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Malignant Neoplasms of the Nasal Cavity, Paranasal


14 Sinuses and Nasopharynx

Sherif Said and Robert O. Greer

RMS has not been causally related to a specific carcinogen

Introduction or virus and is largely in fact a result of sporadic or inherited
Malignancy in the sinonasal and nasopharyngeal tract in the gene mutations. As a highly malignant and extremely primitive
pediatric age group is an exceedingly rare and serious event; tumor that recapitulates the biologic features of embryonic
however, there are limited reports documenting such skeletal muscle,4 RMS has a poor prognosis.
tumors.1,2 Thus, the non-specific nature of these neoplasms The tumor has a bimodal distribution pattern of occur-
and their similarity to benign and infectious conditions can rence, with one tumor peak occurring in the first decade of life
lead to delays in diagnosis. and a second peak occurring during adolescence.4 A host of
As a rule, and in stark contrast to malignancies of the staging systems, including the international union against
sinonasal tract in the adult population, most tumors in the cancer (UICC) staging system, the TNM staging system and
pediatric age group are not epithelial in origin, but instead the intergroup RMS study staging system have been used to
belong to the sarcomatous, neuroectodermal or hematolym- classify and stage RMS.4-6
phoid groups of malignancy. The radiographic presentation of the tumor will most often
It is extremely difficult to separate the various types of nasal demonstrate an extensive radiodense mass involving the max-
malignancies that occur in the pediatric age group based on illary, nasal or ethmoid sinuses. CT or MRI scans should
clinical or imaging studies (MRI and CT) alone, largely include sections through the skull base to assess possible inva-
because the symptoms and signs for most such malignancies sion and exclude brain metastases.
tend to be similar, and the imaging findings overlap.
Biopsy and tumor tissue evaluation, including immunohis- Pathologic Features
tochemical, and frequently molecular studies are essential if Grossly sinonasal RMS will be an ill-defined fleshy mass,
one is to determine the true biologic nature of the different although the spindle cell variant of embryonal RMS tends to
childhood malignancies that occur in the region. Benoit et al.1 be firm to rubbery, and the botryoid histologic tumor subtype
in a review of the symptoms related to malignancies involving tends to be polypoid in appearance. Quite frequently the
the sinonasal tract of pediatric patients, found that the most tumor will have an intact epithelial surface.
common complaint was a unilateral nasal obstruction, Histologically,1,2,3,4,5 three RMS tumor subtypes can be
followed by ophthalmic manifestations, including diplopia, seen in the sinonasal tract: 1) embryonal, 2) alveolar and 3)
proptosis, lid discoloration and vision loss. Additional less pleomorphic forms of the neoplasm.
common signs and symptoms included; epistaxis, headache, Embryonal RMS is the most frequent subtype of RMS to be
weight loss, lethargy, obstructive sleep apnea, anosmia, foul seen in the sinonasal tract of pediatric age patients, and will
nasal discharge and cervical lymphadenopathy. In tumors that consist of primitive mesenchymal cells (rhabdomyoblasts)
showed intracranial extension, seizures sometimes occur.2 simulating various stages of myogenesis. At one end of that
primitive spectrum rhabdomyoblasts will appear stellate, with
Sarcomas centrally placed tumor cell nuclei and amphophilic cytoplasm
(Figure 14.1 & 14.2). With greater tumor differentiation, tumor
Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) cells become elongated with more eosinophilic cytoplasm and
RMS represents the most common malignancy of the sinona- will appear tadpole or strap-like. In well differentiated tumors,
sal tract in the pediatric age group.1 RMS in general constitutes cells will show cytoplasmic cross striations and multinuclea-
approximately 3.5 percent of all childhood cancers in individ- tion. The tumor stroma is usually loose and myxoid, although
uals up to 14 years of age and 2 percent of adolescent cancers variable alternate areas of dense cellularity may be seen.
in individuals up to 19 years of age. Thirty-five to forty percent The botryoid variant of RMS will often contain a linear
of all RMSs occur in the head and neck region.1,2,3 dense layer of tumor cells that abuts surface epithelium, or a

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Chapter 14: Malignant Neoplasms of the Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses and Nasopharynx

Figure 14.1 Embryonal RMS showing primitive mesenchymal cells in various Figure 14.3 RMS, spindle cell variant demonstrating a swirling aggregation of
stages of myogenesis including a dominant small blue round cell morphology. spindle cells set in a primitive myxoid matrix.

Figure 14.2 Eosinophilic predominantly round tumor cells with Figure 14.4 Alveolar RMS composed of nests of monotonous aggregates of
multinucleation dominate the histopathology of this embryonal RMS. small round blue cells.

so-called cambium layer. Polypoid nodular tumor cell aggre- by fibrous septae, (Figure 14.5), a solid variant which will lack
gates will also be recognizable in this histological variant. fibrous septae and a mixed variant that will demonstrate both
The spindle cell variant of the tumor (Figure 14.3) will alveolar and embryonal components. The small tumor cells in
show a fascicular, whorled or storiform pattern of growth. all these variants can show variable degrees of rhabdomyoblas-
Individual tumor cells that simulate smooth muscle cells will tic differentiation.
have centrally placed nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm that In pediatric age group patients, embryonal RMS tends to
tends to elongate and taper. Only rarely will cross striations be occur in younger children, while alveolar RMS is seen more in
seen. A rare anaplastic variant of the tumor will show enlarged, older children and adolescents. Pleomorphic RMS is seen exclu-
bizarre, hyperchromatic tumor cell nuclei. sively in adults.
Alveolar RMS (Figure 14.4) will be composed of small The differential diagnostic considerations for RMS can
round primitive cells that tend to be blue in color and thus be rather extensive, and include neural, epithelial, melanotic
they may simulate other small blue round cell tumors includ- and malignant lymphoproliferative neoplasms. However,
ing lymphoma, small cell carcinoma and neuroblastoma. careful morphologic, immunohistochemical and cytogenetic
Three histomorphologic variants of alveolar RMS are seen: a studies should enable the pathologist to render a proper
classic variant with nests of small round tumor cell surrounded diagnosis.

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Chapter 14: Malignant Neoplasms of the Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses and Nasopharynx

Figure 14.5 High power photomicrograph of an alveolar RMS demonstrating Figure 14.7 Positive myogenin nuclear staining characterizes this
tumor cells confined to a central alveolar like space. alveolar RMS.

