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NIM : 2201840795
MAPEL : Envriomental Engineering

1. Explain in detail the effects of global warming to:

a. Carbon cycle;
b Food chain
Use the knowledge in civil engineering to alleviate the negative impacts in global warming?
Answer :
a. The impact of global warming on the carbon cycle.
The carbon cycle describes how carbon moves and is transformed in the world. Global
warming refers to increasing average global temperatures due to increases in greenhouse gases,
such as carbon dioxide or CO2, in the atmosphere. Another important GHG is methane, CH4, is
also increasing in the atmosphere.
Thus, the carbon cycle and global warming are intricately connected, as increasing carbon
in the atmosphere means there is less carbon elsewhere in the cycle. Several feedback effects can
be expected with higher temperatures:
a. Warmer oceans are less able to absorb CO2.
b. Higher temperatures also means melting permafrost, which will release carbon dioxide
and methane into the atmosphere.
c. In areas with low precipitation, increased temperatures may increase the risk for forest
fires, which would then release more carbon from the plant life into the atmosphere.
d. Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations is thought to have a direct effect on peat
forests, causing the bogs to release more CO2 .
Global warming will impact the carbon cycle in multiple ways, not all of which are fully
b. The impact of global warming on the food chain.
With the heat of the ocean makes the marine food chain in it has a very big impact on food
intake to large marine animals that are a source of human protein and in turn disrupt the fishing
Global warming that occurs due to the trapping of the sun's heat by the greenhouse effect
gas causes the heat reflected back to earth to be absorbed into the ocean so that the ocean
becomes hot and makes this place a carbon waste that damages the marine ecosystem.
The oceans in the world today are more than 50 years old, their temperatures have gotten
hotter and will continue in the years that follow because global warming continues to occur,
resulting in the number of phytoplankton being reduced a lot. Phytoplankton play a large role in
the food chain in marine ecosystems because these small plants are the basic food for
zooplankton which also feeds other large marine animals and the impact is very large if the
number of phytoplankton is reduced because the food chain is disrupted so that life in marine
ecosystems becomes problematic.
Not only is an important factor in the food chain turns out phytoplankton as well as plants
that live on land carry out photosynthesis by capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere
and produce oxygen (O2) that we use to breathe. Reducing phytoplankton alone allows carbon
dioxide gas to float in the air and endanger those who breathe it.And the next serious impact of
warming sea water is coral bleaching, which is when the coral turns white, starves and dies. Yet
we know corals are the habitat of thousands of small species of marine animals for life and
research experts say a third of marine life depends on this marine habitat. Uniquely, this coral
can only live in a certain temperature and the sea is getting hotter accelerating extinction.
Knowledge in Civil Engineering to Alleviate the Negative Impacts in Global Warming:
1. Increase the number of trees.
We all know that trees absorb carbon dioxide to carry out the process of photosynthesis, so
the more trees the more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is absorbed. For trees that have the
best carbon dioxide absorption is the tamarind tree.
2. Reducing the use of motor vehicles.
Without realizing that the use of motor vehicles is the highest contributor of carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere, then to restore the function of the carbon cycle we must reduce its use.
We can use a bicycle or walk to a nearby place.
3. Conserving coral reefs and marine organisms.
We do not realize that the sea also plays an important role in reducing carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere. Why? because in the ocean there are marine organisms that also carry out
photosynthesis such as coral reefs. To maximize the reduction of carbon dioxide through the
sea, we must maintain and preserve marine organisms such as coral reefs. Biogeochemical
cycle or biogeochemical cycle is a large cycle that is arranged harmoniously from a
combination of gas cycle, biological cycle and geological cycle in an ecosystem.
4. Reduce the use of fragrance oil.
we must reduce the use of fragrance oil both for the room and for our bodies, because the
content contained in the perfume can damage the ozone layer.

