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Lizbeth Padilla

Alexa Ghasemi
Samuel Rafael
Student Demographics Application to Practice

A. Introduction Paragraph: Write a brief paragraph discussing the importance of having a

diverse classroom. Discuss how learner diversity might influence learning as well as how
teachers should respond to this diversity. Use citations to support your conclusions.

B. For each of the following 10 questions, discuss what you will do to specifically address
each aspect of student diversity in the classroom. Give a specific strategy of what you
will do as a teacher to include the particular group of diverse students. Each response
should be only 2-3 sentences. Use citations to support your conclusions about how each
strategy impacts learning.

1. Gender
a. How you will address
I will be using gender neutral language in my classroom when addressing students.
b. Strategy: why this strategy will be effective and how it will impact learning in the
classroom (IOL).
This strategy will be effective because it will allow for students to open their minds and
help respect diverse identities. It will impact learning in the classroom because students
will be more accepting of each other and students will also feel accepted and safe
themselves, letting them focus on their academics rather than insecurities. Students will
have a sense of belonging and this is essential for them to succeed in the classroom as
c. Identify why the strategy you provided is valid in terms of the theories and concepts
discussed in class. Support your reasoning with a quote properly cited from the text or
other academic resource.
The strategy that I provided is valid in terms of Maslow’s theory because he argues that
students must feel respected, belonging, and safe. This is something that my strategy will
achieve as there will be no assumptions being made about anyone as they will be
eliminated by using terms such as “friends” and not ones based upon their appearance. A
quote that supports my reasoning is “​Using gendered language such as “girls and boys”,
“ladies and gentlemen” can be alienating for gender non-conforming and gender diverse
students.” ​ This quote mentions how it can make students feel alienated,
something that I will avoid by using gender neutral/inclusive language instead.
d. Describe how your strategy meets one TPE. Identify the TPE number and heading. Also
include the exact citation, in quotes, from the specific section of the TPE to which you're
referring and how the strategy meets that TPE.
TPE 2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 3 “Establish, maintain, and monitor inclusive learning environments that are
physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy and save to enable all students to learn…”
This TPE fits into my strategy because it mentions that it is important to give students an
environment in which they feel safe in every sense. By using gender neutral language,
students will attain these things, and in result, be more comfortable learning and paying
attention during instructional time.
2. Ethnicity
a. How you will address
I will have a project in the beginning of the school year involving a “cultural bag.” This
cultural bag consists of a brown paper bag that students must decorate using things that
represent their background (ethnicity and culture).
b. Strategy: why this strategy will be effective and how it will impact learning in the
classroom (IOL).
This strategy will be effective because it will allow for students to teach their classmates
about who they are as well as it will allow for them to see how other students present
themselves. It will impact learning in the classroom because it will form a sense of
community as well as safety and understanding. Students’ cultural references will be
included in learning and will also help to acknowledge differences and similarities
between students, they will be more respectful of each other. Through this, they will have
the ability to be more actively engaged in class and will allow for me to see my students
for who they are and learn more about them, resulting in knowing how it’s best for me to
teach and reach different perspectives.
c. Identify why the strategy you provided is valid in terms of the theories and concepts
discussed in class. Support your reasoning with a quote properly cited from the text or
other academic resource.
The strategy that I provided is valid in terms of Maslow’s theory because again, it will
help with the hierarchy of needs, but also Bronfenbrenner’s theory as he encourages
students to be aware of student’s life and how they come into the classroom. Through my
strategy, I can learn more about my students and where they come from and also allow
them to feel like they are part of the classroom and are cared for. A quote that supports
my reasoning is “​By ignoring race/ethnicity, one is sending the message that it is not
okay to talk about.” This quote fits as this is something that I
want to avoid doing, I want students to feel comfortable and important about who they
d. Describe how your strategy meets one TPE. Identify the TPE number and heading. Also
include the exact citation, in quotes, from the specific section of the TPE to which you're
referring and how the strategy meets that TPE.
TPE 2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 3 “Create environments that… encourage positive interactions among students,
reflect diversity and multiple perspectives, and are culturally responsive.” This TPE fits
into my strategy because it states that as teachers, we must create a place where students
feel encouraged to talk to each other while at the same time understanding and seeing that
there are other points of views and that not everyone's the same. The use of the cultural
bag will allow for students to present themselves for who they are and see how diverse
they are and create a safe classroom community. It will also allow me to use culturally
responsive teaching.
3. SES
a. How you will address
I will treat everyone equally and expect the most out of everyone.
b. Strategy: why this strategy will be effective and how it will impact learning in the
classroom (IOL).
This strategy will be effective because all of my students will feel included, there is no
