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Submitted as Partial Fulfilement of the Requirements for the

Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education


Sri Istiqomah

NPM 1615500058







* Keep asking Allah beacuse there are no unanswered prayers and everything will
be possible as long as you want to work hard, try again and again, keeps pray and
do good deeds. (Papa - Bagja Nur Jaya).


With love and gratitude, I dedicate this research

project to:

 Allah SWT, who always gives me the best for

everything in my life.
 Prophet Muhammad SAW as the light of my
 My beloved parents, Mr. Bagja Nur Jaya and
Mrs. Nur Hayati who always supports me since
day one, facilitate me and give the best they
have. You both are my breath.
 My fiance, Arief Yulianto who is always there
when I’m down, who is always happy when I’m
happy. Thank you so much.
 My dearest friends, Rizqi Nadia Putri, Williani
Dyah Widyaningrum, Rizqi Dwi Juliani,
Warningsih, Ulfatul Khafidoh, Sifany Ulynuha
and Rohmah Desi E. Thank you for always
holding hands and not leaving each other.
 All my friends in class C.
 All the Lectures in English Departement. Thank
you for all the knowledges that you have given.


Alhamulilah, thankful to Allah SWT who always brings miracle and

blessing, so the writer could finish this research project entitled “An Analysis on
the English Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Descriptive Writing at the Second
Grade of Junior High School”. The writer realized that this research project could
be finished because of the guidance and advice from several parties. Therefore, in
this chance, the writer would like to give sincerest gratitude and appreciation to:

1. Dr. Burhan Eko Purwanto, M.Hum., as the Rector of Pancasakti

University Tegal.
2. Dr. Purwo Sasongko, M.Pd, as the Dean of Teacher Training and
Education Faculty of Pancasakti University Tegal.
3. Yuvita, M.Pd, as the Headmaster of English Departement of Teacher
Trauning and Education Faculty of Pancasakti University Tegal.
4. Dr. Taufiqulloh, M.Hum, as the first advisor, who has given advice, many
correction and helpful guidance to the writer in writing this research
project. The writer thanks for his kindness and wisdom from the begining
to the end of this research.
5. Noeris Meiristiani, M.Pd, as the second advisor, who has given advice,
many correction and helpul guidance to the writer in writing this research
6. All the lectures of English Departement of Pancasakti University who
have taught and given a lot of knowledge to the writer whose names
cannot be mentioned one by one.
7. Durrohim, S.Pd., Haryanto, S.Pd., TB Wijayanto, M.Hum and Ahmad
Iskandar, S.Pd., as the teacher of second grade of Junior Hogh Schools
who has given a chance to the writer to conduct this research.
8. All the people who cannot be mentioned one by one who have helped the
writer to finish this research project.

May Allah, the almighty bless them all. Finally, the writer realizes that this
research project is still far from being perfect. Therefore, criticism and suggestion
are needed to make this research project better. Then, the writer hopes that this
research project can be useful for language teahing development.

Tegal, July 2019

The Writer


TITLE ................................................................................................................. i

APPROVAL ....................................................................................................... ii

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ................................................................. iii

MOTTO AND DEDICATION .......................................................................... iv

PREFACE ........................................................................................................... v

TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................... vi

LIST OF TABLE ............................................................................................... x

LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................... xi

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Problem ...................................................................... 1

B. Statement of the Problem ......................................................................... 4
C. Conceptual /Operational Definitions ........................................................ 4
D. Objective of the Research ........................................................................ 7
E. Significances of the Research .................................................................. 8
1. Theoretical Significance ...................................................................... 8
2. Practical significances ......................................................................... 9

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ............................. 10

A. Review of the Previous Studies ................................................................ 10

B. Review of Related Theoris ....................................................................... 13

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................ 25

A. Approach and Design of the Research ..................................................... 25

B. Subject of the Research ............................................................................ 26

C. Role of the Researcher ............................................................................. 26
D. Type of Data ............................................................................................. 27
E. Data Collecting Technique ...................................................................... 27
F. Instrument of Research ............................................................................. 28
G. Procedures of Analysing Data .................................................................. 29
H. Technique of Reporting Data ................................................................... 30


A. Finding ..................................................................................................... 34
B. Discussion ................................................................................................ 45


A. Conclusion ............................................................................................... 53
B. Suggestion ................................................................................................ 55

REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 57

APPENDICES .................................................................................................... 59


1. Content Analysis Checklist ...................................................................... 62

2. Content Analysis Checklist Result Data N1 ............................................ 69
3. Content Analysis Checklist Result Data N2 ............................................. 76
4. Content Analysis Checklist Result Data N3 ............................................ 83


1. Finding of Observation Checklist & Interview ........................................ 59

2. Finding of Interview and Checklist .......................................................... 62

ISTIQOMAH, SRI. 1615500058. 2019. “An Analysis on the English Teachers’
Strategies in Teaching Descriptive Writing at the Second Grade of Junior
High School”. Research project Strata 1. English Departement of Tecaher
Training and Education Faculty, Pancasakti University Tegal. First
Advisor : Dr. Taufiqulloh, M.Hum, Second Advisor : Noeris Meiristiani,
Keywords: Teacher Strategies, Teaching Decriptive Writing
The objectives of this research are to find out the strategies that the
teachers’ used in teaching writing descriptive at the second grade of Junior high
school from SMPN 02 Dukuhturi, SMPN 17 Tegal and SMPN 19 Tegal; and how
the teacher implements the strategies in class.
The method of this research was qualitative research. The subject of this
research was English teacher in SMPN 02 Dukuhturi, SMPN 17 Tegal and SMPN
19 Tegal. The instruments of this research were observation checklist and
The result of the research found that there are different strategies that the
teacher used in teaching descriptive writing in class; from SMPN 02 Dukuhturi
there are two strategies that the teacher used Imaginary Strategy and Guided
Writing Strategy, from SMPN 17 the teacher used Imaginary Strategy and
Scaffolding Strategy, and from SMPN 19 teacher used various strategy such as
Learning Outside School Through Various Media, Cooperative Learning,
Discussion, Making a Group, Analyzing the Picture and Discussion. From those
strategies, the teachers are able to know how far the students understand the
material that the teacher has given to the students and the students are able to do
the task after the material has been given.

ISTIQOMAH, SRI. 1615500058. 2019. “An Analysis on the English Teachers’
Strategies in Teaching Descriptive Writing at the Second Grade of Junior
High School”. Skripsi Strata 1. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Bahasa Inggris Universitas Pancasakti Tegal. Pembimbing 1: Dr.
Taufiqulloh, M.Hum, Pembimbing 2: Noeris Meiristiani, M.Pd.
Kata Kunci: Strategi Guru, Mengajar Menulis Teks Descriptive
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan strategi yang di
gunakan oleh para guru dalam mengajar menulis teks deskriptif di kelas dua
sekolah menegah pertama di SMPN 2 Dukuhturi, SMPN 17 Tegal dan SMP 19
Tegal; dan bagaimana cara guru menerapkan strategi yang di gunakan di dalam
Metode yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian
kualitatif. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah guru kelas dua sekolah menengah
pertama dari SMPN 2 Dukuhturi, SMPN 17 Tegal dan SMP 19 Tegal. Instrumen
penelitian ini menggunakan observasi dan wawancara.
Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah ditemukannya perbedaan yang digunakan
para guru dalam mengajar menulis teks deskriptif di dalam kelas; di SMPN 2
Dukuhturi Tegal, ada dua strategi yang di gunakan oleh guru yaitu imaginary
strategy dan guided writing strategi, di SMPN 17 Tegal, guru menggunakan dua
strategi yaitu free imaginary strategy and scaffolding, di SMPN 19 Tegal, guru
menggunakan berbagai macam strategi diantaranya adalah belajar di luar kelas
dengan menggunakan berbagai media, pembelajaran kooperatif, diskusi,
membuat grup dan menganalisis gambar dan mendiskusikannya. Dari strategi
yang di guanakan para guru tersebut, guru dapat mengetahui sejauh mana para
siswa dalam memahami materi yang di ajarkan dan siswa dapat menjawab tugas
yang di berikan oleh guru berdasarkan materi yang diajarkan.



This chapter provides an introductory explanation of study. It covers

background of study, statement of the problem, conceptual/operational definition,

objective of the research and significances of the research.

A. Background of the Problem

In today’s learning environment, our government goal is to integrate

instruction among the language process of listening, speaking, reading and

writing in junior high school until senior high school so that the students are

involved in making and conveying meaning in natural ways. Taylor (2009:1)

states that for most people, writing is an extremely difficult task if they are

trying to grapple in their language with new ideas and new ways of looking at

them. If we want to write well we need to know (as well as we can) what we

are talking about. In order to find out what, precisely, we are talking about we

need to write. Pushing ourselves to write will often reveal that we know more

about subject than we at first supposed, it should just as often reveal large

gaps in our understanding of matters we thought ourselves fairly sure of. In

writing we bring knowledge into being, we record and preserve it. Writing is

the seed, the fruit and the pickle of our understanding.

Writing activity is a form of manifestation of abilities and language skills

that are most recently mastered by language learners after listening, speaking

and reading ability. Compared with three other language skills, the ability to


write is more difficult to master. This is due to the ability to write requires

mastery of various linguistic elements and elements outside the language

itself which will be the content of writing, both language elements and must

occur in such a way as to produce coherent writing (Wassid and Sunendar,


Talking about writing, descriptive writing is one of writing pillars that the

students have to master before learning for another genre of writing. When

the person starts to writing, they have to understand the meaning of the text

they want to write. Description is one of the most common purposes of

language. You use description everyday. You might describe a place, thing or

a person or what you feel everyday. When describing, you tell someone what

something looks like or how it feels. Taylor (2009:195) states that in your

writing, there will be a place for description. You will need to describe such

objects of your attention as a painting, the kindship system of a particular

society, the land forms of a stretch of country, a chain of historical events,

and so on. You will also from time to time need to describe what the authors

of your sources have said about the subject matter you are enquiring into. But

in modern academic writing, it is generally true to say description by itself is

not enough. It might be used to serve the purposes of analysis-of reflecting

upon the significance of the information, the data, the evidence and the

arguments that you assemble in your attempt to answer the question raised by

the topic.

