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"It's gonna be a different way of playing, like it's gonna be different Dota. it's
gonna be like our Dota like all the way. I think
it is important to set our mind to give them respect that they deserve, they got to
TI Grandfinals, they're a very strong team, we're gonna slay them (with respect),
that's important." - Ceb

"I want you guys to feel free and play on your best abilities, and keep in mind
what brought us here, Him (God) and unity" - KuroKy
"The only thing we need to understand about OG is we need to show resistance,
that's it" - KuroKy
"I want you guys to relax down now right now for 10 minutes, like bring yourself
down, just feel
free like, I'm not gonna say like a scrim. It is just like a fun game you know" -
"In my heart if it's not me, I wish it for n0tail, so this is a very pure finals
for me." - KuroKy

Recall Prepare

"All right let's remember the lesson from yesterday, when we're about to punch
them, we're about to punch them real fucking hard, where it hurts" - Ceb
"Stop thinking about winning! Focus on this game." - Miracle
"We can just feel free, okay guys?" - KuroKy
"Hey Ana, listen to your instinc man. You are the best Spectre player in this,
probably in this fucking stadium" - Ceb
"try to predict" - OG


"Let's reset" - Liquid

"All good. We have fine games, we're allowed to throw one. It's part of the fun.
Don't let it get to you." - n0tail
"You promise me you don't feel bad about this okay? It doesn't matter man, it
happens. We got this,
This was a free win, we got this. You fucking carried us the entire game" - Ceb to
"You were amazing like, this comeback dude, it was so fucking good. Oh, it was
ours, it was 100$ ours" - Ceb

"I don't need you guys to talk so much, I can do all the talking. I want you guys
to focus more, focus more.
Don't be like, stressed like 'Go go go' and stuff. You guys are soldiers, okay.
You're the best players; but play, don't talk" - KuroKy

WHO PLAYED PUGNA game 1 that Kuro praised?

"Alright boys, listen. Listen to me. What I'm asking now is clarity, okay? I think
it was a very good Meepo game.
We decided to play against it, which is confidence, I love it, we're playing a
really hard game, probably the hardest
game of the tournament that people had to play, honestly. We're 20k behind and we
brought it back. We played godlike.
They had the upper hand but we managed to brought it back. It's a win in my book" -

"I promise you, God is with us. See this game? We're feeling the goodness man. Feel
it in your hearts boys. Let's not just waste
it. No don't waste it,exactly." - Liquid


"Don't the game is ruined due to small plays, it breaks the momentum, keep
fighting" - Liqiud & OG mentality
"I think we're still falling for their bullshit too much." -KuroKy with team liquid
being stressed out constantly
"Don't play to greedy" - OG
"Always be consistent with the strategy" - MC
"Break enemy's throat" - n0tail
"Quick analogy Ana, the fucking dying animal, you're about to butcher it? It's
gonna fucking bite you. It knows it's about
to die, so it's gonna fight back. So we don't give it a chance, we stay strong,
keep our guard we keep playing to win, we take
risks, we do not care." - n0tail & Ceb
"We are not afraid of losing, they are. So we let them deal with this shit. We stay
strong, rock solid." - Ceb

Final Moments

"Time to go monkey-mode, like they do it. Monkey-mode guys" - Liquid

"They know how to play the true Dota. The true Dota is you play against your
opponent like I always told you.
They have the unity and the vision but we do too, in our way. We need to feel good
about our moves. That's very important
that feel good about what we are doing, so it gets amplified. I know it's not easy
but try to come from within." -KuroKy
"We have nothing to lose, once again. We came here, we should be so proud of what
we're doing you know? So don't think
about anything. At the end of the story it's been written already, it's us
winning." - Ceb
"Can still try" - w33

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