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Samantha Petrosi

EDIT: 695
Final Reflections

One thing I know for certain is that as an educator and technology coach, I will
continue to learn in both my subject matter and technology. As a technology coach, I
had the benefit of learning as I teach. Through my own struggles, I was able to find
ways to put together websites, webinars and PD’s that would help others when needed.
As I look back through all of my course material, even from previous classes, I
can be proud of the work I put in to finding multple educational resources, not just for
my subject but for others as well. 

What I have learned:

 How to create PD seminars for educational technology tools
 How to advocate for technology websites or activities
 How to create a webinar for educators outside the district
 How to create blogs where I can share information with students/parents/ faculty
 How to create a website to share my findings of new technology information
 How to locate educational websites appropriate for different age groups
 How to demonstrate digital citizenship
 Develop assessments to gain a better understanding of what others have learned
and from that, redevelop lessons when needed

Future goals:
 To continue to create and hold professional development seminars
 To continue to build blogs geared towards different subjects to assist other
 To explore webinars outside the district that may better my own understanding
and education

These courses gave me the opportunity to experiment with materials I would not have
thought to use. I was able to expand my horizons with technology and the use of
STEAM education to develop curriculum that can be utilized in multiple ways. I feel
confident as I move forward.

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