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ELC mask  Mare Peeters, TA2B

Tutorial pictures and descriptions

Materials drawing eyes

Drawing face

Cut out eyes

Cut out face Drawing mouth and nose

Fit face drawing gear wheels

Colouring everything stick pensels on

the back

Draw the light bulb stick the light bulb

Bulb on top and

It’s finished

Colouring the light bulb

Cut out the light bulb

Prep mask document

1. What will is the purpose of your mask? (Check Give powers

out pp; sheet 3)
2. Explain your purpose. (e.g. If it is used to ‘hide’ If you have a group who can never agree
then explain why hiding is necessary and what you than you need a decision mask. when you
hope to accomplish by hiding) +/- 100 words. set up the mask you can make the decision
and nobody else. So, when you are in a
discussion and you don’t know what to do,
you can take the mask and decide for
everyone. This is necessary because
otherwise you can discuss very long, maybe
an hour, and you lose very much time. But
when you have the mask it is over in a few
seconds. Every time someone else gets the
mask, so everyone could decide something
and you have never a conflict again.
3. Where did you get your inspiration from? Please I didn’t get my inspiration from a picture. I
post a picture and explain. got my inspiration from the pp. by purpose
of the mask there was standing ‘’give
powers’’ and then I thought by myself how
can something give you powers. I am very
bad at making decisions by myself, so there I
got the inspiration from for the decision
4. What features of the face will be exaggerated I think big, round eyes because it’s a little bit
and why? +/- 100 words for excitement. Also, a great mouth, which
should stand for happiness.
5. What emotions will you try to convey? (=show) I want to try to show excitement and
E.g. happiness
6. What materials will you be using? Paper, colour pencils, scissor, black marker,
tape, pencil and an eraser
7. What elements should I add to symbolise and A light bulb, which stands for ideas. Also,
communicate the purpose and role of your gear wheels inside the head, because it’s
character? (E.g. Think about the meaning of colour; stands for thinking and you need to think to
shapes, symbols that you might use.) make a decision. I think the colours would
be kind of yellow for the bulb and normal
face colours.

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