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My Counterintuitive Digital Agency 

Approach That Generates $200k A 
Year With Just 2 Hours Per Week  
& Brings In 8 New Clients A Month (While I Sleep) 
2 Hour Agency

Copyright © 2018 Robert Neckelius
All rights reserved.

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How To Have Me and My Team
Personally Help You ​Start​, ​Scale​ and
Grow​ Your Digital Agency Today!

Hey there, Reader,

Robert Neckelius here...and my goal with this book is to give you

everything I believe you will need to help you with starting,
scaling and growing your digital agency…

...I put everything I know and more into this book.

And even though that’s true...​we still tend to get quite a few
people asking us for personal help when it comes to
their agency business....

...And that’s why we’re now offering a ​FREE Strategy Session

to all 2 Hour Agency book readers...

All you have to do is:

Click Here to Book Your Free Strategy Session Today

To your success,

Robert Neckelius

p.s. Note: Due to high demand, the spots for free strategy
session is highly limited.

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In this book, I want to show you how to start, grow,

and automate a profitable digital agency from
anywhere, that you can run with a few hours per week.
The goal with a 2 Hour Agency is profit and freedom.
The secondary goal of your 2 Hour Agency is to create
a business that you can sell if you want to. What we
don’t want to do is to just create another job that you
are enslaved in. If these things don’t sound awesome
to you, this book is probably not for you.

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IDEA 24 


AGENCY (“2HA”) 35 






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HOW I GOT 150,000 Facebook™ FOLLOWERS IN 30 DAYS
SHOW 141 



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All 2 Hour Agency Products 167 

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There is an ever growing opportunity to create a
digital agency that delivers digital services to clients
all over the world, from anywhere in the world. You
can do it from your bed, the beach, the car, or an
office if that’s your thing. I’ve been doing this since
2012, and I’ve taught others along the way. This is the
first time I teach it in a book like this, and you’re
going to find it to be a good resource. Most likely this
is not a book you read once from cover to cover and
put on the shelf, but rather it’ll act as a resource that
you can pick up and read individual sections from
based on where you are with your agency.

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If you’re a fan of Tim Ferriss 4-Hour Workweek™,
think of this book as a detailed step-by-step guide how
to actually create your own 4-Hour Workweek™ type
business. You’ll be able to quit your job, travel the
world, and spend much more time with your family. If
you already own an agency you’ll find some strategies
on getting more clients (on autopilot), and working
less, including how to eliminate some of the
soul-crushing work that most agency owners put up
with, such as going to meetings and creating
proposals (say goodbye to those).

Reading this book will give you the tools and the
guidance needed to start your agency, or to transform
your current agency into a machine that can bring in
more sales and eventually not being entirely
dependent on your constant attention.

I manage my agency remotely with less than 2 hours

per week. This is not an exaggeration, but the result of

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automating and delegating most of the work,
including client acquisition.

Before you continue, I also want to clarify that even

though this book describes how I grew my creative
client services business to this level, my pursuit with
this agency is not creative. My agency is simply a
money machine. If you care deeply about the creative
aspect of your work and take extreme pride in it, this
book will do nothing for you, if anything you’ll
probably despise it. The key differentiator is that the
pursuit of art/creativity does not go hand in hand with
automation and profits. Additionally, charging
extremely high prices for a project is often the goal
when your pursuits are creative as prices are a
reflection of your skill level, whereas lower prices and
bulk sales are neither looked down upon nor
undesirable in my mission of profit and freedom. Just
felt I’d get that off my chest in case you want to win

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creative awards and this book somehow ended up in
your hands.

This is the simple process that you will learn in this


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MY $200,000 TWO HOURS 
I started my video production agency in 2012. At first
I was doing everything. Prospecting. Cold calling.
Fixing our website. Project management. Networking.
Client calls. And the list goes on. Current agency
owners are nodding their heads.

I was busy all the time, and getting nowhere. At the

time of writing my agency gets 8 new clients per
month on average, and I work about 2 hours per
week. Actually, that’s a lie. It’s more like 30 minutes a
week but I think 2 hours sounds more believable.
Sorry for being a liar.

How is it possible to run a profitable agency with that

little time? Well it didn’t happen overnight of course,
but keep reading and I’ll tell you.

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First I want to make another little change to the way

you (might) think. When I decided to write this book I
asked my audience what they’d like to learn more
about given that my agency gets 8 new clients per
month on autopilot, and a lot of people want that! I
wasn’t sure what they’d say to be honest, but I wasn’t
expecting the majority of them to ask about “getting
more qualified leads”. It’s not a bad request, however,
getting leads is not something we focus on. Leads are
a side effect of us failing to make the sale. Our primary
goal is to make the sale, and if someone is interested
enough to leave their email address or other contact
info, they are considered a lead, but again that is a
side effect of us NOT making the sale, which is our
primary goal.

So you shouldn’t necessarily say no to leads, but

rather say yes to focusing on actually getting the sale
instantly. We’ll put systems in place to convert some

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of your leads, but it won’t be nearly as effective as
your efforts of converting a website visitor to a buyer
right away.



Before I share with you the secrets of the 2 Hour

Agency, I need you to understand how most people
run their digital agencies. This was also how I ran my
agency for a long time, until I found a better way.

The truth is that most agency owners are not really

agency owners. They’re glorified freelancers, who do
all the work themselves. If they get sick. They’re
screwed. If they lose a client, they’re screwed. If they
take a day off, they’re screwed. They are slaves in their
own agencies.

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Not only that, since they really are just a glorified
freelancer, they can’t sell their business, because it’s
not a real business. They don’t have repeatable
systems and procedures for getting and delivering to
clients, so their “business” is simply based on the
hours that they put into it.

Well, unfortunately you can’t sell that. That’s not an


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My video production agency was just like that, based
on the hours that I personally put in. Not only that, I
was going to meetings, I was getting on sales calls, I
was creating proposals. I was managing all the
projects. I was working a lot more, and getting a lot
less out at the end of the day.

I was charging premium prices, and that was the

problem (more on that later). Pricing is a very
important topic when it comes to your 2 Hour Agency.
I’ve dedicated a whole section to it later in this book.

Once I lowered my prices, everything changed. Yep.

While most people are out there telling you that
raising your prices is the answer to all your problems
I’m going to show you the flip side of that coin (and
I’ve been on both sides).

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Not only does my agency now only require about 2
hours of my time per week, it’s also a sellable business
estimated to be worth somewhere between
$3-500,000 depending on how good of a matching
buyer we could find.

I don’t do sales calls, meetings, client calls, or write

any proposals. I don’t do any project management
either. In fact I don’t even know who our clients are
unless there is a problem that I have to help out with.

I could literally sell my business, give someone access

to my Google Drive and a little bit of training and they
could operate the whole business in a week.



Okay, so you want to know the secret of the 2 Hour


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The secret is having a repeatable system that gets you
new clients on autopilot, and delivers your service to
them with as little of your involvement as possible.
That’s it.

If you have new clients coming in on autopilot every

single month, you can figure out everything else. Not
enough time for project management? Well if you got
new clients coming in all the time, you can easily just
hire someone to help you out.

Need some software to make your life easier? If you

got clients coming, just buy it. Want to spend $5,000
on advertising? You got new clients coming every
month, so go for it.

Think an SEO agency could help you grow? Screw it,

hire them, you got more money coming in next month

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This, by the way, is why I don’t want to sell my
business. Most people would kill for that one time
lump sum payment of cash. But I know the value in
having money coming in every single month on
autopilot. Spent $10k on something that didn’t pan
out? No problem more money is coming next month.

Sure you can sell your business and invest the money,
but there is something to be said for the mental
advantage of KNOWING that your bank account is
growing every single month.

Many people that sell their business end up in a

position where their bank account is decreasing every
month. So even though they got a nice lump sum of
cash, their account is decreasing month after month,
leading them into a bad mindset that causes them to
make bad decisions, even though they might actually
be okay financially.

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You don’t have to agree with me on this, but I’ve seen
a handful of friends go through it, so I decided that a
growing bank account was more beneficial to me than
a lump sum of cash.

Anyway, back to the glorified freelancer. Most

“agency” owners do not have a repeatable system for
getting new clients. On top of that, they’re acquiring
all their clients through manual labor.

They’re networking. They’re prospecting. They’re cold

calling. They’re emailing. They’re writing proposals
(EW!). They’re following up.

We don’t do any of that.

We have our agency clients come to us (with no

manual labor on our end), and that’s what you’re
going to learn in this book.

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As an agency owner you have a choice to make. Are

you in for the love of the work, and you dream of
being a highly paid freelancer/consultant, or are you
in it for the freedom your agency can bring to your

If it’s the latter, which really is what this book is

about, you need to realize that the key to getting what
you want is to build repeatable systems. Systems to
get new clients, deliver to them, and generally how to
operate the business. This is also what makes your
business attractive if you ever want to sell it for a big
lump sum of cash.

Luckily, all that stuff is what you’ll learn in this book.

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It’s important that your beliefs are not holding you
back as you build your agency. We’ve already talked
about the difference between an agency owner and a
glorified freelancer. It’s my hope that you see the clear
difference. One is a real business. One is a job. One is
sellable, one is not. One has other people doing the
heavy lifting, the other has you doing all the heavy

You have to make sure to create an agency, not a new

job. That is not why you are here reading this, to get a
new job.

There are two other things that I need you to

understand. First of all you need to realize the
opportunity that is out there, growing every day.

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There are new opportunities being created all the time
as well.


“There are endless digital services opportunities

online” is the first belief you need. Here’s what’s going
on. You have millions of businesses and people out
there (literally hundreds of millions of them). The
internet is an ever growing part of our lives, both as
private people, and as businesses, and that is where
the opportunity lies.

How many people out there do you think want more

Instagram followers? A lot.
How many businesses out there do you think want a
new website? A lot.
How many people out there are looking for a job and
need help with their resume and cover letter?
Hundreds of thousands!

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For every thing that people and businesses do out
there on the internet, there is an opportunity for an
agency to do it professionally for them.

That can be your agency.

The other thing you need to realize is that constant

change is occurring. Instagram copied Stories from
Snapchat overnight and all of a sudden a new need

A need for professional 15 second videos in a vertical

format, ready for use in Instagram stories was
created, and just like that a new type of agency could
be born.

If you keep an eye on what is happening with the big

social media platforms you’ll find plenty of agency

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With that, we need to discuss something that will help
your agency get new clients on autopilot.



“The goal is freedom and profit, not higher prices” is

the second belief you should install.

If you are triggered by this section already, take a deep

breath, keep an open mind, and read on.

This is a very important section. 99% of people will

immediately disagree with me on this topic, until they
hear me out, and until they try it my way. You see
most people will tell you something along the lines of
“Want to make more money? Double your prices.”

Sounds logical right? I’m here to tell you the opposite.

You can still offer high end services on your backend,

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but if you want to acquire clients on autopilot, doing
so on the frontend is not the way to go. In fact there
are many problems with charging higher prices. Let’s
talk about some of them.



First, realize that the goal with your 2 Hour Agency is

to create a profitable machine that can run without
you. This machine should generate new clients and
deliver your service to them without your

With that said, if you could make $5,000 profit per

month, or $1,000 profit per month, all else equal,
which would you rather have?

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Obviously the $5k. Now what if I told you that the $5k
profit business charged significantly less for a similar
service as the $1k profit business. Would you care?

