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Complementary Therapies in Medicine (2014) 22, 148—158

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Mode of action of cupping—–Local

metabolism and pain thresholds in neck
pain patients and healthy subjects
M. Emerich a, M. Braeunig b, H.W. Clement c,
R. Lüdtke d, R. Huber a,∗

Center for Complementary Medicine, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, University Medical
Center, 79106 Freiburg, Germany
Department Psychosomatic Medicine, University Medical Center, 79106 Freiburg, Germany
Department Child and Youth Psychiatry, University Medical Center, 79106 Freiburg, Germany
Karl und Veronica Carstens-Foundation, 45276 Essen, Germany
Available online 7 January 2014

Objectives: Cupping worldwide has been part of traditional medicine systems and is in the
western world used as CAM therapy mainly for treating pain syndromes. The mode of action
is up to now unclear. In order to investigate its mechanism we measured in parallel metabolic
changes in the tissue under the cupping glass and pressure pain thresholds.
Design and interventions: In 12 volunteers (6 healthy subjects and 6 patients with chronic neck
Subcutaneous tissue;
pain) a microdialysis system was implanted subcutaneously on both sides (left and right) above
the trapezius muscle. After baseline measures cupping was performed at one randomly selected
side (left or right), the other side served as control. Every 20 min during baseline measures and
for 280 min after cupping, microdialysis probes for detection of lactate, pyruvate, glucose and
glycerin were taken. In addition, pain thresholds were measured before and after cupping with
Results: Cupping resulted in a strong increase of lactate (beginning 160 min after cupping
until the end of the measurements) and the lactate/pyruvate ratio, indicating an anaerobe
metabolism in the surrounding tissue. Baseline pain thresholds were non-significantly lower in
neck pain patients compared to healthy controls and slightly increased immediately after cup-
ping (p < 0.05 compared to baseline close to the area of cupping in healthy subjects and on the
foot in neck pain patients). After 280 min no more significant changes of pain thresholds were
Conclusions: Cupping induces >280 min lasting anaerobe metabolism in the subcutaneous tissue
and increases immediate pressure pain thresholds in some areas.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

∗ Corresponding author at: Center for Complementary Medicine, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, University Medical Center

Freiburg, Breisacher Str. 115 B, 79106 Freiburg, Germany. Tel.: +49 761 270 82010; fax: +49 761 270 83230.
E-mail address: (R. Huber).

0965-2299/$ — see front matter © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pain thresholds in neck pain patients 149

