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1. General introduction.
2. Classification of maintenance works
3. Effectiveness & Efficiency of maintenance
4. Maintenance management plan
5. Establishment of maintenance budget plans
6. Life Cycle Costing
7. Implementing a maintenance program
8. Common defects in the Built Environment

1. Examination…………………60%
2. Practical assignment…………25%
3. Test…………………………..15%
Lecturer: Samuel Elong
*MSc. Const. Tech & Mgt, PgDip. TRA, BSc. LE (Honors).

“Be Kind, Humble and Happy”


Maintenance is defined as the work undertaken in order to keep, restore or improve every part of
a building, its services and surrounds to a currently accepted standard and to sustain the utility and
value of the building.

Maintenance may also be defined as a set of activities or procedures conducted to return or keep
an infrastructure system in its fully-functioning or operational condition or acceptable state.

It is the art of controlling the rate at which infrastructure deteriorate towards a state of
unserviceability and collapse.

It is the art of keeping infrastructure in a serviceable state in order to retain its designed functional

Repair. This is the mending of a facility or restoration of an infrastructure or equipment. Repair

is a subset of maintenance which may comprise different repairs to achieve the operational or
acceptable condition of a facility or infrastructure. Repair can therefore be considered as one of
the several types of maintenance.

Deterioration of a structure starts as soon as it is built, thus consideration of its maintenance should
be invoked long before that. In respect to this; the deterioration of infrastructure assets represents
an enormous drain on national wealth and causes serious undermining of the development process.

The financial consequences of neglecting maintenance are often seen in terms of reduced asset life
and premature replacement of building components. However neglecting maintenance also implies
increased costs of operating facilities and waste of related natural and financial resources.

The objective of maintenance is to ensure that throughout their required life span, structures and
structural elements are preserved in a satisfactory functional condition with a proper regard for
safety and economy .The objectives of building maintenance include:-
❖ to ensure that buildings and their associated services are in a safe condition;
❖ to ensure that buildings are fit for use;
❖ to ensure that the condition of the building meets all statutory requirements;

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❖ to carry out the maintenance work necessary to maintain the physical assets of the building
❖ to carry out the carry out the work necessary to maintain the quality of the building.

1.2 Resource Management during Maintenance

The resources of maintenance in the construction industry may be broadly grouped under the
following: - Man power, materials, machinery, money and methods of work.
The requirements of the above resources are determined initially by decisions made by the
designer, though their selection, control and implementation is in the hands of the contractor/sub-
contractor during the period on site when he has full responsibility for the production processes.
Manpower is the most difficult resource to manage as it is subject to human whims and attitudes
making its performance less predictable and its utilization more complex to programme. It has
been rightly assessed that successful management in maintenance constructions depends primarily
upon the handling the manpower and this may well occupy at least 80% of its time.

The management of labor on site is principally concerned with quantity, quality, motivation and
utilization within the planned framework and the levels of productivity attained will be reflected
in the management's ability to organize the work on site.

A manager must be able to assess the rate of output which he/she is to obtain from his/her labor
force in the light of its skills and the numbers available.

Management of labor on site is an essential preliminary at both the tendering stage and planning
of maintenance schedule. It may also indicate whether a contractor should even tender for a
particular project if he feels that he cannot reasonably expect to find manpower resources needed
to undertake the work.

Assessment of labor requirement by construction manager can be based on;

❖ past experience of managers,
❖ published labor 'constants' for particular operations or the indices which many contractor
have built up from data feedback from their own contacts.

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The dominant traders in as far as labor is concerned are block/brick layers, carpenters and laborers
as their work constitutes 75% of the labor content in most contracts and the rate of progress
depends upon the availability of the right number and quality of these tradesmen.

In determining the labor requirements, the estimate of the availability of the levels of skills required
as a shortfall will lead to a loss of productivity or lowering of quality standards or an increase in
the number of supervisory staff required. If the shortage is found to be in the trade skills, it will
result in an increase demand for experienced and qualified supervisors, also a scarce commodity.

If quality standards are to be assured and serious maintenance problems are to be a minimized, the
use of under skilled tradesmen should only be condoned under adequate supervision. If on the
other hand, the shortage is quantitative this will lead inevitably to a slower rate of completions of

Even for highly skilled and balanced labor, manpower management cannot function effectively
unless it is properly supplied with/materials thus the function of material selection, procurement
and utilization should be given full attention.
Selection of materials is made atleast in part by the designer who may have no idea of the likely
availability of certain items when they are fully required on site. A balance should be struck
between locally produced and imported products.

Where requisitioning is carried out by a central buying department, the calling forward of materials
should still remain in the hands of the site personnel. It is essential that site supervisors must have
a sense of responsibility for control of materials under their care on site and aspects which should
come under site management as listed below:-
❖ Checking. Recording deliveries is essential and should be checked against delivery order
to avoid any losses.
❖ Handling. Careful planning is usually possible to eliminate most of double handling of bulk
materials and heavy components
❖ Storage. Proper storage prevents deterioration and loss
❖ Wastage control. Level of material waste for certain materials can double the estimated
allowances and thus the need for good site control of materials.

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The various maintenance devices when aft offered make it necessary to determine the criteria for
decision. Then the suitable devices or group of devices .could be selected for the respective
For decision on which equipment to use, economical and organizational aspects have to be taken
into that can be described as follows:-
❖ cost of acquisition of the equipment
❖ extent of utilization of the equipment
❖ capacity of the equipment
❖ staff needed for the equipment
❖ maintenance service, repair susceptibility and sturdiness of the equipment

1.3 Importance of maintenance

The inadequacy of the operation and maintenance of infrastructure has serious consequences for
economic and social development. The ability to support productive public and private sector
economic activity is severely hampered by substandard service delivery and deteriorating
infrastructure caused by poor operations and maintenance.

Inefficient maintenance wastes scarce financial resources and results in costly premature
infrastructure replacement needs and even complete loss of assets, thereby increasing fiscal
expenditure and debt service in those countries with heavy reliance on imported materials and

Poor maintenance of the environment infrastructure (water and wastewater treatment plants, solid
waste disposal systems) can have negative impacts on the environment and public health and it
is often the urban poor and women who are the most adversely affected.

