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Running head: PHILOSOPHY 1

Philosophy of Education

Candice Segovia

Paris Junior College

EDUC 1301.200

Dr. Marian Ellis, Instructor

March 21, 2020


Philosophy of Education

Growing up I always wanted to work with babies, be a nurse like my mom. She told me

to be a doctor they make more money, so I stuck with that for a very long time. I changed my

mind when I was in the ninth grade. I decided I wanted to be a Spanish Teacher. I loved my high

school Spanish Teacher he made it fun and so easy to learn. He used special techniques and it

stuck with me. I still want to teach Spanish, but it is just not as easy now trying to learn without

him. I still have the love for younger kids that I have always had. So, I changed my major to EC

thru sixth grade.

In my classroom, I will make it very welcoming and have it decorated with various

cultures around the room. I want everyone to feel safe in my classroom and not feel left out in

any way at all. I will always keep it enthusiastic and have a positive energy. I feel that when

there is always a positive environment, my students will engage more and learn better because

the stress of this is too hard, or I cannot do this will not be there. I will have lots of physical

activities in my lessons plans, they do not get bord and lose interest as fast, sitting at a desk

trying to stay focused on the teacher was never my strong point. I will have coloring projects and

cutting and gluing in the lesson plan too, with lots of group projects. Independent work is good,

but I feel to get my students involved and friendly with one another, group projects are the best

way to do that.

In my classroom I will always follow the guidelines given to me by my School and the

State. I will also make sure I have a personal relationship with my students I want them to feel

that they can come to me about anything. Whether it is another student bothering them or

something at home. I want them to know I am here to help them learn as their teacher and friend.

They will respect me as their teacher and have the friend relationship as well. I want the very

best for my students.

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