Teaching strategies are conceptual frame works that describe systematic

procedures in organizing learning experiences to achieve learning goals and

the instructors in planning and carrying out learning activities (Winataputra,

2001). On the other hand, Subana and Sunarti (2009) state that “models of

teaching is the design or pattern used to determine the learning process,

design learning material, and guide learning in the classroom”. This finding

indicates that teachers need to be equipped by strategies in teaching writing in

order to help the students to cope with the difficulties in mastering writing. In

line with the previous explanation that writing English is difficult to master.

The reason why the researcher chooses this topic is because writing is

difficult to master after speaking, reading and listening. Writing is difficult

but important to master because as the students, writing has many functions

such as if the students want to get a schoolarship abroad and if the students

want to work in international company they need to write application letter in

English. Writing also takes time and need high concentrating in the making

process. The students also have to combine between their thought, grammar

and vocabulary. According to the writing cooperative by Trombley (2018)

states that writing is hard thing to do, because in writing we need to require

focus, require practice, require diligence, require courage, and require

humanity in one paper. Writing is that exercise by the teacher have to full of

ideas and served up in a new, fresh, engaging and even untried ways. From

this case, the teacher needs to apply the right strategy in teaching process

until the students can understand what the teacher guides in teaching

descriptive writing and for the researcher can know the implementation of the

startegy in the class. Based on the problem stated above, the researcher

assumes that the writing skills become a problem if not overcome soon. For

this assumption, the researcher is interested to do descriptive research. By

doing this research, the researcher gives this research with title “An Analysis

on the English Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Descriptive Writing at the

Second Grade of Junior High School”. To analyze English teacher strategies

in teaching writing and how the English teacher implements the strategies in


B. Statement of the Problem

An analysis on the English teachers’ strategies in teaching descriptive

writing at the second grade of junior high school is the main point of this

research. Therefore, research questions of this research were :

1. What are the English teachers’ strategies in teaching writing descriptive

at the second grade of Junior High Schools?

2. How do the English teachers’ implement the strategies in class?

C. Conceptual/Operational Definition

1. Teaching Strategies

Teaching is derived from the word “teach” which means giving

instruction to somebody, in order to know or be able to do something. The

word teaches has the widest use in formal and informal situation and at all

level education. Teaching is the process of transfering knowledge from


teacher to the students or for someone to another whether ina formal or

informal situation (Sarjan, 2017).

Richards in Inayah, et al. (1992:3) states a strategy is defined as a set

of procedures in learning, thinking, teaching, etc. that is used as a way to

achieve a certain goal. Every individual has his or her own way to reach

the goals that she or he set. That also happens to teacher, a strategy used

by one teacher might be different with another teacher, it depends on the

needs of their students or learning objectives that they want to achieve.

Teaching strategy is a learning activity that must be done by the

teacher and students, so that the learning objectives can be achieved

effectively and efficiently. Teaching strategies can help students take

more responsibility for their own learning and enhance the process of

teaching for learning. The key was to create learning environments that

are more interactive, to integrate technology where applicable into the

learning experience, and to use collaborative learning strategies when

appropriate. Teaching strategy is a teachers’ plan in teaching and learning

process to achieve purpose which have been planned. In other words,

teaching strategies are approaches to teach students. The teacher has to

apply the strategy to balance between the method which the teacher’s

used and the way of the teacher’s used to apply the material


2. Writing Skills

Writing is a form of communication that allows students to put their

feelings and ideas on paper, to organize their knowledge and believes into

convincing arguments, and to convey meaning through well-constructed

text. In this most advanced form, written expression can be as vivid as a

work of art. As children learn the steps of writing, and as they build new

skills upon old, writing evolves from the first simple sentences to

elaborate stories and essays, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, and

organization come together and grow together to help the student

demonstrate more advanced writing skills each year.Moreover, writing is

not whole a problem in communication, as we have just seen, but now we

must look at those aspect of writing which are governed by the need to

present your ideas and your argument in a way that will help to get them

across(Taylor, 2009: 4). On the other hand, Brown (2004:9) states that

thereare some types of writing. The first is imitative, to produce written

language, the learner must attain skills in the fundamental, basic task of

writing letters, words, punctuation, and very brief sentences. The second

is intensive (controlled), beyond the fundamental of initiative writing

skills in producing appropriate vocabulary within a context, collocations

and idiom, and correct grammatical features up to the length of a

sentence. The third is responsive, here, assesment tasks require learners to

perform at a limited discourse level, connecting sentence into a paragraph

and creating logically connected sequence of two or three paragraphs. The


last is extensive, writing implies successful management of all the process

and strategies of writing for all purposes.

Writing skills is abilities that the students have to put some thoughts

into a words in a meaningful form and to mentally interact with the

message. The writers also have to write fluently so that it can be read and

understood by his or herself and the people who read. There are some

kinds of good writing: (1) Completeness: all information needed is

provided (2) correctness: relevant and precise information (3) credibility:

support your argument (4) clarity: should not be vague, confusing,

ambiguous (5) conciseness: to the point (6) consideration: anticipate the

reader’s reaction (7) vitality: use the active voice rather than the passive


Descriptive writing is a device in which the author uses details to paint

a picture with their words. This process will provide readers with

description of people, places, objects, and events through the use of

suitable details. The author also will use descriptive writing to create

sensory details as a means of enhancing the reading experinces. If done

effectively, the reader will be able draw a connection through the use of

sensory details that include hearing, smelling, touching and tasting. These

technique will assist you in becoming not only better writer, but also will

make your writing more engaging for readers(Andrew Sedillo, 2016).


D. Objectives of the Research

This research aims is to find out the teachers strategies in teaching

writing descriptive atthe second grade of junior high school 2 of

Dukuhturi. The specific objectives of this research are :

1. To find out the English teachers’ strategies in teaching descriptive

writing used at the second grade of Junior High School.

2. To describe the implement of English teachers’ strategies in teaching

descriptive writing at the second grade of Junior High School.

E. Significances of the Research

The results of this study are expected to give both theoritical and

practically significances as follows :

From the theoritical significances, hopefully, this research will give

some useful information about English teachers’ strategies in teaching

descriptive writing. This research is expected to be used as references for

the next researchers in English teachers’ strategies in teaching writing

process. Hopefully, the result of this study will be useful for the students,

teachers, and all the readers. And the result of this study also will help the

teacher to improve their strategies in teaching writing descriptive.

From the practical significances,for the students, this research finding

can be used as a reference to learn about descriptive in English, especially

in writing. The students also can know what are the teachers’ strategies in

teaching writing and they can choose one of the teachers’ strategies they

might be more comfortable in understanding writing. And for the English


teachers, this research finding expected to be useful contribution that can

be transfered to learners by the characteristic. By understanding the

character of each student, the teacher may employ different strategies in

teaching descriptive writing. Based on thestatement above, the researcher

hopes the teacher can apply the right strategy in class to make the students

more comfortable in writing and more explore their idea in paper. And for

the next researchers, hopefully this thesis will give some contribution and

information for the next researchers about the strategies that the teachers’

used in teaching writing and how the teachers’ implement the strategies in

class. The result of the research is expected to give some contribution to

students, teachers and the future researchers.



This chapter presents the previous studies of the research and the related theories.

A. Review of the Previous Studies

Some researchers had conducted researchers that focused on teachers

strategies in teaching as follows:

Nurmadia Sarjan (2017) conducted a research with the title An Analysis

on the English Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension at

the Second Grade of SMPN 1 of Wonomulyo. She concluded that the

teachers used two strategies in teaching writing, there are Scaffolding and

QARs (question answer relationship). From scaffolding strategy, the students

are able to develop about the idea through readable text that the teacher has

been given, and from QARs (question answer relationship) strategy. The

teachers able to know how far the students understand what the teacher had

given to them. And the teacher is able to know how far the students

understand the task after reading the text that has been given, after that the

teacher guides the students to focus on the text and understand the content.

Agung Ginanjar (2013) conducted a research with the title Teachers’

Strategies in Teaching Speaking to Students at Secondary Level. He

concluded that the strategies used by the teacher were cooperative activities,

role-play, creative task, and drilling. In the meantime, students’ response

towards the strategies resulted in positive attitude as they responded that the


strategies helped them to speak, as well as concern oral production of

students whose participation was emphasized.

Nurul Inayah (2012) conducted a research with the title EFL Teachers’

Teaching Strategies in Public Vocational High Schools in Singaraja. She says

that the EFL Teachers in public vocational high school in Singaraja

implemented various teaching strategies. There were approximately thirty

four strategies implemented, namely: academic language scaffolding, advance

organizer, language focus lessons, cloze, collaborative reading,

communication games, cooperative learning, emotive writing tasks, guided

writing, imaging, interactive listening, attribute charting, language framework

planning, learning centers, leveled questions, talkshow and many more. She

also conducted the strategies of the school which were similar from one

school to the others with similarities or differences in the focused of the skills

and also procedures in applying the strategies. It is found that the number of

strategies implemented in the school was different and she found some

problems that the EFL teachers deal with in implementing the strategies,

There are: the students, in terms of their level, motivation and heteroginity,

the teachers, in terms of their lack of motivation to teach and their

personality, and the facility.

The three researchers above have a similarity with this research because all

of them have some subjects to teachers strategies. This research also focuses

on teachers’ strategies, the researcher analized which one of strategies in

teaching learning used by the teacher in teaching descriptive writing.


This research also has some differences between three reaserchers above.

First, the object of the research above is different, the first researcher analized

the teacher strategies in reading comprehension which used two strategies

there are scaffolding and QARs question and focused on teaching reading

comprehension descriptive text that guided the students to focus more on the

text and understand the content of the text. Meanwhile, the second research

focused on teachers’ strategies in teaching speaking which used four

strategies in teaching, cooperative activities, role play, creative task and

drilling that concern oral production of students whose participation was

emphasized. The last researcher focused on EFL teachers teaching strategies

which implemented various teaching strategies and found the different of the

implementation strategies between one school to another and found the

problems that the EFL teachers dealt with in the implementing the strategies.

