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Міністерство освіти і науки України

Дніпропетровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара

Факультет української й іноземної філології та мистецтвознавства
Кафедра iноземних мов для соціально-економiчних спецiальностей

Ю. С. Гончарова
О. Є. Коломойченко

Навчальний посібник
для студентів економiчних спецiальностей

«Середняк Т.К.»

ББК 65я73
УДК 330(075.8)
Г 65
Панченко О. І.- д.філол.наук, проф., зав. каф. перекладу й лінгвістичної
підготовки іноземців Дніпропетровського національного університету імені
Олеся Гончара
Зірка В. В. - д.філол.наук, проф. кафедри англійської філології та перекладу
Дніпропетровського університету економіки і права імені Альфреда Нобеля.

Затверджено на засіданні вченої ради факультету української й іноземної

філології та мистецтвознавства, протокол № 6 від 27.01.2015 року.

Гончарова Ю. С., Коломойченко О. Є. Навчальний посібник для студентів

економічних спеціальностей. – Дніпропетровськ: «Середняк Т.К.», 2015. –

ISBN 978-617-7257-31-7

Навчальний посібник розроблено для студентів економічних спеціальностей

денної та дистанційної форм навчання. Він містить методичні рекомендації,
навчальні матеріали для проведення практичних занять та самостійної
роботи, примірні контрольні завдання до кожної теми, тести узагальнюючого
характеру для підсумкового контролю знань, граматичний довідник, теми
для самостійної роботи та список рекомендованої літератури.

© Гончарова Ю.С., Коломойченко О.Є., 2015

Навчальний посібник відповідає програмі дисципліни "Іноземна
мова", розробленої для студентів економічних спеціальностей денної та
дистанційної форм навчання. Навчальна програма нормативної дисципліни
"Іноземна мова" передбачає, що студенти повинні навчитися спілкуванню з
носіями англійської мови з питань професійної діяльності, ознайомитися з
основами економічної термінології та граматики сучасної англійської мови.
Передбачається формування навичок і умінь складання ділової документації
англійською мовою, можливість працювати з англомовною пресою і фаховою
Мета навчального посібника полягає у формуванні комунікативної
компетенції, що має кілька складових: лінгвістичну, соціолінгвістичну,
соціокультурну, соціальну та дискурсивну і сприяє розвитку професійної
компетенції майбутнього фахівця, тобто здатності успішно діяти на основі
практичного досвіду, умінь та знань, вирішуючи поставлені професійні
завдання. Із мети витікають певні задачі:
 допомогти студентам I-II курсів розширити і збагатити запас
термінологічної лексики економічного спрямування;
 розвинути та закріпити навички читання текстів фахового спрямування;
 активізувати навички усного мовлення під час обговорення, переказу
текстів та виконання тренувальних вправ;
 розвинути навички писемного ділового мовлення;
 допомогти студентам денної й дистанційної форм навчання у виконанні
контрольних робіт, самостійної роботи.
Навчальний посібник має чітку структуру: 6 тематичних блоків (6
Units), 6 тестів, спрямованих на закріплення навчального матеріалу по кожній
темі (Revision Units), 2 підсумкових теста (Progress tests), граматичний
довідник (Grammar reference), завдання для самостійної роботи студентів
денної та дистанційної форм навчання, список рекомендованої літератури.
Unit складається з текстів економічного спрямування, певної кількості
запитань до тексту, що дозволяють перевірити розуміння тексту студентами;
лексичного матеріалу (слова і словосполучення необхідні для розуміння
тексту); вправ для перевірки знань з економічної лексики; стислого
граматичного матеріалу (у таблицях) і граматичних вправ для його
закріплення; також пропонується розглянути найбільш використовувані на
практиці взірці ділової документації та виконати вправи з написання ділової

Рекомендовані тексти охоплюють базові питання економіки та
бізнесу. Лексико-граматичні вправи, розміщені після текстів, орієнтовані на
розуміння прочитаного і сприяють розвитку навичок усного мовлення.
Завдання, що спрямовані на опрацювання термінологічної лексики,
виконання лексико-граматичних вправ, складання ділової документації,
сприяють активному засвоєнню фахової лексики і написанню фахової
Контрольні завдання, укладені до кожної теми, мають
узагальнюючий, підсумковий характер.
Складовою частиною самостійної роботи студентів є вивчення
програмового матеріалу, опрацювання рекомендованої літератури та
підготовка доповідей та повідомлень, які студенти повинні презентувати на
практичних заняттях та індивідуальних консультаціях.
Студентам денної та дистанційної форм навчання рекомендується:
На першому етапі 1) визначитися з темою свого дослідження; 2)
підібрати та ознайомитися з фаховою літературою; 3) підготувати план
На другому етапі 1) індивідуальні консультації з викладачем (очно
або за допомогою електронної пошти); 2) написання тез своїх доповідей та
повідомлень, складання презентацій.
На третьому етапі студенти презентують свої роботи, захищають
їх на практичних заняттях.
Увагу слід звернути на засвоєння термінологічної лексики: об’єм
вокабулярію повинен бути не менше 50 лексичних одиниць; його долучають
до підготовлених доповідей – презентацій на залік (іспит).
Список рекомендованої літератури подано в кінці даного навчального
Навчальний посібник рекомендовано студентам, аспірантам денної і
дистанційної форм навчання економічних спеціальностей.

Unit 1 Brands
Vocabulary: Brand Management
Language check: Present Simple, Present Continuous
Writing: Business Letter Writing: Enquiries - Asking for Information


1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

a. What does ‘logo’ mean?
b. What is the best way to remember the brand?
c. How can the signature scent work?
d. What characteristics should a marketer think about to create a necessary

Why You Need a Scent Logo

All marketers are familiar with the concept of a logo, a visual representation
of a brand. Some, like Coca Cola, Disney, Apple and Nike are so iconic that
exposure to them, even when they aren’t noticed, affects our behavior. For these
large companies with their massive marketing budgets, it is fairly easy to expose
large numbers of people to their logo and brand identity. As a result, their brand
recall is close to 100% throughout a good part of the world. But what about small
and medium-sized companies?
The average person is exposed to up to 5,000 ads a day. How can you get
customers to remember your brand with all this clutter? The surprising answer is
through the sense of smell. The sense of smell is the only one of our five senses
that is directly connected to the part of the brain that processes emotion, memory
and associated learning. In fact, you are 100 times more likely to remember
something that you smell than something that you see, hear or touch. Savvy
marketers utilize this fact by creating an olfactory logo for their business. An
olfactory logo, also called scent branding, is a custom scent that the brand creates
to embody its unique brand characteristics. Much like a graphic logo, the olfactory
logo is used wherever the brand is present. After repeated exposures to the
olfactory logo, the smell becomes strongly associated with that brand. In order to
work, the signature scent needs to be consistent with the image and emotions of the
Think about the personality of your brand. Is your brand reliable and
trustworthy or edgy and fun? Is your brand relaxed or power charged? Also think
about your target market. Are they young, middle-aged or older? Predominantly
male or female? Value or luxury buyers? These characteristics can be successfully
matched with different fragrance elements to create a scent that embodies your
brand characteristics.
A highly successful use of scent branding is Abercrombie & Fitch. Their
signature fragrance, Fierce, is dispersed in high concentrations in all of their stores.
Fierce is strong, edgy and appeals to young, upscale consumers. The result? Fierce
(which is also sold as a personal fragrance) is the number one selling fragrance for
men in the US and Europe and A&F’s teenage and young adult target market can
easily identify authentic A&F jeans solely by their smell. Most of the major hotel
chains also use an olfactory logo. For example, the Westin uses a cool and relaxing
white tea fragrance, and the St. Regis uses an elegant blend of rose, sweet pea and
pipe tobacco.
Once you have created your signature scent, use it in every possible
customer touch point, so that it can become associated closely with your brand in
the customer’s mind. If you have a hotel, store, spa or other location for your
business, you can use a scent diffuser to disperse the fragrance in the air.
Companies producing packaged goods can incorporate the scent into their
packaging. Then, to spur repeat sales, use the scent in direct mail to remind
customers of their positive experience with your brand. Before you know it, your
brand will be top of mind, and the aroma you detect will be the sweet smell of
by Jennifer Dublino


1. Find words or expressions in the text which mean the following:

1) a graphic image or symbol specially created to identify a company or a product

2) the process of giving a product a distinctive identity by means of characteristic
design, packaging, etc.
3) expected income and expenditure of a country, company, etc. over a specific
period, usually a financial year
4) a custom scent that the brand creates to embody its unique brand characteristics
5) the process that people think of a brand in a particular way in relations to other
6) the section of the potential market at which a product or service is aimed
7) someone who buys goods and services, especially from a shop
8) a name a company gives to its products so they can be easily recognized

2. Complete the table with the words from the text:

Noun Verb

3. Match these word partnerships to their meanings:

Portfolio when a company pays for its products to be seen in films

and TV programmes
product positioning a company’s products, as a group
how a company would like a product to be seen in relation
to its other products, or to competing products
Awareness the person responsible for the marketing of a particular
brand manager the tendency of consumers to continue buying a particular
brand instead of trying a different one
how much people recognize a brand

4. Complete these sentences with word partnerships from exercise 3:

1. What amazes me more is the people that have ____________________ when

the price is the same.
2. Spielberg has continued to use _________________________ extensively.
3. Following the launch of Series 5 laptop, consumers were slow to understand its
______________________________ in relation to Psion’s existing hardware
4. Advertising is not the only means of creating ________________________.
5. The company obviously needs to extend its _____________________ into new
markets while also broadening the offering to its customer base.
6. For more than a century Renault has been a name standing for innovation, says
City motors _______________________ Michael Goldsworthy.

Language Check

Present simple and present continuous

Present Simple Present Continuous
We use Present Simple to talk about: We use Present Continuous to talk
 permanent situations and facts:  temporary situations or actions that
We provide cleaning services. are going on around now but not at the
She works as a nurse. moment of speaking:
 repeated actions and regular routings: Kate is working really hard these days,
His company launches new products because we are looking for a new
twice a year. assistant.
I usually get to work by car.  changing or developing situations:
The number of companies is decreasing

1. Identify the tenses in bold, then match them to their use:

1. She is rehearsing her speech before the meeting at present.

John works at our Head Office in New York.
2. We are meeting our investor tomorrow afternoon.
3. Increased competition often causes a fall in prices.
4. Skill comes with practice.
5. Our profit is increasing more and more these days.
6. His plane lands tomorrow evening.
7. My colleague is on a business trip, so I am handling all his job this week.

a. habits and repeated actions

b. temporary situations or actions that are going on around now but not at the
moment of speaking
c. permanent situations and facts
d. scientific facts and general truths
e. personal arrangements and plans
f. actions taking place now, at the moment of speaking
g. timetables and scheduled events
h. changing or developing situations

2. Underline the correct verb form:

1. I see / am seeing that the situation is out of control.

2. What do you do / are you doing?
I’m an executive secretary.
3. We spend / are spending a lot of money on modernization this year.
4. Why do you smell / are you smelling the soup? Do you think it’s not OK?
5. More and more people recycle / are recycling their rubbish.
6. What does this sign mean / are this sign mean?
7. John Smith is rather rich. He owes / is owing a large department store.
8. I deal with / am dealing with Helen’s clients while she is away.

3. Put the word in the correct order to make sentences and then decide what each
sentence describes (a routing activity, events happening around now, temporary
situations, permanent situations, timetables, personal arrangements):

1. days / working / finance / am / the / these / I / department / in.

2. get / employees / very / pay / don’t / rises / often.
3. at / every / train / 6:15 / departs / her / morning.
4. to / two / is / in / boss / days / Paris / flying / our.
5. right / a / he / sale / preparing / report / now / is.
6. the / cuts / machine / paper / the.


Business Letter Writing: Enquiries - Asking for Information

Which letter is written to ask information about a product or services?