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This section below review the significance of maintenance especially to developing countries in
terms of economic, financial technical social, health and environmental terms.

1. Economic and financial significance.

Systems of infrastructure to satisfy the need for transport, water supply, sanitation, drainage, solid
waste management are indispensable to the day to day running of a country as well as overall
national development.

In most countries more than half of the gross domestic product is produced in urban areas and this
share is increasing. At the same time, the population growth in developing countries is highest in
urban areas, increasing labor supply and boosting the demand for urban services. Cities serve as
increasing important driving forces in regional and national economies but the cities' ability to
sustain efficient public and private sector activities is dependent upon well maintained
efficiently operated infrastructure systems and urban service delivery.
There are many significant economic and financial repercussions of inadequate maintenance
❖ Direct economic inefficiencies and financial losses due to poor maintenance. For example,
neglect of maintenance in drainage can lead to excessive costs as a result of floods as is often
experienced in Kampala city where failure to maintain storm water catchment drains
necessitates the allocation of resources for flood-relief operations.
❖ Deficiency in one maintenance sector often raises costs in another. For instance lack of
street sweeping or garbage collection can raise costs for road, sewer and drain maintenance
as accumulated materials interferes with proper! use or maintenance of facilities
❖ An aggravated balance of payments situation. Poor maintenance leads to waste of imported
materials, supplies, energy, parts and other commodities. For example losses in water supply
networks, waste imported chemical and in many cases imported energy supplies.
❖ Unnecessary investment in rehabilitation or new facilities. Infrastructure systems which are
not maintained will deteriorate faster, shortening their life, wasting scarce investment funds
and precluding effective cost recovery. Since many of these funds are from credits, this can
lead to worsened balance of payments. Inadequate maintenance of public
facilities/infrastructure often forces the private sector to invest directly in the provision of
services which is not always the best solution from the overall city development perspective.

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❖ Lost job creation. If effectively planned, the maintenance of infrastructure could be a basis
for promoting local contracting skills and also for generating employment opportunities.
There are many tasks of infrastructure maintenance within the competence of small local
contractors opening the way for them to gain experience and expand to large scale operations.
On average, infrastructure maintenance requires an annual labor input equivalent to 20% of
the total used in initial construction but where maintenance is poor, little advantage is taken
of this job creation potential.

2. Technical significance.
It is becoming increasingly evident that improvement of maintenance is crucial strategy. In fact, a
required technical input to infrastructure and urban service problems.

It should be noted mat maintenance expenditure could be relatively small if maintenance is earned
out effectively and efficiently. E.g. the routine maintenance of the road network sewer and
drainage systems could sometimes require an annual expenditure of less than 5% of the
replacement cost of the facility.

If maintenance in one sector is ignored, major technical problems can result in others. E.g. if roads
are not maintained, the ability of solid waste vehicles to collect garbage can be severely hampered.
This in turn can result in blocked drains and impaired flood protection works. With rains, local
flooding will develop and when combined with waste material, can lead to premature deterioration
of the road surface thus dosing the malicious cycle of infrastructure decay. It becomes clear that
maintenance is a technical imperative for all sectors of the urban environment.

In several developing countries, the construction sector operates with many deficiencies such as
low level of construction skills, non-adherence to basic quality practices and non-conformity of
construction materials to accepted standards so that often a facility is predetermined to fail by
virtue of pervasive incorrect design, construction or installation practices.

The effect of adequate infrastructure maintenance practices is in these cases significant as a

corrective measure to faulty design and construction.

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3. Social, health and environmental significance
Even though there is a general situation of unsatisfactory maintenance for infrastructure the
problem is most significant for low-income settlements. A lack of attention to maintenance of
urban infrastructure can lead to significant impacts on human health.

Increased prevalence of water-borne diseases and increasing mortality and morbidity-due to poor
maintenance of water supply and sanitation system A lack of upkeep will lead to high leakage
rates, low pressures, and service interruptions, promoting infiltration of raw sewage into water

Similarly, a lack of refuse storages along the streets, vacant lots, and abandoned private and public
land results in adjacent communities suffering from poor sanitary conditions and health problems.
Disposal sites are often situated on the urban fringes, where the poor are most likely to settle. Lack
of solid-waste collection can lead to clogged storm drains; creating short term localized flooding
which can distribute solid and liquid wastes thought the settled zones.

Urban malaria is still a significant problem, as the breeding of anopheles is made possible by the
water stagnating in urban neighborhood due lack of sanitation, solid waste collection and drainage.
The scarcity and contamination of water supplies and lack of sanitation and appropriate sewage
disposal make diarrheal diseases one of the most important heard problems in poor urban areas.

4. Negative impacts on the environment

The faulty maintenance of sewage treatment plants can lead to discharge of poorly treated
effluents, greatly degrading surface water quality. Aquatic life in lakes, rivers and streams can be
completely disrupted by oxygen depletion and high nutrient loadings from poorly or untreated
sewage. Shallow aquifers can easily be contaminated from pit latrines or solid waste dumps which
are not properly operated or maintained.
These polluted water bodies are often source for other cities and towns, or even a future source of
supply for the polluters themselves, resulting in poorer water quality, or higher treatment cost for
these citizen. Similarly, the inadequacy of drainage systems leads to irreversible process of soil
erosion and the degradation of land resources for urban uses.

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There are many types of maintenance depending on the intent, timing or frequency of the
maintenance activities. In maintaining a building, there are usually several strategic options
available to management and many alternative decisions to be considered. There is for example
the possibility of reducing the demand for maintenance by addressing the actual cause of failure
and identifying its consequences. For instance, it may be necessary to decide whether to repair or
replace an item and whether to carry out periodic maintenance at fixed intervals or simply to
respond to the requests of users.

1. Planned maintenance.
This is maintenance which is organized and carried out with forethought control and use of records
to a predetermined plan based on the results of previous condition surveys. Work in this case is
undertaken in accordance with a soundly based system of priorities each operation properly
planned and organized in advance with the necessary labor, plant and materials assembled ready
for use when required.

