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Complate report of Analytical Chemistry experiment with tittle “Iodometric

and Determination Cu ” arranged by:
name : Nur Rahmah Amar
ID : 1713442003
class : ICP of Chemistry Education
group : V (Five)
after checked by assistant and assistant coordinator, so this report accept

Makassar, November 2018

Assistant Coordinator, Assistant,

Desi Renika Firjandini Dwi Ramadhanah

ID. 1413141005 ID. 1513440007

Known by,
Responsibility Lecturer

Sitti Faika, S.Si., Apt., M.Sc. Ph.D

NIP. 19780319 200501 2 003
Iodometric and Determination Cu
1. Known how to prepared a Na2S2O3 standard solution
2. Known how to standardized the solution
3. Known how to determined the mixture of Cu in CuSO4
Based on Wiryawan (2008:38), in conducting the titration, there are several
requirements that must be considered, such as;
a. The reaction must take place stoichiometically and no side reactions occur.
b. The reaction must take place quickly.
c. The reaction must be quantitative
d. At the equivalence point, the reaction must be able to know the end point
e. There must be an indicator, either directly or indirectly.
Based on the type of reaction, the titration is grouped into four types of titrations,
a. Acid base titration
b. Deposition titration
c. Complexometry titration
d. Reduction oxidation titration
The first stage that must be done before doing the titration is the manufacture of
standard solutions. A solution can be used as a standard solution if it meets the
following requirements:
a. has high purity
b. has a definite molecular formula
c. not hygroscopic and easy to weigh
d. the solution must be stable
e. has a high equivalent weight (BE)
A solution that meets the above requirements is called a primary standard solution.
While the secondary standard solution is a standard solution that when used for
standardization must be standardized first with the primary standard solution
For a titration to be accurate we must add a stoichiometrically equivalent
amount of titrant to a solution containing the analyte. We call this stoichiometric
mixture the equivalence point. Unlike precipitation gravimetry, where the precipitant is
added in excess, determining the exact volume of titrant needed to reach the
equivalence point is essential. The product of the equivalence point volume, Veq, and
the titrant’s concentration, CT, gives the moles of titrant reacting with the analyte.
Moles titrant = Veq x CT
Knowing the stoichiometry of the titration reaction(s), we can calculate the moles of
analyte. Unfortunately, in most titrations we usually have no obvious indication that the
equivalence point has been reached. Instead, we stop adding titrant when we reach an
end point of our choosing. Often this end point is indicated by a change in the color of a
substance added to the solution containing the analyte. Such substances are known as
indicators. The difference between the end point volume and the equivalence point
volume is a determinate method error, often called the titration error. If the end point
and equivalence point volumes coincide closely, then the titration error is insignificant
and can be safely ignored. Clearly, selecting an appropriate end point is critical if a
titrimetric method is to give accurate results (Harvey,2000:274).
Based on Wiryawan (2008: 67-68), reduced oxidation titration (redox) is one
type of titration in which the titration takes place between an oxidizer on the burette as
a titration and erlenmeyer reducing agent or vice versa. In a reduction oxidation
reaction there will be an electron flow from a reducing agent to an oxidizer. The
indicator of dim titration is a colored compound that will change color if oxidized or
reduced. The indicator will react redox with titration after all the titrated solution has
reacted with titration, because the indicator is added in small amounts. The selection of
redox titration indicators is an indicator that has a range of potential prices that are
around the potential price of the equivalence point of the titration. Indicators must react
quickly with titration. If the indicator reacts slowly, the end point of the titration will
arrive late, so that more titration volumes are needed than they should.
Reduction oxidation must always take place together and compensate for each
other. There are many principled volumetric methods for electron transfer. Separation
of oxidation reduction into its components, the half reaction is a way to show each
species that obtains and loses electrons. The term oxidation refers to any chemical
change in which an oxidation number increases. While the reaction is used for each
decrease in oxidation number. It means that the oxidation number process is
accompanied by the loss of electrons while the reduction obtains electrons. The
reduction oxidation reaction comes from direct transfer of electrons from the donor to
the acceptor of the electron. Various redox reactions can be used for volumetric
titration analysis provided that the equilibrium that is achieved at each addition of the
titrant can take place quickly. And there is also a need for indicators that are able to
show stoichiometric equivalence points with high accuracy. Many redox titrations are
carried out using appropriate color indicators (Khopkar, 2014: 52).
Based on Fifield and Kealey (2000:192), it is clear that reactions suitable for
use in titrimetric procedures must be stoichiometric and must be fast if a titration is to
be carried out smoothly and quickly. Generally speaking, ionic reactions do proceed
rapidly and present few problems. On the other hand, reactions involving covalent bond
formation or rupture are frequently much slower and a variety of practical procedures
are used to overcome this difficulty. The most obvious ways of driving a reaction to
completion quickly are to heat the solution, to use a catalyst, or to add an excess of the
reagent. In the last case, a back titration of the excess reagent will be used to locate the
stoichiometric point for the primary reaction.
Iodometric titration defined as a volumetric chemical analysis, in which
oxidation-reduction reaction or ‘redox’ reaction occurs between an oxidizing and
reducing agent and appearance or disappearance of elementary iodide indicate the end
point. Iodometric titration can be used to determine amount of reducing agent and
oxidizing agent (Quraishi, 2017: 10).
In quantitative work the titrant’s concentration must remain stable during the
