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ЛЬВІВ 2017

Business English Ділова англійська мова. Навчальний посібник – 128с.

Укладач: Маланюк М.С.

Таран О. С. - к. філол. н., доцент кафедри прикладної лінгвістики Національного
університету Львівська Політехніка
Пальчевська О.С. - к. філол. н., доцент кафедри технічного перекладу ЛДУ БЖД

Рекомендовано до друку Вченою радою

Навчально-наукового інституту психології та соціального захисту
протокол № __ від ___ ________ 2017 року

Рекомендовано до друку Вченою радою ЛДУ БЖД

Протокол № ___ від ___ _________ 2017 р.

У пропонованому навчальному посібнику студенти магістри, аспіранти, які

вивчають ділову англійську мову, знайдуть матеріали для опрацювання тем: „Робота.
Пошуки роботи”, „Етичні проблеми ділового спілкування”, „Компанія. Структура
компанії”, „Ділове листування”, „Ділова поїздка”. Тематичний матеріал автор
рекомендує використовувати, як в процесі аудиторних занять, так і для самостійної
роботи студентів. Окремі вирази (напр., „Useful expressions”та ін.) можуть також
використовуватись для проведення круглих столів, дискусій, наукових конференцій.

В зв’язку з розвитком зовнішньоекономічних відносин України з іншими
країнами світу в умовах ринкової економіки, виникненням спільних підприємств,
можливістю розширення ділових і особистих контактів, важливого значення набуває
практичне володіння іноземними мовами майбутніми спеціалістами.
Посібник з англійської мови “Ділова англійська мова “ розрахований для
студентів, магістрів, аспірантів та інших слухачів, які спеціалізуються у галузі
ділового спілкування.
Враховуючи набуті знання з іноземної мови, метою навчального посібника є
підвищення загальномовного рівня студентів, формування комунікативної
компетенції для спілкування в професійній сфері, ознайомлення з особливостями
офіційно-ділового стилю мовлення і ведення документації та його застосуванням у
сфері практичної діяльності майбутніх фахівців, які повинні:
 володіти мовленнєвим етикетом професійного спілкування;
 готувати публічні виступи з галузевих питань, застосовуючи відповідні засоби
вербальної комунікації та адекватні форми ведення дискусій і дебатів;
 перекладати англомовні професійні тексти рідною мовою, користуючись
двомовними термінологічними словниками, електронними словниками та
програмним забезпеченням;
 знаходити нову текстову, графічну, аудіо та відеоінформацію, що міститься в
англомовних галузевих матеріалах (як у друкованому так і в електронному вигляді),
користуючись відповідними пошуковими методами і термінологією;
 аналізувати англомовні джерела інформації: текстову, графічну, аудіо та відео
інформацію для отримання даних, що є необхідними для виконання професійних
завдань та прийняття професійних рішень;
 висловлюватися в різноманітних ситуаціях професійного та соціального
спілкування, застосовуючи відповідні засоби вербальної комунікації та адекватні
форми вираження думки, ведення дискусій і дебатів в обсязі матеріалу
передбаченого програмою;
 володіти навичками ділового листування, демонструючи міжкультурне
розуміння та попередні знання у конкретному професійному контексті.
Тематика текстів охоплює теми „Робота. Пошуки роботи”, „Етичні проблеми
ділового спілкування”, „Компанія. Структура компанії”, „Ділове листування”,
„Ділова поїздка”. Тематичний матеріал автор рекоменду’ використовувати, як в
процесі аудиторних занять, так і для самостійної роботи студентів. Окремі вирази
(напр., „Useful expressions”та ін.) можуть також використовуватись для проведення
круглих столів, дискусій, наукових конференцій.
Залежно від умов навчання (кількості годин, рівня знань тощо) даний посібник
може бути використаний як основний, так і допоміжний навчальний засіб для
адиторних занять та самостійної роботи студентів, магістрів, аспірантів та ін.


1. What sources can you use to find a job?

2. What documents should you prepare applying for a job?
3. What is important, to your mind, to get a job?

Task 1. Read and translate the text.

If you want to get a job, you will have to invest time and effort preparing yourself for
employment. There are five stages in the job search.


Research about the Employer

Curriculum Vitae

The Covering Letter/Application Letter

A Follow-Up Letter

The employment process must begin with introspection, that is looking inside yourself at
different angles. You should start with identifying your interests, evaluating your
qualifications. To fulfill this step it may be useful to answer the following questions:
 What are you looking for: money, power, prestige, security, travel opportunities,
spare time?
 How important is salary, environment, benefits and job stability?
 Do you enjoy working with people, information or things?
 Is it important to be your own boss?
 What is your idea of a perfect job? A perfect boss? A perfect colleague?
To make this step take a piece of paper and divide it into three columns and honestly write
down your:
a) academic strengths and abilities, e.g. good at mathematics, at computers, speak three
languages etc.;
b) skills, such as: management, communication, research and technical skills, typing, etc.;
c) personality or character traits, including: creativity, energy, patience, friendliness, etc.
This thorough self-assessment will help you to look inside and analyze yourself, to
determine if you are the right person for the job advertised. It will allows you to realize
what you like and dislike, and what kind of work you really want to do.
After you have found an ad in a paper or at a career center, it's recommended to find out as
much as possible about the company to which you are going to apply. You must know what
kind of work the company does, the number of employees, offices location etc. The more
familiar you're with the company, the better you will be able to make your CV to appeal to
their needs and interests.

Task 2. Before reading a text how to compose a CV, choose the most suitable tips for
CV preparing.

1. Make your CV as long as possible.

2. Emphasize your accomplishments and achievements.
3. Adapt your CV to the information you’ve gathered about the employer and the job you
4. Use rambling sentences and long paragraphs.
5. Avoid the pronoun “I”. Describe your skills and capabilities by using as many specific
words as possible.
6. Don’t sign or date the CV.
7. Mention as many qualification as possible, even those you don’t possess.
8. Have someone read your CV before completing the final copy. Objective readers can
make suggestions for improvements.
9. Place headings at the left side of the page, and the details relating to them on the right
10. Type the parts of your CV close to each other without leaving white spaces between
them, leave narrow margins.

Some Tips How to Write a CV

The first thing to remember is that ideas about what makes a good curriculum vitae
differ from country to country. It is generally accepted that a CV should be well presented
on no more than one side of the A4 paper. Your first objective is to sell yourself for the job
you want.
What are the key things to include on a CV? There are some hints how to do it
correctly. Writing a CV you should start with brief personal details – your name, age,
address, telephone number and so on which should appear at the top of the document.
Marital status is OK too, but don’t indicate names of children or pets. Then you ought to list
the schools and institutions you’ve attended in chronological order. Be sure that the dates
make sense. Don’t forget details of the qualifications you obtained. Remember to put down
your grades too. When you proceed to the part of the CV which deals with work experience
it is advisable to begin with the present or most recent job first. Then work backwards. Give
a brief description of each job and try to list one or two achievements, you may also give
details of any part-time or holiday jobs. There is no reason to put your photo on the CV, it
can go on an application form or with a covering letter.
At the end you may emphasise your special abilities both in the workplace and
outside, such as any languages you speak, computer programs etc. Also mention any
relevant hobbies such as team sports and voluntary work you do. This helps to give an idea
of your personality.
Remember, writing a CV you should think about the specific job on offer and include
all the relevant information about yourself in your CV. Don’t use the same CV for every job
you apply for. Keep in mind that the people who get interviews are not the ones with the
best qualifications but those who write the best CVs!

Topic Do Don’t

Personal details



Work experience


Task 3. Combine the right headings and categories commonly used in CVs with their definitions.

hobbies and interests referees marital status

educational background skills surname

employment background features of character qualifications

permanent address personal details date of birth

1. basic facts about you?

2. practical abilities?
3. a place you live most of the time?
4. things you do in your free time?
5. when you were born?
6. description of your personal character?
7. details about your working life?
8. if you are married or single?
9. people who can tell us about your qualities and character?
10.proof that you have successfully completed a course?
11.schools and colleges? name?

Task 4. Read the CV of Helen Moroz. Complete the gaps a-h with appropriate
headings or categories from Task III.
Helen Moroz
a __________
Full name Helen (Olena) Petrivna Moroz
b __________ 14/02/86
Permanent 25/7 Doroshenka str.,
address Lviv, 79000
Tel./Fax (032) 239 45 76
Mobile 8 097 567 91 79
Personal e-mail
c __________ Single
d __________
I’m currently following a distant course in International Law at Kyiv Taras
Shevchenko’s University
2004-2009 Lviv Academy of Commerce: Accounting and Auditing (Master
1993-2004 Lviv school № 18 (Certificate of Secondary Education)
e __________
Computer literate (Word, Excel, Accounting C1, PowerPoint, Internet), driving
Languages: Russian (fluent), Polish (spoken), English (perfect), German (with
the dictionary)
f __________
September 2009 – present
Empire Ltd.: Accountant I deal with company’s accounts, write reports for the
management, compile annual and quarterly statements.
May 2005-August 2005
Supermarket Big Pocket: Assistant Manager with the responsibility of stock
control and supervising staff
g __________
Responsible, hard-working, industrious, able to work with a team, good
communication and organizational skills, honest.
h __________
Artem Sova Professor V.M. Dokashenko
Manager, Big Pocket Lviv Academy of Commerce

Task 5. Work in pairs. Look at these rules for writing a CV. Which ones do you agree
with? Why? Look at the previous exercise and say which of them Helen
Moroz observed?
☺ Make sure your CV is well-organized.
☺ Include a lot of detail – a good CV is as long as possible.
☺ List your education and work experience in reserve order – start with your most
recent job.
☺ Include additional information that you think could help your application: e.g.
travel experience, or voluntary work.
☺ Don’t send a covering letter – no one reads it.

Task 6. a) Read information about Andrew Koval’. Work in groups and discuss which
job below would suit him best of all and why.
b) When you’ve chosen the most suitable job for Andrew, write a CV for him
using a CV in Task IV as a guide.
- born in Kharkiv, 21 years old;
- not married;
- bachelor degree in economics;
- finishing first year of 2-year post-graduate course in sales and marketing at Kharkiv
- speak a little English and fluent Russian;
- can use several word-processing packages;
- last year worked as a group leader at summer camp in the Carpathians;
- summer before worked at Potato House serving customers;
- before starting sales and marketing course worked in a printing shop, making copies,
etc for 2 months
- play the drums, swimming, football
- would like something with training/ promotion prospects
- shift work OK but prefer normal hours – need time to do work for course though
Trainee retail manager Bar staff Salesperson
for 24-hour supermarket Are you a student? Do you Hours Monday to Friday,
Hours 35 hours per week need to make money while 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
on a shift basis you study? Wages 7 grn. per hour
Salary 1000 grn. per month Why not join the staff at the The perfect job for
+ bonus Malibu Café-Bar? someone who wants to
Description Applicants Hours part-time, 20 hours make a start in the world
should preferably have per week of sales and marketing.
some experience in retail
and be aged 18-25. Wages 300 grn. per week Applicants must have
No higher education Must have experience of some previous experience
qualifications are necessary working in the food and within a sales
as training is given. Job will drink industry and have a environment. You will be
involve cash handling, stock friendly manner and smart required to generate new
control, supervising staff, appearance. Applicants business and you must
and dealing with customer must be aged 18+. have a valid, clean driving
complaints. Applicants must Applicants can choose their licence as a company car
be prepared to work some preferred working times. will be provided.
nights shifts. Possibilities
for career development in
the company.

c) Complete the sentences with the highlighted words from the advertisements.

1. ___________ are exam or courses.

2. ___________ is what you’ve done in your life/work.
3. A ___________ is a person learning a job.
4. ________ is the sale of goods in stores to customers for their own use.
5. __________ something that is legally effective or acceptable, current.

Task 7. Read and decide who is the best candidate for the position advertised, prove your answer.
Editor for New Weekly
News Magazine Wanted
⌛ Previous experience essential
⌛ Must be good at managing teams
⌛ Must have good interpersonal skills
⌛ Must be good at working under pressure
Company car, company pension, salary negotiable.

Name Name
Steven Mendis Jane Linn
Marital Status Marital Status
Married / 2 children Single
Age 38 Age 33
Present Job Present Job
Editor of national sports magazine, in Editor of regional newspaper, in
charge of 9 full-time journalists charge of 6 full-time journalists
Work experience Work experience
has worked for a local newspaper has worked for other local newspapers
(news reporter) has been a political journalist, sports
has worked as a journalist for several journalist, arts journalist
magazines (Pop Stars, Sport Crazy) Further training
has written sports and music articles has taken workshop on people
for several national newspapers management
Further training Other relevant experience
has done courses on team building and has directed some plays for an
time management amateur theatre group
Other relevant experience has worked as a volunteer helping
has been the manager of a youth people with their reading and writing
basketball team Reasons for wanting jobs
has worked as a volunteer DJ on a would like the opportunity to report
local radio station on national and international news
Reasons for wanting jobs Personality
has always been interested in news seems very ambitious and enthusiastic
easy-going and self-confident

Task 8. Read and translate the following verbs that may be useful to strengthen your
CV. Make 5-7 sentences of your own using these verbs.

achieved coordinated increased pioneered

administered created initiated reduced

arranged designed introduced worked out

assembled expanded invented strengthened

completed identified managed transformed

convinced improved organized upgraded

Supervised ten employees.
Organized a conference on business development in Ukraine.
Increased the production output in recent months.

Task 9. a) When applying for a job you should always send a covering letter with your
CV. There are some tips how to write a covering letter.

1. First, in a covering letter you can put your address, telephone number and e-mail
on the right-hand or left-hand side of the letter.

2. Then indicate the date. You may write dates in different ways: 15 March 2009,
March 15th 2009, or 15/3/2009 but in US English the month comes first –

3. If you don’t know the name of the person you’re writing to, start with Dear Sir /

4. After that say where you saw the advertisement (I’m wring in reply to your
advertisement in the … (name of newspaper/ Internet etc).

5. Then indicate what job you’re interested in (I would like to apply for the position
of … (job title).

6. Explain what makes you the right person for the job (I have experience in …
(types of duties and responsibilities); I am a … (positive adjectives to describe
you) person. Write in short paragraphs so that the letter is easy to read.

7. Write a concluding sentence – I look forward to hearing from you.

8. Close your letter with Yours faithfully, with a coma when you don’t know the
name of a person you’re writing to; and with Yours sincerely, when you know the

9. Remember to write your full name clearly after your signature.

b) Complete the covering letter with suitable words and word-combinations using the advertisement.

Sports Camp Instructors
Enthusiastic sports instructors wanted for
our summer camp in August, teaching
groups of 11-14 years old. No experience is
necessary, but knowledge of at least one
foreign language is useful.

Write with a CV to MS Jean Robson,
Sports Camp International, PO Box 231.

Dear _____________
I am writing __________ your advertisement in _____________. I would like to apply for
a position of _____________.
I ____________ my CV with details of my __________ and work experience. Please
contact me if you require any ____________.
I look forward to ____________.
Yours ___________,

c) Read and correct mistakes in the underlined sentences of the following covering
89, Patona str.,
Lviv, 79000
8 097 576 98 52

21 June 2009

Dear Sir

I am writing in reply to your advertisement. I would like to apply for the position of a
waitress with your restaurant.

As you’ll see from my CV I have little experience in this field as a waitress in a fast food
restaurant and have finished courses of waiters at technical school of catering. I’m energetic
and friendly person.

Please find enclosed a copy of my CV. Call me any time, will be waiting!

Love from,

Iren Miroshkina

Task 10. Complete the covering letter with the following prepositions: for, to in, at, on,
with, of.
35 Radcliffe Street
N22 4RD

13th November 2009

Dear Sir/ Madam
I am writing _____ response ______ your
advertisement ______ Entertainment Weekly. I
would like ____ apply ____ the job ____ DJ ____
your club.
I enclose my CV ____ details ____ my qualifications
and work experience. As you’ll see, I have almost
two years’ experience of working ___ clubs and ____
a cruise ship.
I know the latest dances and all the best bands. Please
contact me if you require any further information.
I look forward ____ hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Tom Sanders

Task 11. Use the information from Task IX and write covering letters for the
advertisements in Task VII for Steven and Jane.

Task 12. Imagine that you are applying for a position of a manager/ accountant / economist
/ travel agent / receptionist etc. with a hotel. Write your CV for a job of your
choice (indicate what it is) and a covering letter. Use your own details and add
qualifications and work experience which you hope to get in the future.

Task 13. Read the following words and word-combinations, match them with their translation.

1. to work for … (a software a) робота, яка вимагає багато умінь

2. to be responsible for … b) наймати на роботу нового
(advertising) бухгалтера
3. It’s a very challenging job. c) бути без роботи

4. to report directly to … (the d) працювати на … (компанію

Managing Director) програмного забезпечення)
5. The job involves a lot of … e) подавати заяву про прийом на
(practical skills) роботу
6. to recruit a new accountant f) звітуватися безпосередньо …
7. to apply for a job g) мати досвід у … (керуванні
8. to be out of a job h) працювати понаднормово/ за
вільним графіком/ повний робочий
9. to have experience in … (running a i) бути відповідальним за … (рекламу)
10. to work overtime/ flexitime/ full- j) робота, яка потребує багато …
time (практичних умінь)

Task 14. a) Imagine that you are the head of HR (human resources) department. You have
vacancies for the position of a secretary, an accountant, a receptionist, a
manger etc. You’re interviewing the candidates.
Make a dialogue with the candidates asking the following:
- Name;
- the previous jobs; places of work;
- previous positions occupied;
- available references from the previous works;
- knowledge of foreign languages;
- to fill in the form;
b) You’ve chosen the candidates. Introduce them to the company’s director.
E.g. This is our new secretary. Her name is … . She can operate a computer. Her
English is fluent. Earlier she was working for … .
Task 15. There are different positions and types of activities. Define whether they
correspond to each other. Add other activities you can think about.

A clerk prepare invoices

write reports
A computer operator write computer programs
operate the computer
A typist write reports
type letters
A receptionist answer inquiries
welcome visitors
An accountant monitor cashflow
prepare regular financial statements
A secretary operate the computer
write telexes, faxes, letters
welcome visitors
answer telephone
A manager meet clients
write telexes
answer inquiries
write reports

Task 16. There are adjectives which describe you as a professional. Choose the most
appropriate to describe:
- youself;
- a secretary;
- an accountant;
- a manager;
- a receptionist.

Add any other adjectives of your own you consider to be suitable for these positions.
active diplomatic methodical
attentive disciplined realistic
constructive energetic sincere
cooperative extroverted systematic
creative independent tactful

Task 17. Put the sentences in the dialogues into the correct order. Write down and
role-up the dialogues.

Talking About Your Job

1. Hi! Can you tell me a little bit about your current job?
2. Do you have to produce any reports?
3. Certainly. What would you like to know?
4. I work as a computer technician at Empire Ltd.
5. Yes, it's a very interesting and challenging job!
6. What are your responsibilities?
7. What else does your job involve?
8. I'm responsible for systems administration and in-house programming.
9. First of all, what do you work as?
10. No, I just have to make sure that everything is in good working order.
11. Well, as I said, for part of my job I have to develop in-house programs for special
company tasks.
12. Do you like your job?

Looking for a Bookkeeper

1. I know someone who'd be perfect.

2. Of course, she's been working for Smith CPA and Co. since 2004. She's not too happy in
her current position.
3. Sounds good. I'm sure she'll be interested in interviewing for the job.
4. Yes, We've been looking, but no luck yet.
5. Oh really, does she have any experience?
6. Great. Ask her to come in for an interview.
7. Janet told me we're looking for a new bookkeeper. Is that true?

Task 18. Put the missing sentences into the dialogues. Role them up.

- …………………….
- I’m responsible for new product development.
- …………………….
- I report directly to the Chief Executive Officer.
– Who do you work as?
– …………………….
– When does your working day begin?
– …………………….
– How do you get to work?
– ……………………
– Do you have to work overtime?
– ……………………

– ……………………..
– I work for a tourist agency called “Tour around”.
– …………………….
– I am a secretary.
– What are your daily duties?
– ……………………

Task 19. Work in pairs, making dialogues for the topic “A Job”.

а) Read the job advertisements. Define which of them:

- wants someone who has done the job before;

- wants someone who likes children;
- wants someone who is friendly;
- says the job pays weekly.

Waiter needed for fast food restaurant. Designer clothes shop requires
Must be outgoing and fit. Evenings until an assistant. Previous
late and weekends.
experience required.
Stack supermarket shelves! No previous Twins Tom and James need a babysitter,
experience necessary; night work would suit student. Friday, Saturday and
available; good wages offered Sunday evenings. Good hourly rate

b) Imagine that you’re looking for a part-time job. Choose one of the jobs advertised
above and prove your choice. Tell why other choices don’t suit you.

e.g.: I don’t think I would be good at babysitting, because I’m not very good at looking
after children.

c) Read an ad for the position of a shop-assistant. Imagine that one of you wants to get
it and calls to the shop to get the necessary information. The other is a shop-
manager who answers the questions. Role play the dialogue using the plan offered

Need a part-time job?

Extreme Sports
Petrushevycha sq., Lviv
Require a part-time sales assistant.
Then phone 262 76 89 now

Applicant Shop assistant (starts the conversation)

- explain which job you are phoning - answer the phone (give name of the
about and say you would like some company);
information; - ask how you can help;
- ask about the number of hours; - explain about hours: a full day on
- ask about wages; Saturday;
- ask if experience is necessary; - money: 10 $ per hour;
- request an application form; - experience: none necessary;
- thank the person for his/her help. - promise to put application form in the
- thank the person for the call.


I. Choose the most suitable variant:

1. Which should precede preparation of a CV?

a. Self-analysis c. Job analysis
b. Career analysis d. All three preceding choices

2. Which is the most essential item for inclusion on a CV?

a. Statement of career goal c. Personal information

b. Qualifications d. References

3. Which is the least appropriate for inclusion in the personal information section of a CV?

a. Job-related hobbies c. Religion

b. knowledge of a foreign language d. Service in community

4. Which former job should be listed first in the experience section?

a. The first job held c. The job that would appear first in
an alphabetical list of former
b. The most recent job held d. The highest-paying job

5. Application letter should …

a. arouse interest in the CV c. introduce the CV

b. interpret the CV d. all preceding choices

6. Which would be the best tone for an applicant’s letter?

a. extreme self-confidence c. self-confidence but not

b. lack of self-confidence d. none of the preceding answers

7. The best CV is considered to be …

a. wordy c. truthful
b. boastful d. sketchy
II. Match the definition with its explanation.

1. Employer’s definition of what a job a. Job requirements

2. Extent to which qualifications match b. Format
3. Free or inexpensive services c. Employment contractor
4. Arrangement on a page d. Promotion
5. Supplies firms with temporary e. Lateral transfer
6. Services are paid for by applicants f. Qualification
who succeeded in getting jobs
7. Knowledge, aptitude, trait or g. Employment Agency
experience that fits an applicant for a
8. Assists job applicants in finding jobs h. Level of compatibility
9. A move upward in a firm to a job i. Public employment agency
with more responsibility and pay
10. A move from one job in a company j. Private employment agency
to another job with the same level of
responsibility and pay

III. Define whether the statements are True or False.

1. Overall, the advantages of including such personal information as sex, religion, age,
marital status, and national origin outweigh the disadvantages.
2. Most employers would recommend that a photo be attached to the CV.
3. Preferably, the CV is prepared before the application letter is written.
4. Major headings on a CV should be arranged in alphabetical order.
5. On a CV, previously held jobs must be listed in order in which they were held.
6. First and second person pronouns should not be used in writing CVs.
7. If an employment ad states “Send a CV” a letter of application should not accompany
8. Preferably, applicant letters shouldn’t discuss salary.
9. An application letter should include a direct statement that the applicant “is qualified
for the position”.
10.On a firm’s employment form, a job applicant should respond to every question


Task 1. Think over the following questions, give your answers then read the text
and decide whether you were right:
a. Can you explain the word “ethics”?
b. What does it mean: “I am socially responsible and behave ethically”?
d. What does the phrase “ethical investment” mean?
c. Why are investors concerned about where their money is invested?