The second different is the concern of three researchers above, the first

researcher has concerned in guiding students to focus more on the text and

undesrtood the content. The second researcher focused on oral production of

students and the third researcher had concern with what teaching strategies

implemented by the EFL teachers, similarities and differences of teaching

strategies applied and problems encountered by the teachers in implementing

the strategies.

B. Review of Related Theories

a. Teaching Strategies

A strategy is defined as a set of procedures in learning, thinking,

teaching, etc. That is used as a way to achieve a certain goal (Richards, et

al., 1992) said that everyone has his or her own way to reach the goals.

That also happens to teacher, a strategy used by one teacher might be

different with another teacher’s. It depends on the need of their students

or the learning objectives that they want to achieve (Inayah, 2012).

Therefore, teaching strategies is strategy of the education used in

teaching learning process as a plan method or teachers’ activities design

to achieve the goal or objectives of the material brought. Strategies can

be defined as desining plan that contains order activities to achieve

spesific educational objectives.

Teaching is more than a set of methods, teaching well means

addressing a set of objectives, for a particular group of students, at a

certain point in the school year, with certain resources, within a particular

time frame, in a particular school and community setting. It means

finding a balance between direct instruction and orchestrating the

activities of individuals and group of students. It means developing

students’ skill and strategies for learning, at the same time they learn the

content of the curriculum. Although teaching is more than a set of

strategies, there are some teaching methods that should be the part of

every creative teachers’ repertoire. Some of this are comprehensive


strategies that can shape a whole lesson. Others can be combined to make

a complete lesson plan. The most succesful classrooms are those that

encourage students to think for themselves and engage in critical thinking

skills.(Crawford et al.,2005:10).

Strasser in Sarjan (1946:151) states that teaching strategies is

generalized plan for a lesson or a lesson which includes structure, desire

learner behaviour, in terms of the goal instruction, and an outline of

tactics necessary to implement the strategy. On the other hand,

Apriyandini (2016) says that teaching strategies are among the main

factors that help determine how and how well students learn foreign

language. Silver et al., (2007) state that strategies are different types of

styles of plans teachers use to achieve the goals. They explain that every

teacher needs to create teaching strategies. Brown (2007) states that

strategies are spesific methods of approaching a problem or task, modes

of operation for achieving a particular end, planned designs for

controlling and manipulating certain information. Then, Departmen

Pendidikan Nasional of Indonesia in Strategi Pembelajaran dan

Pemilihannya explains teaching strategies can be seen as a plan which

contains sequel of activities, including the use of method and resource in

learning which is arranged to reach the goal (2008). Strategies are effort

to get success in the goals that want tobe reached. Raharjanto in Kvint

(2011:2) states that strategy is important because the resources available

to achieve the goals, and these goals are usually limited. Strategy

generally involves setting goals, determining action to achieve the goals,

and mobilizing resource to execute the action. Strategy describes how the

ends will be achieved by the means. This is generally tasks with

determining strategy. Strategy can be intended or can emerge as a pattern

of activity as the organization adapts to its environment or competes. It

involves activities such as strategic planning and strategic thinking.

Teaching strategies are conceptual frameworks that describe

systematic procedures in organizing learning experiences to achieve

learning goals and the instructors in planning and carrying out learning

activities (Winataputra, 2001). On the other hand, Performance Domain

I: Planning states that the strategies are things teachers can do, either

alone or in a collaboration with the principal, mentor or collagues. The

selection of strategies must also be appropriate for the developmental

level of the students in the teachers’ classroom. Extra care should be

taken in selecting strategies to be implemented in classroom. Successful

lesson planning requires that teachers, prior to the begining of the

lessons, think about what is required for planned activities. While a

proficient teacher may not necessarily need to write down in the lesson

plan all of the details of how an activity will be conducted, the proficient

teacher has a mental plan for the activity. From the explanation about

teaching strategies above, the researcher assumes that teaching strategies

are the method, concept or planning that the teacher uses or makes to

reach the goal in teaching learning process.


b. Teaching Writing

Teaching is a train and manage classes that are carried out by a

teacher to carry out the learning process, conduct training and guidance

to support the educational process. According to Harmer in Sarjan

(2008:12) states that teaching is not an easy job, but it is a necessary one,

and can be very rewarding when the teacher sees our students’ progress

and know that wehave helped to make it happen. It is true that some

students can be difficult in remembering the vocabulary and

understanding the sentence, but it also importantto remember that is the

best teachers’ strategy can also be understandable. Regarding to some

explanation of the teaching, it can be concluded that teaching is activities

or all deliberate effort in order to give the possibility for students to occur

in the teaching and learning process in accordance with the objectives

that have been formulated. Teaching writing has at least two aspects.

First, it can refer to teaching learners who are learning to write for the

very first time. A second aspect of teaching refers teaching learners who

already have writing skill in their first language.

In fact, writing skills are the skills that have the highest level of

difficulty for learners compared to the other three skills(Iskandarwassid

and Sunendar, 2009). As a good writer, the process of writing can be

described as follows:

Writing is :

1. the process of capturing languages with graphic signs

2. representation of the language expression acticities
3. an activities create thoughts and feeling with writing.

Skill-getting Skill-using activities

1. Writing down 1. Flexibility

Writing process Expansion of sentences
2. Writing language 2. Expressive writing
Language setting Guided and free writing

In the classroom, writing is the most difficult part to do in class.

Every student has different character, so the teacher is expected to present

some ways to make the students interested to conduct their lesson. There

are strategy of teaching writing which the teacher is present one of ways in

the classroom. The first is build schema. Build schema is a mental picture

of a concept, the terms we need tobe able to think, talk about and write on

a subject. The second is the students must generate vocabulary and ideas

on the topic of the activity or lesson. The third is brain storming, we can

elicit ideas from them and draw mind-maps, word-webs, lists or other

types of graphic organizer according to their level and what we want them

to produce. For building fluency and confident in writing, we set a time

limit and give them meaningful question prompts and tell them to just

write on the topic, focus on the question, but write anything that comes to

mind. From the statement above, it is clear that strategies influence the

students’ learning in writing. So it can be concluded that strategies is

important for students to learn writing.

c. Strategy in Teaching Writing

According to Lestari, Sudarsono and Arifin (2014) writing is

considered as difficult skill to learn. It requires active thinking through

out a continous productive process in which thoughts and ideas are

transfered into written communication. The Writing Teachers’ Strategy

Guide by Peha (2010:6) states that good writing comes from strong

feeling and strong feeling comes from things we like and things we hate,

good writing comes from life experience, and the life experiences we

know are the typical things we do everyday and the unusual things that

happen to us maybe only once or twice in our entire lives. So, pick only

the best topics and be spesific if you can. On the other hand, the

education article by Cox (2012)states that writing is an essential tool for

learning, and when the students realize that writing is simply another way

of communicating through a pencil versus your lips, it will make that

much more of sense to them. Here are a few teaching strategies to help

those struggling students and get them writing :

1. Photography can be used as teaching strategies

Challenge students to search their family photos, and look through

magazine, books, or newspapers to find a little writing inspiration.


2. Graphic organizer

Try using a story map to motivate students and get them writing.

3. Audio record it

Get your audio recording gear out and let students record their

writing. This is a fun way for students to speak what they want to say

versus actually printing it.

4. Audio transcribe it

Just open a blank email and have students tap the microphone button

so it will transcribe everything that they are saying. Its a fun and

unique way for students to write their essay or story.

5. Peer talks

Pair students together in to teams of two, and have each student take

turns writing down what the other person say. Students will get akick

out of having their partner do all the writing for them.

6. Story starters

Give them story starter or writing prompt (e.g. create a new type of

cookie, what are the ingredients and what is the name of it? Or my

favourite holiday is ..... because ......)

7. Create a name

Encourage students to make up a name. (e.g Jasper Jenkins) then

have them picture what a person with that name looks like, and

where they came from (e.g. Jasper Jenkins is a man from the 1920s

who is skinny and has dark brown hair). Encourage students to


think more details about their character that they created, like

where they work, if they have a family, or any other details that

they can think of. This is a fun way to develop a story.

8. Spin a wheel

A fun and creative way to get students writing is to have them

create a writing wheel that they can spin each time they need

something to write about. As a class, brainstorm ideas and write

them on your wheel. Students can than take turns spinning the

wheel when it’s time to write to see what they have to write about.

9. Create a contest

A little friendly competition is always good for children. Create a

writing contest where students compete not only against each other

but their peers onlinr too. Look for an online contest like from where students can submit essays about their heroes.

Its a great way to teach students to write from their heart.

10. Integrate art

Allow students to brainstorm their writing ideas through picture

and drawings or just add them to their stories. Whichever way to

choose will be equally effective.

The ultimate goal is to have students use their cognitive thinking

skills to communicate their ideas. Whether it’s on paper or through

thir lips, the whole point is to get your students to express their

thoughts without hesitation. Once students understand that writing


is just another way of communicating, the walls will come down

and they will be able to pick up a pencil and convey their thoughts


On the other hand, Peha (2010:5) states that some examples that will

help the students to find something good to write about :

1. Like-Hate : Things you like and things you hate.

2. Typical-Unusual : Typical experiences that happen almost every day

and unusual experiences that have happened only once or twice in

your entire life.

3. Fun-Have To : Things you do for fun and things you do because you

have to.

4. Regret-Proud Of : Things you regret and things you are proud of.

d. Strategy in Teaching Writing Descriptive

Based on Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction (Vol. 13 No.

2, 2016: 75-77) there are many descriptive writing strategies used in

teaching such as the models introduced by Johannessen (1995), Manery

(2003), McCathy (1998) and many others. But the writer chooses SFV

models in her study. This model consists of three process which are free

writing, whilst writing and post writing. In the free writing process, the

technique of brainstorming and main mapping are introduced and whilst

writing involves the detailed desccription of the descriptive writing

elements. The post writing includes the process needed after writing is

done such as revising and presenting the essay. Spencer (2005) states that

descriptive writing depends on details and colorful language to bring a

subject to life. By describing a person, a place or an object with vivid

details, a writer can create the descriptive scene in the readers’ mind.