Would you care that your business charged less than

the other business? Or would the profit and the
freedom be the thing that you actually cared about?
Profit and freedom right? The reason I bring this up is
because charging higher prices is not the end goal in
your 2 Hour Agency, more profit and freedom is your

Now let’s say you were one those glorified freelancers,

who only got 1 new client every couple of months, can
you see why charging higher prices is very appealing
to them? First of all it would actually give them higher
profit because they have so few clients, but it would
also give their ego a boost, because remember they’re
not running an actual business, they are the business,
so if they charge higher prices, it must mean they are

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worth more, as their prices are a reflection of them as
a person, and their skillset.

But we don’t care about that. We are not our agency,

we just own it. We are creating a machine that is a
separate entity from ourselves. We don’t actually care
how much we charge, as long as it brings in the most
profit and freedom, and is not detrimental to the
health of our long-term vision.

I don’t have anything against charging high prices,

you just have to realize that it can in many cases work
against you in your quest for freedom.



This is a mathematical certainty in our world. More

people have little money than lots of money. Therefor

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lower priced products and services are afforded by
many more people than luxury products and services.

So the lower your prices the more people CAN buy

from you. Having lots of customers is better than
having fewer customers from a business standpoint. A
freelancer would disagree with that statement because
more customer = more people to manage to them. A
business owner knows that more customers is a
higher valued business.



Here is another very important point that no one

seems to consider.

Let’s pretend that you run a Facebook™ ads agency.

You run ads for clients. Let’s say you charge $1,500 a

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month per client, and let’s say you’re thinking of
raising your price to $3,000 per month.

Before you do, answer this: what needs to happen in

order for your client to want to keep hiring you month
after month? You have to make them more money
than you charge them. So if you’re charging $1,500,
you’ll want to make sure they’re profiting more than
$1,500 each month so that you can make the case that
it actually makes sense to keep hiring you. If you raise
your price to $3,000 you just made your job twice as
difficult. Now you have to generate more than $3,000
profit per month in order for it to make any sense for
your client to keep hiring you.

So even though you might actually get a client to say

yes to $3,000 per month, what if they cancel after 1
month? And what if they would have stayed for 3
months if you charged $1,500 because it made sense
financially? You would have made more money by

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charging less. By the way, what if they would have
stayed on for a year if you charged $500 per month?
Don’t just assume that a higher price makes you more

This logic applies to every business. The higher you

charge, the higher the expectations are, and it should
be that way.



Another thing to realize is that your agency will have

refunds no matter what you charge. Whether it’s $10
or $10,000. Now let’s say you have 2 clients at $5,000
each, totalling $10,000. Or let’s say you have 20
clients at $500, also totalling $10,000. Let’s say all
other variables are kept equal. And now let’s say you
get a refund request. A $5,000 refund ruins your

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month. A $500 refund ruins your afternoon. I’ve had
both, and I know which one I’d rather take.



This is not a mathematical fact, it just seems to be

reality in most cases. Let’s remember what the point is
of your 2 Hour Agency. It is to create profit and
freedom for yourself.

One of the keys to making your 2 Hour Agency work

for you is to automate and delegate so that the
machine keeps on running without you. One of the
problems you find when you charge premium prices is
that on top of having less people to sell to, it requires
more effort to make the sale (this is not always true,
but again tends to be reality). This means that with
your premium prices you tend to have less clients
than someone who charges less.

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If I could choose between 2 agencies, both making
$10,000 revenue per month, one of them from 50
clients @ $200 and one of them from 1 client at
$10,000, I would take the 50 clients every day of the

When you have 50 clients you have to build systems

and procedures to make your business work. You are
almost forced to do it as your business will surely fail
to deliver to your clients without being organized and
structured. This is a real, sellable business, that also
has 50 opportunities to sell more things to.

If you have 1 client at $10,000 what do you think

you’re spending your time on? Correct, getting your
next client. There is no asset value there.

Higher priced one-man “agencies” tend to end up in a

never ending cycle of acquiring the next client, while

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high-volume (of clients) agencies spend time on
systems and procedures of acquiring clients on

A $10,000 client sounds cool on social media, but not

to the guy who wants to buy your business. He wants
the automated machine that spits out profits and new
clients on autopilot.



This really is the main point. Again the point of your 2

Hour Agency is profit and freedom. One of the major
keys to making that work is getting clients on
autopilot, and when you are charging say less than
$1,000 for a service you can, with some work, make
the sale right off of your website, without ever talking
to the client, sending them a proposal, or anything of
that nature.

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As your prices increase not only does the expectation
of your service go up, but the level of effort in
acquiring the sale does too (again this is not always
true but often the case in reality).


While charging higher prices sounds like the best idea

ever, when put into practice you realize that it’s not as
good as it sounds. I’ve offered premium priced
services and I’ve offered low-medium priced services,
and I found my life and bank account to prefer the low
to medium priced services by far. It also doesn’t mean
I don’t end up with making less money. Our front end
offer is about $700 and yet our average client spends

Remember, you are not your agency, so your prices

are not a reflection of you or your worth. If you’re

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talking about charging money for your own time as a
freelancer or consultant this is a different topic.

Also worth mentioning is that if you delegate sales to

someone else who is bringing you new premium price
clients on autopilot, that’s amazing and power to you.
This chapter is not meant to point out that premium
prices are never the answer, only to show you that it is
not automatically the answer to your problems. I
believe most 2 Hour Agency owners would actually get
more profit and freedom out of lowering their prices.


AGENCY (“2HA”)  

There are countless viable 2 Hour Agency businesses

out there. Some of the proven ones are website
development, search engine optimization services,

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video production (live action and animation),
copywriting services, pay-per-click advertising, email
marketing, transcription and translation services, and
the list goes on.

These are services that millions of small businesses

are buying every single day, and you can have a piece
of any of those markets with your 2 Hour Agency.

In this chapter I want to give you a list of ideas to

choose from, as well as show you where you can find
your own ideas.

Here are 41 ideas of proven 2 Hour Agency ideas to

get you started

1. Website development 8. Translation

2. Sales funnels 9. Transcription
3. Presentation design 10. Graphic design
4. Copywriting 11. FB advertising
5. Social media management 12. Google advertising
6. Image production 13. Linkedin advertising
7. Video production

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14. Linkedin profile 26. Proposal writing
optimization 27. Phone sales
15. Resumes and cover letters 28. SEO
16. Programming services 29. Content marketing (writing
17. IT security (fixing broken blog posts etc)
websites) 30. Product descriptions
18. App development (example: for eCommerce)
19. Email marketing 31. User testing of apps and
20. Coaching (online) websites
a. Life coaching 32. PR services
b. Job coaching 33. Messenger bots services
c. Personal trainer 34. Customer support
d. Leadership training 35. Site speed optimization
e. Sales coaching 36. Instagram growth
f. ANY COACHING 37. Webinar slides creation
21. Consulting 38. Recover failed payments
22. Virtual assistant 39. Conversion rate
23. Bookkeeping and optimization
accounting 40. Cold email services
24. Voiceovers 41. Facebook™ and LinkedIn
25. Lead generation group management


The list above should be plenty for you to find an

agency idea that you like. However I want to give you
some tools so that you can find new opportunities on
your own.

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The best way to find a good agency idea, and any
business for that matter, is not to start with the
product or service first, but rather the problem that
your clients are already paying to not have.

Or in this case, start with asking: what are people

already buying lots of? A smart 2 Hour Agency owner
goes after a small market share in a big market, rather
than trying to invent demand that does not already
exist, in order to have a big market share in a small

So, what are people already buying lots of? If you look
at the list above some of the agency ideas stand out
more than others. Website development for example.
Of course lots of other businesses make websites too,
don’t worry about this. The point is that people are
buying websites, and they will continue to do so for
the foreseeable future.

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Another way to find an answer to the question “what
are people already buying?” is to go to websites like (more examples in the RESOURCES
section in the end of this book), and similar
marketplaces for buyers and sellers of services, to find
out what people are buying.

What you can do is create an account (as a freelancer)

on these websites and look at what kind of jobs are
being posted by buyers. I was astonished to find the
demand for Swedish (my native language) to English
(and vice versa) translators. If I wanted to start
another 2 Hour Agency I would 100% tap into that
market. I would start off focusing on just
Swedish-English translations and get all my systems
and procedures in order. Then I would expand into
other languages, transcriptions, and other related

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What I want you to get out of this chapter is the idea
of creating your agency based on what people want to
buy, or are already buying, rather than what you want
to sell (unless of course that happens to be something
people are buying).

Next we’ll go through a process of actually picking

your agency.


Visit the marketplaces at the end of the book, like and get a feel for what people are
buying, look at the agency examples list above, and
make a shortlist of 5 agencies you can see yourself
starting. You do not have to know how to deliver these
services, that comes later.

Once you have a shortlist of 5, pick your top 3

favorites simply based on what you can see yourself
selling. It’s important that your top 5 shortlist was

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built based on what people are already buying, so that
you don’t end up picking an idea based on what YOU
want to sell.

Once you have 3 favorites, start googling for

competitors and make a list of 10 competitors for each
business idea. Look at what they are offering, and at
what price points. Put it all in a spreadsheet so that
you can easily get a snapshot of the competitor

● What is their headline and subheadline? Is it

● Do they have a clear offer? Do you know exactly
what they sell and what you’re getting?
● Can you find their prices or do you have to get
in touch with them?

These are the typical questions that most agencies fail

drastically on, where you can do a better job. Later on

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in this book we’ll be covering how to create a website
that is uber-specific, has a very clear offer, and leaves
the visitor with the opportunity to make a purchase
right then and there, unlike most agencies that try to
initiate a long and drawn out buying process of the
visitor filling out a contact form, waiting to hear back,
back and forth discussions about what the prospect
needs, followed by detailed proposals that take hours
to create, that are consequently met with a
non-response from the prospect, only to let the whole
thing dwindle out before it even started.

Once you’ve outlined 10 competitors for each business

idea, you should be able to combine your interest, the
level of desire from prospects (how much people are
already buying this service), and the competitive
landscape, to help you decide on an agency. The truth
is if you actually built a shortlist based on whether
people are buying it or not, it won’t really matter too
much which agency you decide to start. Your

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consistency in showing up to work is what will
determine the success or failure of your agency.


When starting an agency it is always wise to do so

based on what people are already buying rather than
what you feel like selling. This usually means there
will be plenty of competition and this turns people off.
The truth is that it is a lot wiser to get 1% of a big
market than 90% of a small market. What if you
succeeded in getting 90% of that small market? You
would only have 10% left to grow before you’d either
need to reinvent your entire business (which would be
a bad idea given the success you’d be having at that
point), or start something new from scratch.

Look at what is being bought on the marketplaces

available to you, and let that guide your agency choice.

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“A hot dog should never cost more than 50 cents” -

this is a rough translation of what my dad told me
Ingvar Kamprad, the Swedish IKEA founder uttered
one day as he was forced to cough up a dollar at a hot
dog stand (remember this was in the 1950s so some
things have changed). Since then IKEA has sold
hundreds of millions of hot dogs for 50 cents all over
the world. They’ve ignored the standard practice of
adjusting prices for the natural inflation that occurs
over time and opted with sticking to the arbitrary
number set by their founder. I actually grew up in the
small town of Älmhult where IKEA and its founder is
from, and my dad worked at IKEA for almost 30
years. My grandmother is from a town just 15 minutes
away and tells tales of the young man who was hosting

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his first exhibition of self-assembly furniture back in
the 50’s. It’s pretty amazing to see something that was
always part of your life become part of millions of
people’s lives around the globe. Kind of like when you
discover a comedian or a singer before they blow up.

In any case, the point that I wanted to make before I

started rambling about my childhood was that when
you go to IKEA, you buy hot dogs, plural. It is a
ridiculous offer. If you are remotely hungry and not a
gluten-allergic vegan, you’re an idiot if you don’t buy a
hot dog. This is the thinking we aspire to accomplish
with your offer.

