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The Art of Problem Solving

20th Century Fox Film Corp./Everett Collection

he 1995 movie Die Hard: With a Vengeance stars Bruce

T Willis as New York Detective John McClane. In this film,
McClane is tormented by villain Simon Gruber ( Jeremy
Solving Problems by Inductive Reasoning
An Application of Inductive Reasoning:
Number Patterns
Irons), who plants bombs around the city and poses riddles
and puzzles for disarming them. In one situation, Simon gives 3 Strategies for Problem Solving
McClane and store owner Zeus Carver (Samuel L. Jackson) 4 Calculating, Estimating, and Reading Graphs
the following riddle by telephone to solve in 5 minutes.
Extension Using Writing to Learn about
On the fountain there should be two jugs. Do you see them? A Mathematics
5-gallon and a 3-gallon. Fill one of the jugs with exactly 4 gal-
Collaborative Investigation Discovering
lons of water, and place it on the scale, and the timer will stop.
Patterns in Pascal’s Triangle
You must be precise. One ounce more or less will result in det-
onation. Chapter Test
McClane and Carver were able to solve the riddle and
defuse the bomb. Can you solve it? The answer is on the next

From Chapter 1 of Mathematical Ideas, Twelfth Edition, Charles D. Miller, Vern E. Heeren, John Hornsby. Copyright © 2012 by
Pearson Education, Inc. Published by Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.
The Art of Problem Solving


Characteristics of Inductive and Deductive Reasoning • Pitfalls of Inductive Reasoning

Characteristics of Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

The development of mathematics can be traced to the Egyptian and Babylonian
cultures (3000 B.C.–A.D. 260) as a necessity for problem solving. To solve a problem
or perform an operation, a cookbook-like recipe was given, and it was performed
repeatedly to solve similar problems.
By observing that a specific method worked for a certain type of problem, the
Babylonians and the Egyptians concluded that the same method would work for
Solution to the Chapter Opener
any similar type of problem. Such a conclusion is called a conjecture. A conjecture is
Problem This is one way to do it:
With both jugs empty, fill the 3-gallon jug
an educated guess based on repeated observations of a particular process or pat-
and pour its contents into the 5-gallon jug. tern. The method of reasoning we have just described is called inductive reasoning.
Then fill the 3-gallon jug again, and pour it
into the 5-gallon jug until the latter is
filled. There is now (3 + 3) - 5 = 1 Inductive Reasoning
gallon in the 3-gallon jug. Empty the Inductive reasoning is characterized by drawing a general conclusion (making
5-gallon jug, and pour the 1 gallon of
a conjecture) from repeated observations of specific examples. The conjecture
water from the 3-gallon jug into the
may or may not be true.
5-gallon jug. Finally, fill the 3-gallon jug
and pour all of it into the 5-gallon jug,
resulting in 1 + 3 = 4 gallons in the
5-gallon jug. In testing a conjecture obtained by inductive reasoning, it takes only one exam-
(Note : There is another way to solve ple that does not work to prove the conjecture false. Such an example is called a
this problem. See if you can discover the counterexample.
alternative solution.) Inductive reasoning provides a powerful method of drawing conclusions, but
there is no assurance that the observed conjecture will always be true. For this rea-
son, mathematicians are reluctant to accept a conjecture as an absolute truth until it
is formally proved using methods of deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning char-
acterized the development and approach of Greek mathematics, as seen in the
works of Euclid, Pythagoras, Archimedes, and others. During the classical Greek
period (600 B.C.–A.D. 450), general concepts were applied to specific problems,
resulting in a structured, logical development of mathematics.

Deductive Reasoning
Deductive reasoning is characterized by applying general principles to specific

We now look at examples of these two types of reasoning. In this chapter, we

often refer to the natural, or counting, numbers:
1, 2, 3, Á Natural (counting) numbers

Ellipsis points

The three dots (ellipsis points) indicate that the numbers continue indefinitely in the
pattern that has been established. The most probable rule for continuing this pattern
is “add 1 to the previous number,” and this is indeed the rule that we follow.
Now consider the following list of natural numbers:
2, 9, 16, 23, 30.
What is the next number of this list? What is the pattern? After studying the num-
bers, we might see that 2 + 7 = 9, and 9 + 7 = 16. Do we add 16 and 7 to get 23?
The Art of Problem Solving

June Do we add 23 and 7 to get 30? Yes. It seems that any number in the given list can be
S M Tu W Th F S found by adding 7 to the preceding number, so the next number in the list would be
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 30 + 7 = 37.
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 We set out to find the “next number” by reasoning from observation of the
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 numbers in the list. We may have jumped from these observations to the general
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 statement that any number in the list is 7 more than the preceding number. This is an
29 30 example of inductive reasoning.
By using inductive reasoning, we concluded that 37 was the next number. Sup-
July pose the person making up the list has another answer in mind. The list of numbers
S M Tu W Th 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
4 5
1 2 3
10 11 12 actually gives the dates of Mondays in June if June 1 falls on a Sunday. The next
6 7 8 9
16 17 18 19 Monday after June 30 is July 7. With this pattern, the list continues as
13 14 15
23 24 25 26
20 21 22 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 7, 14, 21, 28, Á .
30 31
27 28 29
See the calendar in Figure 1. The correct answer would then be 7. The process used
to obtain the rule “add 7” in the preceding list reveals a main flaw of inductive
Figure 1
reasoning. We can never be sure that what is true in a specific case will be true in
general. Inductive reasoning does not guarantee a true result, but it does provide a
means of making a conjecture.
We now review some basic notation. Throughout this book, we use exponents to
represent repeated multiplication.
Base 43 = 4 #4# 4 = 64 4 is used as a factor 3 times.


Exponential Expression
If a is a number and n is a counting number 11, 2, 3, Á 2, then the exponential
expression an is defined as follows.

an ⴝ ('# a # a # Á '*
a ''')''' #a
n factors of a

The number a is the base and n is the exponent.

With deductive reasoning, we use general statements and apply them to specific
situations. For example, consider the Pythagorean theorem:
In any right triangle, the sum of the squares of the legs (shorter sides) is equal to
the square of the hypotenuse (longest side).
Thus, if we know that the lengths of the shorter sides are 3 inches and 4 inches, we can
find the length of the longest side. Let h represent the length of the longest side.
32 + 42 = h 2 Pythagorean theorem
9 + 16 = h 2 32 = 3 # 3 = 9; 42 = 4 # 4 = 16
25 = h2 Add.
5 = h The positive square root of 25 is 5.

Thus, the longest side measures 5 inches. We used the general rule (the
Pythagorean theorem) and applied it to the specific situation.
Reasoning through a problem usually requires certain premises.A premise can be
an assumption, law, rule, widely held idea, or observation. Then reason inductively or
deductively from the premises to obtain a conclusion. The premises and conclusion
make up a logical argument.
The Art of Problem Solving

EXAMPLE 1 Identifying Premises and Conclusions

Identify each premise and the conclusion in each of the following arguments. Then
tell whether each argument is an example of inductive or deductive reasoning.
(a) Our house is made of adobe. Both of my next-door neighbors have adobe houses.
Therefore, all houses in our neighborhood are made of adobe.
(b) All keyboards have the symbol @. I have a keyboard. I can type the symbol @.
(c) Today is Tuesday. Tomorrow will be Wednesday.

(a) The premises are “Our house is made of adobe” and “Both of my next-door
neighbors have adobe houses.” The conclusion is “Therefore, all houses in our
neighborhood are made of adobe.” Because the reasoning goes from specific
examples to a general statement, the argument is an example of inductive rea-
soning (although it may very well have a false conclusion).
(b) Here, the premises are “All keyboards have the symbol @” and “I have a key-
board.” The conclusion is “I can type the symbol @.” This reasoning goes from
general to specific, so deductive reasoning was used.
(c) There is only one premise here, “Today is Tuesday.” The conclusion is “Tomor-
row will be Wednesday.” The fact that Wednesday immediately follows Tuesday
is being used, even though this fact is not explicitly stated. Because the conclu-
sion comes from general facts that apply to this special case, deductive reasoning
was used.

The earlier calendar example illustrated how inductive reasoning may, at times,
lead to false conclusions. However, in many cases, inductive reasoning does provide
correct results if we look for the most probable answer.

EXAMPLE 2 Predicting the Next Number in a Sequence

Use inductive reasoning to determine the probable next number in each list below.
(a) 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29 (b) 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 (c) 2, 4, 8, 16, 32

(a) Each number in the list is obtained by adding 4 to the previous number. The
probable next number is 29 + 4 = 33. (This is an example of an arithmetic
(b) Beginning with the third number in the list, 2, each number is obtained by adding
ABC/Everett Collection

the two previous numbers in the list. That is,

1 + 1 = 2, 1 + 2 = 3, 2 + 3 = 5,

and so on. The probable next number in the list is 13 + 21 = 34. (These are the
first few terms of the famous Fibonacci sequence.)
(c) It appears here that to obtain each number after the first, we must double the
In the 2003 movie A Wrinkle in previous number. Therefore, the most probable next number is 32 * 2 = 64.
Time, young Charles Wallace, (This is an example of a geometric sequence.)
played by David Dorfman, is challenged to
identify a particular sequence of numbers.
He correctly identifies it as the Fibonacci
Inductive reasoning often can be used to predict an answer in a list of similarly
constructed computation exercises, as shown in the next example.
The Art of Problem Solving

EXAMPLE 3 Predicting the Product of Two Numbers

Consider the list of equations. Predict the next multiplication fact in the list.
37 * 3 = 111
37 * 6 = 222
37 * 9 = 333
37 * 12 = 444
The left side of each equation has two factors, the first 37 and the second a multiple
of 3, beginning with 3. Each product (answer) consists of three digits, all the same,
beginning with 111 for 37 * 3. Thus, the next multiplication fact would be
37 * 15 = 555, which is indeed true.

Table 1
Number Number
Pitfalls of Inductive Reasoning
of Points of Regions There are pitfalls associated with inductive reasoning. A classic example involves
1 1 the maximum number of regions formed when chords are constructed in a circle.
When two points on a circle are joined with a line segment, a chord is formed.
2 2 Locate a single point on a circle. Because no chords are formed, a single inte-
3 4
rior region is formed. See Figure 2(a). Locate two points and draw a chord. Two
interior regions are formed, as shown in Figure 2(b). Continue this pattern. Locate
4 8 three points, and draw all possible chords. Four interior regions are formed, as
shown in Figure 2(c). Four points yield 8 regions and five points yield 16 regions.
5 16
See Figures 2(d) and 2(e).

7 11
1 2 14 13
6 1 1 2 12
1 2 3 9
4 2 8 3
4 4 6 7
1 3 5 5

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Figure 2

28 1 The results of the preceding observations are summarized in Table 1 in the mar-
2 gin. The pattern formed in the column headed “Number of Regions” is the same one
27 29
26 25 24
we saw in Example 2(c), where we predicted that the next number would be 64. It
16 23 6
seems here that for each additional point on the circle, the number of regions dou-
17 19
22 7 bles. A reasonable inductive conjecture would be that for six points, 32 regions
15 21 8
would be formed. But as Figure 3 indicates, there are only 31 regions. The pattern of
13 11 9
doubling ends when the sixth point is considered. Adding a seventh point would
yield 57 regions. The numbers obtained here are
Figure 3 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 31, 57.
For n points on the circle, the number of regions is given by the formula
n4 - 6n3 + 23n2 - 18n + 24 *

*For more information on this and other similar patterns, see “Counting Pizza Pieces and Other Combi-
natorial Problems,” by Eugene Maier, in the January 1988 issue of Mathematics Teacher, pp. 22–26.
The Art of Problem Solving

We can use a graphing calculator to construct a table of values that indicates the
number of regions for various numbers of points. Using X rather than n, we can
define Y1 using the expression given on the previous page. (see Figure 4(a)). Then,
creating a table of values, as in Figure 4(b), we see how many regions (indicated by
Y1) there are for any number of points (X).
Scrolled Equation

Note the careful use Plot 1 Plot 2 Plot 3 X Y1

of parentheses. Y1  (X4  6X3  23X2  18X 1 1
2 2
 24)/24 3 4
Y2  4 8
Y3  5 16
6 31
Y4  7 57
Y5  Y1 5 (X 26X3123X2...

(a) (b)
Figure 4

For Further Thought

Inductive Reasoning Anecdote between the two jars. Again the scientist stepped back
and in a loud voice said, “Jump.” The flea jumped and
The following anecdote concerning inductive reasoning was put in the jar on the right. In the same manner, the
appears in the first volume of the In Mathematical Circles scientist treated each of the 100 fleas in the jar on the
series by Howard Eves. left, and each flea jumped as ordered.
The two jars were then interchanged and the
experiment continued with a slight difference.This time
the scientist carefully lifted a flea from the jar on the
left, yanked off its hind legs, placed the flea on the table
Beth Anderson/Pearson

between the jars, stepped back, and in a loud voice said,

“Jump.” The flea did not jump, and was put in the jar on
the right. A second flea was carefully lifted from the jar
on the left, its hind legs yanked off, and then placed on
the table between the two jars. Again the scientist
stepped back and in a loud voice said, “Jump.” The flea
did not jump, and was put in the jar on the right. In this
manner, the scientist treated each of the 100 fleas in
A scientist had two large jars before him on the the jar on the left, and in no case did a flea jump when
laboratory table.The jar on his left contained 100 fleas; ordered.The scientist recorded the following induction:
the jar on his right was empty.The scientist carefully “A flea, if its hind legs are yanked off, cannot hear.”
lifted a flea from the jar on the left, placed the flea on
the table between the two jars, stepped back, and in a
For Group or Individual Investigation
loud voice said, “Jump.” The flea jumped and was put in
the jar on the right. A second flea was carefully lifted Discuss or research examples from advertising that lead
from the jar on the left and placed on the table consumers to draw incorrect conclusions.

For Further Thought. Excerpted from Eves, Howard, In Mathematical Circles. Reprinted by permission of the Mathematical Association of America.