one left out. It will impact learning in the classroom because it will help for students to all
see each other the same way. There will not be any special treatment for anyone, showing
students that everyone has the same opportunities. This will encourage all students to do
their best and develop academically as they will have a teacher who expects the most out
of them and supports them full on.
c. Identify why the strategy you provided is valid in terms of the theories and concepts
discussed in class. Support your reasoning with a quote properly cited from the text or
other academic resource.
The strategy that I provided is valid in terms of Maslow’s theory because it will help
create a sense of belonging as everyone will be treated the same. It will help with
self-esteem as they will be encouraged and be respected the same. I will have the same
goals for everyone and not treat them differently. A quote that supports my reasoning is
“Teachers assumptions and beliefs play a huge role in how we mold our classrooms. We
need to be adaptable and plan for all students, so by setting high expectations and
standards for every student… will go a long way.”-Jessica Haynes. This fits because as
the teacher, I am the one that sets the example. If they see that I treat everyone the same
then they know that we have a community in which everyone is accepted and although
they are their own person, I expect the best out of everyone.
d. Describe how your strategy meets one TPE. Identify the TPE number and heading. Also
include the exact citation, in quotes, from the specific section of the TPE to which you're
referring and how the strategy meets that TPE.
TPE #2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 5 “Maintain high expectations for learning with appropriate support for the full
range of students in the classroom.” This TPE fits into my strategy because I will be
supporting and setting high expectations for all of my students. Everyone will be
receiving the same treatment and everyone will be included. There is no one who will be
excluded from achieving their academic goals in my classroom, regardless of where they
come from.
4. Students with Learning Disability
a. How you will address
I will use a variety of learning modalities such as Total Physical Responsibility to
accommodate for students with learning disabilities.
b. Strategy: why this strategy will be effective and how it will impact learning in the
classroom (IOL).
This strategy will be effective because some students with learning disabilities need
physical movement and coordination of language when learning. In this case, this will be
beneficial for those students who are more visual learners as a result of their disability.
c. Identify why the strategy you provided is valid in terms of the theories and concepts
discussed in class. Support your reasoning with a quote properly cited from the text or
other academic resource.
This strategy is related to Piaget’s Cognitive Learning Theory because this method helps
students to absorb information based on their personal abilities. This “Discovery Type
Learning” allows for teachers to understand how their student’s best learn and in this
case, it would be in a case where the learning disability interrupts a successful auditory
learning process. “​While in my mind, Total Physical Response works best in the subject
for which it was developed, I find that my youngest students and those with special needs
especially respond readily when we incorporate props, games, and other physical
activities into our lessons” (
d. Describe how your strategy meets one TPE. Identify the TPE number and heading. Also
include the exact citation, in quotes, from the specific section of the TPE to which you're
referring and how the strategy meets that TPE.
This strategy meets TPE #4: Planning and Designing Learning Experiences for All
Students Element #5: “Promote student success by providing opportunities for students to
understand and advocate for strategies that meet their individual learning needs.” This
meets the TPE because as the teacher, I will be using multiple means of learning
representation in order to exemplify the learning method in which individuals with
learning disabilities will be most successful.
5. Students with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
a. How you will address
I will provide students with “brain breaks” as a reward for staying on task. This will give
them the opportunity to walk around the room, talk to their friends, or gather supplies.
b. Strategy: why this strategy will be effective and how it will impact learning in the
classroom (IOL).
Providing brain breaks for students will be impactful in the classroom because as the
reward, students will be more dedicated to completing their work and following
instructions. Students with ADHD/ADD have an incentive to stay on task but also an
opportunity to rest their brains.
c. Identify why the strategy you provided is valid in terms of the theories and concepts
discussed in class. Support your reasoning with a quote properly cited from the text or
other academic resource.
I believe that this strategy reflects on Maslow’s Humanistic Theory. Providing students
with breaks resembles a physiological aspect of his Hierarchy of Needs because it’s
something that will help the students succeed in school. “I’ve found that taking breaks
results in more focus for all of my students, but especially those with ADHD” (Edutopia).
d. Describe how your strategy meets one TPE. Identify the TPE number and heading. Also
include the exact citation, in quotes, from the specific section of the TPE to which you're
referring and how the strategy meets that TPE.
This strategy could meet TPE #2 “Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for
Student Learning” Element #3 “Establish, maintain, and monitor inclusive learning
environments that are physically, mentally, intellectually, and emotionally healthy and
safe to enable students to learn.” Providing brain breaks to students relates to the TPE
because you are promoting an environment that allows students to work at their own
pace. These students will benefit extremely from taking intellectual breaks and going
back to focus on their work.