Molecular Studies
Most embryonal RMSs have allelic loss in the chromosomal
region 11p15,8 which contains an important tumor suppressor
gene.9 Complex numerical and structural chromosomal
changes can also be present, including extra copies of chromo-
somes 2, 8 and 13. Rearrangement of 1p11q11 and 12q13
gene rearrangements have also been documented in some cases
of RMS.10
Genomic amplification is rare in RMS except for rare cases
of anaplastic disease. Mutations of TP53 and CDKN2A as well
as mutations in the RAS family genes have been seen in subsets
of RMS.
Alveolar RMS shows consistent translocations including t
(2;13)(p35;q14) in the majority of cases, and t(1;13)(p36;q14)
in a minority of cases.11
In approximately 33 percent of all pediatric alveolar RMSs,
there will be chromosomal translocations that generate PAX3-
Figure 14.6 Alveolar RMS showing desmin immunohistochemical target cell
reactivity. FKHR or PAX7-FKHR fusion genes, which exert their onco-
genic effect by activating down-stream transcriptional targets
that control cell proliferation apoptosis and differentiation.12,13
Immunohistochemical Assessment FKHR fusion can be detected using a FISH break apart probe.
IHC markers can be quite helpful in appropriately diag- Significant differential diagnoses include lymphoma, primi-
nosing a RMS.4,7 Primitive tumor cells may only exhibit tive neuroectodermal tumor/Ewing sarcoma (PNET/EWS),
vimentin reactivity. Both muscle specific actin and desmin aural polyp, melanoma and fetal rhabdomyoma. B and T cell
(Figure 14.6) will be reactive in tumor cells that are more markers can be used to identify lymphomas. PNET/EWS will
differentiated. lack a myogenic immunophenotype and thus stain negatively
Nuclear skeletal muscle-specific myoregulatory proteins for muscle markers. Melanoma will mark positively for S100
including MyoD1 and myogenin (Figure 14.7) will demon- protein and HMB-45 and fetal rhabdomyomas will lack cytolo-
strate highly specific nuclear staining. Acetylcholine recep- gic atypia.
tor antigens can be seen in cells that become terminally
differentiated. Treatment and Prognosis
Aberrant tumor cell reactivity to other IHC markers may An international classification schema for RMS is used to
also occasionally seen including reactivity to S100 protein, categorize RMS aggressiveness and, thus its prognosis based
CD99, CD20, NSE, Cam5.2 and CD57. on tumor histologic type. Botryoid and spindle cell tumor

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Chapter 14: Malignant Neoplasms of the Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses and Nasopharynx

Box 14.1 Pre-treatment TNM-UICC classification system for

pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma*
Status Definition
Tumor size
T1: Tumor confined to anatomical site of origin
(a): Tumor size  5 cm in diameter
(b): Tumor size  5 cm in diameter
T2: Extension or fixation to surrounding tissue
a) < 5 cm in diameter
b) > 5 cm in diameter
Regional lymph nodes
N0: Regional lymph nodes not clinically involved
N1: Regional lymph nodes involved by neoplasm
Nx: Clinical status of regional nodes unknown
M0: No distant metastasis
M1: Metastasis present Figure 14.8 Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma showing a storiform-
pleomorphic morphology with giant cells.
T = Tumor; N = nodes; M = metastasis; UICC = International Union
against Cancer
*Lawrence W, Anderson JR, Gehan EA, Maurer, H. Pretreatment TNM
staging of childhood rhabdomyosarcoma study group. Cancer 1997;

types have a favorable prognosis. Embryonal RMS has an

intermediate prognosis, and alveolar RMS and undifferentiated
tumors have an unfavorable prognosis. The TNM-UICC
staging system for pediatric RMS can be seen in Box 14.1.
The classification of RMS in the head and neck region has
prognostic importance.14 The nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses
and nasopharynx together with the infratemporal fossa, pter-
ygopalatine fossa, middle ear and mastoid region are con-
sidered to be parameningeal regions and thus tumors in
these anatomic regions carry a poor prognosis with a marked
risk of intracerebral extension.15 Patients less than 10 years of
age with parameningeal embryonal RMS have the most favor- Figure 14.9 Marked pleomorphism of giant cells and cytologically bizarre
nuclei are seen in this higher power view of undifferentiated pleomorphic
able prognosis. sarcoma. Note the primitive myxoid stroma.
Over the past four decades, surgery in association with
multiagent chemotherapy has improved the five-year survival
inflammatory.1,2,3 Only 3 to 10 percent of tumors occur in the
rate for RMS in children. Adriamycin, actinomycin D, Cyclo-
head and neck region,4,5 and less than 20 cases have been
phosphamide, ifosfamide and vincristine, used in combination
reported in this site in the pediatric age group.2,3 Most cases
with selective/individually adapted radiotherapy has improved
have been reported to involve the maxillary sinus with only
patient survival significantly.
rare tumors occurring in the nasal cavity and nasopharynx.

Other Sarcomatous Lesions Pathologic Features

Apart from RMS, other soft tissue sarcomas are rarely reported On microscopic examination, tumors will display a storiform-
in the sinonasal tract of pediatric patients. The following pleomorphic pattern of fascicular growth in which spindle
discussion represents a brief account of some of the most to epithelioid cells with marked cellular pleomorphism and
frequently reported entities. increased mitotic activity aggregate (Figure 14.8). Multinu-
cleated giant cells are common and a mixed acute and chronic
Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma inflammation cell infiltrate, rich in eosinophils and foamy cells
Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma was first described set in a myxoid stroma may be seen (Figure 14.9). The tumor’s
in 1963 by Ozzelo et al.1 and includes five tumor histologic collagenous stoma will show areas of hyalinization and myxoid
subtypes: pleomorphic, angiomatoid, myxoid, giant cell and change which will occur in 50 percent of tumors, in association

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Chapter 14: Malignant Neoplasms of the Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses and Nasopharynx

Figure 14.10 Sinonasal osteosarcoma demonstrating malignant osteoid Figure 14.11 Pleomorphic cells with hyperchromatic nuclei can be seen
formation. between zones of malignant osteoid formation in this osteosarcoma.

with spindle and epithelioid cell aggregation. Tumors will be long term survival. Osteosarcoma is discussed in greater
CD68 and vimentin reactive and actin can be focally positive. detail in Chapter 16.