Introduction cupping and pain thresholds with established methods. To

detect potential disease related changes of pain thresholds
and local tissue metabolism the study was performed in
Cupping is part of Arabian, Chinese and European tradi- healthy volunteers and neck pain patients.
tional medicine systems and is used for many different
indications.1 The principle is a sucking method. The cupping
glass is applied to the skin, mostly to parts of the back of Patients and methods
the patient. Because of the vacuum, the skin is sucked into
the cupping glass, becomes red and warm, and shows, when Study design
the vacuum is strong, signs of sub- and/or intracutaneous
bleeding (petechiae). Furthermore, moisture is sucked out Individually controlled, randomized, explorative monocen-
of the skin and, in case of wet-cupping, blood is collected ter study.
in the cupping glass.
Within western complementary medicine cupping is
mainly used to treat pain and we focused, therefore, on Healthy volunteers and patients
this indication and on dry cupping. Regarding pain cupping
has been efficacious in controlled clinical studies for treat- 6 healthy volunteers and 6 otherwise healthy patients with
ment of neck pain,2—4 nocturnal brachialgia,5 osteoarthritis6 chronic neck pain (male and female, age 18—50 years for
and rheumatoid arthritis.7 A recent review of 7 randomized both groups) were recruited by public notice in the Univer-
controlled studies found cupping to be promising for pain sity Medical Center Freiburg. Chronic functional neck pain
treatment.8 had to persist since at least 12 weeks with an intensity of at
The mode of action of cupping to reduce pain is, how- least 3 points on a rating scale from 0 (no pain) to 10 points
ever, unclear. Different hypotheses have been reported. (maximum possible pain) at screening. Exclusion criteria for
‘‘Metabolic’’ hypothesis assume, that cupping decreases an neck pain patients were an organic cause (e.g. osteoporosis,
increased muscle activity which results in pain reduction disk protrusion with neurological abnormalities) of the neck
(1). The hypothesis is based on the fact, that neck pain pain, excluded by clinical examination and history. Exclusion
patients have been demonstrated in some studies to have criteria for both groups were any acute or chronic disease
an increased muscle activity9—11 and an impaired blood flow with the exception of allergies, skin disease on the back,
compared to healthy controls and in comparison between heat urticaria, treatment with anticoagulants, history of
the painful and not painful side of the neck.11,12 Muscle bleeding disorders, history of alcohol or drug abuse, insuf-
tone and blood flow are inversely correlated in erector ficient ability to understand German, pregnancy or breast
spinae muscles.13 Cupping results in visible redness of the feeding or participation in another study throughout the
skin of the treated area, local vasodilatation and has been last three months. All participants gave their written con-
reported to improve microcirculation14 which might improve sent before inclusion in the study. Healthy volunteers and
these conditions. Also the glucose metabolism seems to patients received a compensation of 100 — Euro for partic-
be disturbed in painful muscles of the neck because intra- ipation in the study. The study was approved by the ethical
muscular lactate and pyruvate levels have been different committee of University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany.
to neck muscles of healthy controls.11,15 Glucose metabo-
lites have not yet been investigated before during and Interventions
after cupping. In this study we therefore investigated the
local concentration of glucose metabolites in the area of Algometry: Mechanical pain thresholds were measured with
cupping. an algometer (Somedics, Hörby, Sweden) in N/cm2 accord-
‘‘Neuronal’’ hypothesis assume that cupping influences ing to the standardized protocol of Rolke.20,21 Briefly, on a
chronic pain by altering the signal processing at the level of 1 cm2 area of the left hand, left leg and on the left and
the nociceptor, the spinal cord and also the brain.16,17 It is right lower back measurements were performed at base-
expected that the activation of nociceptors by cupping and line (before cupping), immediately after cupping and 140
other naturopathic reflex therapies can stimulate A␦ and C- and 280 min after cupping. Each measurement comprised 3
fibers with involvement of the spino-thalamo-cortical pain measures. In each measure pressure with the algometer was
pathway. Because the peripheral nociceptor is sensitized increased by 50 kPa/s until the subject/patient signalized
by metabolic factors like lactate, adenosine triphosphate, pain by pressing a button. Mechanical pain thresholds were
cytokines and others,18 metabolic and neuronal hypothe- measured in N/cm2 . The mean of the respective three val-
sis are linked together. Secondary aim of our study was ues was taken for further analysis. Because algometry could
to study pain thresholds during cupping simultaneously to have interfered with the microdialysis measures it was not
metabolic changes. A further hypothesis explains clinical performed in the neck area but on the lower back.
effects through placebo mechanisms. Microdialysis: Microdialysis is an established method to
In a previous study we investigated the factors affecting measure e.g. metabolic parameters in human tissues. It is
the main physical principle of cupping, namely the nega- based on the principle of dialysis. A microfilament (CMA AB
tive pressure in the cupping glass (volume, opening area of Solna, Sweden), which contains the semipermeable mem-
the cupping glass, mode of creating the negative pressure, brane, was inserted in the subcutaneous tissue on both sides
experience of the caregiver) in order to standardize it.19 (right and left) of the subjects/patients neck with the help
In the present study we wanted to test different hypothe- of a spliceable CMA 63 microdialysis catheter under ster-
ses by investigating local tissue metabolism at the site of ile conditions. The length of the membrane was 30 mm, the
150 M. Emerich et al.