2. Describe the factors that are crucial for good quality drinking water and explain why
do you think so. In your opinion (supported by references), how does the required qualities
for drinking water differ from the required qualities for clean water in general?
Answer :
Good quality drinking water is not easy to produce considering all possible disturbances
from the environment and man-made obstacles. Good drinking water is free from disease-
causing organisms, harmful chemicals, and radioactive substances. It tastes good, is aesthetically
appealing, and is free of unpleasant colors or odors.
The main cause of poor water quality is caused by human impacts so it is up to us to reduce
this toxic impact. Poor water quality is the reason why many of us need a filtration system to be
able to feel safe with our drinking water. City water is considered safe but still has chlorine and
a heavy metal trace. Drinking lots of water is important and for better health it is even more
important that the water you drink is pure water
The quality of river and lake water changes with the seasons and geographical areas, even
when there is no pollution. There is no single measure which is good water quality. For example,
water suitable for drinking can be used for irrigation, but water used for irrigation may not meet
drinking water guidelines. Water quality guidelines provide basic scientific information about
water quality parameters and ecologically relevant toxicological threshold values to protect
certain water uses.
Substances in the air affect rainfall. Dust, volcanic gas, and natural gas in water, such as
carbon dioxide, oxygen, and nitrogen, are all dissolved or trapped in the rain. When other
substances such as sulfur dioxide, toxic chemicals, or lead are in the water, they are also collected
in the rain as they fall to the ground. Rain reaches the surface of the earth and, like runoff, flows
through soil and rock, dissolves and picks up other substances. For example, if the soil contains
high amounts of soluble substances, such as limestone, runoff will have a high concentration of
calcium carbonate. Where water flows over rocks in high metals, like ore bodies, water dissolves
Industrial, agricultural, mining and forestry activities also significantly affect the quality
of rivers, lakes and groundwater. For example, agriculture can increase the concentration of
nutrients, pesticides, and suspended sediments. Industrial activities can increase the
concentration of metals and toxic chemicals, increase suspended deposits, increase temperatures
and reduce dissolved oxygen in water. Each of these effects can have a negative impact on
aquatic ecosystems and / or make water unsuitable for established or potential uses
Factor that are crucial for good quality drinking water :
1. Contaminant free.
The water is filtered of unhealthy toxins, including synthetic chemicals, toxic
metals, bacteria and viruses, radioactive substances, and other treatment additives such as
chlorine and fluoride.
2. Mineral rich.
The natural occurring minerals in the source water are not removed through
purification processes, such as reverse osmosis and distillation.
3. Alkaline PH.
The drinking water has an alkaline pH between 7.0 and 9.5, which means that the
water contains a healthy level of alkaline minerals such as calcium and magnesium.
4. Antioxidant.
Water that is activated in nature through movement (such as water flowing down a
mountain stream) or through electrolysis (via a water ionizer) will have a negative
oxidation reduction potential (-ORP). A negative ORP is an indicator of concentrated
molecular hydrogen (H2) molecules, which are potent antioxidants and easily absorbed at
the cellular level.
5. Good taste.
If your water doesn't taste good, you simply won't drink enough water on a daily
basis to stay hydrated enough to optimize the health benefits. Mineral rich water tastes
much better than de-mineralized water.
6. The water must have a pH of 9 or above to maintain balance when healthy.
This is necessary for regaining health and energy and regulating body weight. In an
imbalanced, acidic state, your body needs water that is 9.5 or above to offset proton
concentration that causes the body to hold on to fat as a protection.
Ways to recognize the characteristics of quality drinking water :
1. Physical requirements
Physically, healthy drinking water must be clear (colorless) and odorless. Quoting
Buckle KA, in the book Food Science (1987), water that can be drunk must not contain
suspended or turbid material. In addition, quality bottled drinking water must also have a
temperature below the outside air temperature (in room temperature).
2. Microbiological requirements
These microbiological requirements are also called bacteriological conditions.
Because it is used as a drink, bottled water must be free from all kinds of bacteria that
pollute it. "Especially, it must be free of pathogenic bacteria (the cause of disease)," Ika
To find out whether or not the pathogen content in bottled drinking water, drinking
water must be tested in the laboratory.
3. Chemical requirements
Healthy drinking water must also meet the required chemical requirements. That is,
water must contain certain substances needed, for example iron, manganese, and chloride.
The substance must also be present in a certain amount. Deficiency or excess of certain
substances in water will cause an imbalance. Worse, this will also disrupt a person's
physiological condition

3. City Q has an average water consumption of 22000 m3 /day. Jar tests have indicated
that 34 mg/L of hydrated alumunium sulphate “alum” [Al2 (SO4)3 .14 H2O] is the
optimum dosage required to treat the water supply to this town.
The additional alkalinity used is HCO3.The natural alkalinity in the untreated water
source is 50 mg/L as CaCO3 . Use thencoagulation reaction to:
a. Determine the amount of coagulant used per day (in kg/day)
b. Determine the amount of precipitant generated
per day (in kg/day).
c. How much alkalinity is being consumed during the coagulation/flocculation process
(in mg/L CaCO3)? Is the natural alkalinity level adequate?
Answer : ID Name : 22 – 0 – 18 – 4079 - 5
4. Waste water treatment is a crucial process to ensure that the waste water can be safely
recycled back to the environment. However, there are certain challenges or issues related
to this waste water treatment that can endanger the environment. In your opinion
(supported by references), what are those challenges and how can civil engineers prevent
those happening ?
Answer :
Sources of water pollution
Water pollutants may originate from point sources or from dispersed sources. A point-
source pollutant is one that reaches water from a single pipeline or channel, such as a sewage
discharge or outfall pipe. Dispersed sources are broad, unconfined areas from which pollutants
enter a body of water. Surface runoff from farms, for example, is a dispersed source of
pollution, carrying animal wastes, fertilizers, pesticides, and silt into nearby streams. Urban
storm water drainage, which may carry sand and other gritty materials, petroleum residues
from automobiles, and road deicing chemicals, is also considered a dispersed source because
of the many locations at which it enters local streams or lakes. Point-source pollutants are
easier to control than dispersed-source pollutants, since they flow to a single location where
treatment processes can remove them from the water. Such control is not usually possible over
pollutants from dispersed sources, which cause a large part of the overall water pollution
problem. Dispersed-source water pollution is best reduced by enforcing proper land-use plans
and development standards.
Civil engineers prevent those happening :
Combined systems

