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Seq Parameter Description Enabled

10 INSTANCE Source instance code on Fusion cloud *

20 COLL_MODE NetChange, Target refresh mode *
30 ORGS_FILTER Organization Filter *
40 CATEGORY_FILTER Category Filter *
50 ASL Approved Supplier List *
70 ITEMSTRUCTURE Bill of Materials, Routings *
80 BOR Bill of Resources *
100 CALENDAR Calendars *
105 CATSET Category Sets *
110 CURRENCY Currency Conversion *
120 CUSTOMER Customers *
130 DEMANDCLASS Demand Classes *
140 CUSITMREL End Item Substitutions *
150 EXTERNALFORECAST External Forecast *
160 REGION_LOCATIONS External and Internal locations *
170 ITEM Items *
175 ITEMCOST Item Cost *
180 PLANORDSUPP Planned Order Supplies *
190 ONHAND On Hand *
200 ORGPARAM Organizations *
201 ORDORCHREFOBJ Order Orchestration Entities *
210 PLANNER Planners *
230 POPR Purchase orders, Requisitions, Receipts *
235 GEOGRAPHY Geographies *
240 RESERVATION Reservations *
250 RESOURCE Resources *
260 RESAVAIL Resource Availability *
270 SAFETYSTOCK Safety Stock *
280 SALESORD Sales Orders *
290 SHIPPINGMETHOD Shipping Methods *
300 SOURCING Sourcing Rules and Assignment Sets *
310 SUBINV Subinventories *
320 SUPCAP Supplier Capacities *
330 SUPPLIER Suppliers *
340 UOM Units of Measure *
350 WIPSUPPLY Work in Process *
360 FISCALCALENDAR Fiscal Calendar *
370 p_hidden_parameter1 Hidden Parameter 1 *
380 p_date_range_type Date Range Type *
390 p_collection_window History Collection Window *
400 p_from_date Date From *
410 p_to_date Date to *
415 p_sor_mode Include Sales Organization for Histories *
420 BOOKING_HISTORY_BI_BD Booking History Booked Item Booked date *
430 BOOKING_HISTORY_BI_RD Booking history Booked Item Requested Date *
440 BOOKING_HISTORY_RI_BD Booking History Requested Item Booked Date *
450 BOOKING_HISTORY_RI_RD Booking History Requested Item Requested date *
460 SHIPMENTS_HISTORY_SI_SD Shipment History Shipped Item Shipped Date *
470 SHIPMENTS_HISTORY_SI_RD Shipment History Shipped Item Requested date *
480 SHIPMENTS_HISTORY_RI_SD Shipment History Requested Item Shipped date *
490 SHIPMENTS_HISTORY_RI_RD Shipment History Requested Item Requested date *
500 OPTIONBOOKINGHISTORY Option Booking History *
510 OPTIONSHIPMENTHISTORY Option Shipment History *
520 p_collect_iso Internal Sales Order Collection *
530 p_collect_all_order_types Collect All Order *
540 p_hidden_param2 Hidden Parameter 2 *
550 p_include_order_types Include Order Types *
560 PRICELIST Price Lists *
580 p_include_price_list List of Price List *

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