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Benefits of Ocean Cleaning

70 Percent of the surface of the earth is covered by water. The oceans are the largest
ecosystem of the earth and it supports plants life. Oceans create half of the oxygen we breathe
in and contains more than 97% of the world’s water. But these oceans are being polluted and
toxicities by different plastic waste materials and chemicals which are harming the oceans to a
great extent.
There are a number of benefits of cleaning the oceans one of the main goals to clean the
oceans is to try to get the ocean back in the previous clean form. The benefits of cleaning the
oceans are mentioned below:

 Save marine animals: In the course of recent years, the world has woken up to nerve
wrecking headlines about sea life that has unfortunately died due to consuming or being
trapped by the waste we toss in the oceans. At the point when our trash washes up on
coastlines, it gives us a chance to remove it before the tide washes it back out.
Evacuating litter that we find on the shoreline ensures that wildlife won’t come into
contact with it and perhaps find itself imperiled in some way or another.

 Preserve our natural treasures Beaches are diverse, beautiful, natural treasures that are
here for all of us to explore and appreciate together. sadly, garbage on our beaches
imperils these shared natural treasures. By cleaning up the beach, we can ensure that
visitors from all over the world can enjoy our beaches fully.

 Create a safer environment: Litter isn’t just unsightly, but it can actually be harmful.
Metal with sharp edges and bits of glass can create a public health hazard just as much
as an aesthetic one. These sharp bits of litter can without much of a stretch cover up in
sand and cause serious injuries! If we see items like this, we should be extra cautious
when picking them up so not to injure our-self or others.

 Make seafood safer: There is a saying that what goes in the ocean ends up inside us,
especially when we eat seafood it effects the most. According to one study conducted at
Ghent University in Belgium, the average seafood eater is consuming 11,000 tiny
fragments of plastic every year. The chemicals in these plastics can accumulate in our
bodies over time and eventually cause health problems. So, cleaning up your local beach
means creating a healthier world.
 Help the local economy: Seaside communities around the world get a huge boom to
their economies from both fishing and tourism. At the point where beaches are free of
litter, tourists and visitors are much more likely to enjoy themselves and spend money
at businesses near the beaches. If the water is clear of litter, fishers as well as tourist-
oriented businesses like scuba diving tours are more likely to be able to make a solid
business there. So, beach cleanup will help the local economy!

 Keep toxic chemicals out of the water: Cigarette butts are the most frequently littered
item on Earth. This litter is one of the most commonly found bits of trash found in the
ocean. Cigarette butts are small, but they make a big impact on clean water. After just
one hour in the water, a cigarette butt can contaminate almost 8 liters of water with
unhealthy and dangerous chemicals. If we picked just 10 cigarette butts up off the
ground, we are saving nearly 800 liters of water from contamination.

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