2. Condition-based maintenance - .
Condition-based maintenance is defined as maintenance carried out in response to a significant
deterioration as indicated by a change in monitored parameter of the unit condition or performance.
The condition-based maintenance concept recognizes that a change in condition and/or
performance of an item is the principal reason for carrying out maintenance. Thus the optimal time
to perform maintenance is determined from a condition survey used to determine the actual stare
of each constituent item in a building. In this strategy, the maintenance tasks are determined and
planned by efficiently monitoring the building's elements such as walls, floors, roof and service
equipment such as boilers, pumps, and heating system to identify which element or piece of
equipment requires maintenance before a major failure occurs.

3. Preventive maintenance
These refer to systematic pre-scheduled activities aimed at the early detection of defects and
implantation of actions to avoid breakdowns or infrastructure deterioration.

BS 3811 defines preventive maintenance as that which is carried out at pre-determined intervals
or to other prescribed criteria and intended to reduce the likelihood of an item not meeting an

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acceptable condition. It comprises the routine removal of features which could initiate trouble and
the rectification of incipient/emerging defects before they cause real harm.

Preventive maintenance is performed on a scheduled basis based on elapsed time, number of runs
or number of wafers processed. This strategy is referred to as time-based maintenance with tasks
performed in accordance with predetermined plan at regular, fixed intervals, which may be based
for example on operating time.

Preventive maintenance is pre-active in the sense that these activities are conducted before a defect
occurs. Often the costs of many preventative maintenance activities are low compared with
corrective maintenance or rehabilitation.

4. Corrective/curative/reactive maintenance
This refers to activities conducted as a result of breakdowns or noticeable infrastructure
deterioration and intended to restore an item to a state in which it can perform its required
functions. In simple terms it is making repairs or replacement of defective elements.

Corrective maintenance is inherently reactive in that it is carried out after some defect is discerned
often because the system is not operating as intended. In some area corrective maintenance is
known as curative maintenance. Corrective maintenance is sometimes referred as a failure-based
or unplanned maintenance which often take place in an adhoc manner in response to breakdowns
or user requests.

5. Routine maintenance
This refers to preventive and corrective maintenance activities carried out more often than once a
year. Some of these activities can be defined on the basis of operating hours and are funded from
the recurrent budget. Activities can be grouped into cyclic and reactive types.

Cyclic works are those undertaken where the maintenance standard indicates the frequency at
which activities should be undertaken. Examples are verge cutting and culvert cleaning both of
which are dependent on environmental effects rather than on traffic levels.

Note: Reactive works are those where intervention levels defined in the maintenance standard are
used to determine when maintenance is needed. An example is patching which is carried out in
response to the appearance of cracks or pot holes. ;

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6. Periodic maintenance
This refers to preventive maintenance activities carried out less often than once a year such as
every two or five years. These maintenance tasks are often programmed in predetermined plans or
schedules. Periodic works are expected at regular but relatively long intervals. As such they can
be budgeted for on regular basis and can be included in the current budget. However many
countries consider these activities as discrete/detached projects and fund them from the capital

7. Rehabilitation

This refers to activities carried out to correct major defects in order to restore a facility to its
intended operational status and capacity, without significantly expanding it beyond its originally
planned or designed function or extent.

Rehabilitation should be distinguished from construction which refers to the initial creation of the
infrastructure as well as from expansion or extension which refers to the increasing of the capacity
or geographical extent of a system of infrastructure. Rehabilitation activities are generally more
expensive than corrective maintenance activities.

“Be Kind, Humble and Happy”


Effectiveness reflects the attainment of service delivery or maintenance goals. The effectiveness
of service delivery or coverage can be measured according to the percentage of population served
such as highways, water or sewerage coverage.
The effectiveness of maintenance activities may also be expressed in terms of equipment or service
availability. Such as the percentage of operational road repair vehicles or operational garbage
trucks (availability).
The following steps are important for effective maintenance:-
1. Compile records of everything that is known about the infrastructure; its original construction
details, subsequent history, usage subjected to previous repairs and effectiveness, results of early
investigations, records of defects and their development
2. Examine regularly and thoroughly to a strictly disciplined routine and record details as much as
3.1nvestigate any significant deterioration, monitor signs of distress, sample and test
4. Analyze the results of these investigations, in combination with the history from (1) and the
record of progressive deterioration from (2)
5. Consider the various possible options in light of the defined maintenance policy and available
6. Plan, assemble the necessary resources and implement that decision exercising careful control
and supervision over the quality of materials, workmanship and finished appearance

7. Record what has been done and what cost, remedial measures previously undertaken

8. Monitor and record the effectiveness of what has been done

9. Give feedback on any relevant information to designers, maintenance managers

Efficiency is taken to mean the amount of input resources (usually in monetary terms) per unit of
service delivered. Appropriate examples include cost per ton of garbage collected, the cost per
cubic meters of water produced or delivered. Efficiency can be very useful for monitoring trends
in a service area, comparing different service approaches and establishing targets and standards
for maintenance and service delivery.

“Be Kind, Humble and Happy”

Care should be taken in using efficiency measures to compare regions or cities as many factors
will greatly impact on efficiency. Efficiency will vary greatly depending on the level of service
provided, the effectiveness of the service, the scale and many other factors.

“Be Kind, Humble and Happy”

A good maintenance program is just as necessary as proper design and construction. Drainage
systems often become clogged with uncontrolled growth of vegetation and partiality fill with
sediment soon after installation.
The following are some of the major considerations in working out a plan for maintenance.
1. Past history of maintenance: knowledge of past maintenance efforts, or lack of them should be
available in the area. Maintenance methods which have been successful should be good guides in
developing maintenance plans for similar work.
2. Economics of maintenance. A maintenance program must be effective or it must be justified

Maintenance schedules
This involves making of task scheduling which serve as guide for implantation of maintenance
activities outlining which task should be done and when. This helps to monitor the effectiveness
and efficiency of the maintenance task schedules.

A program must also be expected to vary overtime because of the interdependence of work element
it is often not easy to make changes.

