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English 2206: Essay: Annotated Bibliography

For your research paper, you will learn to choose quality resources from the library and other academic sources,
analyze those sources, and incorporate them seamlessly into your paper in a way that offers value, interest, and
support for your argument and analysis. Your Annotated Bibliography is not a true essay; rather, it is a working
Works Cited page with annotations that include a summary of the source, an analysis of the quality of the
source (including the author, publication, and textual information), and finally, what and how you plan to
incorporate what you learned from the source into your paper. You will consider the elements we have
discussed in class: Writer, Audience, Text, Reality, Critic, and Influence, research them, and offer a thorough
explanation in your research paper. Your research should include at a minimum: (1) information on the author,
(2) the social norms and historical events of the time, (3) literary criticism, (4) genre, and (5) influence. You
need at least 6 sources for the annotated bibliography. Sometimes, the preliminary research we do is not as
fruitful as we would like, so you will be allowed to take out 2 of these sources for your final paper.
Remember: for your research paper, you should explain in detail the influence the text has had on its intended
audience and why it is an important piece of literature. Focus your research with this in mind.
English 2206: Essay: Annotated Bibliography Rubric

Appropriate sources: Choose sources from the list below. You must include one of each, and you will duplicate one type
(have 2 sources of the same category).
1. Biographical Text on an author
2. Literary Criticism in a peer reviewed journal, publication, or book
3. Historical Context (preferably from a primary source)
4. Literary Dictionary
5. Peer-reviewed article (online or in a newspaper)
It is important that you format the Annotated Bibliography correctly. Please use this handout and A Writer’s Reference as
a guide.

 Formatting: 10 points
 Each source: Total of 15 points
Appropriate, Quality Source: 2 points
Correct Bibliographical Citation: 3 points
Annotations: 10 points
Summary- 3 points

 Objective
 Provides main idea and key points
Analysis- 5 points

 Currency is appropriate to text and topic

 Relevant to topic and audience and provides excellent support for claims
 Authority-establishes credibility of author/source/publisher/sponsor/etc.
 Purpose-objective, impartial, and well-written; quality and valuable source
Plan- 2 points

 Explains what information you will use from the text and how you will incorporate it into the text.
Header: Last Name Page #



ENGL 1020


Annotated Bibliography: Title Specific to Topic

Author. Title of source. Title of container, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher,

Publication date, Location.

Summary: In 2-5 sentences and in your own words, objectively explain the topic,

main idea, and key points of the text.

Evaluation: In 5-7 sentences, explain the type of text this is and analyze the

quality of scholarship or value of knowledge offered by this text. Consider: CURRENCY

– What is the publication date? Has it been updated? If it is a website, are there functional

links? RELEVANCE – Does the text provide valuable support for your research? Who is

the intended audience? AUTHORITY – Are the sponsors of the publication credible?

What are their credentials, affiliations, qualifications? ACCURACY –Is the text written

well and supported by verifiable, unbiased evidence? PURPOSE – What is the reasoning

for the information and/or publication? Is the information fact, opinion, or propaganda? Is

it objective and impartial? Do the authors make their intentions or purpose clear?
Plan: In 2-3 sentences, explain how you will incorporate what you learned from

the text into your paper. Consider how the source is relevant to your topic and thesis, or

how will it help you shape your argument.

Author. Title of source. Title of container, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher,

Publication date, Location.




Author. Title of source. Title of container, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher,

Publication date, Location.

Summary, Evaluation, Plan.

Author. Title of source. Title of container, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher,

Publication date, Location.

Summary, Evaluation, Plan.

Author. Title of source. Title of container, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher,

Publication date, Location.

Summary, Evaluation, Plan.

Author. Title of source. Title of container, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher,

Publication date, Location.

Summary, Evaluation, Plan.

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