Text A. Ethical standards

Ethics are moral beliefs about what is right and wrong, and the study of this. Some
actions are not criminal, bur they are morally wrong: unethical. Areas where choices have
to be made about right and wrong behavior are ethical issues. Some organizations have a
code of ethics or code of conduct where they say what their managers' and employees'
behavior should be, to try to prevent them behaving unethically.
People want companies to be socially responsible and behave ethically. They don't
run plants directly, for example, they buy trainers from plants in Asia. They often visit the
plants to check that they don't exploit workers by underpaying them or making them work
long hours: sweatshop labor. In management in the US, they have an affirmative action
program, to avoid racial or sex discrimination. Every year, they ask an independent expert
to do a "social performance audit' to see how they are doing in these areas. They always
publish it, even if they don't like everything in it!
Sven Nygren is CEO of the Scandinavian investment Bank said:
'Investors are more and more concerned about where their money is invested. We take
ethical investment very seriously. We don't invest, for example, in arms companies or
tobacco firms. Environmental or green issues are also very important. Recently we were
involved in a project to build a large dam in the Asian country of Paradiso. We discovered
that large numbers of farming people would be forced to leave the area flooded by the dam,
and that the dam would also be environmentally damaging, reducing water supplies to
neighbouring countries. It was green activists from the environmental organization Green
Awareness who told us this. We withdrew from the project and tried to persuade other
organizations not to invest in it. We didn't want to damage our reputation for ethical
Notes: Chief Executive Officer (CEO) – головний менеджер / адміністратор

Task 2. Match these terms (1-3) with their definitions (a-c):

1. code (n) a) hard work, toil, task; manual work

2. ethics (n) b) a complete written formulation of a body of law
3. labour (n) c) scientific study of morals, system of morality

Task 3. Complete these sentences with appropriate words (Task I). Translate them
into Ukrainian:

1. Retailers say packaging that imitates the style and image of market leaders is wrong
and has nothing to do with ………………..
2. A company is behaving……………..if it pollutes the environment.
3. We didn't want ... ... our reputation for ethical investment.
4. The television industry should adopt a ……………….. on violence in its programmes.
5. '……………behaviour is good for business,' says the vice president for ethics and
business conduct. 'You get the right kind of employees, and it's a great draw for

Task 4. Discuss the following questions:

1. Do you know any companies that are famous for their ethical behaviour?
2. Do you choose to buy from them because of this?
3. What environmental movements are there in your country?
4. What environmental projects are they involved in?

Task 5. Complete this table, using information about wrongdoing and corruption.
The first row, as an example, has been done for you. You may wish to
refer to a dictionary.

Noun: Noun: the doer Verb: what Noun: thing Related

the person made or done adjective
does in the
(He/She) wrongdoing
counterfeiting counterfeiter counterfeits a counterfeit counterfeit
faker fakes a
a forgery
fraud fraudster defrauds a
money launderer - -
racketeers - -

Which act of wrongdoing do you think is the most serious? Which do you think is
the least serious? Is financial wrongdoing a “victimless crime”?

Task 6. Read the text and find answers to the questions:

a. ”Negative publicity”. Explain the meaning of this word combination.

b. Why did Gerber management decide to handle negative publicity?
c. How could Gerber avoid much of the negative publicity?
d. What company provides an excellent example in how to deal with a product
tampering crisis?
Text B. The Best Known Brand
Companies sometimes have to handle negative publicity when things go wrong. A
firm may accidentally contaminate a product during production, in such cases they have
to recall the product and withdraw it from supermarket shelves. Unfortunately a product
may be the victim of product tampering. This is where people damage it in some way and
then make false claims. This may be to get money from the manufacturers of a brand or
the store where it is sold - or else simply for media attention. A sad fact is that when such
stories are reported they often cause a wave of copycat behaviour.
Gerber is one of the best known brands of baby food products in the United States,
so when, twenty years ago, pieces of glass were discovered in its fruit juice, it
immediately recalled 550,000 jars. However, the negative publicity saw sales of Gerber
products fall by 4%. So when, two years later, there were over 200 complaints concerning
glass in its baby food, Gerber management decided to try and keep everything as quiet as
possible. An inspection of 36,000 jars showed that even the largest pieces of glass were so
small that they were practically invisible. As the glass appeared harmless, a recall seems
unnecessary and unjustified. Many believed that the glass had not been the fault of
production but that publicity seekers had deliberately put it in the food. Maybe if Gerber's
reputation hadn't been damaged by the juice incident, they would have issued a product
recall. But this time they made the mistake of trying to keep quiet and released a storm of
media criticism,
Legally Gerber bad acted in good faith and saw itself as the victim. They could
point to their quality manufacturing process and high standards. If a flaw had been
found in their process, they would have immediately corrected it. Ethically the situation
was more complicated. Babies are innocent and helpless and Gerber bad built its
reputation on providing them with the safest and highest quality products. Gerber
should have been seen to do everything in its power to prevent the mouths of babies
being cut. At the very least the company should have responded publicly with their side
of the story. If Gerber had handled the media better, it would have avoided much of the
negative publicity.
By contrast, Pepsi provides an excellent example in how to deal with a
product tampering crisis. In 1993 syringes were reported in its products and the
company acted swiftly. Cameras went into its plant and filmed its high-speed, high-
tech canning process, which is specifically designed to prevent contamination. This
was then shown to an estimated audience of 187 million people. A second release
dealt with the arrest of someone in connection with the tampering. A third actually
showed a woman filmed as she put a syringe into an opened can of the soft drink. It
talked about copycat behaviour being responsible. Pepsi rounded off its campaign
with a national TV and print advertisement, which thanked consumers and gave
them the message that they could drink as much Pepsi as they wanted.

Task 7. Match these terms (1-8) with their definitions (a-h):

1 victim (n) a) act of advertising; public announcement; notice for
goods etc for sale displayed by newspaper, placard,
cinema, or television;

2 claim (n) b) happening, event, occurrence;

3 behaviour (n) c) decisive moment; moment of acute danger or


4 brand (n) d) manner, bearing; conduct towards or treatment of

others; response made in any particular situation;

5 incident (n) e) mark of ownership; trademark; particular make of


6 crisis(es) (n) f) act of contaminating; state of being contaminated;

7 contamination (n) g) demand for something as one’s due;

8 advertisement (n) h) one who suffers through no fault of his own;

Task 8. Read the text again and find the words and expressions in italics which
mean the same as:

1 interfering deliberately with a product

2 remove
3 imitating something someone else has done.
4 damage / poison
5 take back
6 being talked about in newspapers or on TV in a bad way.

Task 9. Complete the sentences using the following prepositions:

with for against of for

1. She was discriminated ……… for being a woman in a man’s world.

2. They're prosecuting the factory ……….. dumping chemicals in the river.
3. A minister has been accused ……. accepting bribes.
4. A manager and stockbroker have been charged ………… .illegally exploiting

market information,
5. Three car dealers have been fined ……… fixing the prices of their vehicles.

Task 10. Which sentences above from the Task 10 describe the following crimes?

1 damaging the environment;

2 insider trading;
3 unfair competition;
4 bribery and corruption;
5 unfair employment practices.

Task 11. Complete the sentences using the words:

unfair unethical dishonest illegal

1. It was really ……. of her to claim she had experience when she didn't.
2. Exporting works of art without a license is ……….; you'll go to prison if they catch
3. You shouldn't talk about your clients' business in front of everyone, it’s ………….
4. How ………! He only got promoted because he was the boss’s nephew.

Task 12. Translate the following sentences. Match the sentences 1-4 with the
situations a-d below:

1. Without exception all staff members are obliged to retire at the age of 63.
2. Ms Spencer was dismissed for poor time-keeping.
3. A further part of the work force was made redundant when the order was cancelled.
4. He had to resign to avoid a scandal.

a) 'I hate to tell you this, but they've laid off even more people.'
b) 'Mrs Biggs didn't want to stop work at all. She was so sad at her leaving party.'
c ) 'Well, apparently he had to quit. It was either that or seeing his name in the papers.'
d) 'Janet's been sacked for being late all the time.

Task 13. Find less formal words for: to retire, to dismiss, redundant, to resign.

Have you got equivalents in your language?


Task 14. Read the information about the glass ceiling and discuss the questions:

A glass ceiling is an unofficial barrier which stops certain kinds of people from
advancing in their careers. This means that they won't be promoted even if they deserve
it. The glass ceiling is a form of discrimination which sometimes affects women or
people from racial minorities.

1) How common are glass ceilings in your country?

2) What, if anything, should governments or companies do to make sure that everyone
has equal opportunities in the workplace?

Task 15. You are the new head of the Human Resources Department of a medium-
sized company. Will you:

a) insist that job applicants send a photograph with applications?

b) ask interview questions on these topics:
- marital status
- personal circumstances (e.g. dependants such as children or elderly parents)
- health / disabilities?

Task 16. Discuss the following points:

a) How will you make sure that women, people from different ethnic backgrounds, and
disabled people are fairly represented at different levels in your company?

b) Discuss a policy which will protect your company against accusations of


Task 17. a) Decide what you would have done in the following situations.

1. A producer of soft drinks discovered that some of its products contained very small
quantities of a dangerous substance. Would you have:
a) tried to identify which products were affected and just dealt with these cases?

b) told the public and withdrawn all your products?
c) done nothing and dealt with the consequences (if any) quietly?
2. Someone threatened to contaminate a brand of baby food unless they received one
million. Would you have:
a) told the public to be careful?
b) paid the money;
c) contacted the police?
3. A manufacturer of a well-known chocolate bar failed to warn customers that some of its
bars contained contaminated cocoa beans. Would you have:
a) boycotted the product?
b) carried on buying the brand anyway?
c) asked the company for free chocolate bars as compensation?

b) Work in pairs / groups and discuss your answers. What would the consequences
of the different decisions have been?

Task 18. a) Read the information about the real cases:

A. When Tahir Hussain, an Asian man, applied for a job with a motor firm, his
application was turned down. However, when he invented a fictitious CV for a white
Englishwoman called Catherine Riley to accompany an application for the same job, he
was called for an interview. He claimed the car dealer was guilty of both sex and race
discrimination. The solicitor representing the car company said that Mr Hussain's
application had been refused because it appeared arrogant and over-sold himself. The CV
from the imaginary Catherine Riley was more factual. So far Mr Hussain's search for
work has led to six industrial tribunals.
B. Mrs Gweneth Niman wants to take the charity Age Concern to court because she was
told to retire when she turned 70. She earned £ 280 a month selling insurance. Mrs Niman
is so angry that she is prepared to go all the way to the European Court of Human Justice.
C. A man was refused a job at a chicken factory because he was too tall. Sun Valley
Foods rejected him for factory work. Barry Seale who is 1,88m, claims sex discrimination
because men are generally taller than women.

The firm says it operated a “heightist” policy because it was afraid that tall workers would
suffer back and neck injury.

b) Work in pairs, discuss your immediate reaction to each of the three cases.

c) Prepare a role-play. Work in groups:

Group 1: Plaintiffs
Brainstorm reasons and arguments for bringing the case.
Group 2: Defendants
Brainstorm reasons which justify your actions.
Group 3: Judges
Pass a sentence on the cases having listened to plaintiffs and defendants arguments.

Task 19. Work in pairs. Think of the situations of your own when things went wrong.
Tell your partner about them, using the active vocabulary.

Task 20. Work in small groups and discuss the questions:

1. When you form a first impression of someone, which of these is most important to you?
Rank them from 1 (most important) to 5 (least important).
the way they look at you
the way they dress
the way they speak
their job or who they work for
the way they shake your hand or greet you
2. How often do you think your first impressions of people are right? Think of one example
when they’ve been correct and one rime when they’ve been wrong.
3. Do you think that the first impression people have of you is the right impression? Think
of one way in which you think you are often misunderstood and ask others in the group for
their advice.
4. Do you think that terms above are useful in understanding modern business?
5. Why do you think that they are so common in business and other fields?

6. What phrases would you normally use while considering an offer (stating your own
position, etc.)?
7. Would people in the modern world trust a person? Why - or why not? In the modern
business world, what kind of person would the perfect ‘con man’ or ‘con woman’ be?
8. What kind of modern businessperson wouldn’t you trust?
Note: A ‘con man’ is a person who tricks or swindles other people out of their
money, by winning their confidence or trust. Probably the most successful con man of
the twentieth century was the European aristocrat, Count Victor Lustig. In the 1920s,
he used his skills to ‘sell’ the Eiffel Tower as scrap metal for a huge some of money,
not once, but twice!

Many companies try to attract customers by writing directly to them.

Task 21. Read the mailshot and find out what it offers.

Greeninvest - the fund that's not for everybody

22- 24 Park Street
Leeds LS105GH
Dear Ms Carlyle,
Like us, you probably feel uncomfortable with the idea of growing rich by
exploiting people less fortunate than yourself, or by damaging the environment. That is
why, Ms Carlyle, we have selected you to participate in a unique opportunity: the launch
of a new and exciting pension fund. Greeninvest is the only fund which actively
encourages fund members to choose the firms they like best from among our selection of
ethical companies.
At Greeninvest we promise to bring you only those companies which have been
selected not only for their business possibilities, but also for their commitment to ethical
and ethically-produced products, fair employment practices, and concern for the

Each quarter, Ms Carlyle, you will receive the opportunity to be among the first
people to invest in these exciting new enterprises. You will also be invited to participate
in special meetings where you can share your thoughts with like-minded investors.
As part of our founder member initiative you can make a commission-free purchase
of shares for the first quarter. In addition, if you reply within thirty days, we will present
you with a complimentary copy of Jany van Hooren's Millennium Guide to Ethical
investment which is yours to keep, whether or not you decide to proceed with your
So, if like us, Ms Carlyle, you would like to plan for your retirement in the
knowledge that you have given ethical firms a helping hand, simply complete the form
and return it to us in the enclosed pre-paid envelope.
I look forward to welcoming you as a full member of the Greeninvest Pension Fund.
With very best wishes,
Berenice Lucas

Task 22. Read the tip /AIDA/ and identify which parts of the AIDA formula apply to
the letter you have just read.

Advertisers often follow an AIDA model in their advertisements and sales literature.
Attention - the letter gets the reader's attention.
Interest - it develops the reader's interest by telling them more.
Decision - It encourages them to make a decision.
Action - finally the reader acts on it.

Task 23. List or underline the words or expressions that the letter uses to show that Ms
Carlyle is special. How many times does the letter use her name? Why do
you think it does this?

Task 24. Think of a product or service from an ethical company, for example a clothing
company committed to produce ethically-produced clothing. Write a letter to a
potential customer you have targeted. Use the letter above as a guide and follow
these steps.

Paragraph one: Say why you have chosen the person you are writing to. Explain what makes
your service or product different from any other.

Paragraph two: Say in more detail what your company does. Say how the service operates.
Say what extra benefits the service includes.

Paragraph three: Offer an incentive to reply. Give a final encouragement to act on the

Task 25. Imagine that you want to join an e-mail discussion group about learning
business English. Write a short e-mail (on a piece of paper) that introduces
yourself and explains what you do and why you want to join the discussion group.

Ethics. Language for expressing opinions, suggestions, incredulity, eliciting
information, stating your own position, inviting someone to state their position,
agreeing, disagreeing, asking for reconsideration of an offer, considering an offer,
regrets and criticism, etc.

The business guru, Peter Drucker, said this about the language that businesspeople
sometimes use:
“The moment people talk of implementing instead of doing , and of [finalizing] instead
of finishing, the organization is already running a fever”.

Task 1. Read, translate and learn the following word combinations (the language
Expressing an opinion: As I see it ...; I consider..; I rather think ;In my opinion...;
As far as I am concerned...; If you ask me...; Personally...;My point of view is…
Expressing an opinion strongly: I'm sure that ...; I'm certain that ...; I'm convinced
that...; I really don't think that ..; I definitely think that...; I'm absolutely convinced that...;
There's no doubt in my mind that...
Expressing an opinion weakly: I'm inclined to think that; I tend to think that...; I
rather think...;

Showing cause and effect - When talking about the consequences of events and
situations it is useful to explain the reasons why we think something happened or will
happen in the future - lead to, due to, result in' as a result of, caused by. Look at the
following examples:
- Building the terminal will lead to massive environmental damage.
- The IDB put off the $75m loan due to lobbying by environmentalists.
- A demonstration would result in lots of publicity.
- Jobs will be created as a result of the inward investment.
- The pollution was caused by factory further up the river.
Considering alternatives – When considering alternatives it is important to show
the degree of difference between them. By using quantities we can show our
preferences and argue for them more persuasively - minor difference (slightly, a bit, a
little/a few)// major difference (much): The new design will cost slightly more but look
a lot better.
Making and responding to suggestions - choosing the right way to phrase
suggestions depends on the context of the conversation. Being able to give an opinion
about the best course of action or to advise someone what you think they should do
means using the appropriate language. You can do this by using the following phrases:
How/What about...?; Couldn't you/we...?; Why don't you ...?; If I were you...; I
suggest/think you should...; It might be better to...; OK, let's do/try that; Sounds good to
me; But what if...?; The only thing/problem...; It's a good idea, but...; You're right.
Asking for clarification: I'm sorry, I don't quite follow you there; I'm sorry, I
don't quite get your point; Could you possibly expand on that? Would you mind going
over that again? Could I ask you just to explain that again? Could I ask you just to
explain a little further? What exactly do you mean? What are you really saying? What
are you really trying to say? What exactly are you driving at? What are you really
getting at?
Interrupting: If I could just come in here a moment and say that...; If I could just
get a word in...; Do you mind if I just interrupt? Might I interrupt at this point? Can I
just say something? If I could just interrupt for a moment? I can't let that pass...; Could I
just pick up on that point? Could I just query that last point? Sorry to butt in, but...;
Could I just correct one small detail? May I add something to that? If I might just add
something to what has just been said; May I make a point?; Could I come in here?; I'd
like to raise the subject of...; Could I say a word about something?.
Accepting the interruption: Certainly. Please do. Yes, of course. Go ahead. Not
at all. Sure.
Refusing the interruption: If you could just allow me to finish: I'm sorry, but...;
Could I just finish? Just a moment/second, please; This won't take more than a few
seconds; Just let me think; One moment, please.
Hesitating: a) Sometimes when you are answering questions you may need to
delay replying in order to collect your thoughts. Here are some useful phrases: Well, let
me see...; Oh, let me think for a moment...; Well, now...; I'm glad you asked me that...;
What do you think of your proposal? Well...; Actually, you've caught me on the hop
there...; b) However, it may be that you want to avoid answering altogether, or simply
do not have an answer: I’d rather not answer that, if you don't mind; I've no idea, I'm
afraid; I'm sorry, but I'm not the right person to answer that question; I can't answer that;
I'll need some time to think about that one; I'm sorry I can't give you the exact figures
offhand; Well, at a rough guess I'd say that...; Don't quote me on this but... .
Moving on : Perhaps we could move on to the next point under discussion; That
brings us to the next item on the schedule; Perhaps we could turn our attention to the
question of ..; If you could just move on to ...; I think we should now consider...; Let's
turn to the question of...; Can we not look at ...; I'd like to move things on a little here...;
Can we get on, please? As we are running short of time, perhaps we could hear....
Making and confirming arrangements: This appointment we've been trying to
arrange. Well, Monday would suit us; These are the details you asked about; About the
jury trial times. The earliest date we can manage is June 2nd; Can we get together to
talk about this in detail?; I'll pick you up at the entrance to your law office at 8.30.
Opening the meeting: a) attracting attention - Right, then; Right, can we start?
Ladies and gentlemen, are we ready to begin? Well then, if we could get things rolling;
OK then, perhaps we could make a start? Well, shall we get things started? If
everybody's ready, maybe we could make a start? ; b) directing attention - Let's get
straight down to business; Shall we get down to business?
Getting the meeting under way: We're meeting today to...; The reason we're here
to ...; The subject of today's meetings is...; The purpose of today’s meeting is to ...;
Today we shall be looking at ...; Today we shall be dealing with ...; Today, we intend
to...; Let's take the first item on the agenda...; Has everyone got a copy of the agenda?
Inviting someone to state their position: Would you like to start, Mr. Smart, the
General Director? Could I ask you for your comments first ...? Can I turn first to the
District Attorney? So, let's go first to ...; Could I ask you for your opinion on this
matter? Could I ask you for your view on this matter? Perhaps you could give us a brief
outline of your own position on this matter? Mr. N..., perhaps you would be so good as
to tell us how you feel on this matter?; What are your first impressions of the new
proposals? I think it would be helpful if you could put us in the picture about your
position on...; ..., can I ask you for your views on ...?; ..., perhaps you'd like to give us
your initial reaction to the proposal?
Stating your own position: Perhaps I could begin by saying that there are many
reasons why we are gathered here today; I think I should make it clear right from the
outset that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court/ Manager has been sharply critical of
our profession/work; If you would allow me to give you a brief outline of my position
on this matter...; I think I ought to say right from the start that...; If I could just begin by
saying ...; I want to make it clear that ...; I would like to say here that ...; I feel I should
point out to you that ... .
Making a point: I’d like to make one thing clear from the outset …; I think I
should be frank and say that …; Do you realize that…?; I think we have to consider that
…; I think I should mention here that…; We must bear in mind the fact that…; We
should always remember that …; I believe you know that…; The point is that…; You
must realize that… .
Eliciting information: I wonder if you’d mind telling me …; What I’d like to
know is …; Can you give me some information about …; I’d like some details about…;
What I really need to know is…; Can you tell me something about …; I wonder if I
could ask you …; I am afraid I need to know …; What is your position on … .
Expressing incredulity - when you refuse to believe someone, use one of the
following expressions: Is there any profit that …?; Do you really mean to say that …?; I
find that very hard to believe; You don’t honestly believe that …?; You are not
seriously trying to tell me that …?; That’s incredible!; Oh, come on!; Oh, come off it !;
You must be joking!
Disagreeing: Are you sure? I’m not sure I entirely agree; I can’t quite go along
with you there; I don’t think I really like the idea; No, I think you’re mistaken here; No,
I’m sorry, there I have to disagree; No, I disagree; I disagree entirely; I can’t agree at
all; I don’t agree with you at all on that point; That’s no right I am afraid; That’s quite
wrong; I really must object to that comment you know.
Making conditions – In negotiations making conditions plays an important role.
Here are some useful expressions: I could do it, as long as …; I can’t do it unless …;
It’s not worth …-ing unless…; I won’t do it unless all else fails; Even then, I’ll only do
it on condition that …; We did it on the understanding that …; The only condition is
that …; They’ve agreed – conditional on …; If you can only contest the will …;
Provided you can … we can …; Only if … would we …; I can do it provided …; We
can agree as long as … .
Tentative agreement: You may well be right, but …; To a large extent you’re
right, but …; I agree with you to a certain extent, but …; I see what you mean, but …; I
take your point, but …; You have a point there, but …; I appreciate your point of view,
but …; You could be right, but …; That’s an interesting idea, but … .
Asking for reconsideration of an offer: In the light of what’s been said, perhaps
you’d reconsider your…; I was wondering if you’d look again at the…; Would you like
to think again about the original…?; Perhaps it would be worth looking at the … again?;
There’s still time to reconsider the proposals …, you know; I’d like you to reconsider
the proposals … .
Considering an offer/hedging: Subject to the approval of …, I think that your
proposal is attractive; There certain points I’d like clarifying before I give my final
word; I’d rather not commit myself on that point until I’ve studied the … in detail; I’ll
have to consider that very carefully; That point needs careful consideration; I agree in
principle, but there are certain points I’m not happy about; I can’t give you my final
decision until …; I’ll have to get back to you on that one, if you don’t mind; I really
don’t think I can give you firm decision on that.
Agreeing: I absolutely agree …; I completely agree …; I agree entirely …; I
agree entirely …; I agree completely …; A agree with you most strongly …; You’re
right (of course) …; Yes indeed!; I quite agree with you …; Hear, hear…; Exactly …;
That’s true …; That’s a wonderful idea …; That would be marvelous … .
Digressing: If I might digress for a moment here and say that …; Let me digress
for a moment …; I know it isn’t strictly what we’re here to discuss, but I think it might
be worthwhile to spend a little time looking at … .
Background information: I think it would help if I gave you a little background
information on this matter…; Perhaps you would just allow me to fill you in on some of
the background to this situation … .
Getting to the point: What I am trying to say …; What I am getting at is that …;
The point I am trying to make is that …; The crux of the matter is that …; What I am
driving at is that … .
Emphasizing a point: Let’s get this straight; I want to make it quite clear that …;
I must emphasize that …; I want to underline the fact that …; There’s no doubt that …;
I don’t have to spell it out; I think the figures speak for themselves; I think the facts
speak for themselves; You don’t need me to tell you that …; Everyone should know by
now that …; I thought I’d made myself clear when I said that …; At the risk of
repeating myself, I should say here …; I don’t want to leave anyone in any doubt about
the fact that …;I hope I made myself clear.
Checking a point: Sorry, but can we just go back to what you said earlier?; Am I
right in thinking that you’re proposing … ?; So would it be true to say that what you’re
suggesting is …?; Correct me if I am wrong, but what you’re proposing is…; So, what
you seem to be suggesting is …; So, if I‘ve got this right, what you’re saying is …;
Would I be right in thinking that … ?; So, reading between the lines, your company
seems to be offering …; So, what you’re actually saying is …?Right. If I’m not
mistaken, your policy is …; You seem to be implying that …; You seem to be
suggesting that; All the evidence would seem to suggest that … .
Getting back to the point: If we could just go back to the subject under
discussion; If I could just bring you back to my original point/question; I think we’ve
strayed a little from our main point; I think we’re moving away from the main problem;
Let’s get back to your original point; To get back to your original question; Could you
stick to the point ?; We seem to be getting off the point here. ; Perhaps we could return
to that point later.
Making an initial offer: Would you be prepared to consider our offer of …?; Are
you prepared to accept …?; We are in a position to offer you …; Could I suggest a
figure of … ; Would you be happy with a figure of around …?; Would you company
consider …?; Would an offer of something in the region of … interest you?; We’ve
examined the situation in detail, and are prepared to make an offer … .
Making subsequent /final offers: We’ve considered all the points you’ve put
forward, and our final offer is …; Our original offer still stands; We can’t do better than
that, I’m afraid; We’re prepared to offer …; After taking all the points into
consideration, we’ve come up with an offer of …; We’ve come you with what seems to
us to be a very attractive offer.
Asking for offers: What would be your position on …?; What can you offer us
with regards to ... ?; What’s your policy on …?; I was wondering what you had in mind
as far as … is concerned ?; What figure did you have in mind ?; Could we talk about
the … you’re prepared to offer ?; What can you offer us on …?
Accepting an offer: I can’t see any reason why we shouldn’t agree to that; That
seems like a reasonable offer to us; Yes, I think we can do business on that basis; Yes, I
think that would be satisfactory to us; That sounds most satisfactory; OK, it’s a deal.
Refusing an offer: We appreciate your position but we simply can’t afford to
accept an offer like that; We’ve taken all the factors into account, but find your offer
just isn’t good enough; I’m afraid that wouldn’t be acceptable to our company; I’m
afraid I must reject that offer; I’m afraid we can’t see eye-to-eye on that; I’m sorry, but
we can’t agree to that; I’m sorry, but that’s completely out of question; No, I really
can’t accept that.