This chapter is very important as I’m also going to

explain one of the main things that set a 2 Hour
Agency apart from a struggling “one-man-band
glorified freelancer” agency.

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When you visit a 2 Hour Agency website you can
make a purchase. When you visit any other agency
website you can fill out a contact form at best.

The biggest reason why most agencies don’t let their

visitors make a purchase right on their website is
because of flawed thinking. These agencies are telling
themselves that “we offer a service, every client is
different and has different needs, therefore every
project has a different scope and consequently a
different price.”

Do you see the problem here? Since they treat each

project as entirely different than the previous project,
they can never standardize their offer.

This leads to a need to discuss the scope of the project

on the phone, or in a meeting. A complete waste of
time. This also leads to the need for you to spend 3
hours creating a proposal. More wasted time. This

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time waste and unnecessary complication is what
ultimately kills the deal and creates copious amounts
of extra work.

What we do differently is we look at the common

denominators of all the client’s needs, and package
them into standardized services ready for purchase,
right there on the website. What you’ll find is that
almost all clients want the same thing anyway, any
variables that change in each project are simply added
as options that visitors can select based on their
needs, and their price will be calculated accordingly,

I’ll give you a very simple example: my agency sells

video production. One of the main variables that
drastically changes my cost of the project, and is
different for each client, is the length of their video.
Knowing that, we simply create 4 different packages:

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30, 60, 90, and 120 second videos, with prices
adjusted for each one.

Another thing that can change the scope of our

projects is whether the client is okay with us using
template graphics that might be found in other videos
as well, or whether they want their own custom
graphics. Both are equally professional but one has
unique graphics that can’t be find elsewhere.

So once the client has chosen the length of their video,

they simply choose template or custom graphics, and
again the price is adjusted accordingly, right there on
the spot. Not 11 days later in the proposal when
they’ve already cooled off.

This, in combination with very good pricing is what

allows the 2 Hour Agency to get new clients on
autopilot, without sales calls, meetings, or proposals.

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When I say ridiculous offer I’m referring to a
standardized offer that is ridiculously good in terms of
value for money, that can be purchased right off your
website. This is just the front end of your business,
we’ll be offering your buyers more things to buy as


What is the difference between a block of cheese and

sliced, packaged cheese? It is the same raw material,
yet the sliced cheese is usually more expensive while
also being less cheese.

The reason why they can charge more for less is

because sliced cheese a specific solution to a specific
problem. It is ready to be placed on a sandwich/toast.
A block of cheese needs to be prepared in some way.
Sliced, diced, shredded, or whatever weird thing
you’re into.

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This same thinking applies to the 2 Hour Agency. We
are not so much concerned with being able to charge
more for less (although that is also nice), but rather
the lack of confusion as to what problem your service

Visit most agency websites and you’ll find some vague

headline whose intent is to be clever. The more
creative the better they think. Puns are bonus points.
This is a terrible waste of real estate. Your headline
should clearly explain what problem you solve and
what you offer.

Delicious freshly shredded cheese ready for your

homemade pizza for just $2.


We make cheese.

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Take note as you check out your competitors websites,
very few of them describe the problem they solve and
a specific offer. They may mention what they do, but
it’s almost always a general statement (such as “we
make cheese”) instead of a specific offer, so no wonder
why they can’t sell anything off their website. They’re
not really making an offer.

So what we need to do with your agency is to make

sure you get clear on what problem you are solving,
and presenting that on your website so that there is
zero confusion as to what you sell, and why they
should buy it.

Be the sliced cheese, not the block cheese.

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Another very important thing to realize is that the key

to making your offer profitable is to sell more than
just your front end offer. You can’t just offer sliced
cheese and call it a day. First of all it would be stupid,
especially if you plan to do paid advertising (you
should) as you are literally paying for new customers
to find and buy from you. Once you have a customer
there is no easier money ever than to offer them more
things to buy, just make sure those things are of value.

So you might want to ask yourself: what would

someone who just bought sliced cheese want to buy?
Maybe they’re planning on making a sandwich. They
might need bread, butter, mustard, a toaster, and a
butler to make their sandwich for them. Some
percentage of your customers will always buy more
stuff, and again, this is a crucial component of making

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your 2 Hour Agency profitable. You want to make
maximum money.

In my video production agency our front end offer is a

30 second video for about $700. Then we offer to
upgrade the video to 60, 90, or 120 seconds. We also
offer to make it in several languages. Once they’ve
actually placed their order we offer more add ons:

- Skip the production line ($220)

- Still images of the graphics from your video
- Hardcoded subtitles for the video ($110 per 30
- Custom graphics ($334)
- Marketing services (from $220)

What’s the effect of all this?

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Our front end offer is priced at $700, and our average
client spends over $2,000. So the beauty in all this is
that at the end of the day we end up making premium
price type profits, but we lead with a ridiculously good
low-medium priced front end offer. This is the secret
to the 2 Hour Agency.

It is just like the old iceberg analogy. What you see on

our website is just the tip of the iceberg, in order to
making it all work there has to be a backend of addons
and ideally even higher priced services or
implementation packages.

Another thing to note for your 2 Hour Agency service

offering is that there is always room for 3 types of
offers in your agency. Do-It-Yourself, Done-With-You,
and Done-For-You. DIY can be an online course
showing the buyer how to do what you do for your
clients. It should cost less than your done-for-you

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option, but once the course is done it requires no work
for you deliver on the DIY offer.

Done-With-You is more of a coaching offer. You have

expertise and can help them shortcut their results. I
think this can be a fantastic addition to something like
a Facebook™ Ads agency for example. Spending
$1,500 per month for someone to run ads for them is
unfortunately too much for most small businesses.
But what if you did a weekly phone call, gave them
some guidance, and had them do the actual
implementation, and you charged $500 for it? It’s less
work on your end, but still a really nice profit.

Finally you have the Done-For-You option, this is

typically what most agencies do in the first place and
it’s simply when you implement the work for the
client. In an ideal world you have offers for each of the

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Quality, that’s how you do it.

The problem when I started my agency was twofold: I

offered a mediocre service at premium prices. That
might have something to do with why I struggled.

When I lowered my prices at least we had a mediocre

offer at low prices, certainly a step in the right

The next step was to improve our quality. At the time I

hired Ukrainian animators to save on cost. This was a
much bigger problem than I could see at the time. You
see my agency deals primarily with Swedish clients,
who speak Swedish. This meant we had to translate
their feedback into English (EVERY TIME) so the

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Ukranians could understand it. The whole process
was a mess to be honest.

One day I decided to just give it a try and hire a

Swedish animator for one of our projects. It was going
to cost me 3 times as much as the Ukrainian, but I
knew the worst case scenario was simply to not hire
the Swede again, so I did it.

The following week I fired my Ukrainian animators

and posted all over FB to find more Swedish
animators, which I did.

The chain reaction of good things that happened as a

result of improving our quality was incredible.

We put the animator in direct contact with the client,

the quality was higher from the start, and we even
started having projects where the client was so happy
they approved the first draft. That was literally

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unheard of during the previous years. It never
happened. That’s when I really knew this was the way

Clients videos got done faster, in much higher quality,

in a much easier process. Even though I paid 3x
upfront there’s no question the investment paid off
big time in the long run.

The biggest upside to hiring quality people that

usually cost considerably more is that they often times
can solve their own problems instead of bugging you
about it. This is priceless in a true 2 Hour Agency,
that’s how you get proper freedom.


You do not have to know how to personally deliver the

service that your agency sells. In fact, it’s better if you

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are incapable of delivering. This forces you to get
other people to do the work, and prevents you from
“I’ll just do it myself” thinking. That is the fastest way
to end up as a freelancer, not an agency.

A really smart way to run your agency is to offer

template based work that you make customizations to
rather than creating digital products/services from
scratch. For example: as an animation service
provider there are big libraries of icons and graphics
that have already been animated, available for
purchase. This allows us to skip the heavy lifting, and
simply customize the graphics to suit our clients. You
can do the same with websites, logos, presentations,
applications, and so on.

A great company that you will probably get to know

more as you build your agency is Envato. They own
websites such as,,,, and

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so on. They sell template based work that you can use
for your clients, and I highly recommend this way of
working. The work itself is as professional as if you
hired someone to do it from scratch, the difference is
not in the quality of the work, only the uniqueness. If
you buy template animation graphics of course similar
ones will be find in other videos. What you’ll find is
almost no one cares about this. However there is a
great opportunity to offer custom made work to the
10-20% of your clients that want to stand out a little
more, and of course you should charge more for it.

This way of working is also what allows you to create a

ridiculously good offer at affordable prices!


Another thing I want to note when it comes to

expanding your offer is to keep your ears open. Your
clients will ask you for other things, and whatever

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they ask for is often the best thing to start offering all
your clients. We had several clients ask us for subtitles
to their videos, eventually we started offering it to
everyone. Same thing with still images of the graphics
from our client’s video: a couple of them asked for it,
eventually we turned it into an addon they can select
during checkout.

Keep a list of what other things your clients ask you

for, once you’ve heard a request more than once
chances are you should be offering that to everyone as
they place their order.

Don’t expect your clients to come up with the idea of

buying your other services on their own, you have to
pitch them. If we ask all clients whether they want
subtitles or not we sell more of them than if we wait
for clients to come up with the idea on their own.


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The most important part of setting your agency up for
success is to create an offer that is so good it is
described as ridiculous. This will turn website visitors
into buyers. Think about it: can you remember a time
when you saw an offer that you just couldn’t resist
because of how good it was? Remember the hot dogs
being sold at IKEA for 50 cents. I don’t know about
you but I always buy at least 2! I wouldn’t do that if
they were priced at the “normal” level.

Make sure you have a ridiculous offer.

Once you’ve got that part figured out we can get you
new buyers, then we simply need to finish your funnel
by offering other valuable things to your customers.

If you sell Instagram growth services such as liking

and commenting on other people’s posts, offer to
create content for them, run ads to their account, etc.

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One of the best ways to figure out what else to offer is
simply to listen to what your clients are asking you
for. Chances are requests will come in and it’s
important that you write them down and spot the
patterns so that you can turn them into services that
you can offer all your clients.


In physics there is a term called escape velocity. It is
the minimum speed needed by for example a
rocketship to escape from gravity, so that it can coast
in space with little effort. This physics principle
applies to your 2 Hour Agency as well. Getting it off
the ground is the hardest part, and it requires manual
labor. Once you’re in space floating, things are easy.
One of the most important tasks that you have in
these beginning stages is to get your first clients,

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deliver to them with overwhelming success (ideally)
and collect testimonials to be placed on your website,
making your next sale slightly easier.


Since our goal is to turn a website visitor into a paying

client immediately we have to take on the task of
proving that working with us is a good idea. One of
the best ways to do so is to provide evidence of that
being true.

When other people who have worked with us are

sharing their positive experiences of having worked
with us, and the results they got it helps us make the
case for current visitors to go and make a purchase
right away. This is why reviews and testimonials are
such an important part of any website.

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The catch 22 problem everyone is faced with when

they start their agency is that they have no
testimonials so how can they make a sale off their
website? Read more about how to quickly get some
personal testimonials below in the salesman website
formula section. Let’s focus here on getting
testimonials about your service. The truth is that more
than likely you will be making your first couple of
sales manually in order to build up your agency’s
credibility allowing you to make easier sales in the

In order to get your first 3 testimonials as quickly as

possible you should tap into your existing network,
regardless of how big or small it may be. You’d be
surprised at who in your existing network may end up
being your first client.