diameter was 0.9 mm, the molecular cutoff was 20.000 Da. and free fatty acids. Lipolysis is among others regulated
The respective tips of the microfilament were placed above by the sympathetic nerve system (release of epinephrine)
the trapezius muscle. The contralateral microfilament was and, therefore, can indicate changes of this system. Glu-
placed symmetrically and had the same distance to the cose (180.06 Da) in the microdialysate is a marker of the
spine and the upper edge of the scapula. The distance energy supply of the cell. From the rest of the re-frozen
from the tip of the catheter to the surface of the skin was dialysate, the nucleotide adenosine was analyzed, because
measured by ultrasound (see below). The microfilaments of its potential role for treating chronic pain.25
were connected with a CMA 106 syringe which contained Analysis of the microdialysis parameters was performed
the CMA perfusion solution and inserted in a CMA 107 with a CMA 600 analyzer, measuring 20 probes in one session.
microdialysis pump. Flow rate of the pump was 0.5 ␮l/min. It is based on measuring photometric absorption after enzy-
The dialysate was collected in CMA microvials. 10 ␮l was matic degradation. The detection threshold is 0.1 mmol/l
obtained each 20 min. After a run in phase of 40 min the for glucose and lactate and 0.01 mmol/l for glycerin and
first dialysate was rejected. Then, until the end of the pyruvate. Adenosin was analyzed post hoc from the rest of
study, after 420 min, every 20 min the microvials with the the probes. Because of the low quantities baseline probes
dialysate were changed. The dialysate was kept frozen at 1—3 and 4—5 as well as two post-cupping probes, respec-
−20 ◦ C for further analysis. 5 probes from each side of the tively, were pooled.
neck, taken during 100 min, served as baseline measures. Ultrasound (Logiq P5, GE Medical Systems, 7.5 MHz
100 min for baseline were chosen, because we have seen in probe) was used to determine the depth of the catheter tip
pre-study experiments that more than 60 min were needed in the tissue. It was measured in millimeter distance from
to reach steady state conditions. The dialysate obtained the surface of the skin. Furthermore, ultrasound was used
during cupping was rejected because of the irregular flow in a single subject to measure the thickness of the subcuta-
during this period. After cupping, microdialysis was con- neous tissue before and after cupping.
tinued for another 280 min (14 measures). 420 min after The 6 neck pain patients rated the severity of their
implantation the microdialysis filament was removed and neck pain with the standardized neck pain and disability
the subjects/patients were allowed to go home. scale (NPDS) in the morning of the day when the investi-
Cupping: 140 min after implantation of the microdialy- gations were performed and one week later. The NPDS is a
sis system on the right and left side above the trapezius 20-item questionnaire that was specifically developed for
muscle, cupping was performed for 15 min above one of the patients with neck pain and has been proven to be sen-
randomly selected sides in healthy volunteers or, in neck sitive, reliable and valid for measuring neck pain.26,27 It
pain patients, above the side with the predominant pain. distinguishes 6 grades of severity: 0—22 points = no to min-
In addition, cupping was performed for 15 min on the con- imal, 23—40 points = mild, 41—57 points = moderate, 58—74
tralateral side of the lower back for the investigation of points = moderate to severe, 75—92 points = severe, 93—100
pain thresholds. Cupping was always performed by the same, points = extremely severe.
experienced investigator. The volume of the cupping glass All subjects/patients were contacted by telephone the
was 168 ml, the opening area 15.7 cm2 . The cupping glass day after the investigation and were asked about side
was provided with a stopcock which could be connected effects. Neck pain patients additionally were contacted one
to a pressure gauge (GDH 200-12 Vakuummeter, Greisinger week after the experiment to fill in the NPDS.
Electronics, Germany) in order to measure the pressure in
the cupping glass. The negative pressure was obtained by
Randomization and blinding
holding the flame of an alcohol soaked swab for 2 s in the
opening of the cupping glass and then immediately pressing
In healthy subjects the side of the trapezius muscle (right or
the cupping glass onto the skin.
left) to be cupped was selected by unstratified randomiza-
Fig. 1 shows the areas of cupping, microdialysis and
tion according to a randomization list. Randomization was
concealed (drawing of a sealed opaque envelope). Neck pain
patients were asked to mark the most painful area on their
neck and this area was chosen for cupping.
Outcome parameters