It is very important for managers of infrastructure which are very critical in terms of usage to
develop a method which can be used to determine when maintenance is required in order to save
funds for future maintenance requirements.
For successful maintenance management to take place, the organization must aim at the
❖ determine the activities and resource structure,
❖ develop and implement the organizational structure,
❖ create procedures for planning, finance, quality and contractor
❖ control the work and material
❖ provide support information
On other hand, the organization must be with the following as efforts inputs:-
❖ use the best maintenance practices
❖ develop and assist strategy
❖ structure the resources

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❖ establish the procedures for organizing the work:
❖ install systems of controlling die work
❖ install the necessary ICT systems

Once the activities are planned, programming and budgeting follows. This involves initial
estimates of resource requirements; the budget process and then careful programming to develop
say annual schedules. Consideration should also be given to developing multi-year maintenance
plans to allow evaluations of trade-offs between routine, periodic, rehabilitation and investment.

The maintenance programme will basically involve management of the available resource.
Estimates will have to be made of all expected resources.
❖ Maintenance programme worksheet This consists of material requirement for annual work
❖ Equipment worksheet. It consists of equipment requirements for the annual maintenance
❖ Maintenance cost worksheet. It comprises an overview of the maintenance budget.

Sources of background information for maintenance purposes:-

❖ Files, records and monuments of the organization
❖ Archives of local authorities
❖ Local libraries
❖ Local historical sites and museums
❖ Local geologist, records and societies

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In developing any successful maintenance strategy, it is important to be able to estimate the rate
of occurrence of maintenance events. Non parametric or semi-parametric approaches are used for
analysis. The effect of the maintenance strategy can be evaluated.

This budget involves summing up the resource requirements for all systems the agency has
jurisdiction for and comparing them with the funds available. In case the available funds are less
than the requirements, revision has to be made with regard to quality and quantity standard to
arrive at the final programme and budget.

The management of maintenance depends not only on such technical aspects as the nature, extent
and timing of works but equally critically upon the proper planning and control of the resources
especially finance. This normally revolves around annually allocated budget.

The following are important prior to establishing a maintenance budget plan:-

❖ Decisions have to be made regarding the relative claims of preventive and corrective work
and between various alternative repair and strengthening options.
❖ Prioritization of the assessment of the various items of work requiting attention should be
emphasized so as to deal with the most urgent ones.
❖ Estimates should be prepared and programme built up leading to a budget.
❖ A cost-benefit analysis should be made before allocation of the necessary finance to ensure
justification of the money resource.
❖ A conscious choice has to be made between die quality levels of work undertaken and the
costs incurred since lowering of quality may reduce immediate cost but is likely to increase
subsequent recurring cost.

Cost Control
Cost is one of the key performance indicators for projects. Involved in controlling costs are
processes centered around planning, estimating, budgeting, financing, funding and
managing costs so that the project can be completed within the approved budget.

One of the cost control system is the quantification of the significance of the different types and
degree of deterioration in a wider range of infrastructure and instituting a comprehensive and

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systematic examination of maintenance standards and cost, with the objective of establishing
criteria against which the cost effectiveness of different practices and strategies can be measured.

It is also essential for a maintenance manager to keep records of maintenance operations to enable
cost effectiveness to be assessed.

On the expiry of the budget year, an audit or review should be undertaken to determine whether
the maintenance efforts has been used efficiently.

The advantages of cost control systems

❖ Provides data and rational basis on which to make economic choices,
❖ Provides credible justification for the level of funds which should be allocated t each years’
maintenance budget to achieve the required standards of serviceability and safety.

Budgetary control
This is the establishment of the budgets relating to responsibilities of executives to the
requirements of a policy and the continuous comparison of actual with budgeted results either to
secure by individual action the objective of that policy or to provide a basis for its revision.

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6.1 Introduction

Maintenance of the built environment is an integral part of building assets management and key in
in this is determining the costs associated with the asset. The practice of paying attention to these
costs falls under the broad concept known as Terotechnology. It comes from the Greek word
TEIREO means "paying attention to, keeping an eye on or observing.

Terotechnology, also known as life cycle costing is a combination of management, financial,

engineering and other practices applied to the physical assets in pursuit of economic life cycle
costs. The goals of terotechnology are to reduce the different costs incurred at the various stages
of the asset’s life and to develop methods that will help extend the asset's life span. It uses tools
such as Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)
in an attempt to minimize the costs associated with the asset in the future.

Life cycle costing is a process concerned with optimizing value for money (Read about Value
Engineering, VE) in the ownership of assets by taking into account all the cost factors relating to
the asset during its operational life. It involves estimation of costs on a whole life basis before
making a choice to purchase an asset the various alternatives available. The practice is concerned
with the specification and design for reliability and maintainability of plant, machinery, equipment,
buildings and structures and takes into account their installation, commissioning, operation,
maintenance, modification and replacement, and with feedback of Information on design,
performance and costs.

The main objective of LCC is to choose the most cost effective approach from the alternatives so
as to achieve the lowest long-term cost of ownership. It encourages a long-term outlook to the
investment decision-making process rather than attempting to save money in the short term by
buying assets simply with lower initial acquisition cost. Life cycle costing is a technique which
comparative cost assessments to be made over a specific period of time, taking into account
relevant economic factors both in terms of initial capital costs and future operational costs.
In particular, it is an economic assessment considering all projected relevant cash flows over a
period of analysis expressed in monetary value.

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The LCC approach identifies all future costs and benefit and reduces them to their present value
by use of the discounting techniques through which the economic worth of a project or series of
project options can be assessed.

6.2 Objective of LCC

The objective of LCC is to choose the most cost effective approach from a sense of alternatives to
achieve the lowest long term cost of ownership. In the contemporary market, the lowest price does
not necessarily equal the lowest cost.
LCC is an economic model over the protect life span. Usually the cost of operation, maintenance,
and disposal costs exceed all other costs many times over (supporting costs are often 2-20times
greater) than the initial procurement cost.
As defined by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, there are four main benefits/objectives
of life cycle cost analysis.
❖ Effective evaluation of competing investment options,
❖ Improved awareness hence consideration of the impact of total costs rather than only the
initial capital cost,
❖ More accurate forecasting of cost profiles hence assist in the effective management of
completed buildings and projects.
❖ Performance trade off against cost, as it aims at making use of the lowest possible cost and
therefore is always carried out at the expense of performance criteria such as quality, level
of service be provided and durability.