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Your existing network includes people you are very
good friends with, but more often than not it’s the
acquaintances that you are friends with on Facebook,
connected with on LinkedIn, etc that make for very
good Testimonial Clients.

Typically what I do is offer our service at cost, so I

don’t make any profit but at least I get a testimonial to
put on my website. Here’s how you can land your first

Make a post on your Facebook, Instagram and

LinkedIn (and any other relevant social media
channel) saying something along the lines of:

“I’m starting a XYZ agency. My goal is to help solve

looking for 1 or 2 people that I can help with this. It
will be free of charge, all I ask in return is a

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testimonial when the job is complete. Comment below
or send me a PM!”

It really doesn’t have to be harder than that, especially

if you’ve made sure to not skip the simple step of
making sure your agency sells something that people
are already buying, do not try to invent new demand.

Some important things to consider when you make

this post on social media.

- It’s TOTALLY okay if no one takes you up on

the offer
- Post when people are most likely to see it. For
every hour that people do not see your post it
gets more and more lost in the mix. Do not post
at 2am on a Friday when you could post at 1pm
on a Tuesday.
- Not every post is created equal. Text only posts
are not that sexy. Image posts (nice images) are

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sexier. Videos are sexier than images (depends
on the platform but generally that is the case).
So if you can make a video you should! A live
stream would be even better!
- We say 1-2 people in the post to create scarcity
and urgency to take you up on the offer. I
highly recommend you say yes to 5 people. 1
will fall off. 1 won’t pan out. So by saying yes to
5 your chances of actually getting 3
testimonials are very good!

Don’t overthink this, just post it.

One thing is for certain: you have a much better

chance of getting a client by posting the message
above than not posting it.


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I’ve realized that clients give crappy testimonials. I get
it, they don’t know how to sell, and honestly they
shouldn’t try to sell in their testimonials anyway. They
should be authentic and share their experience, but I
wanted to share one little tip with you.

You see as people consider buying your service they

all have objections. Maybe they think it’s expensive,
maybe they don’t know if it will work for them, maybe
they are worried that you are in a different city than
the client.

You should, as quickly as possible, make a list of the

most common objections that you get, and what you
can then do is ask the people that give you
testimonials to touch on one or two of the common

For example if being in a different city than the client

is your most common objection, and you’ve

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successfully delivered to clients outside your city,
simply have them mention that in their testimonial so
that they will help overcome the objection for you as
visitors on your site read their testimony.

You will often find that getting people to actually give

you a testimonial is difficult. People procrastinate.
One of the easiest ways to combat this is to simply
write the testimonial yourself, send it to the client and
ask their permission to post it with their name and
photo. I’m a big fan of this as it gets the job done and
you’re in control of the copy which allows you to bring
up those common objections.

Ideally as you go you end up with a variety of

testimonials in different formats: just text, text and
image, and video! But like anything else, any
testimonial is better than no testimonial.


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You need proof and evidence that buying from you is a
good idea. That’s why we want to get out there to our
existing networks, no matter how big or small they
may be, and get ourselves 3 testimonials that we can
put on our website in order to help boost our
conversion rates so that when we get visitors on our
site, they actually end up buying instead of leaving
and never coming back.



One day I walked into an Audi dealership as my

then-girlfriend-now-wife was looking to get a new car.
There were plenty of nice Audis that we sat in, read
about, and played with. We decided we liked the Q3
and that we wanted to buy it.

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However, in order to actually buy our Audi we had to
call over the salesman and sit down with him to
arrange all the paperwork. The showroom was for
looking, touching, and building desire. But the
showroom alone can’t finalize the deal, hence the
presence of salesmen.


Most company websites, especially those who sell

services, are like the Audi showroom, except they
don’t have any salesmen available to immediately
close the deal. It’s impossible to leave most agency
websites having made a purchase, even if you want to!

Most agency websites have a bunch of information, a

portfolio, and a contact form, but no buy button. This
is a key to your 2 Hour Agency, ESPECIALLY if you’re

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in the low-mid price range where making the sale
right on the page is fully feasible.

For those of you who already have an agency: is your

website a salesman, or merely a showroom? Big piles
of money are left on the table everyday by only having
the showroom.

The reason why you need a salesman website is quite

simple. If people leave your website the chance of
them buying decreases significantly. Most of them are
NEVER coming back, ever.

People follow through when they’re in state. They’re

in state when they’re in the showroom, sitting in the
car, playing with the buttons, not 2 days later when
they’re at home doing accounting.

If you dream of spending less time on trying to close

sales, this is a crucial step in your 2 Hour Agency.

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Let’s get into how to create a salesman website.


People will NEVER buy from your website if they have

unanswered questions. However, they will buy from
you with TOO MUCH information. Too much
information is better than too little. Keep this in mind.

As a bonus for purchasing this book I’ve also created a

Salesman Website template that you can apply to any
type of 2 Hour Agency. You can use the link below get
a copy of my 6-figure 2 Hour Agency Salesman
Website Template. Simply plug in your own
information and start accepting orders the same day.

The template was built on Clickfunnels™, and you can

get access to my 6-figure template here ->

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free 2 week trial of Clickfunnels (Disclaimer: I get
commission if you end up becoming a paying

Or you can simply build/modify your current website

to fit this working formula:


Your headline should state 2 things: what your

ridiculous offer is, and what specific problem you
solve. What we really want to get across is how solving
that problem benefits them. This is why headlines can
be difficult. Writing a whole paragraph to accomplish
all that is easy. Writing 1 sentence, not so much. Write
a lot of them and iterate as you get to know your
clients better.


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Someone wise once said something along the lines of
“if you can articulate someone’s problem better than
they can, they automatically assume you have the
solution.” I think that’s a great aim. Understand your
clients so well that you know them better than they
know themselves.


Describe how your solution solves their problem


As beginners you obviously won’t have a team or a

portfolio either. Well there’s an easy fix for that. Let’s
say you’re selling web design. What you can do is go to and post a job for the type of work you
will be doing. Start some conversations with a few
freelancers that look promising, and once you find

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someone that you like simply let them know that you
are currently looking for clients and once you get one
you’d like to hire them to do the job. They’ll be very
happy. Then ask them if they’d like to be on your
website, and if it’s okay that you post some of their
work in your portfolio. This is a legitimate way of
building credibility on a brand new agency site as you
are only showing work that is done by the same
person that will do the work for your clients.


This is just a little taste of what it’s like working with

you. Let other people brag for you. Only show a few
testimonials here. We haven’t even shown our offer

One way to get some testimonials immediately is to

get testimonials about you. I’m sure you’ve worked

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with other people in some capacity before, and if you
can get testimonials about your character, well as the
owner of your 2 Hour Agency that’s actually really
valuable. Eventually we want the testimonials to be
about the service, but if you don’t have any, or enough
of them, simply get some people who like you to write
some nice words about you. Remember that your
testimonials should ideally overcome objections that
your visitors have.


Don’t make the mistake of thinking that your service

can’t be standardized into packages because “every
client has different needs”. Sometimes maybe that’s
true, but you really want to be able to have packages
with prices and buy now buttons available on your
site. This is how we get clients on autopilot.


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Offer a money back guarantee. You will have some
refunds, it happens. I expect about 1% to refund. Part
of business.



A nice case study is great evidence that what you offer

works. It doesn’t have to be your case study simply
find someone who had great results using what you
offer. Do not pretend that you did the work for them,
simply use it to inform the visitors about the power of
what you’re offering.


Super short section that shows pictures of your team,

again if you don’t have a team just recruit some

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freelancers that you will eventually hire, and ask if
they want to be on your site. This is not a crucial step.

#11 FAQ

Answer ALL questions that tend to come up in sales

discussions or emails.

Make sure to keep adding to your FAQ as question

recur. Remember, people will never buy from you if
they have unanswered questions, but they can buy
from you with too much information. Which one
would you rather have?


Place order form/buy button


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Obviously if you’re just starting out you won’t have
enough testimonials to put on 3 different sections on
your website, but you should get in the habit of asking
for testimonials from every happy customer and
adding them to your website.

Once your website is good enough to actually get

paying customers for you, it’s time to build roads
leading to it. You don’t want to jump the gun on
driving paid traffic to your website until it has all the
ingredients to make the sale.


One of the most forgotten and underrated parts of a

successful agency is the website. Most agencies use
their website as a showroom, but we know better. We
use our website to convince visitors to take us up on
our ridiculous offer. We want them to become clients

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right then and there, and that is the sole purpose of
our salesman website.

PS. Since a lot of people ask me, I use SiteGround for

hosting my websites. Increased the speed of my site A


Obviously there is a lot of traffic out there on the
internet. People are clicking their way through
millions of websites. The word traffic is such a good
choice of words too, I wonder how they came up with
that. The reason it’s a good word is because traffic, or
moving vehicles, drive on roads, and that is what we
need to build next. Imagine your website being a
physical house in your city, and that the biggest roads
in your city were redirected to that house. People
would start showing up at the house! That’s what we

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want, and there are many many ways of getting
visitors to your website, I’d like to share some with
you in this chapter.


As I mentioned earlier in this book, there are quite a

few marketplaces out there where buyers and sellers
of digital services meet. This can be a goldmine if you
are strategic about it. Think about it: the hardest part
of any agency is finding and convincing people to buy
from you. But on these marketplace websites such as,, people are already there
asking to buy. When I was working as a mobile phone
salesman that’s what we used to call a “free sale”.
That’s when a customer would pop into the store,
wallet in hand, knowing exactly what they wanted,
ready to buy. Those are everyone's favorite type of
customers, and thousands of them exist on these
marketplace websites.

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A friend of mine, Gun, was using to sell his
Instagram growth service. The biggest problem with
Fiverr is that they don’t give you, the supplier,
customer information. He solved this problem by
adding a TypeForm link in his brief so that all his
clients had to go fill out the form in order for him to
deliver on the service they bought on Fiverr. This
allowed him to get customer info, and subsequently
upsell them other services without taking a
commission. He was making over $10,000 per month
doing this, and the key he said was getting a lot of five
star reviews. You can do something similar on all the
marketplaces out there. Simply take your ridiculous
offer and post it up on all the marketplace websites,
and make sure to get a lot of good reviews, and if
possible get the customer contact info so that you can
upsell your backend.

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Social media is great for getting clients for free and

there is one strategy in particular that is effective, and
proven. Facebook™ groups.

If you HAD to make a sale.. who would you pitch to..?

Someone who has never heard of you, or someone
that already knows, likes, and trusts you? Obviously,
the latter. This is the power of having an audience,
and all we have to do is look at Kylie Jenner who sells
makeup for hundreds of millions of dollars direct to
consumers through social media without any paid

The more time people spend on Facebook™ the more

money they make as they are able to serve (and charge
for) more advertisements. For this reason it’s in
Facebook™’s best interest to have you succeed in
building your own little subcommunity within

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Facebook™, where people are surrounded by
like-minded people, and are getting value. This makes
them stay longer on Facebook™. The evidence is also
pretty clear here. Facebook™ is constantly adding
new features to empower group owners not to just
build their community, but also to monetize them.
You can now pixel people in your group to be able to
run ads to them based on their behavior in your

You can do paid membership groups. And you can

even deliver content in a structured manner in the
Units tab. Facebook™ is on your side on this one.

Building and monetizing your Facebook™ group

comes down to 3 steps.

1. Create your group in the niche that is

relevant to your agency.​ Make sure to pick a name
that people may find when they’re searching on

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Facebook™. This is not the time to be creative, but
more direct. For example, if my 2 Hour Agency does
Instagram growth services, I’ll want to create a group
called something along the lines of “Grow Your
Instagram By 100 Followers Per Day”

2. Engage your group.​ This is how you show

Facebook™ that people enjoy your group, and that it
is quality. This makes Facebook™ want to promote
your group for free by showing it as one of the “related
groups” that people see when they are inside other
Facebook™ groups.