As parameters for microdialysis pyruvate, lactate, glucose, Planning of sample size and statistics
glycerin and adenosine were selected. Pyruvate (88.06 Da)
is an intermediate of aerobe and anaerobe glycolysis and a For sample size calculations we assumed the mean differ-
marker of degradation of carbohydrates. Lactate (90.08 Da) ence of one of the microdialysis parameters between the
results from non-oxidative metabolism of pyruvate. An iso- cupped and the control body side to be 1.0 standard devi-
lated increase of lactate can be caused by hypoxia or just an ation, irrespective whether healthy or neck pain patients
increased metabolism. To discriminate these two reasons, were studied. If so n = 12 are needed to detect this effect
the lactate/pyruvate ratio is used. An increase of lactate with a one-sample t-test and a statistical power of ß = 90%.28
and the lactate/pyruvate ratio is proving hypoxia, because Courses of outcome parameters were analyzed by gen-
cells reduce pyruvate to lactate during hypoxia.22 The lac- eralized linear models for repeated measurements.29 These
tate/pyruvate ratio is, furthermore, established to estimate models included patient identification, time, and status of
the tissue oxygen supply in microdialysis studies.23 Glycerin patient (healthy or diseased) as independent factors and
(92.1 Da) is an indicator of lipolytic activity in the subcuta- assumed the within subject correlation to be autoregres-
neous tissue.24 It results from hydrolysis of triacylglycerides sive of first order. Treatment effects were estimated via
Pain thresholds in neck pain patients 151

Figure 1 Sites of interventions and measurements on the back. (A) On each side (left and right) of the neck microdialysis filaments
(dotted line) were inserted. Above one randomly selected side cupping (circle) was performed. (B) Area on the lower back where
pain thresholds were measured (dot). Cupping was performed on the contralateral side (dot with circle).

general estimation equations (GEE) by adequate two-sided Changes observed irrespective of groups
t-tests. Appropriate outcome parameters of microdialysis
were correlated with the intervention. For each parameter Algometry: The course of the pain thresholds after cupping
p-values were multiply adjusted by the Bonferoni—Holm30 was heterogeneous. Analyzing the whole collective, no sig-
procedure. nificant changes in comparison to baseline could be found
(data not shown)
Microdialysis: Fig. 2 gives an overview of the course of
Results pyruvate, lactate, glucose and glycerin in the cupping area
of the whole collective in comparison to baseline. It shows
All 12 subjects and patients finished the study per protocol. a strong increase of lactate about four standard deviations
Except for the typical petechiae no side effects from cup- with a plateau after 200 min which is accompanied by an
ping or the microdialysis at the end of the experiment or increase of pyruvate at half strength. Glycerin falls about
at follow up one day later were reported. Characteristics of two standard deviations and slowly returns. Glucose shows
the participants are shown in Table 1. There were no differ- a short rise and falls back to normal. Table 2 shows the
ences between the groups regarding age, body mass index mean differences between the area of cupping and the con-
(BMI), negative pressure in the cupping glass and depth of trol area for pyruvate, lactate and glycerin and the results
the catheter in the tissue. of the GEE-ANCOVA analysis. For glucose, except at a sin-
Single values of microdialysis parameters had to be gle time point 60 min after cupping (increase 0.6 mmol in
excluded from analysis because of pump dysfunction or the cupping area, p = 0.002 adjusted to Bonferoni—Holm) no
trapped air in the CME analyzer. The NPDS was reduced from significant changes and no time periods with a trend could
33.2 ± 13.5 before cupping to 27.7 ± 11.4 one week later. be found. Lactate significantly and consistently increased
The difference was not statistically significant. also in comparison to the control area, with a maximum
152 M. Emerich et al.

Table 1 Characteristics of the study participants.

Healthy volunteers Neck pain patients Whole collective

N 6 6 12
Age (years) 24.7 ± 1.0 25.2 ± 1.3 24.9 ± 1.2
BMI kg/m2 21.6 ± 3.0 22.2 ± 1.7 21.9 ± 2.4
Gender (female/male) 4/2 4/2 8/4
Negative pressure in the cupping glass (hPa) 315 ± 64 283 ± 54 299 ± 59
Depth of the catheter in the tissue (mm)
Side of cupping 0.54 ± 0.11 0.53 ± 0.14 0.53 ± 0.12
Control side 0.53 ± 0.10 0.57 ± 0.07 0.55 ± 0.08
Pyruvate (␮mol/l) mean baseline
Side of cupping 86 ± 57 82 ± 27 84 ± 42
Control side 126 ± 50 95 ± 50 111 ± 50
Lactate (mmol/l) mean baseline
Side of cupping 0.8 ± 0.4 0.9 ± 0.3 0.9 ± 0.3
Control side 1.3 ± 0.8 1.6 ± 0.9 1.4 ± 0.8
Glycerin (␮mol/l) mean baseline
Side of cupping 131 ± 118 115 ± 42 123 ± 85
Control side 180 ± 137 92 ± 33 136 ± 106
Glucose (mmol/l) mean baseline
Side of cupping 2.9 ± 1.3 2.2 ± 0.6 2.6 ± 1.1
Control side 2.5 ± 0.8 3.0 ± 0.7 2.7 ± 0.8