Treatment and Prognosis Chondrosarcoma

Treatment includes complete excision with post-operative Chondrosarcomas represent mesenchymal tumors of cartila-
radiation for local and regional tumor control. Chemother- ginous origin. Less than 10 percent of Chondrosarcomas
apy does not seem to play a significant role in the manage- involve the craniofacial region, and fewer than two dozen cases
ment of this tumor, and five year recurrences are in the have been reported in the sinonasal region in children.8,9,10
35 percent range. The maxillary sinus is the most common site for the tumor,
and patients can present with a painless mass or include
Osteosarcoma symptoms that range from nasal obstruction to proptosis.
Primary osteosarcoma of the head and neck in pediatric age
patients, not associated with previous radiation, chemotherapy Pathologic Features
or a syndrome, are quite rare.6 Those tumors that do involve On microscopic examination, malignant cartilage formation in
the sinonasal region of children most often occur in the max- which disorganized hyper-cellular hyaline cartilage tumor cells
illary sinus,7 and the vast majority of osteosarcomas involving that demonstrate lacunae with irregular, atypical binucleated
the sinonasal region will occur in individuals in the third and or multinucleated forms will be seen (Figure 14.12). Tumors
fourth decades of life. Males are slightly more often affected can be classified as grade I, II or III (Figure 14.13) (low,
than females and most tumors present as a slow growing mass intermediate or high grade). Low grade chondrosarcomas tend
or swelling. to predominate pediatric cases. Treatment generally involves
surgical resection. The use of adjuvant chemotherapy and
Pathologic Findings radiation therapy is controversial but it has been employed
Tumors will demonstrate the classic histopathologic morph- in some pediatric cases. Pediatric age patients demonstrate an
ology of osteosarcoma seen elsewhere in the body with the overall good prognosis when tumors are low grade. High grade
production of malignant primitive osteoid by the proliferating tumors tend to be more biologically aggressive and have an
neoplastic pleomorphic osteoblasts (Figures 14.10 & 14.11). unfavorable prognosis.8
Tumors are generally graded as low, intermediate or high
grade, based on their degree of osteoid production, pleo- Angiosarcoma
morphism, mitotic activity and necrosis. Additionally, osteo- The maxillary antrum and the nasal cavity are the most common
sarcomas will demonstrate a high rate of mutation in the Rb, sites for angiosarcoma in the pediatric patient.11,12,13 On micro-
MDM-2 and p53 oncogenes. scopic examination, tumors will show irregularly arranged and
poorly formed vascular channels lined by malignant, frequently
Treatment and Prognosis pleomorphic and often spindle appearing cells with highly atyp-
Treatment modalities vary from surgical resection alone to ical nuclei and marked mitotic activity (Figure 14.14). Vascular
combined radiation or chemotherapy. Tumors of the nasosi- cell markers including CD31, CD34, FLI-1 and Factor VIII will
nus most often behave as low grade neoplasms with good all characteristically highlight tumor cells.

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Chapter 14: Malignant Neoplasms of the Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses and Nasopharynx

Figure 14.12 Sinonasal, well differentiated (grade I), chondrosarcoma Figure 14.14 Sinonasal angiosarcoma demonstrating vascular channels lined
showing atypical chondrocyte nuclei and central tumor necrosis. by highly pleomorphic malignant cells with dark nuclear chromatin and
significant mitotic activity.

Pathologic Features
On gross inspection, tumors are typically fleshy to gelatinous
and may show cystic degeneration. On microscopic examin-
ation, the tumor will be composed of a poorly circumscribed
fasciculated growth of spindle cells with scant cytoplasm and
indistinct cell borders. In the case of low grade tumors, the
fasciculated pattern is easily recognizable and will consist of
uniform cells with mild pleomorphism, scattered mitosis and
focal collagen formation (Figure 14.16). In contrast, high grade
tumors are hypercellular and rich in pleomorphic and hyper-
chromatic cells that are ovoid to spindle in shape and which
will show increased mitosis, focal necrosis and little collagen
formation. The tumor will be infiltrative at the margins and
may show areas resembling a solitary fibrous tumor. IFS will
be vimentin reactive with variable staining for S100 protein,
Figure 14.13 Increased cellularity with atypical pleomorphic chondrocytes CD34 and SMA.
are seen in this grade II chondrosarcoma.
Treatment and Prognosis
Treatment modalities for IFS most often include surgical
Although the angiosarcoma is radiosensitive, it is rarely resection and or chemotherapy. The five-year survival rate
cured by this modality alone and radical surgical resection is for IFS is 85 percent and is quite a bit better than that of
commonly employed. Radiation is typically reserved for recur- fibrosarcomas encountered in adults.
rent lesions.

Infantile Fibrosarcoma (IFS) Neuroendocrine and Neuroectodermal Tumors

IFS, is a spindle cell sarcoma that arises from fibroblasts. The Olfactory Neuroblastoma (ONB) (Esthesioneuroblastoma - ENB)
neoplasm usually involves the extremities, but rare tumors can ONB is an aggressive and rare malignant neuroectodermal
be found in the head and neck region including the nasal cavity tumor of the sinonasal tract that arises from olfactory epithe-
and sinuses, primarily the maxillary sinus.14,15,16,17,18 IFS which lium1,2,3,4,5,6 that is located along the cribriform plate and
can be congenital, usually arises in the first five years of life, along the sides of the upper nasal cavity. Ectopic foci of
most often before the age of two. Seventy to seventy-five percent olfactory epithelium within the nasal sinuses can give rise to
of IFSs are characterized by a chromosomal t(12;15)(p13;q26) the tumor as well.
translocation which gives rise to the ETV6-NTRK3 gene fusion. First described in 1924,1 ONB has an incidence in children
Tumors can grow to 20 or 30 cm in size and appear of 0.1/100.000 children up to 15 years of age.2 Recognized as
exceedingly large compared to the size of the host. the most common type of nasal cavity cancer in children,2,3,4

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Chapter 14: Malignant Neoplasms of the Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses and Nasopharynx

Figure 14.15 Low grade IFS demonstrating a spindle cell neoplasm with a
fasciculated growth pattern.

Figure 14.17 Low power photomicrograph of ONB of the sinonasal

tract demonstrating irregular nests of dark staining tumor cells set in a
myxoid matrix.

