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Date Quantity Sold Total Sales Flag

7/17/2019 172 8,600.00 Assuming you are finalizing the

revenue amount for 2019.
1/3/2020 144 7,200.00 Your extracted data contains
1/8/2019 405 20,250.00 2020 transactions.
10/6/2019 337 16,850.00
1/31/2019 301 15,050.00 1. Create a new column which
10/8/2019 152 7,600.00 flags "Included" if transaction is
5/7/2019 136 6,800.00 relating to 2019 and "Not
Included" if it relates to 2020
9/26/2019 223 11,150.00 without using sort and filter.
4/18/2019 198 9,900.00
11/22/2019 491 24,550.00
5/11/2019 413 20,650.00
4/14/2019 210 10,500.00
1/4/2019 178 8,900.00
2/23/2019 498 24,900.00
1/18/2019 489 24,450.00
2/4/2020 250 12,500.00
7/20/2019 103 5,150.00
10/1/2019 176 8,800.00
3/1/2019 208 10,400.00
2/12/2019 471 23,550.00
1/23/2019 104 5,200.00
1/15/2019 122 6,100.00
2/8/2019 126 6,300.00
2/25/2019 351 17,550.00
1/14/2019 129 6,450.00
6/12/2019 485 24,250.00
3/22/2019 393 19,650.00
12/22/2019 186 9,300.00
1/11/2019 159 7,950.00
4/16/2019 350 17,500.00
1/21/2020 406 20,300.00
6/8/2019 331 16,550.00
10/20/2019 221 11,050.00
1/30/2019 278 13,900.00
8/2/2019 116 5,800.00
10/6/2019 131 6,550.00
7/4/2019 387 19,350.00
7/18/2019 410 20,500.00
6/1/2019 466 23,300.00
6/8/2019 120 6,000.00
5/28/2019 383 19,150.00
3/27/2019 178 8,900.00
11/19/2019 316 15,800.00
11/3/2019 103 5,150.00
11/21/2019 257 12,850.00
8/4/2019 303 15,150.00
10/16/2019 130 6,500.00
7/28/2019 310 15,500.00
3/4/2019 375 18,750.00
1/19/2020 396 19,800.00
5/7/2019 410 20,500.00
2/11/2019 112 5,600.00
3/31/2019 171 8,550.00
7/17/2019 265 13,250.00
10/3/2019 454 22,700.00
1/12/2020 478 23,900.00
8/21/2019 446 22,300.00
5/31/2019 322 16,100.00
1/13/2019 253 12,650.00
3/17/2019 361 18,050.00
3/26/2019 119 5,950.00
1/10/2020 122 6,100.00
8/19/2019 284 14,200.00
5/12/2019 220 11,000.00
7/31/2019 467 23,350.00
2/4/2020 227 11,350.00
2/9/2019 413 20,650.00
10/12/2019 214 10,700.00
11/22/2019 377 18,850.00
1/9/2020 166 8,300.00
11/13/2019 188 9,400.00
9/13/2019 122 6,100.00
3/17/2019 123 6,150.00
2/28/2019 237 11,850.00
1/31/2020 299 14,950.00
1/12/2020 142 7,100.00
3/6/2019 181 9,050.00
3/3/2019 207 10,350.00
1/22/2020 405 20,250.00
12/2/2019 286 14,300.00
10/6/2019 192 9,600.00
9/20/2019 167 8,350.00
10/4/2019 134 6,700.00
2/2/2019 419 20,950.00
1/13/2019 236 11,800.00
12/14/2019 400 20,000.00
1/19/2019 477 23,850.00
1/18/2020 139 6,950.00
11/29/2019 242 12,100.00
6/25/2019 373 18,650.00
7/10/2019 466 23,300.00
12/5/2019 110 5,500.00
8/6/2019 367 18,350.00
2/18/2019 421 21,050.00
5/12/2019 380 19,000.00
you are finalizing the
mount for 2019.
cted data contains

new column which

uded" if transaction is
2019 and "Not
f it relates to 2020
ing sort and filter.
Required: 1. Identify the year of each transaction (2017 - 2020)
2. All transactions prior to 2019 should be tagged as "Archived".
3. 2019 to 2020 data should be tagged as "Current"