Similarity, Johanesson (1995) suggests that teachers should familiarize

students with this terms by providing plenty of vivid examples.

Similiesare use to compare two different people, places or things by

using words “like” or “as”, such as her beauty like a Cinderella’s.

Methapors are also similar to simile but it does not use the words “like”

or “as”. For example, “Anny is a flower in my class”. The word “flower”

means beautiful. Personification is to give human characteristics to

something taught is not human, for example “his pen dances on his

book”, the word “dance” refers to the human characteristic, and the word

“pen” is considered a live object. A vivid word is a spesific modifier, for

example in the sentence “the price of the car is expensive”, the word

“car” is not vivid enough, so to make it become more vivid, we have to

modify the word “car” in to “the red proton car” because it’s vividly

elaborates in greater detail the atributes of the car. All of the explanation

above can be applied in teaching descriptive writing, and it will make the

student descriptive writing become more interesting and lively (Suriyanti

&Yaacob, 2016:75).

According to Ulfa and Rosa (2014), one of the strategies that can be

used by the teacher in teaching writing a descriptive text is imagery

strategy. This strategy is used in the class to stimulate students’ mind to


develop idea and students creativity in writing descriptive text. Chamot

(1999:61) finds that using organization planning, imagery, and check

goals are good strategies to develop writing. The picture would lead the

students into real lives. It means that the students are easy to explore the

idea in writing.

On the other hand, Sedillo (2003) states in his article that there are

four of descriptive writing techniques that can be apply in writing

descriptive (1) choosing your focus (2) use of words (3) reader interest

(4) re-reading and redo. He also states that good descriptive writing is

done well if the main topic of your writing is understood by all readers.

Lestari, Sudarsono, Arifin (2014) conclude that teaching writing

descriptive text using guided writing strategy is effective. Guided writing

strategy helps the students to develop their writing skill by giving them

wide range of vocabularies and grammar. Since vocabularies are very

important to develop writing skill, it will be very difficult for them to

write if they do not have enough vocabulary. Grammar helps them in

arranging words into sentence with correct structure. Raharjanto (2016)

explains that the strategy that the teachers use in teaching writing

descriptive are lessons visual and cooperative learning, which the first

teacher give photograph and the the teacher divided into some groups

discussion and ask to describe it. In applying the strategies, Raharjanto

says that the teacher applied the strategy with the cooperative learning

strategy. In the practice in the class, the teacher asks the students to make

a group and the group must retail the picture given by the teacher by

using their own language. Cooperative learning is a cooperative strategy

between the teacher and the learner in the teaching learning process, such

as, discussion. The students discuss the picture of public figure with the

help of teacher.

The explanation above shows some concept of teaching writing

descriptive. In observing English teacher, there are strategies in teaching

writing and strategies in writing descriptive analyzed by researcher. The

researcher also analyzed how the tecaher implement the strategies in



This chapter presents the research mehodology and data analysis. It covers

approach and design of the research, subject of the research, role of the

researchers, type of data, instrument of research, procedures of analysing data,

and technique of reporting data.

A. Approach and Design of the Resesarch

In doing this research, the researcher used descriptive design method

because this research is focused on a certain phenomenon in the school

environment. In this case, the phenomenon is the activities of teaching and

learning English. This research also does not need to give the treatment to

the object of the research. This research observes and describes the

phenomena in the class and in fact as clear as possible without

manipulation. Therefore, the appropriate design can be used in conducting

this research is descriptive research. The design of this research also

consists of two stages. The first stage is observation to the teacher and

students. The researcher observes the class, the school condition and the

teaching learning process. The second stage is doing the interview with the

English teacher. This interview happens after the researcher doing the

observation. In this interview process, the researcher asks detail about the

strategies that the teacher used in teaching descriptive writing.


Design used in this research is descriptive qualitative with the direct

observation, interviews, and documentation. According to Sugiyono in

Sarjan (2017:154), descriptive method is a method used to examine the

status of human groups, an object, a condition, the thoughts, and the events

that will occur.

B. Subject of the Research

The research entitled “An Analysis on the English Teachers’

Strategies in Teaching Descriptive Writing at the Second Grade Students

of Junior High School” was conducted in in SMPN 02 Dukuhturi Tegal,

SMPN 17 Tegal and SMPN 19 Tegal. In this case, the subject of this

research is a teacher in junior high school, especially English teacher in

second grade.

C. Roles of the Researcher

The roles of the researcher in this research are as an observer and

interviewer. The first stage is observation to the teacher and students. The

researcher observed the class, the school condition and the teaching

learning process. The second stage is doing the interview with the English

teacher. This interview happened after the researcher had done the

observation. In this interview process, the researcher asked detail about the

strategies that the teacher used in teaching descriptive writing.


D. Type of Data

Type of data that was analyzed in this research is a qualitative data

analysis technique. This research used cluster sampling which means how

to choose object of research based on individual. The data is the teacher

strategy that the teacher used in teaching descriptive writing.

E. Data Collecting Technique

In collecting the data, the researcher directly collected the data from

the teachers’ of the eight grade students in SMPN 02 Dukuhturi, SMPN 17

Tegal and SMPN 19 Tegal. The data sources were the interviews from the

English teachers’ strategies in teaching descriptive writing. In this

research, the researcher uses a qualitative data analysis technique.

According to Sarjan (2017) data analysis is a time consuming and difficult

in process. Data analysis is the process where the researcher has to

systematically search and arrange the data in order to increase the


understanding of the data and enable to present the result to others. Data

analysis is managing data process, organizing it into a good pattern,

category and basic unit. Beside that, Ary (2010:283) states that the data

analysis can be defined into four stages. The first is coding, coding is

analogous to getting ready for the data provided. By coding the all data we

gathered, we can underline the significant data that are appropriate with

the topic of the research so that it will be easier to read the data. The

second is data reduction, from the data reduction the researcher will get

the data from the interview with the teacher. The third is data display, data

display is process of displaying data in the form of table or essay so what

is gets more understanable. And the last is conclusion, from the conclusion

the researcher began to see what is the data, examines all entries with the

same code and then marges these categories and found the connection

among the categories. The the researcher can get the result and conclusion

of the research.

F. Instrument of Research

In this study, the researcher used observation and interview. First, the

researcher observes the teacher using observation checklist, then the

researcher analyze all the activities in the class during the teaching

learning process. In this observation stage, the researcher observes how the

teacher taught the students about the descriptive writing text and what are

the strategies the teacher used in class and the implementation in teaching

during the class until closing. In this stage, the researcher also observes

what the English teacher had done related to the strategies in teaching

descriptive writing in the class room. The second is interview, Sarjan

(2017) states that there are kinds of interview, namely (a) unstructured

interview. In this type, the interviewer carries out the interview with no

systematic plan of questions; (b) structured interview. The interview

carries out the interview by using a set question arranged in advance; (c)

semi stuctured interview, the interviewer use a set of question which is

developed to gain the specific information. The interview is conducted to

get the addition of information in response the interesting or important

answer that arrises unexpectedly from the planned question. From this

case, the researcher used structured interview which is the interview done

with the English teacher after the teaching learning process was held. This

interview was also conducted to gain spoken responses from the

participants so that the data of the interview were valid.

G. Procedures of Analysing Data

Before analysing the data, the teacherhad already chosen an easy

understanding material that used for the teacher in teaching, since writing

descriptive is the most difficult part to master in learning English

especially in Junior High School. The researcher also chose the

professional English of each high school. According to Sarjan (2016) the

researcher used descriptive method to collect the data in this research. The

data then processed based on the teacher strategies used in teaching

descriptive writing. The steps are as follows :


1. Observation

The researcher observed the teacher and the students. The

researcher observed the class condition and the teaching learning


2. Interview

After observing the class and school condition, the researcher did

the interview with the English teacher concerning with the

strategies that the teacher uses in teaching writing descriptive with

some question list and observation checklist.

3. Analysis

The researcher analyzed the strategies that the teacher use in class.

4. Interpreting

The researcher interpret the implementation of the strategies that

the teacher uses.

5. Presenting

The last is presenting the finding of the research clearly.

H. Technique of Reporting Data

The researcher used descriptive explanation to show what is the

teachers’ strategies in teaching descriptive writing and tell it clearly

without any manipulation with understanable language so that the reader

can understand it. This descriptive explanation is supported by Hadeli

(2006:11) who states that description means sistematic and factual

explanation about the population. The researcher also conducted the


interview techniques, documentation and observation to acquire the data of

the implementation of the English teachers’strategies in teaching

descriptive writing. The researcher also observed the English teachers’

strategies using observation checklist, in this reporting data, the researcher

observes whatever done by the English teacher related to the teachers

strategies in teaching.


This chapter presents the research result and the discussion of this research

based on the data gathered during the analysis.


The presentation of the data findings in this part related to the teachers’

strategies in teaching descriptive writing at the second grade of Junior High

School. This research was presented from 27th March to 22nd June in three

junior high schools, SMPN 02 Dukuhturi, SMPN 17 Tegal and SMPN 19

Tegal. Those could be gotten from the subject (selected English teachers’)

named Ahmad Iskandar, S.Pd. from SMPN 19 Tegal, TB Wijayanto, M.Hum.

from SMPN 17 Tegal, Haryanto, S.Pd. and Durrohim, S.Pd. from SMPN 2

Dukuhturi. The process of the data finding itself were explained in to three

coding; the purpose of the data coding is to bring out the essence and meaning

of the data that respondents have provided.

1. Data N1

Data N1 consists of data explanation about the strategies and the

implementation that the teacher used in class. The data is obtained

from observation and interview from SMPN 2 Dukuhturi by Mr.

Durrohim, S,Pd and Mr Haryanto, S.Pd.

2. Data N2


Data N2 consists of data explanation about the strategies and the

implementation that the teacher used in class. The data is obtained

from observation and interview from SMPN 17 Tegal Mr. TB

Wijayanto, M.Hum.