220 min after cupping. 280 min after cupping values had not between 80 and 220 min after cupping (80 min, p = 0.041,
returned to the level of the control area. Pyruvate slightly 100 min, p = 0.033, 120 min, p = 0.121, 140 min, p < 0.001,
and less consistently increased in comparison to the control 160 min, p = 0.127, 180 min, p = 0.003, 200 min, p = 0.040,
area, with a maximum 140 min after cupping. It returned to 220 min, p = 0.049, all others p > 0.1). Glycerin showed an
the level of the control area after about 240 min. Only two initial strongly significant decrease 40—80 min after cupping
(after 140 and 180 min, see Table 2) adjusted p-values but compared to the control side. As a trend levels remained
the most non adjusted p-values were significantly different below the control side until the end of the experiment.

Figure 2 Time course of lactate, pyruvate, glucose and glycerin (changes in standard deviations and smoothed curves) of 6 healthy
volunteers and 6 neck pain patients (n = 12) after cupping. Baseline is taken from the first five probes before cupping at t = 0. After
replacing outliers by medians the individual signals are averaged to the mean. Thick lines are local polynomial fits.
Pain thresholds in neck pain patients
Table 2 Differences between cupping area and control area for pyruvate, lactate and glycerin-levels in subcutaneous tissue. Positive values indicate an increase in the cupping
area. Mean changes, interval of confidence and p-values adjusted to Bonferoni—Holm are presented.

Time after Pyruvate (␮mol/l) Lactate (mmol/l) Glycerin (␮mol/l)

baseline (min)
Mean difference and p-Value Mean difference and p-Value Mean difference and p-Value
interval of confidence interval of confidence interval of confidence

20 16 (-5 to 37) 0.970 0.1 (-0.1 to 0.3) 1.000 −10 (-28 to 8) 0.319
40 6(-13 to 25) 0.970 0.0 (-0.3 to 0.3) 1.000 −51.6 (-84 to -19) 0.023
60 8 (-8 to 24) 0.970 0.3 (0.0—0.6) 0.235 −72 (-114 to -30) 0.009
80 25 (1—49) 0.436 0.6 (0.1—1.0) 0.068 −46 (-72 to -21) 0.005
100 18 (1—34) 0.396 0.0 (-0.6 to 0.6) 1.000 −50 (-85 to -14) 0.067
120 26 (-7 to 58) 0.970 0.5 (-0.2 to 1.2) 0.700 −42 (-93 to 9) 0.319
140 30 (13—47) 0.007 0.5 (0.1—0.9) 0.080 −37 (-71 to -3) 0.126
160 17 (-5 to 40) 0.970 0.7 (0.3—1.0) 0.003 −42 (-76 to -7) 0.113
180 27 (9—44) 0.036 0.7 (0.1—1.3) 0.180 −40 (-73 to -7) 0.113
200 27 (1—52) 0.436 0.9 (0.3—1.5) 0.026 −47 (-83 to -10) 0.113
220 34 (0—68) 0.437 1.4 (0.7—2.0) 0.001 −37 (-64 to -10) 0.079
240 19 (-7 to 45) 0.970 1.1 (0.5—1.6) 0.001 −38 (-68 to -8) 0.113
260 18 (-13 to 50) 0.970 1.2 (0.6—1.9) 0.003 −38 (-68 to -8) 0.113
280 29 (-9 to 66) 0.970 1.2 (0.4—2.0) 0.044 −23 (-52 to 5) 0.319

154 M. Emerich et al.


control side
25 cupping

lactate/pyruvat ratiio



-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280

Figure 3 Lactate/pyruvate ratio of medians of area of cupping and control side (n = 12).

