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Importance of Dogme approach:

According to Luck Meddings and Scott Thornbury, the founders of the Dogme approach,
teachers often complained about the load of materials they had to use every day in their sessions.
Dogme provided a great opportunity for teachers to get rid of the material stuff they had to use in
their classes. According to Thornburry, Dogme offered teachers some great ways to get the
students to engage, work on the four skills, and also spending less time preparing the lesson plan
as a casual Dogme class does not necessarily require the teacher a lot of preparation [ CITATION
Tho09 \l 1033 ].

Engagement in Speaking:
Many teachers complain from the fact that it is difficult to engage students in speaking
activities; some said that it happens due to shyness, or that the students do not feel motivated to
participate due to the lack of interest in the tasks that are tackled in the classroom [ CITATION
Elk19 \l 1033 ].

Juzwik, Borsheim-Black, Caughlan, and Heintz (2014) believe that the speaking tasks in
the classroom should be learner-centred and not dominated by the teacher despite the fact that it
is needed to organize the class, therefore when the teacher dominates the talk, students finds less
time to talk, and as a result they lose the motivation to engage and interact with the teacher.

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