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big data is a revolution in itself, there is no doubt about it.

the power to analyse large amounts of

data implies a profound change in the way we operate, especially in decision making. however, big
data could lead to serious errors if the data is misused. in companies, these errors could be
expensive. in my opinion, an intense human reflection on the result of the data will always be

Gathering = Rassemblement

Churn = loss of customers or subscribers

Forecast = prévisions

Insights= apercu

Discrepancies = divergences

Streamlined = rationalisé

narrow down = réduire

compliance = conformité

thereby= par consequent

fruitful = fructueux

Marketing is undoubtedly the first of the sectors to use big data to map consumers and analyse their
behaviour in detail in order to sell products more effectively.

The interconnection with social networks, websites and online advertising agencies via cookies
makes it possible to obtain very precise information about customers down to the personal level.
What he is, what he does, where he is, what he wants... And in real time.

big data helps companies a lot when it comes to innovation and improvement of products and
services in real time.
In the past, products were designed blindly, only once they were designed could they be presented
and discussed in consumer panels. If the product was deemed unsatisfactory, it was necessary to
start from scratch and the company was weakened.

Big Data puts an end to this "blindness". The analysis of social networks, blogs and websites about a
product or service allows to measure the reception of a product in both positive and negative in real
time and to quickly make the necessary corrections.

For online services, massive tests or simulations can be carried out on targeted panels and analysed
in order to offer decisive improvements very quickly.

Big Data also allows you to improve your company's services considerably. By using in-depth data
analysis, you will optimise your customer service, which will result in happier customers.

A good example of this practice are airlines; they use speech analysis to extract in-depth and
meaningful information from live recorded interactions between staff and customers. This data,
combined with other sources such as customer profiles, flight information and social network data,
enables their staff to provide a consistent, high-quality service.

big data is also used to Personalise offers

It assesses the relevance of demand and delivers the right product or service to the right person at
the right price through the right channel at the right time. The Google search engine customizes its
search results based on your profile. For example, the merchant Amazon offers different homepages
for each customer account, with different products on offer. It's all about getting to know your
customer by combining different sources of the data they're looking for to really know what they

Whether in a customer/supplier relationship or for the insurance industry the analysis and
determination of risk is very important. Big Data makes it possible to analyze and categorize the risks
for a given customer or supplier.

The aggregation of data from as many sources as possible over as long a history as possible would
allow an insurance company to offer a contract that is financially adapted to the profile of its client.

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