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Summary of Plan 9

Fizza Zain, Sikander Saleem, Maryam Shah, Salman Saleem

Plan 9 is a government funded initiative set up in Arfa Park technology center, a center
dedicated to information technology development and innovation in Pakistan. The incubation
lab deals with new ideas in the market. The process of being a part of plan 9 is as follows. An
individual conceives an idea, a business idea, the individual applies online and then the idea is
short listed to participate in the Launchpad competition and if you win it, you are selected to be
incubated for 6 months.

Plan9 is Pakistan's largest technology incubator; a project of the Punjab Information Technology
Board (PITB) that was launched in August 2012 to promote a new wave of technological
entrepreneurship in the country.

Plan9 provides early stage technology startups with a nurturing ecosystem to facilitate the
successful and sustainable development of their business ideas into commercially viable

Plan 9 provides you mentorship from notable personalities apt in the relevant field. They
provide you with networking opportunities to woo and look for investors to invest in their
business idea. They provide help for further development of the product.

The services available are a stipend, that is paid to group of maximum five to sustain basic
operations and personal life. The stipend is a good amount of money that is paid by the

Upon assessment Plan9 team helps them in developing business strategy according to their
business propositions including product development, bookkeeping, sales & marketing,
investments and legal assistance.

Plan 9 encourages E-learning. E-learning has come to dominate the strategic thinking of people
over the past decade in several countries and also has a high growth potential in Pakistan. It
helps students understand better and saves their time. Learning through animated videos
provides better understanding and strong concepts.

Mostly, the business ideas that come to Plan 9 revolve around information technology, for
example, a business idea that was being developed at plan 9 was an app for farmers who can
look for solutions for their agricultural problems, this app aims to revolutionize the farming
system here in Pakistan.

After almost 4.5 years Plan 9 has become way more than just an incubator. Plan 9 defines its
place in the country today, in its own words, as an eco-system for technological innovation and
entrepreneurship along the lines of the Silicon Valley, with impact all over Pakistan.

Plan9 has mentored 130+ technology startups. Some of them are listed below.

 Markhor
 Patari
 TransparentHands
 Carmudi

Plan 9 is a good initiative for students and individuals to develop in the IT sector. It sector is
becoming increasingly popular and important when it comes to development.

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