Further benefits of Life Cycle Cost Planning

In addition to the four main benefits of life cycle costing as identified by RICS, it is also important
for the following reasons:
❖ It creates a sense of ownership and commitment towards property maintenance at an early
stage of development.
❖ It facilitates the reduction of costs. This is more so when the costly components are replaced
or substituted with more economic ones that are equally effective. As such, the owner is
able to determine the most relevant and economical building materials to use in

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❖ LCC enables the developer to know how much capital will be required in the development
e.g. whether to acquire a mortgage, which can serve as a benchmark in sourcing finance.

6.3 Life Cycle Costs

The LCC of an asset such as a building is the total cost of the asset or its parts throughout its life
including planning, design, acquisition and support costs, and any other costs directly attributable
to owning or using the asset.

It is the sum of all funds expended in support of the asset from its conception and fabrication
through its operation to the end of its useful life. It can, very often, be many times the initial
purchase price.

The life cycle cost of an asset is its total cost of ownership including its cost of acquisition,
operation, maintenance, conversion, and/or decommission. Life cycle costs are summations of cost
estimates from inception to disposal for assets as determined by an analytical study and estimate
of costs experienced in annual time increments during the- asset's life with consideration for the
time value of money.

6.3.1 Life Cycle Costs of a Building

Also termed costs in use, these are the costs incurred during the life cycle of a building. They are
the costs incurred from the time the idea of development is conceived up to the end of the life of
the building.

1. Initial Costs: Mainly incurred by the design team and are incurred at the start of the project
especially the planning phase. They are grouped into two, Non-Construction Costs and
Construction Costs

a) Non-Construction Costs
❖ Land Acquisition Costs
❖ Designing of the building
❖ Legal and professional fees
❖ Interest on funds borrowed/cost of money
b) Construction Costs
❖ Site Clearance

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❖ Debris Removal
❖ Cost of building materials
❖ Labor Costs

2. Running/Operation/Day to day Costs; also termed service charges collectively, they are the day
to day costs incurred while the .building is in use. They are the daily required costs to ensure the
building performs its function properly. They include:
❖ Lighting/electricity costs
❖ Water costs
❖ Sweeping and cleaning
❖ Lawn mowing
❖ Insurance
❖ Sewerage removal
❖ Rubbish disposal
❖ Facilities management
❖ Phone charges
❖ Property taxes and/or land/ground rent

3. Maintenance Costs and/or Replacement Costs; These are the costs to deal with depreciation of
the building fabric due to wear and tear and other factors such as vandalism, accidents, weather
agents etc. They may be planned, unplanned or intermittent maintenance works. This is to ensure
the building retains its1 value as an investment and ensure its economic life is made as long as
possible. They include:
❖ Repairs
❖ Minor refurbishment of small components
❖ Major replacement of main elements of the building e.g. the roof

4. Disposal Costs: These are incurred at the end of the life of the building and include:
❖ Sale/salvage costs
❖ Demolition costs
❖ Waste disposal
❖ Site clearance
❖ Redevelopment

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63.2 Factors to be considered in life Cycle Costing
In addition to the life cycle costs of the asset, other important elements that need to be taken into
consideration include the following:

1. The Life of the-Asset Attention is paid to five aspects which are;

❖ Functional Life. This is the period over which the need for the building is anticipated.
❖ Physical Life. The period over which the building may be expected to last physically to
when replacement or major rehabilitation is physically required.
❖ Technological Life. The period until technical obsolescence requires or dictates
replacement due to the development of a technologically superior alternative.
❖ Economic Life. The period until economic obsolescence dictates replacement with a lower
cost alternative. .
❖ Social and Legal Life. The period until human desire or legal requirement dictates

2. Income Growth. Rent review patterns need to be taken into consideration

3. Time Value of Money/Discount Rate. Since the life cycle costs are discounted to their present
values, the selection of a suitable discount rate is a crucial decision in life cycle cost analysis. The
choice is dependent on many factors among which include:
❖ The prevailing inflation rates
❖ The cost of borrowing funds
❖ The rate of return that could have been obtained from loaning funds instead of funding the
project (opportunity cost)
❖ Returns available on risk-free instruments such as treasury bills and bonds.

4. Information and Feedback. The information inputted in the analysis is important because as the
saying goes, "garbage in, garbage out". So, the information collected should be quality com and
as accurate as possible hence considerable thought must go into the design of the requisite
information system.

Feedback is important so as to ensure the data collected acts as a source of information or

intelligence on which to base future decisions or correct errors or faults in the analysis being carried

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out. The essence of the life cycle costing approach is to obtain record and use data on current
activities but for the benefit of future building acquisition decisions.

5. Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis. This is important because life cycle costing is highly
dependent on the assumptions and estimates made during the data collection. It needs to be carried
out to minimize all sources of uncertainty and ensure that sensitivity of the study/analysis embraces
more accurately the dimension of the qualitative assessment. Each factor input has to be considered
of which a change in is likely to have a significant impact on the life cycle costing.

6.3.3 Steps involved in Life Cycle Cost Planning

1. Identification of the Objective.
What is the main goal to be achieved from the investment? Is it higher returns, stable returns, least
maintenance costs?
2. Identify the Property Development Constraints
What is likely to make the project lag behind or not start off at all? Are they financial constraints,
land unavailability, building regulations, corruption, social factors?
3. Identifying the most Feasible Method/Approach to achieve the objectives in light of the
identified constraints
Consideration should be given to all realistic possibilities.
- Buy a house, buy land and build or rent?
- Buy through private .treaty or public auction?
- Use own labor or contract out?
- Finance: use equity or borrow funds?
4. Formulate reasonable assumptions about the investment climate
- Expected returns
- Expected lifespan of property
- Expected tenant mix
- Design to use and materials needed
- Rates of inflation
- Labor costs etc.
These can be obtained or determined through carrying out a feasibility
5. Estimate relevant costs and savings in different options

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Compute all initial and subsequent costs and benefits in different alternatives. The most beneficial
can be determined through a Cost-Benefit Analysis study.
6. Adjust the costs and savings for time differences
This is to bring all of them to a common base i-e. the present value of future cash flows.
7. Calculate the measures of economic performance and compare the alternatives i.e. IRR and