 Order Letter  Enquiry Letter
 Sales Letter  Request Letter

Before writing a message, which of the following steps are necessary for effective
 Define the purpose of the message
 Analyze your audience, outline your message
 Choose the ideas to include, collect all the facts to back up these ideas
 All of the above

Useful expressions

The Start Dear Sir or Madam

To Whom It May Concern - (very formal as you do not
know the person to whom you are writing)
Giving Reference With reference to your advertisement in...
Regarding your advertisement in ...
Your name has been given us by….
(the name of the company) has advised us to get in touch
with you
We saw your products demonstrated at ., and would like to
know whether…
Requesting Further Will you please send us your catalogue and price list for…
Information We would be glad to receive specifications of your … and
details of trade discounts
We are also interested in your terms of payment and in
discounts offered for regular purchases and large orders
Could you tell me whether ...
Closing remarks We are looking forward to hearing from you
We would appreciate a prompt answer
We hope to hear from you shortly
We must ask you to reply by the end of this month
Signature Yours faithfully
Sincerely yours
Best regards

An example letter

To Whom It May Concern,

With reference to your advertisement in yesterday's New York Times, could you
please send me a copy of your latest catalogue? I would also like to know if it is
possible to make purchases online.
Yours faithfully
Kenneth Beare
Administrative Director
English Learners & Company

1. Write an enquiry letter:

 Tell where you have obtained the name of the company and what you know
about them
 Ask them to send you their catalogue and anything else you think you should
 Round off your letter with an encouraging sentence

Useful Language

Information about products

1. Make up short dialogues, using the following phrases:

 Could you give me some This is one of our top brands.

(more) information on It's our best-selling refrigerator.
this? This one is the best in its class.
We're really pleased with its
It's an excellent computer.

 What can you tell me about this This model comes with several
(product)? features.

 Tell me about this one/model. This particular one has two


2. Work in pairs, ask and answer the questions, complete each statement.

Describing Products

Tell me about (this product) It can be used for . . .

What can you tell me about (this You can use it to . . .
product)? You can . . . with it
Can you give me some This has/contains . . .
information/details about this? This one features . . .
What is special/unique about this? This comes with . . .
What are the specifications? This is equipped with . . .
Let me tell you about . . . This particular model . . .
This is our (newest) product. This is priced at . . .
This is one of our latest designs. This costs . . .
It is made of . . .

3. Describe any of the following products:

Unit 2 Travel
Vocabulary: Business Travelling
Language check: Future Forms
Writing: A formal e-mail


1. Read the text and answer the following questions:

a. Why should you sign up for reward programs?
b. What are the additional savings of sharing a rental car?
c. How can you save money and control your nutritional intake?
d. What result can lost or stolen laptop cause?
e. Why is it good to be a frugal traveler?

Five Ways to Save Money on Business Travel

There are several ways to save money while traveling on business. Sharing is
a great way to save on business travel. Sharing can save the organization and the
traveler. A business traveler could share a room with another business traveler. A
business traveler could share a car with one to three more business travelers and
save on rental costs, gas costs and parking expenses. Eating in and packing lunches
on business travel can save the business traveler money (and is sometimes
healthier). Packing light can save business travelers on checked baggage fees and
can help with carpooling options. Planning and budgets can help the business
traveler save money on business travel.
If more than one person from your organization is going on a business trip
consider sharing a hotel room. This would cut the cost of lodging by 50% for two
people on a business trip. If you are traveling for business and spending quite a few
nights in hotel consider signing up for reward programs. The rewards programs
allow you to add an additional perk and could help you safe on personal travel.
Staying with the sharing theme, again if there are two or more employees
traveling, consider sharing a rental car. Sharing a rental car could cut the cost of
business travel quite a bit. One car for two people cuts the rental cost by 50%,
three people in one car reduces the cost by two-thirds, four people in one car
reduces the cost by 75%. However, there are additional savings for the business
trip with reduced parking costs with fewer vehicles. There are also lower fuel costs
with fewer vehicles. The fuel and parking savings can also be enjoyed by sharing a
personal vehicle on a business trip.
On a business trip you don't have to eat out for every meal. On a business
trip one could visit a grocery store and buy enough food to last the trip. This saves
the organization costs if you are submitting an expense report. This saves the
business traveler money if they are getting only reimbursed by per diem. A grocery
store would allow you to get breakfast, pack lunches, and probably be able to pick
something up for dinner at a fraction of the cost of restaurants. Especially since
most hotels have refrigerators and microwaves. I would also suggest bringing a
crock pot on your travels to make easy meals. Not only is there the financial
savings on the business trip, it also gives the business traveler more control over
their nutritional intake.
If business travel is by air the business traveler should pack light. Packing
light is great advice if you are carpooling as well. Most airlines charge additional
fees for the bags a passenger checks. Reducing the amount of checked backs will
reduce the cost of business travel. It will also make it easier to lug in and out of
airports, vehicles, and hotels. Carry on your laptop. Lost or stolen laptops costs
businesses time and money. If you lose your laptop on business travel it will cost
you lost productivity, aggravation, and time will add to your business expense.
Plan for the business trip and pack smart. Pack your essentials. Use your
space in computer bags and carry-on luggage to help reduce the number of bags
you check. If you will be using my advice about grocery shopping make a list. This
will help your budget which will help a business traveler save money. A frugal
traveler will stick to the list. A business traveler should plan out their trip. If a
traveler will be eating out, it is smart to plan how many times and put it in your
travel budget. Travel smart, be frugal and enjoy your trip.

By Mike Spain


1. Find the synonyms to these words from the text and then give their Ukrainian

to refund
to give
to carry

2. Match the words in column A to those in column B to make expressions from

the article. Then use them to fill the gaps in the sentences:

car trip
travel lunch
business report
packing pooling
expense budget
1. _______________________ will be given to the people who have a trip to
London tomorrow morning in the canteen at 7.15 a.m.
2. You should consider your _____________________ rather attentively
before leaving your city.
3. If there were more park and ride facilities both for people who travel by train
and bus and those who wish to use _____________________.
4. A ____________________ in North America — it is too little sleep, too
many cities and a temporary absence of sense.
5. You must submit your ___________________ immediately after your

4. Match these words to their meanings:

boarding to record one’s arrival, as at a hotel or for work , sign in or

departure a bed that is narrower than a double bed and is intended for
one person
reservation an electronic card that is used for unlocking a door
single bed the act of embarking on an aircraft, train, ship
check-in a bus that travels regularly between two places
key card the act or instance of booking
shuttle bus a lounge in an airport where passengers can wait prior to the
departure of their flight

5. Complete the text with the words from exercise 4:

Yotel: the ultimate experience in airport hotels

Yotel is a new chain of budget airport hotels where guests stay in small
individual cabins. Situated in one of the terminal buildings at Gatwick Airport,
the first Yotel in the UK offers passengers a place to catch up on their sleep if
they have an early flight, a delay or a long wait between connections. You can
check in for a four-hour block and you don’t have to make a (1)
(2) _________________ happens at a machine in Reception where guests
pick up a (3)________________ to their cabin. Facilities include a techno wall
containing a TV screen with a wide selection of films, radio, games and the
Internet. The 10m2 cabins have a double bed which converts into a comfortable
sofa and the 7m2 standard cabins have a (4)__________________ instead. Both
cabins have shower rooms, and luggage can be put under the bed. There is no
need for a safe.
To check out guests use a credit card in the machines to pay their bill. While
guests in other hotels have to take a (5) ____________________ to the airport,
Yotel guests walk straight to check-in desk, through the (6)
__________________, and waste no time in (7) _________________ their

6. Find the synonyms to these words from the text:

account station
postponement means
room baggage

Language check

Talking about the future

We use different language forms to talk about the future:

Present Simple
 timetables and scheduled events:
The conference starts at 11 o’clock next Wednesday.
My train leaves at 6 p.m. tomorrow evening.
Present Continuous
 a fixed future arrangement:
He is meeting his bank manager tomorrow morning.
We are going to London next month.
Going to
 a future plan or intension:
I am going to finish this report tomorrow afternoon.
Jake is going to visit our main department next Monday.
 hopes, fears, threats, offers, warnings, requests, promises, especially with:
expect, hope, believe, suppose, know, think. be sure, be afraid, etc:
We think, you will be interested in our proposition.
I am afraid, he will be a little late for the conference.

1. Match sentences 1–8 to their uses A–H:

1. According to our boss, Jane is going to be promoted.

2. I am seeing my bank manager this morning.
3. The London train arrives at 4.30 p.m.
4. She is worried that her boss will be angry after her sales report.
5. I am going to talk to my chief about my holiday next week.
6. There is a lot of competition that is why it is going to be difficult to increase
market share.
7. His colleague will be 35 next month.
8. She will probably be at the meeting.

a. a prediction with evidence to the near future

b. a future fact
c. a future plan or intension

d. someone has already decided to do this
e. a fixed future arrangement
f. timetables
g. an uncertain future prediction
h. hopes, fears, threats, offers, warnings, requests

3. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple, Present Continuous or Future

1. I ______________(see) our partners at six o’clock tonight.

2. The new exhibition ____________(open) on April 25th and _____________
(finish) on May 14th.
I know. I ______________(go) on the first day.
3. In the future more people _______________(work) from home.
4. I __________________(give) my presentation at 11 a.m. in room 12.
5. We hope everyone ________________(enjoy) our training.
6. Jane’s train _______________(reach) Paris at 8.45.
7. He probably ________________(be) late because of the traffic.

4. The last marketing-campaign was not really successful. The organizers of that
campaign have therefore come together to discuss what went wrong. Now they
are explaining what's going to be different in the next campaign.
Complete the sentences using “will” or “be going to”:

1. What (change / you) _______________________ in the next campaign?

2. I think we (focus) __________________ on a specific target group.
3. How (do / you) _________________ that?
4. Probably we (cram / not) _______________that much information into our
5. Instead, the campaign (leave) _____________________just one clear
6. Which target group (reach / you) _____________________?
7. Our next campaign (target) ___________________at housewives aged 30 to
8. I am afraid, it (be) _______________ rather difficult. How (get / you)
________________ these prospects to buy our products?
9. We are sure, our campaign (make) _________________ clear that these
products can make life a lot easier for the housewife.

Writing: A formal e-mail

1. Read the e-mail below and answer the questions:

2. Who is the e-mail from?

3. Who is the e-mail to?
4. What three things does the writer ask the reader to do?
5. Where is Ms Smith going?
Dear Mr. Brown
Thank you for your e-mail received October 9. With regard to my visit next
week I need to tell you that I will arrive at Heathrow airport at 11.30 on
Wednesday 5th November. As this will be my first visit to England I would be
very grateful if somebody could meet me at the airport. Also, would it be
possible for you to make a reservation at a nearby hotel for me? I would really
appreciate it. In addition, could you possibly send me a copy of the agenda of
our meeting and a copy of your most recent sales figures?
Please accept my apologies but my colleague Ms Smith will not be able to
join me as she is attending a Marketing conference in Budapest at the same
I look forward to meeting you,
With best regards,
Sarah Simpson.

2. Match a formal word on the left with an informal word on the right:

inform come to
require help
assistance tell
attend want
grateful need
would like more
near future happy
further soon

3. Write a formal e-mail using the information below:

 You are going to attend the conference

 You cannot stay for all three days
 The sessions you want to go are New advertising methods and The future of
 Ask to make a reservation to a hotel
 Ask to organize a taxi to pick you are at the airport

Useful language

Telephone: flight
1. Complete the conversation using the following phrases:
Do you want to go economy, business or first class?
… does that include airport tax?
I’d like to enquire about flights…
Can I book that, then?
Could you tell me about the flight availability…
Could you check if … any rooms free?
I'll call you back later to confirm?
No, tax is another $70 on top of that.
I'd like to book a hotel room…
… do you mind if I book it provisionally…
… is there a discount rate…
How many of you will be travelling?

Dolores: Hello! Dolores speaking…

Tim: Ah yes, hello. _______________________________ to Hong Kong from
Kennedy Airport in New York, please. I’m off to a conference at the end
of the month - Thursday 22nd until Tuesday 27th. _______________
___________________________ and prices?
Dolores: Certainly. __________________________________________________?
Tim: Well, I’d like to go first class, but unfortunately I’ll have to go economy -
company rules, you see.
Dolores: Yes, sure, I understand. ___________________________________?
Tim: Ah, it’s just me.
Dolores: Okay, so that’s one seat … economy … New York - Kennedy to Hong
Kong Airport.
Tim: And how much will that be?
Dolores: Let me see … to qualify for the discount rate, you need to stay over a
Saturday, which you are doing … Yes, that’ll be $830.
Tim: Right, and _____________________________?
Dolores: ______________________________________.
Tim: Okay. ______________________?
Dolores: Can I help you with anything else?
Tim: Yes, _____________________________ too, for the full five nights.
__________________ the Regency Hotel has _______________?
Dolores: Yes, they do.
Tim: And ________________________ for conference delegates?
Dolores: Yes, there is. I think it's 10% but I can check that for you.
Tim: Okay, ______________________________________ for now and
_____________________? I just need to check one or two details.
Dolores: That's fine, sir. Can I help you with anything else?
Tim: No, that's all for now. As I said, I'll call you back.

