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Collection of speciemens

 Laboratory procedure is to identify causative agent for patient illness.

 Laboratory identification start from specimen collection, handling, transportation and

examination like microscopy, staining, biochemical tests etc.

 Body fluids, secretions and biopsy material can all be examined to detect pathogens,
antigen or products or the immune response to them.

 Sample from environment, e.g. water, food or soil, may also be examined.

Collection of speciemens from different parts of the body


Types of speciemen collection

Skin - the sample is collected either crust of swab or swab (liquid) in a sterile bottle with help of
cotton bud.

Nails and hair - nails and hair should be collected into folded squares of back paper.

Eye swabs - conjuctival swab is taken for sample with the help of cotton bud.

Blood - blood should may be collected in strictly by three methods.

 Arterial sampling

 Venipuncture sampling

 Fingerstick sampling.

Arterial sampling - an arterial blood sample is collected from artery.

Venipuncture sampling - a procedure in which a needle is used to take blood from a vein,
usually for laboratory testing.

Fingerstick sampling - a procedure in which a finger is pricked with a lancet to obtain a small
quantity of capillary blood testing.

Urinary tract - Early morning sample is collected in a clean and dry container

 Mid sample is good for Diagnosis.

Stool culture - Stool specimens can also be obtained directly from the rectum using a sterile
swab and container.

Sputum - Sputum is collected in specially designed sputum cups.

Ear - scrapings of material from the ear canal are mostly preferred, although swabs can also be

Throat culture - Carefully yet firmly rub swab over areas of exudate or over the tonsils and
posterior pharynx.

Wound culture - Using a sterile swab supplied by the laboratory.

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