6.3.4 Limitations of Life Cycle Cost Planning

❖ Inflation. Inflationary trends may not affect all cost uniformly therefore distorting the
❖ Interest Rates. Selection of long-term bank lending rates is difficult because bank activities
are constantly in flux and life cycle costing is significantly affected by bank activities. As
such the amount that can be borrowed on a long-term basis is greatly limited.
❖ Limited Funding. With limited funds, not much effective planning can be carried out hence
ideas can or may not be implemented.
❖ Scarcity of Reliable Maintenance Data. Qualified guesses may be adopted but they may
also be subjective.
❖ Estimation of Maintenance Costs
✓ It is hard to estimate the maintenance costs of different materials and parts because it is
hard to know their lifespan under different conditions
✓ In addition, estimation of overall maintenance costs is hard as the future is very

6.4 Life Cycle Cost Plan

A life cycle cost plan is a plan of the proposed expenditure of a construction project over its entire
life span. The table below is a summary of the items which may need to be considered for inclusion
and the total information is as either a Net Present Value (NPV) or an Annual Equivalent (AE)

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No. Description Estimated Cost Discount Factor Present Value
1 Capital cost (PV already)
2 Maintenance (per annum)
3 Redecoration (intervals)
4 Minor new works (year)
5 Energy (p.a), heating lighting
6 Cleaning (p.a)
7 General rates (p.a)
8 Insurance (p;a)
9 Estate management (annual)
10 Additional tax allowance (p.a)
Total Net Present Value
Annual Equivalent

Capital cost is the estimate of the initial cost and this is already a PV amount It should be
remembered that all estimates include errors of prediction, and this will be especially true of the
estimates of cost-in-use. Maintenances costs would be estimated on an annual basis using historical
information coupled with current knowledge.

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7.1 Introduction
Maintenance must be performed at regular intervals if the full benefits of the effort are to be
realized. Irregular or incomplete maintenance will provide a marginal return on the investment. To
ensure that maintenance program is functional, a schedule must be established and appropriate
maintenance procedures followed.

The first step in developing and implementing a maintenance program is a walk through review,
which is a visual inspection of the entire facility. For existing or restored structures, limited non-
destructive and laboratory testing may be required to qualify construction materials and as-built
The walk-through review by an experienced restoration engineer assists in developing a tailored
maintenance program for a specific facility based on factors such as:-
• Age and geographic location of the futility
• Structural system and design details involved
• Quality of construction materials specified.
• Construction quality or deficiencies
• Existing distress in structural elements, such as spalling, cracking, stalling, or excessive
• Corrosion-protection system specified or implemented

The maintenance needs of a given infrastructural facility can be separated into the following three
broad categories:
• Structural
• Operational
• Aesthetic

Structural System Maintenance

Structural elements may be divided in several distinct categories: floor, slabs, beams, columns,
bumper walls, stair and elevator tower, joint system exposed steel (stairs, pedestrian railings,
vehicular guard rails, metal decking etc. Structural maintenance consists of repairing deteriorated
members, renewals of protective coatings and replacement of sealants to extend the service life of
the structure. Repairs may be cosmetic in nature or major cosmetic repairs if left undone will not

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adversely affect the operation or integrity of structural elements. Major repairs correct distress due
to spalling scaling leakage and cracking, which if left unattended can contribute to accelerated
deterioration of structural elements.

Operational maintenance
Operational maintenance involves regular and scheduled inspection and repair items such as
parking equipment, elevators, electrical systems, heating and ventilation systems, security
monitoring, exit and emergency lights, firefighting equipment and snow removal and ice control.
Routine cleaning including sweeping and wash down is also part of operational maintenance.

Aesthetic maintenance
This is maintenance limited to aesthetic features such as landscaping, painting, and the facility
appearance in general. Under landscaping, flower beds, shrubbery and grass plots should be well
attended to. Painting exposed elements fascia panels, stair and elevator tower interiors, step
landings pedestrian handrails, vehicular guard rails and miscellaneous medals on a periodic basis
is essential.

7.2 Maintenance of Infrastructure in Practice

Repairs to damages or failures need to be carried out to a time scale which accords with severity
and location.
Remedial actions should address both the defect and its cause. Any effective maintenance involves
the following;
❖ Inspection
❖ Assessment of damage (rating)
❖ Repair and strengthening

7.2.1 Inspection
Inspection is the basic means by which the maintenance manager is kept aware of the condition of
the assets entrusted to his/her care and it's a pre-requisite to the economic timing, planning and
implementation of remedial works and fully satisfies its cost on those grounds.

Objectives of inspection
Although there are various types and levels of inspection, they all have the objective of observing
the current condition of assets and providing factual information, as the basis of the following.

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1. Affording assurance as to structural safety

2. Provides for the economic management of the control of operational serviceability by;
❖ identifying the need for preventive action
❖ detecting incipient defects at an early stage
❖ Monitoring the development of those defects in order to determine the urgency for the
nature of corrective action.
❖ Compiling quantitative records of deterioration on which to base maintenance planning.

3. Provides feedback to improve standard of durability in design and construction and cost
effectiveness in maintenance.

4. Provides data to assist in formulating future maintenance strategies.

5. Method of checking for the changes in service conditions.

6. Ensures continued compliance with social and legal obligations and guarding against political
or professional embarrassment.

Types of inspection
Inspections are categorized based on scale and frequency of inspection and are broadly categorized
into superficial, principal and special inspections.

1. Superficial inspection.
This type of inspection is to bring early notice to fairly obvious defects and deterioration, which if
not dealt with could escalate to a condition needing costly repairs. Examples are new crack, fallen
or displayed masonry etc. Special structural expertise or technical knowledge is not needed to
observe such indication. .

2. Principal inspection

This involves thorough examination by trained personnel of all parts of the infrastructure at
prescribed intervals. The interval may range from two- ten (2- 10) years, depending upon the type
of infrastructure, its age and condition. Examination shall be based on a prepared check list and
made on a dose range.

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3. Special inspections.

These are occasioned by some unusual circumstances such as exception; loading or accidental
impact, flooding or high seas, the discovery of major weakness or the need to re-assess the capacity
of a structure to cope with a change of use.

The essential role of the inspector is;

❖ Observe and record condition of say a structure, in particular, changes in that condition which
has occurred since previous inspection.
❖ Transmit information clearly, accurately and properly to the maintenance manager.