Unit 3 Change
Vocabulary: Describing Change and Development
Language check: Past Simple, Present Perfect
Writing: A notice of BOD meeting


1. Read the text and answer the following questions:

a. How do many users categorize new devices?
b. What was the promise of the recent wearable tech influx in the business
c. How can some of the most popular wearable devices be used?
d. What is the main benefit from wearable smart tech in the retail world?
e. Who will also benefit from the wearable technology trend accept marketers?

How Wearable Technology Can (And Will) Change Your Business

In recent years, wearable technology has become a hot topic in the tech
industry. With its tight relationship with the Internet of Things, many insiders have
designated wearables for business as the next big thing. But while the most talked
about new wearable technologies—such as the Apple iWatch and Google Glass—
are either not yet widely available, or are only just beginning to make their way
into customers’ hands, there are many other wearable products that have already
established themselves in the market.
To many users, these new devices are often categorized as fun novelties and
interesting gadgets, but others see them for what they really are: a game-changing
influence with the potential to utterly disrupt the modern business world. As such,
we've recently launched Salesforce Wear, a development platform that can be used
for creating business apps for Android Wear, ARM, Fitbit, Pebble, Philips, and
Samsung, as well as other devices.
But it’s apparent that the first wave of business-centric wearable
technologies has already made an impact on organizations large and small.
Higher Productivity, Better Bottom Line
During the formative years of the wearable technology boom, marketing was
centered almost entirely on consumers. However, recent trends indicate that giants
in the wearable tech industry are now designing their products with business
applications in mind. The recent wearable tech influx in the business world was
launched with the promise of improving workplace productivity and the overall
efficiency of organizations.
Companies in the field service industry have already seen the impact of
wearable technology, with technicians donning wearable cameras while out in the
field. Wearable “smart glasses” allow many of today's leading field companies to
solve issues faster, thus saving millions. Some of the most popular wearable
devices, such as those used to look inside patients' veins, are being implemented in

other industries. Construction workers are using this wearable technology to easily
see inside piping and walls.
The retail world could also benefit from wearable smart tech, specifically
where productivity is concerned. Wireless headsets, wearable wrist displays, and
tech lanyards all allow employees to access information on-the-go. This means
store workers can now look up the information they need without abandoning the
customer or visiting a stationary terminal. The impact on the day-to-day may seem
small, but in the long run it can increase retail productivity tremendously. One
study suggests that wearable tech in the workplace can increase productivity by as
much as 8.5%, and that it increases employee satisfaction by 3.5% as well. This
impact will likely continue to grow as more wearable tech pieces are introduced to
the market.
Smart watches are also increasing retailers' productivity with payment
processing. PayPal is launching a new app for the Samsung Gear 2 Smartwatch
that will make it possible for consumers easily pay for products and services right
from their wristwatch. Retail employees will be able to accept PayPal payments
with the press of a button.
And the impact of wearable smart technology isn’t limited to these few
examples; in fact, in a 2013 study, approximately a third of U.S. and U.K. adults
surveyed stated that wearable technology has helped their career development. But
is this new technology a passing fad, or does it have the staying power to continue
to change the world in the years to come?
There's no doubting that doing business has become more mobile, and with
the introduction of wearables, it's time to think about how your business can (and
will) be impacted.
How Wearables are Creating New Business Opportunities
In addition to improving the consumer experience and making businesses
more efficient, wearable technology is also creating new business opportunities.
The influx of wearable devices like Google Glass and smart watches will
open up new opportunities for marketing, including enhanced customer data
collection and insights into user interaction. Smart pieces of wearable technology
allow digital marketers to more easily collect information on the buying habits and
locations of consumers. Marketers aren’t the only ones who will benefit from the
wearable technology trend. New wearable gadgets mean enterprises will need to
develop apps for new systems, and manual workers will be needed to create
entirely new products. Smart clothing and accessories are already expanding
business opportunities, and as this trend continues to flourish into a multi-billion
dollar industry, new possibilities will arise.
As the wearable technology trend continues to explode, new opportunities
for marketing, development, and labor will enter the economy. And while many
are excited to wear voice activated glasses, they may be missing the most
important boon of this industry—its economic impact. By the year 2018, the
wearable technology market will be worth $8.36 billion.
No longer do we have to wake up our smartphones and open an app,
wearables allows us to be connected at all times. And with that connection is a
constant flow of live data that is an opportunity for the most forward-thinking
companies to create new technologies, services, and even entirely new industries.
By Stuart Leung


1. Find the antonyms to these words from the text and then give their Ukrainian
to organize
to remove
to neglect
to waste

2. Match these words to their meaning. Then use them to fill the gaps in the

retail to point out or show

device the application of practical sciences to
industry or commerce
to improve selling goods individually or in small
to indicate a mutual action or influence
insider a machine or tool used for a specific task
technology a member of specified group
interaction to make or become better in quality

1. Moreover, having such a unique _________________ allows our company to

launch a new product this winter.
2. Their new ___________________ has changed the way of recycling.
3. The _______________ price was much higher last year.
4. “It is very important to develop a new line this year”, says an
5. The problem was likely caused by the ___________________ between these
6. Circumstances tend to ____________________ that this deal will be profitable.
7. She has __________________ her skills incredibly since our last meeting.

3. Match the words in column A to those in column B to make collocations, then
find their definitions:

market fault
focus version
sales research
design concept
original group
draft forecast

a. is found in a product after it has been launched.

b. the activity of collecting and studying information about what people want,
need and buy.
c. a preliminary version.
d. a group of people brought together to give their opinions on a particular
issue or product, often for the purpose of market research.
e. the basic idea for something.
f. a prediction of future sales of a product.

4. Complete these sentences with word partnerships from exercise 3:

1. A ___________________________ involved thirty-year-old women to test

a new cosmetics range.
2. At our previous meeting we found the ___________________________ of
our new line, which is going to be launched next year.
3. John’s ______________________ shows that most people are satisfied with
our products.
4. My _______________________ has failed.
5. We have not prepared _______________________ yet, because of lack of
information about our new market.
They could prevent the ____________________ but didn’t do it.

Language check

Past Simple / Present Perfect

Past Simple Present Perfect

We use Past Simple to talk about: We use Present Perfect to talk about:
 an action which happened at a  an action or state that started in
definite time in the past (the time is the past and continues to the present:
stated, already known or implied: We have lived abroad almost for ten
That meeting happened three days years. (We are still living there.)
ago. Kim has worked on this project since
The government introduced new August.
reforms in 2013.

1. Match the sentence halves. Then decide whether each one describes events that:
A. have finished B. started in the past and are continuing
1. Did you see… a. about economic developments in
the company.
2. How many visitors… b. since last January. She is really
3. My computer broke down last c. our investors last month at the
night… meeting?
4. His executive manager gave a d. so I used yours.
great speech two days ago… e. to attend the launch of our new
5. My sister has worked overseas for machine?
about ten years… f. so we have not seen each other
6. I have known my assistant… for ages.

2. Complete the time phrases in the sentences using the words in the box:

already ago for yesterday since ever

1. Jim isn’t at home. He went to work half an hour ______________.

2. My sister has visited Italy twice _________________ last summer.
3. I have _________________ sent the invitations to the conference.
4. Her brother lived in Paris _______________ five years in the 1990s.
5. Have your parents _________________ worked abroad?
6. I have nothing to do today, because I finished the August sales report
___________________ evening.

3. Put the verbs in the Past Simple or Present Perfect form and then use them
to fill the gaps:

to react (not) to go to establish to receive (not) to change to submit

to order

1. I am happy to inform you that we _________________________ a new

branch in New Zealand.
2. Unfortunately, you __________________________ to our proposition.
3. Which organization _____________________the most favourable offer yet?
4. We _____________________ the goods two weeks ago, but we _________
___________________ anything yet.
5. ______________ Kate _____________ to the trade fair last Friday?
6. I ___________________ my job in 2007.


A notice of BOD meeting

1. Read the notice below and answer the questions:
a) Who is the notice from?
b) Who is the notice to?
c) What does the writer ask the reader to do?
d) What necessary information is given in the notice?

Dear Board Members,

Notice is hereby given that the Board of Director’s meeting of Pfizer (name
of the company) is scheduled to be held on October, the 7th , on Tuesday at 11
o’clock at the registered office situated in 54 Bakers Street. Please also find
attached herewith detailed agenda for the meeting together with financial
statements for year ended 2014.
Best regards,
(company secretary)

2. Write a notice using the information below:

You are a secretary in Dolce Vita, your task is:
 to inform board members about dates changes of the meeting;
 to give all necessary details:
 to ask to prepare for this meeting

Useful language

Discussing Items

1. Replace the phrases in bold using the ones from the table below:

Interrupting Giving Opinions

May I have a word? I (really) feel that...
If I may, I think... In my opinion...
Excuse me for interrupting. The way I see things...
May I come in here? If you ask me,... I tend to think that...
Asking for Opinions Commenting on Other Opinions
Do you (really) think that...? I never thought about it that way before.
How do you feel about...? Good point!
What do you think…? I get your point.
I see what you mean.
Agreeing with Other Opinions Disagreeing with Other Opinions
Exactly! Up to a point I agree with you, but...

That's (exactly) the way I feel. (I'm afraid) I can't agree
I have to agree with (name of
Advising and Suggesting Clarifying
We should... Have I made that clear?
Why don't you.... Do you see what I'm getting at?
How/What about... Let me put this another way...
I suggest/recommend that... I'd just like to repeat that...
Requesting Information Asking for Repetition
I'd like you to... I didn't catch that. Could you repeat that,
Would you mind... I wonder if you please?
could... I missed that. Could you say it again,
Asking for Clarification Asking for Contributions for Other
I'm afraid I don't quite understand Participants
what you are getting at. What do you think about this proposal?
Could you explain to me how that is Would you like to add anything, (name of
going to work? participant)?
I don't see what you mean. Could we Has anyone else got anything to
have some more details, please? contribute?
Are there any more comments?

Jack Peterson: Before I begin the report, I'd like to get some ideas from you all.
How do you feel about rural sales in your sales districts? I suggest we go round
the table first to get all of your input.
John Ruting: In my opinion, we have been focusing too much on urban customers
and their needs. The way I see things, we need to return to our rural base by
developing an advertising campaign to focus on their particular needs.
Alice Linnes: I'm afraid I can't agree with you. I think rural customers want to
feel as important as our customers living in cities. I suggest we give our rural sales
teams more help with advanced customer information reporting.
Donald Peters: Excuse me, I didn't catch that. Could you repeat that, please?
Alice Linnes: I just stated that we need to give our rural sales teams better customer
information reporting.
John Ruting: I don't quite follow you. What exactly do you mean?
Alice Linnes: Well, we provide our city sales staff with database information on all
of our larger clients. We should be providing the same sort of knowledge on our
rural customers to our sales staff there.
Jack Peterson: Would you like to add anything, Jennifer?
Jennifer Miles: I must admit I never thought about rural sales that way before. I
have to agree with Alice.
Jack Peterson: Well, let me begin with this Power Point presentation.
Jack Peterson: As you can see, we are developing new methods to reach out to our
rural customers.

Unit 4 Organizations
Vocabulary: Organizational Structure
Language check: Noun combinations
Writing: Agendas


1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

a. How many organizational structures are mentioned in the text?
b. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a functional structure?
c. What are the peculiarities of matrix structures?
d. Which company would you like to work for? Why?

Organizational Structure Types in Companies

Companies utilize organization structure to create their business hierarchies.

Organizational structures assign clear roles to departments and individuals to
provide them with a sense of purpose and responsibility. There are several distinct
and commonly used types of organizational structures:
1) Functional structure provides organization according to a job’s (or an
individual’s) purpose within the organization. Functional organizations are most
easily recognized by departments that focus on a single function or goal. For
instance, an organization with a marketing department, a human resources
department, a research and development department and so forth, operates
according to functional organization. The major advantage of such a structure is
that the efficiency of specific functions can be optimized. The biggest disadvantage
of the functional structure is the isolation of roles, which makes coordination
between departments a nightmare. Intra-department competition and infighting
may also cause problems and unhealthy ego-clashes that hamper the smooth
operation of the business.
2) Divisional structure operates as a more decentralized version of the functional
structure. The divisional segmentation of employees may be decided by the
product, the geographical location, or the target market. Say a multinational
company manufactures detergents, shampoos and toothpastes. Each product would
have its own "division" and would function like a mini-company within the larger
corporation. Divisions may also be created for different regions (Asia-pacific,
Europe, South America etc) or markets (rural, urban, Japanese, Indian), served by a
company. One obvious advantage of the divisional structure is the fact that the
decentralized allocation of resources and the lack of dependence between divisions
makes the company more flexible. It also encourages innovation and allows
divisions to follow different strategies. On the other hand, the divisions do not
cooperate with each other or interact with each other on a daily basis, and this
leads to a false sense of competition and self-sufficiency.

