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Week 1 – Topic 3

How does Coronavirus affect us?

You now know that a symptom is a change in our body that tells us that we might be

Some important symptoms of COVID-19 infection include:

• Fever
• Dry, itchy cough
• Sore throat
• Shortness of breath (difficulty in breathing)
• Pneumonia*

Other symptoms include aches and pains, runny nose or diarrhoea.

The symptoms start showing 5 to 6 days after the infection. The initial symptoms begin
with a mild fever and dry cough. In some people, the symptoms become more severe as
the person begins to have trouble breathing and coughs continuously.

If you or anyone you know experience any of these symptoms beyond seven days or if
the symptoms get worse, reach out to the nearest doctor immediately.

2 metres

How does it spread?

Coronavirus spreads when an infected person coughs or sneezes small droplets - with
the virus – into the air. If you come close to an infected person, breathe in these
droplets, shake hands or touch the things that they have used, you might get infected
by the virus too.

So, make sure you keep at least 2 metres distance from other people once you step
outside the house.

Coronavirus causes mild* infections in children. Older people and people who already
have other health problems can get really sick with this virus. The most important thing
you need to keep in mind is “don’t panic”. Your parents, teachers and our government is
working hard to make sure you and your loved ones are safe.

*pneumonia – an infection in one or both lungs

*mild – not very serious

Journal Question

Make a list of 3 fun activities that you like doing with your parents. Also mention why
you like them.















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