Qualities of a good inspector

1. Healthy and physically fit, capable of climbing around structures and with a reasonable good
head for heights. „
2. Conscientious, responsibility and temperate
3. Self-motivated, interested and capable of working with minimum direct supervision
4. Observant and able to describe clearly in writing and by sketch what he/she observes

Common tool for inspection

Proper tools must be available for inspection. As a minimum you must have;
- Rail/road vehicle mounted access platinum
- Ladders , scaffolds, 2m pocket tape, 30m tape, chipping hammer, scrappers, flat bedded screw
driver, pocket knife, wire brash, field marking crayon, flash light ,plumb bob, binoculars
,Thermometer, tool belt with a pouch, carrying bag, shovel ,Vermeer or jaw type calipers, lighted
magnifying glass, Inspection mirrors, Dye! penetrant, 1m Carpenters level, Optical crack gauge,
Paint film gauge, First Aid Kit, Specialist tools; surveying (level, theodolite), non-destructive
testing equipment (ultra-sonic testing), underwater inspection equipment.

Physical inspections
Common physical inspections carried out on actual ground are;
- Non-destructive testing
- Destructive testing

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a) Non- destructive testing
These include;-
- Hammer tapping on the outer surface of a timber member can detect hollow area indicating
internal decay
- Hammer sounding (concrete)
- Ultra-sonic testing is used to measure cracks and flaws in concrete structures
- Pol-tek method used to detect variation in density
- Delamination detection machinery
- Copper sulphate electrode to detect corrosion (concrete)
- Acoustic emissions to identify growing cracks
- Dye penetrant test (concrete)
- Computer tomography—to render interior defects (concrete)
- Ground penetrating radar and infrared thermography
- Pachometer (cover meter)

b) Destructive testing
- boring and drilling (timber)
- Core testing (concrete)
- Full scale testing (concrete)

Safety during inspection

Standard safety guidelines should be followed such that to avoid accidents and injury to inspectors
and the public.
It’s also encouraged to work in pairs such that when one is hurt the other continues with the work.
For safety purposes one must wear;
- Safety vest
- Hard hats
- Work gloves
- Steel -toed safety shoes
- Long sleeved shirt
- Long pants
- Clothing must be appropriate for weather

“Be Kind, Humble and Happy”

Special safety items;
- Walkie- talkie (mobile phone)
- Hand held radios
- Carbon mono-oxide detectors
- Safety of vehicles must be ensured

During inspection
While you are inspecting, you must note the following;
- Identify minor problems that can be corrected before they develop into major repairs
- Identify components needing repair in order to avoid total replacement
- Note unsafe conditions
- Prepare accurate records Documents, recommendations for corrective actions
- Provide infrastructure inspections program support

Frequency of inspection
- Every two (2) years for many infrastructure
- For under water elements, every five years Frequency depends on;
- Age. Old infrastructure may need more inspections
- Traffic characteristics
- State of maintenance
- Fatigue prone details
- Weight limit levels
- Known deficiencies

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8.1 Introduction
The built environment includes features such as buildings, roads, walkways, drainage channels,
public utilities infrastructure, plant equipment and essentially everything that has been
permanently attached to the ground through human effort. Defects in building structures arise due
1. Structural deficiency
❖ Error in design
❖ Error in construction
❖ Impact such as from vibrations.
❖ Explosion (bombs on buildings)
❖ Changed use of structure
2. Fire damage
3. External chemical (on metal + concrete) and biological attack (on timber)
4. Physical damage

8.2 Defects in concrete Common concrete defects include;

❖ Cracks (cracking)
❖ Scaling
❖ Delamination
❖ Spoiling
❖ Efflorescence
❖ Wear and abrasion
❖ Collision damage
❖ scours

This is the gradual continuous loss of surface mortar and aggregate from a concrete member. It
can be classified as light, medium or severe.

Mechanism of scaling
Concrete is naturally porous. Excess water not required for hydration (hardening) but needed for
workability during mixing, placement, consolidation and finishing eventually dries leaving behind

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a continuous network of pores and capillaries. This network gives concrete its porosity. Porosity
or "permeability" is generally high for concrete mixes with a high water/cement ratio and low for
mixes with a low water/cement ratio. High porosity allows the concrete to absorb significant free
water Curing exposure to rain or snow. If concrete cannot dry and becomes saturated during a
freeze cycle, ice accumulates in the pore structure.

The destructive mechanism is not ice accumulated itself but rather water generated pressures
during ice development. Water migration through the pore network exerts significant pressures
during freezing. It has been substantiated that the water pressures cause the paste failure.

This is the separation of concrete at or near the top reinforcement due to corrosion caused by
ingress of chlorides. Tapping by hammer gives a hollow sound which indicates delamination

This is when the delaminated area completely separates from the member.
Repair is executed by removing the old layer off concrete and replacing it with a superior layer of
concrete incapable of ingress.

Cracking in concrete and masonry works

Concrete is strong in compression but relatively weak in tension. Therefore concrete caused by
development of tensile stress in the Concrete members. Concrete cracking can occur in plastic as
well as in hardened concrete.

Cracks are a sign of deterioration of structure because many failures manifest themselves through
cracking yet not all cracks are defects in repair. The causes of many cracks need careful
investigation especially with items like width, position and the degree of exposure.
Cracks can be acceptable and unacceptable. For design purpose BS 8100 recommends 03 mm for
general conditions. An acceptable crack is the one that doesn't need repair/treatment. If cracks are
left for too long without consideration even acceptable cracks may lead to moisture ingress leading
to corrosion and spalling which may be dangerous.

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Causes of cracks
Plastic concrete cracking can be attributed to improper concrete placement; consolidation, curing
or plastic shrinkage of the concrete. Cracking in hardened concrete is usually due to the internal
stresses induced by the normal response of structural members to applied loads; temperature
changes support settlement or drying shrinkage.

Types of cracks
1. Structural cracking
This is when a portion of the structure is unable to carry the load it is supposed to carry which may
be due to error in design, construction, excessive loading, poor materials in construction, physical
damage, explosion, impact, fire, severe deterioration due to serious corrosion of reinforcement.

