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According to Freedman and Young (2016), two systems are in equilibrium if and only if they have

the same temperature. Proving the zeroth law of thermodynamics that when system A and B are in
thermal equilibrium, system C is also to be at thermal equilibrium with A and B. It is true when because
the aluminum was in thermal equilibrium with water and calorimeter after submerging it inside the
calorimeter. This happened because the relatively high thermal energy of the aluminum transferred to the
relatively low temperature of the calorimeter and water (as seen in Table 1)—second law of
thermodynamics. The system has reached thermal equilibrium in which the interaction between the
aluminum and water causes no further change in the whole system. Moreover, the thermal energy in the
system were conserved, it was transferred to the system that has a low temperature and was used to attain
thermal equilibrium. Also, the thermal energy lost in system C is equal to the thermal energy gained by
systems A and B—therefore, equation (1) is derived from the first law of thermodynamics and is equated
to zero. The heat exchange helped in determining the specific heat of aluminum by stating the initial and
temperature interval that happened in the three systems, which are crucial in determining the specific heat
of materials (Freedman & Young, 2016). On the other hand, the relatively hot water dissolved the block
of ice wherein it underwent an endothermic process. The ice also experienced latent heat which broke its
molecular bonds while maintaining constant temperature during that phase change (the transition from
solid to liquid); therefore, affecting equation (2) but still conserving the system’s energy. 

The source of error in E106 and E107 is the environment where the experiment was done. The
laboratory was air-conditioned; therefore, the transfer of thermal energy or the flow of heat is rapid. Also,
by the moment the aluminum was submerged in the calorimeter, it was not ecxactly100°C. Its
temperature had already decreased by transferring it from the beaker to the calorimeter; therefore, the
thermal energy was transferred in the surrounding. Moreover, the experiment would yield a more accurate
data and a very low percentage error if the thermometer has more calibrations because we only relied on
our estimation skill whether the reading in Figure 4 is in 0.2 or 0.25.
Thermodynamics affects everything around us, even the way our biological structure. Most
mammals maintain body temperatures in the range of 36°C to 40°C. Our body uses insulator such as fur
and body fat to maintain our body temperature and to avoid them escaping by making a closed system.
Examples of a closed system are thermostatic containers which we often use in our house to store hot
water. Thermodynamics can also explain why we should close an air-conditioned room during summer.
Opening the door will naturally let the warm air inside the air-conditioned room and will defeat the
purpose of air-conditioners.

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