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What types of information should you include in

your introduction? 
In the introduction of your thesis, you’ll be trying to do three main things, which are
called Moves:
 Move 1 establish your territory (say what the topic is about)
 Move 2 establish a niche (show why there needs to be further research on your topic)
 Move 3 introduce the current research (make hypotheses; state the research questions)
Each Move has a number of stages. Depending on what you need to say in your introduction, you might
use one or more stages. Table 1 provides you with a list of the most commonly occurring stages of
introductions in Honours theses (colour-coded to show the Moves). You will also find examples of
Introductions, divided into stages with sample sentence extracts. Once you’ve looked at Examples 1 and
2, try the exercise that follows.
Most thesis introductions include SOME (but not all) of the stages listed below. There are variations
between different Schools and between different theses, depending on the purpose of the thesis.

Stages in a thesis introduction

1. state the general topic and give some background
2. provide a review of the literature related to the topic
3. define the terms and scope of the topic
4. outline the current situation
5. evaluate the current situation (advantages/ disadvantages) and identify the gap
6. identify the importance of the proposed research
7. state the research problem/ questions
8. state the research aims and/or research objectives
9. state the hypotheses
10. outline the order of information in the thesis
11. outline the methodology

Review of Related Literature

A review of related literature is the process of collecting, selecting, and reading books, journals, reports,
abstracts, and other reference materials. The following information may be collected:

1. Background information about the problem and related concepts.

2. Theories that explain the existence of the problem and the possible connection between certain
factors and the problem

3. Data that confirms the existence and seriousness of the problem

4. General and specific findings of studies related to the problem

5. Recommendations for further study given in related studies

Why Review Literature?

A review of related literature is a must in research. The following are some of the obvious reasons;

1. It helps the researcher identify and define a research problem

2. It helps justify the need for studying a problem.

3. It prevents unnecessary duplication of a study

4. It can be a source of a theoretical basis for the study

5. It enables the researcher to learn how to conceptualize a research problem and properly identify and
operationally define study variables

6. It helps formulate and refine research instruments

7. It provides lesson for data analysis and interpretation.

When to Start Reviewing Related Literature?

While the research problem is still being conceptualized, the researcher must already start reviewing
literature. In identifying and defining the research problem, the researcher must be able to show
evidences that the problem really exists and is worth investigating.

It is important that the researcher knows what is already known about the problem or what earlier
researchers have found about it and what questions still need to be answered before the research
questions or objectives are finalized.

Theories which the researchers use to explain the existence of a research problem and used as bases in
analyzing relationships between variables can be generated from reference books on theories or from
related studies. The researcher therefore, must have already read adequate literature at the start of the
research activity.

What Materials to Review?

General References

Examples are indexes, reviews and abstracts

Primary Sources

Examples are researches found on published journals.

Secondary Sources

Publications where authors cite the works of others. Examples are books, encyclopedias. Secondary
sources are good references for overview of the problem.

Steps In Literature Review

Review the precise definition of the research problem. Note the key variables specified in the study
objectives and hypothesis.

Formulate “search terms” (key words or phrases)

Problem: Adolescents’ Perceptions on the Effect of Punishment on Self-Esteem

and Academic Performance”

Search term: “punishment and learning”, “self-esteem and performance”

Using indexes of general references, serach for relevant primary and secondary sources guided by the
search terms.

List in a note of index card the bibliographical data of the pertinent information selected as follows:

a. author

b. title

c. name of publication

d. date of publication (include place and date)

e. pages of the article

Read the selected reading materials, take note and summarize key points. Prepare a note card for easy
retrieval and classification. In taking note, be as brief as possible but include all relevant information
which you can use in your full review, such as : the problem, the objectives, and hypotheses, the major
findings, and conclusions.

This device is an Automated Vacuum that has an installed SMS Module that will notify us if the device
has finished its task and when the battery life gets low it will automatically proceed to its charging dock
and also this device has a camera installed for monitoring purposes.

Dock is for charging, providing access to a power supply and to peripheral devices or auxiliary features.

The camera installed in our device can capture footage and then broadcast it to either a private
network of monitors for real-time viewing, or to a video recorder for later reference.

The Automated Vacuum has intelligent programming and a limited vacuum cleaning system.

We believe that our device can make our daily lives easy and also for our security in our home, we
donot need to worry because it will clean the floor and monitor the designated area at the same time.

Using SMS Module we propose a system that allows for automatic cleaning, and send you a SMS alert.
The system consists of integrated SMS Module transmitter in Vacuum Cleaner. When the Vacuum
Cleaner completes the task it will use the SMS Module. Once this happen, the SMS Module read the
transmitter id and sends an SMS to the house owner.

The device has an android based application that can be accessed through a smart phone to monitor a
specific area and also it can control the the device.

The disadvantage of this device is the vacuum cleaner cannot be use without the smart phone and you
have manually check the vacuum cleaner bag when it is full dirt.

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