Figure 14.16 Tumor cells show mild pleomorphism but no significant mitotic
activity in this higher power photomicrograph of the tumor seen in
Figure 14.15.

the tumor which shows no gender preference, is more aggres-

sive in the pediatric age group patients than in adults. Tumors
can be clinically classified and staged as: (1) tumor confined to Figure 14.18 Grade I ONB with circular groupings of dark staining tumor cells
the nasal cavity, (2) tumor within the nasal cavity that is also with minimal cytoplasm and round nuclei with an indistinct nuclear membrane.
infiltrative of the paranasal sinuses, (3) tumor extending Tumor cells in many areas surround a central neurofibrillary matrix (Homer
Wright pseudorosettes).
beyond the nose and paranasal sinuses and (4) primary tumor
with metastasis, using the so-called Kadish staging system.9
Most tumors will involve the nasal vault and distant metastases ONB will be composed of a lobular monotonous accumulation
will occur in approximately 20 percent of cases. Imaging of dark staining, small, round, uniform cells with round nuclei
studies will generally show a nasal mass that may demonstrate (Figure 14.17). Tumor cells will thus have a neuroendocrine
on an origin within the cribriform plate. like appearance. Tumor cells will have limited cytoplasm and
nuclear chromatin will be punctate.
Pathologic Features Tumor cells often aggregate in circular Homer Wright
On macroscopic inspection, tumors will be a mucosal covered pseudorosettes where a neurofibrillary background will be prom-
polypoid mass that will often be richly vascular. Histologically inent (Figure 14.18). Less differentiated tumors will demonstrate

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Chapter 14: Malignant Neoplasms of the Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses and Nasopharynx

Figure 14.21 Grade IV neuroblastoma showing Flexner–Wintersteiner rosette

formation (clusters of cuboidal or columnar tumor cells arranged around a
central lumen). Note that tumor cell nuclei tend to be displaced away
from lumen.

Figure 14.19 Grade II ONB demonstrating a moderate degree of nuclear

pleomorphism including occasional mitosis, and a loss of tumor lobular

Figure 14.22 S100 protein stain highlighting sustentacular cells surrounding

tumor lobules in this well differentiated ONB.

markers, melanocytic markers, lymphoid markers, muscle

Figure 14.20 Grade IV ONB showing marked nuclear pleomophism and markers and CD99.
significant mitotic activity among tumor cells. Molecular and cytogenetic studies of ONB have shown
overexpression of DNA chromosomal material on chromo-
a gradual shift toward increased cellular pleomorphism, with a some 19, partial gains on the long arm of chromosomes 8,
loss of the tumor’s lobular architecture. (Figure 14.19) Increased 15, 22, deletion of the entire long arm of chromosome 4 and
mitoses, necrosis and appearance of the true Flexner– several gains and losses on chromosomes 3p, 6q, 9q, 10q, 13q
Wintersteiner rosettes characterize high grade tumors (Fig- and 17q.10,11,12
ures 14.20 & 14.21). The differential diagnoses for ONB are lengthy and
Tumor cells will be strongly reactive to neuroendocrine include: 1) sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma (SNUC),
markers including; chromogranin, synaptophysin, CD56 2) nasopharyngeal undifferentiated carcinoma, 3) small cell
and NSE. S100 protein stains will stain the sustentacular cells carcinoma, 4) sinonasal lymphoepithelial carcinoma, 5)
at the periphery of tumor lobules (Figure 14.22). Tumor malignant melanoma, 6) NK/T-cell lymphoma, 7) RMS
cells are usually negative for immunohistochemical epithelial and 8) PNET/EWS. Perhaps the most significant differential

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Chapter 14: Malignant Neoplasms of the Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses and Nasopharynx

Figure 14.23 Sinonasal malignant melanoma showing solid sheets of Figure 14.24 High power photomicrograph illustrating the marked
malignant melanocytes with foci of pigmentation. pleomorphism of tumor cells and an abundance of melanin pigment in this
mucosal malignant melanoma.

diagnostic consideration, PNET/EWS, can be excluded on

the basis that ONB will show a t(11;22) (q24;q12) fusion shaped nuclei (Figure 14.24) and occasionally increased
transcript. mitosis. Tumors will usually express S100 protein, HMB45,
Tyrosinase and Melan A/MART1. CD4, CD8 and CD56 stains
Treatment and Prognosis as well as stains for cytokeratins, smooth muscle markers and
Complete surgical resection with post-operative radiation is lymphoma will be negative.
the treatment of choice for ONB. Endoscopic resection can be Differential diagnoses can include many of the undifferen-
employed for small tumors. Chemotherapy has shown limited tiated malignant neoplasms of the sinonasal region including
success; however, it can be employed as a palliative measure RMS, ONB, PNET/EWS and SNUC. All of the aforementioned
for unresectable or disseminated disease. tumors, unlike melanoma, will be HMB45, melan A/MART1
Low grade tumors in children have an 80 percent five-year and tyrosinase negative. Immunohistochemical staining pat-
survival rate, while high grade tumors show only a 40 percent terns for significant malignant pediatric nasosinus tumors can
survival after five years. be seen in Table 14.1.

Sinonasal Mucosal Malignant Melanoma Treatment and Prognosis

Nasal mucosal malignant melanomas are of neuroectodermal Although mucosal melanoma of the nasosinuses carries a
origin and arise from neural crest derived melanocytes in the grave prognosis in adults, the prognosis in the pediatric popu-
nasal mucosa. These tumors are extremely rare in the pediatric lation is somewhat better. Treatment includes complete exci-
population.14,15 Most patients will present with a mass in the sion of the tumor, with adjuvant chemotherapy, radiation
nasal cavity or nasal sinus and accompanying non-specific therapy and high dose immunotherapy.
symptoms, including nasal obstruction, recurrent epistaxis
and epiphora. Small Cell Undifferentiated Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (SCUNC)
Although formaldehyde exposure and smoking have been Malignant neuroendocrine tumors include the carcinoid
implicated in the etiology of melanoma in adults, it is not clear tumor (well differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma,
in the pediatric population that these agents play a role in low grade), atypical carcinoid (well differentiated neuroen-
tumor development. docrine carcinoma), intermediate grade(moderately differ-
entiated neuroendocrine carcinoma), and high grade
Pathologic Features tumors (including SCUNC and large cell neuroendocrine
Grossly, tumors will be polypoid, often pigmented and rarely carcinoma).16
larger than 2 cm in diameter. On microscopic examination, Among this group of neoplasms, only extremely rare
tumor cells will show a varied morphology that can include a reports of SCUNC have been identified with any frequency
proliferation of small round cells, spindle cells, plasmacytoid in the sinonasal tract of pediatric age patients.2 Most such
or epithelioid appearing cells. Fifty to seventy percent of cells tumors have occurred in the nasal cavity while the ethmoid
will contain pigment (Figure 14.23). Tumor cells usually are maxillary sinuses have been spared.
exhibit prominent eosinophilic nucleoli and a high nuclear Clinical symptomatology can include epistaxis nasal
cytoplasmic ratio, along with cellular pleomorphism, bizarre obstruction, facial pain or exophthalmos.

