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PLAYING TEST – due April 17th in class or sent to Ms.

Mallon by 6:00 pm

For our playing test, you will record the Concert Eb major scale found in the back of the book
(Essential Elements for Band: Book 1) and #77 Sakura, Sakura (Essential Elements for Band:
Book 1) on page 16. Percussionists will submit a recording on mallet percussion.

Your video must have these elements to receive full points in the Tone Production and/or
Instrument Carriage sections of the rubric:
 Your scale and song must be recorded in one take.
 Your video must display your posture and entire instrument.

After submitting your video, you will write a short reflective paragraph on your playing. Write
two sentences on things you did well (using 2 music terms found in the glossary) and one
sentence on something you can improve on (using 1 music term found in the glossary). These
terms must make sense to the context.

Example (Good Context):

I followed the key signature the entire song using all three flats.
Example (Bad Context):
I followed the key signature the entire song using double barline.

You will be graded using the rubric found on the next page.
0 Points 1 Points 3 Points 5 Points
Tone Student does Student displays Student displays Student created
Production not submit a poor tone by not limited knowledge a characteristic
video. using any of characteristic tone tone that
(Posture, components of a but could use work utilized all
Breathing, quality tone. in 1-2 components. components of
and (Circled on the left) a quality tone.
Instrument Student does Student did not Student did not use Student used
Carriage not submit a use correct correct instrument correct
video. instrument carriage as taught in instrument
(correct carriage as taught class, but it did not carriage as
fingerings/ in class and affect the student’s taught in class.
stickings, how affected student’s ability to perform.
horn is held) ability to perform.
Application of Student does Student did not Student understands Students
Scale to Song not submit a apply either components but succeeded in
video and/or components to could use work in applying both
(Correct does not record scale and/or song. applying one of the components
notes, correct either scale or components in either from the scale
rhythms) song. the scale or song. to the song.
Reflection Student does Student submits a Student submits a Student
not submit a reflection but reflection with some submits a
reflection. does not use music terminology reflection with
music (less than 3 terms) at least 3 music
terminology OR student submits terms that is
found in the a reflection with appropriate to
glossary or does music terminology the context.
not meet the but is not
length appropriate in the
requirement. context.

TOTAL / 20 points

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