The lactate/pyruvate ratio increased in the area of cupping of the differences between the area of cupping and the con-
(Fig. 3). Adenosin did not significantly change during the trol area separated for healthy volunteers and neck pain
course of the study. There were no differences compared patients are shown in Fig. 5A—D. For pyruvate and lac-
to baseline or between the area of cupping and the con- tate there were no significant cupping induced differences
trol side (data not shown). Maximum lactate concentrations between healthy volunteers and neck pain patients after
correlated to the extent of the vacuum in the cupping glass adjustment for multiple testing. Glycerin levels increased
(r = 0.81, p = 0.049) in healthy subjects. On the control side on the control side in healthy volunteers after cupping
no correlation was found. Glycerin levels were, as a trend, (Fig. 5C). Except 100 min after cupping (p = 0.031) the
negatively correlated to the extent of the vacuum in the differences were, however, not significant when adjusted
cupping glass (r = −0.41, p = 0.180). for multiple testing. Also for glucose differences between
Ultrasound: Cupping resulted in an edema of the subcu- healthy volunteers and neck pain patients could be found
taneous tissue, which was documented by ultrasound in one (Fig. 5D). Healthy volunteers had non-significantly lower
subject. The thickness of the subcutaneous tissue increased values in the control area and non-significantly higher val-
from about 5 mm before to 9 mm immediately after cup- ues in the cupping area without changes over time (data
ping. 130 min after cupping it was 7.5 mm, 13 h later it was not shown). This accumulated to in part (after 100, 180
reduced to 5.6 mm (Fig. 4A—D). and 220 min, adjusted p = 0.012, 0.015 and 0.001, respec-
tively) significantly higher differences between control area
and area of cupping in healthy volunteers. Neck pain
Comparison between healthy controls and neck patients had a slightly higher and earlier increase of the
pain patients lactate/pyruvate ratio after cupping, compared to healthy
volunteers (Fig. 6). The adenosin concentration did not show
Algometry: Baseline and course of the mechanical pain a group difference between neck pain patients and healthy
thresholds after cupping are shown in Table 3. In all tested volunteers.
areas healthy subjects had at baseline higher pain thresh- Baseline mean lactate values tended in neck pain
olds than neck pain patients. The difference was, however, patients to correlate with the depth of the microdialysis
not statistically significant (p > 0.05). Immediately after cup- system under the skin (r = 0.68 and r = 0.67 in the area of
ping pain thresholds tended to increase in all tested areas cupping and control side, respectively). In healthy subjects,
of neck pain patients (Table 3). A significant increase was there was no correlation (r = 0.14 and 0.00, respectively).
found on the foot (p = 0.019 adjusted to Bonferoni—Holm).
Healthy volunteers had only in the control area higher pain
thresholds in comparison to baseline (p = 0.02 adjusted to Discussion
Bonferoni—Holm). 140 min after cupping the pain thresh-
old on the foot in neck pain patients was lower than In our study we investigated effects of cupping on mechani-
before cupping (p = 0.019 adjusted to Bonferoni—Holm). Sig- cal pain thresholds and subcutaneous metabolic parameters
nificant differences between healthy subjects and neck in order to test hypothesis about the mode of action of
pain patients could be found on the foot immedi- cupping. For measuring metabolic parameters we chose
ately after cupping (p = 0.01 adjusted to Bonferoni—Holm, an individually controlled parallel design, comparing the
Table 3). cupped and un-cupped side.
Microdialysis: Comparing healthy volunteers and neck We found, that cupping significantly and long lasting
pain patients baseline mean values for pyruvate, lactate, increases lactate levels in the subcutaneous tissue. The
glucose and glycerin were not different (p > 0.1). The course increased lactate/pyruvate ratio proofs that the lactate
Pain thresholds in neck pain patients 155

Figure 4 (A—D) Thickness of the subcutaneous tissue above the trapezius muscle measured by ultrasound before and after cupping
with a negative pressure of 200 hPa. (A) Before cupping (0.47 cm), (B) immediately after cupping (0.89 cm), (C) 130 min after cupping
(0.75 cm) and (D) 18 h after cupping (0.56 cm).