3. Data N3

Data N1 consists of data explanation about the strategies and the

implementation that the teacher used in class. The data is obtained

from observation and interview from SMPN 19 Tegal by Mr. Ahmad

Iskandar, S.Pd.


Based on the class observation and interview with the English teacher, the

researcher presents the finding of the study. The data were also taken from

recording, interview and observation checklist. This part presents the research

findings which the researcher found in the field by doing the class

observation, observation checklist and teachers’ interview. It related to the

teachers’ in teaching writing descriptive at the second grade students of

SMPN 02 Dukuhturi, SPN 17 Tegal and SMPN 19 Tegal. After the researcher

investigated the teachers’ strategies in teaching writing descriptive, finally the

researcher got some data. The results of the research findings were presented

in the description bellow.

1. Teachers’ Writing Descriptive Strategy

This part presents the research result which the researcher found in the

field by doing the obsercation and interview. It related to the English


teachers’ strategies in teaching writing descriptive in SMPN 02

Dukuhturi, SMPN 17 Tegal and SMPN 19 Tegal. After the researcher

investigated the teacher strategies in teaching writing descriptive,

finally, the researcher got some data. The results of the research

findings were presented in the description below:

a. Data N1

Both of the subjects agreed that writing is difficult to master

especially for young learner, because in writing the students have to

combine between their thoughts, mind, think, and put their idea on

paper. On the other hand, the teacher also said that most of the students

here has a lack of vocabularies and the motivation of wilingness in

laerning is poor. From this case, they both agreed that the most

influental strategy that the teacher used in teaching writing descriptive

are guided writing strategy. In guided writing strategy, the teacher was

able to guide the students in and out the material, such as the teacher

guided the students in understanding the material especially in

descriptive text. Beside that the teacher also had to guide the students

when they found difficulties in making sentence in English. For

example, if the students had understood the material, the teacher asked

the students to make an example based on the material in English.

When the students found difficulties in making the text, the teacher

instantly helped the students by guiding them. Another strategy that

the teacher in SMPN 02 Dukuhturi usually used in teaching writing


descriptive is imaginary strategy. This is the most easiest strategies

that the teacher could apply in class, because by using imaginary

strategy the students were able to write by their own willingness, such

as the students could write about their families, villages, parents and

all the things that the students loved to write. In imaginary strategy, the

students were able to develop their mind wider than the other strategy.

b. Data N2

In SMPN 17, the researcher observed Mr TB Wijayanto, M.Hum.

He is the teacher of the second grade. In doing observation with him,

the researcher found that the strategies that the teacher used in teaching

writing descriptive were imaginary strategy and scaffolding strategy.

The use of imaginary strategy was almost similar with the strategy that

the teacher of SMPN 02 Dukuhturi did. The difference was only in

giving the assesment. In SMPN 17 the teacher asked the students to

write down their thoughts on paper before the material was given. So

the students had to think about their favourite things such as their

hobbies, families, music, artist and many more in English at home. In

the next meeting, the teacher corrected the students assignment and the

material just given. The other strategy that the teacher used is

scaffolding strategy, the teacher said that scaffolding strategy had

succesfully helped the students in solving the problem such as lack of

vocabularies. The teacher also said that scaffolding strategy made the

students more independent in writing, because the teacher gave


understanable material and make sure that all the students understood.

After that they could make their own writing based on the students’

ability. On the other hand, the teacher also said that not all students

had similar ability in writing and understanding the material, but using

scaffolding strategy could help the students to feel comfortable in

accepting the material.

c. Data N3

The last school that the researcher had observed is SMPN 19 Tegal

which took the teacher from the second grade. From this school, the

researcher got some data, the strategy that the teacher used here was so

various, such as learning outside school through various media,

cooperative learning, discussion, making a group and analyzing the

picture. The teacher said that the students in SMPN 19 Tegal were

very excited in learning English beacuse some of them realized that

English is important. It can be seen that most of the students in SMPN

19 mastered English from gaming world, international music, and

movie with English subtitle. The teacher also said that young learner

could not just use one strategy because their minds are in developing

process. The students could accept all the teachers’ command in their

minds. For example the teacher always asked the students to remember

five word in English a day. The teacher asked the students to

remember all the things around them in class, in their home, in their

bed rooms and all the students could follow and enjoy the teacher roles

as long as the strategies that the teacher used is fresh and follow

current development.

2. The Teachers’ Way in Implementing The Strategy

In this part, the researcher presents the implementation of the

teachers’ strategy in class by doing the observation in the field. Finally

the researcher got some data, the results were presented in description


a. Data N1

In implementing the strategy, the researcher found similarity

from how they both applied the strategy in class, such as the way how

the teacher gave any examples and how the teacher delivered the

material. As he said “I teach writing to the students by the most basic

step and the easiest so that the students have some interest in writing,

or at least recorded in the minds of students that writing is very easy if

we can understand the sentence that we want to write”. In the first

meeting, the teachers began the class by giving lessons about norms

and manners for about 15 minutes as the brainstorming. After that he

gave the main point of the material by explaining descriptive text and

how to write descriptive text in good sentences. Then he asked the

students to open the text book and asked the students to arrange the

words in their book. Then the teacher asked to the students to answer

the question related to the text. And then the students have to write

down the answer into the black board. He explained some meaning of

words that the students had answered after that he corrected the

students work in the blackboard together. Generally the teacher asked

the students to correct the wrong words that they corrected together. In

the process whenever students found the unfamiliar words, the students

were asked to translate them by asking him or to look up in the

dictionary to find out the meaning because dictionary is the most main

tool that can help students to know the meaning while the teacher is

not around the students. In the second meeting at 9th April 2019, the

teacher started the class with greetings and some learning about norm

and politeness as usual. Then the teacher asked the students about the

material that they had learned at the past. After the students answered

the teachers’ question about the material in the past, the teacher

continued the material by guided students how to arrange sentences

into paragraph. As usual, the teacher asked students to open their text

book to answer the exercise, the teacher guided students by answering

question number one as an example. The students freely asked the

teacher when they did not understand the sentences or words

mentioned in the text. The teacher then asked the students to make

groups consisting of five students so that the students could exchange

ideas each other when they found difficulties. After the students

finished arranging the sentences into paragraph, the students came

forward to write down their answer in the blackboard. Then they

corrected together the right answers guided by the teacher. The last

meeting was held on 18th April 2019. Another strategy employed in

teaching writing descriptive was imaginary strategy. He asked the

students to start making a paragraph by imagining the closest person in

their life, such as their parents, their neighbours, etc. Before starting

the lesson, the teacher asked the students to open the material in their

text book and remember the last material about writing descriptive

such as rearranging words into sentences and rearranging sentences

into paragraphs. The teacher then explainedthe students how to makes

paragraphs into some paragraphs by giving examples about

grandmothers’ house. The teachers asked the students to work in

groups consisting of two persons, so that when the students found

difficulties the other students could help. It could be the activity to

practice their vocabularies.

In some case, the researcher found that the teacher also discussed

the exercise in module. In discussing the exercise, the teacher asked

his students by saying “Do you have any question?” or “Have you

understood?” those question were replayed by the teacher before he

continued to the another the material or when the descriptive text


In addition, the students were very excited when the teacher

teaching descriptive writing. It can be seen when the teacher asked the

students to finish the exercise in their text book and asked them to

write down their answer in the blackoard, the students alternately


moved forward and described their best answer in front of class. The

researcher knew that the teacher was very open minded to the students

so that the students felt comfortable to deliver their answer without

fear of being wrong. He said “If the students are able to answer the

question automatically, it means that they mastered the material so


b. Data N2

The teacher from SMPN 17 was very easy going in delivering the

material. It can be seen from how the students look so excited when he

was teaching in class. As usual the first stage before the teacher

teaching, he opened class by praying. Before the teacher delivered the

material, the teacher asked the students about the assignment that the

teacher had given before meeting. The teacher asked the students to

write down about their favourite things in their life such as watching

movie, listen to music, and many more and asked them to put their

parents’ sign at the back of their paper as a proof that the written story

on their paper was really made by the students at home. In this part, the

teacher collected all the students’ work and corrected together and

showed them what is the wrong sentence and what is the right sentence

they has made. The teacher was also very open when the students

found difficulties in the writing assignment they has been doing at

home. During the breaks, the students corrected their works, the

teacher delivered the descriptive writing material. So it can be said that


the teacher gave an example directly before the students knows the

material and that was very effective and enjoyable during the teaching

and learning process. When the researcher asked about where the

teacher applied the strategies, the teacher answered that imaginary

startegy was implemented when the students did their assignment at

home in writing their favourite things and wrote it down in paper. And

the second is scaffolding strategy was impelemented when the students

accepted the material when the students corrected their works. So from

this case, it can be seen that scaffolding startegy makes the students

feel independent in learning the material because it is not as usual

when the teacher only speaks in front of class but the students here

accept the material without realizing that the teacher is giving the


On the second meeting, the teacher only repeated the material that

the students understood in the past meeting. The teacher trained the

students memories in writing descriptive text and asked the students to

make groups and started to make descriptive text by discussion with

their groups.

c. Data N3

From SMPN 19 Tegal, the researcher found something new in

applying the strategy that Ahmad Iskandar, S.Pd used in delivering the

material. All the meetings here were done out of class, such as in the

hall, canteen and under the trees. The teacher said that the students

need a new place to refresh their brain. He said “When I bring the

students to nature, it automatically make the students easy to explore

the material by visual”. The resaercher saw that the class was very

enjoyable for the students. It can be seen from how the students

responded to the teacher when accepting the material and how the

students looked excited to answer the questions when the teacher

started to ask. From the observation, it can be seen that the first stage is

the teacher explained the general material about descripive writing, the

social function amd language feature. The students paid full attention

when the teacher was explaining the material. After that the teacher

asked the students to make an example by all the things around them

such as leaves, trees, teacher, room and many more. Before the teacher

asked the students to describe about something around them, the

teacher gave an example first. The teacher gave example about the

description of the trees. And then the students followed by gave

example and explained it to the teacher. In the next stage, if the teacher

was sure that all the students had understood about the material and

they were able to make some descriptive writing, the teacher asked the

students to make some groups consisting of five students and asked the

students to separate into some location. It can be seen that the first

group got a place near the canteen, the second group got a place in the

library and so on. When the groups were formed, the teacher asked the

students to make writing paper and describe one thing around them.