Date Quantity Sold Total Sales Year Archive Tag

2/8/2019 172 8,600.00
10/18/2018 144 7,200.00
5/26/2017 405 20,250.00
10/31/2017 337 16,850.00
3/1/2018 301 15,050.00
5/18/2017 152 7,600.00
2/28/2017 136 6,800.00
1/5/2019 223 11,150.00
4/7/2017 198 9,900.00
9/18/2019 491 24,550.00
4/14/2019 413 20,650.00
8/1/2019 210 10,500.00
10/17/2017 178 8,900.00
10/19/2017 498 24,900.00
11/21/2019 489 24,450.00
7/11/2019 250 12,500.00
1/3/2020 103 5,150.00
8/19/2018 176 8,800.00
11/9/2017 208 10,400.00
6/28/2019 471 23,550.00
3/31/2017 104 5,200.00
7/26/2018 122 6,100.00
8/27/2018 126 6,300.00
8/14/2019 351 17,550.00
11/30/2019 129 6,450.00
8/4/2019 485 24,250.00
11/24/2019 393 19,650.00
8/4/2017 186 9,300.00
7/30/2018 159 7,950.00
3/26/2019 350 17,500.00
9/4/2019 406 20,300.00
9/24/2018 331 16,550.00
1/7/2018 221 11,050.00
8/21/2017 278 13,900.00
7/5/2018 116 5,800.00
12/7/2018 131 6,550.00
5/6/2019 387 19,350.00
5/26/2019 410 20,500.00
4/29/2019 466 23,300.00
9/14/2017 120 6,000.00
5/18/2019 383 19,150.00
9/8/2018 178 8,900.00
1/28/2017 316 15,800.00
2/12/2017 103 5,150.00
3/8/2017 257 12,850.00
11/24/2018 303 15,150.00
3/16/2018 130 6,500.00
5/2/2018 310 15,500.00
1/18/2017 375 18,750.00
3/4/2019 396 19,800.00
1/31/2018 410 20,500.00
5/9/2017 112 5,600.00
8/30/2018 171 8,550.00
6/18/2019 265 13,250.00
6/10/2018 454 22,700.00
1/7/2020 478 23,900.00
10/15/2017 446 22,300.00
1/17/2019 322 16,100.00
11/8/2019 253 12,650.00
5/7/2018 361 18,050.00
10/25/2017 119 5,950.00
12/26/2018 122 6,100.00
4/3/2018 284 14,200.00
6/24/2019 220 11,000.00
1/1/2020 467 23,350.00
3/30/2017 227 11,350.00
5/20/2017 413 20,650.00
10/1/2019 214 10,700.00
4/8/2018 377 18,850.00
6/13/2017 166 8,300.00
9/6/2018 188 9,400.00
1/19/2017 122 6,100.00
9/25/2017 123 6,150.00
10/18/2019 237 11,850.00
11/6/2017 299 14,950.00
4/16/2017 142 7,100.00
1/20/2018 181 9,050.00
8/3/2017 207 10,350.00
3/7/2017 405 20,250.00
7/3/2018 286 14,300.00
9/2/2017 192 9,600.00
9/25/2019 167 8,350.00
9/25/2019 134 6,700.00
1/1/2017 419 20,950.00
11/15/2017 236 11,800.00
2/6/2018 400 20,000.00
2/21/2017 477 23,850.00
8/11/2019 139 6,950.00
7/25/2017 242 12,100.00
5/10/2018 373 18,650.00
11/16/2018 466 23,300.00
11/16/2019 110 5,500.00
7/16/2019 367 18,350.00
12/4/2018 421 21,050.00
4/11/2019 380 19,000.00
Accounts Receivable Aging 12/31/2019

Allowance for
Invoice Date Invoice Number Customer Name Age Action Needed
Doubtful Accounts
7/9/2019 509 All Day Cavite
8/7/2019 1693 All Day Cavite
8/21/2019 893 All Day Cavite
8/30/2019 258 All Day Cavite
9/4/2019 666 All Day Cavite
11/6/2019 1681 All Day Cavite
12/22/2019 558 All Day Cavite
7/28/2019 1795 Elsa's Grocery
9/7/2019 774 Elsa's Grocery
9/16/2019 1015 Elsa's Grocery
11/21/2019 939 Elsa's Grocery
12/12/2019 714 Elsa's Grocery
12/21/2019 9 Elsa's Grocery
8/7/2019 1076 Family Mart
9/13/2019 1355 Family Mart
11/13/2019 104 Family Mart
12/26/2019 411 Family Mart
7/7/2019 173 La Suerte Mega
8/8/2019 308 La Suerte Mega
9/16/2019 1031 La Suerte Mega
10/11/2019 1673 La Suerte Mega
12/31/2019 486 La Suerte Mega
7/4/2019 1882 Waltermart Laguna
7/11/2019 192 Waltermart Laguna
7/12/2019 543 Waltermart Laguna
7/16/2019 665 Waltermart Laguna
10/18/2019 1514 Waltermart Laguna
11/4/2019 1410 Waltermart Laguna
11/19/2019 1827 Waltermart Laguna
12/8/2019 755 Waltermart Laguna
The basis for calculation of
Allowance for Doubtful
Accounts at year-end is 10%
of all accounts receivable
aged more than 100 days.

If A/R is aged 100 days, tag

them as "For Allowance". If
not, "No Action Needed".

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