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Chapter 14: Malignant Neoplasms of the Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses and Nasopharynx

Table 14.1 Immunohistochemical staining patterns in malignant pediatric nasosinus tumors

Mucosal melanoma + – – – – + – – – + – –
T/NK lymphoma – – – – – – (+ –) + – (+ –) – –
ONB + + (+ –) (+–) – – – – – – – –
SNUC – (+ –) – – + – – – – – – –
RMS – – – – – – – – – + + +
SCC – – – – + – – – – – – –
PNET/EWS (+–) (+–) – (+–) – – – – + + – –
SCUNC + + + + + – – – – – – –
NSE = Neuron-specific enolase
CG = Chromogranin
CK = Cytokeratin
DES = Desmin
HMB45 = Melanin marker
LCA = Leukocyte common antigen
S100 = S100 protein
CD56 = Neuroendocrine marker
VIM = Vimentin
CD99 = Ewing sarcoma/PNET marker
CG = Chromogranin
SYN = Snaptophysin
Myf-4 = Rhabdomyosarcoma markers
+ –= variable
ONB = Olfactory neuroblastoma
SNUC = Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma
RMS = Rhabdomyosarcoma
SCC = Squamous cell carcinoma
PNET/EWS = Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (Ewing sarcoma)
SCUNC = Small cell undifferentiated neuroectodermal carcinoma

Pathologic Features
On microscopic examination, SCUNC will be composed
of hypercellular, hyperchromatic small blue cells or spindle
shaped cells, typically growing in sheets, cords and
ribbons.17,18 The tumor may show increased mitotic activity
as well as single cell and confluent necrosis with significant
associated crush artifact. (Figure 14.25) Tumors show a pro-
pensity for lymphovascular invasion, perineural invasion and
metastasis, and tumor cells may demonstrate a high degree of
pleomorphism and hyperchromatism. SCUNC tumor cells will
stain positively for CD56 and variably positive for synapto-
physin (Figure 14.26), chromogranin and neurone specific
enolase. Cytokeratin staining shows variable positivity and
Cam 5.2 is usually positive.

Treatment and Prognosis Figure 14.25 SCUNC showing infiltrating sheets of small, round, blue tumor
In the adult population, SCUNC is a highly malignant cells that exhibit significant and characteristic crush artifact and necrosis.
tumor that is associated with a guarded prognosis. The
paucity of cases in the pediatric population does not allow
for a definitive assessment of the tumor’s behavior in that Sinonasal Ewing Tumor Family (ETF); Ewing Sarcoma / Primitive
population. Most SCUNCs in pediatric age group patients Neuroectodermal Tumor (EWS/PNET)
have been treated with systemic chemotherapy and thera- EWS/PNET represents a malignant high grade primitive
peutic radiation. round cell neuroectodermal neoplasm that primarily affects

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Chapter 14: Malignant Neoplasms of the Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses and Nasopharynx

Figure 14.26 SCUNC demonstrating strong synaptophysin reactivity. Figure 14.27 Low power photomicrograph of SNUC showing clusters of
basophilic staining round to polygonal shaped cells.

pediatric age group and young adult patients.19,20,21,22,23 Most

individuals of EWS/PNET in the sinonasal region will present
with nasal obstruction, pain and epistaxis. Extra-sinonasal
extension into the orbit or brain has also been recorded.
A complete discussion of the clinicopathology of EWS/PNET
can be found in Chapter 16.

Epithelial Neoplasms
Sinonasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC)
Most malignant neoplasms of the sinonasal tract will represent
keratinizing or non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinomas.
However, non-epithelial malignancies that are undifferentiated
can also occur. SNUC is an aggressive malignancy for which
the causation and histogenesis are unknown. The tumor was
first described in 1986 by Frierson et al.1 and radiation has
been postulated as a possible etiologic factor, along with som-
atic mutation at the RB1 locus.2 Epstein Barr virus (EBV) has Figure 14.28 SNUC characterized by sheets of oval to spindle shaped cells
admixed with lymphocytes.
also been implicated in the genesis of this tumor.3 Only rare
sporadic cases have been reported in the pediatric age group.4,5
Most SNUCs will be large nasal obstructive tumors which SNUC, which shows a high propensity for angiolymphatic
may extend intracranially on presentation.1,2,3,4,5,6 Symptoms and perineural invasion, must be differentiated from similar
can include sinusitis, epistaxis, cranial nerve palsies, convul- poorly differentiated tumors occurring in the region including,
sions, drowsiness, severe headaches, orbital symptoms that RMS, ONB, SCUNC, nasopharyngeal undifferentiated carcin-
include proptosis, visual disturbance and paresis.5 Symptoms oma, poorly differentiated squamous carcinoma and NK/T
usually have a rapid onset of just a few weeks to a few months. Cell lymphoma. Immunohistochemical stains of SNUC tumor
cells will show positive reactivity for keratins including pancy-
Pathologic Features tokeratin, cam 5.2 and occasionally for simple keratins
Grossly the tumor will consist of a rubbery fungating mass with (CK7, 8, 9).
poorly defined margins. Histologically SNUC will be composed The tumor will mark negatively for muscle markers, hema-
of pleomorphic small to large, polygonal shaped cells with a tolymphoid markers, melanocytic markers and Ewing / PNET
high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio and hyperchromatic round to markers (CD99). Only rare sporadic staining for S100 protein,
oval nuclei (Figures 14.27 & 14.28). One or more prominent synaptophysin and chromogranin will be seen. Focal staining
nucleoli may be seen. Multiple foci of apoptosis and confluent for NSE and CD56 may also be observed.
necrosis will be seen and the tumor’s growth pattern can be Genetic polymorphism has recently been reported within
sheet-like, trabecular, lobular or organoid. the promotor region of VEGF in SNUCs.7

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Chapter 14: Malignant Neoplasms of the Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses and Nasopharynx

Treatment and Prognosis

Following surgical tumor resection, multimodality therapy is
usually employed in the treatment of SNUC, including neoad-
juvant chemotherapy. Although the tumor’s prognosis in pedi-
atric age patients is difficult to determine due to the paucity
of cases, adult patients have an overall poor survival rate with a
high incidence of local recurrence and local and distant

Sinonasal Adenocarcinoma
Extremely rare instances of sinonasal adenocarcinoma have
been reported in the pediatric population.1 Two main categor-
ies of tumor are encountered in the sinonasal region.1 An
intestinal type tumor that can appear papillary, colonic, solid,
mucinous or mixed (Figures 14.29, 14.30 & 14.31); and a non-
intestinal form of tumor that can be either low or high grade
(Figure 14.32). All of the tumor variants are mucosal surface
epithelially derived with adenomatous differentiation, and
most will occur in the lateral nasal walls, causing nasal obstruc-
tion. EGFR alterations are common to intestinal type tumors,
while KRAS and BRAF mutations are infrequent.2 Complete
surgical excision is curative.