3) Matrix structures were developed to create the best of both worlds and combine
elements of the functional structure and the divisional structure. The matrix
structure works wonderfully for large corporations, because it allows the mixing
and matching of employees according to need. It would not be so suitable for
smaller organizations and is difficult to execute efficiently because essentially,
employees would have to answer to two centers of authority.


1. Find proper definitions.

1) an employee a) a contest, rivalry;

2) a competition b) a part of a government or business
that has been made into a unit for
administrative or political reasons;
3) a corporation c) a system in which members of an
organization or society are ranked
according to relative status or
4) a hierarchy d) an organization established to run an
industry or an enterprise;
5) a division e) a person working for another person
or a business firm for pay;

2.Match the verbs on the left with their synonyms on the right. Give the Ukrainian

1) utilize a) permit
2) assign b) resolve
3) lead c) fulfil
4) allow d) use
5) execute e) guide
6) create f) invent
7) decide g) appoint

3.Fill the gaps using the words in the box.

Organization×2; research; social; analysis; society

Weber’s theory
Max Weber’s theory of bureaucracy addresses itself to both the problem of the
changing social (1)_______of modern (2)_____ and that of the typical features of
the formal organizations that pervade it. On the one hand, Weber was concerned
with the increasing bureaucratization of ever wider aspects of contemporary (3)
_____ life. On the other hand, he presented the classical (4) ______ of the typical
social structure of the complex, large (5) ______. Accordingly, his writings have
given rise to two distinct traditions in the social sciences—historical studies of
bureaucratization in societies and empirical (6) ______ on complex organizations.

Language check

We can combine two or more nouns in several ways:

1) possessive case " 's" to express a relationship between a person or organization
and another person or thing: her husband's car;
2) the first noun functions as an adjective: a business card
3) two nouns are joined by "of" when the ideas are more abstract : independence of
4) compound nouns: placeholder
NB! Some compound nouns are written as one word: database, answerphone,
letterhead, headquarters
When compound nouns are used with a number in expressions of measurement,
the first noun is singular: a six-lane motorway, a four-day week, a five-year-old

1. Choose the best noun combination in each group.

1 a) the incident of today b) today's incident c) today incident

2 a) a letter of credit b) a credit's letter c) a letter's credit
3 a) course of events b) events course c) course event
4 a) technology of b) technology's c) information
information information technology
5 a) head company quarters b) company headquarters c) headquarter's

2. Reread the text, find noun combinations and the appropriate category they
belong to:
a) ’s
b) Noun + Noun
c) Noun + of + Noun
d) Compound nouns

3. Change these phrases to construct compound nouns.

a) a meeting that lasts 2 hours

b) a project which lasts for 5 years
c) a budget worth eight million hryvnias
d) a contract worth 30,000 pounds
e) an international organization which is 100 years old
f) a hotel with three stars

Writing: Agendas

Writing an agenda is essential for any effective meeting. An agenda is a written

plan of topics to be discussed during a meeting. Having a suitable agenda
prepared will make the meeting more efficient and help your team to achieve
How to write an agenda in 5 easy steps:
1. Give your agenda a title.
2. Include "who?", "where?", and "when?" information in the header (a block
of data about the date and time, location, facilitators, attendees, special
guests present).
3. Write a brief objective.
4. Write a schedule for the main points of the meeting.
5. Leave extra time at the end of the meeting for Q&A (“questions and
answers”) and AOB (“any other business”).

1. Write an agenda, using the following template:

Meeting Agenda
Meeting Room
No. Topics Action Points* Owner**

Record meeting minutes: Donna White
Note-taking: John Strait
* Action Points (AP) - a short explanation of the activity to be performed.
** Owner – a person who is responsible for actively working the issue.

Useful language
Company Description
1. Complete the conversation below using the following phrases:

Q: What company do you work for? A: I work for Alfa Company.

Which company are you with? I'm with Alfa Company.
Who do you represent? I represent (the) UNT (company).

Q: What is the name of your A: The name of our company is . . . .

company? Our company is located in . . . .
Where are you located? Our headquarters is in . . .

Q: What (type of business) do you A: We are in the (computer) business.

do? We're in (computers).
What business are you in? Our company launched …
Our company also offers…
Our company introduced…
We sell . . .
We produce . . .
We manufacture . . .
Our major products are . . .

Q: What company do you work for?

A: I ___________ Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.. The company’s operations comprise three
segments: Walmart U.S., Walmart International, and Sam's Club.
Q: Where are you located?
A: Our company ___________ in the USA. Our __________is in Bentonville,
Q: What (type of business) do you do?
A: Walmart _______ business across several store formats including supercenters,
discount stores, Neighborhood Markets and other small store formats, as well as
We ______ grocery items, including meat, produce, deli, bakery, dairy, frozen foods,
alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages etc., also electronics, toys, cameras, books,
apparel for women, girls, men, boys and infants and many other things and services.
The company ________ a new Supercenter concept in Plano, Texas. The new store
has wood floors, wider aisles, a sushi bar, a coffee/sandwich shop with free Wi-Fi
Internet access, and more expensive beers, wines, electronics, and other goods.
The Walmart U.S. segment _________financial services and related products,
including money orders, prepaid cards, wire transfers, check cashing and bill
Walmart _________new advertising with the slogan, "Save money. Live better",
replacing the "Always Low Prices, Always" slogan.

2. Construct your own dialogue, using words and phrases above. Work in pairs.
Unit 5 Advertising
Vocabulary: Advertising lingo
Language check: Determiners
Writing: Report


1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

a. What is the purpose of advertising?
b. What is the difference between advertising and PR?
c. How does marketing differ from advertising?
d. What media can deliver advertising? Give examples.
e. How important is advertising?

What is advertising?

Advertising is mass media content intended to persuade audiences of

readers, viewers or listeners to take action on products, services and ideas.
The idea is to drive consumer behavior in a particular way in regard to a product,
service or concept.
Definition of advertising. There is not a single generally accepted definition
of advertising. Instead, there are several ways to define it. International humorist
Stephen Leacock defined advertising as: "the science of arresting the human
intelligence long enough to get money from it." But the textbook definition of
advertising is: "a form of persuasion that informs people about the goods and
services they can purchase."
Any media can deliver advertising. Some examples: newspapers, magazines,
radio and television broadcasts, films, stage shows, websites, billboards, posters,
wall paintings, town criers, flyers, rack cards, the back of event tickets, elastic
bands on disposable diapers, bathroom stall doors, cars, taxicabs, buses, trains,
subway platforms, bus stop benches, street furniture, airplanes, in-flight seat-back
trays, overhead bins, passenger screens, skywriting, shopping carts, stickers on
fruit in supermarkets, supermarket receipts, coffee cups, mobile phone screens,
opening billboards in streaming audio and video.
Advertising, marketing, public relations: these industries are commonly
confused as being the same career paths. How is advertising different from public
relations (PR)? One simple answer is the advertiser has full control of the message
all the way to the audience while the public relations professional has control only
until the message is released to media gatekeepers who make decisions about
whether to pass it on to the audience and in what form. How is advertising
different from marketing? Marketing is the systematic planning, implementation
and control of a mix of business activities intended to bring together buyers and
sellers for the mutually advantageous exchange or transfer of products. Advertising
is a single component of the marketing process. Advertising helps to keep the
consumers informed about whatever new products or services are available in the
market at their disposal. It helps to spread awareness about products or services
that are of some use to consumer and potential buyers.


1. Find proper definitions.

1) An advertisement a) a rough draft or sketch that shows the general

arrangement and appearance plan for a finished
2) A Sponsor b) memorable phrases used in advertising
3) Branding c) a worldwide advertising campaign to build a
brand internationally while speaking with one
4) Classified ads d) the creating and arranging of words for an
5) Billboard advertising e) the number of visitors in a period time and the
number of pages on the site they visit;
6) Global advertising f) the frequent repetition of a product's name or
image in an attempt to have the desirable qualities
of that product stick in the minds of consumers;
7) Traffic g) outdoor advertising on large signs that can be
seen at a distance;
8) Copywriting h) small messages in newspapers, magazines and
online grouped together under content listings;
9) An ad layout j) a paid announcement;
10) Slogans k) a person who finance the production of
advertisements and buy space for them;

2. Match the verbs on the left with their synonyms on the right. Give the
Ukrainian equivalents:
1) persuade a) bring
2) define b) perplex
3) inform c) characterize
4) purchase d) plan
5) deliver e) free
6) confuse f) induce
7) release g) report
8) intend h) obtain

3. Fill the gaps using the words in the box.

websites; images; planning; newspapers; handbills; production; in-store;

posters; career; advertising

Some history of Advertizing

Ancient times. Egyptians wrote sales messages on papyrus wall (1) _______.
Political campaign ads were on the walls of Pompeii. Rudimentary commercial (2)
________ existed in Greece, Rome, Arabia, Asia, Africa and South America. The
Middle Ages. Most people were unable to read, but (3) ______of clothing, shoes,
horse shoes or bags of flour on signs pointed out the tailor, cobbler, blacksmith or
miller. 17th century. As reading spread, advertising was printed on (4) ________.
Advertisements promoting medicines and books were printed in weekly (5)
________. 19th century Advertising grew as the relative wealth of nations
expanded. Advertising developed with the rise of mass (6) _________from the late
19th century. 20th century. Advertising became a profession with agencies as the
focal point of creative (7) _________. Women were responsible for purchasing for
most households, so agencies recognized their insight in the creative process. That
led advertising to become a business (8) _______ choice for women. 21st century.
Advertising continues in all mass media including newspapers, magazines, radio,
television, billboards, classified advertising in print and online, (9) ________
advertising and (10) ________.

Language check

Determiners are words that precede and modify nouns: indefinite article (a/an),
definite article (the), demonstratives (this – these/ that – those), possessives (my,
your, his, her, its, our, their), quantifiers (some, any, each, every, enough, either,
neither, all etc), and numbers (one, two, three etc).

A AN THE Zero Article

Use with: Use with: Use with: Use with:
singular countable singular countable singular and plural plural countable
nouns beginning nouns beginning countable and and uncountable
with non-vowel with vowel sounds uncountable nouns nouns, the names
sounds to to introduce new to talk about of most countries
introduce new information something specific and companies
information or when the noun Examples:
Examples: a union, Examples: an hour, is mentioned for a furniture, Norway,
a structure, a one- an advertisement second time Nokia
time event Examples: the
team, the example

Both Each Every Either/Neither
Use with: Use with: Use with: Use before:
a verb in the singular countable singular countable singular countable
plural. nouns. It refers to nouns. It refers to a nouns to talk about
Examples: Both certain individuals group of people or two people or
candidates are Examples: each things things. Either =
successful in their politics of our Examples: every any one of two;
work. Both Mark country employee of our Neither = not one
and John are image company and not the other.
makers. Examples: Neither
agrees with it.

1. Fill the gaps with the missing articles (a, an, the) and explain your choice.

1) Shock advertising disturbs ___ 1 audience and offends people. It ranges

beyond the usually acceptable advertisement to make ___ 2 strong point. It's
intended to help people remember ___ 3 ad.
2) Contextual advertising emphasizes contextually relevant, unobtrusive ads on
___ 4 website intended to help users.
3) Meta-advertising is advertising for another advertisement. For instance, __ 5
advertiser will advertise for viewers to watch ___ 6 ad for ___ 7 new product.
4) Celebrity branding uses ___ 8 celebrity to endorse ___ 9 product or service.
5) ___ 10 parody advertisement is ___ 11 fictional advertisement for ___ 12 non-
existent product.

2. Underline the correct item.

a) Neither/Both opinion is true.

b) Both/Each performances were canceled.
c) Art advertiser can repeat his advertisement either/neither daily or weekly.
d) Both/Every Ellen and Keith enjoyed the play
e) Each/ Either student has to learn it by heart.
f) Each/Both candidate was interviewed separately.
g) Every/Each third day we take part in the work of the Creative Council.

