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How social media makes us unsocial - Allison Graham

 What did you realize as a result of watching the piece?

 Social media was created to bring people together, to make communication easier and
quicker, but over the years social media became the thing that made people more
unsocial. Most people are addicts and can’t live without using it. It has become our way
of life.
 What questions does the piece raise for you?
 It makes me think if I am an addict and do I really need my phone every place I go, even
when using the restroom or at the dinner table. It makes me think what would I do if I
didn’t have it. I would probably read more books and go out more, because having the
instant stimulation that we get from constantly browsing the internet doesn’t allow us
to do those things in a way. Our brains are rewired in a way that all we can think of is
watching the new music video or immediately finding out what did our friend do last
night and why we weren’t invited.
 What do you think about the effect of social media on communication?
 In a way, social media is crucial for today’s busy lifestyle and I don’t think it shouldn’t
exist, but we should be aware of the problems it causes and take certain precautions.
Communication is not what it used to be. You can’t sit with a friend for more than a half
an hour without one of you checking your phone. It became a habit, even more than
that, social media became a part of us, and while making communication easier, it made
it more difficult. Social media estranged us from each other and made us more and
more unsocial, people that obsess over how many likes they got on a picture or if they
know the latest drama and do they really understand the new abbreviation.

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