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Navya Krishna

IR II / English 12 AP
Objectives and Journal

● Secure advisor for this year (already somewhat started)

● Give a presentation on annotations to IR I

● Create timeline for paper edits

● Establish approximate date to start presenting research


School has started, which really sucks. I was more productive with my college

applications than I thought I would be, which is really great. I also told myself in May and June

that I would work on my research paper, but that didn’t really happen as much. I did have

face-to-face contact with the person helping me with my paper, and we briefly discussed my

paper. She said that she would be willing to help me for as long as I need it, which is absolutely

amazing. She also gave me a copy of the journal that she put together. She is a chief editor at a

medical journal, so even though she is not an expert on my topic, she is an incredible resource

for this point in my research. As soon as I get back into the rhythm of being in school, my work

on my paper should also become pretty steady. Senior year is just a lot of work, but hopefully it

will all be worth it once I get my college acceptance letters (fingers crossed).

I chose to take IR again this year because I had a lot of fun last year. I really love my

topic and want to see it through until I feel like I can put it down and walk away. I also really

liked the dynamic of my IR class last year, which I attribute mainly to the way that this class is
structured. I think that of all of my classes, this is the most collaborative, and I have had the most

growth. The skills that I learned in IR last year have been incredibly valuable, so I thought that I

only have something to gain from doing IR II. I can’t wait to finally be finished with my paper!

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