analysis. Since titrants in a reduced state are susceptible to air oxidation, most redox
titrations are carried out using an oxidizing agent as the titrant. The choice of which of
several common oxidizing titrants is best for a particular analysis depends on the ease
with which the analyte can be oxidized. Analytes that are strong reducing agents can be
successfully titrated with a relatively weak oxidizing titrant, whereas a strong oxidizing
titrant is required for the analysis of analytes that are weak reducing agents. Potassium
dichromate is a relatively strong oxidizing agent whose principal advantages are its
availability as a primary standard and the long-term stability of its solutions. It is not,
however, as strong an oxidizing agent as MnO 4– or Ce4+, which prevents its application
to the analysis of analytes that are weak reducing agents. Its reduction half-reaction is
Cr2O72–(aq) + 14H3O+(aq) + 6e– ↔ 2Cr3+(aq) + 21H2O(l)
Although solutions of Cr2O72– are orange and those of 2Cr3+ are green, neither color is
intense enough to serve as a useful indicator. Diphenylamine sulfonic acid, whose
oxidized form is purple and reduced form is colorless, gives a very distinct end point
signal with Cr2O72– (Harvey,2000:342-343).
The free ion is titrated with sodium thiosulfate, then the starch indicator is
added until it is formed in blue, then titrated again with sodium thiosulfate until the
blue color disappears. The formation of blue color after the addition of starch, identifies
the presence of iodine in solution. Blue is formed, due to the spiral structure of the
starch molecule binding to iodine molecules (Ferdinan, 2017: 119-120).
Quantitative analysis is carried out by iodometric titration, ie indirect titration
where the oxidator analyzed is then reacted with excess iodide ion in the appropriate
conditions, which then iodine is released quantitatively and titrated with standard or
acid solution. Iodometry titration is a class of redox titration which refers to electron
I2 + 2- 2I-
The first titration is the standardization of the primary standard solution of sodium
thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7), which aims to obtain the actual
concentration of Sodium Thiosulfate because the compound is classified as a secondary
standard solution. The standard solution used in most iodometric processes is sodium
thiosulfate. This salt is usually available as Na2S2O3 pentahydrate. 5H2O. the solution
should not be standardized by direct weighing, but must be standardized against the
primary standard, in this study using K2Cr2O7 as the primary standard because the
solution of sodium thiosulfate is not stable for a long time
In redox equations, the number of electrons transferred from a reducing agent
(oxidized substance) to an oxidizing agent (reduced substance) has to be balanced as
In general, a redox equation can be expressed as
m Reducing agent + n Oxidizing agent →Products
In this equation “m” is the number of electrons lost by a single unit of a reducing agent
and “n” is the number of electrons gained by a single unit of an oxidizing agent. In
redox reactions, the amount associated with one mole of electron change is termed as
one gram-equivalent and so,
m moles of reducing agent
n moles of oxidizing agent
Equation 2, clearly implies the inverse relationship between electrons transferred and
moles of the substance used in a process (Ghaffari, et al,2017: 6).
The principle of iodometry method is to use a redox reaction which contains
iodine in the form of potassium iodate (KIO3) reacted with potassium iodide (KI) which
in an acidic state releases free iodine (I2). The free I2 compound is then reacted with
sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3). In this reaction the starch indicator is used to determine
the end point of the titration (Helmiyati,et al,2017: 82).
A prerequisite for a precise and accurate titration is the reproducible
identification of an end point which either coincides with the stoichiometric point of the
reaction or bears a fixed and measurable relation to it. An end point may be located
either by monitoring a property of the titrand which is removed when the stoichiometric
point is passed, or a property which can be readily observed when a small excess of the
titrant has been added. The most common processes observed in end-point detection are
change of colour; change of electrical cell potential; change of electrical conductivity;
precipitation or flocculation (Fifield and Kealey,2000: 193).
Based on Quraishi (2017: 10), in iodometric titration, if chlorine is reacts with
lodine in the form of KI the following reaction takes place
Cl2 + 2I- → 2Cl- +I2
in lodometric titration, if standard thiosulphate is reacts with Iodine then the following
reaction takes place
I2 + 2S2O32- → S4O42- + 2I-
in all the cases end point detection based on blue starch complex.
Precisely reaching the end point of the titration when using K 2Cr2O7 was
complicated by the fact that the Cr(III) citrate complex ion was light blue in color
which was somewhat difficult to distinguish from a low concentration starch,iodine
solution. In contrast, iodate was colorless in both oxidized and reduced states. For
highly precise work it was not possible to prepare a stock solution of I 2 (or I3–), rather,
the stoichiometric quantity of iodine was prepared immediately before each titration
(Randall and Garibay, 2014: 1330).
According to Wiryawan (2008: 72), Cu (II) formed is reacted quantitatively
(excess) with iodide ion (KI).
2 Cu2+ + 4 I- →2 CuI + I2
iodine (I2) formed titrated with a standard solution of Na2S2O3 with starch indicator.
2S2O32- + I2 → S4O62- + 2I-
sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) must be standardized first with a standard solution of
potassium iodate (KIO3). Potassium iodide (KI) was added to KIO 3 and the released I2
was titrated with Na2S2O3 solution.
IO3- + I- + 6H+ → 3I2 + 3H2O
1. Apparatus
a. Burette 2 Unit
b. Stative 1 Unit
c. Clamp 2 Unit
d. Erlenmeyer 250 mL 6 Unit
e. Volume Pipette 25 mL 2 Unit
f. Drop pipette 1 Unit
g. Funnel 1 Unit
h. Beaker glass 50 mL 2 Unit
i. Spray bottle 1 Unit
j. Bulb 1 Unit
k. Stirrer 1 Unit
l. Rough cloth 1 Unit
m. Soft cloth 1 Unit
2. Chemicals
a. Sodium Thiosulphate 0.1 N (Na2S2O3)
b. Potassium Dicromate 0.1 N (K2Cr2O7)
c. Potassium Iodide 1N and 0.1 N (KI)
d. Hidrochloride acid concentrated (HCl)
e. Amylum (C6H10O5)n
f. Aquadest (H2O)
g. Copper(II) Sulphate Solution (CuSO4)
h. Tissue