3. Find the mistakes in the sentences given below. Correct the articles or write in
the missing.

1) ADText is an online textbook, for use in whole or part, in a college courses

that examine a place of advertising in an American and global society.
2) Raymond Williams offered an definition of advertising. He called it simply:
official art of an capitalist society.
3) Albert Lasker is remembered as one of a key figures in American
4) Product placement in movies, television, sports, popular music, and cultural
events is fact of modern life.
5) Advertising is about a desires, aspirations, and values.
6) Should we ask advertising professionals what they mean when they use the
terms advertisement and an advertising?
7) McDonalds - where an clown comes to play and everyone is happy - is a
8) Coca-Cola - blissful fellowship over a soft-drink — is dream.
9) Mr. Clean - a genie released from bottle who cleans house for you - lives in
the world of the advertising.
10) Advertising is complex phenomenon - intimately tied to society, culture,
history, and the economy.

4. Fill the gaps with the missing determiners from the box and explain your

Every; neither x2; both x3; every; each

1) According to a survey, an advert-free internet would cost _____ person in
the UK £140 a year.
2) This website has ______advertising funded and maintained with funds.
3) The philosophy here is ______advertising for client's sake nor advertising
for agency's sake but advertising for the consumer's sake. And this makes us
4) Campaign ads take off in _____ state and federal races.
5) Advertising sales need ______ new and evergreen approaches.
6) Online advertising ______ enhances and gains from the power of TV.
7) Does this remind you of _____ beauty product ad you've ever seen?
8) Watch " _____Tech Commercial" and more funny videos on College

Writing: Report

A report is a document which brings significant and reliable information to the

management of the organization. Report writing is an essential skill for a business
person in any field.
A report aims to inform, as clearly and succinctly as possible. A report should
generally include the following sections:

1) Title page
This must contain:
 the report title which clearly states the purpose of the report
 full details of the person(s) for whom the report was prepared
 full details of the person(s) who prepared the report
 the date of the presentation of the report

2) Executive summary
 the context of the research;
 the purpose of the report
 the major findings (you may need several sentences here)
 the conclusions
 the main recommendations
3) Introduction
 background information to provide a context for the report
 the purpose of the report
 key terms and the scope of the report

4) Findings or results describe what you discovered, observed, etc, in your

observations and experiments). Use the past tense. Present your findings in
as simple a way as possible. There are a number of ways in which results
can be presented. Here are a few: tables, graphs, pie charts, bar charts,
5) Conclusion sums up the main points of the report.
6) Recommendations. The Recommendations section lists the suggested
actions in order of importance.

1. Write a product report, using the following template:

The Best Computers plc

Portable computer use at client sites
Product report
Prepared for Christian Smith, general manager
by Bella Gibson, coordinator
April, 2014
Executive summary
The purpose of this report was to analyse two portable computers. This report has
considered two machines suitable for corporate use that can accommodate modern
facilities such as e-mail, video conferencing and assist staff with training courses.
The Hewlett Packard Omni book 3000CTX model 5/233 is a well-made portable
computer with a good size screen and keyboard. After taking both machines into
consideration, it is recommended that the Micro-pro 8500 Series would be the
most suitable computer due to its value for money, durability and standard
Purpose: The purpose of this report was to analyse two portable computers and
recommend a suitable machine for our training staff to use at client locations.
Scope: While investigating these two computers it was important to consider their
suitability for corporate use, standard features, optional benefits and warranties.
Background: The Best Computers plc is a well-respected supplier of quality
executive training courses for the business community.
Micro-pro 8500 Series
Clarity of screen image: Resolution could be higher, set at 1,024 x 768 you can see
the pixels, but very easy on your eyes.
After investigating the Hewlett Packard Omnibook 3000CTX 5/233 and the Micro-
pro 8500 Series portable computers, it was found that both models are suitable for
corporate use and would meet ‘The Best Computers plc’ requirements. Both
computers are distinct from each other and, although both companies have the
corporate user in mind, Micro-pro appears to be offering an exceptional package.
The Micro-pro 8500 Series portable computer is purchased at a rate of one
computer per training staff member.

Useful language

Taking part in discussions

Understanding / agreement / disagreement

I agree with you on that point. I'm afraid I had something different in
That's a fair suggestion. mind.
In other words, you feel that... That's not exactly how I look at it.
You have a strong point there. From my perspective...
I think we can both agree that... I'd have to disagree with you there.

1. Read the text below and construct the dialogue about advantages and
disadvantages of radio advertising using the phrases above.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of radio advertising?

Advantages of radio advertising include that it provides specific audience
targeting, and it is cheaper than TV. Disadvantages include that radio ads are easily
forgotten and that people tend to ignore radio as background noise.
Since radio is an older form of technology, many people forget that it is an
option, but this has its upsides as well. According to, 30-second
ad spots on the radio are often cheaper and easier to create than their television
equivalents. It is possible to create radio ads tremendously quickly as well. This is
not the case in television. Ads in television take weeks or longer to create. Radio
ads also have an advantage over magazine ads in that there is no need to wait until
the next issue is released before creating more ad spots. Since radio stations often
target style with specific demographics like pop or talk radio, it is also possible to
use radio ads to appeal to people within those demographics specifically.
The downside to radio is that the best times for radio are during the morning
and evening commutes, so these time slots are often competitive. Another problem
is that it is easy for audience members to miss an ad since they are often listening
to radio while doing something else. This makes it important to run the ad a few
times to make sure everyone hears it.
Unit 6 Money Matters
Vocabulary: Finance
Language check: Numerals and Numbers
Writing: Summary


1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

a. How can you characterize macroeconomic conditions in Ukraine?
b. What stabilization efforts were proposed by the National Bank of Ukraine?
c. What is the role of a sustainable monetary policy?
d. What element is important in enhancing confidence in the national currency
and the banking system?

Monetary Report: key points

In 2013, monetary policy was operated under difficult macroeconomic

conditions - global market conditions were unfavorable for Ukraine’s main
exports, industrial output declined by 4.7%, and real GDP demonstrated zero
growth. A 13.7% increase in agricultural output in 2013 provided impetus for
economic growth. At the same time, Ukraine’s balance of payments showed signs
of improvement. The overall balance of payments recorded a surplus of USD 2.0
billion in 2013, compared to a deficit of USD 4.2 billion in 2012.
In the face of hard macroeconomic conditions, the National Bank of Ukraine
was able to ensure that it performed its main statutory function of maintaining the
stability of the hryvnia. In 2013, headline inflation remained low - 0.5% (versus
December of the previous year). The low inflation environment was due to the
food market being saturated, driven by increased supply and higher agricultural
output. A sustainable monetary policy also helped improve market expectations in
that it prevented monetary shocks and ensured there is a predictable foreign
exchange market.
In 2013, the demand and the supply of cashless foreign exchange were
generally equal. The net demand for foreign exchange cash dropped by 3.5 times,
compared to 2012. The hryvnia to dollar interbank exchange rate fell by 1.2% in
2013, to UAH 8.1508 per USD 1, while the hryvnia to dollar public sale exchange
rate dropped by 2.4%, to UAH 8.2823 per USD 1. A stable exchange rate was an
important element in enhancing confidence in the national currency and the
banking system. Total national currency deposits rose by 32.1% in 2013, while
foreign currency deposits dropped by 0.8%. As a result, the level of deposit
dollarization went down from 43.7% to 36.8%. Long-term deposits contributed
77.1% to the increase. While reacting to external financial and economic risks in a

timely manner, the National Bank of Ukraine took into consideration the need to
maintain the stability of the national currency in the long run.
Based on materials of the National Bank of

1. Find proper definitions.

1) export a) the process of converting a country's currency to US

2) currency b) banknotes and coins, especially in hand or readily
3) deposit c) a progressive increase in the general level of prices;
4) cash d) the act of production or manufacture;
5) inflation e) metal or paper medium of exchange that is in current
use in a particular country;
6) output f) a sum of money paid;
7) dollarization g) an instance of entrusting money to a bank;
8) payments h) goods or services sold to a foreign country or

2. Match the verbs on the left with their synonyms on the right (two variants are
possible). Give the Ukrainian equivalents:

1) increase a) manage
2) demonstrate b) indicate
3) improve c) yield
4) contribute d) decrease
5) record e) give
6) provide f) enhance
7) decline g) show
8) operate h) grow

3. Match the words on the left with their opposites on the right. Using these words
construct your own sentences.

1) economic growth a) deficit

2) surplus b) national
3) drop c) sharp
4) moderate d) increase
5) foreign e) economic slump

4. Fill the gaps using the words in the box.

circulation; coin; kopyika; national; stabilization; monetary; launching;

statehood; non-cash; reform; kopiykas; currency

History of Hryvnia: a brief survey

In various historical periods the word "hryvnia" meant a copper ______ (1)
of two and a half kopiyka denomination, later – three ______ (2), and at last, a
silver coin of ten ______ (3) denomination was called "hryvenyk".
The proclamation of Ukrainian independency opened way to introduction of
the full-value _______ (4) currency in our young state. Hryvnia might have
become such _______ (5) according to traditions of both Kyiv Rus and the period
of liberation wars of 1917-1920.
In accordance with the Ukrainian President Decree and Articles 99 and 102
of the Constitution of Ukraine, a ______ (6) reform was implemented in Ukraine
on September 2-16, 1996. The national currency Hryvnia and its one hundredth
part- kopiyka was put into _______ (7).
Lettered code - UAH, numeric code - 980, abbreviated name - Hrn.
Issuing institution is the National Bank of Ukraine.
From the moment of _______ (8) the reform cash payments from the banks
vaults (incl. salaries, pensions, etc), as well as all ______ (9) settlements were
executed only in the new domestic currency.
The monetary ______ (10) in Ukraine was an event of great importance, as
a result of which the domestic currency, one of the integral parts of ______ (11),
was introduced. Foreign analysts greeted the implementation of monetary reform
in our state, considering the introduction of the Ukrainian currency - Hryvnia, as
the starting point for ______ (12) of the Ukrainian economy.

Language check

Functions of numerals

A numeral is a figure, a letter, a word (or their combinations) representing a

number. Cardinal numerals indicate number, quantity or amount and are used in
counting. Ordinal numerals indicate order, that is, the order of things in a series.
Numerals can be written in figures or words (2 or two; 25 or twenty-five; 17th or
seventeenth). Numerals function as nouns and adjectives. For example: There are
135 employees in this company. We talked to 45 of them.

Note! Both in British English and in American English groups of three digits in
numerals of one thousand and higher are usually separated by a comma: 4,286;
12,345; 378,925; 6,540,210.

In numbers written as words in British English, the conjunction "and" is used
before tens or before ones if there are no tens, starting with hundreds: one hundred
and twenty-three (123); five hundred and six (506); four thousand five hundred
and thirty-nine (4,539); three million eight hundred thousand and fifty (3,800,050).

Big numbers spelling

Seven billion three hundred forty-nine million twenty-five thousand six hundred
eighty-five (7,349,025,685).

The numerator of the fraction is expressed by a cardinal numeral, and the
denominator is expressed by an ordinal numeral. The suffixes "rd, th, ths" are not
written in the denominator of the fractions written in figures (1/3; 1/5; 3/7), but
such fractions are pronounced in the same way as fractions written in words (one-
third; one-fifth; three-sevenths).

Decimal fractions
The decimal point (not a comma) separates the whole from the fraction in decimal
fractions in English. Decimals are written in figures.

Spelling and pronunciation

0.3 (zero-point-three); 0.005 (zero-point-zero-zero-five);1.3 (pronounced "one-
point-three"); 2.5 (two-point-five); 3.6 (three-point-six); 6.57 (pronounced "six-
point-five-seven"); 8.024 (eight-point-zero-two-four). In British English, a zero is
usually read as "nought": 1.03 (one-point-nought-three).

Note! Certain fractions and ordinal numbers containing the words "hundred,
thousand, million" may sound alike:
three-hundredths (3/100) – three hundredth (300th);
two-thousandths (2/1000) – two thousandth (2000th).

1. Read two texts below and write all numbers in full, according to the way they
are pronounced.

a) The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (SPX) jumped above 2,000 today and the
Nasdaq Composite Index is within 10 percent of a record reached in March
2000, a time when Inc. was worth more than $150 million. The
S&P 500 rallied 0.3 percent to 2,004.16. The Nasdaq peaked at 5,048.62
March 10, 2000, and would have to rise more than 10 percent from its
current level of 4,557.35 to surpass that record. Since stocks bottomed five
years ago, the gauge’s best annual performance was in 2009, when it rose 44
b) Here are the latest trading levels for Asia's major stock markets: Tokyo
(Nikkei Average) down 0.6% ; Hong Kong (Hang Seng Index) up 0.2% ;
Shanghai (Shanghai Composite Index) down 0.4% ; Sydney (S&P/ASX
200) down 0.4% ; Seoul (Kospi) flat ; Mumbai (Sensex) up 0.3% Taipei
(Taiex) down 0.2%.