Task1. Match the sentences 1-15 with the situations a-o below:

1. Gerber is one of the best known a) to try to prevent them behaving

brands of baby food products in the unethically.
United States,
2. Babies are innocent and helpless and b) to avoid racial or sex discrimination.
Gerber bad built its reputation
3. Some organizations have a code of c) that some of its products contained
ethics or code of conduct where they say very small quantities of a dangerous
what their managers' and employees' substance.
behavior should be,
4. The firm says it operated a “heightist” d) to see how they are doing in these
policy because it was afraid areas.

5. In management in the US, they have e) which sometimes affects women or

an affirmative action program, people from racial minorities
6. Companies sometimes have to handle f) so it immediately recalled 550,000
negative publicity jars.
7. Someone threatened to contaminate a g) on providing them with the safest
brand of baby food and highest quality products
8. A manufacturer of a well-known h) that tall workers would suffer back
chocolate bar failed to warn customers and neck injury.
10. An inspection of 36,000 jars showed j) that Mr Kraiser’s application had been
that even the largest pieces of glass were refused because it appeared arrogant.
11. A firm may accidentally contaminate k) when things go wrong.
a product during production,
12. Every year, they ask an independent l) in such cases they have to recall the
expert to do a "social performance audit' product.
13. A producer of soft drinks discovered m) unless they received 1 million.
14. The glass ceiling is a form of n) by underpaying them or making them
discrimination work long hours.
15. The solicitor representing the car o) that some of its bars contained
company said contaminated cocoa beans.

Task 2. Translate into English:

Let’s get this straight; I want to make it quite clear that …; I must emphasize that
…; I want to underline the fact that …; There’s no doubt that …; I don’t have to spell it
out; I think the figures speak for themselves; I think the facts speak for themselves; You
don’t need me to tell you that …; Everyone should know by now that …; I thought I’d
made myself clear when I said that …; At the risk of repeating myself, I should say
here …; I don’t want to leave anyone in any doubt about the fact that …;I hope I made
myself clear.
Sorry, but can we just go back to what you said earlier?; Am I right in thinking
that you’re proposing … ?; So would it be true to say that what you’re suggesting is
…?; Correct me if I am wrong, but what you’re proposing is…; So, what you seem to
be suggesting is …; So, if I‘ve got this right, what you’re saying is …; Would I be right
in thinking that … ?; So, reading between the lines, your company seems to be offering
…; So, what you’re actually saying is …?Right. If I’m not mistaken, your policy is …;
You seem to be implying that …; You seem to be suggesting that; All the evidence
would seem to suggest that … .


Task 1 .Read the words and word combinations and learn them.
to run a company —керувати компанією
be in overall control —повністю контролювати
to report to smb — доповідати комусь, звітувати
be in charge of smth — бути відповідальним за щось
to supervise — спостерігати, бути головою,керувати
supervisor—інспектор, керівник
to move up to the position — отримати підвищення
to require — вимагати
initiate — виявляти ініціативу
implement — втілювати, застосовувати
oversee — передбачати
computer literacy — комп’ютерна грамотність
extract — вивільняти, почерпнути, витягати
branded product— фірмовий продукт
timeline — строк, термін
priority — пріоритет
option — вибір
research — досліджувати, вивчати
facility — устаткування
competitor — конкурент
compete — конкурувати
competitive — конкурентноспроможний
negotiate — вести переговори
software system — система програмного забезпечення
shipment — відвантаження, поставка
arrange — домовлятися, влаштовувати
treasury — скарбниця, казна
ensure — забезпечувати
coordinate insurance — координувати страхування
to market — привезти на ринок, купити або продати на ринку, знаходити ринки збуту,
plenipotentiary representative — повноважний представник
Task 2. Read and translate the text.
Each company, firm, joint venture, stock-holding company, concern, bank, fund has its
own complicated business structure and the staff which is necessary for the work. But
still there are some general principles how to organize the work at the enterprise.

The Managing Director or the Chief Executive or President is the head of the
company. The company is usually run by a Board of Directors. Each Director is in
charge of a department. The Chairman of the Boards is in overall control and may not
be the head of any one department.
Vice-President or Vice-Chairman is at the head of the company if the President or
the Chairman is absent or ill.
Most companies have Finance, Sales, Marketing, Production, Research and
Development, Personnel, Tax, Logistics Departments. These are the most common
departments, but some companies have others as well.
Most departments have a Manager, who is in charge of its day-to-day running, and who
reports to the Director. The Director is responsible for strategic planning and for making
decisions. Various personnel in each Department report to the Manager.

Task 3. Read the words and word combinations and learn them.

General Manager - головний менеджер

Sales Manager - менеджер з продажу
Marketing Manager - менеджер з маркетингу
Finance and Administration Manager - фінансовий та адміністративний менеджер
Customer Service Manager - менеджер по роботі з покупцями
Product Development Manager - менеджер по розвитку продукції
Business Information Analyst - аналітик бізнес-інформації
Tax Specialist - спеціаліст з податків
Travelling Agent - агент з подорожей
Advertising Agent - рекламний агент
Networking Administrator - адміністратор комп'ютерної мережі
Managing Director - керуючий
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) - керівник
Business Consultant - консультант з питань бізнесу
Sales Representative - представник з реалізації
Coordinator - координатор
Chief Accountant - головний бухгалтер
Cash Accountant - бухгалтер по роботі з готівкою
Bookkeeper - бухгалтер
Treasurer - касир, секретар акціонерного товариства, скарбник
Personal Assistant - особистий помічник
Public Relations Specialist - спеціаліст по зв’язках з громадськістю
Packaging Engineer - інженер з упаковки
Merchandiser - продавець
Commodity Trader - продавець товарів споживання
Information System's Group Leader - керівник групи інформаційних систем
Clerk - клерк, службовець
Task 4. Match the positions with its responsibilities.
1. Marketing a) supervises and leads the company's employees; maintains
Manager relations with customers, executes sales contracts and provides
problem analysis and resolutions; represents the company at
fairs and distributors' conferences; provides quality audits. This
person is self-motivated and must be a decision-maker.
2. Finance and b) manages the sales staff of a company, supervises sales activity
Administration including a staff of sales representatives, plans and achieves target
Manager sales revenues and maintains a positive relationship between the
company and its clients. This person must have extensive sales
experience, often as many as 5 years in the position of sales
representative before moving up to this. Excellent communication
and management skills are required. The person must be a proven
problem solver and possess management skills necessary to
develop a sales team.
3. Product e) must have strong accounting experience including maintenance
Development Manager of Internal Controls, costing, budgeting, forecasting and the
development of Management Information Systems. Must possess
proven general management skills, including development of
logistics and administration systems to support a rapidly growing
4. Forecast, Supply f) manages marketing department. He/She plans, directs and
and Transport executes all marketing and related activities; initiates and/or
Supervisor implements advertising strategy and promotional programs;
oversees creative effort and media plans. Must have 3 year
commercial experience, strong interpersonal skills, ability to
manage a team and lead personnel, excellent communication
skills, computer literacy.
5. General Manager g) finds proper persons, organizes and supervises the job of
customer service clerks; provides the solution for all existing
conflict situations; suplies information and orders forms for
distributors, directors; prepares monthly reports regarding
performance of distributors.
6. Financial h) develops branded products for the company; prepares a brief of
Controller the project, a timeline with priorities and options for the
successful competition of the project; researches on potential
facilities, provides competitors' analysis; realizes market
research on product quality and packing; negotiates with the
7. Sales Manager i) organizes and supervises trainers, develops and implements
training courses for distributors, directors, staff, etc.; learns the
existing training practice in other countries with the aim to
extract, develop and implement the best ideas; tests courses to
satisfy all distributors' and directors' needs in training.
8. Sales j) makes monthly forecasts of all products; works with a
Representative company software system; provides logistics; works with
suppliers concerning shipments.
9. Treasury, Budget k) realizes treasury and cash flow management; prepares, reviews
Specialist and monitors reports on all capital expenditure projects; provides
budget cycle and management reporting. ensures the company's
costing system. He/She deals with internal projects, company's
legal documents; coordinates all insurance matters.
10. Training Manager l) realizes coordination of commercial activities. Conducts
negotiations with customers; markets intelligence functions
targeting new customer group identifying business opportunities
and introduction of' new technologies. He/She is responsible on
and controls the selling activities in the frame of the regional
11. Customer Service m) develops accounting policies and procedures; inputs and
Manager oversees confidential and complex transactions, implements
auditing techniques that ensure accuracy of financial results;
analyzes data and provides recommendations to senior
management for improvement. Provides financial analysis,
improves internal controls. Must have University education, be
well-organized, accurate, detail-oriented personality.

Task 5. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1) Our company is a big enterprise with complicated structure.
2) The Managing Director runs this firm successfully.
3) The Board of Directors at the bank consists of 17 persons.
4) Mr.Wlliams, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, is in overall control of our
5) Have you met Mrs.Fox, the Vice-President of the joint venture?
5) There are 8 departments at our stock-holding company. The biggest is Sales
6) He has a great experience in developing food products that's why he's the head of the
Research and Development Department, and also one of the creators of our branded
6) Who leads your company and supervises everyday activities?
9) She is the Manager of Logistics Department, don't you know?
10) Will your company participate in the next fair and maintain relations with your old
Task 6. Read and translate words and word combinations; use them in the
sentences of your own.
to report to sb, a report, reporter; to be in charge of sth, a charge, to charge;
to execute, execution, executive, chief-executive;
to forecast, a weather forecast, forecasting in business;
to regard, regarding, regardless;
to satisfy (needs, requirements), satisfactory mark, to get satisfaction;
to compete, competitive price, competitor, competition;
to negotiate, to conduct negotiations, negotiable; to ensure, insurance.
Task 7. a) Read and learn the following explanations.
Factory - a building or group of buildings where goods are made: a car factory.
Plant - a factory or place where power is produced or an industrial process takes place;
a chemical plant.
Works – a place where things are made or industria prcesse are carried out : an
engineering works,a brick works
Mill – (often in compounds) a factory that produces a particular type of material: a
cotton/cloth/steel/paper mill.
b) Read and translate the following sentences. Learn where to use factory, plant, works
and mill.

1. The wheat is collected and sent to the flour factory. ×

The wheat is collected and sent to the flour mill. ۷
2. The brick factory was closed down during the recession. ×
The brick works was closed down during the recession. ۷
3. Just out side the town there is a large chemical factory. ×
Just out side the town there is a large chemical plant. ۷
4. They intend to build either a sports centre or a factory of shoes. ×
They intend to build either a sports centre or a shoes factory. ۷


Put factory after the thing that is produced: a bottle factory, a clothing factory.

Task 8. Fill in the blanks with factory, plant, works or mill (sg. or pl.), giving
alternatives where possible.

1. The company is to close its Nottingham ... at the end of the month. 2.My brother
works in a ... . 3. They didn't like the house because it was near the gas ... . 4. There are
several car ... in Birmingham. 5. The faulty goods must be sent back to the ... for
inspection. 6. She never eats chocolate at home because she works at a chocolate ... . 7.
He applied for a job at the local steel ... . 8. The air in our district is very clean because
there are no ... there. 9.In the north of England ... (pl.) used to be called ... (pl.). 10. The
printing ... is very badly equipped. Its ... is old and in a bad state of repair. 11. Workers
at the Lucas ... in Coventry, which makes brake linings, have put in a 15% pay claim.
12. The Courtauld chemical ... employs several thousand people.

Task 9. Fill in the blanks with company, firm or enterprise (sg. or pl.). Note that in
some cases there may be two versions, one more colloquial than the other.

Company – (often in names) a business organization that makes money by

producung or selling goods or services: a computer company, the National Bus

Firm – a business or a company: an engineering firm, a firm of accountants.

Enterprise - a company or a business (venture) : puplic enterprise, small

enterprise, commercial enterprise.

1. When she left school she got a job with a publishing ... . 2. In the country all
industrial ... are state-controlled. 3. This ... produces a wide range of high-quality
leather goods. 4. The ... he works for is closing two of its factories so he may be made
redundant soon. 5. Mr Richardson is an expert on ... law. 6. The famous English
conductor and producer Sir Thomas Beecham showed great ... in inviting the Russian
opera to London for the first time in 1913 and renting Drury Lane Theatre for the
season because his associates at Covent Garden did not think that such a tour would be
successful. 7. The Baltic Shipping ... was established in 1922. 8. They offered the contract
to a local building ... 9. The actors are English but the film was made by an American
film ... . 10. Her husband works for a civil engineering ... in Bristol. 11. A mixed
economy is one with a combination of nationalisation and private.... .12. Twinings is a
famous English .,. of tea merchants.

Task 10. Match the following establishments with what they produce.

1. Brewery a) where crude oil is made suitable for use

2. Bakery b) where milk and cream is bottled, butter and cheese made

3. Oil refinery c) where bread and cakes are made

4. Ship building d) where beer is made

5. Dairy e) where ships are built

Task 11. Suggest the most appropriate translations for the word office and then
translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.
1. His father works in an office. 2. I left my umbrella in the bus. You'd better go to
the lost property office. 3. He used to work in the factory but now he's in the office, in
the planning department. 4. Hardly anybody lives in the City of London. Nearly all the
buildings are banks or offices or shops. 5. She rang him at the office but was told that he
was at a meeting. 6. He went to the booking office and bought a ticket to Hull. 7. The
Foreign Office refused to comment on the decision. 8. These snack bars are used mainly
by office workers. 9. Wait here while I go to the inquiry office. 10. We must get permis-
sion for the change from our London office. 11. The House of Lords is unlikely to be
abolished or reformed while a Conservative government is in office. 12. (One employee
to another) Do you know where Mr Dent is?Isn't he in his office?


Task 1 . Read the words and word combinations and learn them.

To be run by - управляється (ким-небудь / чимось)

To run - управляти
To be in charge of - відповідальний за
To be responsible for - відповідальний за
Strategic planning - стратегічне планування
Self-reliant - впевнений у собі
Self-development - самовдосконалення
Tough-minded - жорсткий
To be related with - бути пов'язаним з
To be valued - оцінюватись
To be rated - оцінюватись
To require – наказувати, вимагати, потребувати
Requirement - вимога
Charisma - чарівність
To adhere - дотримуватись
Power cultures - силовий тип відносин
Role cultures - ролевий тип відносин
Task cultures - тип взаємовідносин, націлений на виконання завдань
Individual cultures - взаємовідносини індивідуальностей

Task 2. Read and translate the text. Answer the questions after it.
There are four types of organization cultures:
Power cultures. In these cultures self-reliant and highly competitive self-
development provіdes the basis of relations. A manager's success is related to their
charisma and influence, rather than to their knowlege and experience. The style of the
chief executive is the model for other managers. In organizations of this type managers
need to be tough-minded and aggressive.
Role cultures. In these cultures a manager's role is completely related to their place
within a centralized system. Their success depends on how well they adhere to rules,
procedures, and precedents. Individualism and aggression are not valued in these
cultures. Employees in these organization should not exceed the limits of their roles.
Task cultures. In organizations of this type they value everything that makes it
possible " to get the work done". The main concern in these organizations is connected
with successful completion of their projects. A manager's success is related to their
knowlege and experience required to achieve tasks, rather than to meet the requirements
of their role.
Individual cultures. In organizations of this type freedom of expression is valued
the most. Effectiveness of any activity in these organizations is rated by how much the
activity satisfies the staff, rather than by how well it conforms to business plans.
Independence, creativity, and experiment are also valued in these organizations.
1. What types of organization cultures do you know?
2. What characteristic provides the basic of Power Cultures?
3. Does the manager's success depend on his knowledge and experience in organization
of Power Cultures?
4. What is the main concern in Task Cultures?
5. What characteristics are not valued in Role Cultures?
6. What type of cultures suppose independence, creativity and experiment?

Task 3. Match the culture with its features.

1. Power cultures a) independence, creativity
2. Role cultures experiment b) "to get the work done"
3. Task cultures c) to adhere to rules, procedures and precedents
4. Individual cultures d) self-reliant and highly competitive self-development

Task 4. Read the word combinations and learn them.

Chairman of the Board of Directors—голова правління ради директорів
Finance Department — фінансовий відділ
Sales Department — відділ торгівлі і реалізації
Marketing Department —відділ маркетингу
Production Department —виробничий відділ
Research and Development Department — відділ фінансового прогнозування та
Personnel Department — відділ кадрів
Tax Department — податковий відділ
Logistics Department —транспортний відділ

Task 5. Translate the dialogue into English.

A: Із скількох відділів складається ваша фірма?
B: Наша фірма складається з шести відділів.
A: Хто керує вашою компанією?
B: Президент є головою нашої компанії.
А: Коли зустрічається Рада директорів?
B: Рада Директорів зустрічається кожного місяця.
A: Які обов'язки у менеджера?
B: Менеджер відповідає за щоденні справи і звітує директору.
A: Які обов'язки у директора?
B: Директор відповідає за стратегічне планування та прийняття рішень.

Task 6. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. The subsidiaries report to the Sales Department.
2. The Managing Director is assisted by four executive departments.
3. Sales Manager is responsible for his department.
4. Finance department is in charge of finance and accounting.
5. The head of the accounts department is responsible for all the money in the company.
Task 7. Translate the phrases into English.

Бути відповідальним за; відділ збуту; експорт; виготовлення; збори акціонерів;
рада директорів; дочірня фірма; філіал; обіг; дослідження; розвиток.
Task 8. a) Read and learn the following explanations.
Director – one of a group of senior managers who run a company: the managing
director, an executive director.
Manager – a person who is in charge of running a business, a shop/store or a similar
organization or part of one: a bank manager , the sales manager.
Head - a person in charge of a group of people or an organization: the head of
department, the head of school.
Chief - a person with a high rank or the highest rank in a company or an organization:
army/industry/police chiefs.
Boss - a person who is in charge of other people at work and tells them what to do; a
person who is in charge of a large organization: I’ll ask my boss if I can have the day
off.; the new boss at IBM.
My father is the boss of a small shipping company. ?

My father is the manager of a small shipping company. ۷

Boss is usually used in informal styles: From the way he acts, you’d think that he was
the boss.

b) Fill in the blanks with director, manager, head, chief or boss.

1. (Customer to shop assistant) I'm not satisfied with your explanation. I should
like to speak to the ... . 2. The play has been staged by a young ... called John Drury. 3.
What does her husband do? He's a company ... . 4. You must get permission from the ...
librarian first. 5. (Schoolteacher to new colleague) If anybody behaves very badly, send
him to the ... . 6. (In an office) Andrew, the ... wants to see you. 7. John's been promoted
to ... engineer. 8. Who is the ... of the German Department? 9. The opening of the
exhibition was attended by the ... of the Tate Gallery. 10. He is export ... in a big
chemical firm. 11. What is the ... of a local education authority called? Usually the ...
education officer, but sometimes ... of education. 12. The hotel ... offered to move them
to a better room. 13. Scotland Yard sent ... Inspector Ferret to investigate the crime. 14.
It's a very interesting film. Who's the ... ? 15. The ... waiter showed the distinguished
company to their table.
Task 8. Read and think what would you say if you took part in the dialogue? Role-up the
A.: I don't know personally the Managing Director of your company, but I've heard that
he is a perfect specialist with big experience. Can you tell me what his responsibilities
include now?
B.: I'm pleased to help you understand........................................
A.: I can understand why you have so many departments: Finance, Sales, Marketing,
Production, Research and Development, Personnel. But who leads their work in the
B.: It's very simple........................................................................
A.: You are a Sales Manager at this firm. I see that every day you work since morning till
night, you travel frequently to the customers. What duties do you have at the firm? Who
is your chief?
B.: I agree with you, it's a hard work but very
A.: Why do you have such a big Finance Department at your company? I counted 12
people there. I know who is the Chief Accountant and what are his responsibilities.
But I see you have also the Cash Accountant, the Treasurer, the Statutory
Accountant, etc. What do all the people do there?
B.: You are quite right but don't forget that...................................

Task 9. Read and translate the dialogue.

Mr. Bespalov is at the office of Continental Equipment. He is having an appointment
with the managers of this company.

- Good morning, gentlemen! How are you?