In Exercises 1–12, determine whether the reasoning is an 2. If you take your vitamins, you’ll feel a lot better. You
example of deductive or inductive reasoning. take your vitamins. Therefore, you’ll feel a lot better.
1. If the mechanic says that it will take seven days to 3. It has rained every day for the past six days, and it is
repair your car, then it will actually take ten days. The raining today as well. So it will also rain tomorrow.
mechanic says, “I figure it’ll take a week to fix it,
ma’am.” Then you can expect it to be ready ten days 4. Carrie’s first three children were boys. If she has another
from now. baby, it will be a boy.
The Art of Problem Solving

5. Finley had 85 baseball cards. His mom gave him 20 23. 1, 8, 27, 64, 125 24. 2, 6, 12, 20, 30, 42
more for his birthday. Therefore, he now has 105 of
them. 25. 4, 7, 12, 19, 28, 39 26. - 1, 2, - 3, 4, - 5, 6
27. 5, 3, 5, 5, 3, 5, 5, 5, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5
6. If the same number is subtracted from both sides of a
true equation, the new equation is also true. I know that 28. 8, 2, 8, 2, 2, 8, 2, 2, 2, 8, 2, 2, 2, 2, 8, 2, 2, 2, 2
9 + 18 = 27. Therefore, 19 + 182 - 13 = 27 - 13.
29. Construct a list of numbers similar to those in Exercise 15
7. If you build it, they will come. You build it. Therefore, such that the most probable next number in the list is 60.
they will come.
30. Construct a list of numbers similar to those in Exercise 26
8. All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore, such that the most probable next number in the list is 9.
Socrates is mortal.
Use the list of equations and inductive reasoning to predict
9. It is a fact that every student who ever attended Del-
the next equation, and then verify your conjecture.
gado University was accepted into graduate school.
Because I am attending Delgado, I can expect to be 31. (9 * 9) + 7 = 88
accepted to graduate school, too. (98 * 9) + 6 = 888
10. For the past 97 years, a rare plant has bloomed in (987 * 9) + 5 = 8888
Columbia each summer, alternating between yellow and (9876 * 9) + 4 = 88,888
green flowers. Last summer, it bloomed with green flow-
ers, so this summer it will bloom with yellow flowers. 32. (1 * 9) + 2 = 11
(12 * 9) + 3 = 111
11. In the sequence 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, Á , the most probable
(123 * 9) + 4 = 1111
next number is 30.
(1234 * 9) + 5 = 11,111
12. Lady Gaga’s last four single releases have reached the
Top Ten in the pop charts, so her current release will 33. 3367 * 3 = 10,101 34. 15873 * 7 = 111,111
also reach the Top Ten. 3367 * 6 = 20,202 15873 * 14 = 222,222
3367 * 9 = 30,303 15873 * 21 = 333,333
3367 * 12 = 40,404 15873 * 28 = 444,444

35. 34 * 34 = 1156
David Livingston/Getty Images

334 * 334 = 111,556

3334 * 3334 = 11,115,556

36. 11 * 11 = 121
111 * 111 = 12,321
1111 * 1111 = 1, 234, 321

37. 3 =
3 + 6 =
13. Discuss the differences between inductive and deduc- 2
tive reasoning. Give an example of each. 9142
3 + 6 + 9 =
14. Give an example of faulty inductive reasoning. 2
3 + 6 + 9 + 12 =
Determine the most probable next term in each of the follow- 2
ing lists of numbers.
38. 2 = 4 - 2
15. 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 16. 13, 18, 23, 28, 33 2 + 4 = 8 - 2
2 + 4 + 8 = 16 - 2
17. 3, 12, 48, 192, 768 18. 32, 16, 8, 4, 2
2 + 4 + 8 + 16 = 32 - 2
1 3 5 7 9
19. 3, 6, 9, 15, 24, 39 20. , , , , 39. 5162 = 616 - 12
3 5 7 9 11
5162 + 51362 = 6136 - 12
1 3 5 7 9 5162 + 51362 + 512162 = 61216 - 12
21. , , , , 22. 1, 4, 9, 16, 25
2 4 6 8 10 5162 + 51362 + 512162 + 5112962 = 611296 - 12
The Art of Problem Solving

313 - 12 48. Explain in your own words how the procedure of Gauss
40. 3 = can be modified to find the sum 1 + 2 + 3 + Á + n,
where n is an odd natural number. (When an odd natu-
319 - 12 ral number is divided by 2, it leaves a remainder of 1.)
3 + 9 =
49. Modify the procedure of Gauss to find the sum
3127 - 12 2 + 4 + 6 + Á + 100.
3 + 9 + 27 =
50. Use the result of Exercise 49 to find the sum
3181 - 12 4 + 8 + 12 + Á + 200.
3 + 9 + 27 + 81 =
51. What is the most probable next number in this list?
1 1 12, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3
41. = 1 -
2 2
(Hint: Think about a clock with chimes.)
1 1 1
+ = 1 -
2 4 4 52. What is the next term in this list?
1 1 1 1 O, T, T, F, F, S, S, E, N, T
+ + = 1 -
2 4 8 8 (Hint: Think about words and their relationship to
1 1 1 1 1 numbers.)
+ + + = 1 -
2 4 8 16 16
53. (a) Choose any three-digit number with all different
1 1 digits. Now reverse the digits, and subtract the
42. # = smaller from the larger. Record your result.
1 2 2
Choose another three-digit number and repeat this
1 1 2 process. Do this as many times as it takes for you to
# + # =
1 2 2 3 3 see a pattern in the different results you obtain.
(Hint: What is the middle digit? What is the sum of
1 1 1 3
+ + = the first and third digits?)
1 # 2 2 # 3 3 # 4 4
(b) Write an explanation of this pattern.
1 1 1 1 4
# + # + # + # =
1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 54. Choose any number, and follow these steps.
(a) Multiply by 2.
(b) Add 6.
A story is often told about how the great mathematician Carl (c) Divide by 2.
Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855) at a very young age was told by (d) Subtract the number you started with.
his teacher to find the sum of the first 100 counting numbers. (e) Record your result.
While his classmates toiled at the problem, Carl simply wrote
down a single number and handed it in to his teacher. His Repeat the process, except in Step (b), add 8. Record
answer was correct. When asked how he did it, the young your final result. Repeat the process once more,
Carl explained that he observed that there were 50 pairs of except in Step (b), add 10. Record your final result.
numbers that each added up to 101. (See below.) So the sum (f) Observe what you have done. Then use inductive
of all the numbers must be 50 * 101 = 5050. reasoning to explain how to predict the final result.

1 + 2 + 3 + Á + 98 + 99 + 100 55. Complete the following.

101 142,857 * 1 =
101 142,857 * 2 =
101 142,857 * 3 =
50 sums of 101 = 50 * 101 = 5050 142,857 * 4 =
142,857 * 5 =
142,857 * 6 =
Use the method of Gauss to find each sum.
What pattern exists in the successive answers? Now mul-
43. 1 + 2 + 3 + Á + 200 44. 1 + 2 + 3 + Á + 400 tiply 142,857 by 7 to obtain an interesting result.

45. 1 + 2 + 3 + Á + 800 46. 1 + 2 + 3 + Á + 2000 56. Refer to Figures 2(b)– (e) and Figure 3. Instead of count-
ing interior regions of the circle, count the chords formed.
47. Modify the procedure of Gauss to find the sum Use inductive reasoning to predict the number of chords
1 + 2 + 3 + Á + 175. that would be formed if seven points were used.
The Art of Problem Solving


Number Sequences • Successive Differences • Number Patterns and
Sum Formulas • Figurate Numbers

Number Sequences
An ordered list of numbers such as
3, 9, 15, 21, 27, Á
is called a sequence. A number sequence is a list of numbers having a first number, a
second number, a third number, and so on, called the terms of the sequence.
The sequence that begins
5, 9, 13, 17, 21, Á
is an arithmetic sequence, or arithmetic progression. In an arithmetic sequence, each
term after the first is obtained by adding the same number, called the common dif-
ference. To find the common difference, choose any term after the first and subtract
from it the preceding term. If we choose 9 - 5 (the second term minus the first
term), for example, we see that the common difference is 4. To find the term follow-
ing 21, we add 4 to get 21 + 4 = 25.
Similarly, the sequence that begins
2, 4, 8, 16, 32, Á
is a geometric sequence, or geometric progression. In a geometric sequence, each
term after the first is obtained by multiplying by the same number, called the
common ratio. To find the common ratio, choose any term after the first and divide
it by the preceding term. If we choose 42 (the second term divided by the first term),
for example, we see that the common ratio is 2. To find the term following 32, we
multiply by 2 to get 32 # 2 = 64.

EXAMPLE 1 Identifying Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences

For each sequence, determine if it is an arithmetic sequence, a geometric sequence, or
neither. If it is either arithmetic or geometric, give the next term in the sequence.
(a) 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, Á (b) 3, 12, 48, 192, 768, Á (c) 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, Á

(a) If we choose any term after the first term, and subtract the preceding term, we
find that the common difference is 5.
10 - 5 = 5 15 - 10 = 5 20 - 15 = 5 25 - 20 = 5
Therefore, this is an arithmetic sequence. The next term in the sequence is
25 + 5 = 30.
(b) If any term after the first is multiplied by 4, the following term is obtained.
12 48 192 768
= 4 = 4 = 4 = 4
3 12 48 192
Therefore, this is a geometric sequence. The next term in the sequence is
768 # 4 = 3072.
(c) While there is a pattern here (the terms are the squares of the first five counting
numbers), there is neither a common difference nor a common ratio. (Verify
this) This is neither an arithmetic nor a geometric sequence.
The Art of Problem Solving

Successive Differences
Some sequences may provide more difficulty in making a conjecture about the next
term. Often the method of successive differences may be applied in such cases. Con-
sider the sequence
2, 6, 22, 56, 114, Á .
Because the next term is not obvious, subtract the first term from the second term,
the second from the third, the third from the fourth, and so on.
2 6 22 56 114

6ⴚ2ⴝ4 22 ⴚ 6 ⴝ 16 56 ⴚ 22 ⴝ 34 114 ⴚ 56 ⴝ 58
Now repeat the process with the sequence 4, 16, 34, 58 and continue repeating until
the difference is a constant value, as shown in line (4).
2 6 22 56 114 (1)

4 16 34 58 (2)

This row gives an

arithmetic sequence. 12 18 24 (3)

6 6 (4)

Once a line of constant values is obtained, simply work “backward” by adding until
the desired term of the given sequence is obtained. Thus, for this pattern to continue,
another 6 should appear in line (4), meaning that the next term in line (3) would
have to be 24 + 6 = 30. The next term in line (2) would be 58 + 30 = 88. Finally,
the next term in the given sequence would be 114 + 88 = 202.

2 6 22 56 114 202 (1)

4 16 34 58 88 (2)

12 18 24 30 (3)

6 6 6 (4)

EXAMPLE 2 Using Successive Differences

Determine the next number in each sequence.
(a) 14, 22, 32, 44, Á (b) 5, 15, 37, 77, 141, Á

(a) Use the method of successive differences to obtain the following.

14 22 32 44 58

8 10 12 14

2 2 2

Once the row of 2s was obtained and extended, we were able to get 12 + 2 = 14,
and 44 + 14 = 58, as shown above. The next number in the sequence is 58.
The Art of Problem Solving

(b) Proceeding as before, obtain the following diagram.

5 15 37 77 141 235

10 22 40 64 94

12 18 24 30

6 6 6

The numbers in the “diagonal” at the far right were obtained by adding:
24 + 6 = 30, 64 + 30 = 94, and 141 + 94 = 235. The next number in the
sequence is 235.

The method of successive differences will not always work. For example, try it
on the Fibonacci sequence in Example 2(b) of Section 1 and see what happens.

Number Patterns and Sum Formulas

Mathematics features a seemingly endless variety of number patterns. Observe the
following pattern.

1 = 12
1 + 3 = 22
1 + 3 + 5 = 32
1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 42
1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 = 52

In each case, the left side of the equation is the indicated sum of consecutive odd
counting numbers beginning with 1, and the right side is the square of the number of
terms on the left side. Inductive reasoning would suggest that the next line in this
pattern is as follows.

1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 11 = 6 2

Evaluating each side shows that each side simplifies to 36.

We cannot conclude that this pattern will continue indefinitely, because obser-
vation of a finite number of examples does not guarantee that the pattern will
continue. However, mathematicians have proved that this pattern does indeed con-
tinue indefinitely, using a method of proof called mathematical induction. (See any
standard college algebra text.)
Any even counting number may be written in the form 2k, where k is a counting
number. It follows that the kth odd counting number is written 2k - 1. For example,
the third odd counting number, 5, can be written

2132 - 1.

Using these ideas, we can write the result obtained above as follows.

Sum of the First n Odd Counting Numbers

If n is any counting number, then the following is true.
1ⴙ3ⴙ5ⴙ Á ⴙ 12n ⴚ 12 ⴝ n2
The Art of Problem Solving

EXAMPLE 3 Predicting the Next Equation in a List

In each of the following, several equations are given illustrating a suspected number
pattern. Determine what the next equation would be, and verify that it is indeed a
true statement.
(a) 12 = 13 (b) 1 = 13
11 + 222 = 13 + 23 3 + 5 = 23
11 + 2 + 322 = 13 + 23 + 33 7 + 9 + 11 = 33
11 + 2 + 3 + 422 = 13 + 23 + 33 + 43 13 + 15 + 17 + 19 = 43
1 # 2
(c) 1 = (d) 12,345,679 * 9 = 111,111,111
# 12,345,679 * 18 = 222,222,222
2 3
1 + 2 = 12,345,679 * 27 = 333,333,333
# 12,345,679 * 36 = 444,444,444
3 4
1 + 2 + 3 =
4 # 5
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 =
(a) The left side of each equation is the square of the sum of the first n counting
numbers, while the right side is the sum of their cubes. The next equation in the
pattern would be

11 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 522 = 1 3 + 23 + 33 + 43 + 5 3.

Each side simplifies to 225, so the pattern is true for this equation.
(b) The left sides of the equations contain the sum of odd counting numbers, starting
with the first (1) in the first equation, the second and third (3 and 5) in the sec-
ond equation, the fourth, fifth, and sixth (7, 9, and 11) in the third equation, and
so on. The right side contains the cube (third power) of the number of terms on
the left side in each case. Following this pattern, the next equation would be

21 + 23 + 25 + 27 + 29 = 5 3,

which can be verified by computation.