3. Monetize your group​ by selling your 2 Hour

Agency services. The first step is to create and engage
your group by providing good useful content. Selling
your services at that point becomes very easy if you do
the first parts correctly.

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We talked about your Salesman Website earlier, and
you want to make sure to point all roads from your
Group to your website. Your group cover photo, your
description, any content that you put out in the group.
They should all lead to your website.

Let’s talk about some of the most common problems

and fears that people have when it comes to
Facebook™ groups.

They don’t know how to get people to join

their group.

This is solved by properly naming your group.

Promoting it to your network, and most of all by
posting valuable content outside of your group with a
reason to go find and join your group (in order to get a
lead magnet for example).

They don’t feel like an expert

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It’s very common to feel imposter syndrome,
especially when people look up to you. Therefor many
people are afraid of not feeling like the expert as
others look to them for advice. The truth is in order to
help someone you just need to know more than them
on a certain topic. You don’t have to be the undeniable
number 1 expert in the world just to help someone.

They don’t want to be seen as the expert

Some people want a group, but don’t want to be the

face of it. Well, you can partner with someone who

They think it’s too much work

With 1 focused hour per day you can build and

monetize an amazing Facebook™ group that produces
a full time income. It doesn’t have to be that hard,

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especially once you get the hang of it and figure out a
schedule that you can stick to.

They don’t know how to get engagement

This is also very easy, it’s a simple matter of reframing

how you deliver content. For example, in the past I
would write a blog post and go to my Facebook™ and
say “hey everyone here’s my latest post: LINK”

That’s not the way to do it.

Instead, what you should do is say “Hey everyone I’m

just wrapping up a 2,000 word blog post on how I was
able to create and monetize a Facebook™ group in
just 30 days.. If you want to read it drop a comment
below and I’ll send it to you when it’s done.”

See the difference?

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Once I started doing this I saw a huge improvement in
my organic reach and also how many people read my
blog posts. I’ve had posts with over 200 comments..
Just crazy

Building up a Facebook™, or LinkedIn group (same

process) can be a great asset to your 2 Hour Agency
that can help you get new clients by offering value and
bringing people together around a certain topic.

This is the best and easiest way to get new clients

without spending any money.


Using search engine optimization is another great way

to get people to your website. It can be time
consuming depending on what level of competition
you’re dealing with, but when you pull it off there is
nothing better. The reason SEO traffic is so good is

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because there is very high intent when someone
actually searches for what you are selling. The other
great thing is that the traffic is free. So you have the
highest quality traffic, for free.

Now SEO can be a full time job, and it’s actually a

great choice for a 2 Hour Agency to sell as a service.
Ultimately though, SEO comes down to 1. Finding
which keywords are relevant and possible to rank for
2. Creating really really good content around those
keywords or topics, and 3. Getting other websites to
link to your content, showing Google that you are

Relevant content is the number one place to start. You

want to write content that is valuable and relevant to
your target audience, and you want to do it well. Most
page 1 results on Google have close to 2,000 words on
average. Google loves long form, in-depth useful

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content where visitors stay on the site for as long as


Another free, or almost free strategy to get clients is

by using cold email. There are tools out there to
automate the collection and sending of emails, then
you’ll need to finalize the sale by getting on a call with
prospects. To be a true 2 Hour Agency you’ll want to
delegate this part, but start off doing it yourself so you
know what to expect.

A key to succeeding with cold email is to be different.

Stand out. Most of us get a lot of emails and we don’t
really want to open them, that’s why it’s so important
to make an impression. I’ve found that humor goes a
long way in cold email. Personally I like to address the
elephant in the room, and turn it into something
funny. For example encouraging the email recipient to

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“respond with profanity” has made me stand out and
generate a positive response. Your response rates will
go up tremendously by doing this, and it will lead to
more clients.

I recommend checking out for

finding prospect email addresses, and
or for sending emails.



First of all you need to realize that the average profit

you make per client is how much money you can
spend to acquire a customer without losing money.
This is an important number to know as it allows you
to make decisions, especially about advertising. If ads
on a certain ad platform costs more on average than
your profit, shut it down. If a campaign costs less than
your average profit, double down on it.

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It’s my opinion that if you’re breaking even in the
beginning that is a GREAT start. Simply because
you’re not just creating a sale, you’re creating a client.

They might buy from you again. They might tell a

friend to buy from you. They might buy other things
from you.

So if you can break even from advertising, especially

in the beginning, that is GOOD! Once you’ve figured
out how much you can spend to acquire a new client,
it’s time to start advertising.

Some common places to start are:

Google Adwords™, Facebook™, LinkedIn™,

Twitter™, and other social media platforms.

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Another thing to keep an eye out for are niche
websites where your audience hangs out. If they offer
advertising, or even if they haven’t before, you might
be able to strike a deal with them directly, or through
an advertising network that lets you place your ads in
front of your audience and get more exposure, clicks,
and clients.

Your ads should have a specific offer, they should be

minimalistic and stand out (don’t use blue and white
colors on Facebook™ when you could use yellow and

Unfortunately covering how to setup ads in a book is

futile. The platforms are constantly changing so by the
time you read this things might look entirely different.

One common problem I see often is that agency

owners give themselves a budget, they say to
themselves if I don’t get a client from spending this

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$100, I’ll turn off the ads. Which of course, they don’t.
So they turn the ads off. Then they give it another
crack, and this on and off situation continues with the
same results. The way these ad platforms work is that
they don’t like that behavior and they will almost
punish you for it by giving you lower quality traffic.
The other truth here is that ads usually pay off in
waves. You might have a long period with no sales,
and a long period with tremendous sales. If you’re
turning your ads on and off I promise you’ll be
catching low periods every single time. Just the way of
the universe. But I respect that most people don’t
have a ton of money to put into advertising, so what I
recommend that you do is find a daily average spend
that you are comfortable with, and let it run! If you
have $300 spend $10 per day for a month instead of
$100 for 3 days.


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This is a great strategy for you to get clients on
Facebook. I’ve used it myself and generated a 1400%
ROI from one of my ads. This is simple and
straightforward, but it will take some work to get it all
up. Once up and running you should be able to scale it
to reach more people and get more clients. Here’s the

Step #1 - Content

Create a video of yourself, or an animated video, 3-10

minutes in length that provides value to your
audience. Start by asking yourself what your audience
struggles with, then ask yourself what you know that
might help them with that problem. For my video
agency I actually made a content video about this
3-step process that I’m describing to you now. This is
valuable to them and since I’m telling them they need
videos to pull off this strategy, some of them become
clients of ours. The point of this video is not to sell,

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and it is not a pitch. The point is to give value and be
of service. Immediately we stand out from the crowd
as most people go straight for the sale. You want to set
this ad up to optimize for video views (get as many
people as possible to watch the whole video as cheaply
as possible).

Step #2 - Pitch

Okay now you can pitch them. You can either make a
whole video addressing who the video is for,
identifying their problems, describing your solution,
providing some proof and credibility, and then having
a call to action. Or you just find a short captivating
video that loops and its job is simply to get their
attention. Your pitch will be in the copywriting of the
post anyway and most importantly: we are showing
this video to people who watched our first video so
they already know us! We do this by creating a
Custom Audience in Facebook of people who either

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watched 25%, 50%, 75% or 95% of our video, and then
use that audience as the target for our pitch ad. I just
start off with people who watch 25% and if
conversions are no good perhaps make it 50%+.

Step #3 - Testimonials and Proof

I love this step, it’s super simple and this is the ad that
had 1400% ROI. All this is, is a slideshow video with
text reviews from our clients. In this example I had 11
reviews, all 5 stars, and I just put them into a square
slideshow using Screenflow video editor, and turned it
into a nice short video. This is a killer ad that you
should implement!


Retargeting, just do it. All it is is showing ads to

people who visited your website but didn’t buy. Many
of them are interested but didn’t buy for some reason.
Follow up with them by adding retargeting ads.

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Our strategy is for our retargeting ads to bring more
value or add to our credibility. We do this by
providing valuable content in video format, or using
testimonials from previous clients to illustrate what it
was like to work with us.

So whatever you do, make sure to retarget your



Once your salesman website is up and running, we got

some testimonials to prove that we are solid to work
with, we need visitors. There are plenty of ways to get
visitors and you should be trying everything as every
person will find varying levels of success with each

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While a few people I know have had tremendous
success, and base their whole client acquisition
strategy on cold email it has been less successful for
me. Others create profitable Facebook™ groups, and
some have success with SEO. Some do Adwords and
some do Google Display Network with success. Try it
all, and double down on what works for you.


Once you have started your agency, you have gotten a
few clients and figured out your delivery process, it’s a
good time to take an overview look at your business
and ask ourselves how we can make it better.
Improving on a situation that is kind of working
already is MUCH easier than starting something from
scratch. I say that because you will undoubtedly get
frustrated at times and dream about starting another
agency that you tell yourself has none of the problems

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that your agency has. This is not true. There is no
perfect business, they all have their problems, and
usually the quickest way to reach your dreams is to
improve on your kind-of working business, instead of
starting over.

What follows in this chapter is a very very useful

exercise that I do in my business a few times every
year. It should be credited to the brilliant marketer
Jay Abraham who brilliantly broke down the task of
making more money in your business to 3 simple

1. Get more clients

2. Get clients to buy more
3. Get clients to come back more often

Every strategy and tactic intended to improve your

sales falls into one of these categories, and the beauty
of that is how simple it is. You could put this book

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down right now and remember those 3 tasks forever,
allowing you to bang out a brainstorming session
anywhere at any time. Stuck on a plane with a pad of
paper? Go through this exercise.

Let’s look a little deeper into each one.


Probably the most obvious way to make more money

is to get more clients. What you’ll want to do is get a
piece of paper and a pen, or however you like to do
brainstorming (I use iPad + Apple Pencil), and let’s
brainstorm. During brainstorming it’s important not
to judge your ideas, there will be plenty of time for
that later. You just want to get as many ideas down on
paper as possible, good or bad is irrelevant. So how
can you get more clients? Make a list. Some examples
might be: partner with another agency whose clients
might want what we sell, run paid advertising,

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increase our website conversion rate, make our offer
even more ridiculous (value wise), etc.

Make your own list and don’t hold back!


This is the easiest way to increase your revenue and

profits if you already have some momentum. If you’re
getting new clients on a more or less consistent basis I
guarantee you they have more money to spend and
they’d happily spend it with you and your agency. The
question is what do they already want to buy? What
do they need that they don’t even know about? I’ll give
you an example from my video production agency:

Roughly 90% of videos on Facebook™ are watched on

mute as they autoplay without sound, this makes it
essential to have hardcoded subtitles in your
Facebook™ videos if you want to get your message

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across. Our clients don’t know this, so we wrote a
short paragraph explaining that it is in fact the case
that 90% of videos are watched on mute, and if they
want we can add subtitles for $110 per 30 seconds of
video. 20% of our clients take us up on this offer.

So what else can you offer clients? What are they

buying before they get to you? What are they buying
after they leave you? What else would make a perfect
complementary purchase with your main offer? Go
crazy on this one, again this is the easiest money you’ll
ever make in your business and you’ll see results


This is something that most agencies don’t even try.

Once their client got what they paid for they never
reach out again. Oh how silly given that you could get

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a second order by simply sending out an email or
placing a phone call!

I’ve automated this in my agency. 4 weeks after

delivering the video to our client they get an
automated email from me and all it says is something
along the lines of “Hey, it’s been 4 weeks since we
delivered your video, I just wanted to check in and see
how it’s going?”

