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YOGA NIDRA: Whether you are new to the practice or a seasoned yogi/yogini these 10
THE PSYCHIC SLEEP simple guidelines have a little something for everyone…

Set The Space.

1 Choose a place to practice Yoga Nidra that is quiet, and free from
distractions. Close any doors and windows to prevent drafts and turn
off all electronic devices and phones.

2 It is preferable to practice Yoga Nidra in an environment that is

semi-dark in order to remain in a relaxed state of awareness, yet
without falling asleep. Since darkness encourages melatonin to be
released in the brain, which signals the body to engage in sleep, we try
Love what you’re reading? and keep our environment in semi-darkness so that we are fully
Share it with your friends! relaxed, yet not prone to sleep. In this same way, it is preferable not
to wear eye pillows or eye masks, as these too, encourage us to fall

3 It is advisable to choose a location to practice Yoga Nidra that is not

on top of your bed or in your bedroom. The body develops habitual
patterns that get triggered when the same environmental factors are
present, and as the bed and bedroom represent sleep, we may choose
another location if we are trying to stay awake during the Yoga Nidra

Free Yoga Nidra MP3’s available on the Blooming Lotus Yoga website
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4 During Yoga Nidra, and many other meditation techniques, the
body temperature drops. Therefore, it is wise to wear suitable clothing
so that a drop in body temperature doesn’t become a distraction. Yet,
it is best not to have a blanket placed over top of your body as this
action re-enacts the routine practice of lying in bed under the covers
with the aim of falling asleep.

5 In the same way that our body temperature drops in Yoga Nidra,
our metabolic rate also drops and the release of digestive juices slows
down. Therefore, it is advisable to have finished digesting your food
before beginning your Yoga Nidra practice.

Yoga Nidra is excellent on your yoga mat…just make

sure to have a small cushion under your head.
6 You may wish to choose a soft, comfortable surface on which to lay
on during your Yoga Nidra practice, as a number of practitioners
experience such a deep let go during the practice, that the bones of
their skull and pelvis weight so heavily towards the floor that they will
experience pain if they aren’t properly supported by cushioning.

The Practice.
7 We can apply Yoga Nidra in multiple ways. If we are wishing to
train in cultivating awareness, then we will do our best to stay awake
and alert in the Yoga Nidra practice. If we are using Yoga Nidra to fall
asleep, then we can play Yoga Nidra through an audio device, and
allow ourselves to relax into sleep. When using Yoga Nidra to heal the
Try to practice in a space where it is not too dark or too
bright. body, balance the emotions and mind, release habitual patterns, or
manifest goodness and spiritual awakening in our lives, then we can
both try and remain awake in the Yoga Nidra practice, or we can allow
ourselves to drift asleep- both conditions will give results, with the
former being more powerful.

8 If you fall asleep during the Yoga Nidra practice and wake up after
the practice has ended, it is important that you wake up slowly and
gradually so that you don’t jar the body or mind in any way. Some
people can develop headaches from waking up too quickly from sleep.
Yoga Nidra is an excellent way to close yoga asana
You can also keep your eyes closed when you’ve woken up, and repeat
sessions…if you have the time, try yoga nidra instead of
silent shavanasa
your Sankalpa or intention that you may have made at the beginning
of the practice of Yoga Nidra in order to reinforce your intention, and
then you can begin to gradually wake up and open your eyes.

Free Yoga Nidra MP3’s available on the Blooming Lotus Yoga website

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9 SANKALPA: The wording for your “sankalpa” or intention should be very precise and clear, otherwise it
may be difficult to penetrate into the subconscious and/or unconscious.

*if you are unfamiliar with what a “sankalpa” is, then you can read this great article

10 It is advised to stick to one “sankalpa” or intention and continually use it while practicing yoga nidra, until
your sankalpa has fully manifested. It can take time to manifest your intention, depending on its nature and
the degree to which it takes to be either planted or uprooted in the subconscious/unconscious. The power of
manifestation also depends on your sincerity, trust, and deep felt yearning to manifest your sankalpa.


Lily Goncalves

Free Yoga Nidra MP3’s available on the Blooming Lotus Yoga website

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