(c) The left side of each equation gives the indicated sum of the first n counting
numbers, and the right side is always of the form
n1n + 12

For the pattern to continue, the next equation would be

5 # 6
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = .
Because each side simplifies to 15, the pattern is true for this equation.
(d) In each case, the first factor on the left is 12,345,679 and the second factor is a
multiple of 9 (that is, 9, 18, 27, 36). The right side consists of a nine-digit number,
all digits of which are the same (that is, 1, 2, 3, 4). For the pattern to continue, the
next equation would be as follows.
12, 345, 679 * 45 = 555, 555, 555
Verify that this is a true statement.
The Art of Problem Solving

The patterns established in Examples 3(a) and 3(c) can be written as follows.

Special Sum Formulas

For any counting number n, the following are true.
11 ⴙ 2 ⴙ 3 ⴙ Á ⴙ n22 ⴝ 1 3 ⴙ 23 ⴙ 33 ⴙ Á ⴙ n3

n1n ⴙ 12
and 1ⴙ2ⴙ3ⴙ Á ⴙnⴝ

We can provide a general deductive argument showing how the second equation
is obtained.
Let S represent the sum 1 + 2 + 3 + Á + n. This sum can also be written as
S = n + 1n - 12 + 1n - 22 + Á + 1. Write these two equations as follows.
S = 1 + 2 + 3 + Á + n
S = n + 1n - 12 + 1n - 22 + Á + 1
2S = 1n + 12 + 1n + 12 + 1n + 12 + Á + 1n + 12 Add the corresponding sides.
2S = n1n + 12 There are n terms of n + 1.
n1n + 12
S = Divide both sides by 2.

Figurate Numbers
Pythagoras and his Pythagorean brotherhood studied numbers of geometric
arrangements of points, such as triangular numbers, square numbers, and pentagonal
numbers. Figure 5 illustrates the first few of each of these types of numbers.
Disney Enterprises, Inc.

The figurate numbers possess numerous interesting patterns. Every square

number greater than 1 is the sum of two consecutive triangular numbers. (For exam-
ple, 9 = 3 + 6 and 25 = 10 + 15.)

In the 1959 Disney animation

Donald in Mathmagic Land, Donald Triangular
Duck travels back in time to meet the numbers
Greek mathematician Pythagoras 1 3 6 10 15
(c. 540 B.C.), who with his fellow
mathematicians formed the Pythagorean
brotherhood. The brotherhood devoted its
time to the study of mathematics and
© Disney Enterprises, Inc.
1 4 9 16 25

1 5 12 22
Figure 5
The Art of Problem Solving

Every pentagonal number can be represented as the sum of a square number and
a triangular number. (For example, 5 = 4 + 1 and 12 = 9 + 3.) Many other such
relationships exist.
In the expression Tn, n is called a subscript. Tn is read “T sub n,” and it repre-
sents the triangular number in the nth position in the sequence. For example,

T1 = 1, T2 = 3, T3 = 6, and T4 = 10.

Sn and Pn represent the nth square and pentagonal numbers, respectively.

Formulas for Triangular, Square, and Pentagonal Numbers

For any natural number n, the following are true.
n1n ⴙ 12
The nth triangular number is given by Tn ⴝ .
The nth square number is given by Sn ⴝ n2.
n13n ⴚ 12
The nth pentagonal number is given by Pn ⴝ .

EXAMPLE 4 Using the Formulas for Figurate Numbers

Use the formulas to find each of the following.
(a) seventh triangular number
(b) twelfth square number
(c) sixth pentagonal number

n1n + 12 717 + 12 7182 56 Formula for a triangular number,
(a) T7 = = = = = 28 n=7
2 2 2 2
(b) S12 = n2 = 122 = 144 Formula for a square number, n = 12
122 = 12 # 12 Inside the brackets,
multiply first and
then subtract.
n13 n - 12 6[3162 - 1] 6118 - 12 61172
(c) P6 = = = = = 51
2 2 2 2

EXAMPLE 5 Illustrating a Figurate Number Relationship

Show that the sixth pentagonal number is equal to the sum of 6 and 3 times the fifth
triangular number.

From Example 4(c), P6 = 51. The fifth triangular number is 15. Thus,

51 = 6 + 3(15) = 6 + 45 = 51.

The general relationship examined in Example 5 can be written as follows.

Pn = n + 3 # Tn - 1 (n Ú 2)
The Art of Problem Solving

EXAMPLE 6 Predicting the Value of a Pentagonal Number

The first five pentagonal numbers are 1, 5, 12, 22, 35. Use the method of successive
differences to predict the sixth pentagonal number.


1 5 12 22 35 51

4 7 10 13 16

3 3 3 3

After the second line of successive differences, we work backward to find that the
sixth pentagonal number is 51, which was also found in Example 4(c).

For Further Thought

Kaprekar Constants The number 495 is called a Kaprekar constant.
The number 495 will eventually always be generated if
Take any three-digit number whose digits are not all the this process is applied to such a three-digit number.
same. Arrange the digits in decreasing order, and then
arrange them in increasing order. Now subtract. Repeat
the process, using a 0 if necessary in the event that the For Group or Individual Investigation
difference consists of only two digits. For example, 1. Apply the process of Kaprekar to a two-digit
suppose that we choose a number whose digits are 1, number, in which the digits are not the same.
4, and 8, such as 841. (Interpret 9 as 09 if necessary.) Compare the results.
841 963 954 What seems to be true?
- 148 - 369 - 459 2. Repeat the process for four digits, comparing results
693 594 495 after several steps.What conjecture can be made for
this situation?
Notice that we have obtained the number 495, and
the process will lead to 495 again.

For each sequence, determine if it is an arithmetic sequence, 9. 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, . . .
a geometric sequence, or neither. If it is either arithmetic or
geometric, give the next term in the sequence. 10. 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, . . .
1. 6, 16, 26, 36, 46, . . . 11. 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, . . .

2. 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, . . . 12. 10, 50, 90, 130, 170, . . .

3. 5, 15, 45, 135, 405, . . .

Use the method of successive differences to determine the
4. 2, 12, 72, 432, 2592, . . . next number in each sequence.
5. 1, 8, 27, 81, 243, . . . 13. 1, 4, 11, 22, 37, 56, . . .

6. 2, 8, 18, 32, 50, . . . 14. 3, 14, 31, 54, 83, 118, . . .

7. 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, . . . 15. 6, 20, 50, 102, 182, 296, . . .

8. 4096, 1024, 256, 64, 16, . . . 16. 1, 11, 35, 79, 149, 251, . . .
The Art of Problem Solving

17. 0, 12, 72, 240, 600, 1260, 2352, . . . 30. 1 2 + 1 = 22 - 2

22 + 2 = 32 - 3
18. 2, 57, 220, 575, 1230, 2317, . . . 32 + 3 = 42 - 4
19. 5, 34, 243, 1022, 3121, 7770, 16799, . . . 31. 1 = 1 * 1
1 + 5 = 2 * 3
20. 3, 19, 165, 771, 2503, 6483, 14409, . . .
1 + 5 + 9 = 3 * 5
21. Refer to Figures 2 and 3 in Section 1. The method of
successive differences can be applied to the sequence of 32. 1 + 2 = 3
interior regions, 4 + 5 + 6 = 7 + 8
9 + 10 + 11 + 12 = 13 + 14 + 15
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 31,
to find the number of regions determined by seven n1n + 12
Use the formula S = 2 to find each sum.
points on the circle. What is the next term in this
sequence? How many regions would be determined by 33. 1 + 2 + 3 + Á + 300
eight points? Verify this using the formula given at the
end of that section. 34. 1 + 2 + 3 + Á + 500

22. Suppose that the expression n2 + 3n + 1 determines 35. 1 + 2 + 3 + Á + 675

the nth term in a sequence. That is, to find the first term,
let n = 1. To find the second term, let n = 2, and so on. 36. 1 + 2 + 3 + Á + 825
(a) Find the first four terms of the sequence.
Use the formula S = n2 to find each sum. (Hint: To find n,
(b) Use the method of successive differences to predict
add 1 to the last term and divide by 2.)
the fifth term of the sequence.
(c) Find the fifth term by letting n = 5 in the expres- 37. 1 + 3 + 5 + Á + 101
sion n2 + 3n + 1. Does your result agree with the
one you found in part (b)? 38. 1 + 3 + 5 + Á + 49

39. 1 + 3 + 5 + Á + 999
In Exercises 23–32, several equations are given illustrating a
suspected number pattern. Determine what the next equation 40. 1 + 3 + 5 + Á + 301
would be, and verify that it is indeed a true statement.
23. 11 * 92 - 1 = 8
41. Use the formula for finding the sum
121 * 92 - 1 = 188 1 + 2 + 3 + Á + n
1321 * 92 - 1 = 2888
to discover a formula for finding the sum
24. 11 * 82 + 1 = 9 S = n(n + 1) 2 + 4 + 6 + Á + 2n.
112 * 82 + 2 = 98
1123 * 82 + 3 = 987
42. State in your own words the following formula dis-
cussed in this section.
25. 999,999 * 2 = 1,999,998 11 + 2 + 3 + Á + n22 = 13 + 23 + 33 + Á + n3
999,999 * 3 = 2,999,997
43. Explain how the following diagram geometrically
26. 101 * 101 = 10,201 illustrates the formula 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 = 52.
10,101 * 10,101 = 102,030,201

27. 32 - 12 = 23
62 - 32 = 33
10 2 - 6 2 = 43
15 2 - 10 2 = 53
28. 1 = 12 44. Explain how the following diagram geometrically illus-
1 2 + 1 = 22
trates the formula 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 4 *2 5.
1 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 32
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 42

29. 22 - 1 2 = 2 + 1
32 - 22 = 3 + 2
42 - 32 = 4 + 3
The Art of Problem Solving

45. Use patterns to complete the table below.

Figurate Number 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Triangular 1 3 6 10 15 21
Square 1 4 9 16 25
Pentagonal 1 5 12 22
Hexagonal 1 6 15
Heptagonal 1 7
Octagonal 1

46. The first five triangular, square, and pentagonal numbers may be obtained using sums of terms of
sequences, as shown below.
Triangular Square Pentagonal
1 = 1 1 = 1 1 = 1
3 = 1 + 2 4 = 1 + 3 5 = 1 + 4
6 = 1 + 2 + 3 9 = 1 + 3 + 5 12 = 1 + 4 + 7
10 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 16 = 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 22 = 1 + 4 + 7 + 10
15 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 25 = 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 35 = 1 + 4 + 7 + 10 + 13

Notice the successive differences of the added terms on the right sides of the equations.
The next type of figurate number is the hexagonal number. (A hexagon has six sides.) Use the
patterns above to predict the first five hexagonal numbers.

47. Eight times any triangular number, plus 1, is a square (a) For n = 2 to n = 8, form the fractions
number. Show that this is true for the first four triangu-
nth square number
lar numbers.
1n + 12st square number

48. Divide the first triangular number by 3 and record the (b) Repeat part (a) with triangular numbers.
remainder. Divide the second triangular number by 3
and record the remainder. Repeat this procedure sev- (c) Use inductive reasoning to make a conjecture based
eral more times. Do you notice a pattern? on your results from parts (a) and (b), observing
whether the fractions are in lowest terms.
49. Repeat Exercise 48, but instead use square numbers
and divide by 4. What pattern is determined? In addition to the formulas for Tn, Sn, and Pn, the following
formulas are true for hexagonal numbers (H), heptagonal
50. Exercises 48 and 49 are specific cases of the following: numbers (Hp), and octagonal numbers (O):
When the numbers in the sequence of n-agonal num- n14n ⴚ 22 n15n ⴚ 32 n16n ⴚ 42
bers are divided by n, the sequence of remainders Hn ⴝ , Hpn ⴝ , On ⴝ .
2 2 2
obtained is a repeating sequence. Verify this for n = 5
and n = 6. Use these formulas to find each of the following.

51. Every square number can be written as the sum of two 53. the sixteenth square number
triangular numbers. For example, 16 = 6 + 10. This can
be represented geometrically by dividing a square array 54. the eleventh triangular number
of dots with a line as shown.
55. the ninth pentagonal number

56. the seventh hexagonal number

57. the tenth heptagonal number

58. the twelfth octagonal number

The triangular arrangement above the line represents 6,
the one below the line represents 10, and the whole 59. Observe the formulas given for Hn, Hpn, and On, and
arrangement represents 16. Show how the square num- use patterns and inductive reasoning to predict the for-
bers 25 and 36 may likewise be geometrically represented mula for Nn, the nth nonagonal number. (A nonagon
as the sum of two triangular numbers. has nine sides.) Then use the fact that the sixth nonagonal
number is 111 to further confirm your conjecture.
52. A fraction is in lowest terms if the greatest common
factor of its numerator and its denominator is 1. For 60. Use the result of Exercise 59 to find the tenth nonago-
example, 38 is in lowest terms, but 12 is not. nal number.
The Art of Problem Solving

Use inductive reasoning to answer each question. Here r is the common ratio. Use these formulas to determine
the indicated term in the given sequence.
61. If you add two consecutive triangular numbers, what
kind of figurate number do you get? 65. The eleventh term of 2, 6, 10, 14, . . .

62. If you add the squares of two consecutive triangular 66. The sixteenth term of 5, 15, 25, 35, . . .
numbers, what kind of figurate number do you get?
67. The 21st term of 19, 39, 59, 79, . . .
63. Square a triangular number. Square the next triangular
number. Subtract the smaller result from the larger. 68. The 36th term of 8, 38, 68, 98, . . .
What kind of number do you get?
69. The 101st term of 21, 1, 32, 2, . . .
64. Choose a value of n greater than or equal to 2. Find
Tn - 1, multiply it by 3, and add n. What kind of figurate 70. The 151st term of 0.75, 1.50, 2.25, 3.00, . . .
number do you get?
71. The eleventh term of 2, 4, 8, 16, . . .
In an arithmetic sequence, the nth term an is given by the 72. The ninth term of 1, 4, 16, 64, . . .
73. The 12th term of 1, 21, 14, 18, . . .
an ⴝ a 1 ⴙ 1n ⴚ 12d,
74. The 10th term of 1, 31, 19, 27 ,...
where a1 is the first term and d is the common difference.
Similarly, in a geometric sequence, the nth term is given by 75. The 8th term of 40, 10, 25, 58, . . .
an ⴝ a 1 # r nⴚ 1 . 2
76. The 9th term of 10, 2, 52, 25 ,...