1. Preparation of Standard Solution Na2S2O3 0.1 N
a. Put the solution of Na2S2O3 0.1 N in the burette 50 mL.
b. 25 mL of K2Cr2O7 primary standard solution was took into the erlenmeyer flask,
added 6 mL of concentrated HCl and 30 mL of KI 0.1 N into the solution.
c. Titration iodium with used thiosulfate solution until color of solution become
d. Added amylum indicator and titration again with used thiosulfate solution until the
blue color disappear. Wrote the volume of titrant.
e. Repeated step b-d until 2 times and write down the average volume of titrant.
f. Calculated the normality of thiosulfate standard solution.
2. Determine of Cu and CuSO4
a. Put the 25 mL of sample solution in the erlenmeyer flask and added 25 mL of KI 1
b. Titration iodium with used thiosulfate solution until color of solution become
c. Added amylum indicator and titration again with used thiosulfate solution until the
blue color disappear. Wrote the volume of titrant.
d. Repeated step a-c until 2 times and write down the average volume of titrant.
e. Calculated the amount of Cu in the sample.

1. Standardization of Na2S2O3 0.1 N

No Volume

Erlenmeyer 1:
25 mL K2Cr2O7 0.1 N (orange) + 6 mL of HCl
26.3 mL
1. (concentrated colorless) + 30 mL KI 0.1 N (colorless) →
starch →The color of solution is purple → titration the
solution → the solution becomes green

2 Erlenmeyer II: 25,7 mL

. 25 mL K2Cr2O7 0.1 N (orange) + 6 mL of HCl
(concentrated colorless) + 30 mL KI 0.1 N (colorless) →
starch →The color of solution is purple → titration the
solution → the solution becomes green

Erlenmeyer III:
25 mL K2Cr2O7 0.1 N (orange) + 6 mL of HCl
(concentrated colorless) + 30 mL KI 0.1 N (colorless) → 25.7 mL
starch →The color of solution is purple → titration the
solution → the solution becomes green

Average volume 25.8 mL

2. Determine of Cu in CuSO4

No Activity

Erlenmeyer I:
25 mL of CuSO4 (blue) + 25 mL of KI 1 N (colorless) →
3 drops of starch → the color of solution is brown →
1. 14.8 mL
titration the solution becomes white and there is

