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Ethics, a branch of philosophy that addresses questions about

morality, have played an important part in our lives, especially when we are going
to make a decision. There exist quite a lot of ethical theories or models that exist in
order for us to guide us. The theory of moral rights that focuses on the respect and
production of each individual member of society and his or her fundamental rights.
One of the strength of moral rights is that it makes it accessible to protecting
fundamental rights, unless some great right takes precedence. However, there also
exist some criticisms of this theory for it doesn’t care about the benefits and costs
of getting respect for another’s right.
My personal ethics and values are very easy to understand. When I am to
make a decision, I will never only depend on intuition. I would ask myself the
following questions such as Is my decision legal or not? Does it comply with my
values? If I do it, will I feel bad? Could my decision at last benefit the society? Could
I tell my parents about my final decision? I am willing to sacrifice something for the
privilege of benefiting both me and the whole society. I will keep asking and
thinking seriously and critically until I get the answer.
This could be a lot process but I’m just assuring not to regret my decisions in
the end. I’m so happy that this semester we could have the chance to learn about
the values of ethics which could make us a better person. Ethical standards play an
important role in personal decision making process. People’s ethical standards are
invariably influenced and shaped by many factors therefore we knew to our self that
we are the one that will the decision so we better choose what is the best.

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