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Chapter 2 Research To Do List (TDL)

(With some creative license, original can be found at

The information covered in chapter two is part of the foundation of knowledge for the rest of the
semester. Research is key in developing a critical set of skills to study society. You are all members
of society and are able to make general observations, but is that enough? Not if you want to be
successful in today’s information driven society.
As you continue to read Outliers, think about the ways in which Malcolm Gladwell uses information to
make his points. Is it just opinion or is he trying to use patterns of observations to come up with his
Research uses a methodology to find patterns and insights on the workings of society that can help
us evaluate information more accurately. You will learn why common sense, in fact does not make a
lot of sense and why it is important to use different sources of information to formulate
conclusions. What you learn in this chapter will be very important as you begin to familiarize yourself
with studies in sociology. Make sure that as you review the chapter you also read about the
importance of statistics and some of the basic ways in which statistics are used.
Readings for the Week:
The Real World
Chapter 2
Outliers: Chapters 1 and 2
Make sure to explore the links found in the course content.

Participation “Outliers” Due: December 21.

Quiz 4 Due: December 21.
Always be aware of the time limits that are found on the quizzes, it displays the beginning and ending
dates of availability.

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