Basaloid Squamous Cell Carcinoma (BSCC)

BSCC represents a high grade variant of squamous cell carcin-
oma. The tumor is rare in the nasosinus and generally affects
adults, rather than pediatric age individuals. Laryngeal tumors
and tumors of the hypopharynx far exceed the number of
sinonasal tumors, and laryngeal tumors tend to be more bio-
logically aggressive than sinonasal tumors, often presenting as
multifocal growths. Symptoms depend on the anatomic site of
presentation of the tumor and may include hoarseness, dyspla-
sia, swelling of the neck or pain.
Microscopically BSCC will be composed of a predomin-
ance of basaloid cells with an associated squamous cell carcin-
oma component that will show a trabecular, cribriform, solid,
glandular or cystic growth pattern.

Treatment and Prognosis

Tumors are treated by radical surgical excision and neck dis-
section and nasosinus tumors tend to have a better prognosis
than BSCC in other head and neck sites.

Germ Cell Tumors (GCT)

Yolk Sac Tumor (YST) (Endodermal Sinus Tumor)
The vast majority of GCTs in children that develop in the head
and neck area are benign.1,2,3,4 Extragonadal YST, a malignant
Figures 14.29 (top), 14.30 (middle) & 14.31 (bottom) Intestinal type
germ cell neoplasm is extremely uncommon in children2,3 sinonasal adenocarcinomas that are papillary, mucinous, and colonic
although it represents the leading non-seminomatous type of respectively can be seen in these three photomicrographs. Note the classic
GCT to occur in the perinatal period and throughout child- glandular pattern of each tumor subtype.
hood.3 Even so, YST is extremely rare in the sinonasal
tract.4,5,6,7 Tumor related symptoms will vary and are rather
non-specific. Nasal obstruction, epistaxis and sinusitis may be

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Chapter 14: Malignant Neoplasms of the Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses and Nasopharynx

Figure 14.32 Non intestinal sinonasal type adenocarcinomas. This high Figure 14.34 High power photomicrograph showing pleomorphic tumor
power photomicrograph demonstrates a low grade oncocytoid (non-intestinal cells that marginate a cystic spaces in a YST.
type) adenocarcinoma.

Figure 14.35 “Schiller–Duvall” bodies showing a centrally placed blood

vessels surrounded by flattened malignant tumor cells that marginate a
cystic space.
Figure 14.33 Low power photomicrograph of a YST showing microcystic,
interconnected web-like collections of tumor cells. by flattened tumor cells, or so called Schiller–Duvall bodies.
(Figure 14.35)
seen. The tumor produces alpha-fetoproteins, (AFP) a homo- Tumors can also appear solid, glandular, myxomatous,
logue of albumin, and thus AFP can be used as a diagnostic macrocystic, hepatoid, polyvesicular, festooned or parietal.
marker in follow-up of the patient during post treatment. The tumor will commonly contain hyaline globules (1–50u)
Clinically tumors of the nasosinus in pediatric patients will that are periodic acid positive (PAS)/diastase resistant,
be characterized by persistent nasal bleeding, and CT and MRI as well as aggregates of an eosinophilic band-like protein
will tend to demonstrate a lobulated soft tissue mass in the product representing extracellular basement membrane
sinus or paranasal sinus region. material.
Tumor target cells will stain for AFP (Figure 14.36) and
Pathologic Features low molecular weight cytokeratin, AFP and occasionally for
Microscopically the YST will demonstrate pleomorphic Placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) and Glypican 3.8
cuboidal type cells arranged in a microcystic pattern that Microscopic differential diagnoses include RMS, adenocar-
results in an interconnected web-like network (Figures 14.33 cinoma, ONB, undifferentiated carcinoma and other GCT
& 14.34). The tumor can also demonstrate an endodermal types (embryonal carcinoma, choriocarcinoma, dysgermi-
sinus pattern in which a central vessel will be surrounded by noma and teratoma). Molecular studies have demonstrated
malignant cells that lie within a cystic space that will be lined loss of the long arm of chromosome 6, the short arm of

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Chapter 14: Malignant Neoplasms of the Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses and Nasopharynx

Figure 14.36 AFP positive immunohistochemical staining of YST cells. Figure 14.38 Malignant epithelial tumor component of a sinonasal
teratocarcinosarcoma composed of pleomorphic poorly differentiated cells that
show focal glandular formations.

Sinonasal Teratocarcinosarcoma / Teratocarcinoma

Sinonasal teratocarcinosarcoma is an extremely rare highly
malignant polymorphous paranasal sinus neoplasm that
shows combined histologic features of both a teratoma and
carcinosarcoma. With fewer than 100 reported cases in the
literature, tumors in pediatric age patients are exceptionally
rare.10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17 Most reported tumors have involved the
ethmoid sinus, maxillary sinus, sphenoid sinus and nasophar-
ynx. Tumors are thought to arise from either primitive naso-
sinus embryonic tissue or from a multipotential adult somatic
stem cell with divergent pathway differentiation.18
Patients can present with a myriad of symptoms ranging
from nasal obstruction and epistaxis to dizziness. Clinical
examination will often reveal an ulcerated nasal mass. MRI
and CT will commonly demonstrate a mass filling the affected
sinus cavity.
Figure 14.37 Sinonasal teratocarcinosarcoma. Teratoid tumor component
composed of immature small round blue tumor cells set in a neurofibrillary Pathologic Features
Microscopically tumors will demonstrate a teratoid component
and a carcinosarcoma component. The teratoid component can
chromosome 1 or gains in the long arm of chromosomes 1 and be composed of neuroepithelium and neuroectodermal/blaste-
20 in YST.9 These cytogenetic findings can be helpful in mal cells that will be small, round and blue and resemble
differentiating YST from the more common small round cell neuroblastoma. Tumor cells are generally set in a neurofibrillary
neoplasms that are seen in pediatric age patients. matrix (Figure 14.37).
The tumor’s epithelial component will consist of benign
Treatment and Prognosis appearing glandular or ductal structures, fetal type clear cell
Surgical excision with combined chemotherapy and radiation squamous epithelium and foci or aggregates of squamous
therapy is the treatment of choice for YST. The most common carcinoma and/or adenocarcinoma (Figure 14.38).
chemotherapy employed is a combined carboplatin based JEB The tumor’s mesenchymal component can demonstrate an
regimen.6 Although the tumor is biologically aggressive, most admix of benign or malignant fibroblasts, myofibroblasts,
cases reported in children have shown a good prognosis with zones of RMStous tissue, foci of osteoid formation or osteo-
survival rates ranging from 4 to 14 years. However, it should sarcoma (Figure 14.39). Benign, mature and immature cartil-
be noted that the number of cases assessed to date is too age or foci of chondrosarcoma may also be seen.
limited to make firm conclusions about the prognosis of YST Differential diagnoses can include ONB, EWS/PNET, RMS,
in the sinonasal tract of children. craniopharyngioma, adenocarcinoma, poorly differentiated