- Fine, thanks. And how are you getting on?
- Very well, thank you.
- Let me tell you about our company. As you know, Mr. Bespalov, we produce
processing equipment. Our firm consists of 6 departments : Production, Sales, Export,
Financial, Personnel and Research & Development. The last one is the newest at the
company. It was created five years ago... We are managed by the Meeting of
Shareholders and the Board of Directors. Earlier the Chairman of the Company was one
of the senior partners, but now it is Mr. Rogers, as you know. Currently we employ
about 1600 people. Our turnover is more than $ 300 million.
- You will work with our Export Department. We export our equipment to 5 countries.
We also have two subsidiary companies in Holland and Germany with headquarters in
those countries.
-Are they your subsidiaries or branches?
- They are our subsidiaries. Each company trades under its own name. We are looking
for new partners in Eastern Europe as well, as we would like to expand our activities.
That's why Mr Cartwright went to Kiev to establish personal contacts with your
company. Have you read all our correspondence with your Director?
- Yes, I think so. We investigated your business proposal thoroughly.
- Have you got our price-lists and catalogues with you now or shall I ask Miss Elliot to
bring a copy?
- Thank you, but I have them with me as well as copies of your letters. I expect to make
the Draft Contract here, maybe by the end of this week, and to conclude the Contract
with you after discussing it with my Director by phone.
- All right. Let us get down to business. Today and tomorrow we were going to talk
about terms of payment and delivery.
- Right. And the day after tomorrow we'll be talking about packing and transportation.
- Then I plan to go to London for three days. As you know, there will be an exhibition.
Will you join me?
- Yes, with pleasure. It would be very helpful for the purpose of my visit.
- I hope so. And after that you'Il have enough time for a visit to our factory and to go
- That suits me fine. I expect to submit the Draft Contract to my Director by fax not
later than next Wednesday.

Task 10. Read and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1.The Managing Director is accountable to the board and is responsible for running the
company. 2. The subsidiaries report to the Export Sales Department which is
accountable to the Board. 3. The Managing Director is assisted by four executive
departments. 4. Human Resources department is responsible for personnel, training and
management development. 5. Finance department takes care of corporate finance and
6. Sales Director is in charge of the people who sell the products of the company.
7.Sales Manager is responsible for supplying goods to customers. 8. The head of the
accounts department is responsible for all the money in the company, handles payments
from customers and wages for staff. 9. The person who greets a visitor and tells him or
her to get to the right office is the receptionist. 10. Accounts are the employees who
check a company's financial affairs.

Task 11. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Кожний менеджер відповідає за свій відділ. 2. Наш менеджер звітує

виконавчому директору кожного місяця. 3. Містер Браун - президент вашої
фірми? Ні, він відповідає за дослідницький відділ. 4. Голова бухгалтерського
відділу відповідає за всі гроші компанії. 5. Наша фірма складається з декількох
відділів. Серед них дослідницький, бухгалтерський та відділ кадрів.


Task 12. Read the situations and speak up on them.

a) You are a Public Relations Specialist at a big firm.. Today you have a conference with
journalists of the most importantnewspapers in the country. Your task is to represent your
firm, its goals, its structure, the staff. Prepare a report for the conference using the
information provided by this lesson.

b) Act as an interpreter at a big enterprise. The Managing Director (Mr.Moroz) will have a
meeting with a new partner (Mr. Blake) and wants him to get acquainted with the
struture of the enterprise, leading persons, and staff responsibilities.

c) Topics for further discussion:

1) How would you organize the work of the enterprise if you were the Managing
1) What departments are necessary at every enterprise?
2) What responsibilities and duties are essential for the staff of each department?
3) Give an example of the successful business. Try to analyse its structure and staff.


Task 1. Read the words and word combinations and learn them.

Company - компанія
firm - фірма
joint venture - спільне підприємство
stock-holding company - акціонерне товариство
concern - концерн
bank - банк
fund - фонд
complicated - ускладнений, складний
enterprise - підприємство
lead (led) - вести, керувати
maintain relations - підтримувати стосунки
execute - виконувати
forecasting - прогнозування
target - мета
revenue - прибуток
relationship - відносини
payment - плата
corporation - корпорація
the owner of a company – власник компанії
shareholder - акціонер
activity of the company – діяльність компанії
sole proprietorship - фізична особа підприємець
limited partnership - командитне товариство
general partnership - повне товариство
additional liability company - товариство з додатковою відповідальністю
Task 2. Read and translate the text.
A sole proprietorship is one of the most simplest and uncomplicated of all
companies. This kind of business organization has a single person who owns and
controls it. He is the one who makes sure the entire business functions smoothly and is
also accountable for any profit or loss the business makes. Certain other features of the
sole proprietorship business organization are:
 Does not require a lot of money to form.
 The dissolution procedure is very easy, simple and quick.
 There are very few tax related facets attached with this type of business
 Any liabilities in business are the proprietor's personal liabilities
 Whenever the owner dies, the business organization also automatically stops
 The owner has unlimited liability in the organization.

This form of business structure is useful for people who have an expertise in a certain
field and want to make money by applying that knowledge. There is no need to consult
other people in the organization before taking any decision and also employees have no
stock options. However, when it comes to taxation and other financial aspects, there is
no difference between the proprietor's personal life and business, as it is regarded one
and the same by the government. It is therefore important to have a good knowledge
about these obligations, before deciding to start a sole proprietorship.

Partnership firms involve a business organization formed between two or more
people. All these members are known as partners and are joint owners of the entire
business organization. The partners are accountable for any profit, loss or liability of the
business organization. An important feature of this type of company is that all partners
enter into a pre-defined agreement regarding profit sharing and loss bearing, before
starting their venture. Irrespective of the capital brought in or the profit-loss sharing
percentage of a partner, he can be asked to pay off total debts of the company, as the
partners have a joint as well as several liability in the organization. Certain other
features include:
 Similar to a sole proprietorship, partnership ventures are simple, easy and quick
to form
 The whole taxation policy and obligations are a little complex, but there is no
specific tax for the partnership firm.
 Every partner is jointly and individually liable to the entire firm.
It depends upon the agreement between partners, as to how they would like to run the
firm. Dissolution of the firm takes place when a partner turns bankrupt, dies or through
a mutual decision between the partners. Before getting into a partnership firm, it is
important to understand that the financial obligations and agreement between partners.
Partnership firms are broadly divided into three types:
 General Partnership: Every partner enjoys equal ownership rights along with
profit sharing and loss bearing, unless specifically mentioned in the agreement.
 Limited Partnership: In this type, not all partners participate in the running of
business. One of them is responsible for this, while others bring in the capital.
 Joint Venture: This particular partnership is formed by two people only for a
particular project and is dissolved on its completion.
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
This is one of the more recent types of companies which has come into being only
recently. A limited liability company is a mix of business corporation and
partnership and provides greater flexibility by blending benefits of both. Similar to
partnership firms, an LLC can be as simple or complicated as the partner wants it to
be. According to rules of the state, partners in an LLC get limited liability or
unlimited liability. A few state laws also call for a pre-fixed date to be decided by
members at the time of formation, when the firm will dissolve. Tax obligations of an
LLC are similar to ones applicable to a partnership firm. However, during formation,
members should be careful in not including more than two features of a business
corporation in the agreement, or else the LLC will be treated like a business
corporation for taxing purposes. The best part about LLCs is that they are very
flexible and therefore can be formed to run a variety of business ventures. The most
important part in the formation procedure is the agreement between members and
hence it needs to be carefully created.
Business Corporation
Of all the types, the business corporation is the most complex type. Whenever a
business corporation is incorporated or registered with the government, a new
separate entity is created. This is distinct from the owners and therefore irrespective
of the personal financial condition of all shareholders, the organization continues to
function until dissolved. The shareholders, or owners, decide and elect directors who
form necessary policies and rules for the proper functioning of the organization.
Various mangers and officers are appointed by these directors who actually control
the daily on goings of the organization. There are numerous legal formalities like
approvals and meetings which need to be adhered to by corporations. There are
basically 4 types of business corporations - General Corporation, Close Corporation,
S Corporation and Non-profit corporation. With basics remaining same, there are a
few differences in terms of number of share holders and profit sharing polices, which
separate them from each other. There are a few advantages of a business corporation.
The most crucial one being the fact that a business corporation is treated as different
from the owner and his personal liabilities. However, it takes a lot of time, money
and legal formalities to set up a business corporation

Less commonly seen types of companies are:

 Companies formed by letters patent. Most corporations by letters patent are

corporations sole and not companies as the term is commonly understood today.

 charter corporations. Before the passing of modern companies legislation, these
were the only types of companies. Now they are relatively rare, except for very
old companies that still survive (of which there are still many, particularly many
British banks), or modern societies that fulfil a quasi regulatory function (for
example, the Bank of England is a corporation formed by a modern charter).
 Statutory Companies. Relatively rare today, certain companies have been formed
by a private statute passed in the relevant jurisdiction.

Note that "Ltd after the company's name signifies limited company, and PLC (public
limited company) indicates that its shares are widely held."

In legal parlance, the owners of a company are normally referred to as the "members".
In a company limited or unlimited by shares (formed or incorporated with a share
capital), this will be the shareholders. In a company limited by guarantee, this will be
the guarantors. Some offshore jurisdictions have created special forms of offshore
company in a bid to attract business for their jurisdictions.

There are however, many, many sub-categories of types of company that can be formed
in various jurisdictions in the world.

Companies are also sometimes distinguished for legal and regulatory purposes between
public companies and private companies. Public companies are companies whose shares
can be publicly traded, often (although not always) on a regulated stock exchange.
Private companies do not have publicly traded shares, and often contain restrictions on
transfers of shares. In some jurisdictions, private companies have maximum numbers of

 DAT/ДАТ (Державне акціонерне товариство): ≈ p.l.c. (UK), national
 FOP/ФОП (фізична особа підприємець): sole proprietorship
 KT (Командитне товариство): ≈ limited partnership
 PT/ПT (Повне товариство): ≈ general partnership

 TDV/ТДВ (Товариство з додатковою відповідальністю): "additional liability
 TOV/TOB (Товариство з обмеженою відповідальністю): ≈ Ltd. (UK).
Minimum capital UAH 63,000.
 PP/ПП (Приватне підприємство): ≈ Ltd. (UK). No minimum capital.
 VAT/ВАТ( Вiдкрите акцiонерне товариство) or PuAT/ПуАТ (Публічне
акціонерне товариство) since 29.04.2009: ≈ p.l.c. (UK), public. Minimum
capital UAH 630,000.
 ZAT/ЗАТ (Закрите акцiонерне товариство)or PrAT/ПрАТ (Приватне
акціонерне товариство) since 29.04.2009: ≈ p.l.c. (UK), private.
 AO/AO (Адвокатське об'єднання): ≈ Law firm/Legal company - is registered by
the Ministry of Justices of Ukraine.

Company formation is regulated by the Ukrainian Civil Code and Commercial Code,
Law of Commercial companies, Law of stock companies, law and order.

United Kingdom
 CIC or community interest company
 Industrial and Provident Society, eg. a Co-operative (which does include Ltd. at
the end of its name) or charity
 General partnership
 LLP or Limited liability partnership
 LP or Limited partnership
 Ltd. or Cyf (Limited, or Welsh Cyfyngedig): a private company limited by shares,
the shares not being traded publicly
 p.l.c. or Ccc (public limited company, or Welsh Cwmni Cyfyngedig Cyhoeddus):
a company whose shares may be traded publicly. Requires an authorized
minimum share capital of £50,000;[2] of which it must have allotted shares to the
value of at least £50,000 and a minimum of 25% must be fully paid up prior to
starting business.
 Private company limited by guarantee. Such a company must include Limited or
Ltd. at the end of its name (so cannot readily be distinguished from a private
company limited by shares), unless it cannot distribute its profits. Guarantee
companies are commonly used by not for profit organizations, which do not
include Ltd. at the end of their names.
 Unlimited company (or Welsh Anghyfyngedig). A company either with or without
a share capital whose members or shareholders do not benefit from limited
liability should the company ever go into formal liquidation. It is not a
requirement under company law to add or state the word or designation
Unlimited or its abbreviations (Unltd., or Ultd.) at the ending of its legal company
name, and most unlimited companies do not. Unlimited companies are exempted
from filing accounts with the Registrar of Companies for public disclosure,
subject to a few exceptions (unless the company was a qualified subsidiary or a
parent of a limited company during the accounting period).
 Sole proprietorship or Sole trader

United States

In the United States, the individual states incorporate most businesses, and some special
types are incorporated by the federal government. For federal tax purposes, the Internal
Revenue Service has separate entity classification rules. Under the rules, an entity may
be classified as a corporation, a partnership or disregarded entity, and a corporation may
be either an S corporation or a C corporation.

Federally incorporated

 N.A. (National Association), a designation used by national banks

 NT&SA (National Trust and Savings Association), a less common
designation used by national banks
 Federal Credit Union
 Federal Savings Bank

Many governmental units are specially formed public corporations and some private
organizations have received a charter from Congress.

State incorporated The following are the main business designations and types:

 Corp., Inc. (Corporation, Incorporated): used to denote corporations (public or

otherwise). These are the only terms universally accepted by all 51 corporation
chartering agencies in the United States. However in some states other suffixes
may be used to identify a corporation, such as Ltd., Co./Company, or the Italian
term S.p.A. (in Connecticut; see under Italy). Some states that allow the use of
"Company" prohibit the use of "and Company", "and Co.", "& Company" or "&
Co.". In some states individuals and partnerships may register a fictitious name
with the word "Company" in it. For a full list of allowed designations by state,
see the table below. See also Delaware corporation, Nevada corporation,
Massachusetts business trust.
 General partnership is a partnership in which all the partners are jointly liable for
the debts of the partnership. It is typically created by agreement rather than being
created by a public filing.
 LLC, LC, Ltd. Co. (limited liability company): a form of business whose owners
enjoy limited liability, but which is not a corporation. Allowable abbreviations
vary by state. Note that Ltd. by itself is not a valid abbreviation for an LLC,
because in some states (e.g. Texas), it may denote a corporation instead. See also
Series LLC.
 LLLP (limited liability limited partnership): a combination of LP and LLP,
available in some states
 LLP (limited liability partnership): a partnership where a partner's liability for the
debts of the partnership is limited except in the case of liability for acts of
professional negligence or malpractice. This is often the only form of limited
partnership allowed for law firms (as opposed to general partnerships).
 LP (limited partnership): a partnership where at least one partner has unlimited
liability and one or more partners have limited liability
 PLLC (professional limited liability company): Some states do not allow certain
professionals to form an LLC that would limit the liability that results from the
services the professionals provide such as doctors, medical care; lawyers, legal

advice; and accountants, accounting services, when the company formed offers
the services of the professionals. Instead states allow a PLLC or in the LLC
statutes, the liability limitation only applies to the business side, such as creditors
of the company, as opposed to the service side, the level of medical care, legal
services, or accounting provided to clients. This is meant to maintain the higher
ethical standards that these professionals have committed themselves to by
becoming licensed in their profession and not immune to malpractice suits.
 Professional corporations (abbreviated as PC or P.C.) are those corporate entities
for which many corporation statutes make special provision, regulating the use of
the corporate form by licensed professionals such as attorneys, architects, and


Task 1. Write English eqvivalents to the words and word combinations:

1) бути відповідальним за 2) відділ збуту 3) експорт 4) виготовлення 5) збори

акціонерів 6) рада директорів 7) дочірня фірма 8) філіал 9) обіг 10) дослідження
11) розвиток.

Task 2. Translate into Ukrainian.

a) The subsidiaries report to the Sales Department.

b) The Managing Director is assisted by four executive departments.
c) Sales Manager is responsible for his department.
d) Finance department is in charge of finance and accounting.
e) The head of the accounts department is responsible for all the money in the company.

Task 3. Match the definition with its explanation.

1. stock-holding company a) підтримувати стосунки

2. maintain relations b) товариство з додатковою
3. sole proprietorship c) повне товариство
4. additional liability company d) акціонерне товариство
5. limited partnership e) фізична особа підприємець
6. general partnership f) командитне товариство

Task 4. Write Ukrainian eqvivalents to the word combinations:

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Finance Department
Sales Department
Marketing Department
Production Department
Research and Development Department
Personnel Department
Tax Department
Logistics Department

1. Why do people write letters?
2. What types of letters do you know?
3. What is a business letter?

Task 1. Read and translate the text.

Structure of a Letter
The art of writing a letter takes practice, knowledge about proper form and the
ability to put into words your feelings, thoughts, and/or ideas. If you learn the basic
parts of a letter, it will help you to create letters for a variety of occasions.

Parts of the Letter:

 Your address

At the top of your letter, you will put your address, so the reader will know where to
send their reply to.

 Date

Put the date on which the letter was written in the format Month Day Year i.e. June, 15,

 Inside Address

The inside address is only required for a business letter and will include the address of
the person you are writing to along with the name of the recipient, their title and
company name. If you are not sure who the letter should be addressed to either leave it
blank or try to put in a title, i.e. "Director of Human Resources".

 The Greeting

The greeting will address the individual that the letter is being sent to. This is usually
completed in the form of "Dear Anne" or "Hey Anne", for less formal letters.

 The Introductory Paragraph

The first paragraph and will generally outline the purpose for the letter and the reason

that the letter is being sent. This can address any issues that are outstanding and is used
to set the tone for the entire rest of the letter. In this first paragraph, the summary of the
letter can be found and the intentions which will be displayed through the rest of the
letter should be outlined. From the first paragraph of the letter, the introductory
paragraph, the individual should be able to note the tone of the letter.

 The Body

The body of the letter will expand upon the introductory paragraph and the individual
can extend their thoughts and feelings further when it comes to the letter. The body of
the letter can be anywhere from multiple pages for personal letters, to one page or two
pages for most business letters and other types of proposals.

 The Closing

In the closing of the letter, the individual will close the letter and finish any thoughts
that have been mentioned. The closing of the letter comes in various forms from yours
truly, for those individuals that are familiar with one another, to a traditional sincerely
which is a versatile closing that can be used in a variety of letters detailing many

 The Presentation of the Letter

The presentation of the letter can be hand-written for less formal letters that are
addressed to friends and family members, especially thank-you letters. In the case that
you have illegible handwriting, you may want to consider typing the letter in these
cases, although proper etiquette dictates against this type of behaviour.
Formal letters which are written on behalf of businesses to or professional
contacts should remain typewritten and grammatical and spelling error free. These types
of letters should be legible and professional and therefore typing the letter is one of the
most effective ways to ensure that the letter demonstrates a professional appearance
through the entire course of the letter, thereby creating a positive impression on the
recipient of the letter.
As well as outward presentation, it is important to determine the tone which will
be written in the letter, including a professional tone or a tone that will be taken with

friends or family members in a more informal setting. Read through the letter once it
has been completed to ensure that the tone remains the same. The tone can be adjusted
based on the language which is used through the letter, as well as the greetings (familiar
as opposed to formal).

Task 2. Match the parts of the letter (a-n) with its structural items (1-14).
1. salutation ---------e----------
2. signature ---------------------
3. letterhead ---------------------
4. enclosures ---------------------
5. complimentary close ----------
6. final paragraph -----------------
7. sender’s title --------------------
8. sender’s address ---------------
9. main paragraph ------------------ ----------------------------
11.introductory paragraph ---------- ---------------------------------
13.sender’s name --------------------
14.addressee’s name and address ---

Great Eastern Associates
377 King James Street
Edinburgh ED4 1MU

b Scotland
Tel: 00 44 1301 567567
fax: 00 44 1301 567586
c 7 February 2002

d Mr Felix Dubois
Banque Regionale du Sud-ouett 14 Route Nationals 24340

e Dear Mr Dubois
f Thank you for your recent enquiry.
g I enclose our brochure which gives you information about the services we offer and
our prices. If you would like any more information, please do not hesitate to contact
h We look forward to hearing from you.
i Yours sincerely
Fiona McDuff

k Fiona McDuff

l Partner

m Enc. GE Associates brochure

n Great Eastern Associates

Task 3. Read the text about how to write a good business letter and do the exercise
after it.

Business Letter Writing

Purpose of a Business Letter

A business letter (or formal letter) is a formal way of communicating between

two or more parties. There are many different uses and business letters. Business letters
can be informational, persuasive, motivational, or promotional. Business letters should
be typed and printed out on standard white paper.

Elements of a Good Letter

The most important element of writing a good letter is your ability to identify and
write to your audience. If you are addressing your letter to the department of human
resources, avoid using highly technical terms that only engineers would understand,
even if your letter is addressed to an engineering company, chances are that the
personnel in human resources does not have an engineering background. The next
element is that you make sure your present your objective in a clear and concise
manner. Don't be vague about your objective, most people will not have the patience to
sit there and guess at the meaning of your letter or the time to read a long-winded letter,
just get to the point without going into unnecessary details. Another important element
to remember is to remain professional. Even if you are writing a complaint letter,
remain polite and courteous, simply state the problem(s) along with any other relevant
information and be sure to avoid threats and slander.

Which of the following tips do you use when writing a letter? Put them in order
from greatest to least priority.

Letter Writing Tips

1. Always proofread the letter after writing it, check for sentence structure, grammar,
spelling mistakes...
2. Keep the recipient in mind, and write in a way that he/she can easily understand the
3. Don’t use abbreviated dates, e.g. use November 19, 2011, and not 11/19/11
4. Proofread the letter again (and again) after you have revised it.
5. Be respectful when you write, even if writing a letter of complaint.
6. Try to keep your letter short enough so that it fits on one page.
7. If your letter is more than a page long, use another page, don't use the back of the
8. Be concise and keep to the point, but don't leave out any important information.
9. If you have access to company (or personal) stationary with a letterhead on it, use
that instead of regular paper.

Task 4. The following abbreviations are widely used in letters . Match the abbreviations
with their right definitions.

a) asap 1. enclosure (when you include other papers with your

b) cc 2.postscript (when you want to add something after
you've finished and signed it)
c) enc 3. as soon as possible
d) pp 4. carbon copy (when you send a copy of a letter to
more than one person, you use this abbreviation to
let them know)
e) ps 5. per procurationem (a Latin phrase meaning that you
are signing the letter on somebody else's behalf; if
they are not there to sign it themselves, etc)
f) PSRP 6. please turn over (to make sure that the other person
knows the letter continues on the other side of the
g) pto 7. please reply


writer's city/state/zip code writer's
country month/day/year

addressee's address

salutation (Dear)+ addressee's name,

body of the letter


(signature, writer’s name, position)

Note: Readers in American English usually expect to find these parts of a letter
arranged in this way; they may be confused if the format is changed. In some countries,
for instance, the custom is to include the writer's name in the upper right-hand corner
above the writer's address. However, a reader accustomed to American English letters
may think that the (foreign) writer's name is a street, if it is written on the first line of
the address position.
Writer's Address. Although you will usually find that the writer places his/her
address in the upper right-hand corner of the page, business’ correspondents may
place their address in the letterhead at the middle top of the page, or at the lower left-
hand corner.
Envelope Address. On the envelope, the U.S. post office requires the
addressee's name on the first line, the street address on the second line, the
city/state/zip code on the third line, and the name of the country on the last line. All of
this should appear in the center of the envelope. The writer's name and address should
appear in the upper left-hand coiner of the envelope.

writer's full name STAMP

writer's street address
writer's city/state/zip code
writer's country

(title) addressee's full name

addressee's street address
addressee's city/state/zip code
addressee's country


Task 5. Read, translate and remember the samples, make up your own using the

1.1 APOLOGY (formal)

555 Rosamond Street

Greenville, MA 22232
September 15, 2011

Dear Mr. Smith:

I want to apologize for not having answered your very kind letter
sooner, but I have been away on a trip and just returned today. The
photographs you sent are beautiful. My family and I appreciate them very
much. They are the best kind of remembrance, and we are very grateful.

Again, please accept my apologies for the delay. And please give my
best regards to your family.


Your student, Alfred Chase

1.2. APOLOGY (informal)

September 15, 2012

Dear George,

I'm writing to tell you that I've lost your copy of" Gone with the Wind." I left it in
the lounge, and someone must have picked it up. I'm really very sorry, and will try to
replace it as soon as I can.


2.1. CONDOLENCES death in the family (formal)

900 Chesapeake Avenue N.

W. Washington, D.C. 20010
September 15, 2012

Dear Mr. Distal:

I was saddened to hear the news. Please accept my deepest
sympathy in your time of sorrow.

