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1. Reconocer si cada una de las oraciones siguientes está en voz activa o en voz

A. Mary is making tea right now.

B. A Chinese factory manufactures these phones.
C. New planets are being discovered every day.
D. Your letter will be received on Thursday.
E. A laboratory in Sweden has created a new medicine.
F. A new government has been formed in South Africa.
G. Mr Thompson has sold seven cars this month
H. My mother made the cake.
I. This bridge was built by the Romans over 2000 years ago.
J. The project will be finished tomorrow.
K. People make a lot of wine in La Rioja.
L. Australians speak English.
M. The cake was made by my mother.

2. Reescribe las siguientes frases en la voz pasiva.

A. Mike was doing the dishes when I arrived.

B. Sarah had finished the painting before her mother called.
C. Harry Potter was written by J. K. Rowling
D. They speak Spanish here.
E. I will have cleaned my bedroom by tomorrow.
F. Tony is playing a videogame.
G. The maid will clean all the house for tomorrow.
H. They removed two cars from the street.
I. We will build a new house.

3. Escribe 20 oraciones y reescribe estas en voz activa y voz pasiva.

4. Escribe una oración activa o pasiva con cada una de los siguientes objetos.

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