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The Role of the Dogme Approach in the

Enhancement of the Students’

Engagement in the Speaking Session
(The Case of Second-year at ENSL)
Chapter One: Review of Literature:
Section One: Engagement in the Speaking
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Definition of the Speaking Skill
1.3 Types of Speaking
1.3.1 Imitative Type
1.3.2 Intensive Type
1.3.3 Responsive Type
1.3.4 Interactive Type
1.3.5 Extensive Type
1.4 Definition of Engagement
1.4.1 Engagement in the Speaking Session
1.5 Types of Engagement
1.5.1 Behavioral Engagement
1.5.2 Emotional Engagement
1.5.3 Cognitive Engagement
1.6 Measures of Engagement
1.6.1 Behavioral engagement measurement
1.6.2 Emotional engagement measurement
1.6.3 Cognitive engagement measurement
1.7 Precursors of Engagement
1.8 Outcomes of Engagement
1.9 Importance of Engagement
1.11 Conclusion

Section Two: The Dogme Approach

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Overview of the Dogme Approach
1.3 History and Foundation
1.3.1 Definition of the Dogme Approach
1.3.2 Definition of Teaching Unplugged
1.4 Principles of the Dogme Approach
1.4.1 Conversation Driven
1.4.2 Emergent Language
1.4.3 Material Light
1.5 The Dogme Approach and other Educational theories
1.5.1 Task Based-Language Teaching
1.5.2 Communicative Language Teaching
1.5.3 Paulo Freire’s Theory
1.5.4 The Socio-cultural Theory
1.6 The Dogme Approach Classroom
1.6.1 The Role of the Teacher
1.7 Dogme Approach Strategies
1.7.1 Dogme Approach Activities
1.7.2 Error Correction
1.8 The Importance of the Dogme Approach
1.9 Disadvantages and Criticism Directed to the Dogme
1.10 Conclusion

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