Erlenmeyer II:
25 mL of CuSO4 (blue) + 25 mL of KI 1 N (colorless) →
3 drops of starch → the color of solution is brown → 14.7 mL
titration the solution becomes white and there is
Erlenmeyer III:
25 mL of CuSO4 (blue) + 25 mL of KI 1 N (colorless) →
3. 3 drops of starch → the color of solution is brown → 15.2 mL
titration the solution becomes white and there is
Average volume 14.9 mL
1. Standardization of Na2SO4
N K2Cr2O7 = 0.1 N
V K2Cr2O7 = 25 mL
V 1+V 2+V 3
V Na2S2O3 =
( 26.3+25.5+25.7 ) ml
= 25.8 mL
N Na2S2O3 = …?
( V × N ) K 2 Cr 2 O 7
N Na2S2O3 =
V Na 2 S2 O 3
25 ml ×0.1 N
25.8 ml
= 0.0968 N
2. Determination of Cu in CuSO4
V CuSO4 = 25 mL
N Na2S2O3 = 0.0968 N
Mw Cu = 63.5 g/mole
V 1+V 2+V 3
V Na2S2O3 =
( 14.8+14.7+15.2 ) ml
= 14.9 mL
Amount of Cu = …?
( V × N ) Na2 S 2 O 3
Amount of Cu = × Mw Cu
V CuSO 4 ×2 eq /mole
14.9ml ×0.0968 eq /L
= × 63.5 g/mole
25 ml ×2 eq /mole
= 1.831 g/L
Titrasi oksidimetri adalah titrasi terhadap larutan zat pereduksi (reduktor)
dengan larutan standar zat pengoksidasi (oksidator). Titrasi reduksimetri adalah titrasi
terhadap larutan zat pengoksidasi (oksidator) dengan larutan standar zat pereduksi
(reduktor) (Padmaningrum, 2008: 1). Prinsip dasar dari iodometri adalah iodin bebas
seperti halogen lain dapat menangkap elektron dari zat pereduksi, sehingga iodin
sebagai oksidator, reaksi reduksi oksidasi pada suasana asam yang melibatkan elektron
dengan jumlah tertentu. Prinsip kerja pada percobaan ini adalah pengukuran,
pengenceran, dan titrasi. Titrasi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui berapa nilai normalitas
dari larutan Na2S2O3. Larutan Na2S2O3 perlu distandarisasi karena konsentrasinya
mudah berubah dalam penyimpanan. Kestabilan larutan mudah dipengaruhi oleh pH
rendah dan sinar matahari. Natrium tiosulfat memiliki sifat fuaresen atau melapuk-
lekang yang menyebabkan larutan ini mudah berubah konsentrasinya. Oleh karena itu
larutan natrium tiosulfat perlu di standarisasi atau menentukan normalitas yang
sebenarnya dengan cara titrasi iodometri. Natrium tiosulfat merupakan suatu zat
pereduksi dengan persamaan reaksi sebagai berikut :
Na2S2O3 → 2Na+ + S2O32-
2S2O32- → S4O62- + 2e-
1. Penentuan konsentrasi (normalitas) larutan standar natrium tiosulfat (Na2S2O3)
Tujuan dalam percobaan ini dalah adalah menentukan konsentrasi natrium
tiosulfat (Na2S2O3). Fungsi natrium tiosulfat adalah zat pereduksi, zat pereduksi adalah
zat yang mereduksi zat lain dengan persamaan sebagai berikut:
2S2O32- S4O62- + 2e
Menurut Samsuar,dll (2017:18), natrium Tiosulfat tergolong dalam larutan standar
sekunder . Larutan standar yang dipergunakan dalam kebanyakan proses iodometrik
adalah natrium tiosulfat. Harus distandarisasi terhadap standar primer, dalam percobaan
ini menggunakan K2Cr2O7 sebagai standar primer karena Larutan natrium tiosulfat tidak
stabil untuk waktu yang lama. Menurut Wiryawan (2008: 38), Larutan standar primer
seperti K2Cr2O7 mempunyai kemurnian yang tinggi, mempunyai rumus molekul yang
pasti, tidak bersifat higroskopis dan mudah ditimbang, larutannya harus bersifat stabil