A General Problem-Solving Method • Using a Table or Chart • Working Backward
• Using Trial and Error • Guessing and Checking • Considering a Similar, Simpler
Problem • Drawing a Sketch • Using Common Sense

A General Problem-Solving Method

In the first two sections of this chapter we stressed the importance of pattern recog-
nition and the use of inductive reasoning in solving problems. Probably the most
famous study of problem-solving techniques was developed by George Polya
(1888–1985), among whose many publications was the modern classic How to Solve
It. In this book, Polya proposed a four-step method for problem solving.
AP Images

Polya’s Four-Step Method for Problem Solving

Step 1 Understand the problem. You cannot solve a problem if you do not
George Polya, author of the classic How
to Solve It, died at the age of 97 on
understand what you are asked to find. The problem must be read and
September 7, 1985. A native of Budapest, analyzed carefully. You may need to read it several times. After you
Hungary, he was once asked why there have done so, ask yourself, “What must I find?”
were so many good mathematicians to Step 2 Devise a plan. There are many ways to attack a problem. Decide
come out of Hungary at the turn of the what plan is appropriate for the particular problem you are solving.
century. He theorized that it was because
mathematics is the cheapest science. It
Step 3 Carry out the plan. Once you know how to approach the problem,
does not require any expensive equipment, carry out your plan. You may run into “dead ends” and unforeseen
only pencil and paper. He authored or roadblocks, but be persistent.
coauthored more than 250 papers in many Step 4 Look back and check. Check your answer to see that it is reasonable.
languages, wrote a number of books, and Does it satisfy the conditions of the problem? Have you answered all
was a brilliant lecturer and teacher. Yet, the questions the problem asks? Can you solve the problem a differ-
interestingly enough, he never learned to
ent way and come up with the same answer?
drive a car.
The Art of Problem Solving

In Step 2 of Polya’s problem-solving method, we are told to devise a plan. Here

are some hints and strategies that may prove useful.

P R O B L E M - S O LV I N G H I N T S
Make a table or a chart. If a formula applies, use it.
Look for a pattern. Work backward.
Solve a similar, simpler problem. Guess and check.
Granger Collection

Draw a sketch. Use trial and error.

Use inductive reasoning. Use common sense.
Write an equation and solve it. Look for a “catch” if an answer
seems too obvious or impossible.

Fibonacci (1170–1250) discovered the

sequence named after him in a problem Using a Table or Chart
on rabbits. Fibonacci (son of Bonaccio) is
one of several names for Leonardo of
Pisa. His father managed a warehouse
EXAMPLE 1 Solving Fibonacci’s Rabbit Problem
in present-day Bougie (or Bejaia), in
A man put a pair of rabbits in a cage. During the first month the rabbits produced no
Algeria. Thus it was that Leonardo
offspring but each month thereafter produced one new pair of rabbits. If each new
Pisano studied with a Moorish teacher
and learned the “Indian” numbers that
pair thus produced reproduces in the same manner, how many pairs of rabbits will
the Moors and other Moslems brought there be at the end of 1 year? (This problem is a famous one in the history of
with them in their westward drive. mathematics and first appeared in Liber Abaci, a book written by the Italian math-
Fibonacci wrote books on algebra, ematician Leonardo Pisano (also known as Fibonacci) in the year 1202.)
geometry, and trigonometry.
Step 1 Understand the problem. We can reword the problem as follows:
How many pairs of rabbits will the man have at the end of one year if he
starts with one pair, and they reproduce this way: During the first month of
life, each pair produces no new rabbits, but each month thereafter each
pair produces one new pair?

Step 2 Devise a plan. Because there is a definite pattern to how the rabbits will
reproduce, we can construct Table 2.

Table 2
Month Number of Number of Number of
Pairs at Start New Pairs Produced Pairs at End of Month

The answer
will go here.
The Art of Problem Solving

Step 3 Carry out the plan. At the start of the first month, there is only one pair of
rabbits. No new pairs are produced during the first month, so there is
1 + 0 = 1 pair present at the end of the first month. This pattern continues.
In the table, we add the number in the first column of numbers to the num-
ber in the second column to get the number in the third.

Month Number of Number of Number of

Pairs at ⴙ New Pairs ⴝ Pairs at
Start Produced End of Month
1st 1 0 1 1 + 0 = 1
2nd 1 1 2 1 + 1 = 2
3rd 2 1 3 2 + 1 = 3
4th 3 2 5 #
5th 5 3 8 #
6th 8 5 13 #
7th 13 8 21 #
8th 21 13 34 #
9th 34 21 55 #
10th 55 34 89 #
11th 89 55 144 #
Texas Instruments images used 12th 144 89 233 144 + 89 = 233
with permission/CBS/Param- The answer is the
ount/Nationaly Council of Teachers final entry.
of Mathematics
There will be 233 pairs of rabbits at the end of one year.
On January 23, 2005, the CBS
television network presented the Step 4 Look back and check. Go back and make sure that we have interpreted the
first episode of NUMB3RS, a show problem correctly. Double-check the arithmetic. We have answered the
focusing on how mathematics is used in question posed by the problem, so the problem is solved.
solving crimes. David Krumholtz plays
Charlie Eppes, a brilliant mathematician
who assists his FBI agent brother (Rob Working Backward
In the first-season episode “Sabotage” EXAMPLE 2 Determining a Wager at the Track
(2/25/2005), one of the agents admits that
she “never saw how math relates to the Ronnie Virgets goes to the racetrack with his buddies on a weekly basis. One week
real world,” and Charlie uses the he tripled his money, but then lost $12. He took his money back the next week, dou-
Fibonacci sequence and its bled it, but then lost $40. The following week he tried again, taking his money back
relationship to nature to enlighten her.
with him. He quadrupled it, and then played well enough to take that much home, a
The sequence shown in color in the
total of $224. How much did he start with the first week?
table in Example 1 is the Fibonacci
sequence, mentioned in Example 2(b) of
Section 1.
This problem asks us to find Ronnie’s starting amount. Since we know his final
amount, the method of working backward can be applied.
Because his final amount was $224 and this represents four times the amount he
started with on the third week, we divide $224 by 4 to find that he started the third
week with $56. Before he lost $40 the second week, he had this $56 plus the $40 he
lost, giving him $96. This represented double what he started with, so he started with
$96 divided by 2, or $48, the second week. Repeating this process once more for the
first week, before his $12 loss he had
$48 + $12 = $60,
which represents triple what he started with. Therefore, he started with
$60 , 3 = $20. Answer

To check, observe the following equations that depict winnings and losses.
First week: (3 * $202 - $12 = $60 - $12 = $48
Second week: (2 * $482 - $40 = $96 - $40 = $56
Third week: (4 * $56) = $224 His final amount
The Art of Problem Solving

Using Trial and Error

Recall that 52 = 5 # 5 = 25. That is, 5 squared is 25. Thus, 25 is called a perfect

1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, and so on Perfect squares


EXAMPLE 3 Finding Augustus De Morgan’s Birth Year

The mathematician Augustus De Morgan lived in the nineteenth century. He made
the following statement: “I was x years old in the year x2.” In what year was he born?

Augustus De Morgan was an English
mathematician and philosopher, who We must find the year of De Morgan’s birth. The problem tells us that he lived in the
served as professor at the University of nineteenth century, which is another way of saying that he lived during the 1800s.
London. He wrote numerous books, one of One year of his life was a perfect square, so we must find a number between 1800
which was A Budget of Paradoxes. His and 1900 that is a perfect square. Use trial and error.
work in set theory and logic led to laws
that bear his name. He died in the same 422 = 42 # 42 = 1764
year as Charles Babbage. # 1849 is between
432 = 43 43 = 1849 1800 and 1900.
442 = 44 # 44 = 1936

The only natural number whose square is between 1800 and 1900 is 43, since
432 = 1849. Therefore, De Morgan was 43 years old in 1849. The final step in solving
the problem is to subtract 43 from 1849 to find the year of his birth.

1849 - 43 = 1806 He was born in 1806.

Although the following check may seem unorthodox, it works: Look up De

Morgan’s birth date in a book dealing with mathematics history, such as An Introduc-
tion to the History of Mathematics, Sixth Edition, by Howard W. Eves.

Guessing and Checking

As mentioned above, 52 = 25. The inverse (opposite) of squaring a number is called
taking the square root. We indicate the positive square root using a radical symbol 2 .
Thus, 225 = 5. Also,
24 = 2, 29 = 3, 216 = 4, and so on. Square roots

The next problem deals with a square root and dates back to Hindu mathemat-
ics, circa 850.

EXAMPLE 4 Finding the Number of Camels

One-fourth of a herd of camels was seen in the forest; twice the square root of that
herd had gone to the mountain slopes; and 3 times 5 camels remained on the river-
bank. What is the numerical measure of that herd of camels?

The numerical measure of a herd of camels must be a counting number. Because the
problem mentions “one-fourth of a herd” and “the square root of that herd,” the
number of camels must be both a multiple of 4 and a perfect square, so that only
whole numbers are used. The least counting number that satisfies both conditions is
4. We write an equation where x represents the numerical measure of the herd, and
then substitute 4 for x to see if it is a solution.
The Art of Problem Solving

One-fourth of Twice the square 3 times The numerical

+ + =
the herd root of that herd 5 camels measure of the herd.
('')''* ('')''* (')'* ()* (''
1 #
x + 22x + 3 5 = x

142 + 224 + 3 # 5 = 4
Let x = 4.
1 + 4 + 15 ⱨ 4 24 = 2
20 ⴝ 4
Because 4 is not the solution, try 16, the next perfect square that is a multiple of 4.

1162 + 2216 + 3 # 5 = 16
Let x = 16.
4 + 8 + 15 ⱨ 16 216 = 4
27 ⴝ 16
Because 16 is not a solution, try 36.

1362 + 2236 + 3 # 5 = 36
Let x = 36.
9 + 12 + 15 ⱨ 36 236 = 6
36 ⴝ 36
Thus, 36 is the numerical measure of the herd. Check: “One-fourth of 36, plus twice
the square root of 36, plus 3 times 5” gives 9 plus 12 plus 15, which equals 36.

Considering a Similar, Simpler Problem

EXAMPLE 5 Finding the Units Digit of a Power
The digit farthest to the right in a counting number is called the ones or units digit,
because it tells how many ones are contained in the number when grouping by tens
Krista Mackey/iStockphoto

is considered. What is the ones (or units) digit in 24000?

Recall that 24000 means that 2 is used as a factor 4000 times.
24000 = ('''')''''*
2 *2 *2 * Á *2
4000 factors

To answer the question, we examine some smaller powers of 2 and then look for a
The 1952 film Hans Christian pattern. We start with the exponent 1 and look at the first twelve powers of 2.
Andersen features Danny Kaye as
the Danish writer of fairy tales. In a scene 21 = 2 25 = 32 29 = 512
outside a schoolhouse, he sings a song to
22 = 4 26 = 64 210 = 1024
an inchworm: “Inchworm, inchworm,
measuring the marigolds, you and your 23 = 8 27 = 128 211 = 2048
arithmetic, you’ll probably go far.” 24 = 16 28 = 256 212 = 4096
Following the scene, students in the
schoolhouse are heard singing arithmetic Notice that in any one of the four rows above, the ones digit is the same all the
facts: way across the row. The final row, which contains the exponents 4, 8, and 12, has the
Two and two are four, ones digit 6. Each of these exponents is divisible by 4, and because 4000 is divisible
Four and four are eight, by 4, we can use inductive reasoning to predict that the units digit in 24000 is 6.
Eight and eight are sixteen, (Note: The units digit for any other power can be found if we divide the expo-
Sixteen and sixteen are thirty-two. nent by 4 and consider the remainder. Then compare the result to the list of powers
above. For example, to find the units digit of 2543, divide 543 by 4 to get a quotient of
Their answers are all powers of 2.
135 and a remainder of 3. The units digit is the same as that of 23, which is 8.)
The Art of Problem Solving

Drawing a Sketch
EXAMPLE 6 Connecting the Dots
An array of nine dots is arranged in a 3 * 3 square, as shown in Figure 6. Is it pos-
sible to join the dots with exactly four straight line segments if you are not allowed
to pick up your pencil from the paper and may not trace over a segment that has
already been drawn? If so, show how.

Figure 7 shows three attempts. In each case, something is wrong. In the first sketch,
one dot is not joined. In the second, the figure cannot be drawn without picking up
your pencil from the paper or tracing over a line that has already been drawn. In the
third figure, all dots have been joined, but you have used five line segments as well
as retraced over the figure.

Figure 7

The conditions of the problem can be satisfied, as shown in Figure 8. We “went

outside of the box,” which was not prohibited by the conditions of the problem. This
is an example of creative thinking—we used a strategy that often is not considered
Figure 8 at first.