6. Students with Sensory Impairments

a. How you will address
I will make sure that all students are able to hear and understand by using hearing
assistive technologies such as an FM radio.
b. Strategy: why this strategy will be effective and how it will impact learning in the
classroom (IOL).
Using an FM system will be effective in the classroom because those students with
sensory impairments will be able to hear the lectures more clearly, removing background
noise and will allow for a quicker and better understanding of the material. This clarity
will help the student succeed in their classwork.
c. Identify why the strategy you provided is valid in terms of the theories and concepts
discussed in class. Support your reasoning with a quote properly cited from the text or
other academic resource.
In class, we watched a video regarding what a student with hearing impairments
experiences on a daily basis if they do not have the proper technologies to improve their
hearing. I think that using an FM radio system will help the student greatly and diminish
the extra, unnecessary sounds, improving their overall classroom experience and their
grades. “​An FM system is especially important for ​children with hearing loss​ as they
attend school. It ensures that these children receive consistent speech signals even when
they aren't looking at the teacher or when the teacher is moving around” (Healthy
Hearing). This quote shows the importance of FM radio use in the classroom and shows
how even when they are not facing the teacher, they will hear the lesson just as clearly.
d. Describe how your strategy meets one TPE. Identify the TPE number and heading. Also
include the exact citation, in quotes, from the specific section of the TPE to which you're
referring and how the strategy meets that TPE.
This strategy meets TPE #1: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning- Element
#4 “Use a variety of developmentally and ability-appropriate… assistive technology to
support access to the curriculum for a wide range of learners within the general education
classroom and environment.” This strategy meets the TPE because as the teacher, I would
be using an FM radio as the assistive technology to help my students.
7. Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
a. How you will address
I will make sure to have a concrete schedule set in place and try my best to plan ahead of
time for changes such as a fire drill, so that the student can become acclimated to the shift
in routine.
b. Strategy: why this strategy will be effective and how it will impact learning in the
classroom (IOL).
Having a concrete schedule and preparing for changes will be effective because the
students with Autism Spectrum Disorder will have a structure that allows them to feel
safe and secure. The predictability reduces stress and will help the student focus on their
c. Identify why the strategy you provided is valid in terms of the theories and concepts
discussed in class. Support your reasoning with a quote properly cited from the text or
other academic resource.
This strategy relates to the discussion and video we watched in class. From the video,
students and loved ones shared that a structured schedule helps to keep their anxiety at
ease. “Children and adults with Autism have a great need for structure and safety. Sudden
changes can seem threatening and cause stress and behavioral problems.To provide this
safety it is important to avoid unexpected activities, make sure of a good preparation and
to anticipate and announce changes in advance” (Autiplan).
d. Describe how your strategy meets one TPE. Identify the TPE number and heading. Also
include the exact citation, in quotes, from the specific section of the TPE to which you're
referring and how the strategy meets that TPE.
This strategy meets TPE #2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for
Student Learning- Element #6 “Establish and maintain clear expectations… by
communicating classroom routines, procedures, and norms”. This meets the strategy
because you are communicating a daily schedule and routine to the students.
8. ELL Students
a. How you will address.
I will address ELL students by being culturally responsive and creating an environment
productive for all students including ELL’s, this includes using visual cues, making use
of students native languages using scaffolding to ensure student progression and research
based instructional approaches to english language learners.
b. Strategy: why this strategy will be effective and how it will impact learning in the
classroom (IOL).
This will be effective because a culturally responsive classroom and learning
environments allows students to engage and feel supported during their learning
experiences and help promote english language learning in the classroom.
Identify why the strategy you provided is valid in terms of the theories and concepts
discussed in class. Support your reasoning with a quote properly cited from the text or
other academic resource.
​This strategy is valid because it helps connect the students native language with English