Your neighbor,
Catherine S. Black

2.2. CONDOLENCES death in the family (informal)

September 15, 2012

Dear Florence,

We're sorry to hear about your grandfather. We all share your sadness. He was a
wonderful man and we shall all miss him very much.
Please call us if we can help in any way.

In sympathy,
2.3. CONDOLENCES on an illness (formal)

211 Oak Ridge Park Youngtown,

OH 33333
September 15, 2012

Dear Ms. Rogers,

We were sorry to hear about your illness and hope that you recover soon. With
best wishes for a speedy recovery,

Your English class

2.4. CONDOLENCES on an illness (informal)

June, 2012

Dear Rick,

We were sorry to hear about your illness, and hope that you'll be up and around,
soon. We miss you!

Get well soon,

Jenny and Paul

3.1. CONGRATULATIONS on the birth of a baby (formal)

West 12 Main Street Howard,

CA 88888
September 15, 2012

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Miller,

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter Melissa. May you enjoy all the
blessings of parenthood.
With very best wishes,

David R-T Johnson

3. 2. CONGRATULATIONS on the birth of a baby (informal)

4246 38th Street,
St. Louis, MO, 44444
September 15, 2012

Dear Martha and Tom,

What wonderful news! I was delighted to hear about the baby and that you all are
doing well. I want to congratulate both of you on the arrival of Melissa and wish you
many years of happy parenting!


3.3. CONGRATULATIONS on a new job (informal)

Fair-woods Apartments #42 100

Broad Avenue S.E. Tulsa,
OK 77777

September 15,2012
Dear Joe,

Congratulations on your new job! We were all really happy to hear the good news
and wish you the beet of luck.
Let us know how you're getting along—and when you're coming through Tulsa
again. Soon, we hope!
As ever,

3.4. CONGRATULATIONS on a birthday (informal)

September 15, 2012

Dear Kathleen,
Happy Birthday, and many happy returns of the day!

3.5. CONGRATULATIONS on a fiftieth wedding anniversary (formal)

Route 4, Box 200 Blackthorn,
KY 55555
September 15, 1988

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Brock,

Congratulations on your golden wedding anniversary! Although we can't be with
you to help you celebrate this very special occasion, please know that we are with you in
spirit on this happy and auspicious day.
With warmest best wishes.
Mary and John Smith

4.1. INVITATION (formal)

P.O. Box 7
Golden Sands, FL 44444
June 1, 2012
Dear Prof, and Mrs. Miller,
My family and I would like to invite you to spend the Fourth of July holiday at
our summer house on the ocean. Our house is near the beach and you will be free to
swim and walk along the shore to your heart's content. We will meet you at the airport
and lake care of all your transportation.
We are looking forward to seeing you and do hope that you can come.

Mary Margaret Nelson

4.2. INVITATION (informal)

September 15, 2012
Dear Paul,
We're having a Fourth of July get-together at our summer house.
Bring your "beach clothes and a good appetite and plan to spend the

P.S. We'11 pick you up at the airport, of course!

5.1. THANK YOU "bread and butter letter"

Toledo Park Hotel Cincinnati, OH

222S2 September 15, 1988
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Williams,
Thank you again for the wonderful weekend! I had such a good time visiting you
and your family, and I enjoyed meeting all your relatives. I shall never forget the warm

I hope that someday you are able to visit me and my family. I would like to return
your kindness and hospitality, and to show you around my hometown.
Please give my respects to all your family.

Douglas M.White

6.1 Complaint letter from a business customer to a telephone company

Dear Sir,

I am writing this letter to complain in the strongest terms about the poor service
that I have received from your company.

We signed up to your telephone and internet service package two months ago
because your advertising suggests that you are better than Telco. In addition, you
promise to deal with problems quickly and efficiently, something that Telco were unable
or unwilling to do. However, in the first month of service you managed to cause me to
lose two days worth of business because of poor administration. The main problem was
that you failed to provide me with the correct telephone number, 9818 8747, that you
had promised when I completed the contract. This phone number was an established
business line which I had been using for the last three years. Obviously this meant that
my clients were unable to contact me and it cost me many hours of phone calls to
resolve the matter with your support centre.

I would appreciate it if this situation could be resolved and a substantial rebate

offered on my first three month's account.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

John O'Sullivan

6.2 Complaint letter from business to business.

Dear Mr Thompsen,

I recently received a letter from a Mr Robinson, a valued customer of ours. He

purchased an Italian coffee table and four French dining-room chairs from us which
your company delivered to his residence.
He has written to complain that the purchases arrived damaged. We pride
ourselves in the quality of our products and would like an explanation as to how this
mishap occurred. Even though the items are insured, our reputation is at stake.

I would be most grateful if you would reply as soon as possible so that this matter
can be resolved to everyone's satisfaction.


Jackie Middleton

Customer Services Manager

6.3 Sample Business Letter

3519 Front Street

Mount Celebres, CA 65286

October 5, 2004

Ms. Betty Johnson

Accounts Payable
The Cooking Store
765 Berliner Plaza
Industrial Point, CA 68534

Dear Ms. Johnson

It has come to my attention that your company, The Cooking Store has been late
with paying their invoices for the past three months.
In order to encourage our customers to pay for their invoices before the due date,
we have implemented a discount model where we'll give you 2% off your invoice if you
pay us within 10 days of receiving the invoice.
I hope that everything is going well for you and your company. You are one of
our biggest customers, and we appreciate your business. If you have any questions, feel
free to contact me at (555) 555-5555.



Bob Powers
Accounts Receivable

Task . Read and translate the information about common mistakes while writing

Common Mistakes in Letter Writing

Mistake #1: Not identifying the purpose of the letter.

Whether your letter is for business or personal communications, you should state
in the beginning what the letter is about. For example, you are requesting a refund for a
broken product or you are following up on a proposal. Even if you are just "saying
hello" to Aunt Jane, state the purpose of your letter early on. That way Aunt Jane will
know to read with enjoyment as you tell her the latest events in your life, or whether to
read fervently to the end for the delivery of some horrible bad news. When you don't
identify the purpose for your writing, the recipient may not place the proper priority or
urgency to your letter or, in the case of business, may direct it to the wrong department
thus delaying your refund or prolonging a decision.
Mistake #2: Not getting to the point.
Just as when you don't identify the purpose for your letter, not getting to the point
risks having the recipient miss the intended message entirely. If you're really writing to
resolve a specific problem, don't spend three paragraphs apologizing in advance or
talking about unrelated issues. Also known as disorganization, not getting to the point
turns a bad letter into a missed opportunity.
Mistake #3: Redundancy.
There are several types of redundancy, and all of them are equally unnecessary.
The first, and easiest to identify, is using the same word more than once in the same
sentence or more than three times in the same paragraph. An example is "She added a
personal touch to the personal letter she wrote." The second type of redundancy that
many writers miss in their own writing is repeating the same idea in different words:
"Her message was effective because it was personal. The personal nature of her letter
made her message effective." This message is not effective - it's redundant.
Mistake #4: Using unfamiliar acronyms, abbreviations or technical
Don't assume your audience knows all the abbreviations, lingo and acronyms that
you know. An acronym is word formed from the initial letters of a name, such as CHOP
for Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. The same letters can stand for different
organizations or meanings depending on where the person lives or other frame of
reference. Or they simply may not know what it stands for. The same goes for technical
language or jargon specific to a given profession, industry or interest group and for
abbreviations beyond the basic Mr./Ms. and etc. And it's probably okay to use OK.
Mistake #5: Using ambiguous or confusing words.

Similar to avoiding acronyms try to choose words with clear meaning, especially
if your letter is attempting to resolve a conflict. Ambiguous subjects or misplaced
descriptive phrases can totally change the intended meaning of your words. If you are
having trouble identifying your own ambiguity, try writing your major points in very
simple subject-verb-object format. Even if it feels childish, this exercise will actually
spell out for you the key players and actions you want to communicate. You can fill in
details and modify the sentence structure - after you are clear about what you need to
Mistake #6: Monotonous sentence structure.
Counterbalance to mistake #5, you don't want to bore your audience to sleep
either. Writing every sentence in the same exact structure and length is amateurish and
disruptive to the flow of the letter. Vary sentence length and alter noun-verb order to
add interest to your message.
Mistake #7: Inconsistency.
Variety, however, should not be confused with inconsistency. There are two
things that generally should not vary within a sentence or even within your letter:
person and tense. Person refers to first (me, I, we), second (you) and third (he, them,
etc.). Tense pertains to verbs or action happening in the past, present or future. Of
course, there are always exceptions to this rule, such as occasions where "I" am telling
"you" how "I" feel. Inconsistency applies to technique as well as meaning. If you are
sending mixed messages, the only sure outcome of your letter is confusion.
Mistake #8: Fragments, run-on sentences and missing or incorrect
A lot of people have heard of a fragment but don't recognize it when they write
one. A fragment is simply not a complete sentence. Commonly used fragments are noun
phrases (the man with the short beard and navy jacket), verb phrases (walking through
the park and over the hill), and prepositional phrases (on a tree stump within the
national park reserve). Run-on sentences have the opposite problem: they are defined as
two complete sentences not separated with proper punctuation such as a period, comma-
and, colon, or semi-colon. Punctuation deserves an article of its own, but common
problem areas are possessive pronouns vs. contractions ("its" is the correct possessive
pronoun, while "it's" is a contraction for "it is"), hyphen vs. dash (a hyphen combines
two words into one whereas a dash is used to separate words to distinguish multiple

ideas or phrases), and misplaced commas. Items in a series should have a comma after
each item. A comma before the word "and" at the end of the series is optional, but do
not ever use a comma after the word "and". That is a misplaced comma.
Mistake #9: Bad spelling and misused words.
It ought to go without saying; misspelled words are a common mistake in letter
writing. Not only does bad spelling make you look unprofessional, it also gives the
reader the impression that you don't know what you are talking about. If they don't
believe you, your communication is ineffective. If you are using a computer, be sure to
run a spelling and grammar check at least once. Do not, however, rely on spell check
alone. You should know by now, software programs do not identify correctly spelled
words that are used incorrectly in the context of the sentence. A notorious example is
the transposition of the words "from" and "form". Also, most software does not
recognize proper names or some technical or industry-specific terminology. If you are
not paying attention, your software editor may change a word you spelled correctly to
something completely different -- while you are not looking!
Mistake #10: Not reading it over before you send it.
The last example is an excellent reason to be sure to re-read your letter before
sending it to anyone. Even if you think your letter is free of human error (which would
be rare!), your letter may have been corrupted by computer error or unintentional (and
sometimes misfortunate) auto-formatting. No matter what, read your letter through from
beginning to end at least one time. Keep an eye out for all the common mistakes above,
and make sure you have thoroughly supported your points. Follow these few strands of
advice and you are sure to produce a well-written letter that will communicate the
message you intend to convey and hopefully, achieve the results you desire.

Task 6. Use the samples of Business Letters and information about Common
Mistakes above to correct the following letter. Correct all spelling and
grammar errors. Make the necessary format changes and identify the
parts of a business letter.

1002 Mark Lane

Chatsworth, CA 91311
December 3, 2005
Mr. Michael Imchin
10027 Lark Lane
Chatsworth, CA 91311

Dear Ms. Imchin:

My name is Raquel Rose and I writting you this letter to address the trash that is
cluttering the streets in the city of Chatsworth. The streets that I am concerned about are
Desoto and Devonshire. I understand that yous the manager of Chatsworth’s Clean
Streets Project and I felt that it was important that I address my koncerns to you. I know
that the city cut your budget in half last August and that this has put a strain on your
budget? It must be impossible to cover all the streets in Chatsworth with half a staff. I
am asking that you concentrate on the street mentioned above because these are the
streets that are the heaviest with traffic.
Many peoples that live outside of Chatsworth drive this streets everyday to get to work.
I am afraid that they are getting a bad impression of what Chatsworth really looks like.
If it is not possible to concentrate your manpower to these streets, and I ask that you
reach out for volunteers to help keep these streets clean. I am a member of student body
at my school and I know that I can gather many of my friends to help you with this
project. We have also met many times at skool and have come up with other ideas to
clean our streets. if you are interested in us helping you or our ideas, please contact me
at the address listed above.

Task 7. Read and translate the letter. Using the information “Common mistakes in
Letter Writing” correct the mistakes concerning the purpose of the
letter, punctuation, format, etc.

UEFA Stadium Construction committee

To: Mr. John Ericson
From: Football club “Shahter” (Donetsk)
The registration number and date: №490, August the 3rd, 2006.
Topic: Invitation to a presentation

Dear Mr. Ericson!

As you already know, that Football Club “Shahter”(Donetsk) is about to build new 5
stars stadium, which meets all official UEFA requirements and has no analogue in
Ukraine. Recently the new tender realization process has been completed and we are
glad to present to you the General contractor.
In connection with the foregoing, we would like to invite one of the UEFA Stadium
Construction committee members to the presentation of General project contractor of
FC “Shahter”, which will take place in the hotel «Donbass Palace» at 13:00 p.m., June
26, 2006.
FC «Shahter» takes upon itself all the travel expenses including transfer, meals, and
Thank you in advance.
Looking forward to your reply.
Andrey Torunov
The Director of Sales, Marketing and Communications department
FC «Shahter» (Donetsk)

Task 8. a) Below is a formal letter. You must decide which of the phrases in bold
you think are most appropriate and adjust the letter to make it

My Name
My Road
My Town

Dear Mr Sexton,
I thought I’d write/ I am writing to complain about the state of the yard/condition of
the playground. Over the last two weeks, I have noticed loads of rubbish/a great
deal of litter.

I reckon/It is my opinion that this litter is a health hazard. For example, yesterday a
year 4 boy fell over and cut his hand on a broken bottle. The boy I’m talking
about/The boy in question needed four stitches.
Furthermore/On top of this, the litter is an eyesore. Our school has beautiful views of
the river and these are wrecked/spoiled by the litter.
I believe/I reckon that there are a load of things/a number of things that you could do
to fix/rectify this problem. Firstly, it may be possible for you/you could purchase
additional litterbins. This would help stop/prevent people discarding their litter
What’s more/In addition, I think that our school needs better/more adequate security
to prevent vandals littering.
To finish/In conclusion, I hope you will take my concerns seriously and I look forward
to your reply/you writing back to me.
Yours Sincerely/Yours Faithfully
Name Here

b) Now try to find the correct phrases in this informal letter. Remember, this is for
your friend.

Dear James,
How are you?/I trust this letter finds you well. I’ve been dead busy/extremely busy
since your last letter. We have to work really hard at school to get ready/in
preparation for our SATs.
Despite this, I did manage to play/partake of a game of football last night with my
friends/acquaintances. We won/were victorious! It was boss/outstanding!
Also, my dad got me/purchased for me a new mobile telecommunication
device/mobile phone. It’s an 8210!
Anyway, gotta go/go to cease writing! Speak to you soon. Please write back/please
respond swiftly.
Love from
My Name.

Task 9. Complete the letter, providing the necessary information.

Your name
Phone number
Company official
Company name
Company address

Dear Mr./Ms.:

I wish to complain about ____ (name of product or service, with serial number or
account number) that I purchased on ____ (date and location of transaction). I am
complaining because ____ (the reason you are dissatisfied). To resolve this problem I
would like you to ____ (what you want the business to do).

When I first learned of this problem, I contacted ____ (name of the person, date of the
call) at your company, and was told that nothing could be done about my problem. I
believe that this response is unfair because ____ (the reason you feel the company has
an obligation to you). I would like a written statement explaining your company's
position and what you will do about my complaint.

I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible to resolve this problem. If I do
not hear from you within 10 days I will file complaints with the appropriate consumer
agencies and consider my legal alternatives. I am enclosing copies of my receipt and
cancelled check. I may be contacted at the above address and phone number.


(your signature)

(also print or type your name)

Task 10. Make up your own letters:

 Of confirmation
 Of apology
 Of complaint
 Of condolences
 Of invitation
 Of enquiry

1. You can help a letter do its job by doing what?
a) writing it on pretty, coloured paper
b) using red ink to make the letter look serious
c) writing clearly and accurately
2. Where do you put your address when writing a formal letter?
a) at the end of the letter
b) in the top left-hand corner
c) in the top right-hand corner
3. Where do you put the date when writing a formal letter?
a) at the end of the letter
b) under the address in the top right-hand corner
c) just before your signature at the end of the letter
4. If you didn't know a person's name, how would you start a letter?
a) Dear Sir, Dear Madam or Dear Sir or Madam
b) Dear Mr, Dear Mrs or Dear Mr or Mrs
c) My dearest Sir, My dearest Madam or My dearest Sir or Madam
5. If you didn't know the name of the person you were writing to, how would you finish
a letter?
a) With love from
b) Yours faithfully
c) Yours sincerely
6. If you knew the name of the person you were writing to, how would you start a
formal letter?
a) Dear Mr/Mrs (and put their name here)
b) Just write their name with no 'Dear'
c) Dear Sir or Dear Madam
7. If you were writing a formal letter to someone whose name you knew, how would
you finish it?
a) With love from
b) Yours sincerely
c) Yours faithfully
8. Which of these is a good way to start a formal letter?

a) by saying why you are writing
b) by saying you hope the person you are writing to is well and happy
c) by telling the person you are writing to that you are well and happy
9. Which of these is a good way to end a formal letter?
a) say how much you like the person you are writing to
b) say how nice you are
c) say what you would like to happen next
10. When writing an informal letter you should do what?
a) scribble it down - you don't need to be neat and tidy
b) always end the letter with Love and kisses from
c)write neatly and use clear, simple English


To give a professional image when you write to your customers and business
partners try to remember the list of useful phrases. Read translate and use them in
your own sample letters.

Dear Mr Brown
Dear Ms White /Mrs/ Miss
Dear Sir
Dear Sirs
Dear Madam
Dear Sir or Madam

We are writing to inform you that ...
to confirm ...
to request ...

to enquire about ...
I am contacting you for the following reason.
I recently read/heard about . . . and would like to know . . .
Having seen your advertisement in ... , I would like to ...
I would be interested in (obtaining/receiving) ...
I received your address from ... and would like to ...
I am writing to tell you about ...
Referring to previous contact
Thank you for your letter of March 15 ...
Thank you for contacting us.
In reply to your request ...
Thank you for your letter regarding ...
With reference to our telephone conversation yesterday ...
Further to our meeting last week ...
It was a pleasure meeting you in London last month.
I enjoyed having lunch with you last week in Tokyo.
I would just like to confirm the main points we discussed on Tuesday . . .
Making a request
We would appreciate it if you would ...
I would be grateful if you could...
Could you please send me . . .
Could you possibly tell us/let us have...
In addition, I would like to receive ...
It would be helpful if you could send us ...
I am interested in (obtaining/receiving...)
I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.
Please let me know what action you propose to take.
Offering help
We would be happy to ...

Would you like us to ...
We are quite willing to ...
Our company would be pleased to ...
Giving good news
We are pleased to announce that ...
I am delighted to inform you that ...
You will be pleased to learn that ...
Giving bad news
We regret to inform you that ...
I'm afraid it would not be possible to ...
Unfortunately we cannot/we are unable to ...
After careful consideration we have decided (not) to ...
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with ...
I am writing to complain about ...
Please note that the goods we ordered on (date) have not yet arrived.
We regret to inform you that our order n°--- is now considerably overdue.
I would like to query the transport charges which seem unusually high.
We are sorry for the delay in replying ...
I regret any inconvenience caused
I would like to apologize for (the delay/the inconvenience) ...
Once again, I apologise for any inconvenience.
Thank you for your quotation of ...
We are pleased to place an order with your company for ...
We would like to cancel our order n°...
Please confirm receipt of our order.
I am pleased to acknowledge receipt of your order n°...

Your order will be processed as quickly as possible.
It will take about (three) weeks to process your order.
We can guarantee delivery before ...
Unfortunately these articles are no longer available/are out of stock.
Please send us your price list.
You will find enclosed our most recent catalogue and price list.
Please note that our prices are subject to change without notice.
We have pleasure in enclosing a detailed quotation.
We can make you a firm offer of ...
Our terms of payment are as follows :
Referring to payment
Our records show that we have not yet received payment of ...
According to our records ...
Please send payment as soon as possible.
You will receive a credit note for the sum of ...
Enclosing documents
I am enclosing ...
Please find enclosed ...
You will find enclosed ...
Closing remarks
If we can be of any further assistance, please let us know
If I can help in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me
If you require more information ...
For further details ...
Thank you for taking this into consideration
Thank you for your help.
We hope you are happy with this arrangement.
We hope you can settle this matter to our satisfaction.

Referring to future business
We look forward to a successful working relationship in the future
We would be (very) pleased to do business with your company.
I would be happy to have an opportunity to work with your firm.
Referring to future contact
I look forward to seeing you next week
Looking forward to hearing from you
" " to receiving your comments
I look forward to meeting you on the 15th
I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience.
An early reply would be appreciated.
Ending business letters
Sincerely, Yours sincerely (for all customers/clients)
Sincerely yours, Regards, (for those you already know and/or with
whom you already have a working relationship)
Yours faithfully /sincerely
Best wishes


Task 1. Read and translate the text:

Business Travelling
Business trips are just part of doing business. Trips can happen in or out of the
country. And there are as many reasons to go on a business as there are places to go: to
sign contracts, to discuss terms of delivery, payment or shipment, to have tests, to
consult, to improve one’s professional skills, to provide support. Representatives of the
companies involved usually make preliminary arrangements in order to meet. Whether a
long-term or short-term trip, the itinerary must be carefully planned by the head of a
department or another executive. After the trip, an employee is ordinarily expected to
give a full financial accounting of the trip to his boss. These trips are important because
they contribute to the expansion of a company’s business relationships and help that
company succeed in the competitive world market.
Business today is international in character, and business people often have to
travel. On a business trip people might meet colleagues and business partners for the
first time. Often, colleagues from different countries experience cultural difficulties.
Different cultures do things differently! It’s often useful when doing business in a
foreign land, to get some advice from a special agency which consults on questions of
international business. These days business trips are very important because face to face
meetings are more valuable to profitable business than any other type of strategy.
Business people very often go from place to place or to several places especially
to distant places to sell or buy and take orders for their companies. Nowadays people
who go on business mostly travel by air, as it is the fastest means of travelling.
Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it also has its advantages. You can
see the country you are travelling through, and not only the clouds as when you are
flying. Modern trains have very comfortable seats in all passenger carriages, and there
are sleeping cars and dining-cars which make even the longest journey enjoyable.

Some people prefer to travel by ship when possible. There are large liners,
holiday ships and river boats on board which you can visit different countries or parts of
your own country. Ships are not so fast as train or planes, but a sea voyage or a river trip
is a very pleasant way of spending a holiday.
Mane people like to travel by car. The advantages of this way of spending a
holiday are that you can make your own time-table, you don’t have to buy a ticket, and
you are not afraid you will miss your train. Besides, you can travel three or four
hundred miles or only fifty or one hundred miles a day, just as you like. And then you
can stop wherever you wish, where there is something interesting to see, at a good
restaurant where you can enjoy a good meal, or at a hotel to spend the night. That is
why travelling by car is popular for pleasure trips, while people usually take a train or
plane when they are travelling on business.

Task 2. Complete the sentences 1-10 using the correct words from box:

Advantages, booking-office, look out, plane, railway station,

journey, to complete, business, car, sea voyage

1. Hundreds of people want to catch a train, a ship or a plain at a _____, a port or an

2. _____ is the fastest way of traveling.
3. When you ring up the air-line _____, they will send your ticket to your home.
4. On board the plane you can sit and read, _____ of the window until you arrive at
your destination.
5. There are some _____ traveling by train.
6. The sleeping cars make even the longest _____ enjoyable.
7. A _____ is a very pleasant way of spending a holiday.
8. Travelling by _____ you needn’t worry about time-table and you don’t have to
buy a ticket.
9. People who go on _____ mostly travel by air, as it is fastest means of traveling.
10. Before the flights traveling must have enough time _____ the necessary airport

Task 3. Read the text. Tell whether each statement below is true (T) or false (F)
according to what you have read in the text.