Using Common Sense

P R O B L E M - S O LV I N G H I N T S Some problems involve a “catch.” They
In Die Hard: With a Vengeance (see
the Chapter Opener), Simon taunts
seem too easy or perhaps impossible at first because we tend to overlook an
McClane with a riddle that has its origins obvious situation. Look carefully at the use of language in such problems. And,
in Egyptian mathematics. of course, never forget to use common sense.
As I was going to St. Ives,
I met a man with seven wives.
Every wife had seven sacks,
Every sack had seven cats, EXAMPLE 7 Determining Coin Denominations
Every cat had seven kittens.
Kittens, cats, sacks, and wives,
Two currently minted United States coins together have a total value of $1.05. One
How many were going to St. Ives? is not a dollar. What are the two coins?
”My phone number is 555 and the SOLUTION
answer. Call me in 30 seconds or die.”
Our initial reaction might be, “The only way to have two such coins with a total of
By calling 555-0001, he was able to $1.05 is to have a nickel and a dollar, but the problem says that one of them is not a
contact Simon. Do you see why 1 is the
dollar.” This statement is indeed true. What we must realize here is that the one that
answer to this riddle? (Use common
is not a dollar is the nickel, and the other coin is a dollar! So the two coins are a dol-
lar and a nickel.
The Art of Problem Solving


Exercises from the Mathematics Teacher monthly calendar appear on the following pages of the text. These are reprinted with permission from Mathematics Teacher, copyright © 1980–2010 by
One of the most popular features in the journal Mathematics Erin finished the race in the middle position; Katelyn
Teacher, published by the National Council of Teachers of finished after Erin, in the 19th position; and Iliana fin-
Mathematics, is the monthly calendar. It provides an interest- ished 28th. How many schools took part in the race?
ing, unusual, or challenging problem for each day of the (May 27, 2008)
month. Problems are contributed by the editors of the jour-
nal, teachers, and students, and the contributors are cited in 6. Gone Fishing Four friends go fishing one day and bring
each issue. Some of these exercises are problems chosen from home a total of 11 fish. If each person caught at least
these calendars over the past years, with the day, month, and 1 fish, then which of the following must be true?
year for the problem indicated. The authors want to thank the A. One person caught exactly 2 fish.
many contributors for permission to use these problems. B. One person caught exactly 3 fish.
Use the various problem-solving strategies to solve each
problem. In many cases there is more than one possible C. One person caught fewer than 3 fish.
approach, so be creative. D. One person caught more than 3 fish.
E. Two people each caught more than 1 fish.
1. Class Members A classroom contains an equal number
of boys and girls. If 8 girls leave, twice as many boys as (May 24, 2008)
girls remain. What was the original number of students
present? (May 24, 2008)

2. Give Me a Digit Given a two-digit number, make a

three-digit number by putting a 6 as the right-most
digit. Then add 6 to the resulting three-digit number
and remove the right-most digit to obtain another two

Digital Vision/Thinkstock
digit number. If the result is 76, what is the original two-
digit number? (October 18, 2009)

3. Missing Digit Look for a pattern and find the missing

digit x.
3 2 4 8
7 2 1 3
8 4 x 5
4 3 6 9 7. Cutting a Square in Half In how many ways can a single
straight line cut a square in half? (October 2, 2008)
(February 14, 2009)
8. You Lie! Max, Sam, and Brett were playing basketball.
4. Abundancy An integer n 7 1 is abundant if the sum of One of them broke a window, and the other two saw
its proper divisors (positive integer divisors smaller him break it. Max said, “I am innocent.” Sam said, “Max

the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. All Rights Reserved

than n) is greater than n. Find the smallest abundant and I are both innocent.” Brett said, “Max and Sam are
integer. (November 27, 2009) both innocent.” If only one of them is telling the truth,
who broke the window? (September 21, 2008)
5. Cross-Country Competition The schools in an athletic
conference compete in a cross-country meet to which 9. Bookworm Snack A 26-volume encyclopedia (one for
each school sends three participants. Erin, Katelyn, and each letter) is placed on a bookshelf in alphabetical
Iliana are the three representatives from one school. order from left to right. Each volume is 2 inches thick,
including the front and back covers. Each cover is 14 inch
thick. A bookworm eats straight through the encyclope-
dia, beginning inside the front cover of volume A and
ending after eating through the back cover of volume Z.
How many inches of book did the bookworm eat?

(November 12, 2008)

10. Pick a Card, Any Card Three face cards from an ordinary
deck of playing cards lie facedown in a horizontal row
and are arranged such that immediately to the right of a
king is a queen or two queens, immediately to the left of
a queen is a queen or two queens, immediately to the
left of a heart is a spade or two spades, and immediately
to the right of a spade is a spade or two spades. Name
the three cards in order. (April 23, 2008)
The Art of Problem Solving

11. Catwoman’s Cats If you ask Batman’s nemesis, Cat- 21. Labeling Boxes You are working in a store that has been
woman, how many cats she has, she answers with a rid- very careless with the stock. Three boxes of socks are
dle: “Five-sixths of my cats plus seven.” How many cats each incorrectly labeled. The labels say red socks, green
does Catwoman have? (April 20, 2003) socks, and red and green socks. How can you relabel the
boxes correctly by taking only one sock out of one box,
12. Pencil Collection Bob gave four-fifths of his pencils to without looking inside the boxes? (October 22, 2001)
Barbara, then he gave two-thirds of the remaining pen-
cils to Bonnie. If he ended up with ten pencils for himself, 22. Vertical Symmetry in States’ Names (If a vertical line is
with how many did he start? (October 12, 2003) drawn through the center of a figure and the left and
right sides are reflections of each other across this line,
13. Adding Gasoline The gasoline gauge on a van initially the figure is said to have vertical symmetry.) When
read 81 full. When 15 gallons were added to the tank, the spelled with all capital letters, each letter in HAWAII
gauge read 43 full. How many more gallons are needed has vertical symmetry. Find the name of a state whose
to fill the tank? (November 25, 2004) letters all have vertical and horizontal symmetry. (Sep-
tember 11, 2001)
14. Gasoline Tank Capacity When 6 gallons of gasoline are
put into a car’s tank, the indicator goes from 41 of a tank 23. Sum of Hidden Dots on Dice Three dice with faces num-
to 58. What is the total capacity of the gasoline tank? bered 1 through 6 are stacked as shown. Seven of the
eighteen faces are visible, leaving eleven faces hidden
(February 21, 2004)
on the back, on the bottom, and between dice. The total
15. Number Pattern What is the relationship between the number of dots not visible in this view is .
rows of numbers? A. 21
18, 38, 24, 46, 42 B. 22
8, 24, 8, 24, 8 C. 31
D. 41
(May 26, 2005) E. 53
16. Unknown Number The number in an unshaded square is (September 17, 2001)
obtained by adding the numbers connected with it from
the row above. (The 11 is one such number.) What is the 24. Mr. Green’s Age At his birthday party, Mr. Green would
value of x? (December 22, 2008) not directly tell how old he was. He said, “If you add the
year of my birth to this year, subtract the year of my
tenth birthday and the year of my fiftieth birthday, and
5 6 x 7
then add my present age, the result is eighty.” How old
11 was Mr. Green? (December 14, 1997)

25. Unfolding and Folding a Box An unfolded box is shown


17. Locking Boxes You and I each have one lock and a cor- 2
responding key. I want to mail you a box with a ring in it,
but any box that is not locked will be emptied before it 1 3 5 6
reaches its recipient. How can I safely send you the ring? 4
(Note that you and I each have keys to our own lock but
not to the other lock.) (May 4, 2004)
Which figure shows the box folded up? (November 7,
18. Woodchuck Chucking Wood Nine woodchucks can chuck 2001)
eight pieces of wood in 3 hours. How much wood can a
woodchuck chuck in 1 hour? (May 24, 2004)

19. Number in a Sequence In the sequence 16, 80, 48, 64, A, 3 2 5 4 4 6 5 1

B, C, D, each term beyond the second term is the arith-
metic mean (average) of the two previous terms. What A B C D
is the value of D? (April 26, 2004)
26. Age of the Bus Driver Today is your first day driving a
20. Unknown Number Cindy was asked by her teacher to city bus. When you leave downtown, you have twenty-
subtract 3 from a certain number and then divide the three passengers. At the first stop, three people exit and
result by 9. Instead, she subtracted 9 and then divided five people get on the bus. At the second stop, eleven
the result by 3, giving an answer of 43. What would her people exit and eight people get on the bus. At the third
answer have been if she had worked the problem cor- stop, five people exit and ten people get on. How old is
rectly? (September 3, 2004) the bus driver? (April 1, 2002)
The Art of Problem Solving

27. Matching Triangles and Squares How can you connect 33. Alphametric If a, b, and c are digits for which
each square with the triangle that has the same num-
ber? Lines cannot cross, enter a square or triangle, or 7 a 2
go outside the diagram. (October 15, 1999) -4 8 b
c 7 3,

4 then a + b + c = ..

2 3 A. 14 B. 15 C. 16 D. 17 E. 18

5 1 (September 22, 1999)

34. Perfect Square Only one of these numbers is a perfect

1 2 3 4 5 square. Which one is it? (October 8, 1997)
28. Squared Rectangle A squared rectangle, shown here, is a 329476 389372 964328
rectangle whose interior can be completely divided into 326047 724203
two or more squares.The number written inside a square
is the length of a side of that square. Compute the area of 35. Sleeping on the Way to Grandma’s House While traveling
this squared rectangle. (September 22, 2009) to his grandmother’s for Christmas, George fell asleep
halfway through the journey. When he awoke, he still
had to travel half the distance that he had traveled
14 while sleeping. For what part of the entire journey had
he been asleep? (December 25, 1998)
36. Counting Puzzle (Rectangles) How many rectangles of
any size are in the figure shown? (September 10,

29. Forming Perfect Square Sums How must one place the
integers from 1 to 15 in each of the spaces below in such
a way that no number is repeated and the sum of the
numbers in any two consecutive spaces is a perfect
square? (November 11, 2001)
37. Buckets of Water You have brought two unmarked buck-
ets to a stream. The buckets hold 7 gallons and 3 gallons
of water, respectively. How can you obtain exactly 5 gal-
30. How Old? Pat and Chris have the same birthday. Pat is lons of water to take home? (October 19, 1997)
twice as old as Chris was when Pat was as old as Chris is
now. If Pat is now 24 years old, how old is Chris? 38. Multiples of 9 The first two of three consecutive
(December 3, 2001) multiples of 9 sum to 2511. What are the numbers? (Jan-
uary 4, 2010)
31. Difference Triangle Balls numbered 1 through 6 are
arranged in a difference triangle. Note that in any row, 39. Counting Puzzle (Rectangles) How many rectangles are
the difference between the larger and the smaller of two in the figure? (March 27, 1997)
successive balls is the number of the ball that appears
below them. Arrange balls numbered 1 through 10 in a
difference triangle. (May 6, 1998)

6 2 5
4 3
40. Digit Puzzle Place each of the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and
32. Clock Face By drawing two straight lines, divide the face 8 in separate boxes so that boxes that share common
of a clock into three regions such that the numbers in the corners do not contain successive digits. (November 29,
regions have the same total. (October 28, 1998) 1997)
11 12 1
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5
The Art of Problem Solving

41. Palindromic Number (Note: A palindromic number is a 49. Going Postal Joanie wants to mail a package that
number whose digits read the same left to right as right requires $1.53 in postage. If she has only 5-cent and
to left. For example, 383, 12321, and 9876789 are palin- 8-cent stamps, what is the smallest number of stamps
dromic.) The odometer of the family car read 15951 she could use that would total exactly $1.53? (August
when the driver noticed that the number was palin- 20, 2008)
dromic. “Curious,” said the driver to herself. “It will be a
long time before that happens again.” But 2 hours later, 50. Money Spent at a Bazaar Christine O’Brien bought a
the odometer showed a new palindromic number. book for $10 and then spent half her remaining money
(Author’s note: Assume it was the next possible one.) on a train ticket. She then bought lunch for $4 and spent
How fast was the car driving in those 2 hours? (Decem- half her remaining money at a bazaar. She left the bazaar
ber 26, 1998) with $8. How much money did she start with?

42. How Much Is That Doggie in the Window? A man wishes to 51. Matching Socks A drawer contains 20 black socks and
sell a puppy for $11. A customer who wants to buy it has 20 white socks. If the light is off and you reach into the
only foreign currency. The exchange rate for the foreign drawer to get your socks, what is the minimum number
currency is as follows: 11 round coins = $15, 11 square of socks you must pull out in order to be sure that you
coins = $16, 11 triangular coins = $17. How many of have a matching pair?
each coin should the customer pay? (April 20, 2008)
52. Counting Puzzle (Squares) How many squares are in the

53. Counting Puzzle (Triangles) How many triangles are in

the figure?

43. Final Digits of a Power of 7 What are the final two digits
of 71997? (November 29, 1997)

44. Consecutive Whole Numbers The sum of nine consecu-

tive whole numbers is 123,456,789,987,654,321. What is
the difference between the largest and smallest of these
numbers? (October 4, 2008)
54. Fun with Fractions A strip of paper is 32 meter long. Can
45. Summing the Digits When - 50 is expressed as a 10 50 a strip exactly 12 meter long be made without the use of
single whole number, what is the sum of its digits? a ruler? If so, how? (September 8, 2008)
(April 7, 2008)
55. Perfect Number A perfect number is a counting number
46. Units Digit of a Power of 3 If you raise 3 to the 324th that is equal to the sum of all its counting number divi-
power, what is the units digit of the result? sors except itself. For example, 28 is a perfect number
because its divisors other than itself are 1, 2, 4, 7, and
47. Units Digit of a Power of 7 What is the units digit in 7491? 14, and 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28. What is the least
perfect number?
48. Frog Climbing up a Well A frog is at the bottom of a
20-foot well. Each day it crawls up 4 feet, but each night 56. Naming Children Becky’s mother has three daughters.
it slips back 3 feet. After how many days will the frog She named her first daughter Penny and her second
reach the top of the well? daughter Nichole. What did she name her third daugh-
Andrii Muzyka/Shutterstock

57. Growth of a Lily Pad A lily pad grows so that each day it
doubles its size. On the twentieth day of its life, it com-
pletely covers a pond. On what day was the pond half

58. Interesting Property of a Sentence Comment on an inter-

esting property of this sentence: “A man, a plan, a canal,
Panama.” (Hint: See Exercise 41.)
The Art of Problem Solving

59. High School Graduation Year of Author One of the authors 67. Pitches in a Baseball Game What is the minimum num-
of this book graduated from high school in the year that ber of pitches that a baseball player who pitches a
satisfies these conditions: (1) The sum of the digits is 23; complete game can make in a regulation 9-inning base-
(2) The hundreds digit is 3 more than the tens digit; ball game?
(3) No digit is an 8. In what year did he graduate?
68. Weighing Coins You have eight coins. Seven are gen-
60. Analyzing Units A day is divided into 24 hours. Each uine and one is a fake, which weighs a little less than the
hour has 60 minutes, and each minute has 60 seconds. other seven. You have a balance scale, which you may
In another system of measurement, each day has 20 use only three times. Tell how to locate the bad coin in
naps and each nap has 40 winks. How many seconds are three weighings. (Then show how to detect the bad coin
in a wink? (November 10, 2008) in only two weighings.)

61. Adam and Eve’s Assets Eve said to Adam, “If you give 69. Geometry Puzzle When the diagram shown is folded to
me one dollar, then we will have the same amount of form a cube, what letter is opposite the face marked Z?
money.” Adam then replied, “Eve, if you give me one
dollar, I will have double the amount of money you are X
left with.” How much does each have?
62. Missing Digits Puzzle In the addition problem below,
some digits are missing as indicated by the blanks. If the M E
problem is done correctly, what is the sum of the miss-
ing digits?

3 5 70. Number Pattern If the pattern below continues, where

8 6 would the number 289 appear?
+ 1 4 1
4 0 8 3 5
7 9 11
63. Missing Digits Puzzle Fill in the blanks so that the multi-
plication problem below uses all digits 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 9 (November 11, 2008)
exactly once, and is correctly worked.
71. Geometry Puzzle Draw the following figure without pick-
0 2 ing up your pencil from the paper and without tracing
* 3 over a line you have already drawn.