2. Non-structural cracking
A structure is able to carry the intended load safely. Examination of cracks gives variable
information about their causes such as pattern of cracking. Majority of the crack fall here and
factors to be noted/studied include:-
✓ Any deflection of the cracked member
✓ Width of crack
✓ Depth of cover to reinforcement
✓ Reinforcement drawing and specifications
i. Plastic shrinkage cracking
This results from too rapid evaporation of moisture from the surface of concrete. Rate at which
moisture rises to the surface being less than the rate at which moisture is lost.
Factors which determine the rate at which the water reaches the surface includes:-
✓ Relative humidity
✓ Temperature of concrete
✓ Temperature of air

The following other factors are less well understood;

✓ Degree of exposure of surface to sun and wind
✓ Type of aggregate used
✓ Total quantity of water in the mix
✓ Cement content

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✓ Thickness of the member
✓ Characteristics of any admixtures used
✓ Degree of compaction
✓ Degree of wetness of formwork or sub-base

Cracks are ‘fine’ and numerous of length between 50mm and 750mm, transverse in direction but
often parallel to each other at spacing between 50mm and 90mm. they are usually shallow and do
not usually penetrate beyond top layer of reinforcement (but sometimes do and through
They are quite common in hot sunny weather or in strong drying windy conditions. They are
generally harmless but can cause a lot of tear or consternation.

ii. Plastic settlement cracking

These are due to settlement of the concrete in the formwork after compaction has been completed.
It can occur at the surface 20-25mm deep or as deep as the reinforcement. This can be prevented
by proper mix proportions and re-vibrations of the concrete a short while after the first compaction
has ceased.

iii. Drying shrinkage cracking

This is generally found in non-structural members with little or no reinforcement and in thin
toppings, screed and rendering caused by;
✓ Badly/poorly designed mix (Le. too much water, poorly graded fine aggregate with high
proportion of the fine materials)
✓ Inadequate curing
✓ Presence of chlorides either in the aggregate or as admixture
✓ Presence of clays in fine aggregate

iv. Thermal contraction cracking

This occurs in all concrete and motor shrinks on drying out. During setting and early hardening of
concrete, heat is evolved and extends right through the member.

v. Cracking due to bad workmanship

This is due to bad practices like careless removal of formwork from member, construction of joints.

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vi. Cracking due to alkali-aggregate reaction
For example alkali-silica reaction found in sand appear many years after structure completion and
manifest themselves as random patterns. In beams and columns, they follow the lines of the main
reinforcement bars.

Sometimes a yellowish gel exudes from me cracks but carbonation may turn it into whitish color.
With such a reaction, concrete is often wet thus skilled laboratory examination is needed to do a
definite diagnosis.

8.3 Repair of concrete structures

8.3.1 Non-structural repairs
These are repairs that do not increase the load carrying capacity of a member nor me structure.
E.g. spalls, cracks, honey combs.

1. Cracks and spalls

The following are the requirements in a satisfactory repair;

i. Ensure that all defective concrete and rust on reinforcement have been removed
This achieved by using
- Pneumatic tools
- High velocity water jets (typical nozzle pressures of 21-69 N/mm2)
- Flame cutting equipment
- Grit blasting (sand jet)

ii. Ensure the best bond between the old and me new work.
The bond can be created by applying a coat of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) grout to the
exposed reinforcement and concrete. The grout is 2 part OPC to 1 part SBR (Styrene Butadiene
Rubber) or acrylic latex/resins. The grout also creates an alkaline environment around the steel
reinforcement to protect it against corrosion.

iii. Ensure the new mortar or concrete is also impermeable as possible and also compatible with
the old surface.

- Compatibility between the new mortar/concrete with the base concrete means it should have
similar compressive strength.

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- For repair with mortar, addition of SBR reduces permeability and shrinkage and also increases
bond and the resistance to chemical attack
- Mortar is best applied by spraying but unrestricted areas, hand application may be the duly
practical way and finally finishing should be hand trowelling

2. Honey-combed concrete
The following are me requirements in a satisfactory repair;
i. Suspected concrete should be checked by one of these;
- Cutting out
- Ultrasonic pulse-velocity survey
- Gamma radiography
- Taking cores.
ii. Defective concrete is either removed or repaired
Removal may involve demolition. Demolition is difficult and expensive and rarely justified

Procedure for repair

- Cut away the substandard concrete using one of the methods described above
- Replace the concrete but ensure adequate compaction.
- For non-load bearing members, pressure grouting with a cement grout is sufficient but may be
expensive. So cut and repair is generally sufficient

- It is difficult to achieve the same strength as originally intended
- Corrosion leads to expansion of concrete which leads to delamination and subsequently
spalling; it is difficult to achieve the same strength as originally intended, there is little substitute
for good workmanship and it is difficult to ensure weather-tight joints as original structure

iii. For small areas, repairs with cement/sand mortar might be preferable to repair with concrete
- Mortar should have a low water/cement (w/c) ratio to reduce drying shrinkage
- 1:3 mix mortar is normal for good repair
Hand application is generally acceptable but grouting at a high velocity only economical for large
repair works. It can achieve mortar strength of 40N/mm2.

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iv. For a very shallow, superficial honey-combed surface, ceiling with epoxide, polyurethane may
be sufficient

v. Pressure grouting of honey combed concrete din be used to seal leaks in basement walls and
floors, but probably needs to be used alongside surface sealing.

3. Protection of steel reinforcement against corrosion

Possible methods are;-
i. Provision of inert barrier around each rebar over its full length difficult to achieve unless
concrete is first removed around the rebar
ii. Cathodic protection

8.3.2 Structural repairs

Structural failures may result from:
- Errors in design
- Overloading
- Bad workmanship
- Bad materials
- Physical damage from explosion, impact fire
- Chemical attack

A failed member will usually manifest as cracks; of unacceptable width, bowing of vertical
members (walls and columns) and excessive deflection of horizontal members.
A failed structure or component is considered to be unfit for its intended use

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1. Repair of cracks

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2. Strengthening and repairs of structures
This is necessary where a structure is/will be overloaded due to;
- Changed use and/or
- Deterioration
The most common method of repair/strengthening of weak members is to add or replace
reinforcements and then gunite (shortcrete)
Floors and roofs tend to have the most defects and common repairs include;
- Patching
- Joint repair
- Crack repair
- Resurfacing with a variety of material

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Summary: schematic representation of effects of prevention and repairs


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