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Collaborating with Professional Peers

I communicate with professional peers locally during the following: Professional development,
staff meetings, department meetings, e-mail, & with committees. (Explain how you communicate
in a professional manner sharing technology and teaching strategies in the following situations.
Share screenshots as proof where applicable)
Professional Development

I communicate what I know and learn about technology

and teaching strategies through email or I usually go and
talk with them one on one. I inform them about webinars
that are free like TEDTalks and SimpleK12 if they want to
get knowledge about current technology tools we have and
how to use them to enhance their classroom activities.

Staff/Department Meetings

I talk with the staff one on one or as a group and

demonstrate how to use said technology tool or teaching
strategy. Usually it is just to show them how to do
something or a new website to try with their students. It
very informal.


I am not the technology contact at my school,but a lot of

the staff know that I love to use it. Most of the time if there
is a technology tool issue or software problem they will
contact me through email for a quick troubleshoot to
resolve the issue before contacting the technology

I shared the following evaluation/portfolio tools with peers to help enhance student learning:
Share the latest evaluation tools and explain how they can enhance student learning. Provide
proof that you have done this. Include screenshots or links.
One of the evaluation tools that I shared with my peers was Plickers. I noticed that many
teachers at my school dont really incorporate evaluation tools other than what is being
used in the corporation has said to use, for example we have iXL for 3d and 4th graders
to use for math, Waterford reading program for K-4, Read 180 for 3rd and 4th, and MyOn
reading program for the Bridge to Success after school program. I decided to show some
of my peers Plickers because it was quick and easy way to check for understand in the
classroom. It gives you data information right away and the kids enjoy how quick and
easy it is to do.

I also like to use Kahoot! because my kids love it and its a very fun way to check for
understanding and collect data at the same time. Kahoot! allows you to create quizzes,
polls and surveys using a variety of multimedia (pictures or Videos). You must have
access to multiple mobile devices like iPads or Google play compatible tablets and
computers in order for most or all the students to participate. I dont use it often because

we dont have the resources, but I try to use it at least 3 times during the quarter.

I shared the following multi-media tools with peers to help enhance student learning: Share the
latest multimedia tools with peers in your profession and explain how they can enhance student
learning. Provide proof that you have done this. Include screenshots or links.
A multimedia tool that I have shared with my some of peers is Symbaloo. Some of my
peers where looking for a way to keep all their online links in one place besides the
bookmark toolbar because it can get cluttered and confusing. Symbaloo allows you to
keep a plethora of media in one place and easy access the links or files by just one click.
I showed them a symbaloo I made for class last semester to demonstrate how userfriendly it was and how they could make multiple pages for each core content area.

I hope to be able to share in the future is Blendspace which is another great place to
house lesson plan activities and online tools and Takk which is great for connecting with
parents and providing a space keep student work and classroom activities.

I shared the following productivity tools with peers to help enhance student learning: Share the
latest productivity tools with peers in your profession and explain how they can enhance student
learning. Provide proof that you have done this. Include screenshots or links.
The main productivity tool that we use at our school and that I like to use quite often is
Google Drive. This tool allows you to share all types of documents and multimedia with
peers in the school and in the district. We use this tool for assessment data collecting
and it is great way to check on individual, class,and grade level progress on quarterly
units being taught and assessed. Another tool that I could suggest to use would be
Dropbox because you can store files and like Google drive, access them from any where
and Evernote because you can record your voice and save it as a note. This way when
you are listening to students read or trying to make a list of things to do or maybe listen
to a visitor during a PD, you can go back and listen to the recording and catch the notes
you missed. you can also record step by step instructions for students to go along with
written ones with Evernote.

Connecting with Educators Abroad

I would get a jump start on this one at the beginning of class. It may take a
while to connect with someone.

I communicate with professional peers in other countries. Connect with educators

in other countries to share technology ideas. Explain how you use Facebook, Pinterest,
Skype, Google Hangouts, Google Plus, Edmodo communities, Twitter, or any form of social
media to connect with teachers in other countries.
Share the following:
Evaluation Tool:

Plickers, Kahoot

Multimedia Tool

Blendspace, VoiceThread

Productivity Tool

Class Dojo

Favorite Technology Tool

iPad with Doceri

Below are the following ideas that I was able to get from professional peers in other countries:
Paste a screenshot of your Facebook, Twitter, Skype, or Pinterest post to prove that you have
completed this component.


I communicate with parents about technology that I use in class by:

Share examples of ways you use technology to communicate with your parents.
If you do not use any forms of technology to communicate with parents, do so for this
project. Examples can include, e-mail or post a newsletter, send texts through Remind 101,
post information on a classroom website, My Big Campus, Edmodo , Twitter, Facebook,
etc. Insert screenshot proof of this communication.
I communicate with my parents in a variety of ways. One of the quickest ways for me to
get in touch with my students parents is through my CLass Dojo page. Class Dojo
introduced a new feature this year called Dojo Messaging, which allows me to contact
parents instantly through messaging system on the site. I can contact all my parents with
a broadcast or I can talk to them individually. I can also send pictures and videos of their
childs productivity in the classroom. It has been a great asset to my classroom
management development. The other ways I keep in contact with my parents is through
email, and phone calls home.

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