64. Magic Square A magic square is a square array of num-

bers that has the property that the sum of the numbers
in any row, column, or diagonal is the same. Fill in the
square below so that it becomes a magic square, and all
digits 1, 2, 3, Á , 9 are used exactly once.

6 8 72. Geometry Puzzle Repeat Exercise 71 for this figure.


65. Magic Square Refer to Exercise 64. Complete the

magic square below so that all counting numbers 1, 2,
3, . . . , 16 are used exactly once, and the sum in each
row, column, or diagonal is 34. 73. Paying for a Mint Brian Altobello has an unlimited num-
ber of cents (pennies), nickels, and dimes. In how many
different ways can he pay 15¢ for a chocolate mint? (For
6 9
example, one way is 1 dime and 5 pennies.)
15 14
11 10 74. Books on a Shelf Volumes 1 and 2 of The Complete
Works of Wally Smart are standing in numerical order
16 13 from left to right on your bookshelf. Volume 1 has 450
pages and Volume 2 has 475 pages. Excluding the cov-
66. Decimal Digit What is the 100th digit in the decimal rep- ers, how many pages are between page 1 of Volume 1
resentation for 17? and page 475 of Volume 2?
The Art of Problem Solving

75. Area and Perimeter Triangle ABC has sides 10, 24, and 82. Missing Digit Find the missing digit, x, in the product
26 cm long. A rectangle that has an area equal to that of given by
the triangle is 3 cm wide. Find the perimeter of the rec-
(172195)(572167) = 985242x6565.
tangle. (November 13, 2008)
(May 3, 2009)
76. Teenager’s Age A teenager’s age increased by 2 gives a
perfect square. Her age decreased by 10 gives the 83. Geometry Puzzle What is the maximum number of small
square root of that perfect square. She is 5 years older squares in which we may place crosses (*) and not have
than her brother. How old is her brother? any row, column, or diagonal completely filled with
crosses? Illustrate your answer.
77. Ages James, Dan, Jessica, and Cathy form a pair of mar-
ried couples. Their ages are 36, 31, 30, and 29. Jessica is
married to the oldest person in the group. James is older
than Jessica but younger than Cathy. Who is married to
whom, and what are their ages?

78. Making Change In how many different ways can you 84. Making Change Webster has some pennies, dimes, and
make change for a half dollar using currently minted quarters in his pocket. When Josefa asks him for change
U.S. coins, if cents (pennies) are not allowed? for a dollar, Webster discovers that he cannot make the
change exactly. What is the largest possible total value
79. Days in a Month Some months have 30 days and some of the coins in his pocket? (October 5, 2009)
have 31 days. How many months have 28 days?
85. Fibonacci Property Refer to Example 1, and observe the
80. Dirt in a Hole How much dirt is there in a cubical hole, 6 sequence of numbers in color. Choose any four succes-
feet on each side? sive terms. Multiply the first one chosen by the fourth.
Then multiply the two middle terms. Repeat this
81. Final Digit What is the last digit of 49,3271783? (April 11, process. What do you notice when the two products are
2009) compared?


Calculation • Estimation • Interpretation of Graphs
Karl Pawlewicz/Sharp Electronics

The search for easier ways to calculate and compute has culminated in the develop-
ment of hand-held calculators and computers. For the general population, a calculator
that performs the operations of arithmetic and a few other functions is sufficient.
These are known as four-function calculators. Students who take higher mathemat-
ics courses (engineers, for example) usually need the added power of scientific
calculators. Graphing calculators, which actually plot graphs on small screens, are
also available. Always refer to your owner’s manual if you need assistance in per-
forming an operation with your calculator. If you need further help, ask your
The photograph shows the Sharp EL-2139
instructor or another student who is using the same model.
HB, a typical four-function calculator.
Since the introduction of hand-held
Current models of calculators differ from earlier versions in that they can dis-
calculators in the early 1970s, the methods play both the information the user inputs and the result generated on the same
of everyday arithmetic have been screen. In this way, the user can verify that the information entered into the calcula-
drastically altered. One of the first tor is correct. Although it is not necessary to have a graphing calculator to study the
consumer models available was the Texas material presented in this text, we occasionally include graphing calculator screens
Instruments SR-10, which sold for nearly to support results obtained or to provide supplemental information.*
$150 in 1973. It could perform the four
operations of arithmetic and take square
roots, but could do very little more. *Because they are the most popular models of graphing calculators, we include screens similar to those
generated by TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus models from Texas Instruments.
The Art of Problem Solving

The screens that follow illustrate some common entries and operations.

39 24/20 24
12 3 + 9 = 12 1.2 20 = 1.2
72 Ans 䉴Frac
6 6
5 7 - 2 = 5 5 1.2 = 5
4ⴱ5 5(87)
20 4 * 5 = 20 4 5 - (8 - 7) = 4
Jon Le-bon/Shutterstock


49 72 = 49
125 53 = 125
9 181 = 9

The popular TI-84 Plus graphing

calculator is shown here. C

Screen A illustrates how two numbers can be added, subtracted, or multiplied.

Screen B shows how two numbers can be divided, how the decimal quotient (stored
in the memory cell Ans) can be converted into a fraction, and how parentheses can
be used in a computation. Screen C shows how a number can be squared, how it can
be cubed, and how its square root can be taken.

p L 3.141592654
π 5! 1or 1 * 2 * 3 *
3 127
= 3 5! 4 * 52 = 120
√16 120 6,265,804
2 116 = 2
1 * 8,980,591
5-11or 15 2 = .2
5 5.627062301E13
.2 L 5.627062301 * 1013
L indicates “is
approximately equal to”

Screen D shows how other roots (cube root and fourth root) can be found, and
how the reciprocal of a number can be found using - 1 as an exponent. Screen E
shows how p can be accessed with its own special key, how a factorial (as indicated
by !) can be found and how a result might be displayed in scientific notation. (The
“E13” following 5.627062301 means that this number is multiplied by 1013. This
answer is still only an approximation, because the product 6,265,804 * 8,980,591
contains more digits than the calculator can display.)

Although calculators can make life easier when it comes to computations, many
times we need only estimate an answer to a problem, and in these cases a calculator
may not be necessary or appropriate.

EXAMPLE 1 Estimating an Appropriate Number of Birdhouses

A birdhouse for swallows can accommodate up to 8 nests. How many birdhouses
would be necessary to accommodate 58 nests?
Beth Anderson/Pearson

If we divide 58 by 8 either by hand or with a calculator, we get 7.25. Can this possi-
bly be the desired number? Of course not, because we cannot consider fractions of
birdhouses. Do we need 7 or 8 birdhouses? To provide nesting space for the nests
left over after the 7 birdhouses (as indicated by the decimal fraction), we should
plan to use 8 birdhouses. In this problem, we must round our answer up to the next
counting number.
The Art of Problem Solving

EXAMPLE 2 Approximating Average Number of Yards per Carry

In 2009, Cedric Benson carried the football 301 times for 1251 yards (Source: Approximate his average number of yards per carry that year.

Because we are are asked only to find Cedric’s approximate average, we can say
that he carried about 300 times for about 1200 yards, and his average was about
300 = 4 yards per carry. (A calculator shows that his average to the nearest tenth
was 4.2 yards per carry. Verify this.)

EXAMPLE 3 Comparing Proportions of Workers by Age Groups

In a recent year, there were approximately 127,000 males in the 25 – 29-year age
bracket working on farms. This represented part of the total of 238,000 farm work-
ers in that age bracket. Of the 331,000 farm workers in the 40 – 44-year age bracket,
160,000 were males. Without using a calculator, determine which age bracket had a
larger proportion of males.

Think in terms of thousands instead of dealing with all the zeros. First, we analyze
the age bracket 25 – 29 years. Because there were a total of 238 thousand workers,
of which 127 thousand were males, there were
238 - 127 = 111 thousand female workers. More than half were males.

In the 40 – 44-year age bracket, of the 331 thousand workers, there were 160 thou-
sand males, giving
331 - 160 = 171 thousand female workers. Fewer than half were males.

The 25 – 29-year age bracket had the larger proportion of males.

Interpretation of Graphs
In a circle graph, or pie chart, a circle is used to indicate the total of all the data
categories represented. The circle is divided into sectors, or wedges (like pieces of
a pie), whose sizes show the relative magnitudes of the categories. The sum of all
the fractional parts must be 1 (for 1 whole circle).

EXAMPLE 4 Interpreting Information in a Circle Graph

Use the circle graph in Figure 9 to determine how much of the amount spent for a
$3.50 gallon of gasoline in California goes to refinery margin and to crude oil cost.


State sales tax
Crude oil cost 8%
24% excise tax

excise tax

Refinery margin margin
32% 12%

Source: California Energy Commission.

Figure 9
The Art of Problem Solving

The sectors in the circle graph in Figure 9 are sized to match how the price is
divided. For example, the greatest portion of the price (32%) goes to the refinery,
while the least portion (8%) goes for state sales tax. As expected, the percents total
100%. The price of gasoline is $3.50 per gallon.
Refinery margin: $3.50 * ()*
0.32 = $1.12
32% converted to a decimal

Crude oil cost: $3.50 * ()*

0.24 = $0.84
24% converted to a decimal

A bar graph is used to show comparisons. It consists of a series of bars (or sim-
ulations of bars) arranged either vertically or horizontally. In a bar graph, values
from two categories are paired with each other (for example, years with sales).

EXAMPLE 5 Interpreting Information in a Bar Graph

The bar graph in Figure 10 shows U.S. sales of motor scooters, which have gained
popularity due to their fuel efficiency. The graph compares sales in thousands.


Sales (in thousands)

Johner Images/Getty Images

'98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04
Source: Motorcycle Industry Council.

Figure 10

(a) Estimate sales in 2000 and 2004.

(b) In what years were sales greater than 50 thousand?
(c) Describe the change in sales as the years progressed.

(a) Locate the top of the bar for 2000, and move horizontally across to the vertical
scale to see that it is about 40. Sales in 2000 were about 40 thousand. Follow the
top of the bar for 2004 across to the vertical scale to see that it lies about halfway
between 80 and 90 thousand, so sales in 2004 were about 85,000.
(b) Locate 50 on the vertical scale and follow the line across to the right. Three
years—2002, 2003, and 2004—have bars that extend above the line for 50, so
sales were greater than 50 thousand in those years.
(c) As the years progressed, sales increased steadily, from about 15 thousand in 1998
to about 85 thousand in 2004.

A line graph is used to show changes or trends in data over time. To form a line
graph, we connect a series of points representing data with line segments.
The Art of Problem Solving

EXAMPLE 6 Interpreting Information in a Line Graph

Current projections indicate that funding for Medicare will not cover its costs unless
the program changes. The line graph in Figure 11 shows Medicare funds in billions
of dollars for the years 2004 through 2013.


(in billions of dollars)



Stockbyte/Getty Images
5 –$7.9
‘04 ‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13

Source: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.


Figure 11

(a) Estimate the funds in the years 2005 and 2006. About how much did the funding
decrease from 2005 to 2006?
(b) Which is the only period in which Medicare funds increased? What is the pro-
jected trend from 2005 to 2013?
(c) In which year is it projected that funds will first show a deficit?

(a) At the bottom of the graph, locate 2005, and read up to find that the point has a
height of about 25 (billion dollars). Similarly, the point for 2006 has height about
10 (billion dollars). The funding decreased by about
25 - 10 = 15 billion dollars. 2005 amount - 2006 amount

(b) The graph rises from 2004 to 2005, so funds increased between these two years.
The graph falls during 2005 to 2013, so funds will decrease.
(c) From 2004 to 2010, the graph is always above 0, but in 2011, it falls slightly below
0 for the first time, indicating a deficit.

Perform the indicated operations and give as many digits in 14.32 - 8.1 12.3 + 18.276
your answer as shown on your calculator display. (The num- 11. 12.
2 * 3.11 3 * 1.04
ber of displayed digits may vary depending on the model
used.) 5 1.35
13. 2 6 3.21
14. 2
1. 39.7 + (8.2 - 4.1) 2. 2.8 * (3.2 - 1.1)
p 2p
15. 16.
3. 25.56440921 4. 237.38711025 22 23

3 418.508992
5. 2 3 700.227072
6. 2 2143 12,345,679 * 72
17. 4 18.
B 22 3 27
7. 2.672 8. 3.493
22 3 12
9. 5.765 10. 1.486 19. 20.
2 23

“Medicare Funds” graph. From Lial/Hornsby/McGinnis, Introductory Algebra, 9th ed., p. 221. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education. All Rights
The Art of Problem Solving

21. Choose any number consisting of five digits. Multiply it 32. 3 * 4 ;  3 *  4 *  5 * 6 ;

by 9 on your calculator. Now add the digits in the answer.
If the sum is more than 9, add the digits of this sum, and 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8
repeat until the sum is less than 10. Your answer will
always be 9. Repeat the exercise with a number consist- Multiplying an even number of negative numbers gives
ing of six digits. Does the same result hold? a product.
22. Use your calculator to square the following two-digit
numbers ending in 5: 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85. Write 33. Find the decimal representation of 16 on your calculator.
down your results, and examine the pattern that devel- Following the decimal point will be a 1 and a string of
ops. Then use inductive reasoning to predict the value of 6s. The final digit will be a 7 if your calculator rounds off
95 2.Write an explanation of how you can mentally square or a 6 if it truncates. Which kind of calculator do you
a two-digit number ending in 5. have?