From this activity the researcher saw so many strategies that the

teacher used here, such as learning outside class through various media

such as nature, cooperative learning, discussion and making groups to

analize the picture.

All of the teachers above agreed that writing is difficult part in

English to master by the students. Because, in writing the students

have to combine between their thoughts, minds, vocabulary, grammar

and many more. But writing is also the most important thing that the

students have to master after speaking, listening and reading because

writing has a lot of benefit for the students in their future such as if

they want to go abroad for their school, if they want to apply for any

job in international company, etc. That’s why writing is the most

important language skill that the students have to master and

descriptive writing is the main material that just right to apply for the

students who just learning English as the second language.



The researcher elaborates and discusses the information collected in the

previous research result based on the analysis of English teachers’ strategies in

teaching descriptive. This part presents the discussion of research findings.

There are two research questions proposed in this study. The discussion

focused on the finding of the two proposed research questions. The first

discussion is about the strategies that are implemented by the teacher in

teaching descriptive writing. Meanwhile, the second discussion focuses on the

teachers’ ways in employing the strategies in teaching descriptive writing at

the second grade of junior high school.

In attempt to make the teaching and learning process successful, especially

in teaching descriptive writing, the teacher should consider some factors.

Gowder (2016) says that the behaviour of teachers has a strong influence on

the uplifting of students. Teachers should be polite, knowledgeable and have

moral characters so that it creates a favourable atmosphere for the students at

the time of teaching or learning. If the teachers are friendly and easily

approachable, then the students will have the opportunity for interaction or

discussion. Otherwise, students may not engage in these activities and it will

discourage their learning habits. Teaching also should not be unilateral but is

should be bilateral so that there should be a mutual interaction between the

teacher and students. Interaction of students will also depend on attitude of the

teacher. In employing the strategies in teaching descriptive writing, the teacher

also taught based on the principle of teaching as Tiberius & Tipping (1990)

state there are some principles in teaching such as (1)experience usually

improves teaching (2)critical feedback from the students (3)both teaching and

learning are enhanced by descriptive feedback (4)material must be meaningful

(5)expect more and you will accept more (6)students benefit from taking

responsibility for their learning (7)teachers’ knowledge of the subject matter is

essential to the implementation of important teaching tasks (8)interaction

between teacher and students that can make the teaching learning process

going well.

1. Data N1

From the research result, the teaching strategies employed by data N1 in

teaching descriptive writing were so various. The first strategies is guided

writing strategies. Guided writing strategy is suitable for teaching writing for

students with a similar need since it focused on a spesific key point in learning

(Welsh Assembly Government, 2010). On the other hand, Brown (2007) states

that guided writing is a teaching component designed to teach a spesific skill

or strategy to the whole group, a smal group or individual, or to give students

practice in writing. Guided writing allows the teacher to work closely with a

small group of students based on a common need. During a guided writing

lesson, a teacher might gather a small group and model writing, or may be

they will complete a shared writing experience together. The teacher can also

observe and monitor the strategies that children are using as they write, as well

as their involvement and confidence as writers. There are the procedures in

apllied guided writing strategies by Lestari cited in Ontario Education (2005):


(a)examination and discussion models are given during the first part of lesson,

(b)students then work as a group to compose a text, applying the focus skill,

(c)teacher guides students to write their own text independently, applying

focus skills, (d)students then share their writing, as a whole group, with a

partner or with a teacher. The teacher said that he used guided writing

strategies for long time ago because this strategy is the most easiest to apply

for the junior high school students.

The second strategies is imaginary strategy. Imaginary strategy is very

easy to apply in class when teaching descriptive writing, the students can

imagine the most closest thing in their lives so that it will make students more

independent in writing. Ulfa & Rosa (2014) says that imaginary strategy is a

strategy in encouraging students’ ability in writing especially in writing

descriptive text. By using imaginary strategy, teacher can create an activity

that motivates students to write. Besides that, the students will easily develop

their idea into good paragraphs and correct generic structure. Imaginary

strategy leads students to produce a creative writing especially in descriptive

text. The core advantage of this strategy is that the students easily gather the

idea in their mind so that it makes them easy to write. According to Ulfa &

Rossa (2014), there are the procedures of the implementation in teaching

writing descriptive by using imaginary strategy:

1. Pre-Teaching

In pre-teaching, the teacher has to stimulate students’ background

knowledge by introducing the topic, brainstorming idea, selecting and


rejecting ideas and so on. Since writing is difficult, the teacher should

offer helpful feedback and suggestion. It leads students to the idea

what they will write.

2. Whilst-Teaching

In this activity, the students are taught about writing a descriptive text

and trained the skills that have been learned. Moreover the students are

guided in participate in discussing the lesson. The teacher lets the

students to think creatively. Whilst-teaching is divided into three

stages, they are exploration, elaboration and confirmation.

3. Post-Teaching

In this last activities, there are the last activities that the teacher does

such as the teacher asks the students difficulties about the lesson then

together find the way to solve the difficulties. The teacher and the

students conclude the lesson together, even though the teacher has

conclude it before to make sure the students participate in the lesson.

Next the teacher gives individual assignment to the students as

homework. The topic is about their closest person or things, such as

their family, their village and many more. The teacher also gives

question sheet to guide the students in doing their writing. The teacher

also announce that the homework will be collected on the next

meeting. Finally the teacher closed the lesson.

From the discussion above, we can see that the teachers’ strategy in

teaching descriptive writing is very important for the students. The


teacher uses more than one strategies such as: guided writing strategy,

imaginary strategy, re-arrange words and playing word games. These

strategies help the students in easier, faster and enjoyable ways to

understand the lesson to supportthe students ability in writing.

2. Data N2

The second is the strategies that the teacher used by data N2 were

imaginary strategy and scaffolding. The use of imaginary strategy was similar

with the strategy that the teacher used in data N1. In implementing imginary

strategy, the students has to imagine all the things that they loved to do in the

futrue, experience, parents, neighbours, village, etc. After that the students

could put their thoughts into writing. The teacher said that imaginary strategy

is the easiest strategy that all teachers can apply in their class while teaching

writing especially writing descriptive because by using this strategy the

students are able to explore their thoughts, mind, and imagination without any

pressure from the teacher so that the students can write to the maximum level

of their ability. On the other hand, in teaching writing descriptive the teacher

also had to use appropriate method or technique in teaching writing, so that

the teacher used scaffolding strategy. Holton and Clarke (2006:131) define

scaffolding as “an act of teaching that supports the immediate construction of

knowledge by the learner and provide the basic for the future independent

learning of individual”. It means that scaffolding strategy can support the

learners’ knowledge for the future independent of learning especially in

writing descriptive. The teacher said that scaffolding strategy had


succsessfully helped the students to finish and solve their problems in writing

descriptive text. The implementation of the strategy was asking the students to

make groups of work and then the teacher asked the students to write down

their own ideas through their own motivation. The teacher also helped the

students in making the descriptive text and the teacher also facilitated the

students who did not understand yet to ask the teacher. From the interview

result it can be concluded that scafolding strategy is successful in helping the

teacher in teaching writing descriptive. It can be seen from the students when

they feel helped when they found difficulties in writing a text. The teacher

also said that the response of the students in learning writing descriptive text

using scaffolding strategy was good and they could enjoy it. The teacher also

said that the implementation of scaffolding startegy had advantages and

disadvantages. The advantages were the teacher could help the students to

finish their writing descriptive text and facilitate the students who did not

understand yet to asking the teacher meanwhile the disadvantages in applying

this strategy in this school were the students still did not understand about the

form of descriptive text itself and the students here had a lack of vocabulary.

3. Data N3

The last is the strategies that the teacher used in data N3. The teacher used

various strategies such as learning outside school through various media,

cooperative learning, discussion, making a group and analyzing the picture.

The reason why the teacher used this strategy is because this strategy can

make the students active in and out the class and cooperative learning can

make the students solve the problems and they can analyze the generic

structure, social function and language features of descriptivetext so they can

understand well. The strategies that the the teacher used here are making the

lesson visual and copperatives learning which the teachers gave an example

by visual and asked the students to describe it. The implementation of this

startegy are the teachers gave assignment, the students cooperated each other

to analyze the generic structure, social function and language feature. In

teaching writing process, the students may produce several written stories

based on the nature, friends, experience and many more in descriptive text

with the emphasis on the process of writing of writing and on getting feed

back from their classmate.

Cooperative learning is a cooperative strategy between the teacher and the

students in teaching learning process such as disussion and the teacher also

can help the students when they found difficulties. According to Fauziati

(2010:50), the teacher is a facilitator and the students work and help each

other. The teacher facilitates and it includes understanding and giving

responses to what the students writing about. Before that, the teacher gave

illustration or example of the descriptive text around them such as tree, class,

teacher and many more in descriptive text. The students can be active in the

classroom and they could discuss to explore about descriptive writing, the

problem and the question with their classmates.

From the interview with the data N1, data N2 and data N3, the researcher

found some problems that the teacher found from the teacher in teaching

writing descriptive. The first is the students always found difficulties to

develop their vocabularies. Sometimes the students could understand how to

write in indonesia but they could not develop in English. It is because their

lack of vovabularies. For example when the teacher gave the students an

assignment in writing descrptive text, the students could finish the assignment

only in general meaning but the vocabulary could not be developed. And the

second is the problems of the students in making descriptive text, especially

in language feature itself. We all know and agreed that in making descriptive

text there are some criteria such as the social function, generic structure and

language feature. But on the other hand, the students of data N3 could not

understand the language feature like the use of tenses or structure. The

students found problem again in the structure of sentence. In facing these

problems the teacher has special treatment to the students such as gaining a

motivation to the students by doing what they love to do such as learning

vocabulary from movies, games and music. The teacher hopes that when the

students found happiness in learning they can find maximum understanding

in the material especially in writing descriptive.



