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Fecha de Emisión:

September 27th, 2019

F-06-WS Versión 03


STUDENT:_____________________________________________ TIME: 4 CLASSES
WORKSHOP No. 2 DATE: ________, 2020 TERM: SECOND

Standards of Competence.
The student can identify the organs that are part of the lymphatic system and the pathologies that affect it through comparative tables
to understand the complementarity with the circulatory system in the defense of the body.
The student can accept differences in the ways of living, think, solve problems or apply knowledge through teamwork to enrich their

The lymphatic system is part of the immune system. It also maintains fluid balance and plays a role in absorbing fats and
fat-soluble nutrients.

The lymphatic system consists of lymph vessels, ducts, nodes, and other tissues.

The lymphatic system is a network of vessels that collect these

fluids, or lymph. Lymph is a clear fluid that is derived from blood
The lymph vessels form a network of branches that reach most of
the body's tissues. They work in a similar way to the blood vessels.
The lymph vessels work with the veins to return fluid from the
tissues. Unlike blood, the lymphatic fluid is not pumped but
squeezed through the vessels when we use our muscles.
The properties of the lymph vessel walls and the valves help
control the movement of lymph. However, like veins, lymphatic
vessels have valves inside them to stop fluid from flowing back in
the wrong direction.
Lymph is drained progressively towards larger vessels until it
reaches the two main channels, the lymphatic ducts in our trunk.
From there, the filtered lymph fluid returns to the blood in the

The vessels branch through junctions called lymph nodes. These

are often referred to as glands, but they are not true glands as
they do not form part of the endocrine system. In the lymph
nodes, immune cells assess for foreign material, such as bacteria,
viruses, or fungus. Lymph nodes are not the only lymphatic tissues in the body. The tonsils, spleen, and thymus gland are
also lymphatic tissues.

· Lymph vessels are thin walled, valve
structures that carry lymph
· Lymph is not under pressure and is
propelled in a passive fashion
· Fluid that leaks from the vascular
system is returned to general
circulation via lymphatic vessels.
· Lymph vessels act as a reservoir for
plasma and other substances
including cells that leaked from the
vascular system
· The lymphatic system provides a one-
way route for movement of interstitial
fluid to the cardiovascular system.
· Lymph returns the excess fluid filtered
from the blood vessel capillaries, as
well as the protein that leaks out of
the blood vessel capillaries.
· Lymph flow is driven mainly by
contraction of smooth muscle in the
lymphatic vessels but also by the
skeletal-muscle pump and the
respiratory pump.
LYMPH NODES are small glands that filter
lymph, the clear fluid that circulates through
the lymphatic system. They become swollen
in response to infection and tumors.
Lymphatic fluid circulates through the
lymphatic system, which is made of channels
throughout your body that are similar to
blood vessels.


In the back of the mouth, there are tonsils.
These produce lymphocytes, a type of white
blood cell, and antibodies. They have a
strategic position, hanging down from a ring
forming the junction between the mouth and
pharynx. This enables them to protect
against inhaled and swallowed foreign
bodies. The tonsils are the tissues affected by tonsillitis.


The thymus gland is a lymphatic organ and an endocrine gland that is found just behind the sternum. It secretes
hormones and is crucial in the production, maturation, and differentiation of immune T cells. It is active in developing the
immune system from before birth and through childhood.


The spleen is not connected to the lymphatic system in the same way as lymph nodes, but it is lymphoid tissue. This
means it plays a role in the production of white blood cells that form part of the immune system. Its other major role is to
filter the blood to remove microbes and old and damaged red blood cells and platelets.


Bone marrow is not lymphatic tissue, but it can be considered part of the lymphatic system because it is here that the B
cell lymphocytes of the immune system mature.


The third function is to defend the body against unwanted
organisms. Without it, we would die very soon from an
infection. Our bodies are constantly exposed to potentially
hazardous micro-organisms, such as infections.

The body's first line of defense involves:

 physical barriers, such as the skin
 toxic barriers, such as the acidic contents of the stomach
 "friendly" bacteria in the body

However, pathogens often do succeed in entering the body

despite these defenses. In this case, the lymphatic system
enables our immune system to respond appropriately. If the
immune system is not able to fight off these microorganisms,
or pathogens, they can be harmful and even fatal. A number of
different immune cells and special molecules work together to
fight off the unwanted pathogens.

You can find the answers in the video o in the readings above.

1. What is lymph?

2. What is the normal composition of lymph?

3. How the composition of lymph does differs from that of blood?

4. Describe the basic structure of and function of a lymph node?

5. What is the role of the thymus in human body?

6. If your tonsils are removed, how does your body develop an immune response against antigens in the throat?
Are any other sources of lymphatic cells or structures located there?

7. What is the function of the Adult spleen?

8. What is the function of the lymph nodules?

9. What prevents the back flow of lymph?

10. How does lymph fluid get pushed through the capillaries?

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