2. Write the following numbers in full.

a) €9.60 e) 0.235
b) £784 f) 1/3
c) $2, 567 g) 71.94
d) ¥34,678 h) 5,672,901

3. Translate the sentences below from Ukrainian into English.

a) Розмінною монетою з найнижчим номіналом є 1 копійка. Це сота

частина національної грошової одиниці України - гривні.
b) У І кварталі 2014 року обмінний курс гривні до долара США на
міжбанківському ринку знизився на 34,9% – до 10,9981грн./дол. США.
c) Обсяг промислового виробництва за цей період зменшився на 5,0%.
d) У І кварталі 2014 року обсяг депозитів населення в національній валюті
зменшився на 32,2 млрд. грн., в іноземній – на 3,1 млрд. дол. США.

Writing: Summary

A summary can be organized either a text or a series of short numbered

statements. A good summary has the following characteristics:
 Proper Citation: The summary begins by citing the title, author, source,
and, in the case of a magazine or journal article, the date of publication
and the text.
 Thesis Statement: The overall thesis of the text selection is the author’s
central theme. There are several aspects to an effective thesis statement:
It comprises two parts:
a) the topic or general subject matter of the text
b) the author’s major assertion, comment, or position on the topic.
This central theme is summarized clearly and accurately in a one-sentence
thesis statement. The thesis statement does not contain specific details discussed
in the text. The thesis statement is stated at the beginning of the summary.
 Supporting Ideas: The author supports his/her thesis with supporting
Use the following basic guidelines when summarising supporting ideas:
- Cover all of the author’s major supporting ideas.
- Show the relationships among these ideas.
- Omit specifics, such as illustrations, descriptions, and detailed explanations.
- Indicate the author’s purpose in writing: to inform, to persuade, or to
entertain. If the passage is a persuasive piece, report the author’s bias or
position on the issue.
- Omit all personal opinions, ideas, and inferences. Let the reader know that
you are reporting the author’s ideas.
 Grammar and the Mechanics of Writing: Grammar and related concerns
ensure that, as a writer, you communicate clearly to your reader. The
following are particularly important:
- Restate the ideas in your own words as much as possible. Avoid direct
quotations. Use transitional words for a smooth and logical flow of ideas. Edit
and re-write your work.
 Length: The length of a summary depends on how long the original
document is.
 Read the article
- Divide the article into segments or sections of ideas.
- Label each segment. Use a general phrase that captures the subject matter of
the segment.
- Highlight or underline the main points and key phrases.
 Write One-Sentence summaries for each segment of thought.
 Formulate the Thesis Statement.
- Formulate a central theme that weaves the one-sentence segment-summaries

Useful language

Talking about finance

1. Make up short dialogues as in the example below, using the following


A: Do you have some extra money?

B: How much do you want?
A: Ten dollars
B: Here you are.
A: Thank you. I will pay you back soon.

I'd like to pay (in) cash. pay with a credit card

I'll put it on my credit card. pay in installments
Can I charge it? pay in one lump sum
Could you put that on my bill?
Could I put that on my account?
Could you send me an invoice?
Could you bill me (for that)?
May I . . .
pay in cash
pay by check
pay by credit card

2. Answer the following questions. Sum up and write down your thoughts, using
the following phrases:

Personal Point of View: In my experience…Speaking for myself…In my

opinion…Personally, I think…I'd suggest that…I'd like to point out that…I believe
that…What I mean is…
General Point of View: It is thought that...Some people say that...It is
considered...It is generally accepted that...

 Do you think money brings happiness?

 What would you do if you were given $1 million?
 In what ways do people’s lives revolve around money?
 Do you agree with the expression “money is the root of all evil”?
 Have you ever lost a lot of money?
 Have you ever won a lot of money?
 Do you think children should be given pocket money / an allowance?
 How important do you think it is to save money?
 Do you think people behave differently when they have a credit card compared
to when they have cash?
 Do you think that money can ever buy love?
 Have you ever had money stolen from you?
 What qualities must a person have to make big money?
 Why do people often want more money, no matter how much they have got?
 Why are poor people in many cases more generous than rich people?
 What do you like spending money on?
 Have you ever lent money to someone?
 When did you open your first bank account?

2. Prepare information about a famous financier. Use this example:

Famous financiers: Warren Buffet

How did he make all that money? As a boy he filed a tax return on his
bicycle, claiming $35 back as a work expense due to his paper round. This
savvy approach to business led him to become America’s most celebrated
investors. After graduating from the University of Nebraska, Buffet studied
business at the Columbia Graduate Business School under the famous
economist and businessman, Benjamin Graham…


1. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form of the Present Simple or the
Present Continuous:

1. Now they ____________ (offer) a good deal.

2. They ________________ (not/reduce) the price every month.
3. We _________________ (improve) our positions on the market these days.
4. They always ___________________ (discuss) everything before they
___________ (do) it.
5. I _______________ (not/agree) to this approach.
6. She _________________ (deal) with our suppliers at present.
7. I __________________ (not/need) your help right now.

2. Match the words in column A to those in column B to make collocations, then

use them to fill the gaps in the sentences:

target range
brand fair
product customer
potential market
trade representative
product identity
sales lifecycle

1. There were plenty of promotional materials available to take away from

the __________________.
2. When the _______________________ visited a ____________________,
the customer inquired about delivery times.
3. After selling company shares, its product range is decreasing more and
4. With this type of equipment in the US ____________________ are so
short that product launches are very frequent.
5. Saga expects its ___________________ to increase by six million in the
next decade.
6. We have a clear ______________________, as a result our customers
recognize our clothes as modern.

3. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Наша компанія запускає новий сучасний продукт наступного місяця.

2. Така прихильність бренду є неоціненним внеском в Adidas, особливо в
Азії, де Бекхем досяг культового статусу.

3. Розміщення прихованої реклами стає все більш і більш популярним в
наші дні.
4. Більшість виробників розділяють свою продукцію на виробничі лінії.
5. Виробники різних продуктiв, як правило, на різних стадіях їх життєвого
циклу завжди дивляться в майбутнє і переглядають свій товарний
6. Деякі компанії роблять індивідуальне фірмове оформлення і дають
кожному продукту свою власну фабричну марку, тому назва компанії
менш відомо, чим її бренди.

4. Complete the text using the words from the table:

fall rumors revolt inventions logo apple brand audacity

influence bounty artificial

Apple logo – is the most brilliant (1) __________________ of the company.

It contains a joy of insight and Christian allusions, installation of taste attitude to
life, and the (2) ________________ of scientific knowledge, and paradoxical
reverence of nature's (3) _______________, ready at the right moment to drop the
right (4)______________ for the right light head.
Finally, the logo, according to (5) ________________, is human history of the
incredible dramatic force. In 1954, the idol of Jobs and Wozniak, the father of
(6)______________ intelligence, Alan Turing committed suicide by biting cyanide
poisoning apple (the reason is connected with his homosexuality).
This heroic, almost ancient myth about the desperate (7) __________ against
the lone bright gray system is the best went into the general plot outline of the
Apple company, whose leader believed the (8) ______________ should have a
According to another legend, the apple (9) ______________ appears when
Jobs being displeased at the next meeting threatened marketers that would name
the company with the first thing that will (10) ______________ under his arm.
Both versions are beautiful but far from the truth: in fact the logo was created
under the (11) ________________ of the famous Isaac Newton picnic. In the first
logo sketch it is difficult to see an apple – but clearly that an English gentleman
sitting under a tree and something steadily write in his notebook.


1. Underline the correct Future forms in these sentences. Sometimes more than one
answer is possible:

1. Do you have any special plans for this evening?

Yes, I will prepare / am going to prepare / am preparing a report for
tomorrow’s meeting.

2. I would like to keep in touch.
OK, I am going to give / will give / am giving you my card.
3. The Bank of the USA has forecast that gross domestic product is going to
reach / is reaching / will reach 59 per cent by the end of the year.
4. The phone is ringing.
Don’t worry, I am going to answer / will answer / am answering it.
5. Have you made an appointment to see our shareholders yet?
Yes, I am seeing / will see / am going to see them tomorrow afternoon.
6. I have just heard that we will lose / are going to lose / are losing this deal.

2. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct Future forms:

1. I’m sure they _________________(like) the new logo.

2. Do you have any information for our new manager?
I ____________________ (meet) him this evening.
3. What __________you___________ (do) on Friday evening?
4. The sky is too dark. It _________________(rain).
5. I hope, they _________________ (agree) to our deal.
6. Her train ________________ (arrive) at 10 p.m.

3. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Ми плануємо вiдвiдати головний офiс в Торонто наступного тижня, тому

необхiдно забронювати квiтки на лiтак.
2. Я вважаю, що витрати на сухий пайок будуть вiдшкодованi вже завтра.
3. Наш компаньон приїзжає пiслязавтра о шостiй, тому всi необхiднi
документи будуть готовi завтра вранцi.
4. Мiй потяг прибуває о 9:30 наступного вiвторка. Проте Джейн зможе
зустрiти мене не ранiше 11, тому я буду в залi очiкування.
5. Вони планують вiдкласти зустрiч iз-за вiдсутностi менеджера з продаж на
наступний тиждень.
6. Давай зустрiнимось в залi вильоту, i я допоможу тобi з багажем.

4. Complete this information about Heathrow’s Terminal 4. There are 12 missing

terms and a choice of three possibilities for each:

Terminal 4
Terminal 4’s most distinctive feature is its single (1)_________________
which measures 25 meters by 650 meters and replaces the conventional layout with
separate aircraft (2)_________________ served by piers. The lounge contains a
large (3)_________________ comprising several (4)______________________
areas and bars, numerous shops, including two (5)______________-free shops and
a mobile (6)_________________ de change.

The departure hall houses 72 (7)________________ desks where baggage is
(8)_______________ with a laser-readable bar code containing detailed
information, including the bag’s (9)_______________ and owner.
On arrival, passengers are helped through the terminal by
(10)____________ by telling them where to find their (11)_______________
before they reach the reclaim hall and (12)______________.

1. runway departure lounge flight 7. control handling check-in

indicator board
2. gates tunnels doors 8. loaded tagged sorted
3. quarantine station moving walkway 9. arrival make destination
shopping mall
4. police catering staff 10. trolleys conveyors belts monitors
5. duty customs security 11. baggage flight car park
6. desk unit bureau 12. VIP lounge customs taxis


1. Underline the correct verb form:

1. He became / has become a manager when he was 27.

2. How long have you worked / did you work in sales?
3. In order to prevent a strike, the company has given in / gave in to the
workers’ demands at the last meeting.
4. I have implemented / implemented all these new changes last month.
5. The board has just approved / just approved a merger.

2. Complete this article by putting the verbs into Past Simple or Present Perfect

Nike: the brand that keep growing

An accountant and a sports coach ________________(start) a small shoe
company called Blue Ribbon in 1964. In 1971 it _________________(change) its
name to Nike, and since then it ___________________(become) one of the
world’s most successful brands. Originally Nike _________________(be) only
associated with basketball, but recently it ____________________(expand) into
new markets like football. Now Nike _____________________(start) buying
other famous brands that are not even connected with sport.

3. Fill the gap in each sentence by writing the correct word form of the verb given
in brackets:

1. Her dream was to become a graphic ________________ after graduating.
(to design)
2. Alexander Graham Bell was the ____________________of the telephone.
(to invent)
3. Our company is looking for someone with _______________________ of
the Chinese language. (to know)
4. Tomas Brown is in charge of product _____________________ in this
department. (to develop)
5. To my mind, the Internet is the greatest ____________________ of the last
50 years. (to innovate)
6. Have you seen our new __________________ for the office building yet?
(to design)

4. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Згідно з останнім дослідження ринку наша позиція неймовірно зросла.

2. Новинка вплинула на ефективність лінії цілком.
3. Наскільки я розумію, що експериментальний варіант зруйнував нашу
репутацію в минулому році.
4. Прогноз продажу показує , що роздрібна ціна буде значно вище в
наступному році.
5. Для того, щоб процвітати, ви повинні створити нову технологію на
6. Кілька років тому відома автомобільна компанія запустила новий
автомобіль, заснований на абсолютно новому дизайнi.