The intent behind the email is to start a conversation

and I can’t tell you how many times an email shows
up in my inbox which is a reply to my automated
email above saying something like this:

“Hey Robert, thanks so much for checking in. The

video is going great and we were just talking about
making 3 more, do you have time for a chat?”

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Free money from one email. So brainstorm how you
can systematically get your clients to come back and
buy again!

Once you’ve gone through all these 3 and

brainstormed ideas for each one it’s important to pick
1-3 from each category that you think will yield the
best result, and implement it. Don’t wait. Do it right

Do this exercise every 3 months and I promise your

agency will continue to grow tremendously.


There really are only 3 ways to grow your agency and

you should now remember forever that they are: get
more clients, get clients to buy more or get clients to
buy more often.

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Make it a habit to brainstorm ideas once a quarter for
each of the 3, and pick the tasks that feels like they
would have the best payoff with the least amount of
effort, and execute on them. You’ll find this to be a
very systematic way of growing your agency, which
can be comforting as you might not always know what
to do. This exercise will always help you figure out
what’s next on your todo list.

This is a huge topic! If everything is somewhat going
according to plan as your 2 Hour Agency starts
picking up speed you’ll find yourself increasingly
busy, realizing that “this is not what I signed up for”.
The first step is to get your agency to the point where
you are getting new clients consistently. The next step
is to start removing yourself from the equation by
automation and delegation. It’s kind of like we’re

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building this big skyscraper, and once the skyscraper
is finished we have to clean the construction zone, get
all the dust off the windows, and make the place run

Chances are it’ll take you a while to get to the point

where this chapter of the book is relevant, but it is
VERY important. If you do everything else and skip
this part of the equation you will end up with just
another job. You’ll be a glorified freelancer whose
attention is constantly required by your clients. That
is not a fun place to be in, hence the importance of
implementing this chapter.

I’m going to show you how to take all the tasks that
occur repeatedly in your business and ideally have
them done by computers using off-the-rack software,
or in the worst case scenario, have it delegated to a
part-time employee.

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I have helped people save up to 30 hours a week by
implementing the things you’re going to learn in this


Your delivery process is made up of a lot of small

steps that we need to systemize and automate. We’ll
do this by breaking down the whole process from
starting the project to delivering the finished service.

Delivering to clients quickly becomes a full-time job.

It’s easy to become the goto contact person for your
clients and your employees/freelancers. This is
unsustainable and it’s impossible to grow a business
while working in the day-to-day operations all day.

We need to get you out of the day-to-day so that you

can focus on growth.

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The easiest way to do this is to get a pen and paper,
and bullet EVERY task that happens in the average
delivery process. Next to each task I want you to put
down whether that task can be done by a human or by

This is what my 2 Hour Agency list looks like from

website visit to delivered video.

Ideal Task  Current Status  Ideal Status 

Search on google /
Automated/Delegated Automated/Delegated
see ad on Facebook™
Click our website Automated/Delegated Automated/Delegated
Go through our
Automated/Delegated Automated/Delegated
Place an order Automated/Delegated Automated/Delegated
Receive brief on TY
Automated/Delegated Automated/Delegated
Fill out brief Automated/Delegated Automated/Delegated
Receive basecamp
Manual Automated/Delegated
Watch training
Automated/Delegated Automated/Delegated
Choose speaker and
Automated/Delegated Automated/Delegated
background music
Receive script draft Manual Manual
Give feedback Automated/Delegated Automated/Delegated
Approve script Automated/Delegated Automated/Delegated

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Receive video draft Manual Manual
Give feedback Automated/Delegated Automated/Delegated
Approve video Automated/Delegated Automated/Delegated
Receive link to
Manual Manual
download .mp4 etc.
Receive thank you
Automated/Delegated Automated/Delegated
Receive “how’s it
going” email after 4 Automated/Delegated Automated/Delegated

When finished, start with the software tasks and

identify which software you need to automate that
task. Probably you’re looking at some type of project
management software, email software,
questionnaires, internal communication, and so on.
List which softwares you’ll need to implement, and
start executing.

We use Basecamp for project management externally

(with clients). Trello for project management
internally. We use ​Active Campaign​ for emails and
forms/questionnaires, and slack for internal
communication. I recommend all of them.

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It’s important that you make a list of each capability
required for the software you’re looking for. We don’t
want you to build up systems that you have to get rid
of 3 months later when you realize you’re missing a
key feature and have to look for a new software.

Most likely, when software tasks are taken care of,

you’ll want to hire a project manager that can be the
contact person for all your freelancers, as well as the


Unfortunately you most likely will not be able to have

your entire business run by computers. If that is the
case there is a good chance that you will need to hire
some part time employees to help you out whenever
you get a client. So let’s talk briefly about my hiring

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My hiring process is simple. I create a questionnaire
with some basic questions, as well as some situations
that the person I’m hiring will run into, and ask them
how they’d handle that situation. Once I’ve gotten
20ish applications I make a shortlist of 5 favorite
candidates. Then I jump on Skype with those
candidates and interview them. I choose my top 2,
and do a 2nd interview with them. I’ll do a paid test
job with my #1 pick, and if it doesn’t pan out I’ll do a
test job my 2nd favorite.

To be completely honest with you, I don’t care about

their CV, I don’t even care about the answers to their
questions in the application, which is why the
questions are almost irrelevant.

I care about their vibe. I care about how they make me

feel. After all the way I feel about talking to them, is
likely going to be how my clients feel about them too.

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Don’t get too bogged down with what questions to
ask, and focus more on giving yourself the chance to
form an accurate gut feeling about them by spending
as much time with them as you reasonably can. Face
to face or online, either way works.

I don’t get fancy with finding candidates either. I start

by trying to find Facebook™ groups where I can find
plenty of candidates easily. For example I found all
my animators and script writers in a “FILM JOBS”
Facebook™ group. This was free, and effortless.

If that fails, I’ll usually run some Facebook™ ads to

my target person, and get my 20 applications in
before deciding on my top 5 candidates to move
forward with.

At the end of the day you’ll never know whether

someone is going to be right for the job through

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interviewing. The proof will come only when they start
working for you. So do the best you can to find the
best candidate, but realize it’s an impossible task and
that your answer will be revealed only once you’ve
worked with them for a while. If they’re not a good fit,
tough luck, go through the hiring process again.
Nothing to cry about.

Another important note to make about hiring is that

you get what you pay for. Bottom of the barrel prices
yields bottom of the barrel employees who can’t think
on their own.

As you know we used to hire Ukrainian animators

because of how much cheaper they were than local
Swedish ones. The problem was that our clients were
Swedish, so all the feedback they gave us had to be
translated to english which wasted a lot of time, and
allowed for even more misunderstandings.

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I replaced my whole team with locals who speak the
language because of how much less headaches that
caused than working with cheap freelancers from

You can put individual freelancers in direct contact

with clients inside your project management software.
My freelancers even jump on the phone with clients.
What you have to realize is that yes, I’m paying 3x for
my animator, but my project manager works a lot less
because he doesn’t have to act middle man anymore,
and on top of that the projects are generally higher
quality, and our delivery times have decreased

This means our service is better, our clients are

happier and we finish faster so we have more room for
new clients. It became evident that paying 3x upfront
is probably saving me money in the long run.

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As the saying goes: “if you think hiring a professional
is expensive, try hiring an amateur.”

Apart from how to hire we also need to discuss

something very important. You might be scared
shitless by the thought of hiring someone, especially if
you’re thinking about hiring someone full time.

That’s not what I’m talking about here, there’s no

need for that most likely. I’m simply talking about
getting someone to pick up a few hours a week.

You start small, as with anything else. I hired my

project manager for 5 hours per week when she
started. There’s no way I could afford hiring her full
time, and that wasn’t my intention either. Think about
it this way, if you hire someone for 5 hours a week,
that’s now 5 extra hours you can spend on growing the

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Once you’ve gotten the ball rolling on automating
delivery by using software and putting a good team in
place, you’ll start to find yourself having too much
time on your hands.

This is exactly the problem you want, now you can

focus on growth.

I want to add as well that although the above is my

own hiring process I recently heard a really good piece
of advice that I have yet to implement myself, but I
know it’ll work and therefore want to pass it onto you.

The advice was in regards to hiring and it is this: go

out in your community and hire someone who is
doing exceptionally well at a crappy job. No one who
reads this is doing rocket science in their business.
With the right type of person you can easily train
them to do whatever it is you need to do. Training the
person to do the task is far easier than finding a high

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calibre employee. This is why it is such a good idea to
not just find someone who is already proving to do an
excellent job, but they’re doing it in a crappy job.
Chances are they’ll be delighted to hear your offer.


I realize that people freak out when I start talking

about hiring employees, and I need to address it. We
are not talking about hiring a full time $50,000 a year
in-house employee that shows up to an office.
Remember this is most likely an entirely remote
operation and so your employees can live anywhere
although it helps if they’re in the same time zone as
clients if they’re having client interactions.

But no, these are not full time expensive hires, we hire
people per hour and they only work when we need
them to. This means that they only work when we
have work for them! If we don’t get any clients they

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don’t work and we don’t pay them. Everything is on
demand, and this also allows you to start very small. I
recommend starting with hiring someone for just 2-3
hours per week. This is enough time for you to train
them up, and also get a feel for whether they’ll be able
to do the job or not.

As you can shift more of your own time towards

figuring out how to get even more clients and making
more money, you simply give them more hours!


Once you manage to get some momentum in your

agency it is vital that you replace yourself in the
business. We want to get to a point where you could
take a month holiday and clients would still be
acquired and delivered to. This is simply done by
breaking down each process in your agency into

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component parts and automating what you can using
software, and delegating the rest.

You’ll find some tasks may never be automated or

delegated, that is okay. If you can get 95% of your
workload off your plate, that’d be pretty good
wouldn’t it?

When no one tells you what to do it becomes your job
to tell you what to do. I’m sure you’re aware we as
humans generally suck at that. How many days have
you woken up without an agenda? How many times
have you skipped out on the gym because you didn’t
feel like it? These are normal human behaviors that
we need to do something about because rest assured
no one is going to build your agency for you. No one’s
going to do anything in life for you. You have to do it,

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and since we are all prone to procrastination and
Instagram soft porn you’ll need a system for staying

I’ve tried a lot of things but the one thing that

consistently works and turns my productivity up is
having an accountability group. But just having an
accountability group is not enough, you have to follow
a proven method. Here’s my method.

Get a group of 3-4 people. No more, no less. If you’re

just 2 it becomes too easy to allow the thing to fall
apart as you inevitably will have some scheduled calls
get cancelled. If there are more than 2 people the calls
will go on even if you can’t make one. More than 4
people turns into too long of an accountability call and
it has the opposite effect of what you intended.

Schedule a weekly call on the same day, at the same

time each week.

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Using a spreadsheet, ​here is my template​ (File > Make
a copy to use it), set 1-3 goals you want to accomplish
in the next 12 weeks. Then set your goals or tasks for
the current week. This weeks tasks are all that matters
to you.

As you go through the week tick off the tasks and

show up to the call with all your tasks crossed off,
feeling good about actually having been productive.

On the call each member should run through what

they did that week, what went well and what went
bad, and what their tasks are for next week. The next
week’s tasks should already be in your spreadsheet.

When setting your tasks for the week make sure they
are things you can control. There has been plenty of
times where I set a task that turns out was out of my
hands. Set goals that are process oriented not results

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oriented. Rather than setting “get 1 new client” set
“make 10 sales calls” for example. As you know the 2
Hour Agency is all about minimizing phone calls but
you see the difference I hope. You can control the
number of calls, you can’t control someone else
paying you money, at least not on the same level.