In this chapter, the researcher presents the conclusion and the suggestion

following the finding of the study. The first section is the conclusion of the

research finding and the second is the suggestion dealing with the objectives of

teaching learning process.


Based on the findings of the research and discussion in chapter IV, than

found the following conclution :

The strategies that the teacher used in teaching descriptive writing by data

N1 were two strategies, there are guided writing strategy and imaginary

strategy. The purpose of the teacher used guided writing strategy is to made

the students understand in the material lesson and the example by teaching

step by step. Meanwhile imaginary strategy is focused on the students hand

made in writing by asks the students to imagine the most closest person or

thing such as parents and their village and many more and put their thoughts

to paper.

The implementation of the strategy in teaching descriptive writing in data

N1 was very understandable. The first is guiding the students to understand

the material about descriptive and giving example based on the exercise in text

book by guide students to re-arrange words into sentences, re-arrange

sentences into paragraphs and re-arrange paragraphs in to a full paragraphs.


After that the students have to think independently to makes their own product

in writing by imagining the closest person or thing such as family, village,

toys and many more. With this strategy the teacher hopes the students would

not find difficulties since the strategy that the teacher used was very

understanable and applied in step by step.

The third is the strategies that the teacher used in data N2 was imaginary

strategy and and scaffolding strategy. The purpose of this strategy of course to

make the students understand the material. But, beside that by using this

strategy the teacher can gain the students independently in writing and

increase the students understood in accepting the material. In scaffolding

strategy, the teacher train the students to think independently and groups. In

thinking independently, the students could finish it at home and in thinkring

groups, the students did it at school with their friends and makes a writing

product of description about their favourite something and then discussed


The fourth is the strategies that the teacher used in data N3 Tegal was

learned outside school through various media. The purpose of the teacher used

this strategy is to make the students more understand in practice outside the

class. The implementation of this strategy also was very simple such as

explaining the material and asked the students to make the example by all the

things around them.



Based on the conclusion above, the researcher would offer some

suggestion. It is hopefully can be useful for:

1. The teacher

For the teacher, it is hoped that this research can encourage them to

consider a better way in teaching especially in teaching descriptive

writing to improve the students ability in writing. The teacher also can

apply interesting method to develop the students in independent

writing such as writing their favourite things and instill awarenes to the

students that writing is important for their future if the students


2. The students

The result of the study indicates that the ability of the eight grade

students of data N1, data N2 and data N3 in writing descriptive text is

good enough for the same age of junior high school children. It is

proven when the teacher asks the students to re-arrange words and asks

the students to write down their result in blackboard the students were

very excited even though there are some students need motivation and

interest in learning process and the teacher can handle it.

3. Other researcher

There are still many aspects which can be analyzed about the strategy

that the teacher uses in teaching descriptive writing and how to

implement the strategy. Or the other skills of English which took


concern with English language. The researcher also hopes that the

other researchers could conduct this research in wider areas.

Therefore, The result will be more advantageous and be appliedable in

a large area.
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1. Haryanto, S.Pd from SMPN 2 Dukuhturi

From interview there are some findings :

a. How did you think about the class that you teach in terms of

understanding in understand the material ?

Answer : my students following my class well, fun and full of

interested in the material. It make the goal of rpp can be reach.

b. How many classes do you teach in the SMPN 2 Dukuhturi?

Answer : One of the second grade and all of the first grade from A-


c. What curriculum are you currently using in the SMP that you


Answer : I used k-13 but in this school divided into two categories,

the first categories is class VII and VII are use K-13 but the IX

class stil use KTSP.

d. Do you adjust the RPP that you make with the implementation in

the class?

Answer : Of course, with a lot of experince that I have in

understanding the students in context.

e. Do you think the techniques and the strategies are different?

Answer : yes, technique is a way or a tool that the teacher used to

reach the goal in teaching learning process. Meanwhile the strategy


is the way how the teacher used in teaching learning process in

class based on the students ability.

f. Do you ever feel difficulties when tecahing writing descriptive? If

yes, explain your opinion.

Answer : so far no, because before I teach my students, I try to

undertsand them, make them happy, tell any interesting story so

that the student fell comfy to accepted the material.

g. What obstacles do you often face in teaching learning process?

Answer : there are a lot of obstacles that I faced in teacheing here,

such as the lack of the students vocabulary, the students difficulties

in understanding new sentences and the grammar.

h. What strategy do you use when teaching writing descriptive?

Answer : the strategy that I used in class is based on scientific

approach interrelated. I also use guided writing strategy and

imaginary strategy to gain the students interestin writing.

i. Do you have a spesific strategy to build students’ motivation to


Answer : motivation starts from the students that fell happy and

comfortable in learning, motivation also built from the teacher that

can understand the students ability. On the other hand, I use guided

writing startegy from the most easiest steps until medium steps so

that the students can enjoy the teaching learning process in step by


j. What strategies do you often use when teaching writing


Answer : imaginary strategy and guided writing strategy

k. Are the strategies that you use is effective to use in the classroom?

Answer : vey effective it can be seen from how the students excited

when I asked my students to retell the story that the students have

been wrote and how the students excited in writing re-arrange

words in white board.

l. Do you often train your students to write based on the extent of

their ability in understand the sentence?

Answer : of course, in writing we cant force students to write down

by my own desire. But by their ability and willingnes of something

that they want to write.

m. What tips do you do to make your students like to write and like to

learn some new vocabulary?

Answer : there are some tips that I used to make my stuedents like

to write such as motivate the students that writing is easy work to

do if you want to try. The second is do not ever say that the

students work is bad, and the last is write what you want to write.

n. How do you respond when your students find obstacles in making

the sentence in english?


Answer : I try to help the students but before I helping the student I

asked the another students to help their friends, such as opens the

dictionary. If they still found difficlties I helped by my own way.

o. What evaluation do you do when teaching learning is over?

Answer : motivated the students that today was very amazing and

tells that all my students was great, smart, and very excited in

learning process today, the second is give motivation to the

studentss that dont be afraid to asks when they find trouble in

taeching learning process abd the last one is pray, pray is very

good to train the students brain in remembering god and thankful.

From observation checklist finding:

1. Day/Date : Friday, 26 April 2019

2. Teachers’ Name : Haryanto, S.Pd

3. Time/Place : SMPN 02 Dukuhtury Library Room

No Activity Indicator Option Description

Yes No

1. Opening The teacher opens the

lesson class by greeting √

to the students

Do pray before

studying √

The teacher checks the


students attendance list √

The teacher tells the

purpose and goal of the √

subject that will be


The teacher asks the

students about the √

material that has been

learned before

The teacher asks the

students to do

brainstorming by √

reading the material in

the past

2. Main The teacher explains

Activity the material

The students observes √

the material

Students identify the

social function,

structure text, and

language feature in the √

example descriptive


Teacher uses text for

teaching writing √


Teacher makes some

examples of writing √


The teacher asks the

students based on the √

example of the text

The teacher gives an

opportunity for students

to ask the difficulties √

faced in learning


Teacher tells the

students how to write √

descriptive text

Teacher makes the

students thinking how √

to write descriptive text

Teacher guide the


students to practice √

Students try to write

simple descriptive text √

Students report the

result of the text they

has been made to the √


Students learn to find

out the social function,

structure text, and

language feaure based √

on the text they has

been made.

3. Closing Teachers makes some

evaluation of the √


Teacher do reflection

The teacher tells

students to do the √

exercise in their books

The teacher gives


motivation √

The teacher closes the

activity with pray √

(Cited in : RPP K13)

2. Durrohim, S.Pd from SMPN 2 Dukuhturi

a. How did you think about the class that you teach in terms of

understanding in understand the material ?

Answer : My student has several different problem such as difficult

to understand the material, less vocabularies, and the motivation to

learn is not really exist.

b. How many classes do you teach in the SMPN 2 Dukuhturi?

Answer : 7 class of VIII A-G

c. What curriculum are you currently using in the SMP that you


Answer : I used K-13, but in this school used K-13 only for class 7

and 8 and class 9 still used KTSP.

d. Do you adjust the RPP that you make with the implementation in

the class?

Answer : Yes of course. I used RPP and syllabus as my guidelines

e. Do you think the techniques and the strategies are different?

Answer : Yes it was different but the real meaning of technique

and strategy are to attract students’ willingness in learning.


f. Do you ever feel difficulties when tecahing writing descriptive? If

yes, explain your opinion.

Answer : I faced difficulties when I asks my students to opens the

dictionary but the students did not bring yet meanwhile they poor

in vocabulary.

g. What obstacles do you often face in teaching learning process?

Answer : the students here are different from favourite school, their

understanding in material is not as good as the another schools,

their willingness in learn also can be called poor, the students here

also haven’t independent such as when I asks the students about

their understanding in material that I deliver they still embarassing

to answer.

h. What strategy do you use when teaching writing descriptive?

Answer : Imaginary strategy, Guided writing strategy and

motivated students to ask.

i. Do you have a spesific strategy to build students’ motivation to


Answer : yes, I usually dealing between students and teacher to

give reward to the students whose got big score in class when test

or work in class

j. What strategies do you often use when teaching writing


Answer : imaginary strategy, because it can build willingness of

my students to gain their new vocabulary, translate it, work in pairs

and understand the material clearly.

k. Are the strategies that you use is effective to use in the classroom?

Answer : Effective, because I usually gave my students home work

before starting the new material, and it works by their increasing

score in class.

l. Do you often train your students to write based on the extent of

their ability in understand the sentence?

Answer : yes, I gives assignment to write down their background

and the students may opens smartphone (at home)

m. What tips do you do to make your students like to write and like to

learn some new vocabulary?

Answer : I give my students module from library or I printed an

interisting picture and I aks my students to explain about the

picture in english and then write down in paper based on their


n. How do you respond when your students find obstacles in making

the sentence in english?

Answer : I guide my students into correct answer.

o. What evaluation do you do when teaching learning is over?

Answer : I usually gives my students post test to knowing how far

the students understand the material.