5. Complete the article with the words in the box:

steering advisors gain public records investment panned out


Know Who to Trust: Small Business Investment Advice

There are so many investment companies that will offer you advice to (1)
________________ your business. With so many places competing for your
investment business, it’s hard to know who you can trust. The first place to start is
by asking friends and (2) _________________ who they use. Get an idea of how
things have (3) ___________________ for them. You also want to make sure the
people you are asking don’t have anything to gain by pointing you in one direction
or another. If they have a vested interest in (4) __________________ your
business then it doesn’t matter what they say.
You also want to check the (5) _______________________ for the company. This
will give you a good idea of whether or not they can be trusted. You want to avoid
advice from (6) ___________________ advisors who are new to the scene or work
for a company that is brand new. Everyone needs to start somewhere, but you

don’t want to risk your money with a company that may not have the best (7)
__________ working for them.


1.Match the words on the left with their synonyms on the right.

1) permit a) contest
2) appoint b) department
3) division c) allow
4) rivalry d) assign
5) manage e) create
6) invent f) run
7) fulfil g) goal
8) power h) use
9) utilize j) authority
10) target k) execute

2. Change these phrases to construct compound nouns.

1) a conference that lasts 4 hours

2) a road building which lasts for 3 years
3) a budget worth eight million hryvnias
4) a deal worth 100,000 pounds
5) an international organization which is 100 years old
6) a hotel with five stars

3. Translate the sentences below from Ukrainian into English.

1) Підприємство самостійно визначає свою організаційну структуру і

встановлює чисельність працівників .
2) Підприємство має право створювати філії, представництва, відділення та
інші підрозділи.
3) Керівник підприємства діє від імені підприємства, представляє його
інтереси в органах державної влади.
4) Функціональна організаційна структура є традиційною або класичною
5) Суть даної структури полягає у тому, що поділ організації на елементи і
блоки відбувається за видами товарів або послуг, групами покупців або
географічних регіонах.
6) Два популярні типи органічних структур зараз - це проектні і матричні

7) Проектна організація— це тимчасова структура, яка створюється для
розв'язку конкретного завдання.
8) Головний недолік матричної структури — її складність.

4. Fill the gaps using the words in the box.

management structure strategy divisions power information

Organizational _______ 1 determines how the roles, _______ 2 and

responsibilities are assigned, controlled, and coordinated, and how________ 3
flows between the different levels of ________ 4 . A structure depends on the
organization's objectives and _______5. In a centralized structure, the top layer
of management has most of the decision making power and has tight control
over departments and _______ 6.


1. Match the words on the left with their opposites on the right.

1) simple a) local
2) systematic b) private
3) public c) complex
4) advantageous d) similar
5) different e) disadvantageous
6) global f) chaotic

2. Fill the gaps with the missing determiners from the box and explain your

Both x4; either; every x2

1) We are planning a major advertising campaign in _____ print and broadcast.

2) They are voracious consumers of content, _____ online and off.
3) Native advertising is similar to content marketing in that _____involve a
provider of a product or a service creating some form of content to engage
current and prospective customers.
4) Great Advertising is _____ local and global.
5) Our agency propose full column ad in ______business directory or calendar
6) Does this remind you of _____ beauty product ad you've ever seen?
7) Those higher numbers include _____ time you pass by a label in a grocery
store, all threads in your mailbox whether you see them or not.

3. Translate the sentences below from Ukrainian into English.

1) Реклама — це єдиний елемент маркетингу, який починається з намагання

зрозуміти споживача, його запити й потреби.
2) Рекламні дослідження здійснюються в багатьох аспектах: аналіз товару,
вивчення ринку, аналіз можливостей засобів масової інформації та носіїв
3) Сучасна реклама прагне відповідати новим правилам: мінімум реклами,
максимум ефекту.
4) Умови жорсткої конкуренції сучасного ринку змушують рекламні
компанії винаходити все нові і витончені способи впливу на
потенційного споживача.
5) Реклама почала з'являтися в газетах в 18 столітті.
6) Термін «соціальна реклама» є дослівним перекладом з англійської public

4. Fill the gaps using the words in the box.

company persuasion advertisement consumption messages consumers

websites groups branding sponsors advertising

In Latin, ad vertere means "to turn toward". The purpose of _______1 may
also be to reassure employees or shareholders that a ______ 2 is viable or
successful. Advertising ______3 are usually paid for by ______4 and viewed via
various old media; including mass media such as newspaper, magazines,
television ______5, radio advertisement, outdoor advertising or direct mail;
or new media such as blogs, ______6 or text messages.
Commercial advertisers often seek to generate increased ______ 7 of their
products or services through "_______" 8, which involves associating a product
name or image with certain qualities in the minds of ______9.
Non-commercial advertisers who spend money to advertise items other than
a consumer product or service include political parties, interest ______ 10,
religious organizations and governmental agencies. Nonprofit organizations may
rely on free modes of _______11.


1. Match the words on the left with their opposites on the right.
1) increase a) economic slump
2) decline b) deflation
3) economic growth c) foreign
4) national d) non-cash

5) deficit e) loss
6) yield f) grow
7) stabilization g) import
8) cash h) surplus
9) export j) destabilization
10) inflation k) decrease

2. Write the following numbers in full.

a) €8.90 e) 0.357
b) £985 f) 1/2
c) $2, 537 g) 51.74
d) ¥44,579 h) 3,697,891

3. Fill the gaps using the words in the box.

dollars buy expensive pocket money cents much lump installments

cash add ninety-nine credit card

Counting the cost

Joe: OK, put the bags in the kitchen. I want to ______ 1 up what we've spent.
Hans: I think we've spent too much.
Joe: Well, it's better to have good food than to ______ 2 cheap things. And the
supermarket is cheaper than the local store.
Hans: Well, let's see what we've got. Have you got the receipts?
Joe: Yes, here they are. Remember, we went to the Post Office as well. I bought a
book of twelve stamps, which was three ______ 3 fifty cents.
Hans: And we posted Ingrid's airmail letter.
Joe: Yes, that was quite _______ 4, two dollars forty cents.
Hans: So we need to add on five dollars ninety ______ 5 to our supermarket bill.
Joe: We bought a lot of nice things though. Look at these lovely strawberries.
Hans: How ______ 6 were they?
Joe: One_______ 7.
Hans: Yes, that was a bargain. But I prefer paying in one ______ 8 sum rather
than pay in______ 9. Also I like to pay by ______ 10 in supermarkets.
Joe: I'd like to pay in ______11. Some people say that ______ 12 is inconvenient
thing, but I don’t think so.

Progress test 1

1. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct form:

4. That is the best presentation I ____________________(hear / ever).

5. When you _________________(join) this company?
6. Their company _______________(launch) a new product every September.
7. I _________________(speak / not) to our investors last Tuesday because
they ___________(be) on a business trip.
8. It is obvious that you ________________(read / not) this report.
9. His secretary _____________________(leave) tomorrow morning.
10. Profits ______________(increase) in 2014 but according to the research
they ____________(fall) next year.
11. We _______________(update) our HR policies at the moment.
12. We _________________(sign) a building contract two years ago and it is
still valid.
13. John Smith is the most difficult customer I ___________ (deal with / ever).
14. I __________________ (arrive) at the airport tomorrow morning.
15. My sister_______________ (apply) for a new job at present.

2. Write sentences for situations 1-6 below:

1. something you might buy in the near future

2. something that someone in your family does regularly
3. a plan or ambition you have, related to your work
4. something that you did your last holiday
5. something that you are doing at present
6. something that your friend has just done

3. Rewrite the sentences putting the adverb in brackets in the correct place:

1. Is he on time to work? (always)

2. I delete all my junk e-mails. (once a month)
3. We are updating our HR policies. (currently)
4. This train arrives at 5 p.m. (never)
5. He worked with Alice. (for ten years)
6. Their company launches a new product in September. (always)
7. German cars are very good. (usually)
8. My sister is applying for a new job. (currently)
9. I am arriving at the airport. (tomorrow morning)
10. She implemented all these new changes. (last month)

4. Complete the hotel’s rules with the verbs in the box:

move check out complain check in store

Dear Guest
When you (1)__________ we ask you to pay the full price for your room in
cash. To keep our prices low, there are no porters at this hotel so you have to carry
your luggage yourself. You have to (2)__________ by 9 o’clock in the morning
but you can (3)__________ your bags in our luggage room for a fee just £15 per
If you don’t like the hotel’s policies, don’t (4)____________, just (5)_________ to
a more expensive hotel.

5. Match the words in column A to those in column B to make collocations, then

use them to fill the gaps in the sentences:

car Range
brand forecast
shuttle worker
product card
sales identity
key bus
manual rental

1. A brand should have a clear ___________________________ so that people

think of it in a particular way.
2. When our company finds foreign investors its _______________________
will increase rapidly.
3. At the _____________________ office, she found out that only the BMW
range was available.
4. A ___________________ service will run between the airport and the hotel.
5. Laura always keeps her hotel ________________________ — she collects
them, and has more than 1000 from around the world.
6. She had to get that diploma, if she was going to become a skilled _________
7. The biggest risk most companies will ever take is preparing and discussing a

6. Translate the sentences below from Ukrainian into English.

1. Наша компанія повинна інвестувати більше на рекламу з метою

підвищення обізнаності про бренд.
2. Використання відомих марок в різних сучасних фільмах є прикладом
розмiщення прихованої реклами.
3. Цей продукт став лідером ринку розвитку високих технологій в цьому
4. За даними поліції в його кишенях і багажу нічого не було знайдено.
5. Через погані погодні умови мій політ був відкладений.
6. Послуги включатимуть можливість купувати квитки і реєструватися в
аеропортах, використовуючи свій телефон.
7. Крім того, наявність такого пристрою дозволяє компанії створити
власний веб-сайт.
8. Для поліпшення кваліфікації Сьюзен повинна вiдвiдати ці курси.
9. Необхідно реорганізувати нашу роботу і найняти нових співробітників.
10. Це був перший офіційний крок у процесі його кар'єрного зросту.

Progress test 2
1. Match the words on the left with their synonyms on the right.

1) increase a) manage
2) operate b) decline
3) decrease c) allow
4) perplex d) division
5) free e) rivalry
6) persuade f) appoint
7) assign g) confuse
8) contest h) induce
9) department j) grow
10) target k) release
11) permit l) objective
12) yield m) provide

2. Fill the gaps using the words in the box.

Information objectives divisions decentralized teams power

A structure depends on the organization's _______ 1 and strategy. In a

______ 2 structure, the decision making _______ 3 is distributed and the
departments and _______ 4 may have different degrees of independence. The
method for dividing tasks up within a company may be distributed between
project _______ 5, groups, or departments. The division of labour creates separate
units for marketing, sales, accounting, ______ 6 technology, and so on.

market agency advertising client ideas advertisements

An advertising ______ 1 creates new promotional ______ 2 , designs print,

radio, television, and internet _______ 3 , books advertisement space and time,
plans and conducts _______ 4 campaigns, commissions research and surveys,
and provides other such services that help a ______ 5 in entering and succeeding
in a chosen ______ 6.
exchange currency deposits dropped increased dollarization

The stable _____ 1 rate of hryvnia encouraged national ____ 2 savings.

Total national currency ______ 3 rose by 32.1% last year, while foreign currency
deposits ______ 4 by 0.8% (in 2012 they ______ 5 by 9.2%). As a result, the level
of deposit ______ 6 went down from 43.7% to 36.8%.
3. Translate the sentences below from Ukrainian into English.

1) Організаційна структура управління є категорією менеджменту.

2) Матрична структура дуже популярна серед підприємців.
3) Функціональна структура управління типова для зарубіжних фірм.
4) Два популярні типи органічних структур зараз - це проектні і матричні
5) Реклама виступає як засіб боротьби конкурентів за свою частку на
6) Зараз значення реклами в нашій країні зростає.
7) Реклама являє собою сукупність організаційно-технічних, економічних,
естетичних і психологічних засобів і методів.
8) Сфера діяльності реклами набагато ширше складання оголошень.
9) Гроші є унікальною особливістю ринкової економіки.
10) Стабільність нашої країни залежить від стабільності вітчизняної

4. Change these phrases to construct compound nouns.

a) a business meeting that lasts 3 hours

b) a pilot project which lasts for 6 years
c) a commercial enterprise worth 14 million hryvnias.

5. Underline the correct item.

1) Neither/Both opinion is true.

2) Both/Each flights were canceled.
3) We are going to repeat this advertisement either/neither daily or weekly.

6. Read the text below and write underlined numbers in full, according to the
way they are pronounced.

The current account deficit was USD 16.1 billion in 2013, versus a deficit of
USD 14.3 billion in 2012. The increase in the deficit was due to a 7.6% drop in
merchandise exports. The monetary base expanded by 20.3% to UAH 307.2
billion in 2013.