language and this strategy helps bridge the two. “​Many students coming with languages
like Spanish, French, or German will find similarities between their native language and
English. Use those similarities to foster language growth!
c. Describe how your strategy meets one TPE. Identify the TPE number and heading. Also
include the exact citation, in quotes, from the specific section of the TPE to which you're
referring and how the strategy meets that TPE.
This meets TPE #1”TPE1:Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning-#6 Provide
a supportive learning environment for students' first and/second language acquisition by
using research-based instructional approaches, including focused English Language
Development, Specially DesignedAcademic Instruction In English(SDAIE), scaffolding
across content areas, and structured English immersion,and demonstrate an
understanding of the difference among students whose only instructional need is acquire
Standard English proficiency, students who may have an identified disability affecting
their ability to acquireStandard English Proficiency, and students who may have both a
need to acquire Standard English proficiency and an identified disability.”
9. Gifted Students
a. How you will address
I will address gifted students through differentiation in the classroom.
b. Strategy: why this strategy will be effective and how it will impact learning in the
classroom (IOL).
This strategy is effective because through differentiation I can provide more challenging
material and keep gifted students engaged through lessons and even through flexible
grouping of peers who are on the same academic level. It allows me to differ the content,
process and product to create a better learning environment for any gifted student.
c. Identify why the strategy you provided is valid in terms of the theories and concepts
discussed in class. Support your reasoning with a quote properly cited from the text or
other academic resource.
This strategy is valid because through the video and discussion we discussed how to
keep gifted students involved. Through differentiation we can pair gifted students into
small groups and assign material that would create critical thinking rather than have a
child be bored by the material if it was not challenging.”Differentiation within the
classroom provides students with the best environment for having their academic needs
d. Describe how your strategy meets one TPE. Identify the TPE number and heading. Also
include the exact citation, in quotes, from the specific section of the TPE to which you're
referring and how the strategy meets that TPE.
This strategy meets “TPE1:Engaging and SupportingAll Students in Learning” -point #8
“Monitor student learning and adjust instruction while teaching so that students continue
to be actively engaged in learning.” This meets this TPE because you are adjusting
instruction for the gifted students so that they can continue to be engaged and challenged
through the material.

10. Different Learning Styles

a. How you will address
I will use different methods of teaching to connect with all learning styles whether it be
kinesthetic, visual or auditory.
b. Strategy: why this strategy will be effective and how it will impact learning in the
classroom (IOL).
This strategy will be effective because it helps students who may not understand the
material through one method of teaching, and instead gives them another way of learning
that same material.
c. Identify why the strategy you provided is valid in terms of the theories and concepts
discussed in class. Support your reasoning with a quote properly cited from the text or
other academic resource.
This strategy is valid because through the video and discussion we talked about the
different types of learners. Adapting subject matter and activities tailored to those
different styles of learners allows for visual, kinesthetic and auditory learners to be
engaged with the material if it were not otherwise. This creates better understanding and
grasp of the lessons. A quote to support this is, “If a child can’t learn the way we teach,
maybe we should teach the way they learn.” -Ignacio Estrada
d. Describe how your strategy meets one TPE. Identify the TPE number and heading. Also
include the exact citation, in quotes, from the specific section of the TPE to which you're
referring and how the strategy meets that TPE.
This strategy meets “TPE#3 TPE3:Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for
Student Learning #5 Adapt subject matter curriculum,organization,and planning to
support the acquisition and use of academic language within learning activities to
promote the subject matter knowledge of all students,including the full range of
English learners, Standard English learners, students with disabilities, and students with
other learning needs in the least restrictive environment.

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