dan mempunyai berat ekivalen (BE) yang tinggi. Sedang larutan standard sekunder
seperti natrium tiosulfat adalah larutan standard yang bila akan digunakan untuk
standardisasi harus distandardisasi lebih dahulu dengan larutan standard primer.
Berikut reaksinya :
Cr2O72- + 14H+ + 6e 2Cr3+ + 7 H2O
Reaksi kalium bikromat:
K2Cr2O7 → 2K+ + Cr2O72-
Cr2O72- + 14H+ + 6e- → 2Cr3+ + 7H2O
K2Cr2O7 mempunyai kekuatan oksidasi yang lemah dan reaksinya lambat.
K2Cr2O7 bersifat stabil dan inert terhadap HCl. Sehingga pada percobaan ini digunakan
HCl pekat yang dapat memberi suasana asam pada larutan yang dapat mengakibatkan
reaksi berlangsung lebih cepat. Mengapa dalam suasana asam, karena bila dalam
suasana basa larutan di titrasi, maka larutan akan membentuk larutan hipoiodat.
Sedangkan pada keadaan asam kuat maka amilum atau indikator amilum yang
digunakan untuk titrasi akan terhidrolisis, selain itu pada keadaan ini iodide (I -) yang
dihasilkan dapat di ubah menjadi I2 dengan adanya O2 dari udara bebas, reaksi ini
melibatkan H+ dari asam. Persamaan reaksinya :
I2 + 2OH- → IO3- + I- + H2O
(dalam larutan basa)
4I- + O2 + 4H- → 2I2 + 2H2O
(dalam keadaan asam)
Senyawa iodida yang digunakan pada percobaan ini adalah kalium iodida (KI)
yang ditambahkan secara berlebih pada larutan oksidator sehingga terbentuk I2. Hal ini
ditandai dengan perubahan warna larutan menjadi hijau. KI berfungsi sebagai zat
pereduksi, yakni membebaskan iod dari iodida. Persamaan reaksinya adalah :
K2Cr2O7 → 2K+ + Cr2O72-
KI → K+ + I-
Oksidasi: 2I- → I2 + 2e- x3
Reduksi: Cr2O72- + 14H+ + 6e- → 2Cr3+ + 7H2O x1
Redoks: Cr2O72- + 14H+ + 6I- → 2Cr3+ + I2 + 7H2O
Sehingga reaksi lengkapnya adalah :
K2Cr2O7 + 6KI +14HCl → 8KCl + 2CrCl3 + 3I2 + 7H2O
Titrasi harus dilakukan dengan cepat untuk meminimalisasi terjadinya oksidasi
iodida oleh udara bebeas. Pengocokan pada saat melakukan titrasi iodometri sangat
diwajibkan karena untuk menghindari penumpukan tiosulfat pada area tertentu dalam
hal ini erlenmeyer, karena penumpukan konsentrasi tiosulfat dapat menyebabkan
terjadinya dekomposisi tiosulfat untuk menghasilkan belerang. Sedangkan pada
percobaan titrasi tidak dilakukan dengan cepat sehingga iodida dioksida oleh udara
bebas. Kemudian dilakukan penambahan indikator amilum pada pertengahan titrasi,
karena penambahan ditengah titrasi berujuan agar I2 tidak banyak teradsorbsi oleh
Penambahan amilum saat titik akhir titrasi juga berfungsi agar amilum tidak
terhidrolisis, mengingat proses titrasi dilakukan pada media asam kuat yaitu HCl.
Penambahan indikator amilum juga akan menghasilkan warna biru pada tetesannya
yang membuktikan masih adanya larutan iodida didalamnya. Titik akhir titrasi ditandai
dengan larutan tidak berwarna lagi. Namun pada percobaan ini diperoleh larutan
berwarna hijau tosca. Menurut Padmaningrum (2006: 2), kesalahan titrasi merupakan
kesalahan yang terjadi bila titik akhir titrasi tidak tepat sama dgn titik ekivalen (≤
0,1%), disebabkan ada kelebihan titran, indikator bereaksi dgn analit, atau indikator
bereaksi dgn titran, diatasi dgn titrasi larutan blanko. Larutan blanko larutan yg terdiri
