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How Do Sigils Work?

Sigils are essentially like little seeds that are planted within the unconscious mind.

Many things enter the depths of our minds, but not all of them are placed there intentionally or take
root. What gives sigils their power is the energy and intention behind them – and that is what helps
them to sprout and blossom into manifestation. The symbolic nature of the sigil also helps bypass the
rational (skeptical) mind and enter the unconscious where possibilities are endless.

As the language of the deep mind is symbolic, sigils basically ‘speak’ to your unconscious. How cool is

What you will need:

 Pen
 Paper

0. Check your motivations

In other words, do you really need to create a sigil? Be careful of

going sigil-crazy and forming elaborate symbols to attract a new
computer (when you can just get it repaired) or better friendships
(when you can stop being a dick to your current friends).

Sigils are not a replacement for action. Yes, sigils can help you
manifest just about anything – but you also have to put in the work.
Don’t be lazy. Sigils will create inner changes, but you need to be
responsible for making outer changes first.

If you need a more objective way to assess your motivations, I

recommend using oracle and tarot cards. There are all kinds of cards
out there ranging from religious, to new age, to secular – so you don’t
need to be donning a velvet turban to enjoy their benefits. Tarot and
oracle cards are wonderful tools to help you self-reflect and look at
different angles.
1. Write down your intention

Avoid being too vague or too complex. Be specific. A good example of

a clear and specific intention is, “More confidence around my boss.”

Poor examples of this same intention might include, “More confidence”

and “More confidence around my boss next week at the business
meeting at 2 pm.” One of these intentions is too vague (sigils work
best when you are specific), and the other is too complex.

You can phrase your intention in any way that speaks to you.
Examples might include:

 I am …
 I need …
 I want …
 I wish …
 I desire …
 More …

Or simply write the qualities you desire, such as “self-protection and

maturity around my parents” – I actually find this approach to be more
effective than beginning with the words mentioned in the bullet point
list above.

I personally discard of phrasing such as “I would really like more of …”

as the sigils become very hard to create. Try to simplify your intention
as much as possible.

Also, ensure that you create one sigil for every intention. Don’t cram
numerous desires into one sigil. For example, don’t create a sigil for
the statement, “I desire to have a big family full of seven kids in a
mansion by the ocean.” Create one sigil for each of those intentions.

You’ll also need to be realistic and use your common

sense. Don’t create a sigil for becoming a millionaire if you have no
intention of working hard or putting in the effort in physical reality.
Don’t create a sigil for becoming the CEO if you are nowhere near
qualified. Similarly, don’t bother creating a sigil for that which is most
likely going to happen. Pick something that has a 50/50 chance of

Finally, (I promise this is about as complex as it gets), keep your

intention phrased positively as that is much easier for the unconscious
mind to understand. For example, instead of writing, “I will not feel
scared and anxious around others,” phrase your intention positively
such as, “I feel calm and empowered around others.”

2. Cross out letters

Once you have a sentence that captures your intention, it’s time to
cross out all vowels and repeating letters.

For example, if your statement of intent was, “ I am safe and secure in

my own skin,” you would then go and cross out all of the vowels:
Then go and cross out any repeating letters – you will then have the
remaining letters msfndcrywk:
3. Create a symbol
After simplifying your sentence, you will then take the remaining letters
and create a symbol:
Don’t worry if you can’t create an elegant looking symbol at first. Keep
playing around until you find something you like. You don’t need to be
an artist and your symbol doesn’t even need to look like a sigil – just
create something that speaks to you. If you like it, you’ve done your

Rearrange the letters in any conventional or unconventional way you

like. For example, you can choose to turn some letters upside down,
enlarge other letters, minimize the rest, or merge two letters together.
Have fun and enjoy the process!

Once you are done, take a moment to congratulate yourself. You have
now created your first sigil!

How to Activate a Sigil

Activating a sigil involves infusing it with energy and propelling it into

your unconscious mind. There are many ways to complete this final
stage of sigil magic.

Some people prefer to enter an altered state of consciousness

through dancing, chanting, meditation, sex, sensory
deprivation/overwhelm, visualization, etc.

Other people like physically and symbolically destroying their sigils –

such as through burning, burying, tearing or dropping them into water.

For a truly dynamic way of activating your sigil, try combining both

Here is a simple method that anyone can use:

What you’ll need:

 Fire-proof pot, bowl or cauldron

 Matches/lighter
 Your sigil paper

Step 1 – Find a quiet place

Ensure you’re undisturbed as you’ll need to focus. You don’t need a

fancy setup if you don’t have one. Otherwise, try sitting in your sacred
space/altar (if you have one in your home).

Step 2 – Close your eyes

Ground yourself by focusing on your breath. Practice a bit of mindful

meditation by observing your breath going in and out. When you are
ready …

Step 3 – Pick up your sigil

Stare at your sigil for a few minutes. You may like to hold the sigil
close to your face or put it far away. Either way, gaze at your sigil until
your vision gains a dreamlike quality. (If not, just gaze at it for a couple
of minutes and reflect on its significance.)

Step 4 – Burn your sigil and visualize

When you’re reading, bring out your matches/lighter, hold your sigil
paper over your fire-proof dish, and light it on fire. When the paper
catches fire, wait for a few seconds, then drop it into the dish.
Alternatively, scrunch up your sigil into a ball, place it in your fire-proof
container, then light it (this is a safer option as you’re less likely to get

As you watch your sigil burn, imagine that the flames are burning
inside of your mind as well and creating an opening to your
unconscious mind. Allow your mind to become completely empty as
you become consumed in watching your sigil burn.
Once your sigil has turned to ash, imagine the opening within your
mind closing and returning back to normal.

Step 5 – Forget and release

Now the bulk of the work has been done. What happens next is out of
your hands. But the core thing to remember is to forget and release.
Don’t dwell on your sigil. Don’t obsess over it. Don’t attach to it. Let
the Universal Will take over and do its thing. The more you think about
it, the more you’re involving your conscious mind. This is the
equivalent of burying a seed in the ground but then digging it up every
day to make sure it’s growing. Leave it alone!

And that’s it.

Close your ritual space and carry on with your other daily business.

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