British Airways. Check-in Information for Passengers

For all domestic and European flights, check-in is one and a half hours before
departure. For international departures, check-in is two hours before departure. You
must check in within the recommended time before your departure.
1. Your baggage must be securely closed and locked.
2. Every piece of you checked baggage must be labeled with your name and
destination address. We suggest a label should always be put inside each piece of
3. You must remove all old destination labels from previous trips. Old labels may
delay your baggage.
4. Do not carry unidentified object for other people.
5. You may carry personal items as cabin baggage. British Airport recommend
passengers include important documents, cash, valuable items, medication and
laptops (portable computers) in their cabin baggage. Do not pack these in your
checked baggage.
6. British Airport recommend passengers do not carry items which are considered a
security risk in their cabin baggage (e.g. scissors, knives or similar items).
7. British Airport recommend that all software on lap-top computers is backed up
before travelling.
8. Each item of checked baggage will be given a destination tag showing your flight
number and a section will be attached to your ticket. Please check that the tag shows
the correct destination and flight number.
The departure gates for British Airport flight close ten minutes before the
aircraft departure time and late arrivals at the gate may not be allowed to board.
1. You have to be at the airport ninety minutes before your flight.
2. You mustn’t put your name and address on your luggage.
3. It’s not a good idea to have old labels on your luggage.
4. You can’t take any objects on the flight that aren’t yours.
5. You can take medicines and expensive objects on board with you.
6. You can take a child’s toy gun on the flight with you.
7. You must make copies of your software before you fly.
8. You should look at the destination tag details on your ticket.

Task 4. Read and learn phrases to the subject:

Is there an excursion bureau nearby?

Where is it?
We are staying here only for...
- some hours
- one day
- a week
What main places of interest do you advise us to see?
Where does an excursion bus start off?
When does the excursion begin?
Could you recommend me a good guidebook of …?
Am I on a right way to..?
- a theatre
- a museum
- the Zoo
Sorry, where is a ...nearby?
- a post office
- a restaurant
- a toilet
I am a foreigner and I don't know the city. Couldn't you help me to find a..?

Task 5 . Read the dialogues given below and act them out:

Dialogue 1.

Passenger: Excuse me. Can you tell me where the booking-office is?

Porter: Yes, certainly on the first floor of the station. This way, please.
Passenger: Thank you. Good morning. Can I have two tickets in the first-class sleeper
for morning train to London tomorrow?
Clerk: Just a minute. Let me see. Well I can let you have two seats, but in different
carriages. Do you agree?
Passenger: Oh, no! Can you give me two tickets for the day after tomorrow?
Clerk: Yes, I can. This will be 350 dollars.
Passenger: Here’s the money. What platform does the train leave from?
Clerk: The train leaves from platform 5 at 9 o’clock.
Passenger: Thank you.

Dialogue 2.

- Hallo ….!
- Hallo ….! Where are you planning to spend the holiday?
- We are going to Crimea. And what about you?
- I was there with my family last summer. During this holiday we are going to
- How do you prefer to travel by air, by train, or by car?
- For me there’s nothing like flying. Travelling by plane means speed, comfort and
pleasure. Don’t you agree?
- Yes, but I think it’s not safe today. I prefer traveling by train. You can see a lot of
interesting things from carriage windows.
- You shouldn’t be afraid of that now with these modern planes.

Dialogue 3. At the Travel Agency

Customer: Hi!
Travel Agent: Hi, come in, please. Can I help you?
C.:- We’d like some information about tours around London.
T/A: Oh, good. We’ve a lot of exciting places of interest here in London. What about
sightseeing tour around the city?
C.: And what places will we visit?

T/A: Oh, the most wonderful places in London, I promise! Big Ben, the Houses of
Parliament, Trafalgar Square, Nelson’s Column, The Tower of London and many
others! It will be unforgettable tour, believe me!
C.: And how long does the tour last?
T/A: About three hours.
C.: How much is it?
T/A: Only 20 pounds.
C.: Where does the tour depart from?
T/A: From the Piccadilly Circus.
C.: Well… Ok, we’ll take it.
T/A: Could you sign here, please? Thank you. Good-bye, and I hope you enjoy your
London sightseeing tour!

Task 6 . Complete the dialogue with the phrases from the box:

- 8 o’clock, platform 12. If you hurry you’ll just catch it.

- Single or return?
- Sixty-five pounds, please. Five pounds change, thank you.

- I want a ticket to Bern, second class, please.

- ………………………………..
- Return, please.
- ………………………………..
- Could you tell me what time the next train is?
- ………………………………..
- Thanks.

Task 7. Put the dialogue into the correct order.

1. - Hallo…! I haven’t seen you for ages. You are the picture of health! You are so
sunburnt and fresh. Where were you?
2. - Really? It’s great. As for me I have never been on such voyage. How did you
like it?

3. - Oh, it was wonderful. We booked a first-class cabin on the “Chajka” a very
comfortable steamer. We had a nice 2-berth cabin with air-conditioning and
4. - Oh! I have been on holiday cruise. I sailed from Yalta to Turkey.
5. - Great! Next summer I’ll spend my holiday in the same way.
6. - Hallo …!
7. - 15 days.

Task 8. Read these proverbs, give their Ukrainian equivalents. Explain what they
1. He that travels far knows much.
2. Poor man’s luggage is always light.
3. Every departure has an arrival.
4. The more in hast, the less in speed.

Task 9. Solve the crossword using the words from the text.
a) Let’s have a short excursion about Europe. This crossword has 4 across words
and 3 down, the goal is to fill the white squares with letters, by guessing the names of
the cities. Having read the information about these cities you have to guess its name.
When you guess you may spell it into the square with the referring number.

1. It is the capital city of one of the EU countries. First documented in the 13th
century, the city was successively the capital of the Kingdom of Prussia (1701–1918).
After World War II, the city was divided into two parts: East and West by the Wall .
2. It is the second largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland. Situated on the
Vistula River (Wisła). It was the capital of Poland. Major landmarks include the Main
Market Square with St. Mary's Basilica and the Sukiennice Cloth Hall, the Wawel
3. This city is truly the most beautiful in the world. It flourished during the 14th
century during the reign of Charles IV, the king of Bohemia . He began construction of
the Gothic Saint Vitus Cathedral, the Charles Bridge (Karlův Most), he founded Charles
University. It is the city where the best Czech beer is brewed.

4. This city is European center of classical music and fine arts. Wolfgang
Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven and Johann Strauss II, among others, were
associated with the city. It is the last great capital of the nineteenth century ball. The
Opera Ball is the best know place of all the Austrian balls.
5. It is the most romantic city in the world. The city lies on 117 small islands
along the Adriatic Sea, buildings and palaces are linked with channels. The city has
played an important role in the history of symphonic and operatic music, and it is the
birthplace of Antonio Vivaldi. This city is also popular for its Murano glass produced in
Murano island and for beautiful lace produced in Burano.
6. This city is a major archaeological hub. City contains numerous ancient sites,
including the Forum Romanum, Trajan's Market, Trajan's Forum, the Colosseum
(which is regarded as a wonder of the world), and the Pantheon. It became the home of
numerous artists and architects, such as Bernini, Caravaggio, Carracci, Borromini and
7. This city is located in the North-West of Europe on the river Thames. It is a
leading global city, with strengths in the arts, commerce, education, entertainment,
fashion, finance. It is the world's largest financial centre alongside New York. It has the
most international visitors of any city in the world. In 2012 it will become the first city
to host the Summer Olympics three times.

2 4

Answers: Prague; Rome; Berlin; Vienna; Venice; Cracow; London.

b) Choose 2-3 famous cities or towns, describe them for the group mates to guess.
Task 10. The role-play “At the travel agency.”

Task: One of the students is a travel agent and the other – the customer, who
needs advice and full information about the trip. He wants to know everything about the
total price of the trip, the places and sights they are visiting, the length of the trip, type of
accommodation, the method of payment. The travel agent wants to attract the client, he
gives full information about different travel routs, describing their advantages and
disadvantages, he describes hotels to stay in, their facilities, and shows guide-books about
places the visit.

I. Match the words and definitions:

1. 1. departure lounge a) bags that do not go in the passenger cabin

2. 2. delay b) area where passengers wait
3. 3. cabin c) connected
4. 4. valuables d) slow down or cause to be late
5. 5. checked baggage e) security area where you get on the plane
6. 6. attached f) things that you own that cost a lot of money
7. 7. gate g) get on a plane, train or boat
8. 8. board h) area in the plane where the passengers sit
9. 9. destination i) a place which is set for the end of a journey or to
which something is sent.
10. insurance j) a place to live; room, flat, house, hotel room
11. accommodation k) money paid regularly for the use of a room, building,
piece of land, etc.
12. rent l) the price asked or paid for goods or services.
13. currency exchange m) a charge or payment fixed according to a standard
14. charge n) agreement by contract to pay money esp. in case of a
misfortune (such as illness, death or accident)
15. rate o) the process of changing an amount of one currency
for an equal value of another

Part II. At the Customs

Task 1. Read and learn words and phrases:

customs / custom-house митниця

custom-house officer працівник митниці
customs official (inspector, agent) митник
customs regulations митні правила
observe customs regulations дотримуватися митних правил
break customs regulations порушувати митні правила
customs inspection / customs митний огляд
customs declaration (entry) митна декларація
customs duty митний збір / мито
excise duty акцизний збір
customs limits (restrictions) митні обмеження
fall (come) under restrictions попадати під обмеження
levy duties (on) обкладати митом
duty-free / tax-free / tax-exempt / taxless той, що не обкладається митом або
duty-free quota list список предметів, дозволених до
безмитного возу
prohibited articles list список товарів, ввіз або вивіз яких
subject to duty / liable to duty той, що обкладається митом
customable належний митному оподаткуванню
declaration form декларація
international insurance certificate міжнародне страхове свідоцтво
health certificate довідка про здоров'я
entry visa віза на в'їзд у країну
exit visa віза на виїзд із країни
transit visa транзитна віза

Task 2. Read and translate the text:

Customs is an authority or agency in a country responsible for collecting and
hookers customs duties and for controlling the flow of goods including animals,
transports, personal effects and hazardous items in and out of a country. Depending on
local legislation and regulations, the import or export of some goods may be restricted
or forbidden, and the customs agency enforces these rules. The customs authority may
be different from the immigration authority, which monitors persons who leave or enter
the country, checking for appropriate documentation, apprehending people wanted by
international arrest warrants, and impeding the entry of others deemed dangerous to the
country. In most countries customs are attained through government agreements and
international laws.
A customs duty is a tariff or tax on the importation (usually) or exportation
(unusually) of goods. In the United Kingdom, customs duties were typically part of the
customary revenue of the king, and therefore did not need parliamentary consent to be
levied, unlike excise duty, land tax, or other forms of taxes.
Customs procedures for arriving passengers at many international airports, and
some road crossings, are separated into Red and Green Channels. Passengers with
goods to declare (carrying items above the permitted customs limits and/or carrying
prohibited items) should go through the Red Channel. Passengers with nothing to
declare (carrying goods within the customs limits only and not carrying prohibited
items) can go through the Green Channel. Passengers going through the Green Channel
are only subject to spot checks and save time. But, if a passenger going through the
Green Channel is found to have goods above the customs limits on them or carrying
prohibited items, they may be prosecuted for making a false declaration to customs, by
virtue of having gone through the Green Channel.
Canada and the United States do not officially operate a red and green channel
system, however some airports copy this layout.
Airports within the EU also have a Blue Channel. As the EU is a customs union,
travellers between EU countries do not have to pay customs duties. VAT and Excise
duties may be applicable if the goods are subsequently sold, but these are collected
when the goods are sold, not at the border. Passengers arriving from other EU countries

should go through the Blue Channel, where they may still be subject to checks for
prohibited or restricted goods. In addition, limitations exist on various tobacco and
alcohol products being imported from other EU member states and use of the Blue
Channel if those limitations are being exceeded would be inappropriate. Luggage tickets
for checked in luggage within the EU are green-edged so they may be identified. UK
policy is that entry into a particular Channel constitutes a legal declaration.

Task 3. Match phrases with proper translation, learn them:

1.Help me fill in the customs a. У мене е речі тільки для власного

declaration form, please. користування.

2.Where can I go through luggage b. Хто збирає мито?


3. Have you any luggage besides this? c. Я тут тільки проїздом.

4. I have only things for personal use. d. Будь ласка, допоможіть заповнити
бланк митної декларації.

5. Shall I submit... for inspection? e. Мета моєї поїздки... (ділова,

туризм, особиста).

6. It is allowed (not allowed). f. Дозволяється (не дозволяється).

7. Are these things liable to duty? g. Чи ці речі обкладаються митом?

8. Who is responsible for collecting h. Ваш паспорт дійсний до…


9. Your passport is valid until... i. Де я можу пройти огляд багажу?

10. How long are you going to stay in j. Скільки часу ви пробудете у цій
this country? країні?

1 1 . I a m only passing through the k. Чи є у Вас крім цього ще багаж?


12. I am here on a business visit only. l. Я хочу продовжити візу.

13. The purpose of my trip is... m. Чи треба мені пред'являти ... для
(business, tourism, personal) огляду?

14. I want my visa extended. n. У мене суто ділова поїздка.

Task 4. Read the text and answer the questions:

Schengen rules for EU citizens

Passport or identity card. There are no longer any frontier controls at the
borders between 22 EU countries. This is thanks to the Schengen rules which are part
of EU law. These rules remove all internal border controls but put in place effective
controls at the external borders of the EU and introduce a common visa policy. All EU
countries are full Schengen members except for Bulgaria, Cyprus, Ireland, Romania and
the United Kingdom. Iceland, Norway and Switzerland are also Schengen members but
are not in the EU. You will therefore need to present a valid passport or ID card when
travelling to the five non-Schengen countries and when entering or leaving the EU at
the external borders. Carry them when travelling in the EU because they may be
required for identification or security purposes. Be aware that the only valid ID is the
one obtained from national authorities. Check the Public Register of authentic
identity and travel documents. Make sure that any children travelling with you either
have their own passport or ID card or are registered on your passport. By 26 June 2012
all children who wish to travel will have to have their own passport.

1. Why are there no frontier controls at the borders between 22 EU countries?

2. What countries are not full Schengen members?
3. What documents do citizens of Iceland, Norway and Switzerland need to present
when travelling to the Schengen countries?
4. Is the valid ID obtained from national authorities?
5. What document should children have when they travel with adults?
6. When will children, who wish to travel, have to have their own passport?

Task 5. When you go through the Customs you must fill in declaration. Fill this


Full name ____________________________________________________

Citizenship ___________________________________________________

Arriving from _________________________________________________

Country of destination _________________________________________

Purpose of visit _______________________________________________

(business, tourism, private, etc.)

My luggage (including hand luggage) submitted for Customs inspection consists of

______________________________________________ pieces.

I have with me and in my luggage:

1. Weapons of all descriptions and ammunition _____________________

2. Narcotics and appliances for the use there of _____________________

3. Antiques and objects of art (paintings, drawings, icons, sculptures, etc.)


4. Ukrainian hryvna, Ukrainian State Loan bonds. Ukrainian lottery tickets


5. Currency other than Ukrainian hryvna (bank notes, exchequer bills, coins), payment
voucher (cheques, bills, letters of credit, etc.), securities (shares, bonds, etc.) in foreign
currencies, precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, metals of platinum group) in any
form or condition, crude and processed natural precious stones (diamonds, brilliants,
rubies, emeralds, sapphires and pearls), jewellery and other articles made of precious
metals and precious stones, and scrap thereof, as well as property papers:
(Description: amount/ quantity for official use)
in figures | in words

US Dollars ________________________________________________________
Pounds Sterling ____________________________________________________

French Francs ______________________________________________________

Deutschemark ______________________________________________________

6. Ukrainian gryvna, other currency, payment vouchers, valuables and any objects
belonging to other persons _______________________________

I am aware that, in addition to the objects listed in the Customs Declaration, I must
submit for inspection: printed matter, manuscripts, films, video and sound recordings,
postage stamps, pictorial matter, etc., as well as items not for personal use.

I also declare that my luggage sent separately consists of _______________ pieces.

(Date) _____________ 20 ____ Owner of luggage __________________



Task 6. Read the dialogues given below and act them out:

Study the words for better understanding

1. exchange desk (the bureau de change) (n) –пункт обміну
2. certificate – довідка.
3. cash a cheque – обмінювати чек на гроші; отримувати гроші за чеком.
4. rate of exchange –курс обміну.
5. notice board – дошка оголошень.
6. cash – готівка.
7. identification – документ, який посвідчує особу.
8. traveller's cheques – туристичні чеки (обмініються на гроші, або приймаются без
обміну в магазині, ресторані)
9. be (in) valid – бути не (дійсним).
10. signature – підпис

At the Customs

Traveller: Excuse me, how can I decide whether to go through the red or the green
1st Customs Official: If you have goods to declare you go through the red channel. If
you haven't any goods to declare, you go through the green one.
T.: How do I know whether I have goods to declare?
1st O: Well, madam, this notice here tells you.
T.: Oh, I can't understand it very well.
1st O: If you're a visitor coming here for less than six months, and you haven't any
alcohol, wine or tobacco in excess of the duty free allowance, you go through the green
T.: Oh, I have got some alcohol.
1st O: How much have you got?
T.: A bottle of brandy. And I've got two hundred cigarettes.
1st O: That's all right. You're allowed one bottle and two hundred cigarettes. Have you
got any expensive presents, things for other people? You have to declare anything
which cost over ten pounds.
T.: Well, yes, I have got a watch which costs more than ten pounds in English money.
1st O: Then go through the red channel. And my colleague may wish to look inside your
T.: I see. Thank you.
(Traveller goes into the red channel and reaches the Customs official).
2nd O: Are these two bags all you have, madam?
T.: Yes, and this holdall.
2nd O: Have you any alcohol, wine or tobacco in excess of the duty free allowance?
T.: No, I just have this bottle of brandy and these cigarettes.
2nd O: You're allowed a bottle of spirits and that number of cigarettes. That's all right.
Have you any articles which you intend to leave in the United Kingdom?
T.: This watch. It costs fifteen pounds.
2nd O: Have you got any evidence of the cost – an invoice or a bill which shows what
you paid for it.
T.: Yes, I have the bill. Here it is.
2nd O: Thank you. I'll have a look in your luggage. Would you please open the two
bags? Thank you. And I'll let you know in a moment the duty you must pay on the
T.: Thank you very much.


Task 1. Complete the sentences using the correct words from box:
Summary of basic custom rules

tobacco, Hong Kong Identity Card, free trade zone, central bank, currency,
goods, government agencies, basic customs law, weapons and drugs, shipped
goods, VAT and customs, transportation, imports of goods, purchases, trade
agreements, criminal penalties

Hong Kong is a free port and generally does not impose duties on imported or exported
goods, with the exceptions of liquors, ___1___ , methyl alcohol and hydrocarbon oil.
Residents leaving the territory with a valid ___2___ for 24 hours or more may import
up to 1 litre of alcohol and 19 cigarettes or 15 cigars.
Indonesia No customs for mailed goods below or equal to US$50. Customs policy may
be different in Batam ___3___ .
Philippines Customs prohibits the import or export of PHP10,000 (approximately
USD220) of local currency instruments (e.g. Philippine peso banknotes) without the
prior authority of the ___4___. However, bringing in of USD10,000 or higher (or its
foreign ___5___ equivalent) may be brought in or out but it must be declared in writing.
Theoretically, the import and export of controlled ___6___ needs clearance from the
relevant ___7___ regulating such goods.
European Union The ___8___ is harmonised across Europe. This includes customs
duties and restrictions. Customs tax from 150 €.
Germany From 22 € is VAT payable. National restrictions especially in ___9___.

Romania Customs may be very strict, especially for ___10___ (from anywhere outside
the EU). Up to 10€ goods/package there are no taxes (it is free). Taxes may be stiff.
There may be an outgoing custom tax too.]
Slovakia Up to 22€ there are no taxes (it is free). From 22€ up to 150€, it is necessary
to pay VAT (DPH in Slovak) which is 21%. From 150€ it is necessary to pay ___11___
. Customs may be from 0 to 10%, the amount depending on the type of imported goods.
Georgia No customs for mailed goods below or equal to 300GEL (App US$160)
including ___12___ .
USA The United States imposes tariffs or customs duties on ___13___. that are among
the lowest in the world: 3% on average. The duty is levied at the time of import and is
paid by the importer of record. Individuals arriving in the United States may be
exempt from duty on a limited amount of ___14___, and on goods temporarily imported
(such as laptop computers) under the ATA Carnet system. Customs duties vary by
country of origin and product, with duties ranging from zero to 81% of the value of the
goods. Goods from many countries are exempt from duty under various ___15___.
Certain types of goods are exempt from duty regardless of source. Customs rules differ
from other import restrictions. Failure to properly comply with customs rules can result
in seizure of goods and civil and ___16___ against involved parties. United States
Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”) enforces customs rules. All goods entering the
United States are subject to inspection by CBP prior to legal entry.

Part III. At the Hotel

Task 1. Read, translate and learn phrases to the subject:

Hello. I have reserved a room beforehand. I have a reservation.

I’d like to check in. How much is the room?
What time is checkout? This room suits me perfectly, well.
How long will you stay here? May 1 leave... in the safe?
- for a day - money
- for some days - valuable things
- for two weeks
Can I look at the room? Can I send a fax directly from the hotel?
I would like to receive a... Is there a... in the room?
- single room - conditioner
- suite /en-suite - fully-equipped bathroom
- double room - toilet
- room with a bath - telephone
- room with a shower - colour/satellite/cable TV
- room with a balcony - refrigerator
- room with a view of... - minibar
- room on one of the top floors - 24-hour room service
How much is the rent…? Where (is)...?
- of a flat - a hairdressing salon
- of a house - a barber's shop
- for a night - a bar
- with a breakfast - a restaurant
Where can I..? Have you anything...?
- park my car - better
- exchange - larger
- cheaper
- rent a car
Is there a... in the hotel? I am leaving...
- luggage office - this evening
- fitness-hall - tomorrow morning.
- swimming pool Prepare the account, please.
- sauna I have stayed here for...
- conference hall - three days
- 24-hour room service - a week
- porter Can I pay..?
- laundry - with traveller's cheques
- dry-cleaning - by a credit card
- tennis-court - in cash.

Task 2. Match the hotel jobs with the duties. Use a dictionary to help you:
Jobs Duties
1. chambermaid a) carries guests bags to their rooms
2. hotel manager b) cleans guestrooms
3. bartender c) serves guests in the restaurant
4. accountant d) manages all the hotel staff
5. concierge e) serves quests at the bar
6. porter f) finds business for the hotel
7. waiter g) gives information and helps guests
8. marketing manager h) does the hotel finances

Text A. Read and translate the text:

A hotel is an establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis. In

past, hotels offered just a room with a bed, a cupboard, a small table and a washstand.
Evidence of hotels and the hospitality industry has been recorded as far back as
biblical times when Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem during the census. As the
Bible depicts, Mary and Joseph were refused accommodations because there "was no
room at the inn." Since the beginning of time, people have travelled for commerce,
religion, family, health, immigration, education and recreation.
The word hotel is derived from the French hôtel (coming from hôte meaning
host), which referred to a French version of a townhouse or any other building seeing
frequent visitors, rather than a place offering accommodation. The word "hospitality"
comes from the Latin root meaning "host" or "hospice." The first hotels were nothing
more than private homes opened to the public but of poor reputations. Under the
influence of the Roman Empire, inns and hotels began catering to please travellers and
encourage visitors.
The first inn located in America was recorded in 1607. The first publicly held
hotel (the City Hotel) was opened in New York in 1792. The first modern hotel (the
Tremont) was opened in Boston in 1809 and the first business hotel (the Buffalo Statler)
was opened in 1908.
The father of the modern commercial hotel is said to have been Ellsworth Statler.
The Buffalo Statler was opened in January 1908. Statler incorporated all the modern
ideas of the time into this hotel. Many services which are taken for granted nowadays
were first introduced at the Statler. There were keyholes above the doorknob, light-
switches next to the door, private baths, ice water, as well as a morning newspaper for
each guest. The Statler set standards for cleanliness, guest comfort and affordability. For
many years hotels were built to specifications matching the standards of the Statler.
Nowadays hotels offer rooms with modern facilities, including en-suite
bathrooms and air conditioning or climate control. Additional common features found
in hotel rooms are a telephone, an alarm clock, a television, and Internet connectivity;
snack foods and drinks may be supplied in a mini-bar, and facilities for making hot
drinks. Larger hotels may provide a number of additional guest facilities such as a
restaurant, a swimming pool or childcare, and have conference and social function

Task 3. Read the hotel descriptions and match them to their star ratings:

One star Two star Three star Four star Five star

1. A degree of luxury is included at this level. Public areas and bedrooms are
more spacious with quality furnishings and décor and satellite TV. The en suite
bathrooms are fully equipped. A variety of services is provided, such as porter service,
24-hour room service, laundry and dry-cleaning. Staff will have good technical and
social skills, anticipating and responding to guests needs.