Systems that carry a mixture of both domestic sewage and storm sewage are called
combined sewers. Combined sewers typically consist of large-diameter pipes or tunnels,
because of the large volumes of storm water that must be carried during wet-weather periods.
They are very common in older cities but are no longer designed and built as part of new
sewerage facilities. Because wastewater treatment plants cannot handle large volumes of storm
water, sewage must bypass the treatment plants during wet weather and be discharged directly
into the receiving water. These combined sewer overflows, containing untreated domestic
sewage, cause recurring water pollution problems and are very troublesome sources of
In some large cities the combined sewer overflow problem has been reduced by diverting
the first flush of combined sewage into a large basin or underground tunnel. After temporary
storage, it can be treated by settling and disinfection before being discharged into a receiving
body of water, or it can be treated in a nearby wastewater treatment plant at a rate that will not
overload the facility. Another method for controlling combined sewage involves the use of
swirl concentrators. These direct sewage through cylindrically shaped devices that create a
vortex, or whirlpool, effect. The vortex helps concentrate impurities in a much smaller volume
of water for treatment.

Separate systems

New wastewater collection facilities are designed as separate systems, carrying either
domestic sewage or storm sewage but not both. Storm sewers usually carry surface runoff to a
point of disposal in a stream or river. Small detention basins may be built as part of the system,
storing stormwater temporarily and reducing the magnitude of the peak flow rate. Sanitary
sewers, on the other hand, carry domestic wastewater to a sewage treatment plant. Pretreated
industrial wastewater may be allowed into municipal sanitary sewerage systems, but storm
water is excluded.

Storm sewers are usually built with sections of reinforced concrete pipe. Corrugated metal
pipes may be used in some cases. Storm water inlets or catch basins are located at suitable
intervals in a street right-of-way or in easements across private property. The pipelines are
usually located to allow downhill gravity flow to a nearby stream or to a detention basin. Storm
water pumping stations are avoided, if possible, because of the very large pump capacities that
would be needed to handle the intermittent flows.

A sanitary sewerage system includes laterals, submains, and interceptors. Except for
individual house connections, laterals are the smallest sewers in the network. They usually are
not less than 200 mm (8 inches) in diameter and carry sewage by gravity into larger submains,
or collector sewers. The collector sewers tie in to a main interceptor, or trunk line, which carries
the sewage to a treatment plant. Interceptors are usually built with precast sections of
reinforced concrete pipe, up to 5 metres (15 feet) in diameter. Other materials used for sanitary
sewers include vitrified clay, asbestos cement, plastic, steel, or ductile iron. The use of plastic
for laterals is increasing because of its lightness and ease of installation. Iron and steel pipes
are used for force mains or in pumping stations. Force mains are pipelines that carry sewage
under pressure when it must be pumped.

Alternative systems

Sometimes the cost of conventional gravity sewers can be prohibitively high because of
low population densities or site conditions such as a high water table or bedrock. Three
alternative wastewater collection systems that may be used under these circumstances include
small-diameter gravity sewers, pressure sewers, and vacuum sewers.

In small-diameter gravity systems, septic tanks are first used to remove settleable and
floating solids from the wastewater from each house before it flows into a network of collector
mains (typically 100 mm, or 4 inches, in diameter); these systems are most suitable for small
rural communities. Because they do not carry grease, grit and sewage solids, the pipes can be
of smaller diameter and placed at reduced slopes or gradients to minimize trench excavation
costs. Pressure sewers are best used in flat areas or where expensive rock excavation would be
required. Grinder pumps discharge wastewater from each home into the main pressure sewer,
which can follow the slope of the ground. In a vacuum sewerage system, sewage from one or
more buildings flows by gravity into a sump or tank from which it is pulled out by vacuum
pumps located at a central vacuum station and then flows into a collection tank. From the
vacuum collection tank the sewage is pumped to a treatment plant.

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