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Annotated Bibliography

What are the pros and cons of genetically modified food: Research Project

By: Tiara Davis

Date: March 24, 2020

Ashraf, Haroon. "UK Ethicists Say GM Foods could Help Poor." The Lancet, vol. 361, no. 9374,

2003, pp. 2051. ProQuest,

32824?accountid=10163, doi:

Ashraf wrote about how in the UK GM foods could help to feed the poor. The article
continues to talk about how “GM technology could make a useful contribution” to the
growing food consumption. While also saying “GM crops do, in some cases, have
considerable potential to increase crop yields”. Some were even refusing GM foods like
Zambia around when the article was posted in 2003. I also liked how the council wanted
to make sure food aid groups would give poor developing countries a choice between
non-GM foods and GM foods. This article would be good to discuss the ethical reasons
why or why not GM foods are especially good for developing countries with little
money. With the increase in crop yield and being more immunity to insects, a GM crop
could be just what a poor nation needs to feed its people.

By, Lucette L. "Strained Peace: Gerber Baby Food, Grilled by Greenpeace, Plans Swift Overhaul -

-- Gene-Modified Corn and Soy Will Go, although Firm Feels Sure they are Safe --- Heinz

Takes Action, Too." Wall Street Journal, Jul 30, 1999, pp. A1. ProQuest,


This article talks about the U.S food and agricultural industries and other countries
opposition to import corn and other GM foods that have been grown from GM seeds. It
states in this article that the “Food and Drug Administration says genetically modified
foods are as safe as other foods in the grocery stores.” This article also talks about baby-
food producers such as Gerber using GM foods in baby foods. Some companies such as
Earth’s Best line says it has decided not to produce baby food using genetically modified
crops. Company’s like Gerber want their consumers to trust them so if that means
removing GM foods that’s what they have to do. They have been known to use Gm
products in there cereal and baby-foods. The former boss of Gerber saying that GM corn
produces dangerous toxins is “ludicrous and inflammatory.” This article will be great in
getting another perspective on GM foods and is it safe to feed infants.”

Crowe, M. (2013, Jun 10). Pro-con: Should genetically modified food be labeled? McClatchy

Newspapers Retrieved from


This article is about whether or not genetically modified food should be labeled. The
first time GM food was labeled was in European Union in 1997. The article begins to
make arguments about whether or not the expenses and logistics of labeling is worth
the extra difficulty and expense. The other sides think that consumers should have the
right to know what’s in the food they are eating. It then talks about on the side where
they want labeling that if the food is being altered in anyway that it should be listed on
the label that it has been. I’ve noticed in grocery stores that there is a pretty significant
increase in price between GM foods and organic foods. I believe this source will be great
for explaining if GM foods should be labeled that they have been modified. It would also
be good for determining more pros and cons about GM foods.

"Genetically Modified Food; Genetically Engineered Food could be Lifeline for Developing

World." Immunotherapy Weekly, Mar 12, 2000, pp. 14-15. ProQuest,


This source is also talking about helping poor and developing countries but it’s more
about the help with malnutrition but also talks about helping solve world hunger. It talks
about creating something like rice to produce more of the important vitamins that poor
developing nations need. McCouch say’s that people suffer from malnutrition usually
lack crucial nutrients because they cannot buy what the body needs and aren’t getting it
from poor foods like rice. So, offering a type of rice that has those needed vitamins will
become an assistance for people in need. It also talks about how humans have been
practicing biotechnology for thousands of years for instance McCouch states that most
of our food has been altered through selective breading “that they are no longer
capable of surviving in the wild.” This article will be useful in explain how much of a
difference we can make on world hunger and malnutrition but using GM foods in the
right way.

"Genetically Modified Foods; Findings from ABRII in Genetically Modified Foods Reported

(Immune Analysis of cry1Ab-Genetically Modified Potato by in-Silico Analysis and Animal

Model)." Biotech Week, Nov 29, 2017, pp. 380. ProQuest,


This source goes into details about testing that has been done to help back up the
statements of whether or not GM foods are good or bad for the body. In the article it
explains a test of being done on rats where they were fed a diet containing 20% of GM
foods. The diet consisted a potato that is resistant to the potato tuber moth. The test
confirmed that the GMP foods did not affect the rat’s food efficiency, food intake,
growth rate or the general health of the rats tested. The research concluded that “Based
on such data, it is concluded that the transgenic potato had no adverse effect on
immunity functions of Windstar rats.” They also state that Cry1Ab and NPTII protein
sequences have not known allergens or toxins in them. There was not huge difference in
the “serum concentrations of immunoglobulin A and IFN-gamma between GMP and
NGMP-fed rats.”

Hagmann, M. (2002). UN to help developing countries assess safety of GM crops. World Health

Organization.Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 80(4), 336-8. Retrieved from


This article does a good job of quoting retable sources and uses people that know what
they are talking about with GM foods. For instance, Briggs says that “There are both
potential benefits and potential risks, and it’s important to look at both of them.” I
believe this is important just because something may have potential risks there is still a
chance that they will have huge benefits. In the past the risks have never stopped us
from inventing and creating things. I have also noticed while doing research that a lot of
progress in GM foods was during the early 2000s. This article also talks about how GM
foods could have huge potential when it comes to poor farms in developing country’s
and help to reduce chemical pesticides. The biotechnology in the early 2000s was
known as the golden age of biotechnology. I will use this article when needing important
quotes from scholarly sources.

Kimble-Evans, Amanda. "Genetically Modified Corn-Safe Or Toxic?" Mother Earth News, no.

239, Apr, 2010, pp. 16-17. ProQuest,


This source I found talks about weather GM foods are safe or toxic to consume and
more specifically is GM corn safe. It also states the estimated percent of GM foods
ingredients found in U.S grocery stores which is 70%. Two varieties are mentioned to
show examples of what the GM food have been given ones is a protein designed to kill
insects. The other is made to help tolerate Roundup which is a household chemical used
to help control weeds. A nonprofit association that is completely dedicated to the study
of GM foods published a critique of the Monsanto studies in a “International Journal of
ftiobgical Sciences (2009; 5:706-726).” This journal came to a conclusion that Monsanto
that have claimed that corn Gm varieties were safe. The organization came to the
conclusion that there was a potential for “kidney and liver problems” also “negative
effects in the heart, adrenal glands and spleen. This source could be helpful to help
explain the cons of GM foods.

Kirkland, Lynn. "Understanding Food Biotechnology: What Genetically Modified Foods are all

about." Family health, vol. 18, no. 4, Winter, 2002, pp. 19-19,21. ProQuest,


This article is more about what Gm foods they state that food biotechnology “is the use
of living material to improve food production and food quality.” Things like yeast in
bread and fermentation of foods are even examples of genetically engineered foods.
The article says the ability to transfer information from one gene to another has been
used in the medical field for a while now but has recently been used in food production.
It talks about how farmers can use these modified seeds to produce a more friendly
product to the environment and reduce the use of peptides. It could be an interesting
topic to research rice with higher levels of beta-carotene that are helping Asian
countries with childhood blindness. They also talk about an antioxidant in tomatoes that
could increase lycopene and help to fight artery diseases and cancers. I believe these
articles give a lot of information on the pros of using GM foods and give me other
research points to help get more information.

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