74 ridere
to give to work to laugh
7 volere 41 pensare 75 scendere
to want to think to go down
8 venire 42 correre 76 incontrare
to come to run to encounter
9 dovere 43 tenere 77 offrire
to have to to keep to offer
10 stare 44 guardare 78 imparare
to be, stay to watch to learn
11 dire 45 chiamare 79 dimenticare
to say to call to forget
12 sapere 46 tornare 80 svegliare
to know (how) to return to wake up
13 vedere 47 salire 81 crescere
to see to go up to grow
14 mangiare 48 preferire 82 vendere
to eat to prefer to sell
15 parlare 49 morire 83 divertire
to talk to die to have fun
16 uscire 50 aspettare 84 diventare
to go out, exit to wait to become
17 prendere 51 comprare 85 porre
to take to buy to place, put
18 piacere 52 nascere 86 entrare
to like to be born to enter
19 leggere 53 cercare 87 temere
to read to search to fear
20 amare 54 perdere 88 pulire
to love to lose to clean
21 bere 55 cantare 89 vestire
to drink to sing to dress
22 finire 56 passare 90 seguire
to finish to pass to follow
23 capire 57 cominciare 91 restare
to understand to start to stay, remain
24 arrivare 58 ascoltare 92 cambiare
to arrive to listen to change
25 scrivere 59 riuscire 93 viaggiare
to write to succeed to travel
26 partire 60 decidere 94 spegnere
to leave, depart to decide to turn off
27 mettere 61 abitare 95 ricordare
to put, place, set to live to remember
28 rimanere 62 cadere 96 apparire
to remain to fall to appear
29 dormire 63 chiudere 97 aiutare
to sleep to close to help
30 vivere 64 lasciare 98 tacere
to live to leave to be quiet
31 conoscere 65 scegliere 99 spedire
to know to choose to send, ship
32 sentire 66 portare 100 preparare
to feel, sense, hear to carry to prepare
33 cucinare 67 ricevere
to cook to recieve
34 studiare 68 lavare
to study to wash

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