atas semua pereaksi kecuali analit. Adapun volume titran natrium tiosulfat yang
diperoleh pada titrasi I = 26,3 mL, titrasi II = 25,5 mL, dan titrasi III = 25,7 mL dengan
volume rata-ratanya = 25,8 mL. Konsentrasi yang didapatkan dari Na2S2O3 adalah
0.0968 N. Titrasi dilakukan sampai 3 kali atau triplo untuk mendapatkan data yang
akurat. Adapun reaksi yang terjadi adalah:
Na2S2O3 2Na+ + S2O32-
2S2O32- S4O62- + 2e
Reduksi : I2 + 2e 2I-
Oksidasi : 2S2O32- S4O62- + 2e
I2 + 2S2O32- 2I- + S4O62-
Reaksi lengkap:
2Na2S2O3 + I2 Na2S4O6 + 2NaI
2. Penetapan kadar Cu dari CuSO4
Tujuan percobaan ini adalah untuk menetapkan kadar Cu dari CuSO 4. Larutan
sampel yang digunakan adalah CuSO4 (biru) yang ditambahkan dengan larutan KI yang
menghasilkan larutan kuning. Perubahan warna ini menunjukkan terjadinya terjadinya
reaksi antara KI dengan larutan CuSO4. Reaksi ini membebaskan I2, yang bisa dilihat
pada reaksi berikut:
Tembaga (II) sulfat
CuSO4 Cu2+ + SO42-
Cu 2+ + e Cu+
Kalium iodida
KI K + + I-
2I- I2 + 2e
Reduksi : Cu 2+ + e Cu+ x2
Reduksi : 2I- I2 + 2e x1
2Cu 2+ + 2e 2Cu+
2I- I2 + 2e
2Cu 2+ + 2I- 2Cu+ + I2
Reaksi lengkap :
2CuSO4 + 4KI 2CuI(s) + I2 +2K2SO4
Penambahan KI bertujuan untuk mengendapkan Cu menjadi CuI. Proses
pengendapan Cu diawali dengan pembebasan iodin (I2) setelah larutan CuSO4
ditambahkan KI. Selanjutnya, iodin (I2) yang bebas diabsobsi oleh indikator amilum di
pertengahan titrasi dengan Na2S2O3. KI yang bertindak sebagai agen pereduksi dalam
penentuan kadar Cu mengalami oksidasi dengan melepas iod. Karena KI adalah
penyedia iod. CuSO4 bertindak sebagai bertindak sebagai oksidator karena
mengoksidasi I- menjadi I2. CuSO4 mengalami reduksi menghasilkan tembaga(I)
I2 yang berfungsi sebagai agen pengoksidasi pada saat penitrasian karena
mengalami reduksi menjadi I- dan Iodin (I2) yang bebas bereaksi dengan larutan
Na2S2O3 melalui titrasi yang menghasilkan perubahan warna menjadi putih susu yang
menandakan bahwa semua iod yang dibebaskan telah bereaksi dengan Na 2S2O3.
Larutan Na2S2O3 berfungsi sebagai agen pereduksi karena mengalami oksidasi dan
mereduksi iod menjadi iodida. Tidak digunakan HCl pada percobaan 2 ini karena
CuSO4 bersifat asam, dan tanpa ada penambahan HCl juga reaksi dapat berangsung.
Adapun volume yang didapat pada saat titrasi adalah titrasi I = 14,8 mL, titrasi II
= 14,7 mL dan titrasi III =15,2 mL dengan volume rata-ratanya adalah 14,9 mL dan
didapatkan kadar dari Cu adalah 1.831 g/L. Artinya terdapat 1.831 g Cu dalam 1 liter
sampel CuSO4. Titrasi dilakukan sampai 3 kali atau triplo untuk mendapatkan data
yang akurat.
1. Conclusion
a. Titration carried out in this experiment is indirectly where the substance is reacted
with other substances before being titrated. The normality of the Na 2S2O3 solution
obtained is 0.0968 N
b. The Cu content of CuSO4 obtained from this experiment was 1.831 g/L. This
means that there are 1.831 gram Cu in 1 liter of CuSO4 sample.
2. Suggestions
It is expected that the practitioner will be more careful in conducting
especially when adding KI solution which should be reacted quickly


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