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Chapter 14: Malignant Neoplasms of the Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses and Nasopharynx

Figure 14.39 Sinonasal teratocarcinosarcoma demonstrating osteosarcoma Figure 14.40 Low power photomicrograph of a chordoma showing large
in its mesenchymal component. round (physaliphorous) tumor cells set in an abundant fibro-myxoid stroma.

squamous carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, SNUC and high grade


Treatment and Prognosis

The sinonasal teratocarcinoma is a highly malignant neo-
plasm that requires aggressive therapy in adults, including
surgical resection, adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation
therapy. In the adult population the average patient survival
is less than two years. Follow-up of reported pediatric cases
is too limited to draw any firm conclusions about long term
prognosis. However, Agrawal et al. have reported a case in a
15-year-old male, in which the patient was treated with
combined surgery and chemoradiation. The patient at the
time of follow-up had no evidence of recurrence after 45

Notocord Derived Tumor Figure 14.41 Physaliphorous cells show mild to moderate nuclear atypia in
Chordoma this medium power photomicrograph.

Chordomas represent malignancies of low grade to inter-

mediate grade potential that arise along the length of the
neuraxis from embryonic notochordal remnants. Chordomas Pathologic Features
only rarely occur in extraaxial locations including the Histologically chordomas will be composed of sheets and cords
nasopharynx and the sinonasal tract.1,2,3,4 They are more of large round to epithelioid polygonal cells with vacuolated
commonly present in a sacro-coccygeal or sphenooccipital cytoplasm (Physaliphorous cells). (Figure 14.40) Tumor phy-
location.5 Most tumors will affect adults; however, tumors saliphorous cells may show mild to moderate nuclear atypia
have been recorded in the pediatric age group. Tumors occur (Figure 14.41). The tumor stroma will most often appear either
at the rate of less than 0.7 per 100,000 of the population on an myxoid or chondroid. Tumors displaying a chondroid stromal
annual basis, and they represent less than 0.2 percent of all matrix are more common in pediatric age group patients
tumors that involve the nasopharynx.6 Males are more often and women.
affected than females. Immunohistochemical staining of the tumor target cells
Clinically lesions commonly present as a lobulated or will be positive for pancytokeratin, S100 protein and epithelial
expansile mucoid, friable nasosinus mass, accompanied by membrane antigens.
gradual nasal obstruction, headaches, diplopia, sensory motor Genes showing increased expression in chordoma7 are
compromise or pain. frequently located on chromosomes 2, 5, 1 and 7. Interphase

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Chapter 14: Malignant Neoplasms of the Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses and Nasopharynx

cytogenetics studies have demonstrated gains of chromosomal The undifferentiated NPC common to southern China
material in chordoma, with gains being most prevalent on and Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, the Mediterranean basin
chromosome 7q.7 particularly northern Africa and Alaska has been related
Differential diagnoses include chondrosarcoma, which will causally to the consumption of food stuffs that are rich in
lack physaliphorous cells; chordoid meningioma, which will be volatile nitrosamines, such as salted fish, the use of tobacco,
S100 protein negative, liposarcoma, which will be keratin and exposure to chemical fumes and dust, formaldehyde and
EMA negative and chordoid glioma, which will stain positively radiation exposure.9
for glial markers. NPC can be a symptomless lesion or it can present with
nasal obstructive symptoms including, blood tinged nasal dis-
Treatment and Prognosis charge, bleeding and blockage of the Eustachian tubes with
Surgery remains the treatment of choice for chordomas, consequential otitis media, earache and tinnitus. Many patients
although adjuvant radiation therapy can be used in cases where will present initially with a painless cervical neck mass that will
there has been incomplete surgical resection. Traditional represent metastatic NPC that is ultimately determined by
chemotherapy has not been shown to be effective; however, clinical investigation to be of nasopharyngeal origin. As many
clinical trials have shown clinical efficacy of imatinib mesylate as 25 percent of NPCs invade the skull base, causing cranial
in the treatment of chordoma.8 nerve deficits.6
MRI assessment is the method of choice for determining
the extent of the tumor’s soft tissue involvement and for
Malignant Tumors of the Nasopharynx assessing any intracranial extension, while CT scans are
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) carcinoma is a form of more helpful in determining evidence of bone erosion.8,10,11
squamous cell carcinoma that arises from nasopharyngeal Detection of EBV using in situ hybridization or by employing
mucosa. In order to be classified as such, a tumor must dem- PCR will demonstrate EBV in 80 to 90 percent of non-
onstrate light microscopic or ultrastructural evidence of squa- keratinizing NPC.
mous differentiation. Cytogenetic abnormalities in the form of deletions in
NPC can be classified histologically as: 1) keratinizing or 2) chromosome 3p, 9p, 11q, 13q and 14q have been found in
non-keratinizing. Non-keratinizing NPC can be further classi- patients with NPC, suggesting that tumor suppressive genes
fied as differentiated or undifferentiated. A rare BSCC variant are deficient. Other significant genetic alterations include
is also recognized. inactivation of P53, rearrangement of retinoblastoma tumor
In the pediatric age group the median age of occurrence for suppressor genes and genetic polymorphism of the CYP2E1
NPC is 13 years. The tumor is more common in males than gene. Tumor associated chromosome 12 gene gains, and allelic
females and occurs more frequently in the black population loss on 11q, 13q and 16q have been linked to the neoplasms
with a significant northern and central African demographic. invasive potential.6,12,13,14 Children with NPC have been
NPC also accounts for nearly 20 percent of all cancers in China shown to have significant T- lymphocyte suppression.15
with the non-keratinizing type accounting for 60 percent of Non-keratinizing NPC, which rarely occurs in patients
such cases. However, only 15 to 20 percent of NPC cases in under 40, has an affinity for the lateral nasal wall. Clinical
China occur in the pediatric patient age group.2,3 As a whole, symptoms are similar to the non-keratinizing form of the
NPC constitutes from 20 to 50 percent of all primary naso- disease, however this form of the disease has not been linked
pharyngeal malignant tumors in children.4,5 to EBV.
NPC has a close causal association with EBV which has
been found in the genome of NPC tumor cells, and the tumor Pathologic Features
is associated with a type of neoplastic latency in which NPC in the pediatric population will most frequently be of the
EBNA1 nuclear protein, LMP1, LMP2 nuclear proteins and non-keratinizing undifferentiated histologic subtype. Tumors
EBER proteins are ultimately expressed in a clonal fashion will demonstrate a cellular syncytium of often highly baso-
in tumor cells.6 Antibody titers of IgG and IgA against early philic, large, sometimes overlapping tumor cells (Figure 14.42).
EBER antigen or viral capsid antigens are encountered in Tumor cell nuclei will be vesicular to round to ovoid with
patients with NPC at high levels, and titer expression assess- nuclei, prominent nucleoli and amphophilic cytoplasm
ment is currently widely used for early screening of high risk (Figure 14.43).
groups. Less frequent differentiated tumors, common to adults, will
Differences in the world-wide incidence of NPC are demonstrate a pattern reminiscent of what in the past has been
thought to be related to genetic and environmental factors. referred to as transitional cell carcinoma, with cellular stratifi-
Individuals with a HLA.AW33 haplotype are reported to have cation and tumor cell pavementing.
a lesser risk for development while polymorphism of some The growth pattern of differentiate NPCs can be solid,
metabolic enzymes including Glutathione-S-transferase and plexiform or trabecular. Tumor cells will have well-defined cell
Cytochrome – P450 2E1 are related to an increased NPC margins and sometimes vague intercellular bridges, and there
incidence and risk.7,8 may be occasional keratinizing cells. Tumor cells will have