resulted from hypoxia. The source of lactate can be from even in the underlying muscle completely suppressed during
the subcutaneous tissue itself, destroyed erythrocytes or the cupping. Muscle tissue has, according to several microdial-
underlying muscle, which is connected by blood flow with ysis studies33—35 at rest 2—3.5 times higher lactate levels
the subcutaneous tissue.31 than subcutaneous tissue. The subcutaneous tissue itself
A mathematical model assuming similar conditions (diam- has only limited capacity to produce lactate. A recent C13 -
eter of the cupping glass 5 cm, pressure −300 hPa, thickness labeled-glucose based microdialysis study showed that only
of the subcutaneous tissue 1 cm) as in our study showed, about 25% of subcutaneous tissue lactate originates from
that the pressure on the underlying muscle is still between the subcutaneous tissue itself, the rest comes via blood
−250 hPa (upper part) and −180 hPa (lower part, about flow or diffusion from the muscle below.36 This indicates
3 cm from the skin), corresponding to 187.5 and 135 mmHg, that lactate originated in our study to a major part from
respectively.32 This means, that the blood flow in nor- outside the subcutaneous tissue, namely from the underly-
motensive subjects (systolic arterial pressure 120 mmHg) is ing trapezius muscle and/or from destroyed erythrocytes.

Table 3 Mechanical pain thresholds measured at different sites. Means and standard deviations of the group of healthy
volunteers and the group of neck pain patients (each n = 6) are presented.

Baseline (N/cm2 ) Immediately after 140 min after 280 min after cupping
cupping (N/cm2 ) cupping (N/cm2 ) (N/cm2 )

Healthy volunteers
Area of cupping (lower back) 332 ± 158 333 ± 181 321 ± 125 351 ± 179
Control area (lower back) 331 ± 180 370 ± 204* 315 ± 156 372 ± 208
Hand 185 ± 23 169 ± 37 188 ± 14 200 ± 27
Foot 317 ± 104 311 ± 96 326 ± 117 291 ± 68
Neck pain patients
Area of cupping (lower back) 280 ± 93 302 ± 55 308 ± 63 293 ± 80
Control area (lower back) 288 ± 109 300 ± 130 317 ± 88 304 ± 95
Hand 168 ± 41 185 ± 61 161 ± 53 180 ± 61
Foot 252 ± 74 283 ± 87* 234 ± 78* 259 ± 102
* p adjusted to Bonferoni—Holm <0.05 compared to baseline.
156 M. Emerich et al.

A 3,5 B

Lactate side difference mmol/l

Pyruvate side difference μmol/l

2,5 Neck pain 100,00
Neck pain
1,5 50,00
0,5 0,00

-0,5 -50,00

-1,5 -100,00
-100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time aer cupping [min]
Time aer cupping [min]

C 150
D 3

Glucose side difeerence μmol/l

Glycerine side difference mmol/l

2 Healthy Neck pain

0 1

-150 -1

Healthy -2
Neck pain
-100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
-100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time aer cupping [min]
Time aer cupping [min]

Figure 5 (A—D) Means and standard deviation of subcutaneous lactate (A), pyruvate (B), glycerin (C) and glucose (D) in neck
pain patients (n = 6) and healthy controls (n = 6) before and up to 280 min after cupping. Side differences between cupping area and
control area (contralateral side of the neck) are presented. Higher values mean an increase compared to the control area.

The baseline lactate levels in our study are comparable to to exhaustion and is protective against potassium induced
other microdialysis studies in subcutaneous tissue reporting depression of muscle contraction during exercise.40,41 Fur-
0.8—1.8 mmol/l.36—38 thermore, moderate acute local metabolic acidosis results in
Lactate results, as well as hypoxia/hyperkapnia per local vasodilatation and increased blood flow42—45 by direct
se, in local acidosis.39 Lactate and acidosis have for a pH effects42 and augmenting nitric oxide release in vitro and
long time been regarded as responsible for organ damage. in vivo.46,47 Neck pain patients tend to have a decreased
Better controlled studies since the 1990s showed, how- blood flow and elevated muscle lactate levels in the trapez-
ever, that acidosis in skeleton muscle can prolong time ius muscle compared to healthy controls.11,12,48 Cupping

30 neck pain patients
lactate/pyruvat ratiio





-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280

Figure 6 Lactate/pyruvate ratio of medians of neck pain patients and healthy controls in the area of cupping (n = 6).
Pain thresholds in neck pain patients 157

per se aggravates these features. After cupping, however, Role of the funding source
vasodilatation can be observed and improved microcircu-
lation has been reported.13 This might, after a few days, The study was financed without external funding.
result in a reset to normal of the chronically disturbed inter-
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