From observation checlist finding:

1. Day/Date : Saturday, 27 April 2019

2. Teachers’ Name : Durrohim, S.Pd

3. Time/Place : SMPN 02 Dukuhtury Class Room

No Activity Indicator Option Description

Yes No

1. Opening The teacher opens the

lesson class by greeting √

to the students

Do pray before

studying √

The teacher checks the

students attendance list √

The teacher tells the

purpose and goal of the √

subject that will be


The teacher asks the

students about the √

material that has been

learned before

The teacher asks the

students to do

brainstorming by √

reading the material in

the past

2. Main The teacher explains

Activity the material

The students observes √

the material

Students identify the

social function,

structure text, and

language feature in the √

example descriptive


Teacher uses text for

teaching writing √


Teacher makes some


examples of writing √


The teacher asks the

students based on the √

example of the text

The teacher gives an

opportunity for students

to ask the difficulties √

faced in learning


Teacher tells the

students how to write √

descriptive text

Teacher makes the

students thinking how √

to write descriptive text

Teacher guide the

students to practice √

Students try to write

simple descriptive text √

Students report the

result of the text they


has been made to the √


Students learn to find

out the social function,

structure text, and

language feaure based √

on the text they has

been made.

3. Closing Teachers makes some

evaluation of the √


Teacher do reflection

The teacher tells

students to do the √

exercise in their books

The teacher gives

motivation √

The teacher closes the

activity with pray √

(Cited in : RPP K13)


3. Ahmad Iskandar, S.Pd from SMPN 19 Tegal

a. How did you think about the class that you teach in terms of

understanding in understand the material ?

Answer : I think the calss that I teach from era to era was different.

But the class that I teach right now is experience the zone effect, so

I feltso many experience from my first teaching english until this

time, this class was very modern and the students was very quickly

in absorbing the information. The students that I teach also very


b. How many classes do you teach in the SMPN 2 Dukuhturi?

Answer : 3 clases, there are VIII E, F, and G

c. What curriculum are you currently using in the SMP that you


Answer : my school used k-13

d. Do you adjust the RPP that you make with the implementation in

the class?

Answer : yes of course but sometimes I asks the students to learn

outside the clases without any planning from my rpp that I made.

e. Do you think the techniques and the strategies are different?

Answer : yes, tecnique and the strategy was definetely different. I

think tecnique is the way that the teacher used in teaching or the

direction that the teacher used to teach the students. Meanwhile the

strategy range in apllying the techniques in class.

f. Do you ever feel difficulties when tecahing writing descriptive? If

yes, explain your opinion.

Answer : a little bit, because sometimes the students do not

mastered the vocabulary meanwhile writing is a language learning

that need so many vocabulary.

g. What obstacles do you often face in teaching learning process?

Answer : the most obstacle that every teacher faced I think when

the students do not know the words but they did not bring the

dictionary, but as the teacher we can help with the trick such as let

the students undertake the question with their friens or classmate.

h. What strategy do you use when teaching writing descriptive?

Answer : I used various strategy such as TPR (total physical

esponse), learning outside school through various media,

cooperative learning, discussion, making a group and analyzing the

picture or the things from nature.

i. Do you have a spesific strategy to build students’ motivation to


Answer : yes, there are learning outside school through various

media such as asked the students to explain about the trees, teacher

and many more.

j. What strategies do you often use when teaching writing


Answer : there are TPR (total phisical response) by asks the

students to work such as write down the song lyrics and understand

the meaning.

k. Are the strategies that you use is effective to use in the classroom?

Answer : very effective. It can be seen from the rising of the

students’ score in UTS and UAS.

l. Do you often train your students to write based on the extent of

their ability in understand the sentence?

Answer : yes, I usually often asks my students to write down the

status on the social media in english, do the assignment in textbook

and write down the text and put it into wall for several times so that

we can knowing the increase of the students work.

m. What tips do you do to make your students like to write and like to

learn some new vocabulary?

Answer : I usually asks my students to watch the movie and

rememebring the words or sentence, not only movies but all the

things that they love to di such as playing games, listening to

English music and may more.


n. How do you respond when your students find obstacles in making

the sentence in english?

Answer : i have two steps when my students found difficulties in

learning. The first is asks their students or the smart one in class to

answer. The second is asks the students to open the dictionary or if

they did not bring the dictionary they can open smartphone at

home. After the two step finish the teacher justify the right and

wrong answer.

o. What evaluation do you do when teaching learning is over?

Answer : I usually did observation by scoring, group working and

presentation to knowing when the students understand the material

or not.

From observation checlist finding:

1. Day/Date : Friday, 21 June 2019

2. Teachers’ Name : Ahmad Iskandar, S.Pd

3. Time/Place : SMPN 19 Tegal Hall

No Activity Indicator Option Description

Yes No

1. Opening The teacher opens the

lesson class by greeting √

to the students

Do pray before

studying √

The teacher checks the

students attendance list √

The teacher tells the

purpose and goal of the √

subject that will be


The teacher asks the

students about the √

material that has been

learned before

The teacher asks the

students to do

brainstorming by √

reading the material in

the past

2. Main The teacher explains

Activity the material

The students observes √

the material

Students identify the

social function,

structure text, and

language feature in the √

example descriptive


Teacher uses text for

teaching writing √


Teacher makes some

examples of writing √


The teacher asks the

students based on the √

example of the text

The teacher gives an

opportunity for students

to ask the difficulties √

faced in learning


Teacher tells the

students how to write √

descriptive text

Teacher makes the


students thinking how √

to write descriptive text

Teacher guide the

students to practice √

Students try to write

simple descriptive text √

Students report the

result of the text they

has been made to the √


Students learn to find

out the social function,

structure text, and

language feaure based √

on the text they has

been made.

3. Closing Teachers makes some

evaluation of the √


Teacher do reflection

The teacher tells


students to do the √

exercise in their books

The teacher gives

motivation √

The teacher closes the

activity with pray √

(Cited in : RPP K13)

4. TB Wijayanto, M.Hum from SMPN 17 Tegal

a. How did you think about the class that you teach in terms of

understanding in understand the material ?

Answer : every classes has different character but I always found

similar problem such as lack of vovabilary, but the students that I

teach was very active in learning the material, they loved to explre

the material and that makes teaching learning not too difficult to

deliver materi.

b. How many classes do you teach in the SMPN 2 Dukuhturi?

Answer : 8 class from VIII A-H

c. What curriculum are you currently using in the SMP that you


Answer : SMPN 17 used K13

d. Do you adjust the RPP that you make with the implementation in

the class?

Answer : Yes, RPP makes the teaching easier and deliver the way

of teaching process.

e. Do you think the techniques and the strategies are different?

Answer : rather similar, it is like two different sides of a coin,

different but interrelated. The different is technique is a way, tool

or media and the strategies is the way that the teacher used to

determine the activities to be carried out in teaching.

f. Do you ever feel difficulties when tecahing writing descriptive? If

yes, explain your opinion.

Answer : teaching young learner is diffcult but it was easy to

handle. The only difficulties that I faced only their lack of

vocabulary but it is easy for my students to remebering the new


g. What obstacles do you often face in teaching learning process?

Answer : there are differences between the textbook and those


h. What strategy do you use when teaching writing descriptive?

Answer : free imaginary strategy, guided writing strategy and

scaffolding strategy.

i. Do you have a spesific strategy to build students’ motivation to


Answer : free imaginary strategy by asks the sudents write down

what they want to write such as what they want to be in the future,

zoo, cartoon, parents, friends and many more.

j. What strategies do you often use when teaching writing


Answer : Free imagnary strategy and scaffolding strategy.

k. Are the strategies that you use is effective to use in the classroom?

Answer : very effective, it can be seen from the students writing

and when the students answered in quick test.

l. Do you often train your students to write based on the extent of

their ability in understand the sentence?

Answer : yes, I often asks my students to make a descriptive

writing about the things in their house then corrected together in

front of class and ask the sign from parent.

m. What tips do you do to make your students like to write and like to

learn some new vocabulary?

Answer : there are so many tips that I often used to gain the

students interest in remembering new vocabulary there are showing

them english cartoon movie , gave the old songs and asks the

students to translate, watching movie and many more as long as the

trick that I gave to the students is following the teachnology.

n. How do you respond when your students find obstacles in making

the sentence in english?


Answer : I asks the students to open dictionary before asks to the

teacher, if they still do not understand they can ask me directly.

o. What evaluation do you do when teaching learning is over

Answer : I asks the students to correct their work together and asks

the students to deliver their work in front of class.

From observation checlist finding:

1. Day/Date : Monday, 17 June 2019

2. Teachers’ Name : TB Wijayanto, M.Hum

3. Time/Place : SMPN 17 Teachers’ Room

No Activity Indicator Option Description

Yes No

1. Opening The teacher opens the

lesson class by greeting √

to the students

Do pray before

studying √

The teacher checks the

students attendance list √

The teacher tells the

purpose and goal of the √

subject that will be


The teacher asks the

students about the √

material that has been

learned before

The teacher asks the

students to do

brainstorming by √

reading the material in

the past

2. Main The teacher explains

Activity the material

The students observes √

the material

Students identify the

social function,

structure text, and

language feature in the √

example descriptive


Teacher uses text for

teaching writing √


Teacher makes some


examples of writing √


The teacher asks the

students based on the √

example of the text

The teacher gives an

opportunity for students

to ask the difficulties √

faced in learning


Teacher tells the

students how to write √

descriptive text

Teacher makes the

students thinking how √

to write descriptive text

Teacher guide the

students to practice √

Students try to write

simple descriptive text √

Students report the

result of the text they


has been made to the √


Students learn to find

out the social function,

structure text, and

language feaure based √

on the text they has

been made.

3. Closing Teachers makes some

evaluation of the √


Teacher do reflection

The teacher tells

students to do the √

exercise in their books

The teacher gives

motivation √

The teacher closes the

activity with pray √

(Cited in : RPP K13)


Teachers’ interview in SMPN 17 Tegal

Teachers’ interview in SMPN 19 Tegal


Teachers’ interview in SMPN 2 Dukuhturi


Students’ activities during teaching-learning process


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