Perform each calculation and observe the answers. Then fill 34. Choose any three-digit number and enter the digits into
in the blank with the appropriate response. a calculator. Then enter them again to get a six-digit
number. Divide this six-digit number by 7. Divide the
23. ⫺3 ⫺5 ⫺2.7
⫺8 ; ⫺4 ; ⫺4.3 result by 13. Divide the result by 11. What is interesting
about your answer? Explain why this happens.
Dividing a negative number by another negative number
gives a product. 35. Choose any digit except 0. Multiply it by 429. Now mul-
(negative/positive) tiply the result by 259. What is interesting about your
answer? Explain why this happens.
24. 5 * 4 ; 3 * 8 ; 2.7 * 4.3
Multiplying a negative number by a positive number 36. Choose two natural numbers. Add 1 to the second and
gives a product. divide by the first to get a third. Add 1 to the third and
(negative/positive) divide by the second to get a fourth. Add 1 to the fourth
and divide by the third to get a fifth. Continue this process
0 0 0 0
25. 5.6 ;  ; 2 ; 120 until you discover a pattern. What is the pattern?
Raising a nonzero number to the power 0 gives a result
of . Give an appropriate counting number answer to each ques-
tion in Exercises 37–40. (Find the least counting number that
2 3 3 0
26. 1 ; 1 ; 1 ; 1 will work.)
Raising 1 to any power gives a result of . 37. Pages to Store Trading Cards A plastic page designed to
1 1 1 1 hold trading cards will hold up to 9 cards. How many
27. 7 ; 9 ; 3 ; 8
pages will be needed to store 563 cards?
The sign of the reciprocal of a number is
the sign of the number. 38. Drawers for DVDs A sliding drawer designed to hold
(the same as/different from) DVD cases has 20 compartments. If Chris wants to
house his collection of 408 Disney DVDs, how many
28. 50 ; 90 ; 00 such drawers will he need?
Dividing a number by 0 gives a(n)
on a calculator. 39. Containers for African Violets A gardener wants to fertil-
ize 800 African violets. Each container of fertilizer will
29. 08 ; 0  2 ; 0 supply up to 60 plants. How many containers will she
need to do the job?
Zero divided by a nonzero number gives a quotient
of .

30. 3 ; 4 ; 10
Taking the square root of a negative number gives
a(n) on a calculator.

3 * 4 * 5 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7

31. ; ;

 3 *  4 *  5 *  6 * 7 * 8 * 9

Multiplying an odd number of negative numbers gives a

The Art of Problem Solving

40. Fifth-Grade Teachers Needed False River Academy has Immigration The circle graph below shows the approximate
155 fifth-grade students. The principal, Butch LeBeau, percent of immigrants admitted into the United States dur-
has decided that each fifth-grade teacher should have a ing the 1990s. Use the graph to answer the questions in
maximum of 24 students. How many fifth-grade teach- Exercises 47– 50.
ers does he need?

In Exercises 41–46, use estimation to determine the choice U.S. IMMIGRANTS BY REGION
closest to the correct answer. OF BIRTH

41. Price per Acre of Land To build a “millennium clock” on Other

Mount Washington in Nevada that would tick once
each year, chime once each century, and last at least Asia
10,000 years, the nonprofit Long Now Foundation pur- 30%
chased 80 acres of land for $140,000. Which one of the
following is the closest estimate to the price per acre? America
A. $1000 B. $2000 C. $4000 D. $11,200 Europe

42. Time of a Round-Trip The distance from Seattle, Wash-

Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census.
ington, to Springfield, Missouri, is 2009 miles. About
how many hours would a roundtrip from Seattle to
Springfield and back take a bus that averages 50 miles 47. What percent of the immigrants were from the “Other”
group of countries?
“U.S. Milk Production” and “Average Gasoline Prices” graphs. From Lial/Hornsby/McGinnis, Introductory Algebra, 9th ed., p. 229.

per hour for the entire trip?

A. 60 B. 70 C. 80 D. 90
48. What percent of the immigrants were not from Asia?
43. People per Square Mile Buffalo County in Nebraska has
49. In a group of 2,000,000 immigrants, how many would
a population of 40,249 and covers 968 square miles.
you expect to be from Europe?
About how many people per square mile live in Buffalo
50. In a group of 4,000,000 immigrants, how many more
A. 40 B. 400 C. 4000 D. 40,000 would there be from Latin America than all the other
regions combined?
44. Revolutions of Mercury The planet Mercury takes 88.0
Earth days to revolve around the sun once. Pluto takes
Milk Production The bar graph shows total U.S. milk pro-
90,824.2 days to do the same. When Pluto has revolved
duction in billions of pounds for the years 2001 through
around the sun once, about how many times will Mer-
2007. Use the bar graph to work Exercises 51–54.
cury have revolved around the sun?
A. 100,000 B. 10,000 C. 1000 D. 100
45. Reception Average In 2009, Brandon Marshall of the
Denver Broncos caught 101 passes for 1120 yards. 195
Number of Pounds (in billions)

His approximate number of yards gained per catch 190

was .. 185
1 180
A. B. 110 C. 1.1 D. 11
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education. All Rights Reserved.


46. Area of the Sistine Chapel The Sistine Chapel in Vatican
City measures 40.5 meters by 13.5 meters.

2001 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture.

51. In what years was U.S. milk production greater than

175 billion pounds?

52. In what two years was U.S. milk production about the

53. Estimate U.S. milk production in 2001 and 2007.

Which is the closest approximation to its area?
A. 110 meters B. 55 meters 54. Describe the change in U.S. milk production from 2001
C. 110 square meters D. 600 square meters to 2007.
The Art of Problem Solving

Gasoline Prices The line graph shows the average price, 58. During which year(s) did a gallon of gas cost approxi-
adjusted for inflation, that Americans have paid for a gallon mately $1.50?
of gasoline for selected years since 1970. Use the line graph
to work Exercises 55–58. AVERAGE GASOLINE PRICES
55. Over which 5-year period did the greatest increase in 2.50
the price of a gallon of gas occur? About how much was

Price (per gallon)

this increase?

56. Estimate the price of a gallon of gas during 1985, 1990, 1.00
1995, and 2000.

57. Describe the trend in gas prices from 1980 to 1995. 0

1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

Source: Energy Information Administration.

E X T E N S I O N Using Writing to Learn about Mathematics

Journals • Learning Logs • Reports on Articles • Term Papers

Research has indicated that the ability to express mathematical observations in writing
can serve as a positive force in one’s continued development as a mathematics student.
The implementation of writing in the mathematics class can use several approaches.

Journals One way of using writing in mathematics is to keep a journal in which

you spend a few minutes explaining what happened in class that day. The journal
entries may be general or specific, depending on the topic covered, the degree to
which you understand the topic, your interest level at the time, and so on. Journal
entries are usually written in informal language and are often an effective means of
communicating to yourself, your classmates, and your instructor what feelings, per-
ceptions, and concerns you are having at the time.

Learning Logs Although journal entries are for the most part unstructured
writings in which the student’s thoughts are allowed to roam freely, entries in learn-
Kobal Collection

ing logs are typically more structured. An instructor may pose a specific question for
a student to answer in a learning log. In this text, we intersperse writing exercises in
each exercise set that are appropriate for answering in a learning log. For example,
consider Exercise 13 in the exercise set for the opening section in this chapter.
Mathematical writing takes many Discuss the differences between inductive and deductive
forms. One of the most famous reasoning. Give an example of each.
author/mathematicians was Charles
Dodgson (1832–1898), who used the Here is a possible response to this exercise.
pen name Lewis Carroll.
Dodgson was a mathematics
lecturer at Oxford University in England.
Queen Victoria told Dodgson how much
Deductive reasoning occurs when you go from
she enjoyed Alice’s Adventures in
Wonderland and how much she wanted general ideas to specific ones. or example,
to read his next book; he is said to have I know that I can multiply both sides of
1 x =
sent her Symbolic Logic, his most 2 6 by 2 to get x = 12, because I can multiply
famous mathematical work. both sides of any equation by whatever I want
The Alice books made Carroll (except 0). Inductive reasoning goes the other
famous. Late in life, however, Dodgson way. If I have a general conclusion from specific
shunned attention and denied that he observations, that’s inductive reasoning.
and Carroll were the same person, even Example – in the numbers 4, 8, 12, 16, and so on,
though he gave away hundreds of I can conclude that the next number is 20, since
signed copies to children and children’s I always add 4 to get the next number.
The Art of Problem Solving

Reports on Articles The motto “Publish or perish” has long been around,
implying that a scholar in pursuit of an academic position must publish in a journal
in his or her field. There are numerous journals that publish papers in mathematics
research and/or mathematics education. In Activity 3, we suggest some articles that
have appeared within the last few years. A report on such an article can help you
understand what mathematicians do and what ideas mathematics teachers use to
convey concepts to their students.

Term Papers Professors in mathematics survey courses are, in increasing num-

bers, requiring short term papers of their students. In this way, you can become
aware of the plethora of books and articles on mathematics and mathematicians,
many written specifically for the layperson. In Activities 5 and 6, we provide a list of
possible term paper topics.

Rather than include a typical exercise set, we list some suggested activities in which
writing can be used to enhance awareness and learning of mathematics.

Activity 1 Keep a journal. After each class, write for a few minutes on your per-
ceptions about the class, the topics covered, or whatever you feel is appropriate.

Activity 2 Keep a learning log, answering at least one writing exercise from each
exercise set covered in your class syllabus. Ask your teacher for suggestions of other
types of specific writing assignments.

Activity 3 The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics publishes journals in

mathematics education: Teaching Children Mathematics and Mathematics Teacher are
two that can be found online or in the periodicals section of most college and university
libraries. We have chosen several recent articles in each of these journals. Write a short
report on one of these articles according to guidelines specified by your instructor.

From Mathematics Teacher

Devaney, Robert L. “Fractal Patterns and Chaos Games.” November 2004, p. 228.
Francis, Richard L. “New Worlds to Conquer.” October 2004, p. 166.
Hansen, Will. “War and Pieces.” September 2004, p. 70.
Mahoney, John F. “How Many Votes Are Needed to Be Elected President?”
October 2004, p. 154.

Clausen, Mary C. “Did You ‘Code’?” November 2005, p. 260.
Comstock, Jocelyne M., Sean P. Madden, and James P. Downing. “Paper Moon:
Simulating a Total Solar Eclipse.” December 2005/January 2006, p. 312.
Parker, Dennis. “Partitioning the Interior of a Circle with Chords.” September
2005, p. 120.
Quinn, Jennifer J., and Arthur T. Benjamin. “Revisiting Fibonacci and Related
Sequences.” December 2005/January 2006, p. 357.

Cline, Kelly S. “Classroom Voting in Mathematics.” September 2006, p. 100.
Gordon, Sheldon P. “Placement Tests: The Shaky Bridge Connecting School and
College Mathematics.” October 2006, p. 174.
Johnson, Iris DeLoach. “Grandfather Tang Goes to High School.” March 2006,
p. 522.
The Art of Problem Solving

Wong, Michael. “The Human Body’s Built-In Range Finder: The Thumb Method
of Indirect Distance Measurement.” May 2006, p. 622.

From Teaching Children Mathematics

Anthony, Glenda J., and Margaret A. Walshaw. “Zero: A ‘None’ Number?”
August 2004, p. 38.
Buschman, Larry. “Teaching Problem Solving in Mathematics.” February 2004,
p. 302.
Joram, Elana, Christina Hartman, and Paul R. Trafton. “ ‘As People Get Older,
They Get Taller’: An Integrated Unit on Measurement, Linear Relationships, and
Data Analysis.” March 2004, p. 344.
Mann, Rebecca L. “Balancing Act: The Truth Behind the Equals Sign.” September
2004, p. 65.

Flores, Alfinio, Erin E. Turner, and Renee C. Bachman. “Posing Problems to
Develop Conceptual Understanding: Two Teachers Make Sense of Division of
Fractions.” October 2005, p. 17.
Hansen, Laurie E. “ABCs of Early Mathematics Experiences.” November 2005,
p. 208.
Sherrill, Carl M. “Math Riddles: Helping Children Connect Words and Numbers.”
March 2005, p. 368.
Thompson, Tony, and Stephen Sproule. “Calculators for Students with Special
Needs.” March 2005, p. 391.

Barnes, Mary Kathleen.“How Many Days ’til My Birthday? Helping Kindergarten
Students Understand Calendar Connections and Concepts.” February 2006, p. 290.
Cassel, Darlinda, Anne Reynolds, and Eileen Lillard. “A Mathematical Explo-
ration of Grandpa’s Quilt.” March 2006, p. 340.
de Groot, Cornelis, and Timothy Whalen.“Longing for Division.”April 2006, p. 410.
Nugent, Christina M. “How Many Blades of Grass Are on a Football Field?” Feb-
ruary 2006, p. 282.

Activity 4 One of the most popular mathematical films of all time is Donald in
Mathmagic Land, a 1959 Disney short that is available on DVD. Spend an entertain-
ing half-hour watching this film, and write a report on it according to the guidelines
of your instructor.

Activity 5 Write a report according to the guidelines of your instructor on one of

the following mathematicians, philosophers, and scientists.

Abel, N. Cardano, G. Gauss, C. Noether, E.

Disney Enterprises, Inc.

Agnesi, M. G. Copernicus, N. Hilbert, D. Pascal, B.

Agnesi, M. T. De Morgan, A. Kepler, J. Plato
Al-Khowârizmi Descartes, R. Kronecker, L. Polya, G.
Apollonius Euler, L. Lagrange, J. Pythagoras
Archimedes Fermat, P. Leibniz, G. Ramanujan, S.
Aristotle Fibonacci L’Hôspital, G. Riemann, G.
Babbage, C. (Leonardo Lobachevsky, N. Russell, B.
© Disney Enterprises, Inc.
Bernoulli, Jakob of Pisa) Mandelbrot, B. Somerville, M.
Bernoulli, Galileo (Galileo Napier, J. Tartaglia, N.
Johann Galilei) Nash, J. Whitehead, A.
Cantor, G. Galois, E. Newton, I. Wiles, A.
The Art of Problem Solving

Activity 6 Write a term paper on one of the following topics in mathematics

according to the guidelines of your instructor.

Babylonian mathematics Pascal’s triangle

Egyptian mathematics The origins of probability theory
The origin of zero Women in mathematics
Plimpton 322 Mathematical paradoxes
The Rhind papyrus Unsolved problems in
Origins of the Pythagorean mathematics
theorem The four-color theorem
The regular (Platonic) solids The proof of Fermat’s Last
The Pythagorean brotherhood Theorem
The Golden Ratio (Golden The search for large primes
Section) Fractal geometry
The three famous construction The co-inventors of calculus
problems of the Greeks The role of the computer in the
The history of the approximations study of mathematics
of p Mathematics and music
Euclid and his “Elements” Police mathematics
Early Chinese mathematics The origins of complex numbers
Early Hindu mathematics Goldbach’s conjecture
Origin of the word algebra The use of the Internet in
Magic squares mathematics education
Figurate numbers The development of graphing
The Fibonacci sequence calculators
The Cardano/Tartaglia controversy Mathematics education reform
Historical methods of computation movement
(logarithms, the abacus, Napier’s Multicultural mathematics
rods, the slide rule, etc.) The Riemann Hypothesis

Activity 7 Investigate a computer program that focuses on teaching children ele-

mentary mathematics, and write a critical review of it as if you were writing for a
journal that contains software reviews of educational material. Be sure to address
the higher-level thinking skills in addition to drill and practice.