2. Hotels in this category provide luxury and exceptional comfort. The restaurant
has a high level of technical skill, producing dishes to the highest international
standards. Staff are well trained in customer care and are especially attentive, efficient
and courteous.

3. Hotels in this category offer practical accommodation and are probably small
with a family atmosphere. Facilities and meals are simple. Some bedrooms do not have

an en suite bath or shower room, although maintenance, cleanliness and comfort need to
be of an acceptable standard.

4. In this classification are typically small to medium sized and offer more
extensive facilities than at the one-star level. Guests can find more comfortable and
well-equipped accommodation, usually with an en suite bath / shower room and colour
TV. Hotel staff will offer a more professional service than at the on-star level.

5. Hotels are usually larger and provide a greater quality and range of facilities
than at the lower levels. All bedrooms have a complete an suite bath/shower room and
offer a better of comfort and equipment, such as a direct-dial telephone, a hairdryer and
toiletries in the bathrooms. Room service is also provided and staff respond well to
guests needs.

Task 4. Complete the webpage for the Forum Hotel in Cracow with the following titles:

Meeting facilities Accommodatio Facilities Locatio Dining Leisur

n n e

1 _______________________
This elegant, modern hotel is conveniently situated on the right bank of the Wisla River,
offering the magnificent view of the Royal Castle on Wawel Hill and Skalka medieval
church. An ideal location for sightseeing and for visiting the local business, shopping
and entertainment areas. Airport 15 km, railway station 5 km, old town 1.5 km.
2 _______________________
The ‘Zygmuntowska’ Restaurant serves dishes of Polish and international cuisine.
Rooftop coffee shop, bar, grill bar, nightclub. Food for vegetarian and other special diets
3 _______________________
The hotel offers nineteen single, 244 double rooms and thirteen suites. All rooms are
equipped with satellite TV, pay TV, direct-dial telephone, air conditioning, minibar and
room service. There are non-smoking rooms and rooms for disabled persons.
4 _______________________
The leisure facilities of the hotel include a sun terrace, indoor swimming pool, sauna,
solarium, massage, tennis courts, mini-golf and casino.
Our business centre offers a full range of secretarial services. Currency exchange,
hairdresser, flower shop, newsstand, perfume counter, art gallery, babysitting service,
laundry service, travel service office, outdoor parking and hotel taxis. Pets are allowed.
6 _______________________
At our guests’ disposal are nine conference rooms and an exhibition area, which are
able to accommodate up to 600 people. We offer the highest quality conference

Task 5. Read the text and answer the questions after it:

The Hotel Litwor

Ul.Krupowki 40.
34-500 Zakopane
Tel (+4818)20-127-39
Hotel Litwor is the hotel of the highest standard in the area of Zakopane in the
south of Poland. It is very conveniently located in the centre of Zakopane. The hotel
can accommodate about 120 people in luxury rooms with balconies and views of the
Tatra Mountains.
Spacious and elegantly furnished rooms with comfortable beds, bathrooms
with floor heating and tower warmers make the Litwor a perfect place to stay. A
fitness centre with swimming pool, sauna Jacuzzi, steam bath, solarium, weights
room and bar, make the hotel a wonderful place to relax.
Each room is equipped with: phone, satellite TV, radio, safe box, minibar,
hairdryer, tower warmer, heated bathroom floor, balcony with view of the
The hotel is well prepared to organize symposia and other meetings at only 149
zlotys for accommodation and full board, per participant. The conference room is
equipped with all the necessary facilities including a multimedia projector and can
accommodate up to 240 people.

The hotel has a fully equipped and air conditioned conference room which can
be divided into two smaller ones. The audiovisual system can transmit image and
sound to rooms during conferences.
1 Where is the Hotel Litwor located?
2 What kind of views does the Hotel Litwor offer?
3 What are the two luxury features of the hotel’s bathrooms?
4 How many people can the conference room hold?
5 Can all the conference delegates stay at the hotel?
6 What is an advantage of the conference room?

Task 6. Read the text again and choose the best option to complete each
1 The hotel……….about 120 people in luxury rooms.
A accommodation of
B can accommodate
C accommodate
D has accommodation of
2 Each room………..comfortable beds and bathrooms with floor heating
A has equipment
B is equipped with
C equipped with
D with
3 Accommodation and full board………………149 zlotys per participant.
A room rate
B is room rate
C is costing about
D costs about
4 The hotel has a fully equipped and………………. Conference room.
A air conditioned
B air conditioning
C an air conditioning
D air condition


Task 7. Read the dialogue between a hotel clerk and a customer and act it out.
- Hello. Sunnyside Inn. May I help you?
- Yes, I'd like to reserve a room for two on the 21st of March.
- Okay. Let me check our computer here for a moment. The 21st of May, right?
- No. March, not May.
- Oh, sorry. Let me see here. Hmmm.
- Are you all booked that night?
- Well, we have one suite available, complete with a kitchenette and a sauna bath.
And the view of the city is great, too.
- How much is that?
- It's only $200 dollars, plus a 10% room tax.
- Oh, that's a little too expensive for me. Do you have a cheaper room available
either on the 20th or the 22nd?
- Well, would you like a smoking or a non-smoking room?
- Non-smoking, please.
- Okay, we do have a few rooms available on the 20 th; we're full on the 22nd, unless
you want a smoking room.
- Well, how much is the non-smoking room on the 20th?
- $80 dollars, plus the 10% room tax.
- Okay, that'll be fine.
- All right. Could I have your name, please?
- Yes. Bob Maexner.
- How do you spell your last name, Mr. Maexner?
- M-A-E-X-N-E-R.
- Okay, Mr. Maexner, we look forward to seeing you on March 20th.
- Okay. Goodbye.

Task 8. Choose the best response to the receptionist’s questions:

1. Good afternoon. Can I help you?
A. For three days.

B. Yes, I’ve booked a room. My name is Smith.
C. That’s right. I asked for a non-smoking room.
2. Could I see your passport please, Mr Muller?
A. Certainly, it’s M-U-L-L-E-R.
B. That’s right. I asked for a non-smoking room.
C. What do you need it for?
3. Could you sign here please, madam?
A. Yes, I’ve booked a room for two nights.
B. What do you need my passport for?
C. Yes, of course. May I use your pen?
4. Would you like the porter to carry your luggage to your room?
A. Certainly, it’s my bag.
B. No thanks. I’ll take it myself.
C. I’ll wait here if it isn’t going to take long.
5. Would you like to collect your passport later?
A. Yes, I asked for a double room with balcony.
B. That’s right. I asked for a non-smoking room.
C. No, I’ll wait here if it isn’t going to take long.

Task 9. Make these requests sound more polite:

1 Sign here.
Could you sign here, please ?
Would you mind signing here, please?
2 Wait in reception.
3 Don’t smoke in here.
4 Show me your tickets.
5 Don’t feed the animals.


I. Complete the dialogue with the phrases in the box:

Just let me Could you There’s an Can I have Can I help
confirm the spell your additional your name? you?
details surname? charge

- Sunny Planet Holidays. ________1________?

- Hi, I’d like to confirm a holiday booking.

- Certainly. ________2_________, please?

- Yes, it’s David, David Crawley.

- Sorry, ______3______?

- Yes, C-R-A-W-L-E-Y. We spoke on Monday.

- Ah yes, the fly-drive holiday to Florida for four.

- That’s right. For the last fortnight in August.

- ______4______. So, you’re leaving London Gatwick the 17 August and

returning from Tampa the 31st. And you’re staying in a self-catering apartment?

- That’s right. Does it have a lot? We have a one-year-old baby….

- I’m afraid ______5_______, sir?

II. Complete the form of David Crawley’s booking:

Sunny Planet Holidays Reservation

Name of the customer: 1.
Type of holiday: 2.
Location 3.
Type of accommodation: 4.
Number of nights: 5.
Check out date: 6.
Departure airport: 7.

Return date: 8.
Departure airport: 9.
Number of persons: 10.
Number of children (under two) 11.
Special requests: 12.

Part IV. At the Restaurant

Task 1. Read and learn phrases below.

Booking a Table Placing Your Order

 I'd like to reserve / book a table for  I'd like the .............., please.
four at 8pm, please.  For starters I'll have the soup and for
 Could we have a table by the the main course I'd like the roast
window, please? beef.
 Could we have a non-smoking  Could I have chips instead of new
table, please? potatoes, please?
 Could we have a table away from  Is there anything you would
the kitchen/toilets, please? recommend?
 Could we have a booth, please?  Could I see the wine menu, please?
 May we sit at this table?  I'll have a glass of house red/white,
 What's Irish Stew like?
 The steak for me, please.

 Can you bring me the ketchup,


Paying Complaining
 Could I have the bill, please?  Excuse me, but my meal is cold.
 Do you take Visa?  Excuse me, we've been waiting for
 We'd like separate bills, please. over half an hour for our drinks.
 Is service included?  I'm sorry but I ordered the side salad
 The rest is for you. not the vegetables.
 Please bring me the bill (AE:  Excuse me this steak is over done, I
check) with my coffee ordered rare.
 I'm afraid this wine tastes corked.
 Here are tips for you.
 Excuse me this wine isn't chilled

Task 2. Read the text:

At the Restaurant

A. Meals are generally served and eaten on premises, but many restaurants also
offer take-out and food delivery services. Restaurants vary greatly in appearance and
offerings, including a wide variety of the main chef's cuisines and service models.
While inns and taverns were known from antiquity, these were establishments
aimed at travellers, and in general locals would rarely eat there. Modern restaurants are
dedicated to the serving of food, where specific dishes are ordered by guests and are
prepared to their request. The modern restaurant originated in 18th century France,
although precursors can be traced back to Roman times.
A restaurant owner is called a restaurateur. Professional artisans of cooking are
called chefs, while preparation staff and line cooks prepare food items in a more
systematic and less artistic fashion.
Restaurants range from unpretentious lunching or dining places catering to people
working nearby, with simple food served in simple settings at low prices, to expensive
establishments serving refined food and wines in a formal setting. In the former case,
customers usually wear casual clothing. In the latter case, depending on culture and
local traditions, customers might wear semi-casual, semi-formal, or even in rare cases
formal wear.
Typically, customers sit at tables, their orders are taken by a waiter, who brings
the food when it is ready, and the customers pay the bill before leaving. In finer
restaurants there will be a host or hostess to welcome customers and to seat them. Other
staff waiting on customers include busboys and sommeliers.
Restaurants often specialize in certain types of food or present a certain unifying,
and often entertaining, theme. For example, there are seafood restaurants, vegetarian
restaurants or ethnic restaurants. Generally speaking, restaurants selling food
characteristic of the local culture are simply called restaurants, while restaurants selling
food of foreign cultural origin are called ethnic restaurants.
In British English, the term restaurant almost always means an eating
establishment with table service. Fast food and takeaway (take-out) outlets with counter
service are not normally referred to as restaurants. Outside of North-America, the terms
fast casual dining restaurants, family style, and casual dining are not used. Junk food
establishments would also not often be referred to as a 'restaurant'.

Task 3. Read the text. Tell whether statements below are true (T) or false (F)
according to what you have read in the text:

Thai Food
Thai food is widely known for being hot and spicy since almost all Thai food is
cooked with basic ingredients such as garlic, chillies, limejuice, lemon grass and fresh
coriander leaf and fermented fish sauce or shrimp paste to make it salty. It takes hours
to prepare a proper Thai meal in the traditional way as it involves so much peeling and
chopping and pounding so it needs time to prepare in advance.
In fact, Thai food varies from region to region, for example, glutinous or sticky
rice is more popular in the North and Northeast than steamed rice. Dishes usually
contain a lot of condiments and spices. In the North, food is mild or hot, salty and sour,
but never sweet. Sticky rice is served with boiled vegetables, soups or curries. Food in
the Northeast is hot, salty and sour. Their favourite foods include papaya salad, sour
chopped meat salad, sour minced meat salad . People use a lot of condiments but not
many spices.

1. Thai food is hot and spicy. ____________

2. Basic ingredients for cooking is lemon. ____________
3. Rice is usually eaten at every meal. ____________
4. It takes long time to prepare a proper Thai meal in the traditional way.________
5. Thai food is the same in different regions. ____________
6. Sticky rice is more popular in the North and Northeast. ____________
7. The North is well-known for its rice. ___________
8. Favourite food in the Northeast is papaya salad, chopped meat salad, sour minced
meat salad. ___________

Task 4. Read the dialogue between a waiter and a customer and act it.

- Welcome to Kasey’s Kitchen. Do you have a reservation?

- Yes, the name is Johnson, Paul.
- Ah, yes, here you are. That was a party for one, correct?
- Yes.
- Right this way. Here’s the menu. I’ll return in a moment to take your order.
- Are you ready to order, sir?
- Yes, I’ll have the T-bone steak.
- How would you like that cooked?
- Well done, please.
- You have a choice of potatoes- French fried, mashed, or baked.
- I’ll have the baked potato.
- Would you like that with butter or sour cream or both?
- I’m on a diet, so only butter.
- The vegetables today are corn on the cob, peas and carrots, or broccoli.
- I’ll take the corn on the cob.
- And what would you like for dessert?
- What do you have?
- We have apple, cherry, and lemon meringue pie, chocolate and vanilla cake, peach
cobbler, and chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream.
- I’ll take the cherry pie, a la mode, please.
- Would you care for something to drink?
- I’ll take a large ice tea with my meal and a cup of black coffee with dessert.
- Very good sir. Enjoy you meal.
- Thanks.

Task 5. Put the dialogue into the correct order.

1. - I'd like a grilled cheese sandwich.

2. - Yes, I'd like a bowl of chicken soup, please.
3. - Hello, Can I help you?
4. - Can I bring you anything else?
5. - Would you like anything to drink?
6. - And what would you like for a main course?
7. - You're welcome. Have a good day.
8. - Yes, I'd like to have some lunch.
9. - Would you like a starter?
10. - Thank you, the same to you.
11. - Yes, I'd like a glass of Coke, please.
12. - No thank you. Just the bill.
13. - Certainly.
14. - Here you are. Thank you very much.
15. - That's $6.75.I don't have my glasses. How much is the lunch?

Task 5. Pair work. Role Play

The situation: At a restaurant

Working with a partner, role play the situation, using the information below.
Use the menu below to order a meal.
The roles: a waiter, a customer


I. Match the words with their definitions.

1. chambermaid a) agreement by contract to pay money esp. in case
of a misfortune (such as illness, death or accident)
2. concierge b) a female servant employed to clean and tidy
bedrooms, esp. in a hotel.
3. destination c) a person who serves food at the tables in a
4. porter d) someone in a hotel whose job is to help guests
with problems, give them advice about local
places to go etc.
5. waiter e) place where clothes are washed and ironed
6. insurance f) a person employed to carry traveller’s bags.
7. accommodation g) a place to live; room, flat, house, hotel room.
8. laundry h) the office, desk, or department that receives
visitors to a hotel or organization
9. reception i) attention to buyers in a shop or to guests in a
hotel, restaurant
10.hospitality g) a place which is set for the end of a journey or
to which something is sent.
11. facilities k) buildings services, equipment, etc, that are
provided for a particular purpose
12. cuisine l) a stamp or mark put in your passport by official
of a foreign country that gives you permission to
enter their country
13. customs m) an official document that identifies you as a
citizen of a particular country
14. visa n) a style of cooking: the food served in a
restaurant (usually an expensive one)
15. passport o) the government department that collects taxes
on goods bought and sold and on goods brought
into the country

Resume. Application form
Резюме (curriculum vitae - життєпис, vita brevis - короткий життєпис чи, просто, vita) - документ
розміром в одну чи дві сторінки, що містить основні дані про посаду, яку хоче отримати
претендент, його освіту, трудову чи поза навчальну діяльність. Дані наводяться у зворотному
хронологічному порядку - від найновіших до найдавніших. У резюме згадується, що, у разі
потреби, можна отримати рекомендаційні листи та виписки оцінок за навчання.
Існують такі види резюме:
* Хронологічне;
* Функціональне
* Функціонально-хронологічне


A resume is also referred to by, and sometimes even labeled with, the Latin terms curriculum vitae
(the course of one's life) or vita brevis (a short life) or simply vita. Whatever name it bears, this
document presents, usually on one or two pages and in the form of a list, a summary of an applicant's
job objective, education, work experience, personal experience, extracurricular activities,
achievements, honours, etc.Sent out with a cover letter that is addressed to a specific person in the
company, the resume is intended to introduce the applicant to a potential employer and to elicit a
request for further information about the applicant and ultimately for an interview,Under such
headings as Education, Work Experience , and Extracurricular Activities, the items are usually listed in
reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent and ending with the earliest. The items that
the applicant chooses to list should be pertinent to the kind of job being sought. The cover letter that
accompanies the resume should call attention to those items that are especially pertinent to the
particular job that is being applied for.The resume and the cover letter should be neatly and attractively
typed on good heavy paper. The physical appearance alone of these documents could make a crucial
impression on the reader. You cannot afford to be careless in preparing these documents. Remember
that you are trying to sell yourself and the service you have to offer. So in listing your assets and
achievements, do not misrepresent yourself, either by exaggerating or by downplaying your merits. Do
not brag; let the facts speak for themselves. For example, if you mention that you have a four-year
Grade Point Average of 3.8, you do not have to boast that you have been an excellent student. The
resume usually mentions that letters of reference and transcripts of academic work are available upon
request. In the case of student who are applying for a job, the resume sometimes gives the address of
the school's placement office where the interested employer can write for the applicant's dossier, which
is a collection of such documents as transcripts, letters of reference, and samples of one's writing. If
your resume and cover letter move the potential employer to write for your dossier, you will have
reached an important stage in the process of applying for a job. The next important step is to gain an
invitation to a face-to-face interview. There are two kinds of basic resumes: chronological and
functional. If your work experience was fairly continuous and in related areas, use a chronological
resume, which lists your work experience in reverse order. A functional resume, developed on the
basis of three or four skill areas, can be used if you were in and out of the job market at various times
or if your work experience does not appear directly related to the job for which you are applying.
Writing both kinds of resumes may benefit you, because this exercise gives you two different
perspectives on yourself. There is no one-and-only way to write a resume, but some good basic
guidelines to follow are: (1) be brief, (2) be clear, (3) be neat, be honest. The best resume describes
your qualifications on only one page. Usually people send a resume with an individual letter addressed
to a specific person in a company. Sometimes the resume is attached to an application, or requested
after an application has been received. The general idea is to give the employer a preview of you
before an interview takes place.

The type of presentation may be chronological, functional, or a combination of the two.
Begin with your most recent job and work backward .
March, 1997 - present: company, city, state, job title. Add a brief, concise description of what you did.
In this type of resume, you may wish to include a section on community service, military service, or
whatever applies.
The information is arranged by areas of competence, expertise, or effectiveness, such as public
relations, management, organization, program development, sales.
List several key functions that are related to your position objective.
Follow each category with the business like action words you've collected, such as "planned" and
"classified"; then give a summary of the type of things you accomplished. You may either list
employers and dates at the end or note them on the company's application form.
Combination of chronological and functional
If this format suits your experience, be sure that special skills relevant to your position objective are

Ви бажаєте вчитись або працювати за кордоном. Для цього Вам потрібно навчитись
заповнювати спеціальну анкету –

Application form.
Any application form is a special form developed by University, Institute, College, Congress,
Conference to provide more specific information about the applicants and to formalize all the
Text C. Read and translate the text in written form.
Application for work, study
Any application form is a special form developed by University, Institute, College, Congress,
Conference to provide more specific information about the applicants and to formalize all the
information about them for better data processing.
The application form usually includes the following sections: general information about the institution,
benefits, responsibilities, applicants'criteria, closing date for applications.
The application form contains usually:
* Personal details (data): Family name/Legal name (last,
first, middle)
Title (Mr. Mrs. Miss. Ms. Dr.)
Sex (male, female)
Permanent home address, phone/fax number or Present address
Place and date of birth
Marital status (single, married, divorced, widowed)
Military status

* Academic background usually includes all academic

qualifications obtained since completing secondary education, stating the institutions attended, the
main subjects of study and when the main courses started and finished. Usually the applicants attach
photocopies of all relevant academic certificates or transcripts, with accompanying translations into
English, if they are issued in another language.

* Professional background listing all positions held since

completing secondary education.

* Residency issues (citizenship, permanent residence status,

previous country of residence).

* Proposed course of study: What qualifications would you

like to obtain, in what subjects?
At which institution would you like to study or conduct research? Are you applying for a fully funded
Often the applicants are asked to attach letters from referees (both of whom should be professional or
academic) in support of the application, sometimes it's necessary to attach the Personal Essays. The
Personal Essay provides individualized information about the applicant, his/ambitions, interests.

* At the end you can find applicant's obligations while studying.

All the application forms should be filled in clearly or typed.

Covering Letter. Curriculum vitae (CV).

Супроводжувальний лист. Життєпис.

Іноді кажуть, що добре написаний супроводжувальний лист є добрим ключем до Вашого

інтерв'ю та сполучною ланкою між Вами та роботодавцем. Ми наводимо приклад
супроводжувального листа, фрази та звороти якого можуть бути використані Вами при
написанні Вашого супроводжувального листа.

Кліше та вирази супроводжувального листа

допоможуть Вам скласти власний супроводжувальний лист

With reference to your advertisement in "Kiev Post" of Tuesday, January 10, I would like to apply for
the position of ... in your company. - посилаючись на оголошення в "Київ-Пост" від 10 січня,
вівторок, я хотів би претендувати на посаду ..... в вашій фірмі.

I recently heard from that there is a vacancy in your sales department. - Я недавно почув від __ про
вакансію у вашому торговому відділі.

I am used to working on my own. - Я привик працювати самостійно.

I appreciate the opportunity to work on my own initiative and to take on a certain amount of
responsibility. - Я високо оцінюю можливість працювати з належною мірою відповідальності,
проявляючи власну ініціативу.

During training for my present job I took courses in marketing. - Під час навчання для одержання
посади, яку я заміщаю в цей момент, я закінчив курси маркетингу.

Since my present position offers little prospect for advancement, I would prefer to be employed in an
expanding organization such as yours. - Так як моя теперішня посада не дає мені
великих можливостей, я хотів би працювати в такій перспективній організації, як ваша.
I am at present earning ... per month. - На даний час я отримую ... в місяць.

Thank you for offering me the post / position of ... Дякую Вам за те, що Ви запропонували мені
посаду ...

I have pleasure in accepting this position. - З задоволенням приймаю цю посаду.

I am looking forward to commencing work on September 1. - З нетерпінням чекаю початку роботи

1 вересня.