1. Present Simple: form

Affirmative (+) Negative (–) Question (?)

I produce mobile phones. I do not produce mobile Do I produce mobile
phones. phones?
You produce mobile You do not produce Do you produce mobile
phones. mobile phones. phones?
He/ she/ it produces He/ she/ it does not Does he/ she/ it produce
mobile phones. produce mobile phones. mobile phones?
We produce mobile We do not produce Do we produce mobile
phones. mobile phones. phones?
They produce mobile They do not produce Do they produce mobile
phones. mobile phones. phones?

 Contractions: don’t=do not, doesn’t=does not are used in speech and

informal writing.
 Spelling rules for he/ she/ it:

I work/ play/ live. He/ she/ it works/ plays/ lives/

I watch/ finish/ go/ do. He/ she/ it watches/ finishes/ goes/ does.
I study. He/ she/ it studies.

 To make negatives we use don’t/ doesn’t + verb (infinitive):

He does not work for BBC. NOT: He does not works for BBC.
He does not to work for BBC.

2. Present Simple: uses

 for permanent situations and facts:
This company provides insurance services.
I work at a hotel.
 for repeated actions and regular routings:
He takes the train to work every morning.
We have meetings twice a week.
 for scientific facts and general truths:
Milk contains a lot of Calcium.
Many celebrities prefer well-known brands.
 for timetables and scheduled events:
The plane to London takes off at 5 p.m.
Our company launches a new product on September, 7th.

3. Present Simple: time expressions

a. to talk about routines and habits we use the following adverbs: usually,
often, always, rarely, seldom, occasionally, sometimes, never.
They are used before the main verb: I often use my laptop at work.
after the verb be: She is always nervous before flights.
b. other frequently expressions: every day/week/month/year, once a day/ twice
a week/ three times a year/ daily/weekly/monthly, from time to time, at the
weekend, on Mondays, most of the time, etc.
They are used at the beginning or at the end of a sentence:
Mr. James travels to his main office every month.
Every month our department prepares a sales report.

1. Present Continuous: form

Affirmative (+) Negative (–) Question (?)

I am producing mobile I am not producing Am I producing mobile
phones now. mobile phones now. phones now?
You are producing You are not producing Are you producing
mobile phones now. mobile phones now. mobile phones now?
He /she/ it is producing He/she/it is not produ- Is he/ she/ it producing
mobile phones now. cing mobile phones now. mobile phones now?
We are producing We are not producing Are we producing
mobile phones now. mobile phones now. mobile phones now?
They are producing They are not producing Are they producing
mobile phones now. mobile phones now. mobile phones now?
 Contractions: I’m=I am, he’s=he is, isn’t=is not, you’re=you are,
aren’t= are not are used in speech and informal writing.
 State verbs are not normally used in a continuous form:
I do not understand this report. NOT: I am not understanding this report.

State verbs include:

Senses see, hear, smell, taste, feel, look, sound, seem, appear
Thinking know, believe, understand, realize, remember, forget,
agree, imagine, think
Feelings and emotions like, love, hate, enjoy, prefer, desire, appreciate, want,
Possession wish, need
Others have, own, possess, belong (to), contain
be, include, cost, depend, involve, mean, owe, weigh,
matter, fit

 Some state verbs can have an ‘action’ meaning (a continuous form is
possible) or a ‘state’ meaning (it is not possible). Examples include: be, have,
think, see, smell.

Present Simple (state) Present Continuous (action)

Our competitors are very famous. Our competitors are being very polite
at the moment.
I think she is a very good partner. We are thinking about our new project.
He has a modern car. She is having some problems at work at
I can see some people. (they are visible) We are seeing our suppliers tomorrow.
I see what you mean. (understand) (are meeting)
The food smells very good.
She is smelling the flowers now.

2. Present Continuous: uses

 for actions taking place now, at the moment of speaking:

Jane is talking to a client now.
They are preparing for the meeting at the moment.
 for temporary situations or actions that are going on around now but not
at the moment of speaking:
Jim is working hard these days. He is negotiating with the suppliers.
 for changing or developing situations:
More and more companies are disappearing because of crisis.
The sea is becoming more polluted.
 for personal arrangements and plans:
We are moving into a new office next week.
He is travelling to London tomorrow.

3. Present Continuous: time expressions

The Present Continuous is used with the following time expressions: now, at the
moment, at present, currently, right now, these days, nowadays, tonight, etc.
This week I am repairing my car that is way I am going to work by bus.
The problem of global warming is currently getting worse.

Future Forms

Will: form
Affirmative (+) Negative (–) Question (?)
I / you / he / she / it / we / I / you/ he /she / it / we / Will I / you / he / she / it /
they will produce mobile they will not produce we / they produce mobile
phones. mobile phones. phones?

Will: uses
 a future fact or something certain in the future:
I will be 35 next month.
This store will be opened next Friday.
 hopes, fears, threats, offers, warnings, requests, promises, especially with:
expect, hope, believe, suppose, know, think. be sure, be afraid, etc:
We hope, you will agree to the deal.
I am afraid, he will be a little late for the conference.
 decisions taken at the moment of speaking:
I will carry your bag to the office.
She is busy now, she will call me later.
 an uncertain future prediction, usually with perhaps, maybe, probably:
Jane will probably answer my e-mail tomorrow.
Perhaps he will come early for the meeting.

Going to: form

Affirmative(+) Negative (–) Question (?)

I am going to produce I am not going to Am I going to
mobile phones. produce mobile phones. produce mobile
You / we/ they are going to You / we / they are not Are you / we / they /
produce mobile phones. going to produce going to produce
mobile phones. mobile phones?
He / she / it is going to He / she / it is not going Is he / she / it going to
produce mobile phones. to produce mobile produce mobile
phones. phones?

Going to: uses

 a future plan or intension:

I am going to meet Mark tomorrow afternoon.
She is going to visit her bank manager next Monday.
 a prediction with evidence to the near future:
He is going to have troubles – the machine is still broken.

It looks like inflation is going to fall next year.
 someone has already decided to do this
I am going to give my presentation on Wednesday.
We are going to change our prices next week.

Present Continuous: form

See Unit 1 p.

Present Continuous: uses

 a fixed future arrangement:
He is playing football at 9.00, and then he is meeting Kate at the airport. (all
the details are fixed: time, place)
We are leaving for Madrid tomorrow morning.

Present Simple: form

See Unit 1 p.

Present Simple: uses

 timetables and scheduled events:
The meeting starts at 5 o’clock next Thursday.
Our plane leaves at 3 a.m. tomorrow.

Future forms: time expressions

Future forms are used with the following time expressions: tomorrow, tonight,
next week/month/year, in two/three days, the day after tomorrow, soon, in a
week/month , this morning/Tuesday/month etc.
I think, we will probably open a new office in California next year.
I am going to call my lawyer this afternoon.

Past Simple Present Perfect

Past Simple: form

Affirmative (+) Negative (–) Question (?)

I / you / he / she / it / we / I / you/ he /she / it / we / Did I / you / he / she / it /
they produced mobile they did not produce we / they produce mobile
phones. mobile phones. phones?

Past Simple: uses

 to describe habitual action or state in the past:

Last year we lived and worked in Monaco.

 an action which happened at a definite time in the past (the time is stated,
already known or implied:
That presentation took place two months ago.
Our company launched a new product in 2013.
 an action which began and finished in the past:
Mr. Jordan worked as an engineer for ten years. Now he is the head of the

Past Simple: time expressions

Past Simple is used with the following time expressions: yesterday, the day
before yesterday, last week / month / year / Tuesday etc., two days / weeks /
months etc. ago, then, when, How long ago…?, in 1992 / 2012 etc.

Present Perfect: form

Affirmative (+) Negative (–) Question (?)

I / you / we / they have I / you / we / they have Have I / you / we / they
produced mobile phones. not produced mobile produced mobile phones?
He/ she/ it has produced He/ she/ it has not Has he/ she/ it produced
mobile phones. produced mobile phones. mobile phones?

Present Perfect: uses

 an action or state that started in the past and continues to the present:
Jim has worked for this company for fifteen years. (He is still working there.)
I have known my partner since we studied together at school.
 a series of actions that happened in our life up to now:
They have been to the USA several times.
Kate has phoned him three times this afternoon.
 a result in the present of a past event:
I can’t open door. I have lost my keys.
Jack’s computer has broken, that is why he cannot prepare the report.

Present Perfect: time expressions

Present Perfect is used with the following time expressions: just, ever, never, so
far, recently, for, since, today, this morning / week / month etc., already, yet
(negative and question), How long…? etc.

Рекомендовані теми для доповідей та повідомлень:
(для студентів денного та дистанційного форм навчання)

1. Brand Management.
2. The World’s Most Valuable Brands.
3. What is Branding?
4. Business Travel Industry.
5. Business Travel Opportunities.
6. “Aerotropolies”: The Golden Age of Airports.
7. Startup Business Perspectives.
8. New Business Ideas.
9. Franchising: problems and prospects.
10. World Trade Organization.
11. Reinventing Organizations.
12. New Business Models.
13. The Evolution of the Advertising Industry.
14. Novelty in Advertising.
15. Basic Principles of Advertising.
16. Famous Financiers.
17. Currencies History.
18. Currency convertibility.


1. Ashley A. Oxford Handbook of Commercial Correspondence. - 2nd edition. -

Oxford University Press, 1992. - 302 p.
2. Bethell G., Aspinall T. Test your Business Vocabulary in Use. — Camridge
University Press, 2002. – 102 p.
3. Emmerson P. Business Grammar Builder. — Macmillan, 2002. – 274 p.
4. Emmersom P. Essential Business Grammar Builder. — Macmillan, 2006. –
179 p.
5. Evans D. Business English Verbs. — Pearson Education Limited in
association with Penguin Bioks Ltd, 2000. – 163 p.
6. Farrall C., Lindsley M. Professional English in Use: Marketing. – Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2008. - 144 p.
7. Grant D., Hudson J. and McLarty R. Business result. — Oxford University
Press, 2009. – 159 p.
8. Lloyd A. Business Communication Games. — Oxford University Press, 1996.
– 127 p.
9. Lowe S. and Pile L. Businee English Language Practice Grammar and
Vocabulary. — Delta Publishing, . – 80 p.
10. Mascull B. Business Vocabulary in Use. — Cambridge University Press,
2002. – 173 p.
11. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use.- Cambridge University Press, 2000. –
395 p.
12. Oxford Wordpower Dictionary, 3rd Ed Pack (Dictionary and CD-ROM) -
OUP Oxford by J. Turnbull ed., 2006. - 912 p.
13. Oxford Business English Dictionary for Learners of English by J. Law ed. -
OUP Oxford; Pap/Cdr edition, 2005. - 616 p.
14. Strutt P. Market Leader: Business Grammar and Usage. - Pearson Longman,
2010. -174 p.
15. Strutt P. Market Leader: Essential Business Grammar and Usage. –
Edinburgh: Pearson Education, 2010. - 162 p.

Vocabulary Grammar Writing
Unit 1 Brand Present Simple Business Letter
Brands Management Present Continuous Writing: Enquiries
- Asking for
page 5 Information
Revision Unit 1 page 45
Unit 2 Business Future Forms A formal e-mail
Travel Travelling

page 12
Revision Unit 2 page 46
Unit 3 Describing Past Simple A notice of BOD
Change Change and Present Perfect meeting
page 19
Revision Unit 3 page 48
Progress Test1 page 54
Unit 4 Organizational Noun combinations Agendas
Organizations Structure

page 26
Revision Unit 4 page 50
Unit 5 Advertising lingo Determiners Report

page 31
Revision Unit 5 page 51
Unit 6 Finance Numerals and Summary
Money Matters Numbers

page 38
Revision Unit 6 page 52
Progress Test2 page 56
Reference page 58
Теми Для
Доповiдей Та page 64
Літератури page 65

Навчальний посібник
для студентів економiчних спецiальностей

Гончарова Юлія Станіславівна – к. філол. н., доцент кафедри іноземних мов

для соціально-економічних спеціальностей імені Олеся Гончара

Коломойченко Олександра Євгенівна - к. філол. н., доцент кафедри

іноземних мов для соціально-економічних спеціальностей імені Олеся

Підписано до друку 27.02.2015. Формат 60х84 1/16.

Папір офсетний.
Друк різограф. Гарнітура Times New Roman.
Умов. друк. арк. 3,95. Обл.-вид. арк. 3
Тираж 100 прим. Зам. № 275

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