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Chapter 14: Malignant Neoplasms of the Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses and Nasopharynx

Figure 14.42 Low power photomicrograph of undifferentiated non- Figure 14.44 Positive in situ hybridization stain showing EBV (encoded for
keratinizing NPC, demonstrating the tumor’s considerable basophilia and early RNA (EBER) in a non-keratinizing NPC.

arranged in a fascicle-like pattern, are more common to dif-

ferentiated NPC than non-keratinizing undifferentiated forms
of the tumor.16
EBV, which is associated with non-keratinizing NPC in
nearly all cases, can be demonstrated by in situ hybridization
for EBV, encoded for early RNA (EBER) (Figure 14.44).
Immunohistochemical staining of non-keratinizing forms
of NPC will show strong staining for pancytokeratin, and high
molecular weight keratins (CK5/6). Epithelial membrane anti-
gen will be focal to absent, while low molecular weight keratins
such as CK7 and 20 will be negative or weak.
Differential diagnoses for the more common undifferenti-
ated NPC that affects pediatric age group patients can include
melanoma, RMS, lymphoma, ONB, EWS/PNET, SNUC and
primitive neuroectodermal tumors.
Immunohistochemical markers, including B cell markers
for lymphoma, HMB-45, melan-A and tyrosinase for mela-
noma and myogenic markers including desmin for RMS
should allow one to distinguish these tumors which can appear
similar on routine H & E staining from one another.17,18

Treatment and Prognosis

The treatment of choice for NPC is super voltage radiother-
Figure 14.43 Undifferentiated NPC showing a diffusely infiltrative tumor cell apy.17 Surgery is reserved for radioresistant and recurrent
syncytium made up of large cells with vesicular hyperchromatic oval nuclei. tumors. Direct tumor extension into the skull base, paranasal
Tumor cells characteristically have indistinct cell margins.
sinuses, orbit and basal foramina is common. NPC will dem-
onstrate a high incidence of both hematogenous spread and
high nuclear cytoplasmic ratios and the nuclei will be small lymph node metastasis at presentation, particularly, to the
and less prominent than in the undifferentiated form of jugulo-digastric node and the posterior cervical chain. Chemo-
the tumor. More differentiated tumors may show focal therapy is usually reserved for disseminated advanced stage
keratinization. disease and is generally given in concert with radiation ther-
Lymphocytes and plasma cells have a great affinity for NPC apy. If metastases develop, they usually occur within three
and they will be seen in the stroma between tumor islands or years of the initial presentation of the neoplasm.
infiltrating tumor islands. The tumor’s lymphoid cells will Pathologists should be aware that the radiation changes
represent a mixture of T and B cells in which T cells and induced in fibroblasts can last for years in a NPC patient,
polyclonal plasma cells predominate. Spindle cells, sometimes and thus such changes should not be over interpreted to

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Chapter 14: Malignant Neoplasms of the Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses and Nasopharynx

Figure 14.45 Low power photomicrograph of papillary nasopharyngeal Figure 14.46 Papillary glandular formation, lined by columnar cells with
adenocarcinoma demonstrating the tumors’ characteristic papillary nature. bland, round to oval nuclei characterize this LGNPPA.

represent spindled carcinoma, in those instances where there is

a re-biopsy or re-excision. Pathologic Features
Pediatric NPC has a better prognosis than the adult form of Histologically, LGNPPA will be composed of delicate papillary
the disease. The overall five-year survival rate for patients in all fronds and back to back, often cribriform glandular forma-
age groups ranges as high as 98 percent for stage I disease to as tions that are neoplastic (Figure 14.45). Glandular spaces will
low as 73 percent for stage IV disease. be lined by pseudostratified columnar or cuboidal epithelium
with large round to oval often overlapping nuclei with small
Low Grade Papillary Nasopharyngeal nucleoli (Figure 14.46). Psammoma bodies may be seen within
the fibrovascular tumor stroma.3
Adenocarcinoma (LGNPPA) Immunohistochemical staining will demonstrate target
Glandular nasopharyngeal tumors have two sources of origin: cells that will stain positively for CK7, CK19. Tumor cells will
minor salivary glands and surface mucosal epithelium. stain negatively for thyroglobulin, CK5/6 or CK20,4 and
LGNPPAs arise from mucosal surface epithelium.1 These tumors will be EMA and TTF-1 positive. Mucicarmine stains
tumors which are exceedingly rare in pediatric age patients2,3 will be positive for intraluminal mucin.
have a median occurrence age of 37, and can arise from the roof,
lateral wall or posterior wall of the nasopharynx. Most patients Treatment and Prognosis
will present with obstructive nasal symptoms including nasal LGNPPA is an indolent, slow growing tumor that does not
fullness, blood tinged saliva and nasal discharge. Pediatric age metastasize. Complete surgical excision is accompanied by
patients will have increased otitis media symptomatology. cure and an excellent prognosis.

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