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SESSION 2020 - 2021

Grade 2 -ENGLISH

Name: ________________________ Grade & Div: 2 ___

Date: _______________ Block/Lesson 1: Real and Imaginary

I. Keywords with meanings.

1) Lonely: to be alone.

2) Scared: to be afraid of.

3) Stretched: made long or wide without tearing or breaking.

II. Make sentences using the given words.

1) Pond – I saw a frog in the pond.

2) Crutches – The old man had to use crutches after his accident.

III. Practice Questions.

1) What did Aanya use to walk?

Ans) Aanya used a pair of crutches to walk.

2) Where did the king keep the keys?

Ans) The king kept the keys in his cupboard.

3) Why was the dragon sad?

Ans) The dragon was sad because he was kept chained in the king’s palace.
Additional Notes.

1) What did the dragon do after the princess removed the chains?

Ans) The dragon stretched his wings and started to fly high.

2) Is the story ‘Aanya and the dragon’ real or imaginary?

Ans) The story ‘Aanya and the dragon’ is imaginary.

3) Change one to many.

One Many One Many

King Kings Park Parks
Princess Princesses Chain Chains
Dragon Dragons Horse Horses
Key Keys Crutch Crutches

4) Write real or imaginary.

A) I went to the mall yesterday. - Real

B) My favourite mall is on the moon. - Imaginary

C) The Brahmins turned a mouse into a lion.- Imaginary

D) My brother is younger than me. - Real

5) Make as many words as you can with the letters ‘s g d a n r o’.

Ans) go, god, do, ran, ago, dog, song, road, grand, dragon, drag.

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