Життєпис відрізняється від резюме тільки розміром та призначено для кандидатів на високі
посади або для роботи за кордоном. Потенційний роботодавець бажає отримати детальну
інформацію. Як завжди, Ви представляєте фотографію, свою адресу і телефон, особисті і
паспортні данні і більш детально характеризуєте Вашу освіту і кваліфікацію. Приведемо для
прикладу одну із функціональних частин СV людини, яка претендує на керівну посаду в галузі

- Business oriented; able to understand and execute broad corporate policy.
- Strength in analyzing and improving engineering and administrative methods.
- Effective in facilitating communication between management and project team.
- Proven ability to manage both large and small groups and maintain productivity.
- Successful in negotiating favorable design and construction contracts.

Dos and don'ts for Job Seekers

Що треба і не треба робити у пошуках роботи.

Іноді дуже важко зорієнтуватись в процесі пошуку роботи. Що треба і не треба робити у
пошуках роботи? Як найкраще представити себе? Що говорити? Що вдягати? Відповіді на ці
питання представлені в публікації університета Стоні Брук (США).

Dos and don'ts for job seekers

* Do learn ahead of time about the company and its product. Do your homework. Попередньо отримайте
інформацію про фірму та її спеціалізацію. Це буде ваше домашнє завдання.
* Do apply for a job in person. Звертайся за роботою безпосередньо.
* Do let as many people as possible know you are "job hunting". Нехай якнайбільше людей знає, що ви
шукаєте роботу.
* Do mention any experience you have which is relevant to the job. Опишіть набутий вами досвід, який
доводить вашу придатність для цієї роботи.
* Do stress your qualification for the job opening. Підкреслюйте, що ви маєте необхідну кваліфікацію.
* Do indicate, where possible, your stability, attendance record and good safety experience. Підкреслюйте, де
можливо, вашу стабільність, ретельність та вміння зберігати комерційну таємницю.
* Do maintain your poise and self-control. Проявляйте витримку і контролюйте себе.
* Do try to overcome nervousness and shortness of breath. Не хвилюйтесь та говоріть спокійно.
* Do answer questions honestly. Чесно відповідайте на питання.
* Do have a good resume. Майте при собі добре резюме.
* Do indicate your flexibility and readiness to learn. Підкреслюйте вашу гнучкість та готовність
*Do be well-groomed and appropriately dressed. Намагайтесь досягнути враження доглянутої людини
і вдягніться відповідно.
* Don't keep stressing your need for a job. Не підкреслюйте, що вам потрібна робота.
* Don't apologize for your age. Не вибачайтесь за свій вік.
* Don't display "cocksuredness". Не демонструйте сліпу самовпевненість.
* Don't mumble or speak with a muffled voice. Не говоріть приглушеним голосом або невиразно.
* Don't hedge in answering questions. Не ухиляйтесь від прямих відповідей.
* Don't express your ideas on compensation, hours, etc early in the interview. Не торкайтеся питань
щодо заробітньої плати, робочого часу і т.д. на початку розмови.
* Don't go to an interview without a record of former employment. Не приходьте на співбесіду без
рекомендацій з попереднього місця роботи.
* Don't write incorrect information on your CV to make it look better. Не включайте в своє CV хибні
відомості, щоб змалювати себе в кращому світі.


Телефонна розмова з компанією

A telephone talk with a company.

How to use telephone in the USA

Telephones in the USA are of three types: personal, business and pay. Pesonal phones are found in
houses and apartments and are used by simple dialing of touching the necessary number.
Phones in a large business office or university may have a special system where a code (usually an "8"
or a "9") must be dialed before the required number. Pay phones require no code. You merely place a
quarter (or sometimes more) in the phone and wait for the dial tone. No additional money is needed if
the call is a local one. To reach the operator for assistance you should usually dial "o". For emergency
assistance-fire, police, ambulance - you should dial "911" from any U.S. phone (except a business
phone where you need to dial a "9" and then "911").
If you need to make a long distance call from a public phone on the street and have no money press a
"0", an operator will answer and you ask her / him to place a collect call : you tell the number you are
calling and your name.
A collect call means that a person you are calling pays for the call.

Telephone etiquette

1. Don't make a call before 8 o'clock a.m. and after 10 o'clock p.m. Pay attention at the difference of
time in countries.
2. When you ring up to your partner don't play "Guess who?". Introduce yourself at once.
3. Be always polite and use only polite words (very often) . When you ring up say :
"Good morning" till 12.00 a.m.
"Good afternoon" till 16.00 p.m.
"Good afternoon" till 22.00 p.m. at once
4. You should not stop the conversation over the telephone in case you didn't begin it.
5. Do speak over very important secret information, discuss questions over the telephone.

Telephone - телефон
Call - розмова, виклик
A long distance call / trunk call - міжміська розмова
To call / to ring up - телефонувати
Busy / engaged - зайнятий
The line is busy / engaged - лінія зайнята
Free / clear - вільний
Buzzing - гудок
Constant - постійний
Frequent - частий
To connect (to put through) - з'єднати
Trying to connect you - намагаюсь зв'язатись
Connection - зв'язок
Conversation - розмова
Dial - диск, набирати номер
Receiver - телефонна трубка
Number - номер
Wait - чекати
Can you wait / hold - можете зачекати
To pick up the receiver - знімати трубку
To drop a coin - кинути монету

Operator - телефоністка
Ring - дзвінок
Switchboard - комутатор
General call - загальний виклик
Local call - місцевий виклик
Personal call - персональний дзвінок
Tall call - приміський виклик
Trunk call (UK), long-distance call (US) - міжміський виклик
To cut off - роз'єднувати
To hang up / to ring off / to put down the receiver - вішати трубку
To hold on (to hold the wire) - тримати трубку
To put down the receiver - покласти трубку
I have / you have got the wrong number - я / ви набрав неправильний номер
Apparatus - апарат

Замовлення готельного номеру.

Reserving a room at the hotel.

A single room - кімната на одного

A double room - кімната на двох
An outside room - кімната з вікнами на вулицю
An inside room - кімната з вікнами на подвір'я
A room with shower and WC - кімната з душем і туалетом
The suite - номер-люкс
To take / to engage a room - зняти кімнату, номер
The charge includes - вартість включає
Receptionist - адміністратор
To book accommodation - замовляти кімнату у готелі
To disturb - турбувати
To pay in advance - платити наперед
To put down - записати
To fill in the form - заповнити бланк
To check in - зареєструватись у готелі
To register at the hotel - зареєструватись у готелі
To make signature - ставити свій підпис
To sign a form - ставити свій підпис
To prepare a bill for payment - приготувати рахунок
To leave the hotel - виписатись з готелю
Have you a vacant room? - У вас є вільна кімната?
I have a reservation here - Я забронював у вас номер.
Please, will you show me - будь ласка, покажіть мені
a larger room - більшу кімнату.
a lighter room - світлішу кімнату
a cheaper room - дешевшу кімнату
How much is the room with board (without board) - скільки коштує кімната з пансіоном (без
Is service included - чи входить обслуговування в вартість номера?
Fill in the registration form legibly (in block letters) - заповнити форму реєстрації розбірливо.
May I ask you to have - чи можу я попросити Вас
- this cleaned - здати це в чистку
- thes things washed - здати ці речі в стирку
- this suit pressed - попрасувати цей костюм

- this ironed - попрасувати це
clean up here, please - приберіть у кімнаті.

Купівля квитка на потяг, літак. BUYING A TICKET


A plane - літак
A train - потяг
Return ticket - білет в обидва кінця
To arrive - прибувати
To depart - відправлятись
To travel by air - летіти на літаку
Open return ticket - білет з відкритою датою від'їзду
A through train - прямий потяг
Economy class - економічний клас
I'd like to reserve a seat on a train to... - я хотів би замовити білет до ...
How much is the first, second, third class - скільки коштує білет 1-3 класу.
What is the purpose of your trip? - яка мета поїздки?
Touring - туристична
A business trip - службове відрядження
Where is the booking office? - де білетні каси?
Where is a cloak? - де камера схову?
What platform does the train for ... leave from? - з якої платформи відходить потяг до ...?
From platform ... track ... - з платформи ... путь ...
How do I get to platform, please - як пройти до платформи?



Ви ділова людина і працюєте з зарубіжними партнерами. Не завжди можна

всі питання вирішити в розмові по телефону, та й і особисто спілкуватися доводиться не часто.
І тоді появляється необхідність написати листа. Існують визначені правила оформлення
ділового листа.

По діловому виглядає лист, написаний на фірмовому бланку Вашої компанії. Обов'язково
повинні бути повна назва компанії, юридична адреса, адреси філій (якщо вони є). Інколи
вказується прізвище президента компанії (для Великої Британії - Chairman, для США -
President) або прізвища директорів акціонерного товариства, які визначають його політику.
Ltd (Limited, i.e.having limited liability) - товариство з обмеженою відповідальністю.
PLC (Public Limited Company) - акціонерне товариство, акції якого вільно купуються.
Ltd використовується також в назвах приватних компаній, акції яких не продаються.
&Co - до складу керівництва компанії входить не одна людина, а двоє або більше. У цьому
випадку в назві компанії вказуються прізвища її власників.
Inc (incorporated) - зареєстрований як корпорація. Часто уживається в США замість Ltd.

В листі, як правило, вказується вихідний номер документу, на який слід

посилатися при відповіді (Our ref.: BS/664), а також робиться посилання на лист, на який
відповідають (Your ref.: AL/25/34).

В листі на бланку дата ставиться в правому верхньому куті. Місяць
пишеться словами і не скорочується. Є три форми написання дати:
12 September 1995
12th September 1995
September 12, 1995.
Якщо ви вибрали одну з цих форм, то треба дотримуватися її і далі.

Адреса відправника
Якщо листа написано не на бланку, то в правому верхньому куті вказується адреса відправника,
а дата пишеться під ним.
Адреса одержувача, або внутрішня адреса
В першій стрічці адреси пишеться ім'я і прізвище адресата, якщо вони вам відомі.
Наприклад: Mr.J.E.Franks або Mr.John Franks, але не можна писати на внутрішній адресі просто
Якщо листа адресовано жінці, то краще вживати Ms, яке заміняє Mrs (міссіс) і Miss (місс).
Якщо ви не знаєте прізвища і імені адресата, можна вказати посаду людини, якій може бути
адресований ваш лист: The Sales Manager.
Нарешті, можна адресувати листа в певний відділ компанії: The Accounts Department.
Якщо ж ви нічого не знаєте про компанію, не хочете будувати припущень про наявність в ній
відділу, достатньо в адресі просто вказати назву компанії: Soundsonic Ltd
Messrs Collier & Clerke & Co.

Приклад внутрішньої адреси:

The Sales Department - відділ
Pacific Electronics Inc. - компанія
Industrial House - назва будинку (якщо є)
26-13 Victoria Road - № будинку, назва вулиці/проспекту
Boston BL48TF - місто, поштовий код
Назви деяких відділів та їх функції:
Customer Services - робота з клієнтами (після продажу товару)
Dispatch and Distribution - розсилання товару покупцям
Finance - фінанси
Maintenance - обслуговування і ремонт обладнання компанії
Marketing - маркетінг і реклама
PR (Public Relations) - прес-служба
Production - виробничий відділ
R&D (Research and Development) - розробка нових ідей і товарів
Quality Control - контроль і поліпшення якості товару
Sales - продаж товару, контакти з клієнтами, запити на товари
Приклади посад:
President - президент
Manager - менеджер
Head of Marketing - керівник відділу маркетінгу
Sales Representative - торговий представник
Quality Control Inspector - інспектор по контролю якості

FOR THE ATTENTION OF Miss Jennifer Ring (увазі ... )
Цю формулу можна використовувати замість включення до внутрішньої адреси прізвища і
посади адресата.

Dear Sir - звернення до чоловіка, прізвища якого ви не знаєте.
Dear Sirs - звернення до керівництва компанії
Gentlemen - звернення до керівництва компанії, прийняте в США.
Dear Madam - звернення до жінки, прізвища якої ви не знаєте.
Dear Sir or Madam - звернення до людини, про яку ви нічого не знаєте.
Dear Mr Brown - звернення до людини, прізвище якої вам відоме.
Зверніть увагу, що на відмінність від внутрішньої адреси, в тексті листа не можна
використовувати при зверненні в якості вітання ім'я або ініціали:
Dear Mr John Brown або Dear Mr J.Brown.
To whom it may concern. - всім, кого це стосується.


В діловому листі абзаци не виділяються, але основні частини листа
відділяються пробілами.


Закінчити листа можна фразами типу:
Yours faithfully
Yours sincerely
Не використовуйте застарілі фрази типу:
We remain yours faithfully
Respectfully yours
В США в діловій кореспонденції використовуються також Yours truly або Truly yours, але для
ділової кореспонденції Великобританії це не властиво.

В англійській діловій кореспонденції нижче підпису обов'язково вказується прізвище і посада
(якщо листа написано від імені компанії) людини, що підписала цей документ.
В дужках можна вказати Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss
(Miss) T.Shurgold
J.Hofland (Mr)
PER PRO - підпис за другу людину
При підпису листів, які являються одночасно документами (договорами, гарантіями,
фінансовими зобов'язаннями і т.д.), перед назвою організації в підпису часто пишеться For and
on behalf (за і від імені) або Per pro (по домовленості). Наприклад: For and on behalf of Smith and
Co., Ltd. A.B. Hurst, Director.

Якщо ви відправляєте разом з листом інші документи (додатки), то можна написати про це або
в тексті листа, або в кінці листа після підпису. Краще користуватись другим варіантом.

F. Lynch & Co. Ltd.

1 (Head Office), Nexico House, Newell Street, Birmingham B3 JEL
Telephone № 0212366571 Fax: 0:12306592 Telex: 341641

Salex S.p.A Your ret:

Via di Pietra Papa 2 Our ref: Inq. C351
00146 Roma
ITALY 4 6 February 19____
Dear Sirs. 5 3

We were impressed by the selection of sweaters that were displayed

On your stand at the Menswear Exhibition' that was held in Hamburg
last month.

We are a large chain of retailers and are looking for a manufacturer

who could supply us with a wide range of sweaters for the teenage
As we usually place very large orders, we would expect a quantity
discount in addition to a 20% trade discount off net list prices, and our
terms of payment are normally 30-day bill of exchange, documents
against acceptance.

If these conditions interest you, and you can meet orders of over 500
Garments at one time, please send us your current catalogue and
Price-list. We hope to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully. 7

L. Crane
Chief Buyer 8

Encl.: 9

Text A. Read and translate the text


The structure of the business letter differs in some respects from that of the personal letter.
Not only the sender's address is given (as in personal letter) but also the name and address of the
person or organization to which the letter is being sent. This is written on the left-hand side of the page
against the margin slightly lower than the date (which is on the opposite side). It should be the same as
the name and address on the envelope.
A letter written to man should be addressed to, for example, Mr.D.Smith or D.Smith Esq.(Esquire). A
letter to a woman, should be addressed to, for example, Mrs.C.Jones or Miss C.Jones. If you do not
know the name of the person for whom your letter is intended you may address it directly to the
company, e.g.:

The Branded Boot Co.Ltd.,

5 Rubberheel Road,

The body of the business letter usually includes: a) Reference, b) Information,

c) Purpose, d) Conclusion.
You should begin your letter with a reference to a letter you have received, an advertisement you have
seen, or an event which has prompted the writing of your letter.
Purpose is the most important part of the letter, where you are expected to state clearly and concisely
what you want and answer carefully and clearly all the questions that you have been asked.
Conclusion usually consists of some polite remark to round the letter off.
Then usually follows the complimentary close. If you begin your letter with Dear Sir(s) or Dear
Madam you may end it with the words "Yours faithfully". If you address a person by name the words
"Yours sincerely" are preferable. There is a modern tendency however to use "Yours sincerely" even
to people you have never met.
The signature: sign you name clearly, in full, as it should appear on the envelope of the letter addressed
to you.
Summarizing all the above said it should be stressed that any business letter can be written using the
following general scheme:

1. Heading (writer's address, date of the letter)

2. Inside address (name and address of the person or company receiving the letter)
3. Greeting (Dear Sir:)
4. Body of the letter (reference, information, purpose, conclusion)
5. Closing or complimentary close (saying good-bye)
6. Signature.

Business letters: Inquiry, Offer, Order, Contract.

Ділові листи: лист-запит, лист-пропозиція, лист-замовлення, контракт.

В залежності від мети листа виділяють різні його види, кожний з них має певні лексичні
звороти, певну схему оформлення самого тексту. Ми ознайомимо вас з декількома прикладами
оформлення таких листів.

Лист-запит компанія відсилає, коли хоче отримати детальну інформацію про товари,
узнати чи є в наявності необхідні товари, уточнити час і строк доставки, отримати інформацію
про умови поставки та знижки, засоби транспортування, страхування, ціни, отримати каталоги
та зразки товарів.
При написанні листів-запитів важливо докладно викласти суть питання. Це дозволить Вашому
діловому партнеру скоротити час на складання відповіді.
У випадку, коли Ви звертаєтесь із запитом у компанію вперше, в Ваш лист необхідно включити
наступні пункти:
1. Вказати джерело інформації про дану компанію.
2. Викласти суть питання.
3. Надати інформацію про вашу компанію.
4. Виразити надію на співробітництво.
Зовсім необов'язково дотримуватись саме такого порядку. При повторному запиті у структуру
листа включається тільки другий пункт. Загальна схема оформлення ділового листа

Кліше та вирази листа-запита

- We read your advertisement in ... - Ми прочитали вашу рекламу в ...

- We have heard of your products from ...- Ми узнали про продукцію вашої компанії з ...
- We have seen your current catalogue showing ... - Ми звернули увагу на ваш останній каталог, в
якому описані ...
- We are interested in buying (importing, etc) ... - Ми хотіли б купити (імпортувати і т.п.)
- Please inform us (let us know) as soon as possible ... - просимо вас сповістити якнайшвидше ...
- Could you let us have a quotation for ... - повідомте нам, будь-ласка, розцінки на ...
- We would like to have further details about ... - ми хотіли б отримати детальну інформацію про ...
- Please send us samples of ... - будь ласка, вишліть нам зразки ...
- As distributors we have a large network of ...- Як дистриб'ютери ми маємо широку мережу ...
- There is a large market here for your products - Ваші вироби знайдуть у нас свого покупця.

- If your prices are competitive (the samples meet the standards) we may be able to let you have
regular orders. - Якщо ваші ціни задовольнять нас (зразки задовольнять вимоги стандартів) ми
будемо регулярно замовляти вашу продукцію.

- We look forward to your early reply - з нетерпінням чекаємо на вашу відповідь.

Зразок листа-запиту
(Sample Inquiry Letter)

Листом-пропозицією постачальник відповідає на лист-запит. Відповідаючи на загальний запит,
він дякує за інтерес до фірми і додає прейскуранти, каталоги або умови типового договору.
Відповідь на спеціальний запит передбачає відповіді на всі запити потенційного клієнта.
Структура листа-пропозиції:
1. Привід написання.
2. Відповідь на запитання потенційного замовника.
3. Додаткові пропозиції.
4. Сподівання на замовлення
Відповідаючи на запитання, необхідно дати точний опис товару, по можливості супроводити
його фотоматеріалами і/або малюнками і/або зразками. При визначенні ціни враховуються
можливі знижки. Окремо вирішуються питання витрат на упаковку, транспортні витрати, умови
поставки і оплати.
Листи-пропозиції посилають також без попереднього запиту, якщо постачальник бажає
залучити увагу потенціальних клієнтів або найти нових замовників на конкретні продукти або
їх асортимент. Тверда пропозиція передбачає особливі умови, наприклад, кінцевий термін
одержання замовлення і систему знижок в залежності від кількості товару і інших умов.
Зразок листа-пропозиції
Mr. Fred North
Purchasing Manager
Broadway Autos
November 11, 200__
Dear Mr. North.
Thank you very much for your enquiry. We are of course very familiar with your range of vehicles and
are pleased to inform you that we have a new line of batteries that fit your specifications exactly.
The most suitable of our products for your requirements is the Artemis 66A Plus. This product
combines economy, high power output and quick charging time and is now in stock.
I enclose a detailed quotation, specifications and delivery terms. As you will see from this, our prices
are very competitive. I have arranged for our agent Mr. Martin of Fillmore S.A. to deliver five of these
batteries to you next week, so that you can carry out the laboratory tests. Our own laboratory reports,
enclosed with this letter, show that our new Artemis 66A Plus performs as well as any of out
competitor's product and, in some respects, outperforms them.
If you would like further information, please telephone or telex me: my extension number is 776. Or
you may prefer to contact Mr. John Martin of Fillmore S.A. in M______________: his telephone
number is 01 77 99 02.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Your sincerely,
Fred Stock

Для того, щоб зробити замовлення на купівлю тих чи інших товарів звичайно заповнюють
спеціальні бланки замовлень, де вказується кількість виробів, їх опис, ціна, умови оплати, дати
поставки, знижки і т.п.
В деяких випадках, коли необхідно прояснити окремі пункти замовлення, пишуть
супроводжувальний лист, до якого додається бланк замовлення.
Якщо Продавець або Постачальник товару виконує замовлення, він посилає Покупцеві
підтвердження замовлення, яке часто є копією замовлення, яку підписав Продавець.
Якщо Продавець або Постачальник товару за якими-небудь причинами не може виконати
замовлення, він або відмовляється від замовлення, або пропонує адекватну заміну товару, якого
немає в наявності.

Кліше та вирази листів-замовлень

- In reply (response) to your letter of (dated) ..., we thank you for... - У відповідь на Ваш лист от ...,
ми дякуємо Вам за ...
- We enclose (are enclosing) our order for ... - Ми додаємо наше замовлення на
- Please send the copy of this order to us, duly signed, as an acknowledgement. - У якості
підтвердження замовлення просимо відіслати нам підписану Вами копію замовлення.
- We confirm that delivery will be made by ... - Ми підтверджуємо, що поставка відбудеться к ...
- The goods you ordered are no longer available. - Товару, який ви замовляли, в наявності немає.

Зразок листа-замовлення

Men's Clothes Dealers Ltd.

142 South Road
Sheffield S20 4HL
England 21th March, 2002

Dear Sirs,

Our Order for Silk Shirts

In response to your letter of 17th March, we thank you for sending us your catalogues of men's silk
shirts. We are sure there will be a great demand for them in Ukraine.
We are enclosing our Order № 142, and would ask you to return its duplicate to us, duly signed, as an

Yours faithfully,
Vladimir Smurov
Export-Import Manager

Enc. Order № 142

1. David J Rachman. Business Today – Mc Graw – Hill Publishing Company, 1990-
670 p.
2. Hornby A.S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s dictionary of Current English. – Oxford
University Press, 1995 – 1428 p.
3. Joel R. Evans, Barry. Berman Essentials of Marketing.- Macmillan publishing
Company, 2015 - 538p.
3. Dubicka I., O’Keeffe M. English for International Tourism. Pre-Intermediate
(Students’ book). – Longman, 2007. – 143 p.
4. Dubicka I., O’Keeffe M. English for International Tourism. Pre-Intermediate
(Workbook). – Longman, 2007. – 80 p.
5. Wood N. Tourism and Catering (workshop). – Oxford University Press, 2009. – 40 p.
6. Walker R., Harding K. Tourism 2. - Oxford University Press, 2009. – 143 p.
7. Alison Pohl. Test Your Professional English (Hotel and Catering). – Penguin, 2004. –
105 p.
8. Duckworth M. Oxford Business English. Grammar and Practice. – Oxford University
Press. – 2002. – 224 p.

UNIT I. LOOKING FOR A JOB ……………………………………………
UNIT II. BUSINESS ETHICS ……………………………………………….
UNIT III. ……………………………………………………………………...
Part III. TYPES OF COMPANIES ……………………………

UNIT IV. LETTER WRITING ………………………………………………

UNIT V. BUSINESS TRIP…………………………………………………….
Part I. TRAVELLING ………………………………………………………..
Part II. AT THE CUSTOMS ……………………………………………….
Part III. AT THE HOTEL …………………………………………………..
APPENDIX ……………………………………………………………………….


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