Activity 8 The following Web sites provide a fascinating list of mathematics-

related topics. Go to one of them, choose a topic that interests you, and report on it,
according to the guidelines of your instructor.

Activity 9 A theme of mathematics-related scenes in movies and television is

found throughout this text. Prepare a report on one or more such scenes, and deter-
mine whether the mathematics involved is correct or incorrect. If correct, show why.
If incorrect, find the correct answer. See

Activity 10 The longest running animated television series is The Simpsons, hav-
ing begun in 1989. The Web site explores the occurrence of
mathematics in the episodes on a season-by-season basis. Watch several episodes
and elaborate on the mathematics found in them.
The Art of Problem Solving

Discovering Patterns in Pascal’s Triangle
One fascinating array of numbers, Pascal’s triangle, Student D: Arrange these nine rows of the triangle
consists of rows of numbers, each of which contains one with all rows “flush left,” and then draw lightly dashed
more entry than the one before. The first six rows are arrows as shown:
shown here.

1 1 1
1 1 1 2 1
1 2 1 1 3 3 1
1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1
1 4 6 4 1 1 5 10 10 5 1
1 5 10 10 5 1 .
To discover some of its patterns, divide the class into .
groups of four students each. Within each group desig-
nate one student as A, one as B, one as C, and one as D.
Then perform the following activities in order. and so on. Then add along the diagonals. Write these
sums in order from left to right.

1. Discuss among group members some of the properties 4. After all students have concluded their individual
of the triangle that are obvious from observing the first investigations in Item 3, return to a group discussion.
six rows shown.
(a) Have student A report the result found in Item 3,
2. It is fairly obvious that each row begins and ends with 1. and then make a prediction concerning the sum of
Discover a method whereby the other entries in a row the entries in the tenth row.
can be determined from the entries in the row immedi-
ately above it. (Hint: In the fifth row, 6 = 3 + 3.) Then, (b) Have student B report the successive differences
as a group, find the next three rows of the triangle, and discovered in the diagonals. Then have all stu-
have each member prepare his or her own copy of the dents in the group investigate the successive dif-
entire first nine rows for later reference. ferences in the diagonal that begins 1, 7, 28 Á . (It
may be necessary to write a few more rows of the
3. Now each student in the group will investigate a partic- triangle.)
ular property of the triangle. In some cases, a calculator
(c) Have student C report the relationship between
will be helpful. All students should begin working at the
the powers of 11 found, and then determine the
same time. (A discussion follows.)
value of 115. Why does the pattern not continue
Student A: Find the sum of the entries in each row. here?
Notice the pattern that emerges. Now write the tenth
(d) Have student D report the sequence of numbers
row of the triangle.
found. Then, as a group, predict what the next sum
Student B: Investigate the successive differences in the will be by observing the pattern in the sequence.
diagonals from upper left to lower right. For example, in Confirm your prediction by actual computation.
the diagonal that begins 1, 2, 3, 4, Á , the successive dif-
ferences are all 1; in the diagonal that begins 1, 3, 6, Á , 5. Choose a representative from each group to report to
the successive differences are 2, 3, 4, and so on. Do this the entire class the observations made throughout this
up through the diagonal that begins 1, 6, 21, Á . investigation.

Student C: Find the values of the first five powers of 6. Find a reference to Pascal’s triangle on the Internet and
the number 11, starting with 110 (recall 11 0 = 1). prepare a report.
The Art of Problem Solving

In Exercises 1 and 2, decide whether the reasoning involved 8. Use the result of Exercise 7 and the method of succes-
is an example of inductive or deductive reasoning. sive differences to find the first eight octagonal num-
bers. Then divide each by 4 and record the remainder.
1. Carol Britz is a sales representative for a publishing What is the pattern obtained?
company. For the past 16 years, she has exceeded her
annual sales goal, primarily by selling mathematics 9. Describe the pattern used to obtain the terms of the
textbooks. Therefore, she will also exceed her annual Fibonacci sequence
sales goal this year.
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, . . . .
2. For all natural numbers n, n2 is also a natural number.
176 is a natural number. Therefore, 176 2 is a natural
Use problem-solving strategies to solve each problem,
taken from the date indicated in the monthly calendar of
3. Magic Hexagon (A magic hexagon has all entries in the Mathematics Teacher.
columns and diagonals adding up to the same sum.) 10. Building a Fraction Each of the four digits 2, 4, 6, and 9
Find the constant sum for the magic hexagon, and fill in is placed in one of the boxes to form a fraction. The
the numbers so that every column or diagonal has that numerator and the denominator are both two-digit
sum. (From Mathematics Teacher monthly calendar, whole numbers. What is the smallest value of all the
November 20, 2007.) common fractions that can be formed? Express your
answer as a common fraction. (November 17, 2004)

16 7

10 8 11. Units Digit of a Power of 9 What is the units digit (ones
digit) in the decimal representation of 91997? (January
27, 1997)

4. Use the list of equations and inductive reasoning to 12. Counting Puzzle (Triangles) How many triangles are in
predict the next equation, and then verify your conjec- this figure? (January 6, 2000)

65,359,477,124,183 * 17 = 1,111,111,111,111,111
65,359,477,124,183 * 34 = 2,222,222,222,222,222
65,359,477,124,183 * 51 = 3,333,333,333,333,333

5. Use the method of successive differences to find the

next term in the sequence
13. Make Them Equal Consider the following:
3, 11, 31, 69, 131, 223, Á .
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 = 100.
6. Find the sum 1 + 2 + 3 + Á + 250.
Leaving all the numerals in the order given, insert addi-
7. Consider the following equations, where the left side of tion and subtraction signs into the expression to make
each is an octagonal number. the equation true. (March 23, 2008)

1 = 1 14. Shrinkage Dr. Small is 36 inches tall, and Ms. Tall is

96 inches tall. If Dr. Small shrinks 2 inches per year
8 = 1 + 7
and Ms. Tall grows 23 of an inch per year, how tall will
21 = 1 + 7 + 13
Ms. Tall be when Dr. Small disappears altogether?
40 = 1 + 7 + 13 + 19 (November 2, 2007)

Use the pattern established on the right sides to predict 15. Units Digit of a Sum Find the units digit (ones digit)
the next octagonal number. What is the next equation of the decimal numeral representing the number
in the list? 11 11 + 14 14 + 16 16 . (February 14, 1994)
The Art of Problem Solving

16. Based on your knowledge of elementary arithmetic,

describe the pattern that can be observed when the UNEMPLOYMENT RATE
following operations are performed: 7

9 * 1, 9 * 2, 9 * 3, . . . , 9 * 9.

Rate (percent)

(Hint: Add the digits in the answers. What do you 4

notice?) 3

Use your calculator to evaluate each of the following. Give 1
as many decimal places as the calculator displays. 0
'98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05
17. 298.16 Year

Source: U.S. Department of Labor.

18. 3.25 3

19. Basketball Scoring Results During the 2008 – 09 NCAA (a) Between which pairs of consecutive years did the
women’s basketball season, Destini Hughes of LSU unemployment rate decrease?
made 28 of her 96 field goal attempts. This means that
for every 10 attempts, she made approximately (b) What was the general trend in the unemployment rate
of them. between 2000 and 2003?
A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1
(c) Estimate the overall unemployment rate in 2003 and
20. Unemployment Rate The line graph shows the overall 2004. About how much did the unemployment rate
unemployment rate in the U.S. civilian labor force for decline between 2003 and 2004?
the years 1998 through 2005.
“Unemployment Rate” graph. From Lial/Hornsby/McGinnis, Introductory Algebra, 9th ed., p. 295. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education.
All Rights Reserved.


1 Exercises 2 Exercises
1. deductive 3. inductive 5. deductive 7. deductive 1. arithmetic; 56 3. geometric; 1215 5. neither
9. inductive 11. inductive 13. Answers will vary. 7. geometric; 8 9. neither 11. arithmetic; 22
15. 21 17. 3072 19. 63 21. 11 12 23. 216 25. 52 13. 79 15. 450 17. 4032 19. 32,758 21. 57; 99
27. 5 29. One such list is 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, . . . . 23. 14321 * 92 - 1 = 38,888
31. 198,765 * 92 + 3 = 888,888 25. 999,999 * 4 = 3,999,996
33. 3367 * 15 = 50,505 27. 212 - 15 2 = 6 3 29. 5 2 - 42 = 5 + 4
35. 33,334 * 33,334 = 1,111,155,556 31. 1 + 5 + 9 + 13 = 4 * 7 33. 45,150 35. 228,150
37. 3 + 6 + 9 + 12 + 15 = 2
37. 2601 39. 250,000 41. S = n1n + 12

39. 5162 + 51362 + 512162 + 5112962 + 5177762 = 617776 - 12

43. Answers will vary. 45. row 1: 28, 36; row 2: 36, 49, 64;
row 3: 35, 51, 70, 92; row 4: 28, 45, 66, 91, 120; row 5: 18, 34,
41. 12 + 14 + 18 + 16
+ 321
= 1 - 321
55, 81, 112, 148; row 6: 8, 21, 40, 65, 96, 133, 176
43. 20,100 45. 320,400 47. 15,400 49. 2550
47. 8112 + 1 = 9 = 32; 8132 + 1 = 25 = 52; 8162 + 1 =
51. 1 (These are the numbers of chimes a clock rings,
49 = 72; 81102 + 1 = 81 = 92
starting with 12 o’clock, if it rings the number of hours on
49. The pattern is 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, . . . .
the hour, and 1 chime on the half-hour.)
53. (a) The middle digit is always 9, and the sum of the
first and third digits is always 9 (considering 0 as the first
digit if the difference has only two digits). (b) Answers
will vary. 55. 142,857; 285,714; 428,571; 571,428; 714,285;
857,142. Each result consists of the same six digits, but in a
different order. 142,857 * 7 = 999,999
The Art of Problem Solving

n17n - 52 39. 90 41. 55 mph 43. 07 45. 437 47. 3

53. 256 55. 117 57. 235 59. Nn = 2
49. 21 stamps (5 five-cent stamps and 16 eight-cent
61. a square number 63. a perfect cube 65. 42
101 1 5 stamps) 51. 3 socks 53. 35 55. 6
67. 419 69. 2 71. 2048 73. 2048 75. 2048
57. the nineteenth day 59. 1967
3 Exercises 61. Eve has $5, and Adam has $7.
1. 32 3. 0 (The product of the first and last digits is the 63. 4 0 2 65.
6 12 7 9
two-digit number between them.) 5. 11 7. infinitely : 3 9
many (Any line through the center of the square will do 1 15 4 14
1 5, 6 7 8
this.) 9. 48.5 in. 11. 42 13. 6 15. If you multiply the 11 5 10 8
two digits in the numbers in the first row, you will get the 16 2 13 3
second row of numbers. The second row of numbers is a
67. 25 pitches (The visiting team’s pitcher retires 24
pattern of two numbers (8 and 24) repeating. 17. I put
consecutive batters through the first eight innings, using
the ring in the box and put my lock on the box. I send you
only one pitch per batter. His team does not score either.
the box. You put your lock on, as well, and send it back to
Going into the bottom of the ninth tied 0– 0, the first
me. I then remove my lock with my key and send the box
batter for the home team hits his first pitch for a home
(with your lock still on) back to you, so you can remove
run. The pitcher threw 25 pitches and loses the game by a
your lock with your key and get the ring. 19. 59
score of 1–0.) 69. Q
21. You should choose a sock from the box labeled red
71. Here is one solution. 73. 6 ways 75. 86 cm
and green socks. Because it is mislabeled, it contains only
77. Dan (36) is married to
red socks or only green socks, determined by the sock you 9
8 Jessica (29); James (30) is
choose. If the sock is green, relabel this box green socks. 7 married to Cathy (31).
Since the other two boxes were mislabeled, switch the 5 6
10 79. 12; All months have
remaining label to the other box and place the label that 4 1 2
28 days.
says red and green socks on the unlabeled box. No other
3 81. 3
choice guarantees a correct relabeling because you can
85. The products always
remove only one sock.
83. 6 differ by 1.
23. D 25. A
27. One example of a solution follows.

4 One of two
2 3 possibilities
5 1
1 2 3 4 5 4 Exercises
29. 9 7 2 14 11 5 4 12 13 3 6 10 15 1 8 1. 43.8 3. 2.3589 5. 7.48 7. 7.1289 9. 6340.338097
11. 1 13. 1.061858759 15. 2.221441469
(or the same arrangement reading right to left)
17. 3.141592653 19. 0.7782717162 21. yes
31. Here is one solution. 33. D 35. 3 23. positive 25. 1 27. the same as 29. 0
8 10 1 6 31. negative 33. Answers will vary.
2 9 5 35. Answers will vary. 37. 63 39. 14 41. B 43. A
7 4 45. D 47. 5% 49. 260,000 51. 2005, 2006, 2007
53. 2001: about 165 billion lb; 2007: about 185 billion lb
55. from 2000 to 2005; about $0.85
37. One possible sequence is shown here. The numbers
57. The price of a gallon of gas was decreasing.
represent the number of gallons in each bucket in each
Chapter Test
successive step.
1. inductive 2. deductive
Big 7 4 4 1 1 0 7 5 5
3. The magic sum is 38.
Small 0 3 0 3 0 1 1 3 0
The Art of Problem Solving

13. Answers will vary. One possible solution is
19 17 1 + 2 + 3 - 4 + 5 + 6 + 78 + 9 + 0 = 100.
16 7 18
2 1 14. 108 in., or 9 ft 15. 3
12 5 11
4 6 16. The sum of the digits is always 9.
10 8 9
13 14
15 17. 9.907572861 (Answers may vary due to the model of
calculator used.) 18. 34.328125 19. B
4. 65,359,477,124,183 * 68 = 4,444,444,444,444,444
20. (a) between 1998 and 1999, 1999 and 2000, and 2003
5. 351 6. 31,375 7. 65; 65 = 1 + 7 + 13 + 19 + 25
and 2004 (b) The unemployment rate was increasing.
8. 1, 8, 21, 40, 65, 96, 133, 176; The pattern is 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
(c) 2003: 6.0%; 2004: 5.5%; decline: 0.5%
1, 0, . . . .
9. The first two terms are both 1. Each term after the
second is found by adding the two previous terms.
10. 4 11. 9 12. 35

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