Finally, in order for all this to work you need to have

punishments in place to motivate you not to fail your
tasks. I’ve experimented with this a lot and found the
best punishments are ones that benefit you that you
absolutely do not want to do.

Fitness punishments have turned out to be my

favorite. They are good for you, but they really suck.

For me, the ​Thruster​ is the worst exercise ever

invented, so that is my punishment. 100 reps starting
with 30kg and going up. I do not want to do thrusters,
I’d rather do my tasks.

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Recently I was in an accountability group where we
kind of had a shotgun start to it all so we didn’t get
everything set up right. In the first 3 weeks we had no
punishments at all. I missed tasks every week during
that time. As soon as I added thrusters as my
punishment, miraculously all my tasks ended up
being ticked off each week. What a coincidence.

HOW I GOT 150,000 

Facebook™ FOLLOWERS, 
I’ve added this chapter to give you some ideas of how I
got a lot of exposure and built a massive audience in a
very short amount of time.

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Please realize this chapter is not instructing you to
follow what I did. I’m simply telling you what I did.

HOW I GOT 150,000 Facebook™ FOLLOWERS 


Yes I started a brand new Facebook™ page and grew

it to 150,000 followers in 30 days.

At the end of the day it comes down to having

amazing content. My problem was that I didn’t feel
that I had amazing content in me. I have good, or
really good content in me, but I don’t have mind
blowing content in me. At least not yet. But then I
thought.. There are already people out there who have
the audience I want, who have mind blowing content
that hasn’t actually been promoted properly..

If I could promote their content in the proper way and

give them credit, it would actually be beneficial for

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everyone. My Facebook™ page was about inspiration
and motivation, and I wanted to share content that
would attract people who needed that.

I’d seen an interview with the late Anthony Bourdain

(who I’m a huge fan of, it sucks he is gone) where he
shared the story of how he got famous.

Have you heard the story?

It’s incredible. He was 44 years old just working as a

cook in Manhattan. He didn’t pay his taxes, he didn’t
have insurance, and he had given up any hopes and
dreams of traveling the world like he so desperately

He wrote an article exposing what it’s like working in

the restaurant industry, and managed to get it
published in The New Yorker, and the next day his life
changed. He got a $50,000 book contract, which led

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to him writing Kitchen Confidential, and off he went
to superstardom.

In any case, I created a short version of the interview

where he tells the story. I took that video, and
uploaded it to my brand new Facebook™ page with
literally 0 likes on it. I went into the Facebook™ ads
manager and put a $5 per day budget just to get some
initial traction, and went to bed.

When I woke up my Facebook™ page had 1,705

followers, and my video was going viral. Before
deleting the video it had 11 million views and at its
peak it brought in 11,885 new followers in one single
day. It was an amazing time for many reasons.



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It’s very exciting to have a viral video. I was inspiring
thousands of people by getting this story out to the
public, most people who knew of Anthony Bourdain
never knew about his story. But then things died down
a little bit, and of course I thought..

Let’s make another viral video.

So I found another inspiring story of Majid Jordan, 2

guys who went from putting out 1 album on
SoundCloud to being hired full time to work with
Drake in his studio. They’ve gone on to make amazing
music and their story too is very inspiring and
awesome. The video flopped as far as views go.

But I didn’t give up, so I found another inspiring story

of Dwayne The Rock Johnson. I added subtitles to it
(top tip always add subtitles when you’re putting out
videos on Facebook™ as about 80-90% of people

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watch videos on mute, and will not get your message
without subtitles).

Boom. Another viral video. This one was even more

viral than the other one. At the time of writing it has
15,129,944 views and 334,326 shares. The Facebook™
followers kept rolling in!

Even Vinny from Jersey Shore shared it!

As you can see, there’s a bit of a formula to making

this work. I will also mention that at the end of the
day I did this all for free. Yes I spent some money on
advertising, but since I got so much attention it was
effortless to make the money back in order to pay for
my ad costs. Since my page was about inspiration I
created a coffee cup on and used that to
recuperate the money I spent on advertising.

It worked.

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Ultimately I didn’t have the time to continue to put
out great content on 1 Step Away, but I learned a lot
about content marketing and the importance of
creating amazing content versus just good content.

Just as the premise of my Facebook™ page which was

to make you realize that you are “one step away” from
your wildest dreams.

You are one piece of content away from your business


Let’s look closer at the actual steps of how I grew my

page from 0 to 150,000 Facebook™ followers in 30

HOW I GOT 150,842 Facebook™ FOLLOWERS IN 30

1. Find amazing content

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2. Repurpose the content for Facebook™
3. Publish content, always give credit/ask for
4. Promote
5. Monetize

Let’s start with step #1.


The most important thing you need to consider at this
stage is who your audience is. If you’re trying to get
Facebook™ followers for your page you SHOULD
want RELEVANT likes. There’s an argument to be
made for the social proof of having a lot of Facebook™
followers, but if you’re going to be doing the work you
might as well get the actual people you’re after in the
first place.

One great place to start is to think about who already

has your audience? What person or business, ideally

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on Facebook™, already has the attention of people
that you too want? If you can make a list of 3-5 people
or businesses, that’s a good place to start because now
we can start looking into whether they have amazing
content or not.

The ideal target is someone with a massive following

who actually has amazing content but sucks at
promoting it. So when you promote their content for
them you’re actually doing them a favor too. I literally
watched Robert Herjavec’s Facebook™ likes grow
everyday after we put out a video about him. He didn’t
reach out but.. You’re welcome!

Another really good place to look is the list of popular

podcasts out there. A lot of podcasts are just audio,
but some do video as well. In either case if you find
one small piece from a podcast that you think can be
an amazing piece of content you can either take the
audio and turn it into a video, or take the video and

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cut it up into a shorter version, add subtitles of course,
and off you go.

Not everyone would appreciate this however, so you’re

best off asking for permission first.

“To summarize this step: find someone who already

has your audience, take amazing content of theirs and
adapt it for Facebook™ (more on this below).”


You can’t just take an hour long podcast video and
throw it on your Facebook™ page and hope it goes

The attention span on Facebook™ isn’t very long, so

here’s what you need to do.

1. Capture attention within 3 seconds. 5 seconds if you


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Either you just start off the video at an interesting
point in the story, or you find the most compelling
part of the story, throw it in the beginning of the
video, and then cut to the start. Then the viewer at
least knows that something dramatic is coming if they
keep watching.

2. Keep it short. I’d say 3-5 minutes.

3. Add subtitles

80-90% of videos on Facebook™ are watched on

mute. This means your message will go completely
unnoticed if you don’t put subtitles in. I’ve personally
watched 5 minute long videos completely on mute
when on Facebook™. It’s an annoying extra step, but
it has to be done. You can always get it done by a
professional using services like GoTranscript or
VisualSubtitling from $1-$4 per minute.

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4. Create an attention getting thumbnail.

This is just the image that shows for a split second

before your video starts playing. It’s less important on
Facebook™ as it’s autoplay, compared to Youtube for
example. But still, do it right. If you do these 4 things
you’ve done A LOT to set your video up for success.


This is easy, just upload the video to your Facebook™
page and ALWAYS give credit by tagging anyone in
your post whose content you’ve used.

There’s no guarantee they won’t have a problem with

it, so you’ll want to make sure you have permission.


If you’re starting from 0 like I did you pretty much
have to use some paid advertising to get your content
out there. If you’ve got a monetization plan in place it

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shouldn’t be a big deal as you will make the money
back. Even if it’s $5-10 a day, it’s necessary and worth
it. If your content is as amazing as it should be, it will
pay off.

I usually let my video get 5-10k views, then I would go

into Facebook™ Ads Manager audiences and make a
lookalike audience of the people that watched 95% of
the video. I’d turn off my original promotion ad, and
setup a new ad with the lookalike audience as the
target. I was getting views for pennies.

Ideally you have monetization already planned, unlike
I did. I literally designed a coffee cup in the morning
on when I realized that I was onto
something. Luckily we sold a few and actually made
the money back from our ad spend. It’s important that
what you’re selling is relevant to your page and your
content. Don’t sell cat food when your video is about

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how to grow your online business. My final thoughts
on this is that it can be difficult to identify amazing
content, but if it works it works well.

I grew a page from 0 to over 150,000 Facebook™
followers in 30 days by finding amazing content that
already existed and simply needed to be adapted for
Facebook™, and in this post you learned my strategy
that ultimately led to me having 2 viral videos, both
with over 11 million views and I did it all from my

The key to this kind of growth is having amazing

content. One amazing video is worth 100,000 average
videos. One amazing blog post is worth 100,000
average blog posts. One amazing infographic is worth
100,000 average infographics. Taking the time to
actually create something that goes above and beyond
is crucial to getting the type of exposure that we all

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want online. After all, a grand total of zero average
pieces of content have gone viral.

Again, if you do this with other people’s content

always make sure you have permission to use it.


#AskGaryVee SHOW 

Credit: Gary Vaynerchuk, #AskGaryVee Show Episode 187

In 2016 a friend and I set out on a challenge to create

a new video agency in 48 hours that was focused on

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instagram videos. In order to kickstart our sales I
decided that I wanted to get us featured on the
AskGaryVee Show with Gary Vaynerchuk. About a
week later Gary shouted “BOBBE” (my nickname) in
episode 187. Not only did Gary answer my question
but he also did exactly what I was hoping he would:
promote us. He asked his video guy to drop our
Instagram handle onscreen and that’s what you see in
the image above. You can watch the segment here​. This
led to thousands of dollars worth of sales over the next
few weeks, and I’d like to share how I planned the
whole campaign as this was not the result of luck so
much as it was strategic and if I may say so myself:
executed perfectly.

I knew our goal was to get onto the AskGaryVee show

and being an avid watcher of the show I remember a
few episodes earlier that Gary got a video question
and said to his camera guy something along the lines

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of: “I want more video questions, maybe something in
front of Mount Rushmore would be cool”. A light bulb
went off. Since we were selling animated videos I had
the ability to send in a video question simply by
creating an animated video of a guy in front of Mount
Rushmore. So I came up with a question I thought
would be valuable to Gary’s audience, I recorded the
voiceover myself, and sent it to our animator, making
sure to tell him it needs to be a guy standing in front
of Mount Rushmore. So I got the video done, the next
step was really the tougher part, actually breaking
through and getting selected to be on the show as you
would imagine I was not the only one who was trying
to do that.

I knew that messaging Gary himself would be a waste

of time, he is too busy. What do you do when you want
access busy people? You win over the way less busy
people that are close to them. In this case it was a girl
named India who was the one asking the questions in

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the actual show. I found her social media and email,
and sent her a message making sure to mention that
Gary wanted more videos, and also noting how
selecting our question would be beneficial not to us
but to Gary’s audience, that is what THEY want.

I did not get a response from India for 3 days, so I

sent a quick follow up asking if she got a chance to see
the video. 5 hours later I got this reply:

“LOVE this Bobbe :)

What is your Twitter handle so I can put it on the


And that is how we got thousands of dollars worth of

free advertising!

Now, let’s systemize this a little bit. How could you

replicate this with an influencer in your niche? The

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first thing you need to do is make a list of people that
you would like a shoutout from. I knew who I was
going after so what I did was identify something Gary
wanted. He said he wanted a video from Mount
Rushmore, so it’s hard for them to say no to that once
I delivered on it. What do the people on your list want
that you can deliver?

The next thing I had to do was to create what they

wanted. I made the Mount Rushmore video.

And finally the tricky part: getting it in front of them.

