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The report we had discussed all the topics as well as the subtopics included in special education.

It all
started with the definition of special education, a program which was made to meet the needs of
exceptional children. There are three expceptional children with special needa, these are: the
exceptional children, the youth, and the children with special needs. There are terms to be defined:
developmental disability which means groups of chronic conditions that good arise before adulthood;
impairment or disability, is that condition of being impaired; handicap condition that makes simple
activity harder than they are for other people and at risk it is exposed to harm or danger. the topic also
included 10 categories of CSN or children with special needs. first specific learning disability is that
affects a child inability to read, write, listen, speak, reason or do math. This involved dyslexia,
dysgraphia, dyscalculia, auditory processing disorder, and nonverbal learning disability.Two, other
health impairment, which covers conditions that limit a child's strength, energy or alertness. One
instance, children with ADHD that shows hyperactiveness and uncontroble impulses. Three, ASD, affects
a child abulity socialize and communicate. Four, emotional disturbance, which includes anxiety disorder,
schizoprenia, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and depression. Five, speech or language
impairment, associated with difficulty with speech or language that involves stuttering, troubke
prnouncing words or making sounds with the voice. Six, sensory impaired, include: Visual Impairment,
deafness, hearing impairment and deaf-blindnes. Seven, orthopaedic impairment, the inability to move
or impairment of motor skills.

Biological and environmental causes of developmental disabilities discusses topics that widely relevant
to the causes of such conditions. Genetic principles was explained to be the rules or standards governing
the biological phenomenon of heredity. This includes heredity, the passing on of traits from parents to
their offspring. Origin of genetics that talks about the origin of species and non-species variability was
developed after the research work of Charles Darwin and Wallace. Gregor Mendel introduced his
experiment named after him, the Mendel's Experiment. He discovered the fundamental laws of
inheritance through his work on pea plants. He theorized that genes comes in pairs and are inherited in
distinct units, one from each parent. He explained 3 laws associated with his experiment. First, the Law
of Segregation, that explains the separation of parental genes from the sex cells so that sex cells contain
only one gene of the pair. Therefore, the offspring inherit one genetic allele from each parebt when sex
cells unite in fertilization. Second, the Law of Independent Assortment, explains that genes for different
traits are sorted separately from one another so that the inheritance of one trait is not dependent on
the inheritance of another. Third, The Law of Dominance, explains organism with alternate forms of a
gene will express the form that is dominant. In this chapter, Mendel explained his results. (1) Recessive
that states about heritable characteristics controlled by genes that are expressed in offspring only when
inherited from both parents. (2) Dominant opposed to the recessive trait which is expressed only when
two copies of the gene are passed. Mendel also had his hypothesis that discussed two categories: Gene
Segregation and Punnet Squares. (1) Gene Segregation explained that the two alleles for each trait
segregate, or separate, during the formation of genetic and that during the formation of new zygote, the
alleles will combine at random with other alleles. (2) Punnet Squares explains a graphical representation
of the possible an offspring arising from a particular case or breeding event. Disabilities or difficulties
arise from various kinds of factors, these are: Poverty and malnutrition, war, poor access to health care,
illness, medicines and injections, dangerous work conditions, accidents, poisons and pesticides, and
inherited disabilities. There are also factors that affect the development or learning, such as: Intellectual
factor, learning factors, physical favtors, mental, emotional and social, teacher's personality, and
environmental factor. Developmental disabilities have varied kinds. One is, autism, behaviour disorders,
brain injury, cerebral palsy and etc.


1. How will you define Special Education in your own words?

2. What are the categories involved in children with special needs?

3. What is the definition for SLD?

4. What us emotional disturbance?

5. Do you agree that poverty has a large impact in affecting a person's difficulty?

6. What is Down syndrome?


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