If your target is a very high profile busy person don’t
expect to reach them directly. If you can that’s great, if
not you need to figure out who the people close to him
or her are, and find their contact info. When you make
your pitch make sure that is pitched as something that
benefits them, not you. Also don’t ask for too much.
You’ll notice I did not ask for a shoutout, I just wanted
my question on the show, the rest took care of itself.

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I also had to follow up as you saw, so don’t be
discouraged when you inevitably don’t get a reply,
wait a few days and send a non-annoying follow up.
Do this up to 5 times with increasing time periods
between follow ups, and if you don’t hear back move
on to the next person on your list.

By the way this agency turned out to be a distraction

and we decided to shut it down even though we were
actually off to a really good start.



I was also able to get a shoutout from Lewis Howes for

the same agency using a slightly different tactic that
you can easily replicate to get free press. Again you
need to identify who you want exposure from, and

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ideally you need to know what they want. If you don’t
know what they want then make a guess.

When it comes to Lewis Howes I knew that I wanted

to get an instagram shoutout from him. He had just
recently released his first podcast episode with Tony
Robbins, and I saw an opportunity. Lewis was not at
the time posting video summaries of his episodes, and
I knew there was tremendous value in that. So I made
him one.

I didn’t message Lewis asking if he wanted one for

free, I just made it and sent it to him. This turned out
to be another giant success. Again, don’t ask for too
much when you do this, it should be you doing them a
favor, not doing them a favor with tons of strings

So I emailed the video to Lewis, without asking for

anything in return. Lewis loved it, he posted it on his

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Instagram, he gave us a proper shoutout and
testimonial and not only that, he also passed on our
information to other influencer friends of his
including Super Bowl winner and fitness influencer
Steve Weatherford. This led to us making a video for
him as well.

You can use this strategy of creating valuable content

for people who you want exposure from and sending it
to them with no expectations. Some will pay off and
some will not, but don’t be discouraged if they don’t.
Look at the net payoff from the whole strategy and
you’ll find it to be highly valuable.


Once you’ve got momentum, freed up some of your

time by automating and delegating the majority of
your tasks you can now start doing some fun
marketing experiments. I recommend making a list of

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influencers and celebrities whose audiences would be
good clients for you, and using the strategies that I’ve
outlined above to try to get yourself some exposure. If
you keep trying it will pay off, while each individual
attempt may not pay off. So be consistent, don’t give
up, and enjoy it when it inevitably works for you too.


There are some really cool benefits that come with
owning your own business, and you should take full
advantage of them if you ask me. As a business you
will spend a lot more money than you do as a private
person (well, probably). Spending money is a good
thing, and other businesses like when you spend
money with them, so they will take care of you. In this
chapter I want to give you some ideas of how to

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upgrade your lifestyle now that you have a business to
help you do so.



Above is a business class ticket from Warsaw, Poland

to Tokyo, Japan for me and my wife. These tickets
cost a little over $15,000 (I looked it up after I booked

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them), but I paid just $759 for both of us. Travel
hacking is a full-time job and to be honest I’m really
not an expert on it. I know the 20% that yields 80% of
the results however, so let’s talk about how you can
apply this to your life, and business.

The way to get free flights, economy, business, or even

first class is to collect airline miles that you can use to
book “award” flights. You do this by getting yourself a
credit/debit card that gives you miles for your
purchases. Every country has a totally different setup
but the most common companies to look into are
American Express (WORLDWIDE), Chase (AMERICA
ONLY), and Capital One (AMERICA ONLY). You’ll
have to do some of your own research here depending
on which country you’re from but there are plenty of
resources on this such as ​

If you happen to be from a country that really doesn’t

seem to have any of these I believe you can always get

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your hands on an American Express International
Currency Card (“ICC”) - check here -​.

Now that you have your card(s) we need to get you

some points. There are many ways to do it, but in my
experience only 2 activities are really worth put any
effort into: 1) spending money, and 2) referring other


For every $1 you spend your card issuer will give you x
amount of points that you can use towards awards
flights. What you’ll want to do is get as many of your
business (and maybe personal) expenses on your
cards as possible. One of the best ways to get a ton of
points is to advertise your ridiculous offer on social
media. Let’s say your RO is priced at $100, and let’s
say your average client actually buys some more stuff
and so your average client spends $200. Let’s say half

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of that you pay to freelancers in order to deliver, so
your profit is $100. If you could spend $70 on social
media, get $30 in your pocket, a new client (that may
come back and buy again), plus the award points, that
is pretty good, especially if you are able to scale this
up. Imagine if you could spend $1,000 on social
media, get $300 in your pocket and $1,000 worth of
credit card points for free flights. Pretty cool right?

Most likely your biggest expense will be payroll, so if

you are able to pay your staff using PayPal (and
linking your account to your credit card so that funds
are withdrawn from there) you will surely stack points
very quickly.

The second way, and in some cases the much more

lucrative one is to refer people to apply for the credit
card. If I get someone to sign up for an Amex
Platinum card I get 20,000 points. 5 of those and I
have a business class flight to New York City from

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Europe. For that reason you should definitely look
into your credit card’s referral program, and then use
your mouth, social media, blog, and business to
incentivize other people to sign up for a credit card
with your link.

Once you’ve got your points you generally want to use

an award flight search engine to find flights that are
available to book using points. You should know that
airlines put up obstacle courses to make it difficult for
you to spend your points, as they lose money when
you do it. So just be prepared to do a little bit of work
to actually get what you want. One way they do this is
by not showing you the best available flights in the
search engine. For that reason you simply want to use
the search engines to see what flights are available at
all, and then call in to make your booking. Let’s say
for example that I want to fly from Dusseldorf to
Tokyo. The search engine will show me Dusseldorf -
Munich - Tokyo. So there is a layover in Munich that

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I’d really like to avoid. What I noticed was when I then
went to search Munich - Tokyo the search engine
showed me Munich - Dusseldorf - Tokyo. This means
the Dusseldorf - Tokyo flight is actually available for
award bookings, as a direct flight, they just didn’t
want to show it to me. But since it does actually exist I
can just call the airlines and make the booking on the

That is how you fly business class around the world,

drinking champagne and eating caviar, all you have to
pay for is the tax.



You can use your business to get free flights, but it

doesn’t stop there. I’ve used my business to get
$1,000 event tickets for free, gym memberships,
accounting services, among other things. The secret is
simply to use the ancient forgotten strategy of

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bartering. Bartering is when you exchange goods or
service for goods and services.

Let’s say I sell a video for $2,000. It might cost me

$1,000 to make it. This means I basically created
$1,000 worth of value. That’s $1,000 you can use to
buy goods and services that you want!

Let’s say there is a high end gym in my city that costs

$2,000 a year to join, and they could use my services.
I could offer to make them a video for free in exchange
for a membership. This is how I got free conference
tickets, by offering to make them a promo video in
exchange for free access. Honestly this is a great
strategy that you can use to level up your life. Get
access to places you otherwise you wouldn’t pay for,
events, gyms, chiropractors, and whatever you can
think of. It is a win-win for the parties involved, both
are better off by doing it.

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What do you want that you can get by simply offering
what you sell for free (or discounted)?


Now that you’re a real business owner why not

leverage that to upgrade your lifestyle by flying in
business class, going to conferences and networking
events for free, etc? Use the strategies I outlined above
to add some value into your own life, by leveraging
what your agency has to offer others.


I asked a friend to answer some questions about his
business. Let’s call him Mr. X. Enjoy.

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You like most people struggled with your
business at first. What was the key to unlock
the floodgates?

It was a mindset shift from how can I make money to

how I can make an offer that’s so good the customer
can’t say no. Then I had the idea for my offer pretty
much the same day, and created it that week. And by
the end of the week sales were coming in.

How were you getting the first sales?

Cold email to software companies, because those were

the type of clients we had before.

How many people work in your business?

About 15-20 at the moment. It changes.

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If you were teaching your best friend to start a
business, what 3 pieces of advice would you
give him/her?

1. Make the offer a no brainer so the client is

retarded by not choosing you.
2. Keep pushing because it’s going to feel like it’s
never going to work. Just keep trying one more
time. If you keep doing that and learn from
your mistakes eventually you’ll strike gold.
3. Try to find mentors or friends that are also
doing similar things so you can get insights
that you’d never have if you were just doing it
by yourself

If your business was erased overnight and you

had $5000 to in the bank, what would you do?

I would start again with the same principles. A no

brainer low priced offer that I could sell in similar

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channels as before. So same business model I would
just replace the product.

What question or topic do people who ask you

about business never ask you about, that they

It’s very rare that people tell me or show me their

offer and ask how to improve it. I believe in the no
brainer offer I spoke about and few people seem to
pay much attention to the offer.

What 1 business book has had the biggest

impact on your business?

Work the system

Perfect answer to transition. What’s your

biggest lesson when it comes to automation?

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It’s surprising how much you can automate. I basically
automated one of my virtual assistants out of a job
using Zapier. The robot was more reliable, it’s instant
and doesn’t make mistakes, and cheaper.

What’s your biggest lesson when it comes to

delegation/employing people?

The biggest lesson is just getting comfortable with

giving responsibility to other people. Giving the sales
responsibility to someone else for example was
particularly hard. You should always be in charge of
your marketing but the donkey tasks should be done
by someone else. Hire donkeys.

What 1-3 softwares can your business not live


Clickfunnels, Zapier, and I want to say Infusionsoft

but I don’t really like it so any email marketing
software. Zaxaa as well for payments.

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A question from my audience: how would you
scale from 5k a month to 10k a month?

Finding the thing that works and then doubling down

on it. So if steps A-B-C got you 1 customer, find a way
to do A-B-C 100 times a day. Also adding upsells on
the backend. That’s the easiest way to make more
money: by selling more to your existing clients.

Which parts of the business were most

difficult to systemise and delegate?

Sales enquiries, but that was a mental block rather

than a mechanical block. You have to find a person
that has some social skills and finesse. We have some
stock answers to common questions and they need to
be able to use those but still make it personal, so it
doesn’t seem like we’re just giving them a robot

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If you were challenged to work as little as
possible how many hours per week could you
get away with?

I could probably get away with just paying staff and

the odd problem that needs to be solved, so probably
30 minutes a week.

How do you acquire new customers working

so little?

An automated marketing system that I built using

more than a few hours a week. The thing is once that
was all working the tasks that remained are now
mostly things done by other people.

Anything else you’d want to add?

It’s important to visualize the end goal before you

start. Imagine what the business will look like when
it’s bringing in the type of income that you want. What

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will the business look like and what type of clients will
it serve? Without that you’re basically shooting in the


This interview really reinforces everything I’ve gone

over in this book. Create an amazing offer, spend time
building systems and procedures. Don’t give up.

I’ve armed you with the tools and mindset to find and
choose a 2 Hour Agency idea. I’ve showed you how to
get your first testimonial clients. I’ve laid out some
other strategies for client acquisition to get the ball
rolling. I’ve shown you how to create a ridiculous offer
and direct traffic to your website for automatic client
acquisition. I’ve shown you how to get help managing
projects by hiring an on-demand project manager. I’ve
shown you how to break down each step in your

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business and either automate or delegate each task. If
you do everything in this book you can build a life of
freedom for yourself and your family. I believe in you.

Now that you finished the book, go watch this video

about the latest secret strategies on starting your 2
Hour Agency & Multiplying it!




● Basecamp
● Billogram
● Trello
● Active campaign
● Zapier
● Clickfunnels
● SiteGround (hosting)

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All 2 Hour Agency Products 



Ultimate Agency Package 

2 Hour Agency Mastermind 

Behind The Scenes Video Training 

Agency Accelerator

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